Developing Textbook Based On Scientific Approach

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ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

Developing textbook based on scientific approach, critical

thinking, and science process skills
A Rofieq1, I Hindun1, L Shultonnah1 and F J Miharja1*
Department of Biology Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl.
Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Email:[email protected]

Abstract. Several researchers have done the development of textbooks as a source of learning.
However, most only partially develop students' academic abilities. This study aims to develop
biology textbooks based on a scientific approach to improve students' critical thinking and
process skills. This mix-method research consists of research development and quasi-
experiment. Model development refers to modifying the Borg & Gall development model, which
consists of preliminary studies, model development, and model testing, whereas the quasi-
experiment uses the pretest and posttest groups design. This study's population were all students
of Kepanjen Islamic High School, while the sample involved was 24 students of class X MIA.
The data collection method used expert questionnaire validation, pretest, and posttest. Data
analysis used the dependent t-test with a significance level of α = 0.05. The model test results
show that there were significant differences in the average between pretest and posttest scores.
Besides, the validation test results indicate that teaching materials were declared appropriate and
effective in learning.

1. Introduction
Success in facing millennial challenges in the 21st Century is determined by various factors, including
scientific literacy skills [1–3]. Various studies in different parts of the world state that the ability of
community scientific literacy is one of the critical parameters of a country's progress and civilization
[4–6]. According to some experts, scientific literacy emphasizes the community's ability to integrate
their knowledge with comprehensive scientific inquiry measures [7–9]. Furthermore, people
accustomed to thinking with a scientific approach are believed to be able to deal with and solve complex
problems [10,11].
As a scientific thought process, scientific literacy is closely related to critical thinking skills and
process thinking skills. Both of these are manifestations of scientific literacy as a skill and as a scientific
process. In another perspective, it can be explained that someone who can develop critical thinking skills
has qualified literacy skills. Likewise, people who are skilled at thinking the scientific process show that
they can think structurally in a scientific context. Thus, the three elements of literacy need to be
developed in a continuous learning process.
Development of thinking skills must be balanced with attitudes that arise from a person due to the
learning process [12,13]. Attitudes aspects related to natural science, including biology, emphasize
scientific approaches that are important for maintaining the purity of knowledge and continuity in
student development. The scientific attitude can be formed through scientific work processes called
process skills [14,15].
Research on scientific approaches, critical thinking skills, and scientific process skills has been
carried out in the last ten years [16–18]. Interestingly, the study was carried out in almost all education
levels, starting from elementary school, high school, and even college level. However, research with
critical thinking skills is carried out more than research that raises the question of scientific approaches
and science process skills. Furthermore, efforts to implement critical thinking skills are carried out by
integrating them into learning models identified as being able to activate higher-order thinking skills.
Inquiry [19], problem-based learning [20,21], and project-based learning [22,23] are learning models
that are widely used by researchers to improve the critical thinking skills of students.
On the other hand, research that develops and analyzes scientific approaches and their impact on
science process skills in learning biology is still not much developed. Integration of scientific methods

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ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

that have been carried out includes the development of learning models [24], learning media [25], as
well as interdisciplinary and technology-based development [26]. In fact, in studying biological
phenomena, a scientific approach is needed with the dimensions of observation, reasoning, validation,
and relevant explanations. Furthermore, the analysis can be done deductive, inductive, or a combination
of both. This research aims to compile a biology textbook based on a scientific approach integrated with
critical thinking skills and science process skills.

2. Methods
This mixed-method research consists of two stages, i.e., development research and quasi-experiment.
The development model in this study used the modified Research and Development (R&D) model [27]
consists of preliminary studies, development, and model testing (Figure 1). Activities carried out in this
stage include field surveys and literature studies. The field survey was conducted at Kepanjen Islamic
High School. A literature study was conducted to find concepts that strengthen product development.
Preliminary studies produce materials that are put together and integrated.

Figure 1. R&D model modification

The model development stage is carried out by explaining the essential concepts of the preliminary
study results. Activities undertaken include (1) analysis of preliminary studies, (2) identification of basic
concepts and theories based on indicators of scientific approach concepts, critical thinking, and process
skills, (3) determination of essential competencies and indicators, (4) determination of material concepts
to be displayed in the textbook, (5) design questions that refer to critical thinking skills and process
skills. The planning and development stage produces a draft product as an initial product that will be
consulted with material experts and media experts. Limited trials were conducted involving students
using pretest and posttest questions. The final result of this model's development stage is a hypothetical
product, so that testing needs to be done on a broader scale.
Model testing is a formative evaluation process to assess whether the product design, in this case,
the product draft, can improve students' critical thinking skills and process skills. Model testing was
conducted with a quasi-experimental study involving 24 students of class X natural science at Kepanjen
Islamic High School. The implementation and testing of textbooks used quasi-experiments using the
one group pretest-posttest model.
The data collection instruments were carried out by interview, questionnaire, and test methods. The
types of data in this study consisted of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained
from the advice of material experts and media experts. Quantitative data were collected from the score
assessment results of material experts and media experts through a questionnaire (rating scale) of the
quality of the textbook and students’ pretest and posttest. Questionnaire answers use a Likert scale. The

ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

measured variables was translated into indicator variables. The Likert scale used consists of five
categories, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Category assessment of Likert scale data on expert validation questionnaire

No Score Indicators
1 5 Strongly agree/very decent/very good/very helpful/very motivating
2 4 Agree/decent/good/helpful/motivating
3 3 Quite agree/quite decent/quite good/quite helpful/quite motivating
4 2 Disagree/not feasible/not good/not helpful/not motivating
5 1 Strongly disagree/very unworthy/very bad/very unhelpful/very unmotivating

Data analysis used descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative analysis is used to
process data from material experts and media expert reviews, while quantitative analysis is used for
expert validation and student test results. Decision making about the quality of textbook products uses
the conversion achievement level with a Likert scale with a 1 to 5. Data analysis results are then
interpreted and concluded based on the classification criteria about product quality adapted from [28] as
in Table 2. Data analysis of students' process skills was analyzed using mean scores and percentages

Table 2. Conversion of achievement and qualification levels

Percentage (%) Qualification Indicators
0 - 20 Very low Very improper, revision required
21 - 40 Low Not decent, revision required
41 - 60 Moderate Pretty decent, revision required
61 - 80 High Decent, no revision needed
81 - 100 Very high Very decent, no revision needed

𝑃= × 100% ............................................................................................................ (1)

Note: P (percentage of students' process skills), f (score of each process skills aspect), N (total
number of students). The process skills are then interpreted based on criteria: very low (≤ 40%), less
(40-55%), sufficient (55-70%), good (70-85%), and very good (≥85%). Analysis of increasing critical
thinking skills and process skills were analyzed using paired t-tests. Paired t-test calculations are
performed using calculations through the SPSS 17 program after the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Development stage

The draft product includes the preparation of the text and the design of the textbook. The textbook
has developed using the Indonesian language containing a material substance adapted to the learning
goals to practice students' critical thinking and process skills. The results of the draft textbook framework
are used as a basis for the preparation of initial products. The design of the textbook includes (1)
determination of basic competencies and indicators, (2) determination of scientific concepts and
methods, (3) compilation of components and derived concepts to be taught, and (4) designing the
appearance of the book. Otherwise, the design of the textbook contents includes (1) branches of biology
and their meanings, (2) the ratio of the scientific method and its components, (3) the steps of the
scientific method and its practice, and (4) how to use the textbook in learning.
The draft textbook is composed of three main parts, namely the introduction, content, and
conclusion. The introduction contains information regarding the title, curriculum used, book user, author
and validator, year of publication, relevant picture, and publishing agency. Also, to facilitate use, the
textbook is equipped with a table of contents, characteristics, and usage guidelines. The usage guide
contains informative sentences about a brief description of each activity in the textbook.
The contents section explains the subject matter that was developed. The contents of the learning
material have been adjusted to the basic competencies and the development of indicators. The material

ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

scope of biology is divided into two sub-chapters, which were developed, namely sub-chapter one about
the branches of biology and sub-chapter two about the scientific method. Presentation of material is
complemented by an activity rubric representing a scientific approach, namely observing, asking,
associating, reasoning, and communicating. These scientific activities are facilitated through several
features developed in the textbook, consisting of "Let's Explore", "Act Creatively", "Independent Task",
"Project", "Summary", "Evaluation", and "Reflection". Before the description of the material in this
textbook is given, at the beginning of the chapter is equipped with an apperception that is equipped with
illustrations and what will be learned.

Figure 2. The distribution of pretest data based on the normality test

The concluding section contains reference information in textbook development and a glossary that
summarizes essential terms related to the material being studied. The concluding section's availability
represents scientific activities in the learning process because students can identify and confirm further
by accessing relevant references. These steps are essential so that the understanding that is built by
students after the learning process is holistic.

ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

Figure 3. The distribution of pretest data based on the normality test

The expert review provides some notes regarding the content and suitability of the biological scope
material displayed. Some material expert notes refer to material compatibility aspects with basic
competencies, material accuracy, and availability of supporting material in the textbook (Table 3). The
results of the expert material review, among others, need to strengthen apperception and improve the
integration of activities that are able to stimulate students' process skills. At the same time, media experts

ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

give notes related to appearance and design (Table 4). Input from media experts, namely the foreword
or preface presented in the book, does not describe the textbooks that were developed, and the book
cover does not adequately describe the scope of biology.

Table 3. The results of expert material assessments

Percentage (%)
No. Assessment Component Category
Before Revision After Revision
1 Material suitability with basic competencies 66 100 Very decent
2 Material accuracy 51 97 Very decent
3 Supporting material 51 100 Very decent

Table 4. The results of expert media assessments

No. Assessment Component Percentage (%) Category
1 Presentation eligibility 88 Very decent
2 Graphic eligibility 97 Very decent
3 Content design 90 Very decent

3.2. Quasi Experiment

The normality test results showed that students' pretest and posttest (Figure 4) are normally distributed.
Thus, data analysis was continued with a paired t-test. The results of paired sample t-tests showed that
the significance was <0.05 (Table 6). These results indicate differences in critical thinking skills and
process skills in the scope of biology material before and after using the textbook. Some researchers
believe that the emphasis and practice of critical thinking skills through training or new learning
resources can help trained students improve their critical thinking skills [30–32].

Figure 4. The distribution of pretest (a) and posttest (b) data based on the normality test

Meanwhile, observations of science process skills show varied results. The assessment was carried
out based on eight aspects observed during the learning process using a textbook. The results of
observations as outlined in Table 6 show that there are two very dominant indicators, namely the ability
to make observations and measurements with an average score of 91.5 and 98.5, respectively. Indicators
of hypothesizing, experimenting, interpreting, and delivering skills. These results indicate that the
textbook that has been developed can make a difference and improve students' science process skills. In
other words, the features integrated into the textbook can facilitate students 'thinking abilities and
provide space for the development of science concepts so that students' skills increase simultaneously
during the learning process.

Table 6. The results of students’ science process skills

Score (%)
No. Indicators Total (%) Average (%) Criteria
Observer 1 Observer 2
1. Observing 89 94 183 91.5 Very high

ICOLSSTEM 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1839 (2021) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1839/1/012030

2. Measuring 100 97 197 98.5 Very high

3. Questioning 76 62 138 69 Moderate
4. Hypothesizing 70 75 145 72.5 High
5. Experimenting 75 75 150 75 High
6. Data interpreting 80 80 160 80 High
7. Concluding 68 72 140 70 Moderate
8. Data delivering 80 75 155 77.5 High

However, the other indicators of science process skills showed that they are acceptable, including
questioning skills (69) and making conclusions (70). These results indicate an area of development that
needs to be done in further refinement. In other words, the textbook that has been developed has not
been able to improve students' questioning skills and the ability to conclude. If further analysis, two
factors can underlie these results. The first factor is that students are not accustomed to learning by
developing questions, even with the non-optimal ability to make conclusions. Another factor is that the
textbook is not enough to stimulate students in developing their analytic abilities.

4. Conclusions
The results showed that the textbook developed was integrated with learning indicators based on a
scientific approach and feasible to use because it showed significantly different results in improving
students' critical thinking skills and science process skills.

This research was carried out in good collaboration between the Department of Biology Education,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, and Kepanjen Islamic
High School.

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