Reviewer 2346
Reviewer 2346
Reviewer 2346
2, May, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of
Infection Control Practice on Vital Signs Multidisciplinary Research
Equipment: A Survey Among Senior Nursing Vol. 7 No.2, 56-62
May 2019
Students in Iloilo City, Philippines P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Zea Maize S. Suarez, Ryan Michael F. Oducado, Eric Lorenz C. Josue,
Treesha Llen C. Gayoso, Christy Anne L. Ocate, Janelene Joy A. Lujan CHED Recognized Journal
West Visayas State University, College of Nursing, La Paz, Iloilo City, ASEAN Citation Index
[email protected]
Abstract –Blood pressure apparatuses, stethoscopes and thermometers serve as vehicles for pathogens.
Previous studies have shown that these equipment harbor potentially pathogenic microorganisms and even
antibiotic-resistant strains within the hospital environment. Practice of good infection control on vital signs
equipment therefore plays an important role in preventing the spread of infections that can be acquired
during hospitalization. However, studies on infection control practice on these equipment among nursing
students have not been given much attention. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to
determine the senior nursing students' practice of infection control on vital signs equipment. A researcher-
made, self-administered survey instrument was used to collect data among 202 randomly selected senior
nursing students in six nursing schools in Iloilo City, Philippines. Descriptive and parametric inferential
statistical tools were employed to analyze and interpret the data gathered. Results indicated that while a
higher proportion of nursing students almost always disinfected their thermometers, only one out of five
almost always disinfected their BP apparatuses, and only two out of five almost always performed
disinfection of their stethoscopes after each patient use and every after clinical duty. Forgetfulness and
laziness in doing the disinfection process were the primary reasons for non-disinfection. A significant
correlation was found between nursing students' self-report infection control practice and the infection
control practice of their fellow nursing students. It is evident that there are senior nursing students that do
not regularly practice high standard infection control of their vital sign’s equipment. Strengthening
practice, modeling good behaviors, and adopting clear guidelines on infection control of vital signs
equipment must be initiated in the undergraduate nursing program.
Keywords – infection control, nursing students, role modeling, social learning, vital signs
The rise in healthcare-associated infections or HAIs (BP) apparatus, stethoscope and thermometer, which are
is a major concern among members of the healthcare considered non-critical patient care equipment, serve as
team. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates vehicles that passively carry pathogens. These
that approximately, the prevalence of HAIs in equipment that are used repeatedly throughout the day
developed countries varies between 5.1% and 11.6% provide an environment in which the agent grows,
[1]. Correspondingly, the Centers for Disease Control multiplies, or produces toxin, and therefore are potential
and Prevention (CDC) reported that about 2 million cradles of indirect cross-contamination. Earlier studies
patients suffer from HAIs annually [2]. These infections discovered that vital signs equipment harbor a relatively
occur across the globe. About 7% of these occur in high degree of bacterial contamination with a significant
developed countries and 10% in developing countries percentage of isolates that are considered potentially
[3]. In the Philippines, limited published information is pathogenic [6]-[10]. Stethoscope was recognized as a
provided about the prevalence of HAIs. A study fomite transmitting potentially pathogenic
reported that 63 out of 224 or 28% of patients in public microorganisms and antibiotic-resistant strains within
hospitals had HAIs with pneumonia as the most the hospital setting [6], [9]-[10]. Previous studies also
common identified infection [4]. noted poor disinfection of BP cuffs and stethoscopes
HAIs can be transmitted either via direct or indirect among medical health personnel including nurses [8],
contact [5]. Inanimate objects such as blood pressure [11].
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
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Disinfection of vital signs equipment is an essential questionnaire also asked about the handwashing
component of care which has been undervalued in practice prior to use of the BP apparatus, stethoscope,
recent years. Nurses and nursing students play a crucial and thermometer and were answerable by “yes” or “no”.
role in preventing and controlling the spread of The last part was a checklist that was utilized to identify
infections brought about by unintended cross- the possible reasons or factors why students failed to
contamination from the said equipment that can cause disinfect their vital signs equipment.
detrimental effects to patients. While there are published The items in the instrument were developed based
studies that investigated the infection control practice on on the role of the nurse in infection control, relevant
vital signs equipment, greater part of studies available related studies and from the CDC guidelines on
were conducted abroad among healthcare workers while disinfection and sterilization [12]. The instrument was
scarce studied the nursing student population. subjected for content validation to a panel of four (4)
nurses who are experts in the field of infection control
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY and evaluated the survey instrument using the criteria
This study was conducted to determine the infection set forth by Good and Scates (1972) [13]. To avoid
control practice on vital signs equipment among senior survey biases and to ensure that the instructions and
nursing students in Iloilo City, Philippines. Specifically, items in the instrument were clear, pilot testing was
this study aimed to determine: 1) the self-report extent done among 100 nursing students. Cronbach’s alpha
of infection control practice on vital signs equipment values for practice scales ranged from .61 to .88.
after each patient use and every after 8-hour clinical Before actual data gathering, permission to conduct
duty; 2) the observed extent of infection control practice the study from the Dean of each of the Colleges of
on vital signs equipment of fellow nursing students after
each patient use and every after 8-hour clinical duty; 3)
the practice of handwashing before using vital signs
equipment; 4) the reasons for non-disinfection of vital
Nursing was secured. During the actual survey, written
informed consent was obtained after a brief orientation
and explanation of the purpose of the study was given to
the study participants. The researchers distributed the
signs equipment; and 5) whether or not there is a questionnaires, and the participants were given ample
significant correlation between the nursing students' time to complete the survey form. The accomplished
self-report infection control practice on vital signs questionnaires were checked for completeness. Data
equipment and the infection control practice on vital were then processed via the Statistical Package for
signs equipment of their fellow nursing students. Social Sciences (SPSS) Software version 23. Frequency
count, percentage, rank, and Pearson’s r were employed
selected senior nursing students from six (6) Colleges of Self-Report Infection Control Practice on Vital Signs
Nursing in Iloilo City. The overall sample size was Equipment
proportionally allocated to six nursing schools and Table 1 shows that after each patient use, only few
desired sample units were randomly drawn using the (18.3%) senior nursing students “almost always”
fishbowl technique. disinfected their BP apparatuses and less than half
(37.1%) “almost always” disinfected their stethoscopes
equipment after each patient use and every after 8-hour nursing students, less than one-fourth (22.8%) “almost
clinical duty. The responses were “almost never” when always” disinfected their BP apparatuses and less than
disinfection of vital signs equipment is done 0-19% of half (38.1%) “almost always” disinfected their
the time; “rarely” if 20-39% of the time; “sometimes” if stethoscopes with alcohol. On the other hand, majority
40-59% of the time; “often” if 60-79% of the time; and of senior nursing students (78.2%) “almost always”
“almost always” when disinfection of vital signs disinfected with alcohol their thermometer every after
equipment is performed 80-100% of the time. The duty.
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 2019
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
Suarez et al., Infection Control Practice on Vital Signs Equipment: A Survey Among Senior Nursing Students…
Infection Control Practice on Vital Signs Equipment always” disinfected their thermometers after each
of Fellow Nursing Students patient use. Every after 8-hour clinical duty, it can be
Table 2 shows that, as per observation of their gleaned that only a few (11.4% and 19.3%, respectively)
fellow nursing students’ infection control practice on of their fellow nursing students “almost always”
vital signs equipment after each patient use, very few disinfected with alcohol their BP apparatuses and their
(9.4 %) of their fellow nursing students “almost always” stethoscopes and only little over half (53.5%) “almost
disinfected their BP apparatuses, less than one-fourth always” disinfected their thermometers.
(17.3%) “almost always” disinfected their stethoscopes
Table 1. Self-report Infection Control Practice After Each Patient Use and Every After 8-Hour Clinical Duty
Self-report Infection Almost
Almost Never Rarely Sometimes Often
Control Practice Always
After Each Patient Use f % f % f % f % f %
BP apparatus 6 3.0 21 10.4 59 29.2 79 39.1 37 18.3
Stethoscope 2 1.0 7 3.5 32 15.8 86 42.6 75 37.1
Thermometer 1 .5 - - 6 3.0 35 17.3 160 79.2
Every After Clinical Duty f % f % f % f % f %
BP apparatus 7 3.5 20 9.9 59 29.2 70 34.7 46 22.8
Stethoscope 0 0 9 4.5 39 19.3 77 38.1 77 38.1
Thermometer 0 0 1 0.5 12 5.9 31 15.3 158 78.2
Table 2. Infection Control Practice of Fellow Nursing Students After Each Patient Use and Every After 8
Hour Clinical Duty
Infection Control Practice of Fellow Almost
Almost Never Rarely Sometimes Often
Nursing Student Always
After Each Patient Use f % f % f % f % f %
BP apparatus 15 7.4 50 24.8 70 34.7 48 23.8 19 9.4
Stethoscope 6 3.0 39 19.3 70 34.7 52 25.7 35 17.3
Thermometer 2 1.0 9 4.5 26 12.9 52 25.7 113 55.9
Handwashing Practice Before Using Vital Signs Reasons for Non-Disinfection of Vital Signs
Equipment Equipment
The findings in Table 3 show that most of the senior As shown in Table 4, the foremost reason for not
nursing students wash their hands before using their BP disinfecting their vital signs equipment reported by
apparatus (87.1%), stethoscope (86.1%) and most of the senior nursing students was forgetfulness
thermometer (90.6%). (77.2%) followed by laziness to do the disinfection
process (57.9%). Other mentioned reasons for non-
Table 3. Practice of Handwashing Prior to Use of disinfection were lack of time to perform disinfection
Vital Signs Equipment (44.1%), unreported consequences of noncompliance to
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continuous education on disinfection practice (12.9%), (8.9%), and not seeing classmates or nurses disinfecting
lack of awareness about disinfection practice (12.9%), the equipment (.5%) were reasons for not disinfecting
clinical instructors not requiring students to do so their vital signs equipment.
(11.9%), clinical instructors not telling students to do so
Reasons for Non-disinfection f % Rank
Forgetfulness 156 77.2 1
Laziness to do the disinfection process 117 57.9 2
No time to perform disinfection 89 44.1 3
Unreported consequences of non-compliance to disinfection 63 31.2 4
Ignorance of disinfection practice 58 28.7 5
Indifferent attitude towards disinfection practice 53 26.2 6
Clinical instructor not monitoring infection control practice 49 24.3 7
Lack of research on disinfection practice 41 20.3 8
Absence of documentary guidelines on disinfection practice 30 14.9 9
Ignorance on the part of the patients 28 13.9 10
Absence of continuous education on disinfection practice 26 12.9 11.5
Lack of awareness about disinfection practice 26 12.9 11.5
Clinical instructors not requiring students to do so 24 11.9 13
Clinical instructors not telling students to do so 18 8.9 14
Not seeing classmates or nurses disinfecting the equipment
*Multiple responses
senior nursing students and the observed infection visibly soiled and on a regular basis such as after use
control practice on vital signs equipment by their on each patient or once daily or once weekly [12].
fellow senior nursing students are significantly related Moreover, senior nursing students are of particular
with a moderate positive correlation (r = .562; p = interest in this study. Nursing students in the
.000). Philippines possess their own vital signs equipment.
investigated the practice of infection control on vital As reported in this study, only less than one-fourth
signs equipment among senior nursing students. In this “almost always” disinfected with alcohol their BP
study, the infection control practice on vital signs apparatuses 80 to 100 of the time after each patient use
equipment of senior nursing students were based on and after every 8-hour clinical duty and less than half
self-report responses of the participants every after “almost always” disinfected their stethoscopes after
patient use and every after 8-hour clinical duty. The each patient use and after every 8-hour clinical duty.
participants were also asked to report their observation These are significant numbers that should not be
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 2019
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
Suarez et al., Infection Control Practice on Vital Signs Equipment: A Survey Among Senior Nursing Students…
neglected and call for immediate action as prior handwashing compliance was reported among nursing
studies have shown that vital signs equipment bear staff in the Philippines [22].
microorganisms that are potentially pathogenic and This study also discovered several reasons why
strains that are antibiotic-resistant [6-10]. On the other senior nursing students failed to disinfect their vital
hand, majority of the senior nursing students “almost signs equipment. Intrinsic factors such as
always” disinfected their thermometer with alcohol forgetfulness, laziness, and lack of knowledge or
after each patient use and after every 8-hour clinical awareness on proper disinfection process of vital signs
duty. Although majority of the participants disinfected equipment were reported reasons why senior nursing
their thermometers, we cannot neglect the fact that students failed to disinfect their vital signs equipment.
there is still about 20 percent of the sample that failed Also, external factors like absence of reinforcement to
to perform high standard disinfection of their perform disinfection, unreported consequences of
thermometers. Moreover, among the three vital signs noncompliance, lack of guidelines on disinfection
equipment, BP apparatus was not consistently process were other explanations to noncompliance to
disinfected both in the self-report data and in the good infection control practice on vital signs
observation of their fellow nursing students’ extent of equipment of senior nursing students. It was
infection control practice on vital signs equipment. It previously reported that doctors and nurses attributed
is also noteworthy to find that fellow nursing students noncompliance with consistent stethoscope
had poorer infection control practice on vital signs disinfection to lack of awareness or ignorance,
equipment compared to the self-report data on indifferent attitude and forgetfulness [11]. These
infection control practice on vital signs equipment. findings suggest that nursing schools may lack clear or
Take for example, whereas more than three-fourths
self-reported that they had disinfected their
thermometer after each patient use, only a little over
half of their fellow nursing students were reported to
er explicit guidelines on the timing and precise ways of
cleaning or disinfecting vital signs equipment
especially in relation to the BP apparatus and
have disinfected their thermometers after each patient Finally, this study found that there is a significant
use. Similarly, cleaning or disinfection of relationship between the senior nursing students’ self-
thermometers, stethoscopes and BP cuffs were poor report practice and the practice of their fellow nursing
among study samples of earlier investigations [8], students regarding infection control of vital signs
[11]. Gaps in good infection control practices are also equipment. This indicates that the infection control
evident in the literature among nursing student practice of senior nursing students influences the
population in Taiwan and United Kingdom [14]-[15]. infection control practice of their fellow nursing
Furthermore, lapses on standard precaution students vis-à-vis infection control of vital signs
compliance and infection control protocol were equipment. A participant conveyed in this study that
nevertheless documented despite the fairly high not seeing classmates or nurses disinfecting the vital
compliance rates on infection control that were signs equipment was a reason for non-disinfection of
reported in studies conducted among hospital nurses in the said equipment. These findings are supported by
the Philippines [16]-[17]. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (1977)
Hand hygiene is a well-accepted primary measure stating that a person can learn through directly
of the WHO to reduce HAIs [18]. It is significant to observing the behavior of others [23]. That even as
note that in this study, handwashing practice prior to mere observers, the disposition to reproduce behavior
use of vital signs equipment was done by most of the provides humans with a potent mechanism to extract
participants. However, there was still about 1 out of 10 information from the social environment [24]. It can
senior nursing students that failed to wash hands prior be said that when nursing students observe their
to use of their vital signs equipment. Comparably, classmates disinfecting their vital signs equipment,
though compliance rates on handwashing were found they also tend to take the initiative in disinfecting their
to be above 50 percent of the samples on related own vital signs equipment. On the other hand, it is
studies among nursing students in Saudi and Norway, argued that if role modeling in medical education is
there were still reports that handwashing was not defined as “student's unselective imitation of role
performed consistently [19]-[21]. Even a much lower models and uncritical adoption of the messages of the
rate compared to most published studies on learning environment”, imitation may perpetuate both
desirable and undesirable practices [25]. Therefore,
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 2019
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
Suarez et al., Infection Control Practice on Vital Signs Equipment: A Survey Among Senior Nursing Students…
when nursing students observe that their fellow
nursing students do not disinfect their vital signs ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
equipment, they are also more likely to copy the The authors would like to acknowledge the
behavior of not practicing good infection control of valuable contributions of the following individuals:
their own vital signs equipment. Studies have similarly the Deans and Program Heads of the Colleges of
shown that performance of hand hygiene has been Nursing in Iloilo City for allowing the research to be
attributed to some role modeling effect [15], [26-28]. conducted in their respective institutions, Dr. Jonas P.
Cruz for his expert advice on improving this paper for
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS potential publication, and most especially to the two
This study concludes that there are lapses on high infection control nurse experts, Dr. Nicolo Andrei A.
standard infection control practice on vital signs Anonuevo and Dr. Mark Lister F. Opiña, for validating
equipment among senior nursing students. Such the research instrument and reviewing this research
practice constitutes a patient safety issue. Moreover, article prior to this publication.
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