Sbi Fix Deposit Slippdf - Compress
Sbi Fix Deposit Slippdf - Compress
Sbi Fix Deposit Slippdf - Compress
i s not a negotiable
negotiable document
Date :07/11/2023
Dear Sir/Madam
W e have
have pleas ure in confirming details of the following
followi ng amount held in de
posit with us. Please quote
quote the
Acc ount Number
Number in all correspo
ce. Thank you for Banking with us.
Name Custome
Customerr Number
Maturity Inst
ruction: Repay
Repay Principal and Interest
DR Tenure
Tenu re Fixed
Fix ed Principal Amt
Amt Val ue Date Maturity
Maturi ty Maturity
Account No. Rate Date Value
Term s and Conditions
Conditions for
for e -TDR / e -STDR
3. Bank will deduct the income tax as perper the law applicable
appli cable and in case no tax is to be deducted, form
form 15H/G
has to
t o be submitted
submit ted by the
t he depositor
depositor to the branch just after opening the e-TDR/e-STDR and at the
beginning the Financial Year in the subsequent Financial Years.
4. e-TDR/e-STDR
e-TDR/e-STDR wit with
h additional
additi onal rate
rate of interest
interes t for
for Senior Citizens
Citiz ens will be issued
is sued if option for
for "Senior
"S enior Citizen
Citi zen "
is select
sel ected
ed by the customer a and
nd age of customer
cus tomer is 60 Yrs or above,
above, on the date of creating the t he fixed deposit,
deposit ,
as per date of birt h recorded with the Bank.
Bank . The minimum days and minimummini mum amount
amount applicable for
additional rate of interest for senior cit izen will be as per Bank's policy.
5. e-TDR/e-STDR
e-TDR/e-STDR will will be disposed
dis posed of according
acc ording to the Maturity Inst
ruction given
given at the time
tim e of opening the
deposit. In case of auto renewal,the deposit will be renewed for the same duration for which it was originally
kept , at t he rate of interest
interes t prevaili
ng on the date of renewal for
for that
t hat duration.If
duration. If auto renewal instruct
inst ructions
ions are
given, the instruc
ins tructi
ons will
will continue
conti nue to executed till t erminated
erminated by the account holder