166 Ganesh Patil

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Submitted by
Roll No: 166
PGDM Batch (2021-2023)
Under the guidance of


(IMDR, PUNE) (Fundsroom Ltd)
Faculty Mentor Company Mentor

Institute Of Management
Development and Research, Pune


I, the undersigned hereby declare that Six Months Internship Report written and submitted by
me to Deccan Education Society’s, Institute of Management Development & Research
(IMDR®), Pune in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Post Graduate
Diploma in Management (PGDM) under the guidance of Dr.Suraj Kamble sir is my original
work and interpretations drawn therein are based on the data collected for the project.

I further declare that I have strictly observed reporting ethics and duly discharged copy- right
obligation and properly referred all outsourcing of materials used in this report and nothing is
confidential in this report in respect of the company of my internship. I take the full
responsibility for all legal and ethical requirements regarding this report.

Place: - Pune Signature

Date: - 1 7 /09/2022 Ganesh Patil

PGDM Batch 2021-23

Roll No :- 166


This report has been prepared for the internship that has been done in the Fundsroom Ltd, Pune
to study the practical aspect of the course and implementation of the theory in the real field
with the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the course of PGDM (Post Graduation
Diploma in Management).

The aim of this internship was to be familiar to the practical aspect and uses of theoretical
knowledge and clarifying the career goals, so I have successfully completed the internship and
compiled this report as the summary and the conclusion that have drawn from the internship
experience. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our College’s Internship Mentor Dr.
Suraj Kamble who gave his valuable time and Dr. Abhijeet Shivane, for his great guidelines
during internship.

I am also thankful to Ms, Pooja Shedge (Company Mentor) and other staff member for their
co-operative support and presenting with an opportunity for me to have a practical experience
in this organization.

Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. Shikha Jain (Director, IMDR) for providing this opportunity
to work in corporate to learn the real-world situation. I am also grateful to my family and friends
who helped me throughout internship. Thus, the time in Fundsroom Ltd. very audacious and
supportive to my career through which I have gained valuable experience that will help makes
a favorable impression on me as a prospective future employer.


Table of Contents.




Executive Summary


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objectives of internship

1.2 About the company

1.2.1 Profile and Facts about the Company

1.2.2 Mission

1.2.3 Vision

1.2.4 Focus of Company


2.0 Learning and Improvements

2.1 Learning Objectives

2.2 Internship Experience

2.3 Work schedule

2.4 Work Teams / Departments

2.5 Knowledge learnt

2.6 New Skills Learnt

2.7 Lessons

2.8 Benefits derived from internship program

2.9 Challenges faced



3.0 Conclusions, Recommendations, and way forward

3.1 Conclusions

3.2 Recommendations

3.3 References

Executive Summary

The intern has completed his internship in Fundsroom Ltd. as a Marketing intern in Business
development Department. Starting from 15th February to 31th July. Fundsroom Limited is an
Financial services provider company works in different sectors like Stock market, Real estate,
Digital gold, Mutual fund, Banks etc. Fundsroom is a new startup so startups ability to change
and adapt fast has been impressive. Startups more focus on quality than quantity, we develop
new and innovative way of thinking.

The intern notice that company provides google drive as a cloud service which makes it feasible
foran organization to be more flexible, save costs and process information and data faster than
with traditional data transfers. The problem though lies in the riskiness of this new technology.

As per of this internship program the intern got practical learning, experience and get the
insights of corporate world. Now he can say that how marketing and financial sector work,
what they target, how they achieve it. He has learned new things; he gained a lot. He concludes
that this internshipreally helps him to develop his soft skills, he could really see difference in
himself. He developed his communication skills, presentation skills, corporate protocols which
are very much important for corporate world. He believes that the learning which he has got
from this internship will be carried by him further and obviously help him in his future.

The intern learnt the following skills during field attachment: how to manage team, how to
manage people of various mindset, how to teach them and to get the work done by them, how
to approach people to onboard new business for our organization, learn how to carry himself
in a professional environment. This internship gave him a lot of experience and insight in the
working class. It helped him in enhancing his communication skills as well as gain ample
amount of knowledge in the field of Marketing and Finance.

Chapter 1: Introduction

The internship report was made after having internship with Fundsroom Ltd, Pune particularly
in Business Development Department from 15/02/2022 to 31/07/2022.

This report contains the following background of internship; background of the organization;
location; mission; gender in the organization; organization structure; and other main activities
carried out by the organization.

1.1 Objectives of the Internship

 Gain early understanding and appreciation of the practical life real-life situation
challenges associated with application of the theoretical knowledge acquired.
 Develop expected professional self-awareness, internalization of career job requirements
and experience.
 Develop and acquire critical skills needed to proactively observe and analyze
problems/challenges encountered while executing career duties and responsibilities at
 Student gain knowledge about practical aspects of functioning of an organization on the
domestic and foreign markets with a special emphasis on business development
management in public administration, private sector, non-governmental organizations,
self-employment and other.
 Student knowledge about performing specific tasks and develop problem identification
and problem-solving skills in Business development dept.

1.2 About the Company

We understand the world of investing. We firmly believe that investments need to be
planned systematically to achieve certain goals. And that’s what we try to do -we assign
goals to each investment and draw a plan to achieve goal in systematic way. Fundsroom is
growing automated platform for mutual fund investing. It enables investor to choose best
funds across the fund universe. It chooses best of the funds from top equity fund, Top tax
saving, Top balanced fund, Top Liquid funds. It allows to invest in completely paperless
manner in both Lumpsum and fundsroom investments.

1.2.1 Mission
To be Indian’s easiest and most convenient investment platform for all sectors One-stop
platform for all your all investment options

1.2.2 Vision
To promote and create base for Micro-investment. Which can render investment need for all
(Invest for a valued Tomorrow)

1.2.3 Focus of Company

 To create awareness by giving internship opportunity to students of various colleges.

 To create leadership qualities among students by giving them opportunity as a team


 Use of minimum resources and utilize it more conveniently.

 Establish a business focus for the organization.


Chapter 2: Internship Experience

Learnings & Improvements

2.1 Learning Objectives:
Professional internships aim to provide learning opportunities for students. To apply the
knowledge and skills acquired in class to professional situations. Understand which skills can be
transferred to new situations. Identify and understand the practices and protocols of each
company and the industries in which they operate.

Learn professional skills through participation in a professional work environment. Observe and
understand office hierarchies so you can define effective and efficient practices. Demonstrate
your client's skills and complete tasks or participate in projects used to build resumes and
2.2 Internship Experience
Position Held in the Organization
During the period of internship training, the student worked as an intern. The student was given
a chance to visit all sections in the business development department, marketing section where
he performeddifferent activities like Managing a team of 10-15 interns for next 10 days .

Duties and Roles performed by Intern

Different tasks were assigned to the intern during internship period, and he had to be performed
successfully as they were required. Among the tasks preformed are team managing, creating
post for internship drive, creating post for best intern, managing all the team leaders, and lastly
but not least check whether all the work is done or not …and many others as specified below;
Working as an Intern:
In the start of my internship firstly I was assigned a work to open the demat accounts of
minimum 10-12 people in just first 5 days and I successfully completed that task and after that
I was elected as team leader and start with my training.

Working as a Team Leader:

After selecting as a team leader, I have to manage 10-15 interns from teer1and teer2 colleges for
next 10-15days. And also, I have to make the agenda of daily sessions on my own. Likewise, I
have to make the ppts and folders of interns in which they can upload their daily work and I
have to update sheets of them. Also, I have to solve all the problems related to the internship of
the students. And lastly, I had to give my daily work report to business development manager.

Working as a Marketing person:

While I’m worked oriented person, I love to work in various domains. As I’m a marketing
person I have to make the post for internship drive programme to post on various platforms like
LinkedIn, Instagram, indeed.com, Naukri.com, etc. Also, for encouraging students I have to
make posts for great working students as a best performer of the week, intern of the week etc.

Working as senior team leader (Operations domain):

As my work is good and in time so I was promoted as a senior team leader. So, I have to manage
all the team leaders and train new team leaders for their training part. Also, every day I had to
check all the work allotted to every team leader should be done and dusted. Also, I had to gave
report to our business development manager of whole day.

Working as a technical head :

As im a technical head I have to constantly check the server of account opening link and connect
with the partner regarding any issues from students regarding account opening and also I have to
prepare the ppt of account opening process if any changes done in system.

Working as a business development executive:

As a Part of business development, I have to check and connect with the new opportunities for
the organization. As per companies’ policy we are changing our demat account opening partner
every 3-4 months for new exposure to the students. As companies CEO Mr. Masroor Khan
allotted me to onboard one partner after 5-6 meetings with various stock brokers I’m
successfully onboarded Sharekhan as a officially partner with us. So from this I learnt how to
approach people and how to convince people with agreeing our criteria’s.

2.3 Work Schedules

10:00am Reporting to work
10.00 -11:00am Finishing up pending tasks
11.00 - 01:00pm Assignment of new tasks/ prepare todays
work schedule (session time)

01:00 - 02:00pm Lunch Break

02:00 - 05:00pm Working on assigned tasks and duties
05:00 - 06:00pm Interacting with the other team leaders,
Hr team, business development manager.
06:05pm Closure of the day

2.4 Work Teams / Departments

During industrial training at Fundsroom ltd intern was placed under Business
development department with a fellow intern where he performed different duties like
managing team of 10-15 interns and all team leaders, checking marketing work etc.

Different departments at Fundsroom Ltd.:

The administration comprises of mainly the executive committee that includes the Business
development Manager and Human resource manager who are responsible for executing duties
of the organization and follow up of the assigned duties.

Marketing Department.
The marketing department responsible for making social media posts providing service.
Besides the department also introduces promotional activity.

These are responsible for making internship drive better for the company by mobilizing people
to get new colleges.

Finance and Accounts Department.

The department was responsible for preparing annual and monthly reports. As Fundsroom is a
startup so we haven’t separate dept so our Hr executive ma’am handled this department. They
have to make and manage one sheet including stipends of students, expenditure.

Technical and Operations Department.

This department is responsible for maintenance activities and carrying out field operations like
is there any problem on demat ac opening, the server is good or busy,if there are certain issues
with the account opening process then connect with the company executive and try to solve it




2.5 Knowledge

The intern acquired knowledge of doing the following;

 The intern has learnt how to use google drive for making the monthly data available in
it. Also, we are making and sending worksheets to students to checkout their work.
Also, I learnt how to use CRM portal of Edelweiss, Upstox, Sharekhan, Angel one etc.

 Also, the intern gained knowledge of how manage people of different mindset from
different locations, how to convince people to get agreed with accepting our criteria’s.
 The intern has gained knowledge on how Account’s operations are carried out in a
profit-making company. Additionally, he has gained immense knowledge on the
acceptable code of conduct and dressing code in an office environment in order to be
presentable and not to offend any colleagues.
 The intern gained knowledge about employees’ compensation and benefits as he was
making stipend sheet of his students every month.

2.6 New Skills

The intern learns following skills during internship period:
Management of office:
Team leaders are not supposed to come late and informal. Maximum discipline was realized in
the office, and everything washandled with care and responsibly hence learnt a lot including


Interpersonal skills:
Through getting a chance to meet various people at workplace both employees and client. This
is due to the fact that some tasks were done with other employees.

While at place of attachment the intern learnt that client information is confidential including
their pan card Aadhar card personal contact no and staff information like salaries and records.
These were only accessible to top management and not anyone else.

Communication skills:
The intern also learnt that feedbacks are needed as a result of information flow in the company.
This was due to ensuring effective communication. As I’m week in communication while I
have students from various colleges so I used to teach them in English only so I improve my
communications and still I’m improving.

This defeats failure in many situations and is the ability of a person to believe in what he does
right. The intern learnt this due to frequent interactions with numerous people for instance
during work time. As I’m a part of business development department I used to connect with
various people from industry.

2.7 Lessons
These include areas of wisdom out of field involvement, better understanding, corrections
from misinterpretations, discoveries among others and these include.

Time keeping
Good time keeping was paramount especially in office coming time and be ready before
session it was a great time management skill. The intern had to be early for work so as to
accomplish the assigned duties in time.

The intern learnt that the only way to get everything done effectively and efficiently in the

least time period is by holding team and team members to accomplish tasks collectively as a
group.This granted me a great lesson that such braveness should be carried up to all activities

to be pursued by the intern to get them done.

Exposure to the working environment

In the field attachment, the intern learnt how the working environment is and what is required
in order to have the set goals accomplished. This boasted the understanding which was
mainly theoretical to be practical. Also intern learnt how to engage team members from first
day to last day of the month like we had taken Fun Friday activities, group activities, etc.

Hard work
Most of the employers would wish to employ people who are hardworking and since
hardworking is a source of admiration and effective performance, the intern learnt to work
hard so as to improve on the set targets of account opening done in day. Also students
need to convince people to open demat accounts so the patience type of hard work intern
learnt here.

2.8 Benefits derived from the internship program.

The intern learnt how to use computer-based knowledge to handle all the data of students on
google drive format.

The intern also was exposed to the working environment and to be able to corporate with other
employees making connections and friendship.

New skills were learnt and obtained for example a quick look at CRM portals of various stock
brokers like Edelweiss, Upstox, Sharekhan, Angle one etc, communication skills. And time

The intern also learnt how become a actual leader in day to day life, leadership qualities like
communication, team holding skills, get the work done within time, etc.

The intern also learnt how to control himself at work where you have free internet access
without limits but at the end of the day you have to present fully done work and report to

2.9 Challenges faced

 The biggest challenge intern has faced that is lack of experience and weak communication
skills. The process required to have a lot of information about the actual practical working
which was a very difficult task to him as he was just having basic knowledge.
 The second challenge which the intern faced was the long working hours. Since he was
just a college student, he was not used to working 6-8+ hours a day.
 The intern was afraid to ask questions regarding the work given to him during the start
period of internship.
 He was given too much real experienced work before he never done this.

 There was so much work which intern has to be done before end of the day so intern need
to manage time during working hours.
 Coping with Unfamiliar Office Culture, it takes time to understand the organizational
culture since it varies from office to office. Based on your observation of the prevailing
culture, you can decide to be friendly or reserved in your conduct.
 Allocation of over job to intern as I have to manage all the technical, marketing, operations
work to do organization was allocating too much task to intern.

Chapter 3. Conclusions, Recommendations and References

3.1 Conclusion
Overall, internship is a really good program and I recommend it to my fellow friends. It helps
to enhance and develop skills, abilities and knowledge. It was a good experience and
memories as not only I have gained experience but also new friends and knowledge.

Fundsroom Ltd is a good company to do internship from since it provides several benefits
like we were allowed to access necessary tools for learning purposes.

The treatment by the company was equitable, and professional. I’ve learned from different
units and departments.

Generally, the whole internship period was a success, it gave the opportunity of hands-on

The student benefited much in learning new methods not taught at the college and on
exposure to a more professional and hierarchical working environment. Personally, the
student gained and developed good communication skills, better organization, punctuality
and teamwork-oriented mindset.

In this report I have tried my level best to identify Business management techniques and
procedures used by Fundsroom Ltd. What and how Fundsroom Ltd uses statistical growth
information for decision making and external. I imply our acquired knowledge from
management course and try to comply with the techniques procedure and systems followed
by the company.

3.2 Recommendations
To Students.
I encourage the students to grab the opportunity to do internship as it will help them to
identifytheir weaknesses, abilities, strength and much more.

Internship is one way of exploring the opportunities outside and marketing oneself for life after
college in order to get jobs easily basing on the exposure and the way how one conducted
his/herself while at work.
I call upon all students to be part and try as much as possible to make connections and friends
while at workplaces in order to easily get connections after their studies.

But Moral behavior and their code of conduct should highly recommendable and pleasant in
order to show a good image.
Students should set personal objectives and expectations. This enables them to be able to
evaluate outcomes after study and weigh deviations. It also helps the agency supervisor to have
a road map to meet the student’s targets.

To the Organization.
I do appreciate the time and opportunity given to us as students as far as internship training is
concerned, however there is need to review in ways in which internship is handled and address
some of the challenges by the organization.

The organization should put I consideration looking for an internal auditor to report to
management the performance and risk management before waiting for external auditors to
come in for this may have created a shortage and other risks not seen at that time.

The company should also consider scheduling time for internship students to help them be
equipped with learning materials for proper efficiency and effectiveness. The company should
also improve on motivation of both its employees and internship students for better results and

The company should also look into its system and review its way of handling and promoting
its employees. That is to say the company should consider promoting its employees to some
positions before recruiting new employees with similar qualifications from outside the
company because they can do the jobs better and efficiently since they have a lot of experience
with the company. This was a complaint from other employees from lower management.

To the College.
Great thanks go to the College staff for the great work done and commitment to give their
students quality and excellent education by providing students with relevant knowledge and
skills to prepare them with for the working environment and life outside class that is through
internship experiences.

However, some things need to be done in order for the college to produce excellent and highly
skilled qualified students that is an example is providing its students with some facilitation to
help them be able to cope up with the field.

3.3 References

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