PCP201 Notes
PCP201 Notes
PCP201 Notes
These possess strong mandible and maxillae (mouth parts) which enable them to bite and chew.
Examples are: termites, grasshoppers, leaf worms, army worms, mantids, locusts, crickets and
b. Piercing and sucking insects
The insects possess strong mouth parts called proboscis which enable them to pierce through
plants and suck liquid materials from plant tissues. Examples are:
aphids, cotton stainers, mealy bugs, scale insects, white flies, minds and capsids.
c. Boring insects
These bore into plant parts and destroy the tissues of the plants or fruit or seeds. Examples
include: bean beetle, stem boners, maize weevils, rice weevils.
10. They can also cause total death of crop plants.
Prevention and control of Pests
Pests of crops can be prevented or controlled through the following methods
1. Physical control
2. Cultural control
3. Biological control
4. Chemical control
1. Physical control
This involves the physical removal of pests by
Handpicking of insects and larva
ii. Setting of traps to catch rodents
iii. Shooting rodents with guns
iv. Fencing round the farm with wire nets
2. Cultural control
This involves the use of farm practices to prevent or control pests especially on the field.
Examples of cultural control
Practice of crop rotation.
ii. Use of pest resistant varieties of crops.
iii. Appropriate tillage operation
iv. Use of insect traps
v. Hand-picking and destruction of insects
vi. Burning crop residues
vii. Timely planting of crops
viii. Proper weeding or sanitation
ix. Timely harvesting
x. Close season practices especially in cotton
3. Biological control
This involves the introduction of the natural enemies of pest to control or keep the pests
population under control. Such enemies eat up or feed on these pests e.g Epidinocarsis lopezi
4. Chemical control
This involves the use of chemicals called pesticides to control pests of crop plants. Examples of
chemicals used to control pests:
Pesticides- chemicals to control pests
ii. Insecticides- chemicals to control insects
iii. Rodenticicles- chemicals to rodents
iv. Avicides- chemicals to control birds
v. Nematicides- chemicals to control nematodes
5. Integrated control
This involves use of two or more of the above methods. This type pest control is more
economical and more effective.
Side effects of chemical method of control
i. Some beneficial insects and soil organisms may be destroyed
ii. The chemical used may be toxic to man and domestic animals
iii. It may leave undesirable residue in the environment.
iv. Pests and diseases may develop resistance to chemicals.
v. Some are washed out of soil to rivers and streams where they can endanger aquatic life and
cause pollution.
vi. Empty containers may be a source of poisoning when used as containers for consumables.
Side effects of biological method of pest control
The new organism introduced may start attacking crops which were originally free from attack.
ii, The predators expected to control others may rather feed on beneficial insects
iii. The activities of the new organism introduced may cause serious imbalance in the ecosystem
Side effects of cultural method
The use of fire to kill harmful pests may also result in destruction of other beneficial organisms.
ii. Resistant varieties may become adapted to the environment so that the resistance is short-lived
where is used.
iii. If care is not taken fire may spread to other unintended places and farms.
iv. The use of fire may cause the destruction and loss of organic matter from the soil.
v. It may lead to destruction of soil structure and cause soil erosion.
For grains
Storage under dry condition with the grains dried to about 14% moisture content
Storage under cool conditions in cold room has helped to maintain seed viability or storability
Storage in air in tight conditions at moisture content of about 14% in drums or even Jerry cans
have been used over time.
Storage in jute bags with polythene inside and some tablets of phostoxin (Aluminum phosphide
57%) stored in a dry condition outside living room has proved efficient