Iot Lpwan Lic App 09052022

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LPWAN-Application Form

Application No. (to be filled by PTA)


Headquarters, F-5/1, Islamabad

Application Form for License of LPWAN based IoT Services

Please read the application Guidelines given after the end of the following form to be filled by the applicant.

1 Corporate Information Date:____________________

a. Government Entity c. Other(s), Specify ________________
i. Applicant/ Licensee
Legal Entity Type b. Private Entity

ii. Name of Applicant

iii. Postal Address:

iv. Contact Web Site: Fax No.:

Information Telephone No:
Attached (as per Checklist)
v. SECP`s Certificate
of Incorporation
Memorandum and
Articles of

2 Authorized Person and Application

i. Name & Name:
Designation Designation:
ii. CNIC No.
Mobile No.:
iii. Contact Telephone No:
Information Email:
Willing to receive all information electronically at the above email address (Yes/No):
iv. Application on the Attached (as per Checklist)
letter head of
applicant company as
per Checklist.

v. Authorization Attached (as per Checklist)

3 Application Details
New Application Modification in Existing License
In case of modification, provide existing License no:
i. Application Type:

ii. Area of Service Power limit = I Watt EIRP.

details (Bounded Confirm by Tick in the check box
by Power limit)

433.05 - 434.79
920-925 MHz
iii. Frequency Range:
iv. Brief Application A brief explanation of the IoT Application along with the network topology (end to end network
description (e.g connectivity diagram)
Smart Agriculture,
Smart Buildings,
Smart Cities, Attached
Smart Industry,
smart home
Smart Logistics,
Smart Utilities or
any other related
application) along
with network

v. Area of Service
(AoS): Initial AoS and
future AoS expected
to be covered
(Latitude & Longitude
& name of cities

vi. Range of emission

(in Kms)

vii. Name of PTA

licensee for
Note: Any connectivity with unlicensed operator will tantamount to cancelation of license
between Gateway and
Network Server)
viii. Wireless
Network Protocol
(LoRaWAN, Sigfox etc)
ix. Application Fee Attached
(Bank draft or
Demand Draft of Rs.
4. Equipment Data
i. Equipment Manufacturer
ii. Equipment Frequency Range (MHz)
iii. Transmitter Operating Output Power
EIRP in Watts
iv. Coverage (in Km)
v. Does the network server manage the
RF output power for each end-device
individually by means of an Adaptive
Data Rate (ADR) scheme? (Yes/No). If
yes, then mention the range of output
power (EIRP in Watts)
vi. (a) Security between end devices and Since the security is critical in IoT based applications, applicant is required to
Gateway attach brief on end-to-end security between various components of network
(b) Security between Gateway and (end devices, Gateways, data Platform and Application)
server (core network)
1. (c) Security between core and data
(d) Security between data platform
and Application
vii. Number of Devices in each category No. of IoT end devices:
(End devices, Gateways) No. of Gateways:
5 Specimen Undertaking (given in the
Checklist) to be submitted on Judicial
Stamp Paper, and signed by Attached
Organization Head/ CEO/Authorized
Represented Individual etc.
6 Duly Notarized Scanned copy of CNIC of
CEO or Authorized person
(Both sides of CNIC to be scanned on one Attached
A4 size page and attached)

7 Complete scanned copy of application to

be send to [email protected] Sent to given email

Application Guidelines:

1. In accordance with the Framework, Type Approval is a mandatory requirement in accordance with the in-vogue Type
Approval Regulations. Process for type approval is available at link
*Note: For LPWAN, Type Approval shall be applied upon obtaining the LPWAN license from PTA.
2. PTA’s Framework for SRDs/IoTs is available at: Applicants are required to
comply with this framework. It covers following four (4) types of use cases:
(a) SRD/UWB use case: This form is not applicable for this use case. No License is required for this use case. However,
type approval of IoT Devices is mandatory. Applicants are required to contact Type Approval Directorate of PTA.
(b) IoT LPWAN (shared frequency bands: (i) 433.05-434.79 MHz (ii) 920-925 MHz): This form is applicable and
required to be filled for this use case. The Type Approval of IoT Devices is mandatory for which applicants are
required to contact Type Approval directorate of PTA. The License, if provided, will be valid for 5 years after which it
will be mandatory to renew the License, if required by the applicant. Please note that if any of the following
condition is met, then please do not submit your application. Your applications will not be considered:
i) Max Output power (EIRP) of the transmitter exceeds 1 Watt, or
ii) Frequency range of end IoT devices is beyond the LPWAN frequency bands mentioned above
(c) IoT use case requiring exclusive use of frequency spectrum.: For this use case, the applicants are required to fill the
PTA Form for ‘’Private Radio Network license’’. In addition to this, Type Approval is also mandatory.
(d) IoT use through connectivity from the Cellular Mobile operators. No License is required for this use case, however
Type Approval is mandatory. Further details can be found in the PTA IoT framework.

2. This form is to be filled in BLOCK CAPITALS.

3. You are advised not to purchase the equipment until you have obtained your License.

4. Any installation / operation of any wireless network or devices, where License / license is required, is an offence under
section 31 of the Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act, 1996 and with other enabling provision provided in the
Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016.

5. Typically, the IoT solution providers use the connectivity of existing Cellular Mobile operators and therefore they are not
required to deploy any new base station. However, if the new base station is required to be deployed by the applicant for any
technical reason, then this base station will be registered with Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) through PTA. Applicant, in
this case, is required to fill the site registration form (R-01 forms for BTS;) available at PTA website

6. This complete Application Form should be accompanied with Bank draft or Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- payable to Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority, A/C NIDA 11, National Bank of Pakistan, Marriot Hotel Branch, Islamabad (This is application
processing fee). After application is approved, applicant will be required to submit the PKR 100,000/- as initial License fee and
Annual License fee equal to PKR 5000 per Gateway.

7. In case of addition in the Gateways, the company is under obligation to seek approval of the same from PTA before
installation of new Gateways.

8. LPWAN License for academic research purpose shall be exempted from the above mentioned fee(s), for research purposes

9. All original documents (This Application Form and attachments) are required to be sent to Director RBS, PTA HQ, F-5/1
Islamabad. A scanned copy of complete package is required to be sent to: [email protected]

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