Post-Vaccine Myocarditis: Clinical Insights and Epidemiological Trends
Post-Vaccine Myocarditis: Clinical Insights and Epidemiological Trends
Post-Vaccine Myocarditis: Clinical Insights and Epidemiological Trends
Abstract:- Myocarditis is a rare but key adverse event with acute COVID-19 or other viral infections. Notably,
linked to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, predominantly in natural killer cells were elevated, autoantibodies to specific
young males. Epidemiological data indicate an incidence self-antigens were reduced, and one case tested positive on a
of approximately 12.6 cases per million doses heart disease gene panel [3].
administered to patients aged 12-39 years, mostly
following the second dose of the vaccine. Most patients Experimental hypotheses explaining vaccine-
present with elevated levels of cardiac biomarkers, chest associated myocarditis include molecular mimicry between
pain, and abnormal ECG findings within a few days of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and self-antigens, the
vaccination. Proposed mechanisms for the exact triggering of immunologic pathways, immune responses to
pathophysiology of this include molecular mimicry mRNA, and cytokine expression dysfunction. It remains
between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and cardiac unclear why males are more frequently affected than
antigens, activation of immune pathways, and females, although several theories have been proposed. For
dysregulated cytokine expression. Despite these findings, instance, men may be more likely to be diagnosed with heart
the overall benefit-risk balance for COVID-19 conditions than women, and differences in sex hormones
vaccination remains positive, as the majority of patients may influence immune responses, potentially contributing to
recover fully. In contrast, COVID-19-associated myocarditis. However, despite these occasional occurrences
myocarditis is more common and more severe, with an of myocarditis, most patients experienced improvement in
estimated incidence of 1,000-1,400 cases per 100,000 imaging and diagnostic markers, as well as resolution of
infections. Clinical presentation of vaccine-associated symptoms, with or without treatment. The benefit-risk
myocarditis is usually mild and self-limiting, and most analysis of COVID-19 vaccination demonstrates a favorable
patients do recover without significant long-term effects. balance for all age and gender groups, even with the
Treatment is usually supportive in nature and has an occasional occurrence of myocarditis. Therefore, we
emphasis on ruling out acute coronary syndrome and recommend vaccination for all individuals aged 12 years
symptomatic management for heart failure or and older [4].
arrhythmias if present. Given its low incidence and the
generally good outcome, vaccination against COVID-19 II. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MYOCARDITIS AFTER
is recommended from 12 years of age and above, with COVID-19 VACCINATIONS
provision for ongoing surveillance for monitoring and
management of rare adverse events like myocarditis. Before the emergence of COVID-19, the Global
Burden of Cardiovascular Disease reported an annual
Keywords:- Myocarditis, COVID-19, Vaccination, mRNA prevalence of myocarditis cases at 6.1 per 100,000 persons
Vaccine. aged 35-39 for men and 0.1 per 100,000 for women, with
corresponding mortality rates of 0.2 and 0.1 per 100,000,
I. INTRODUCTION respectively [5]. However, during the first eight months of
the pandemic, the incidence of excess cardiovascular deaths
Myocarditis is a rare but serious complication in England and Wales rose to 12 per 100,000, accompanied
associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, primarily by an 8% increase in acute cardiovascular disease mortality
affecting young male adults and adolescents. According to in England [6]. Simultaneously, the United States
the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the experienced a higher incidence of ischemic and hypertensive
incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in individuals aged heart disease during the first 10 months of the COVID-19
12-39 is approximately 12.6 cases per million doses of the pandemic compared to the previous year [7]. A study
second mRNA vaccine dose [1,2]. In reported cases, patients published in February 2020 examining sex differences in
commonly presented with elevated cardiac troponin levels myocarditis presentation found that young individuals
and chest pain, with the majority of myocarditis cases (average age: 40 ± 17 for women and 40 ± 16 for men)
diagnosed 2-3 days after the second dose of the mRNA accounted for the majority of myocarditis cases (82%) [8].
vaccine. Cardiac MRI confirmed myocarditis in all
evaluated patients, while the remainder showed abnormal
ECGs with ST elevations. None of the cases were associated
Myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination appears greater (1,000-1,400 per 100,000 COVID-19 patients) than
to be rare, with case-series studies from the United States that of vaccine-related myocarditis. Additionally, COVID-
and Israel estimating an incidence of 0.3-5.0 cases per 19-related myocarditis generally presents with more severe
100,000 vaccinated individuals. The highest prevalence symptoms and a worse prognosis compared to vaccine-
occurred after the second vaccine dose, predominantly in induced myocarditis. Among COVID-19 patients, 10% of
young males (83 of 117 patients were aged ≤30 years, and outpatients and 40% of hospitalized patients experience
only 15 were female) [9]. Most cases presented within the clinically significant myocardial injury, often in the absence
first week post-vaccination, typically 3-4 days after of myocardial infarction [11].
immunization. In cases of myocarditis unrelated to COVID-
19 or its vaccines, over 80% of patients recover The primary risk factors for cardiovascular
spontaneously. However, those hospitalized for myocarditis complications in COVID-19 patients include advanced age
face a 4-5% risk of mortality or heart transplantation within and pre-existing comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes,
the first year post-diagnosis. Conversely, up to 90% of hypertension, or renal impairment. Myocardial injury in
individuals with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-associated these patients may result from sepsis and shock, hypoxia,
myocarditis may experience functional recovery, often after and hemodynamic instability caused by severe COVID-19
an initial episode of chest pain. To date, at least 13 deaths pneumonia, as well as direct COVID-19-mediated
have been reported as potentially linked to vaccine- microvascular injury and thrombosis. These factors can lead
associated myocarditis, though establishing a causal to elevated plasma troponin levels, ECG changes, heart
relationship is challenging due to insufficient evidence [10]. failure, and arrhythmias [12]. Characteristics of Myocarditis
associated with vaccine are listed out in table 1.
In contrast, the incidence of COVID-19-associated
myocarditis or cardiac injury is estimated to be 100 times
Table 1: Characteristics of Myocarditis Associated with COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination(13).
Type of Myocarditis Rate of Occurrence Survival Rate Possible Mechanisms
Viral myocarditis (common) 1 to 10 per 100,000 > 80 Genetic factors (e.g., variations in genes coding for
individuals annually sarcomeric, desmosomal, cytoskeletal, or HLA
proteins), immune cross-reactivity, sex-related
Myocarditis and cardiac 1,000 to 4,000 per 30 to 80 Microthrombosis, endothelial damage, genetic
damage associated with 100,000 SARS-CoV- factors (e.g., desmosomal, cytoskeletal,
COVID-19 2 infections sarcomeric, or HLA protein coding genes), shock,
and sepsis.
Myocarditis following COVID- 0.3 to 5.0 per > 99 Hypersensitivity reactions, genetic factors (e.g.,
19 mRNA vaccination 100,000 vaccinated variations in genes coding for sarcomeric,
individuals desmosomal, cytoskeletal, or HLA proteins),
immune cross-reactivity, sex-related factors.
vaccine, 67 cases of myocarditis per million boys in this age preventing severe COVID-19 requiring hospitalization [34].
group were identified. The combined number of myocarditis The efficacy was reported at 98% against severe COVID-19
cases after the first and second doses was 77 cases per requiring life support and 98% against ICU admission. The
million, nearly six times lower than the rate observed study by Bettina Heidecker et al.[35] also highlighted
following COVID-19 infection. A different perspective avoided hospital stays and an excess number of myocarditis
comes from a recent study that compared vaccinated cases associated with COVID-19 vaccination, as detailed in
individuals with those who did not receive the BNT162b2 Table 3.
vaccine, finding that vaccination was highly effective in
Table 3: Avoided Hospital Stays and Excess Cases of Myocarditis Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination
Group (Age and Gender) Inpatient Stays Avoided Excess Vaccine-Associated Cases of Myocarditis
All adults (18 to 39 years)
mRNA-1273 (Moderna®) 2982 33
BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech®) 2820 24
Males 18 to 39 years
mRNA-1273 (Moderna®) 1903 68
BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech®) 1799 47
VIII. TREATMENT OF MYOCARDITIS CAUSED proposed therapy based on VAERS dataset information.
BY VACCINATIONS Patients showing signs of cardiogenic shock fall into this
category. Shared decision-making is crucial when discussing
In cases where patients present with chest pain, it is potential booster doses or additional vaccinations with
crucial to rule out acute coronary syndrome both clinically patients. Moreover, individuals with "long COVID"
and angiographically, especially when the diagnosis is syndrome (PASC) need ongoing monitoring. The link
unclear. For those experiencing heart failure with a lower between PASC and vaccination remains poorly understood,
ejection fraction, treatment options include sodium-glucose and the epidemiology of this condition is still debated.
cotransporter 2 inhibitors, beta-blockers, mineralocorticoid Additionally, discussing the benefits and risks of receiving
receptor antagonists, and either angiotensin-converting further vaccinations is important, especially with young men
enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor-neprilysin who experienced myocarditis after their initial or subsequent
inhibitors [36]. Arrhythmias should be treated according to doses. Alternative vaccine platforms, such as the
guidelines specific to the type of arrhythmia. In the very rare recombinant Spike (rS) protein nanoparticle vaccine NVX-
instances of fulminant myocarditis or cardiogenic shock, CoV2373 (Novavax), have been given Emergency Use
temporary use of corticosteroids may be considered. Authorization by the FDA for unvaccinated individuals aged
Additionally, for patients with left ventricular failure, 18 and older as of July 2022 [40].
mechanical circulatory support and/or extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation should be considered as temporary IX. BENEFITS-RISKS ANALYSIS OF COVID-19
measures to aid in recovery. VACCINATION
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