Salt Analysis (2024-25)

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AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination

a) Noted the colour of the White Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+
given salt absent.

b) Noted the smell of the salt Ammoniacal smell NH4+ may be present.

c)Solubility Soluble in cold water

d)Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test
Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the
a) Gas evolved NH3 gas-characteristic NH4+ may be present
smell, gives white fumes
when a glass rod dipped
in dil. HCl is brought
near the mouth of the
test tube, turns Nessler’s
reagent brown.
b) Sublimation White sublimate formed NH4+ may be present

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization

present in the given salt.
Lead nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.

d) Residue
3.Dil. H2SO4 test
Treated a pinch of salt with dil No gas evolved CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2- may
H2SO4 and warmed be absent.
4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop KMnO4 decolourised C2O42- may be present
of dil.H2SO4 and a drop of with the evolution of
KMnO4 solution. CO2 on warming
Three equations Pg 162

5. Conc.H2SO4
Treated a pinch of salt with A colourless gas which C2O42- may be present
conc. H2SO4 turns lime water milky
One equation Pg 163 and also a gas which
burns with pale-
bluish flame.


a. Calcium chloride test:
Take water extract (or soda A white ppt. is obtained. Oxalate ion (C2O42-)
extract if salt is insoluble in confirmed
water). Acidify with dil. acetic
acid and boil off CO2. Add
calcium chloride solution. The ppt. dissolves
Add dil HN03 to the white
precipitate and warm.
One equation Pg 171
b. Potassium permanganate
Take a pinch of the salt in a The pink colour of Oxalate ion (C2O42-)
test tube and add dilute KMnO4 solution is confirmed
sulphuric acid. Warm to 60- decolourized with the
70°C and add 2-3 drops of evolution of carbon
KMnO4 solution. dioxide gas.
One equation Pg 171
7. Preparation of original
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S.
cold water. obtained.
8. Confirmatory test for
ammonium (NH4+) ion:
Heated a pinch of salt with Ammoniacal odour Zero group present
conc. solution of NaOH evolved
i)Characteristic Ammonium (NH4+)
ammoniacal odour confirmed
ii)The gas gives white (NH4+) confirmed
fumes when a glass rod
dipped in dil. HCl is
brought close to the
mouth of the test tube.
iii)When the gas is (NH4+) confirmed
passed through Nessler’s
reagent, a brown ppt. is
Three equations Pg177
Result- The given salt contains acid radical- Oxalate ion (C2O42-) , basic radical
ammonium (NH4+)

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination

a) Noted the colour of the given salt White Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+,
Co2+, Ni2+ absent.

b) Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic smell NH4+, S2-,

CH3COO- may be
c)Solubility Soluble in cold water absent

d)Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a dry test tube
and noted the following:

a) Gas evolved Reddish brown gas NO2- or NO3- may

evolved, turns ferrous be present.
sulphate solution
b) Sublimation
No sublimate formed NH4+, I- may be
Crackling sound A salt having no
water of
may be present.

d)Residue Brown when hot and Pb2+ may be

yellow when cold present

3.Dil. H2SO4 test

Treated a pinch of salt with dil. H2SO4 and No gas evolved CO32- , SO32-, S2-
warmed may be absent.

4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop of dil.H2SO4 KMnO4 not Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42-
and a drop of KMnO4 solution. decolourized may be absent
5. Concentrated sulphuric acid Test
Heated a pinch of salt with conc. H2SO4 A reddish-brown NO3- may be
and added to it a paper pellet gas with pungent present
i) KNO3+H2SO4 → KHSO4+ HNO3 smell, turns FeSO4
ii) 4HNO3+C→ 4NO2+CO2+2H2O solution black
6. Confirmatory test for Nitrate (NO3-) ion:
a. Copper chips test –
Heated a pinch of the salt with Reddish brown Nitrate confirmed
conc. sulphuric acid and a few copper gas evolved (NO3-)
i)2KNO3+H2SO4 →K2SO4+2HNO3
ii) 4HNO3+Cu→ Cu(NO3)2+ 2NO2+2H2O
b.Ring test – A brown ring NO3- confirmed
To 2-3 mL of the salt solution, add is obtained at
freshly prepared ferrous sulphate the junction of the two
solution. Now added conc. sulphuric acid liquids.
along the sides of the test tube.
i) KNO3 +H2SO4 →
3FeSO4 + 4H2O + 2NO
Brown ring
7. Heated a pinch of salt with conc. solution No ammoniacal odour Zero group
of NaOH evolved. (NH4+) absent.

8. Preparation of original solution (O.S.)

Shook a pinch of the salt with cold water Clear solution is Labelled it as
obtained. O.S.

9. To a part of the O.S. added 1-2 mL of dil. White ppt. formed Group I (Pb2+)
HCl. Filter and boil the ppt. with 5-10 mL of Ppt. dissolves present
water. Divide the solution into three parts
One equation Pg 178
10. Confirmatory test for Pb2+ ion
a. Cool one part of solution under tap water White crystalline ppt. Pb2+ present
separates out
b. Potassium iodide test
To the second part of solution, add KI Yellow formed Pb2+ present
One equation Pg 178
c. Potassiun chromate test Yellow formed Pb2+ present
To the third part of the solution add K2CrO4
One equation Pg 178
Result- The given salt contains acid radical Nitrate NO3- and basic radical Pb2+.

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination
a) Noted the colour of the Blue in colour Cu2+ may be present
given salt

b) Noted the smell of the salt Vinegar like smell CH3COO- may be
c) Solubility Soluble in cold water

d) Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the
a) Gas evolved Colourless gas with CH3COO- may be
characteristic vinegar present
like smell

b) Sublimation No sublimate NH4+ may be absent

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization

present in the given salt.
Lead nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.

d) Residue Coloured salt becomes Co2+, Cu2+, Mn2+ may

black or brown on be present.
3.Dil. H2SO4 test
Treated a pinch of salt with No gas evolved CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2-
dil. H2SO4 and warmed may be absent.
4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop Pink colour was not Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42- may
of dil.H2SO4 and a drop of discharged be absent
KMnO4 solution.
5. Conc.H2SO4
Treated a pinch of salt with Colourless vapours with CH3COO- may be
conc. H2SO4 smell of vinegar, turns present
blue litmus red.
One equation Pg163


6. Confirmatory test for
acetate (CH3COO-) ion:
a)Oxalic acid test Smells like that of CH3COO- confirmed
Take a small amount of the vinegar
salt on a watch glass. Mix it
with oxalic acid. Prepare
paste of it with a few drops of
water. Rub the paste and
One equation Pg171
b) Ester test:
Take a small quantity of salt Pleasant fruity smell of CH3COO- confirmed
in a test tube. Ad conc. H2SO4 ester.
(2 mL) and heat it. Now add
ethyl alcohol (1mL). Shake
the contents of the test tube
and pour the contents of the
test tube in a beaker filled
half with water. Stir it.
Two equations Pg171
c) Ferric chloride test:
Take water extract of the salt.
Add neutral ferric chloride Reddish colour filtrate CH3COO- confirmed
Filter & divide filtrate into
two parts.
i)To one part add dil. HCl and Reddish colour
boil disappears
ii)To second part add water & Reddish brown ppt.
Two equations Pg171

7. Heated a pinch of salt with No ammoniacal odour Zero group (NH4+ )

conc. solution of NaOH evolved. absent.

8. Preparation of original
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S
cold water obtained.

9. To a part of the O.S. added No ppt. formed Group I (Pb2+) absent

1-2 mL of dil. HCl
10. Through the above Black ppt. formed Group II (Cu2+) present
acidified solution pass H2S
One equation Pg179
11. Confirmatory test
for Cu2+ion
Filter. Heat black ppt. with Ppt. dissolves Cu2+ present
50% HNO3.
Add NH4OH in excess. Blue coloured solution
Divide solution into two obtained.
Two equation Pg179
i)Potassium ferrocyanide test
To one part of the blue
solution add acetic acid and A chocolate brown Cu2+ confirmed
potassium ferrocyanide formed
Two equation Pg179
ii)Potassium iodide test:
To another part add acetic
acid and add potassium iodide A white ppt is formed in Cu2+ confirmed
solution. brown coloured solution
One equation Pg179
Result- The given salt contains acidic radical Acetate (CH3COO- ) and basic
radical Cu2+.

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination
a) Noted the colour of the Reddish brown in Fe3+ may be present
given salt colour

b) Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic smell NH4+, S2-, CH3COO-
may be absent

c) Solubility Soluble in cold water

d) Nature of the salt Crystalline

2.Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the

a) Gas evolved Evolution of gas with Cl- may be present

pungent smell, white
fumes with ammonia
and white precipitate
with silver nitrate
solution (HCl gas).

b) Sublimation No sublimate NH4+, I- may be absent

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization

present in the given
salt. Lead nitrate and
barium nitrate may be
d) Residue
3.Dil. H2SO4 test
Treated a pinch of salt with No gas evolved CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2-
dil H2SO4 and warmed may be absent.
4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop Pink colour was Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42- may
of dil.H2SO4 and a drop of discharged in cold with be present
KMnO4 solution. evolution of Cl2
Three equations Pg162

5. Conc.H2SO4 Colourless gas with Cl- may be present

Treated a pinch of salt with pungent smell, white
conc. H2SO4 fumes with aqueous
ammonia (NH4OH),
white ppt. with AgNO3
One equation Pg163
6. Confirmatory test for
chloride ion:
a) Silver nitrate test A white ppt. is formed Chloride (Cl-)
Acidify a portion of aqueous which is soluble in confirmed
solution with dil. HNO3. Boil excess ammonium
for some time, cool and add hydroxide
silver nitrate solution.
Two equations Pg170
b) Manganese dioxide test Evolution of greenish
Heat a pinch of salt with a yellow gas having a Chloride (Cl-)
small quantity of manganese pungent irritating confirmed
dioxide and conc. H2SO4 smell. It turns moist
starch-iodide paper
one equation Pg170 blue
7.Heated a pinch of salt with No ammoniacal odour Zero group (NH4+ )
conc. NaOH solution evolved. absent.

8. Preparation of original
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S.
cold water obtained.

9. To a part of the O.S. added No ppt. formed Group I (Pb2+) absent

1-2 mL of dil. HCl
10. Through the above No Black ppt. formed Group II (Cu2+) absent
acidified solution pass H2S
11. To the O.S. added a pinch Reddish brown ppt. is Group III (Fe3+) may be
of solid ammonium chloride. obtained present
Boil the solution, cooled it
and added excess of
ammonium hydroxide
One equation Pg 181
12.Confirmatory test for
ferric (Fe3+) ion Solution obtained
Dissolve the reddish-brown
precipitate in dilute
hydrochloric acid and divide
the solution into two parts.
One equation Pg 181
a. Potassium ferrocyanide
To one part of the above Prussian blue Fe3+ ion confirmed
solution add potassium colouration.
ferrocyanide solution.
One equation Pg 181
b. Potassium sulphocyanide Blood red colouration. Fe3+ ion confirmed
To the second part, add a little
potassium sulphocyanide
One equation Pg 181
Result- The given salt contains acidic radical is Cl- and basic radical is Fe 3+.

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination

a) Noted the colour of the White Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+,

given salt Ni2+ absent.
b) Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic smell NH4+, S2-, CH3COO-
may be absent
c) Solubility Soluble in cold water

d) Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in
a dry test tube and noted the
a) Gas evolved Colourless and CO32- may be
odourless gas, present.
which turns limewater
milky (CO2)

b) Sublimation No sublimate formed NH4+, I- may be absent

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization

present in the given salt.
Lead nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.

d) Colour of the Residue Yellow when hot white Zn2+ may be present.
when cold

3.Dil. H2SO4 test Colourless, odourless gas CO32- may be present.

Treated a pinch of salt evolved with
with dil H2SO4 and brisk effervescence which
warmed turns lime water milky
Two equations Pg 161 (CO2 gas)
4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop KMnO4 not decolourised Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42-, Fe2+
of dil.H2SO4 and a drop of absent
KMnO4 solution.
5. Conc.H2SO4
Treated a pinch of salt with No gas evolved SO42- , PO43- may be
conc. H2SO4 present
6. Confirmatory test for
Sulphate (CO32- ):
6. Confirmatory test for
carbonate ion (CO32-):
Shook a pinch of salt
with hot water. O.S prepared Label as O.S
a.Dilute HCl test –
To the salt add dilute HCl
Brisk effervescence and Carbonate confirmed
evolution of colourless (CO32- )
and odourless gas which
turns limewater milky.
Two equations Pg166
b.Magnesium sulphate test- White ppt formed. Carbonate confirmed
To a portion of O.S. (CO32- )
add magnesium sulphate
7. Heated a pinch of salt with No ammonia gas evolved. Zero group (NH4+)
conc. solution of NaOH absent.

8. Preparation of original
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt Clear solution is obtained. Labelled it as O.S.
with cold water

9. To a part of the O.S. added No ppt. formed Group I absent

1-2 mL of dil. HCl
10. Through the above No Black ppt. formed Group II absent
acidified solution pass H2S
11. To the O.S. added a No ppt. formed Group III (Fe3+) absent
pinch of solid ammonium
chloride. Boiled the solution,
cooled it and added excess of
ammonium hydroxide
12. Through a part of the A dull white coloured ppt Group IV present (Zn2+)
ammoniacal original solution is obtained.
pass H2S gas from Kipp’s
One equation Pg 183
13. Confirmatory test for
Zn2+ ion
Filter the ppt and wash it
with water.
a. Sodium Hydroxide test:
To one part of O.S, add White precipitate is Zn2+ Confirmed
NaOH sol. Dropwise. formed.
Add more NaOH White precipitate is
Three equations Pg 184

b. Potassium ferrocyanide
To another part, add White or bluish white ppt
potassium ferrocyanide is formed. Zn2+ Confirmed
One equation Pg 184

Result- The given salt contains acidic radical CO32- and basic radical Zn2+.

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination
a. Noted the colour of the Light pink, flesh colour Mn2+ may be present
given salt or earthy colour

b. Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic smell NH4+, S2-, CH3COO-
may be absent
c. Solubility Soluble in cold water

d. Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the
a) Gas evolved No gas evolved
C2O42-, CH3COO-,
NH4+, Cl- may be
b) Sublimation No sublimate formed absent
NH4+, I- may be absent
c) Decrepitation No crackling sound
Water of
crystallization present
in the given salt. Lead
nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.
d) Colour of the Residue Coloured salt becomes
brown or black on Co2+, Cu2+, Mn2+ may
heating be present.

3.Dil. H2SO4 test

Treated a pinch of salt with dil No gas evolved CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO-2
H2SO4 and warmed may be absent.
4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop of KMnO4 not decolourised Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42-,
dil.H2SO4 and a drop of Fe2+ absent
KMnO4 solution.
5. Conc.H2SO4
Treated a pinch of salt with No gas evolved SO42- , PO43- may be
conc. H2SO4 present
6. Confirmatory test for
Sulphate (SO42-):
a) Barium Chloride Test:
To a part of an aqueous A white ppt. is formed Sulphate (SO42-)
solution of the salt add barium which is insoluble in dil confirmed
chloride solution HCl
One equation Pg 172
b) Lead acetate test:
To a part of an aqueous A white ppt. is formed Sulphate (SO42-)
solution of the salt add lead which is insoluble in confirmed
acetate solution. excess of hot ammonium
acetate Solution.
One equation Pg 173
7. Heated a pinch of salt with No ammonia gas Zero group (NH4+)
conc. solution of NaOH evolved. absent.
8. Preparation of original
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S.
cold water obtained.

9. To a part of the O.S. added No ppt. formed Group I absent

1-2 mL of dil. HCl
10. Through the above No Black ppt. formed Group II absent
acidified solution pass H2S
11. To the O.S. added a pinch No ppt. formed Group III (Fe3+)
of solid ammonium chloride. absent
Boiled the solution, cooled it
and added excess of
ammonium hydroxide

12. Pass H2S gas into the A buff coloured ppt is Group IV present
above ammoniacal O.S. obtained. (Mn2+)
One equation Pg183
13. Confirmatory test for Mn2+
a) Sodium Hydroxide -Br2 Test
To the original solution added A white ppt is formed Mn2+ Confirmed
NaOH. Shake and add Br2 that turns black or brown
water to the white ppt
Three equations Pg 184
b.Lead Peroxide Test Pink colour solution is Mn2+ Confirmed
To the Black ppt obtained formed
Above add conc HNO3 and
lead peroxide. Boil, cool and
allow to settle.
Two equations Pg184
Result: The given salt contains acidic radical SO42- and basic
radical Mn2+.


AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.
1.Physical Examination
a) Noted the colour of the given Greenish in colour Ni2+ may be present.

b) Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic smell NH4+, S2-, CH3COO-
may be absent
c) Solubility Soluble in hot water

d) Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a dry
test tube and noted the following:
a) Gas evolved Evolution of gas with Cl- may be present
pungent smell, white
fumes with ammonia
and white precipitate
with silver nitrate
solution (HCl gas).

b) Sublimation No sublimate NH4+, I- may be absent.

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of

crystallization present
in the given salt. Lead
nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.
d) Residue

3.Dil. H2SO4 test No gas evolved CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2-

Treated a pinch of salt with dil may be absent.
H2SO4 and warmed

4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop of KMnO4 decolourised Cl- may be present
dil.H2SO4 and a drop of KMnO4 in cold with the
solution. evolution of Chlorine.
Three equations Pg 162
5. Conc.H2SO4
Treated a pinch of salt with conc. Colourless gas with Cl- may be present
H2SO4 pungent smell, white
fumes with aqueous
ammonia (NH4OH),
white ppt. with
AgNO3) solution.
One equation Pg 163
6. Confirmatory test for chloride:
a.Silver nitrate test
Acidify a portion of aqueous A white ppt. is formed Chloride (Cl-)
solution with dil. HNO3. Boil for which is soluble in confirmed
some time, cool and add silver excess ammonium
nitrate solution. hydroxide
Two equations Pg 170
b) Manganese dioxide test
Heat a pinch of salt with a small Evolution of greenish Chloride (Cl-)
quantity of manganese dioxide yellow gas having a confirmed
and conc. H2SO4 pungent irritating
smell. It turns moist
one equation Pg 170 starch-iodide paper
7. Heated a pinch of salt with No ammoniacal odour Zero group (NH4+)
conc. solution of NaOH evolved. absent.

8. Preparation of original solution

Shook a pinch of the salt with Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S.
cold water obtained.

9. To a part of the O.S. added 1-2 No ppt. formed Group I (Pb2+) absent
mL of dil. HCl
10. Through the above acidified No Black ppt. formed Group II (Cu2+) absent
solution pass H2S gas through the
Kipps apparatus.
11. To the O.S. add 4 to 5 drops No ppt. is formed Group III (Fe3+ and
of conc. nitric acid. Boil the Al3+) absent
solution for some time. Added a
pinch of solid ammonium
chloride. Boil the solution, cool it
and added excess of ammonium
hydroxide solution.

12. Through a part of the Black ppt is formed Group IV (Ni2+, Co2+)
ammoniacal original solution present
pass H2S gas from Kipp’s
One equation Pg183

13. Confirmatory test for

Ni2+ ion
Filter the ppt and wash it with
a.Dimethyl glyoxime test:
To one part of original Bright rose red Ni2+ Confirmed
solution add ammonium precipitate is formed.
hydroxide solution and few
drops of dimethyl glyoxime.
One equation Pg 183

b. Sodium hydroxide bromine

To another part add sodium Black ppt formed Ni2+ Confirmed
hydroxide (in excess) and
bromine water. Boil.
Three equations Pg 183
Result- The given salt contains acidic radical is Cl- and basic radical is Ni2+.


AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination

a) Noted the colour of the given salt White in colour Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+,
Ni2+ absent.
b) Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic
smell NH4+, S2-, CH3COO-
may be absent
d)Nature of the salt Soluble in cold

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a dry test
tube and noted the following:
a) Gas evolved Reddish brown gas NO2- or NO3- may be
evolved, turns present.
ferrous sulphate
solution black.
b) Sublimation No sublimate NH4+ may be absent
c)Decrepitation Crackling sound Water of crystallization
absent in the given salt.

d)Residue White residue, Ba2+, Sr2+,Ca2+, Ba2+,

glows on heating Mg2+,Al3+ may be
3.Dil. H2SO4 test
Treated a pinch of salt with dil H2SO4 and No gas evolved CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2-
warmed may be absent.

4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop of dil.H2SO4 Pink colour was not Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42- may
and a drop of KMnO4 solution. discharged. be absent

5. Conc.H2SO4
Heated a pinch of salt with conc. H2SO4 A reddish-brown NO3- may be present.
and added to it a paper pellet gas with pungent
i) KNO3 + H2SO4 → KHSO4+HNO3 smell, turns FeSO4
ii) 4HNO3+C→4NO2+CO2+2H2O solution black


6. Confirmatory test for nitrate (NO3-):
a. Copper chips test –
Heated a pinch of the salt with conc. Reddish brown gas Nitrate (NO3-)
sulphuric acid and a few copper chips evolved confirmed
i)2KNO3 + H2SO4 → K2SO4 +2HNO3
ii)4HNO3+Cu→ Cu(NO3)2+ 2NO2 +
b.Ring test –
To 2-3 mL of the salt solution, add freshly A brown ring is Nitrate (NO3-)
prepared ferrous sulphate solution. Now obtained at the confirmed.
added conc. sulphuric acid along the sides junction of the two
of the test tube. liquids.
i) KNO3 + H2SO4 → KHSO4+HNO3
ii) 6FeSO4+3H2SO4+2HNO3→
Brown ring
7. Heated a pinch of salt with conc. No ammoniacal Zero group (NH4+)
solution of NaOH odour evolved. absent.

8. Preparation of original solution (O.S.)

Shook a pinch of the salt with cold water Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S.

9. To a part of the O.S. added 1-2 mL of No ppt. formed Group I (Pb2+) absent
dil. HCl
10. Through the above acidified solution No Black ppt. Group II (Cu2+) absent
pass H2S gas. formed

11. To the O.S. added a pinch of solid No ppt. is formed Group III (Fe3+ and
ammonium chloride. Boil the solution, Al3+) absent
cooled it and added excess of ammonium
hydroxide solution.
12. Through a part of the ammoniacal No ppt is formed Group IV (CO2+, Ni2+,
original solution pass H2S gas from Kipp’s Mn2+, Zn 2+) absent

13. To the O.S add 2–3 g of solid NH4Cl, White precipitate is Group V (Ba2+, Sr2+,
boil, cool and add NH4OH till the solution formed. Ca2+) is present
smells of ammonia. Then add (NH4)2CO3
one equation Pg 185
i) Filter and wash the precipitate with
ii) Dissolve the precipitate in hot dilute Solution obtained
acetic acid.
one equation Pg 185
14. Confirmatory test for Barium (Ba2+)
a. Potassium chromate test:
To one part of the solution, add a few drops Yellow precipitate Ba2+ is confirmed
of potassium chromate solution. is formed
one equation Pg 185

b. Flame Test:
Perform the flame test with the salt. Grassy green flame Ba2+ ion confirmed
On a watch glass take some salt and add on prolonged
little Conc. HCl. Make a paste. Take the heating
paste on a glass rod and put it in the non-
luminous part of the Bunsen burner flame.
Result- The given salt contains acidic radical is NO3- and basic radical is Ba2+.

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.


1.Physical Examination

a)Colour of salt White Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+

Mn2+, Co2+, absent.

b)Smell of the salt No specific odour NH4+, CH3COO-, S2-

c)Solubility Soluble in cold water

d)Nature Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of salt in a dry
test tube and noted the following:
a) Gas evolved Greenish yellow gas Cl- may be present
with a pungent smell,
turns starch – iodide
paper blue.

b) Sublimation No sublimate formed Ammonium halide,

ammonium chloride,
iodide may be absent.
c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization
present in the given salt.
Lead nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.
d) Residue White residue, glows Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+,
on heating Al3+ may be present

3.Dilute sulphuric acid test

Treated a pinch of salt with dil No gas evolved CO32-, SO32-, S2-, NO2-
H2SO4 absent.
4. Potassium Permanganate Test
To a pinch of salt added dil Pink colour of KMnO4
H2SO4 warmed and then added a was decolourised with Cl- may be present
drop of KMnO4 solution. the evolution of
Three equations Pg 162

5. Concentrated sulphuric acid Colourless gas with Cl- may be present

test pungent smell evolved,
Treated a pinch of salt with conc. white fumes with
H2SO4 in a test tube and NH4OH, white
identified the gas evolved in cold precipitate with a
and then on heating AgNO3 solution.
One equations Pg 163


6. Confirmatory test for Iodide
ion I-:
a. Silver Nitrate Test- White ppt is formed Cl- confirmed
Acidified a portion of aqueous which is soluble in
solution (or sodium carbonate NH4OH
extract) with HNO3. Boil, cool
and add AgNO3 solution
One equation Pg170

b.Manganese Dioxide Test- Evolution of greenish Cl- confirmed

Heated a small quantity of salt yellow gas having a
with a little MnO2 and conc. pungent irritating
H2SO4 smell. It turns moist
starch-iodide paper
One equation Pg171
7. Heated pinch of salt with conc. No ammonia gas Group zero (NH4+)
NaOH solution evolved absent

8. Preparation of original solution Solution obtained Labelled it as O.S.

Shook a pinch of salt with water.
9. To a part of the O.S. added 1-2 No ppt obtained Group I (Pb2+) absent
mL of dil HCl
10. Through a part of the above No ppt obtained Group II (Pb2+, Cu2+)
solution pass H2S gas absent

11. To a part of the O.S. added No ppt obtained Group III (Fe3+, Al3+)
NH4Cl. Boiled, cooled and added absent
excess of NH4OH solution

12. Through a part of the above No ppt obtained Group IV (Zn2+, Ni2+
solution passed H2S gas. Mn2+, Co2+) present.

13. To the O.S. added NH4Cl, White ppt obtained Group V present
boiled, cooled and added NH4OH (Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+) may be
till the solution smelled of present
ammonia, then added (NH4)2CO3
One equation Pg 185
14. Confirmatory test for Sr2+:
Filtered and washed the ppt with
water Dissolved the ppt in hot
dilute acetic acid.
One equation Pg 185
a. Ammonium sulphate test
To the above solution add 1mL of White ppt formed Sr2+ confirmed
ammonium sulphate solution and
One equation Pg 185
b. Flame Test Crimson red flame Sr2+ confirmed
Perform the flame test with the
original salt. Prepare a paste of
the mixture with conc. HCl on a
clean watch glass. Place small
amount of this paste on a clean
glass rod and introduce it to the
RESULT : The given salt contains Acidic Radical is Cl- and Basic Radical is


AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.

1.Physical Examination

a.Noted the colour of the given White in colour Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Co2+,
salt Ni2+ absent.

b) Noted the smell of the salt No characteristic NH4+, S2-, CH3COO- may
smell be absent

c)Solubility Partially soluble in

warm water
d)Nature of the salt Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube and noted the
a) Gas evolved No gas evolved CO32- or C2O42- may be

b) Sublimation No sublimate NH4+, I- may be absent

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization

present in the given salt.
Lead nitrate and barium
nitrate may be absent.

d) Residue Salt swells up into a PO43- may be present

voluminous mass
3.Dil. H2SO4 test
Treated a pinch of salt with dil No gas evolved CO32-,, S2-, SO32-, NO2-
H2SO4 and warmed may be absent.
4. KMnO4 Test
To a pinch of salt add a drop of Pink colour of Cl-, Br-, I-, C2O42- may be
dil.H2SO4 and a drop of KMnO4 was not absent
KMnO4 solution. discharged

5. Conc.H2SO4 No gas evolved. Cl-, Br -, I-, C2O42-,

Treated a pinch of salt with CH3COO- may be absent
conc. H2SO4
6. Confirmatory test for
phosphate (PO43-):
a. Ammonium molybdate Test-
To the O.S. add concentrated A deep yellow ppt. or Phosphate (PO43-)
nitric acid and boil. Add colouration is confirmed
ammonium molybdate solution obtained.
in excess and again boil
Four equation Pg 173
7. Heated a pinch of salt with No ammoniacal odour Zero group (NH4+ )
conc. solution of NaOH evolved absent.
8. Preparation of original
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of the salt with Clear solution is Labelled it as O.S.
hot water. obtained.

9. To a part of the O.S. added No ppt. formed Group I (Pb2+) absent

1-2 mL of dil. HCl
10. Through the above No Black ppt. formed Group II (Pb2+, Cu2+)
acidified solution pass H2S gas. absent

11. To the O.S. added a pinch No ppt. is formed Group III (Fe3+ and Al3+)
of solid ammonium chloride. absent
Boil the solution, cooled it and
added excess of ammonium
hydroxide solution.
12. Through a part of the No ppt is formed Group IV (CO2+, Ni2+,
ammoniacal original solution Mn2+, Zn 2+) absent
pass H2S gas from kipps
13. To the O.S add 2–3 g of White precipitate is Group V (Ba2+, Sr2+,
solid NH4Cl, boil, cool and add formed. Ca2+) is present
NH4OH till the solution smells
of ammonia. Then add
(NH4)2CO3 solution.
One equation Pg 185
Filter and wash the precipitate
with water.
Dissolve the precipitate in hot
dilute acetic acid.
One equation Pg 186

14. Confirmatory test for

Calcium (Ca2+) ion-
a. Ammonium oxalate test –To White precipitate is Ca2+ is confirmed
the third portion of the solution formed
add 1-2 mL of ammonium
oxalate solution. Add a little
ammonium hydroxide to it and
scratch the sides.
One equation Pg 185
b. Flame test:
Perform the flame test with the Brick red flame Ca2+ ion confirmed
original salt. Prepare a paste of
the mixture with conc. HCl on
a clean watch glass. Place
small amount of this paste on a
clean glass rod and introduce it
to the flame.

Result- The given salt contains acidic radical Phosphate (PO43-) and basic
radical Ca2+.

AIM: To analyse the given salt for acidic and basic radicals.


1.Physical Examination
a) Colour of the salt White Cu2+, Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+
Mn2+, Co2+, absent.

b) Smell of the salt No specific odour NH4+, CH3COO-, S2-

c)Solubility Soluble in cold water

d)Nature Crystalline

2. Dry Heating Test

Heated a pinch of the salt in
a dry test tube and noted the
a) Gas evolved Reddish Brown turns Br- may be present
starch paper orange
b) Sublimation No sublimate formed NH4+, I- absent

c) Decrepitation No crackling sound Water of crystallization

observed present in the given
salt. Lead nitrate and
barium nitrate may be

d) Colour of the Residue White residue, glows on Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+,
heating Al3+may be present

3.Dilute sulphoric acid test

Treated a pinch of salt with No gas evolved CO32-, SO32-, S2-, NO2-
dil H2SO4 absent.
4. Potassium Permangnate
To a pinch of salt added dil Pink colour of KMnO4 Br- may be present
H2SO4 warmed and then was discharged in cold
added a drop of KMnO4 with evolution of
solution. bromine.
Three equations Pg 162

5. Concentrated sulphuric
acid test
Treated a pinch of salt with Reddish Brown vapours Br - may be present
conc. H2SO4 in a test tube with pungent smell,
and identified the gas turns starch paper
evolved in cold and then on yellow. It does not turn
heating FeSO4 solution black.
Two equations Pg 163
6. Confirmatory test for
Bromide (Br-)ion:
a. Silver Nitrate Test:
Acidify a portion of aqueous A light yellow ppt is Br- confirmed
solution (or Na2CO3 extract) obtained which is
with dil. HNO3. Boil, cooled partially soluble in
and added AgNO3 solution NH4OH
One equation

b. Manganese Dioxide Test:

Evolution yellowish Br- confirmed
Heated a small quantity of
brown vapours of
the salt with solid MnO2 and
bromine which turns
conc. H2SO4
starch paper yellow
One equation
7. Heated a pinch of salt No ammonia gas Group zero absent
with conc. NaOH evolved
8. Preparation of original Solution obtained Labelled it as O.S.
solution (O.S.)
Shook a pinch of salt with
9. To a part of the O.S. No ppt obtained Group I (Pb2+) absent
added 1-2 mL of dil HCl
10. Through a part of the No ppt obtained Group II (Pb2+, Cu2+)
above solution passed H2S absent
11. To a part of the O.S. No ppt obtained Group III (Fe3+, Al3+)
added NH4Cl. Boiled, cooled absent
and then added NH4OH in
12. Through a part of the No ppt obtained Group IV (CO2+, Ni2+,
above solution passed H2S Mn2+, Zn 2+) absent.

13. To the O.S. added solid No ppt obtained Group V (Ba2+, Sr2+,
NH4Cl, boiled, cooled and Ca2+) absent
added NH4OH till the
solution smelled of
ammonia, then added
(NH4)2CO3 solution
14. Confirmatory test for
Magnesium (Mg2+) ion:
a. Ammonium phosphate White ppt formed Mg2+ (Group VI)
test. confirmed
To a part of the O.S added
NH4OH in slight excess.
Then added ammonium
phosphate solution and
rubbed the sides to test tube
with a glass rod
One equation Pg 186
RESULT : The given salt contains Acidic Radical Br- and Basic Radical Mg2+.

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