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Nyquist Stbility

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Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain

 we are concerned with investigating the stability of
a system in terms of the frequency response
Nyquist stability Criterion
 Consider the system

 Characteristic equation

 For a give continuous closed path in the s plane
that does not go through any singular points,
there corresponds a closed curve in the F(s)

Let G(s) H (s) 
s 1

The characteristic equation:

F ( s)  0
s 1
If s  1  j1 ,then
1 j
F (s)  1 j
The point s  1  j1 in the s plane maps in to point 1-j in
F(s) plane.

 Mapping Theorem:
Let F(s) be a ratio of two polynomials in s. let P be
the number of poles and Z be the number of zeros of
F(s) that lie inside some closed contour in the s
plane, with multiplicity of poles and zeros accounted
for. Let the contour be such that it does not pass
through any poles or zeros of F(s). This closed
contour in the s plane is then mapped in to the F(s)
plane as a closed curve. The total number N of
clockwise encirclement of the origin of the F(s)
plane, as a representative point s traces out the entire
contour in the clockwise direction, is equal to Z-
P.(Note that by this mapping theorem, the number of
zeros and of poles can’t be found-only their
4 difference.)
 Application of mapping theorem to stability
Closed loop TF:
C ( s) G( s)

R( s ) 1  G ( s ) H ( s)

The characteristic equation:

 No zero of F(s) in the RH s plane,
 the system is stable
 The number P can be readily determined for
F(s)=1+G(s)H(s) from the function G(s)H(s).
P( s )
Let G(s) H (s)  , be ratio of polynomials
q( s)

For physically realizable system,

C (s)
lim  0 or constant
s  R ( s )

G (s) G ( s)q( s)
 lim  0 or constant
s  1  G ( s ) H ( s ) q(s)  p(s)
 Degree of P(s) is equal or greater than q(s).
 lim G ( s ) H ( s )  0 or constant
s 

lim1  G ( s) H ( s )  constant
s 
Right-half of s plane(Region of interest for
The Contour:(Nyquist path)
• Entire jω axis(ω=-∞to ∞)
•Semi-circular path of infinite radius
in RHP.
•Clockwise path direction

Mapping theorem for the Nyquist path says that
Z&P: Number of RHP zeros and poles
of F(s),respectively.
N: Number of clockwise
encirclements of the origin of
F(s) plane.

Since lim1  G(s) H (s)  constant ,

s 

the function 1+G(s)H(s) is constant for the semicircle.

 We consider the jω axis for stability.

Since 1+ G(jω)H(jω)-1=G(jω)H(jω),

Encirclement of the origin by the graph of 1+G(jω)H(jω)

is equivalent to encirclement of the point -1+j0 by

•The plot of G(jω)H(jω) is symmetric about the real axis.

 Nyquist stability criterion [G(s)H(s) has neither poles or
zeros on the jω axis]
If the open-loop TF G(s)H(s) has K poles in the RHP
and lim G(s) H (s)  constant, then for stability, the
s 

G(jω)H(jω) locus, as ω varies from -∞to∞, must

encircle the -1+j0 point K times in the
counterclockwise direction.
 Special case when G(s)H(s) involves poles and/or zeros on
the jω axis.
o The Nyquist path is modified not to pass through poles
or zeros of G(s)H(s).
• Use a semicircle of infinitesimal radius,ε,near the

Example: A closed system has open-loop Tf
G(s) H (s) 
(T1s  1)(T2 s  1)

examine its stability;(k,T1,T2 are +ve)

By using the concept of polar plot or just using MATLAB, the
G(jω)H(jω) plot becomes

The plot doesn’t encircle the -1+j0 point and G(s)H(s)
doesn’t have open-loop poles on RHP.
 1+G(s)H(s) doesn’t have zero in the RHP
Therefore, the system is stable


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