CAF Men's Club Licensing Regulations (Edition 2022)

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CAF - Confédération Africaine de Football

Edition 2022
Table of Contents Pag.

CAF - Confédération Africaine de Football




SECTION 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS 12 Article 25 S.01 Approved Youth Development Programme 22


Article 1 Introduction 13 Article 26 S.02 Youth Teams 22


Article 2 Objectives 13 Article 27 S.03 Women’s Teams 22


Article 3 Roles and responsibilities of FIFA 14 Article 28 S.04 Medical Care of Players 23

Article 4 Roles and responsibilities of CAF 15 Article 29 S.05 Player and Children Protection and Welfare 23

Article 5 Roles and responsibilities of the licensor 15 INFRASTRUCTURE CRITERIA 23


Article 6 Scope of applicability 16 Article 30 I.01 Stadium Availability and Requirements 23


Article 7 Existence of a legal basis within the statutes of the Member Association 16 Article 31 I.02 Availability of Training facilities 24

Article 8 Integration of these CAF regulations into the licensor´s club licensing regulations 17 Article 32 I.03 Availability of Office Space 24



Article 10 The Licensing Administration 18 Article 33 P.01 Club Secretariat 24


Article 11 First Instance Body (FIB) 19 Article 34 P.02 General Manager/CEO 24


Article 12 Appeals Body (AB) 20 Article 35 P.03 Finance Officer 25


Article 13 Procedural rules 22 Article 36 P.04 Marketing Officer 25


Article 14 Catalogue of sanctions 22 Article 37 P.05 Media and Digital Officer 25


Article 15 Licence applicant 23 Article 38 P.06 Safety & Security Officer 25


Article 16 Licence 24 Article 39 P.07 Medical doctor 25


Article 17 Core Process 25 Article 40 P.08 Physiotherapist 26


Article 18 Assessment Procedures 26 Article 41 P.09 Head Coach of First Team 26


Article 19 Equal Treatment and Confidentiality 26 Article 42 P.10 Assistant Coach of First Team 26

Article 20 Compliance Audits 26 Article 43 P.11 Fitness Coach of First Team 26


Article 21 Exemptions 27 Article 44 P.12 Goalkeeper Coach of First Team 26


Article 22 Benchmarking 28 Article 45 P.13 Women’s First Team Head Coach 26


Article 23 Extraordinary application of the club licensing system for entering Article 46 P.14 Head of youth development 27

the CAF Inter-clubs competitions 28 Article 47 P.15 Youth Coaches 27


Article 24 Option for the MA to delegate the club licensing system to an affiliated Article 48 P.16 CAF Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP) officer 27

member/league 29

Article 49 P.17 Stewards 39

Article 50 P.18 Rights and duties of staff members 39

Article 51 P.19 Duty of replacement during the licensing season 39

Article 52 P.20 Duty to notify significant changes 40


Article 53 L.01 Declaration in Respect of Participation in CAF Inter-Club Competitions 40

Article 54 L.02 Minimum Legal Documents 41

Article 55 L.03 Ownership and Control of Clubs 41

Article 56 L.04 Written Contract with Professional Players & Online Registration 42


Article 57 F.01 Annual Financial Statements - Audited 42

Article 58 F.02 Bank account and Annual Budget 42

Article 59 F.03 No Overdue Payables towards football clubs - Transfer activities 43

Article 60 F.04 No Overdue Payables towards - Employees 43

Article 61 F.05 No Overdue Payables – Social and Tax Authorities 44

Article 62 F.06 No Overdue Payables in respect of CAF and the licensor 44

Article 63 F.07 No Overdue Payables - Explanation 45


Article 64 Domestic Club Licensing criteria 47


Article 65 CAF club licensing online platform (CLOP) 49

Article 66 Annexes and force majeure cases 49

Article 67 Disciplinary procedures 49

Article 68 Matters not provided for 49

Article 69 Exceptions policy 49

Article 70 Reference version 50

Article 71 Adoption and enforcement 51

Article 72 Exceptional and transitional provisions in respect of the club licensing

criteria and requirements 51

Continental Licence
The licence an applicant club applies for to compete in the CAF Champions League and CAF
Accounting policies Confederation Cup.
The specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices adopted by an entity in preparing
and presenting its financial statements. Continental Criteria
Requirements divided into five categories (sporting, infrastructure, personnel and
Annual financial statements administrative, legal and financial) to be fulfilled by a licence applicant for it to be granted a
A complete set of financial statements prepared as at the statutory closing date, normally licence to participate in the CAF Champions League and CAF Confederation Cup.
including a balance sheet, profit and loss account, a statement of cash flows and those notes,
other statements and explanatory material that are an integral part of the financial statements. Core process
Minimum requirements that the licensor must put in place for verification of compliance with
Audit the criteria described in the regulations as a basis for the issue of a licence to an applicant.
The objective of an audit of financial statements is to enable the auditor to express an opinion

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respect, in accordance with an Club Licensing Online Platform “CLOP”
identified financial reporting framework. The phrases used to express the auditor’s opinion are The CAF Club Licensing Online Platform is an online tool for managing the club licensing
“give a true and fair view” or “present fairly, in all material respects”, which are equivalent terms. process. The Clop is and IT system developed by CAF for the purpose of gathering
A similar objective applies to the audit of financial or other information prepared in accordance information from Licence Applicants/Licensees and for sharing information with Licensors
with appropriate criteria. In an audit engagement, the auditor provides a high but not absolute, concerning their affiliated clubs, within the scope of the implementation, assessment, and
level of assurance that the information subject to audit is free of material misstatement. This is enforcement of these Regulations.
expressed positively in the audit report as reasonable assurance.
Deadline for submission of the application to the licensor
Budget The date by which each licensor requires licence applicants to have submitted all relevant
The schedules containing an entity’s future financial information, based on management’s information for their applications for a licence.
assumptions about events that may occur in the future and possible actions by an entity.
Domestic Criteria
Cash and cash equivalents Requirements divided into categories to be fulfilled by a licence applicant for it to be granted
Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short term, highly a licence to participate in the Member Association national competitions.
liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject
to an insignificant risk of changes in value. FIFA
Federation Internationale de Football Association.
Means the “Confederation Africaine de Football”. Financial year
The financial reporting period as defined in the entity’s founding documents, ending on the
CAF Interclub Competitions date defined as the financial year end.
Means the club competitions organised by CAF.
FIFA Club Licensing Programme
CAF Stadium Regulations An effective guideline for the implementation of club licensing and is part of FIFA
Regulations which stipulate the requirements for stadiums to be used by clubs for CAF club repositioning club licensing from a regulatory instrument to a flexible and principle-based
competition matches. vehicle for the professionalisation of club football.

CAF Club Licensing Quality Standard FIFA Connect System

A document that defines the minimum requirements with which licensors must comply in order An information online system designed and implemented by FIFA that provides the FIFA ID
to operate the CAF Club Licensing System. and the API that provides the technical interface between electronic domestic transfer
systems, electronic player registration systems and TMS for the electronic exchange of
Consolidated financial statement information.
Consolidated financial statements are financial statements of an entity with multiple divisions or
subsidiaries. Such statements consist of the aggregated reporting of their entire business FIFA ID
collectively. The worldwide unique identifier given by the FIFA Connect System to each football
stakeholder (club, association and player...).

8 9
Independent auditor
An auditor who is independent of the entity, in compliance with the IFAC Code of Ethics for National Licence
Professional Accountants. For additional information, visit The term ‘auditor’ may The licence an applicant club applies for, to compete in the national competitions of the
also be used when describing related services or assurance engagements other than audits. Member Association.

Licence Member Association

Certificate granted by the licensor confirming fulfilment of all mandatory minimum An association that has been admitted into membership of CAF.
requirements by the licensee in order to participate in a CAF club competition or a National
competition of the Member Association. Minimum criteria
Criteria to be fulfilled by a licence applicant in order to be granted a licence.
Licence applicant

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
A Legal entity fully and solely responsible for the football team participating in national and
international club competitions which applies for a licence. A review of submitted financial information is carried out by an auditor in order to express a
conclusion whether, on the basis of the review, material facts are uncovered that cause the
Licensee auditor to believe that the financial information may not have been prepared, in all material
Licence applicant which has been granted a licence by the licensor. respects, in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework. A review, in
contrast to an audit, is not designed to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial
Licensing administration information is free from material misstatement. A review consists of making inquiries,
The department or staff within the licensor that deals with club licensing matters. primarily of the persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying
analytical and other review procedures. A review may bring significant matters affecting the
Licensing season financial information to the auditor’s attention, but it does not provide the evidence that
The period of time during which a licence that has been granted is valid. It commences on the would be required for an audit.
day following the deadline laid down by CAF for submission of licensing decisions by the licensor
to CAF and terminates on the day of the same deadline in the following year. Significant change
Means an event that is considered material to the documentation previously submitted to the
Licensing process licensor and that would require a different presentation if it had occurred prior to the
The process which leads to a licence being granted (or denied). submission of the licensing documentation.

Licensor Stadium
The Body that implements the club licensing system, grants or denies licences and undertakes A venue at which a match is played, including the entire premises to the extent that a valid
certain tasks in respect of the club monitoring process. accreditation card or match ticket is required in order to gain access. This is typically the
entire property inside the outer stadium perimeter fence.
List of licensing decisions
The list submitted by the licensor to CAF containing, among other things, information about the Statutory closing date
licence applicants that have undergone the licensing process and been granted or denied a This is the last day of the entity’s Financial Year.
licence by the national decision-making bodies. The list will be in the format established and
communicated by CAF. Subsequent events
Events or conditions occurring after the licensing decision.
An organisation that is subordinate to an association. Training facilities
The venue(s) at which a club’s registered players undertake football training and/or youth
May development activities on a regular basis.
Indicates a party’s discretion to do something (i.e. optional rather than mandatory).

Must or shall
Indicates an obligation to do something (i.e. mandatory).

10 11
Article 1

1. These regulations are divided into four main sections:

a. the first section addresses the member association as the “Licensor”, and sets out
and explains its responsibilities, as well as defining the licence applicant and the
licensing bodies including the manner in which the regulations are to be applied;

b. the second section outlines the mandatory criteria the licence applicant must
meet in order to be licensed to participate in the CAF Champions League or CAF
Confederation Cup;

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
c. the third section addresses the process for the licensor to create domestic club
licensing criteria for national club competitions;

SECTION 1 d. the fourth section outlines the final provisions of the regulations.

2. These regulations govern the rights, duties and responsibilities of all parties involved

GENERAL in the CAF club licensing system and define in particular:

a. the minimum requirements to be fulfilled by a CAF Member Association in order to

act as the licensor for its clubs;

PROVISIONS b. the minimum procedures to be followed by the licensor in its assessment of the
club licensing criteria

c. the licence applicant and the licence required to enter the CAF club competitions
and top tier men’s national club competition;

d. the minimum sporting, infrastructure, personnel and administrative, legal and

financial criteria to be fulfilled by a club in order to be granted a licence by its
licensor as part of the admission procedure to enter the CAF club competitions
and the top tier men’s national club competition.

Article 2
1. The CAF club licensing system is aimed at:

a. promoting and improving the quality and the level of all aspects of club football in

b. ensuring that the clubs have the appropriate management and organization;

Article 4
Roles and responsibilities of CAF
c. improving the clubs’ sporting infrastructure; 1. CAF will include a legal basis for Club Licensing in its statutes.

d. improving the economic and financial capacity of the clubs, through proper corporate 2. CAF shall promulgate all regulations and supporting documents of the FIFA Club
governance and control, and place the necessary importance on the protection of creditors Licensing Program.
and to ensure that clubs settle their liabilities with employees, social/tax authorities and
other clubs punctually; 3. CAF will implement club licensing in its region.

e. ensuring the continuity and successful completion of the national and international club 4. In particular, CAF shall be responsible:
competitions during the season;

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
a. to develop and implement CAF Club Licensing Regulations, in compliance with the FIFA
f. allowing the parallel development and comparison amongst the clubs by ensuring the Club Licensing Programme;
necessary compliance in terms of sporting, infrastructure, personnel and administrative,
legal, and financial criteria.necessary compliance in terms of sporting, infrastructure, b. to establish a CAF Club Licensing quality standard and a catalogue of sanctions;
personnel and administrative, legal, and financial criteria.
c. to monitor and support Member Associations to develop and implement their Club
Licensing Regulations;

Article 3 d. to approve the Club Licensing Regulations of its Member Associations;

Roles and responsibilities of FIFA e. to conduct compliance audits;

1. FIFA has developed and implemented Club Licensing globally. f. to perform any other roles and responsibilities stipulated in the FIFA Club Licensing
Programme or in the applicable CAF Club Licensing Regulations.
2. In particular, FIFA has the following responsibilities with regards to Club Licensing:

a. to include a legal basis for Club Licensing in its statutes;

Article 5
b. to establish qualified staff in its administration to assist Confederation and Member
Associations in the implementation of their Club Licensing systems; Roles and responsibilities of the licensor
c. to monitor and support the Confederation to develop and implement Confederation Club The implementation of the club licensing system at the national level is the responsibility of
Licensing systems; the CAF Member Association and shall include, but not be limited to, the following steps and
d. in consultation with CAF, to monitor and support the Member Associations developing and
implementing National Club Licensing Regulations in Africa; a. establish a legal basis within the statutes of the Member Association;

e. to conduct compliance audits; b. establish an appropriate club licensing administration;

f. to perform any other rights and responsibilities stipulated in CAF’s Club Licensing c. establish licensor club licensing regulations following article 8, and adopting criteria in
Regulations. line with the CAF club licensing regulations;

d. determine which national competitions, in addition to the men’s top tier league, the
3. The FIFA Football Stakeholders Committee is the body in charge of club licensing within FIFA.
regulations will apply to and the relevant criteria for each competition;
Within its field of competence, it shall be authorised to issue directives, guidelines, policies,
procedures, manuals and similar documents for the implementation of the FIFA Club
e. define the scope of application of the club licensing regulations which must apply at a
Licensing Programme.
minimum to the clubs participating in CAF Champions League, CAF Confederation Cup
and the men’s top tier national competition;

14 15
Article 8
f. publish the approved club licensing regulations on the licensor’s website; Integration of these CAF regulations into the licensor´s
g. establish a catalogue of sanctions for the non-compliance with the club licensing regulations; club licensing regulations
h. establish at least two decision-making bodies as defined in Articles 11 and 12; 1. In its national club licensing regulations, each licensor must define the parties involved,
their rights and duties, the criteria and the necessary processes in accordance with these
i. define the core process as detailed in Article 17; regulations for entering the CAF club competitions and the national competitions.
j. assess the documentation submitted by the licence applicants, consider whether this is 2. The licensor must establish its club licensing regulations and send them translated in one
appropriate and define the procedure rules in accordance with Article 13; of the CAF official languages to the CAF administration for review and approval by the
deadline communicated by the latter.
k. ensure equal treatment of all licence applicants and guarantee them full confidentiality with

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
regard to all information provided during the licensing process as defined in Article 19; 3. The licensor is responsible for ensuring, and must demonstrate to the CAF administration,
that all applicable provisions of these regulations have been integrated in its club
l. determine whether each criterion has been met and what further information, if any, is needed licensing regulations. Exemptions may be granted according to Article 21 of these
for a licence to be granted; regulations.
m. comply with the CAF Club Licensing Quality Standard; 4. The licensor must confirm to the CAF administration that all provisions contained in its
club licensing regulations are in compliance with the applicable national law.
n. include as a criteria in the top tier men’s national club competition, the minimum requirements,
indicated in the CAF Men's Club Licensing Regulations. 5. The licensor´s club licensing regulations must be approved by the competent national
bodies and communicated to the licence applicants before the start of the licensing
process and they cannot be amended during the latter process, subject to written
Article 6 approval by CAF.

Scope of applicability 6. The CAF administration reviews the final version of the licensor club licensing regulations
and confirms in writing to the licensor that:
1. The CAF Club Licensing Regulations shall apply to the following Competitions: a. the applicable provisions of these regulations for the purpose of entering the CAF club
competitions are integrated in the licensor club licensing regulations;
a. CAF Champions League;
b. the licence issued by the competent national bodies according to the licensor club
b. CAF Confederation Cup; licensing regulations is based on the minimum criteria set out in these regulations.
c. The top tier men’s national club competition of each Member Association;
7. The licensor is encouraged to apply a club licensing system and monitoring requirements
d. Any other competition(s) as determined by the Member Association. to govern participation in its National competitions. For this purpose, the licensor is free to
increase, decrease, or introduce additional minimum criteria in its licensor club licensing
regulations for the purpose of granting permission to enter its national competitions,
Article 7 except for the criteria defined by CAF as minimum for implementation.

Existence of a legal basis within the statutes of the Member

For the implementation of the club licensing system, each Member Association must include a legal
basis within its statutes, confirming the authority to manage the club licensing system and shall
further contain a provision setting out the detailed regulations necessary to implement the club
licensing system.

16 17
4. The tasks of the licensing administration include:
Article 9 a. implementing the club licensing system in conformity with the regulations;
The Licensor
b. further developing the club licensing system;
1. The licensor is the CAF Member Association and is responsible for implementing and enforcing
the club licensing system, establishing a club licensing administration, appointing the c. providing administrative support to the decision-making bodies;
appropriate licensing bodies and determining the necessary processes and procedures.
d. visiting the licence applicants to verify the compliance of the documentation presented in
2. The licensor is obliged to use the CAF Club Licensing Online Platform for the licensing process, the application and/or the declarations made therein;
applying at a minimum to the clubs participating in CAF Champions League, CAF Confederation
Cup and the top tier men’s national club competition. e. assisting, advising and monitoring the licensees during the season;

3. The licensor must guarantee the licence applicant full confidentiality with regard to all f. assisting and monitoring clubs in the use of the CAF Club Licensing Online Platform;
information provided by the licence applicant. Anyone involved in the licensing process or

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
appointed by the licensor must first sign a confidentiality agreement. g. informing CAF of any event occurring after a licensing decision that constitutes a significant
change to the information previously submitted to the licensor, including a change of legal
4. The licensor shall establish at a minimum two (02) decision-making bodies: form or legal group structure;

a. the First-instance body (FIB) as defined in Article 11; h. serving as the contact point for and sharing expertise with the club licensing administration
of other Member Associations, CAF and FIFA.
b. the Appeals body (AB) as defined in Article 12.
5. In the case the Licensor has not properly appointed the Club Licensing Manager in line with the
5. These decision-making bodies shall be independent of each other. They shall receive technical conditions set in these regulations, their licensing process could be deemed invalid, and
and administrative support from the licensor. Any member of one of these bodies must in all consequently their clubs will not be allowed to take part in the CAF Interclubs competitions.
cases automatically recuse him/herself if there is any doubt as to his/her impartiality with
respect to the licence applicant, or there is any conflict of interest.

6. Within the licensor, the First Instance Body (FIB) and the Appeals Body (AB) are the only
Article 11
decision-making bodies responsible to grant/reject a license for domestic and continental First Instance Body (FIB)
competitions. The decisions taken by these bodies are final and its implementation is mandatory.

7. No other body within the federation, nor an external one, may interfere in the decision-making 1. The FIB is an independent decision-making body which shall decide on whether a licence shall
process of the club licensing independent bodies (FIB and AB). be granted or denied to an applicant club on the basis of the submitted documentation provided
it is in accordance with the provisions of the licensor´s club licensing regulations as at the
8. In the case the Licensor has not properly appointed the First Instance Body and/or the Appeals submission deadline set by the licensor.
Body in line with the conditions set in these regulations, their licensing process could be deemed
invalid, and consequently their clubs will not be allowed to take part in the CAF Interclubs 2. The licensor shall decide on the composition of the FIB. The FIB shall have a minimum of five
competitions. (05) members.

3. The licensor shall decide on the quorum of the FIB. The quorum must be a minimum of three
(03) members.
Article 10
The Licensing Administration 4. A vote will be taken to decide whether each club’s application is approved or rejected, with a
simple majority required in order to reach a decision. In case of a tie, the Chairperson of the
1. The licensor must appoint a full-time employee who is responsible for the administration of the FIB shall have the casting vote.
club licensing system.
5. The decision to grant or deny a license must be substantiated in writing.
2. When appointing a club licensing manager, the licensor must consider the qualifications and
profile experience indicated by CAF for the role. 6. Members of the FIB are either elected or appointed in accordance with the statutes of the
Member Association and must:
3. The licensor must inform CAF, in writing, of the appointment of the Club Licensing Manager, and
of any changes to such appointment. a. fulfil the requirements of qualification, independence and confidentiality;

18 19
b. act impartially in the discharge of their duties; 3. The AB decides on appeals submitted in writing and makes a final decision on whether a
licence should be granted or withdrawn. Its decisions are final.
c. abstain if there is any doubt as to their independence from the licence applicant or if there is a
conflict of interest. In this connection, the independence of a member may not be guaranteed if 4. The AB makes its decision based on the decision of the FIB and all the evidence provided
he/she or any member of his/her family (spouse, child, parent or sibling) is a member, by the appellant to the FIB with its written request for appeal and by the set deadline.
shareholder, business partner, sponsor or consultant of the licence applicant;
5. An appeal may be made on the basis that the FIB failed to apply the criteria correctly or
d. not act simultaneously as the licensor´s club licensing manager and/or general secretary; did not understand the facts as given. An appeal may not be made on the basis of new or
additional information, for instance that the club has met the criteria since the First
e. not belong simultaneously to a judicial statutory body or committee of the licensor; Instance Body process.

f. not belong simultaneously to the executive body or administration of the CAF member association 6. A vote will be taken to decide whether each club’s appeal is approved or rejected, with a
and/or its affiliated league; simple majority required in order to reach a decision.

g. not belong simultaneously to the ownership or management personnel of an affiliated club. 7. The AB shall make its decision by reviewing the decision of the FIB and all the evidence

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
provided by the licence applicant or licensor with its written request for appeal within the
7. As a recommendation, the FIB should include at least one (01) sporting expert, one (01) qualified deadline determined in the appeal procedure by the licensor´s club licensing regulations.
infrastructure expert, and one (01) qualified financial expert holding a qualification recognised by Any further evidence submitted to the AB at a later stage shall not be taken into account.
the appropriate national professional body.
8. The decision to grant or reject a license must be written and reasoned.
8. The licensor may recommend a maximum of one administrative staff to serve as a member of the
FIB, with the exception of the club licensing manager and the secretary general of the member 9. The licensor shall decide on the composition of the AB. The AB shall have a minimum of
association and/or its affiliated leagues, who may not be a member of the FIB. three members.

9. If the licensor appoints one administrative staff to serve as a member of the FIB, he/she cannot act 10. The licensor shall decide on the quorum for the decisions of the AB. The quorum
as the chairperson of the FIB. must be a minimum of three members. In case of a tie, the Chairperson of the AB shall
have the casting vote.
10. The CAF Administration may act as the first instance body on under very exceptional and particular
circumstances at a time in a Member Association(i.e. Club Licensing Decision Making bodies not 11. Members of the AB are either elected or appointed in accordance with the statutes of
appointed due to recent elections in the MA, other unforeseen and force majeure situation). the Member Association and must:

11. The CAF Member Association must submit the request in writing, and it must be clear and a. fulfil the requirements of qualification, independence and confidentiality;
well-founded, while taking into account the relevant core process timelines.
b. act impartially in the discharge of their duties;
12. Appeals can be lodged against decisions made by the CAF Administration in writing before the
Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in accordance with the relevant provisions laid down in the CAF c. abstain if there is any doubt as to their independence from the licence applicant or if
there is a conflict of interest. In this connection, the independence of a member may not
be guaranteed if he/she or any member of his/her family (spouse, child, parent or
sibling) is a member, shareholder, business partner, sponsor or consultant of the
Article 12 licence applicant;

Appeals Body (AB) d. not act simultaneously as licensing manager and/or general secretary;

1. The AB is an independent decision-making body which shall decide on submitted appeals and e. not belong simultaneously to a judicial statutory body or committee of the licensor;
make a final and binding decision on whether a licence should be granted or refused.
f. not belong simultaneously to the executive body or administration of the Member
2. Appeals may only be lodged by: Association or its affiliated league;
a. the licence applicant following a refusal or sanction by the FIB;
g. not belong simultaneously to the ownership or management personnel of an affiliated
b. a licensee whose licence has been withdrawn by the FIB; club.
c. the licensing manager on behalf of the licensor.

20 21
b. the competent national bodies shall have the authority to impose these sanctions
12. As a recommendation, the AB should include at least a minimum of two members with legal against the licence applicants/licensees;
c. refer to the National Disciplinary Regulations in respect of violations of the licensing
13. The chairperson of the AB must have a legal background. regulations (e.g. submission of false documents, sanctions against individuals, etc).

2. CAF shall also set up a catalogue of sanctions applicable for the club licensing system,
which pertains to determine necessary sanctions against the Member Associations,
Article 13 licence applicants and licensees.
Procedural rules
In the licensor´s club licensing regulations or in a specific regulation, the licensor shall define Article 15

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
procedural rules with respect to decision-making. The decision-making bodies must operate
according to procedural rules – to be defined by the licensor – that, as a minimum, must regulate Licence applicant
the following standards:
1. The legal entity responsible for the football team applying for a licence is called the
a. deadlines (submission deadlines, etc.); licence applicant. Once the licence applicant has been granted a licence by the licensor, it
becomes a licensee.
b. safeguarding the principle of equal treatment and confidentiality;
c. representation (legal representation, etc.); 2. The licensor defines the licence applicants according to the statutes and regulations of the
d. the right to be heard (convocation, hearing, etc.); Member Association, the CAF regulations and in accordance with national law.
e. official language; 3. The licence applicant is defined as being the legal entity fully responsible for the football
f. time limit to issue a request (calculation, compliance, interruption, extension, etc.); team participating in National and International competitions recognized by FIFA, CAF
g. time limit to appeal; and the Member Association.
h. effect of the appeal;
4. The status of a football club (professional, semi-professional or amateur) or its legal form,
i. type of evidence requested; are not relevant to the issue of a licence.
j. burden of proof (licence applicant has burden of proof, etc.);
k. decision (in writing with reasoning, etc.); 5. Only a registered member in the Member Association may apply for a licence.
l. ground for complaints; 6. The licence applicant is fully responsible for participation in CAF inter-clubs competitions,
m. content and form of pleading; the men’s national club competitions of the Member Association and its affiliated leagues,
n. hearings and deliberations; according to the club licensing system regulations.
o. cost of procedure, administrative fees and deposit. 7. A licence cannot be assigned or transferred.

a. that the licence applicant is fully responsible for the football team composed of
registered players participating in national and international competitions;
Article 14
b. that the licensor is provided with all the necessary information and/or documents
Catalogue of sanctions relevant to proving that the licensing obligations are fulfilled, as these obligations
relate to the required criteria in the regulations.
1. To guarantee an appropriate assessment process, the CAF Member Association must set up:
c. is based legally in the territory of the member association and play its home matches
a. a catalogue of sanctions for the Club Licensing System for the non-respect of the criteria which only in that territory. The Member Association may define exceptions, subject to the
may include a caution, a fine, the obligation to submit evidence, to fulfil certain conditions by a approval of CAF;
deadline, the deduction of points, a prohibition on concluding new transfer agreements or
players’ contracts, or the refusal of a licence; d. has the right to use the name and the brands of the club and not change the name of the
club for advertising/promotional purposes.

22 23
Article 16 Article 17
Licence Core Process
1. Licences must be issued according to the provisions of the accredited licensor´s club licensing 1. The licensor must define the core process for the verification of the club licensing criteria
regulations, fulfilling the domestic or the continental criteria. and thus control the issuing of licences. The core process must be certified against the
CAF Club Licensing Quality Standard.
2. The licensor must issue an invitation to the licence applicants to apply for a licence in writing
within the deadline. 2. The core process consists of the following minimum key steps:

3. The licence applicant applying for a licence must submit an application to the licensor via the CAF a. invitation to the licence applicants to submit their application for a licence;
Club Licensing Online Platform. In this application, the applicant must, in particular, declare that
it shall fulfil the obligations of the club licensing system. b. submission of the licensing documentation and deadlines to the licence applicants;

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
4. Only licence applicants which fulfil the criteria set out in the accredited licensor´s club licensing c. return of the licensing documentation to the licensor;
regulations by the relevant deadline may be granted a licence by the licensor to enter the CAF
inter-clubs competitions, the National competitions of the Member Association and its affiliated d. assessment of the documentation by the licensing administration, including visits to the
leagues for the coming season. licence applicants;

5. A licence is granted for one sporting season only. It expires without prior notice at the end of the e. submission of the written representation letter to the licensor;
season for which it was issued.
f. assessment and decisions by the decision-making bodies;
6. The granting of provisional licenses by the licensor to any license applicant is not permitted.
g. communication of the licence decisions, in writing, to the licence applicants;
7. A licence cannot be transferred.
h. communication of any applicable sanctions, in writing, to the licence applicants;
8. A licence may be withdrawn by CAF or the licensor´s decision-making bodies during a season if:
i. submission of the list of licensing decisions for national and international club
a. for any reason a licensee becomes insolvent and enters into liquidation during the season as competitions to the CAF administration.
determined by the applicable national law;
3. The deadlines for the above key process steps must be clearly defined and communicated
b. any of the conditions for the issue of a licence are no longer satisfied; or the licensee violates in writing to the licence applicants in a timely manner by the licensor.
any of its obligations under the licensor´s club licensing regulations.
4. Once the list of licensing decisions is submitted by the licensor to CAF, containing among
9. The licensor will regularly monitor the licensee in order to guarantee the application of the club other aspects, information about the licence applicants (clubs) that have undergone the
licensing regulations. licensing process for domestic and continental competitions, the decision concerning the
approval or rejection of the license cannot be modified.
10. CAF must be informed as soon as a licence withdrawal is envisaged.
5. The club licensing process, the decisions and its related documents must be submitted to
11. Following the granting of a license by the licensor to a club for its participation in a domestic or CAF by the Licensors within the deadline date set by CAF. At any time, CAF may decide to
continental competition, the CAF administration may still conduct a verification and check change the deadline date for submission of the club licensing process, the decisions and
process on the clubs’ submitted documents and evidence for each of the criterion. In case it is its related documents, which in that case, the member associations must be duly
verified that the documents and evidence are not in line with the set club licensing criteria and communicated.
requirements, the CAF administration reserves the right to reject the participation of the club.
6. An approval from the CAF Administration is required for an extension period to submit the
list of decisions for both continental and domestic competitions (men’s top tier national

24 25
Article 18
Assessment Procedures
The licensor defines the assessment methods based on CAF Club Licensing Regulations. Should 9. For the purpose of compliance audits, in the event of any discrepancy in the interpretation
CAF discover that any licensing decisions have been made in violation of the CAF Club Licensing of the national club licensing regulations between a CAF official language version and the
Regulations, CAF may reject such licensing decisions and may refer the licensor to the CAF official national language version, the CAF official language version prevails.
Disciplinary Body for its further action.

Article 21
Article 19 Exemptions
Equal Treatment and Confidentiality
1. Upon request of a Member Association, CAF may exempt the Member Association from its

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
1. The licensor must ensure equal treatment of requests for all licence applicants during the core obligation to incorporate specific minimum requirements into its Club Licensing
process. Regulations.

2. The licensor must guarantee the licence applicants’ full confidentiality with regard to all 2. The exemption request must be well-founded and demonstrate that the Member
information submitted during the licensing process. Association is not capable to fulfil the respective requirements despite its best efforts.
The exemption request shall be submitted in writing.
3. Anyone involved in the licensing process or appointed by the licensor must first sign a
confidentiality agreement. 3. In its deliberation, CAF shall consider the status and situation of football within the
territory of the Licensor, for example:

Article 20 • size of the territory, population, geography, economic and social background;

Compliance Audits • size of the Member Association (number of clubs, number of registered players and
teams, size and quality of the administration of the Member Association, etc.);
1. CAF and FIFA are entitled to conduct Compliance Audits.
• the level of football (professional, semi-professional or amateur clubs);
2. Compliance Audits are a mechanism of supervision of Clubs and Licensors. They aim to control the
fulfilment of the applicable requirements and the accuracy of the licences awarded. Compliance • status of football as a sport within the territory and its market potential (average
Audits may in particular include site inspections (e.g. Stadiums, Training facilities and attendance, TV market, sponsorship, revenue potential, etc.); and
headquarters), interviews with everyone involved in the licensing process and a full review of
documents, information or any other material of any nature held by them or to which they are • national laws.
entitled to obtain.
4. An exemption applies only to the licence period in question. A renewal of the exemption is
3. Compliance Audits may be carried out at random times, before and after the award of the Licence. possible upon submission of a new request.

4. Clubs and Licensors are obliged to fully cooperate. Non-compliance with such requests and/or the
provision of incomplete and/or false information may lead to sanctions by CAF and/or FIFA.

5. CAF may perform a compliance audit directly or with an external audit firm.

6. FIFA may perform a compliance audit directly or with an external audit firm.

7. FIFA may request CAF to conduct a Compliance Audit on behalf of FIFA. CAF shall send FIFA
comprehensive reports about the result of the requested Compliance Audit. FIFA may ask for
additional information and set reasonable time limits.

8. If a Compliance Audit reveals that the Licensor awarded a licence in breach of the national or CAF
Club Licensing regulations, the relevant Member Association may be sanctioned by CAF and/or FIFA.

26 27
Article 22 Article 24
Benchmarking Option for the MA to delegate the club licensing system to
1. CAF shall act as central regional benchmarking agent, fostering close collaboration with an affiliated member/league
1. The Member Association may delegate the club licensing system to an affiliated
2. CAF may request the Member Association to collect specific benchmarking data of Licensors and member/league, subject to the written approval of CAF.
Clubs. Any benchmarking data submitted to CAF shall comply with confidentiality undertakings
and the applicable data protection laws. 2. The CAF Administration may only approve a delegation request if it is satisfied that the
3. CAF may:
a. is affiliated to the CAF Member Association and has accepted its statutes, regulations
a. issue reports and make them available to the public in order to enhance transparency and and the decisions of its responsible and competent bodies in writing;

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
show football accountability as well as commitment to improve structures and operations;
b. is responsible for running the top domestic championship;
b. verify the effects of club licensing on elite football, in particular on the specific areas of club
development and discussing possible solutions with football stakeholders to improve club c. has submitted a written decision by the legislative body of the affiliated league attesting
football; to comply with the following obligations towards CAF:

c. provide consistent and accurate data for regulatory reform, enacting flexible policy and making d. implements the CAF Club Licensing Criteria according to the provisions of these
the link to the evaluation and monitoring of FIFA development programs; regulations and any future amendments thereto into Licensor´s Club Licensing
d. contribute to the knowledge exchange.
e. cooperates with the CAF and its nominated bodies/agencies for the purpose of club
4. Benchmarking data may be processed by CAF in collaboration with external research analysts, monitoring;
who must first sign a confidentiality agreement.
f. facilitates CAF and its nominated bodies/agencies full necessary access to verify the
operation of the Club Licensing System and the decisions of the decision-making bodies
Article 23 at any time;

Extraordinary application of the club licensing system g. allows CAF and its nominated bodies/agencies to conduct compliance audits at any time
of clubs that qualify for a CAF Club Competition;
for entering the CAF Inter-clubs competitions
h. accepts any CAF decision made with regard to exceptions and/or compliance audits;
1. If a club qualifies for a CAF inter-clubs competition based on its sporting results, but has not
undergone a club licensing process at all or has undergone a club licensing process which is i. issues the appropriate sanctions to the relevant parties according to the CAF’s
lower / not equivalent to the one applicable to top-division clubs, because it belongs to a division recommendations or decisions.
other than the top division, the Member Association of the club concerned may – on behalf of
such a club – request an extraordinary application to CAF. 3. Vis-à-vis CAF and FIFA, the Member Association, however, remains responsible for the
proper implementation of club licensing procedure.
2. Based on such an extraordinary application, CAF may grant special permission to enter CAF
inter-clubs competitions. This permission only applies exclusively to that specific applicant and
only for the season in question.

3. The extraordinary application is granted by CAF to the concerned club under the jurisdiction of its
licensor. The concerned club should fulfil at a minimum Articles 30, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 53, 54,
55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62 of these regulations.

4. A spot check from CAF and/or an external entity may be organized to inspect the club.

28 29
Article 25

S.01 Approved Youth Development Programme
1. The licence applicant must have a written youth development programme for boys and girls.

2. This youth development programme must include at least the following:

a. objectives and youth development philosophy;

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
b. organisation of youth sector (organisational chart, bodies involved, relation to the licence
applicant, youth teams, etc.);

SECTION 2 c. personnel (technical, medical and administrative, etc.) and required minimum

d. infrastructure available for youth sector (training and competitions facilities, etc.);

CONTINENTAL e. financial resources (available budget, contribution by licence applicant, players or local
community, etc.);

f. football education programme for the different age category groups (playing skills,
technical, tactical and physical);

g. educational programme on the laws of the game;

CRITERIA h. medical support for young players (including medical check-ups);

i. The youth education programme must further show the licence applicant’s commitment
to and support of mandatory and complementary school education for young players.

3. This youth development programme must be approved by the Licensor.

4. The Licence Applicant must further ensure that:

a. every youth player involved in its youth development programme has the possibility to
follow mandatory school education in accordance with national law; and
CAF’s Continental Men´s Club Licensing Criteria shall be
b. no youth player involved in its youth development programme is prevented from
incorporated into the Licensor´s Club Licensing Regulations. continuing their non-football education.
The Continental Club Licensing Criteria outlined in Section 2
applies to all clubs seeking to obtain a licence to participate in
the CAF Champions League and/or CAF Confederation Cup.

Article 26
S.02 Youth Teams Article 30
1. The licence applicant must have at least the following youth teams within its legal entity or I.01 Stadium Availability and Requirements
affiliated to its legal entity:
1. The licence applicant must have a Stadium available to host football matches for its team
a. at least one (01) youth boys’ team within the age range of 15 to 21; participating in a competition. One of the following requirements must be met:
b. at least one (01) youth boys’ team within the age range of 10 to 14.
Alternative 1: The licence applicant legally owns the Stadium and will play its home matches
2. Each youth team must take part in official competitions or programs played at national, regional in this stadium in the licence period therein; or
or local level and recognised by the CAF member association.
Alternative 2: The licence applicant concludes a written lease (or usage) agreement with the

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
owner of a Stadium it will use. This lease agreement shall guarantee the use
Article 27 of the stadium for the Club’s home matches in the licence Period.
S.03 Women’s Teams
2. The stadium of the licence applicant must meet the requirements expressly referred to by the:
1. The licence applicant must have at minimum one (01) women’s first team participating in a
competition sanctioned by the Licensor. To comply with this requirement, the licence applicant may: a. CAF Stadium Regulations;
b. CAF Club Competition Regulations/Manual;
a. operate the women’s team(s) itself or
c. Other official decisions by CAF (circular letters, etc).
b. have a written agreement with another entity who operates the team(s).
3. The stadium must fulfil the minimum requirements defined in the CAF Stadium regulations
2. The Women´s first team must take part in official competitions or programs played at national, and be classified according to the category defined for the CAF club competition the licence
regional or local level and recognised by the CAF member association. applicant is applying to participate in.

Article 28 Article 31
S.04 Medical Care of Players I.02 Availability of Training facilities
The Licence applicants shall provide all players registered in the club with full access to medical 1. The licence applicant must guarantee access to training facilities for its teams, taking into
support services, in accordance with the relevant provisions defined by its licensor in line with its account its youth development programme. Such access shall be confirmed if one of the
domestic legislation. These shall include, but are not limited to, the following: following requirements is met:
a. yearly medical examination for all its players eligible to play for its first squad;
Alternative 1: The licence applicant legally owns the training facilities and may use them in
b. comprehensive medical insurance coverage for contracted players. the licence Period; or

Alternative 2: The licence applicant concludes a written lease (or usage) agreement with the
Article 29 owner(s) of the training facilities. This lease agreement shall guarantee the
use of the training facilities for the licence Period.
S.05 Player and Children Protection and Welfare
2. The training facilities must meet the category requirements, in accordance with the ones
The licence applicant must establish and apply measures, in line with any relevant CAF guidelines, to stipulated in the relevant CAF club competition in which licence applicant is applying to
protect, safeguard, and ensure the welfare of youth players, ensuring they are in a safe environment participate in.
when participating in activities organised by the licence applicant. The Licence Applicant should work
with locally based child protection expertise and have a child safeguarding officer within its 3. The training facilities must fulfil the minimum requirements defined in the CAF Stadium
administration to develop and implement such measures, including having a child safeguarding policy. regulations and be classified according to the category defined for the CAF club competition
the licence applicant is applying to participate in.

32 33
Article 32 Article 36
I.03 Availability of Office Space P.04 Marketing Officer
The licence applicant must have office space for its administration and personnel. This availability The licence applicant must appoint one (01) Marketing Officer that is in charge of its
shall be confirmed if one of the following requirements is met: marketing matters, who can be either a person working in the club’s administration, or an
external partner mandated by the club through a written contract.

Alternative 1: The licence applicant legally owns the office space and may use the space in the
licence Period; or Article 37
Alternative 2: The licence applicant concludes a written lease (or usage) agreement with the P.05 Media and Digital Officer
owner(s) of the office space. This lease agreement shall guarantee the use of the
office space for the licence period. 1. The licence applicant must appoint one (01) Media and Digital Officer that is in charge of

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
its media matters, who can be either a person working in the club’s administration or an
external partner mandated by the club through a written contract.

2. The Media Officer must hold as a minimum one of the following qualifications:

a. diploma in journalism;
Article 33 b. proven experience and expertise in journalism and/or digital media.
P.01 Club Secretariat
The licence applicant must have appointed an adequate number of skilled secretarial staff Article 38
according to its needs to run its daily business.
P.06 Safety & Security Officer
1. The licence applicant must appoint one (01) Safety & Security officer that is in charge of
Article 34 its safety and security matters with the following responsibilities:
P.02 General Manager/CEO a. developing, implementing and reviewing safety and security policy and procedures,
including risk management and planning;
The licence applicant must appoint one (01) General Manager/CEO that is responsible for running
its daily business (operative matters) who is employed full-time by the club. b. being the main point of contact between the public authorities and the licence applicant
on all safety and security matters;

c. managing match-related safety and security operations.

Article 35
P.03 Finance Officer 2. The safety & security officer must hold as a minimum of one of the following
1. The licence applicant must appoint one (01) Finance Officer that is in charge of its financial
matters, who can be either a person working in the club’s administration or an external partner a. a certificate as policeman or security person according to national law, or;
mandated by the club through a written contract.
b. a safety and security diploma based on a specific course issued by the Member
2. The Finance Officer must hold as a minimum of one of the following qualifications: Association or by a state recognized organisation

a. a diploma of certified public accountant;

b. a diploma of qualified auditor; or

c. a diploma in finance and accounting.

34 35
Article 39 Article 42
P.07 Medical doctor P.10 Assistant Coach of First Team
1. The licence applicant must appoint at least one (01) medical doctor responsible for providing 1. The Licence Applicant must appoint at least one (01) Assistant Coach assisting the Head
medical support and advice to the first team as well as implementing a doping prevention policy. Coach in all football technical matters of the first team who will be registered as a Team
The doctor must ensure medical support during matches and training. official in the CAF club competition. Additionally, the assistant may coach the
reserve/developmental teams in the club.
2. The doctor must be recognized and certified by the appropriate national health authorities and be
duly registered with the Member Association or league. 2. The Assistant Coach must:

a. meet the Coaching Requirements as stipulated by CAF for the relevant CAF club
Article 40 competition the licence applicant is applying to participate in;

P.08 Physiotherapist

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
b. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate
body of the licence applicant.
1. The licence applicant must appoint at least one (01) physiotherapist responsible for providing
medical support and advice to the first team. The physiotherapist must ensure support during
matches and training.
Article 43
2. The physiotherapist must be recognized and certified by the appropriate national health P.11 Fitness Coach of First Team
authorities and be duly registered with the Member Association or league.
1. The licence applicant must appoint one (01) Fitness Coach to the first team.

Article 41 2. The Fitness Coach must:

P.09 Head Coach of First Team c. meet the Coaching Requirements as stipulated by CAF for the relevant CAF club
competition the licence applicant is applying to participate in;
1. The Licence Applicant must appoint only one (01) Head coach at a time who is confirmed as the
Head Coach of the team by the CAF Member Association and will be registered as a team official in d. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate
the CAF interclubs competitions. body of the licence applicant.
2. The Head Coach is responsible for the following matters:

a. players’ selection; Article 44

b. tactics and training; P.12 Goalkeeper Coach of First Team
c. management of the players and technical staff in the dressing room and the technical area 1. The licence applicant must appoint one (01) Goalkeeper Coach to the first team.
before, during and after matches;
2. The Goalkeeper Coach must:
d. duties regarding media matters (press conferences, interviews, etc.);
a. meet the Coaching Requirements as stipulated by CAF for the relevant CAF club
e. all football technical matters of the men’s first team; and competition the licence applicant is applying to participate in;

f. additionally, the Head Coach may be involved with the reserve/developmental teams in the club. b. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate
body of the licence applicant.
3. The Head Coach must:

a. meet the Coaching Requirements as stipulated by CAF for the relevant CAF club competition the
licence applicant is applying to participate in;

b. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate body of the
licence applicant.
36 37
c. have strong technical competencies to ensure the efficient implementation of the
Article 45 technical programme to develop elite youth players in collaboration with other relevant
P.13 Women’s First Team Head Coach personnel;
d. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate body
1. The Licence Applicant must appoint one (01) Head coach responsible for all football technical of the licence applicant.
matters of the women’s first team.

2. The Women´s First Team Head Coach must:

Article 48
P.16 CAF Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP) officer
a. meet the Coaching Requirements as stipulated by CAF for the relevant CAF club competition
the licence applicant is applying to participate in;
1. The licence applicant must appoint an individual within the club to be responsible for
b. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate body of operating the CAF Club Licensing Online Platform.
the licence applicant.
2. The Club Licensing Online Platform officer will be responsible for:

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
a. collecting and uploading the required documents from the club to the CAF CLOP;
Article 46
b. answering messages and alerts created by the CAF CLOP;
P.14 Head of youth development c. acting as the point of contact between club, the licensor and CAF.
1. The licence applicant must appoint one (01) head of youth development responsible for running
the daily business and the technical aspects of the youth sector, including the youth development Article 49
P.17 Stewards
2. The Head of the Youth Development must:
The Licence Applicant must have engaged qualified stewards to ensure safety and
a. hold a valid Coaching certificate or its equivalence defined, recognised and approved by the security at home matches. For this purpose, it must:
Member Association in which the club is registered;
b. have specific youth coaching experience and/or supplementary certification/qualification a. employ the stewards; or
related to coaching and managing young players; b. conclude a written contract with the stadium owner providing the stewards; or an
c. have strong management and administration skills to ensure the efficient implementation of external security company providing stewards.
the programme, activities, roles and duties in collaboration with other relevant personnel;
d. be duly registered with the Member Association and undertaken by the appropriate body of
the licence applicant.
Article 50
P.18 Rights and duties of staff members
The rights and duties of the licence applicant’s staff members must be defined in writing.
Article 47
P.15 Youth Coaches Article
Article 51
1. The licence applicant must appoint, at a minimum, one (01) coach for each of the youth teams as P.19 Duty of replacement during the licensing season
required in Article 26.
1. If a function defined in Articles 34 to 48 becomes vacant during the licensing season, the
2. At least one (1) Youth Coach must: licensee must ensure that, within a period of a maximum of sixty (60) days, the function is
taken over by someone who holds the required qualification.
a. hold a valid Coaching certificate or its equivalence defined, recognised and approved by MA in
which the club is registered; 2. In the event that a function becomes vacant due to illness or accident, the licensor may
grant an extension to the sixty (60) day period only if reasonably satisfied that the
b. have specific youth coaching experience and/or supplementary certification/qualification person concerned is still medically unfit to resume duties.
related to coaching and managing young players;
3. The licensee must promptly notify the licensor of any such replacement.

38 39
ticle 52 Article 54
P.20 Duty to notify significant changes L.02 Minimum Legal Documents
Any event occurring after the submission of the licensing documentation to the licensor The Licence Applicant must submit the following documents:
representing a significant change compared to the information previously submitted and related
to Articles 33 to 50, must be notified to the licensor within fifteen (15) working days of the event. 1. A copy of its constitution, statutes or any other document of similar legal nature;

2. An extract from a public register (e.g. trade register) which demonstrates that the Licence
Applicant is a legal entity which contains the following information:

a. complete legal name;

b. address of headquarters;
Article 53

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
c. legal form;
L.01 Declaration in Respect of Participation in CAF d. list of authorized signatories;
Inter-Club Competitions e. type of signature (e.g. individual, collective).

1. The licence applicant must submit a legally valid declaration confirming the following:

a. it recognises as legally binding the statutes, rules and regulations and decisions of FIFA, CAF,
Article 55
the member association and where such exists the national league; L.03 Ownership and Control of Clubs
b. it recognises the exclusive jurisdiction of the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne) 1. The licence applicant must submit a legally valid declaration confirming no physical or
for any dispute of international dimension and in particular involving FIFA and/or CAF; moral person involved in the ownership, administration, and/or sporting performance of
the club, either directly or indirectly:
c. it recognises the prohibition to recourse to ordinary courts under the Statutes of FIFA and CAF;
a. holds securities or shares of any other club participating in the same competition; or
d. at National level, it will play in competitions that are recognised and endorsed by the member
association (national championship, national cup, etc.); b. holds a majority of the shareholders’ voting rights of any other club participating in the
same competition; or
e. at continental level, it will play in competitions that are recognised by CAF and FIFA. For the
avoidance of doubt, this provision does not relate to friendly matches; c. has the right to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the administrative,
management or supervisory body of any other club participating in the same competition; or
f. it undertakes to abide by and respect the provisions and conditions of the licensor´s regulations;
d. is a shareholder and alone controls a majority shareholders’ voting rights of any other club
g. all submitted documents as part of the club licensing application are complete and correct; participating in the same competition, pursuant to an agreement entered into with other
shareholders of the club in question;
h. it authorises the competent club licensing authority to examine documents and seek information
and in the event of any appeal procedure – to seek information from any relevant public authority e. is a member of any other club participating in the same competition;
or private body according to national law;
f. is involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management, administration and/or sporting
i. it acknowledges that CAF and/or FIFA reserves the right to execute compliance audits at performance of any other club participating in the same competition;
continental and national level reviewing the assessment procedures and the decision-making of
the licensor. This declaration must be validated by an authorised signatory. g. has any power whatsoever in the management, administration and/or sporting
performance of any other club participating in the same competition;
2. This declaration must be executed by an authorised signatory prior to the corresponding deadline for
its submission to the Licensor. 2. This declaration must be validated by an authorised signatory.

40 41
2. The Annual Budget should state the following:
Article 56
a. projected income for the coming Financial Year;
L.04 Written Contract with Professional Players & Online
b. projected expenditure for the coming Financial Year;
c. all the sources of revenues and income projected for the coming Financial Year along with the
amount; and
1. All of the licence applicant’s professional players must have a written contract with the licence
applicant in accordance with the relevant provisions of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and d. all the sources of expenditures projected for the coming Financial Year along with the amount.
Transfer of Players and shall incorporate all key provisions required by the national law and of
FIFA, CAF, and the Member Association.
Article 59
2. Players of the first team must be registered on an online platform of the licensor, ideally
connected with the FIFA Connect ID program in order to generate a FIFA ID for each player. F.03 No Overdue Payables towards football clubs -
Transfer activities

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
1. The Licence applicant must prove that it has no overdue payables towards football clubs
as at 31 March of the year in which the CAF club competitions commence as per article 63.
If a Licence applicant has overdue payables as at 31 March of the year in which the CAF
Article 57 club competitions commence, it shall have a grace period of two (2) months to prove that
by the following 31 May, such overdue payables have been fully settled, deferred by
F.01 Annual Financial Statements - Audited mutual agreement with the creditor, are still pending before a competent authority and
without a final and binding decision or are subject to a not obviously unfounded dispute
1. As part of its licence application, and regardless of the legal structure, the licence applicant must submitted to a competent authority.
submit its annual financial statements, in respect of the statutory closing date prior to the
deadline for submission of the application to the licensor. 2. Payables are those amounts due to football clubs as a result of:
a. transfer activities, including any amount due upon fulfilment of certain conditions;
2. Annual financial statements must be audited and certified by an independent auditor.
b. training compensation and solidarity contributions as defined in the FIFA Regulations
on the Status and Transfer of Players; and
3. The annual financial statements must consist of:
c. any joint and/or several liability decided by a competent body according to FIFA and
a. a balance sheet; CAF statutes and regulations, for the termination of a contract by a player.
b. a profit and loss account;
3. By the deadline and in the form communicated by the CAF administration, the Licence
c. a cash flow statement;
applicant must submit a signed declaration confirming the absence or existence of
d. notes (comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes) and overdue towards football clubs.
e. a financial review by the management.

4. The auditor must be independent in compliance with the International Federation of Accountants
(IFAC) Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
Article 60
F.04 No Overdue Payables towards - Employees
5. In addition to the above-mentioned mandatory criteria, it is recommended that the licence applicant
publish its audited financial statements on its website. 1. The Licence applicant must prove that it has no overdue payables towards current and former
employees as at 31 March of the year in which the CAF club competitions commence as per
article 63. If the Licence applicant has overdue payables as at 31 March of the year in which
Article 58 the CAF club competitions commence, it shall have a grace period of two (2) months to prove
that by the following 31 May, such overdue payables have been fully settled, deferred by
F.02 Bank account and Annual Budget mutual agreement with the creditor, are still pending before a competent authority and
without a final and binding decision or are subject to a not obviously unfounded dispute
1. The licence applicant must have a bank account under its name and submit its annual budget as part of submitted to a competent authority.
the licence application.

42 43
2. Payables are all forms of consideration due in respect of employees as a result of contractual or legal 2. Payables in respect of CAF include, but are not limited to, financial disciplinary measures
obligations, including wages, salaries, image rights payments, bonuses and other benefits. Amounts and fines imposed by the CAF Disciplinary Board.
payable to people who, for various reasons, are no longer employed by the applicant fall within the
scope of this criterion and must be settled within the period stipulated in the contract and/or defined 3. By the deadline and in the form communicated by the CAF administration, the Licence
by law, regardless of how such payables are accounted for in the financial statements. applicant must submit a signed declaration confirming the absence or existence of
overdue payables towards CAF or the Licensor.
3. The term “employees” includes the following persons:

a. all professional players according to the applicable FIFA Regulations on the Status and Article 63
Transfer of Players; and
F.07 No Overdue Payables - Explanation
b. the administrative, technical, medical and security staff specified in Articles 33 to 49;

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
1. Payables are not considered overdue if the debtor club is able to prove by the relevant time
4. By the deadline and in the form communicated by the CAF administration, the licensee must (as to which, see below) that:
submit a signed declaration confirming the absence or existence of overdue payables towards
current and former employees. a. it has paid the relevant amount due in full; or

b. it has concluded an agreement which has been accepted in writing by the creditor to
Article 61 extend the deadline for payment beyond the applicable deadline; or

F.05 No Overdue Payables – Social and Tax Authorities c. it has brought a legal claim which has been deemed admissible by the competent
authority or decision-making body. If the decision-making body considers that such
1. The Licence applicant must prove that it has no overdue payables towards social and tax authorities claim has been brought or such proceedings have been opened for the sole purpose of
as at 31 March of the year in which the CAF club competitions commence as per article 63. If the avoiding the applicable deadlines, the relevant amount will still be considered as an
Licence applicant has overdue payables as at 31 March of the year that the CAF club competitions overdue payable; or
commence, it shall have a grace period of two (2) months to prove that by the following 31 May, such
overdue payables have been fully settled, deferred by mutual agreement with the creditor, are still d. it has contested to the competent authority or arbitration tribunal a claim which has
pending before a competent authority and without a final and binding decision or are subject to a not been brought or proceedings which have been opened against it by a creditor in respect
obviously unfounded dispute submitted to a competent authority. of overdue payables and is able to show to the reasonable satisfaction of the relevant
decision-making bodies that it has established reasons for contesting the claim or
2. Payables are those amounts due to social/tax authorities as a result of contractual or legal proceedings. However, as above, if the decision-making body considers the reasons for
obligations in respect of all employed individuals. Payables include, but are not limited to, personal contesting the claim or proceedings to be manifestly unfounded, the amount will still be
income tax, pension fund payments, social security and similar payments. considered as an overdue payable; or

3. By the deadline and in the form communicated by the CAF administration, the Licence applicant must e. it is able to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the relevant decision-making
submit a signed declaration confirming the absence or existence of overdue payables towards social bodies that it has taken all reasonable measures to identify and pay the creditor clubs
and tax authorities. in respect of training compensation and solidarity contributions that are due under the
FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.

Article 62 2. Claims which are still pending before a competent authority which decision has not
become final and binding cannot be acted upon by CAF.
F.06 No Overdue Payables in respect of CAF and the licensor
3. An amount shall not be treated as overdue as at 31 May if by that date it has been paid or
1. The Licence applicant must prove that it has no overdue payables towards CAF or the Licensor as
the date for payment has been extended by means of a written agreement with the
at 31 March of the year in which the CAF club competitions commence as per article 63. If the
creditor or it is the subject of current litigation or arbitration proceedings or has been
Licence applicant has overdue payables as at 31 March of the year in which the CAF club
submitted to a dispute resolution procedure of the competent body.
competitions commence, it shall have a grace period of two (2) months to prove that by the
following 31 May, such overdue payables have been fully settled, deferred by mutual agreement
with the creditor, are still pending before a competent authority and without a final and binding
decision or are subject to a not obviously unfounded dispute submitted to a competent authority.

44 45
Article 64
Domestic Club Licensing criteria

1. The CAF Member Association is mandated to apply a Club Licensing System and monitoring
requirements to govern participation, at minimum, in its men’s top tier national competition. For
this purpose, the CAF Member Association is free to increase, decrease, or introduce additional
minimum domestic club licensing criteria in its Licensor’s Club Licensing Regulations for the
purpose of entering the Domestic competitions, except for the criteria defined by CAF as minimum
for implementation.

2. The Domestic club licensing criteria must be applied at a minimum to all licence applicants seeking
to obtain a licence to participate in their country’s men’s top tier national competition.

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
3. Licensors must require licence applicants to meet at minimum, criteria in the areas of sporting,
infrastructure, administrative, legal and finance in order to be granted a licence to participate in the
national men’s top tier domestic competition.

SECTION 3 4. The Licensors must include as a criterion, at a minimum in their top tier men’s national club
competition, articles 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61,
62 and 63 from the CAF Men's Club Licensing regulations into the Licensor's Men´s Club Licensing

regulations, while adjusting the requirements in each criteria to the domestic competition
regulations (Ex. Coaching license requirement stipulated by the Member Association or affiliated
league, etc)

LICENSING 5. For the Overdue Payables requirement in the domestic club licensing criteria, Licensors may adapt
the dates as per the national competitions calendar, while preserving the general principle
established in these regulations.

CRITERIA 6. Licensors are encouraged to implement a club licensing system in other national competitions (i.e.,
second division, third division and others) and define which criteria are mandatory to obtain a

7. CAF is committed to contribute to the implementation of the domestic club licensing system
through provision of technical assistance and support.

8. CAF is fully entitled to supervise and check the correct implementation of the domestic club
licensing system at the level of the Member Associations.

9. For the Domestic Club Licensing criteria, Licensors may define and grade each criteria into “A”, “B”
and “C” categories.

Domestic Club Licensing Criteria shall be incorporated into the a. « A » – Club Licensing Criteria Gradation – “MANDATORY”: If the Licence Applicant does not fulfil
any A-criteria, then it shall not be granted with a licence to enter the National Competitions.
Licensor´s Club Licensing Regulations. The Domestic Club
Licensing Criteria outlined in Section applies to all clubs b. « B » – Club Licensing Criteria Gradation – “OBLIGATORY”: If the Licence Applicant does not
fulfil any B-criteria, then it is sanctioned as specified by the Licensor for non-fulfilment of these
seeking to obtain a licence to participate in the National criteria, however, the licence applicant may still receive a licence to enter the National
Competitions of the Licensor (CAF Member Association). Competitions.

c. « C » – Club Licensing Criteria Gradation – “BEST PRACTICE”: C-criteria are “Best Practice”
recommendations. Non fulfilment of any C-criteria does not lead to any sanction or to the refusal
of the licence.

Article 65
CAF club licensing online platform (CLOP)

All parties must utilize the CAF Club Licensing Online Platform for all relevant steps of the Club.
Licensing System.

Article 66
Annexes and force majeure cases
1. Any annexes to the CAF Club Licensing Regulations form an integral part of these regulations.

2. The CAF Executive Committee shall have the final decision on any matters not provided for in

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
the CAF Club Licensing Regulations in cases of force majeure.

SECTION 4 Article 67
Disciplinary procedures

FINAL 1. Any breach of these regulations may be penalized by CAF Disciplinary Board in accordance
with the CAF Club Licensing System catalogue of sanctions and relevant CAF Disciplinary

PROVISIONS 2. The member association shall decide whether the club licensing system comes under the
authority of the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS). In this respect, particular attention shall
be paid to the relevant deadlines for entering CAF club competitions.

Article 68
Matters not provided for
1. Matters not provided for in these regulations shall be decided, for non-disciplinary matters by
the CAF Executive committee, upon recommendation of the Organizing Committee for the
Inter-clubs competitions and management of the club licensing system, whose decisions are
appealable in accordance with CAF statutes and disciplinary code.

2. All disciplinary aspects will be dealt by the CAF Disciplinary Board.

Article 69
Exceptions policy
1. The CAF administration or the Organizing Committee for the Inter-Clubs competitions and
management of the club licensing system may, in accordance with Article 21, grant exceptions
on the following matters:

a. non-applicability of a minimum requirement concerning the decision-making bodies or

process defined in Articles 11 and 12 due to national law or any other reason;

b. non-applicability of a minimum requirement concerning the core process defined in Article 17
Article 71
due to national law or any other reason; Adoption and enforcement
c. non-applicability of a minimum assessment procedure defined in Article 18 due to national law 1. The CAF Club Licensing Regulations has been approved by the CAF Executive Committee.
or any other reason;
2. These regulations replace the CAF Club Licensing Regulations (Edition 2012).
d. non-applicability of a certain criterion defined in part II, section 2 and 3 due to national law or 3. The CAF Club Licensing Regulations were adopted by the Executive Committee on 10
any other reason; December 2020 and come into force from 1 July 2022.

e. extension of the introduction period for the implementation of a criterion or a category of 4. The Licensor shall issue the Licensor’s Club Licensing Regulations and have them
criterion defined in section 2 and 3. approved by CAF. The Licensor’s Club Licensing Regulations shall then apply beginning
with the season 2023/2024.

Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF Men’s Club Licensing Regulations - Edition 2022
2. Exceptions related to items a), b), c), d) and e) are granted to a CAF Member Association and
apply to all clubs which are registered with the CAF member association and which submit a
licensing application to enter the CAF club competitions. Exceptions related to item d) are Article 72
granted to the individual club that applies for a licence.
Exceptional and transitional provisions in respect of
3. In principle an exception is granted for a period of one season. Under specific circumstances, this the club licensing criteria and requirements
period may be extended, and the CAF member association may be placed on an improvement
plan. 1. CAF reserves the right to define exceptions and transitional provisions in relation to the
applicability of certain club licensing criteria and requirements set in these regulations.
4. A renewal of the exception is possible upon a new request.
2. In case of such decision, CAF will communicate to the CAF Member Associations
5. The CAF Administration acts as the first instance decision making body on exception requests. accordingly, informing of the requirement exception and transitional provisions, the
respective season in which the requirement exception and transitional provisions applies
6. The decision will be communicated to the CAF Member Association. The decision shall be in to and the period of duration.
writing and state the reasoning. The CAF Member Association shall then communicate it to all
Licence Applicants concerned.
7. Appeals can be lodged against decisions made by the CAF Administration in writing before the DE FOOTBALL
Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in accordance with the relevant provisions laid down in the
CAF Statutes.
Cairo, 1 July 2022

Ar ticle 70
Reference version For the CAF Executive Committee:

The CAF Club Licensing Regulations are available in English, French and Portuguese. In the event
of discrepancy between the three linguistic versions, the French version shall be authoritative.

Dr. Patrice Motsepe Véron Mosengo-Omba

President General Secretary

50 51
Confédération Africaine de Football
3 Abdel Khalek Tharwat St., El Hay El Motamayez,
P.O. Box 23, 6th of October City, EGYPT

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