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M.sc. Information Technology Vide Item No. 6.2 N Sem. III IV

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AC – 28/06/2024
Item No. – 6.2 (N)
As Per NEP 2020

University of Mumbai

Title of the program

M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Syllabus for

Semester – Sem.- III & IV

Ref: GR dated 16th May, 2023 for Credit
Structure of PG

(With effect from the academic year 2024-25)

University of Mumbai

(As per NEP 2020)

Sr. Heading Particulars
1 Title of program M.Sc. (Information Technology)
O:____________________ B

2 Scheme of Examination NEP

50% Internal
R: ____________ 50% External,
Semester End Examination
Individual Passing in Internal and External
3 Standards of Passing
R: ______________
4 Credit Structure Attached herewith
R: SP-105A
R: SP-105B
5 Semesters Sem. III & IV
6 Program Academic Level 6.5
7 Pattern Semester
8 New

9 To be implemented from Academic Year 2024-25

Sign of Chairperson Sign of the Sign of Offg. Dean,

Dr. Mrs. R. Offg. Associate Dean Prof. Shivram S. Garje
Srivaramangai Dr. Madhav R. Rajwade Faculty of Science &
Ad-hoc BoS (IT) Faculty of Science & Technology

1) Introduction

Master of Science (Information Technology) is a Programme designed to meet the needs of

the market for expertise in Information Technology (IT). The Programme is intended to
address the increasing demand in the work-place for IT professionals with a broad and sound
knowledge of both technical and managerial skills. A master degree is granted to individuals
who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific

2) Aims and Objectives

1. To equip postgraduate students with an integrated set of skills that will allow them to
develop their professional careers in Information Technology.

2. To equip students with the theoretical and practical knowledge that is necessary to
enable them to understand the design of complex computer applications/science.

3. The programme also prepares students to embrace future developments in the field and
has a demonstrated professional relevance.

4. The programme helps students to acquire the latest skills and build their future
capabilities using world-class technology. At the end of this programme, a student will
possess a strong foundation of computer systems and information technology.

5. Dexterity in advanced programming languages; power to build sophisticated software for

wide area of applications.

6. Skills to work with higher end applications in internet technologies; also managerial
ability to analyze, design, develop and to maintain software development.
3) Learning Outcomes
1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and computing in the core information

2. Identify, design, and analyze complex computer systems and implement and interpret the
results from those systems.

3. Design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, or process component, to

meet the desired needs within the realistic constraints such as economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

4. Review literature and indulge in research using research based knowledge and methods
to design new experiments, analyze, and interpret data to draw valid conclusions.

5. Select and apply current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice
and integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively.

6. Apply contextual knowledge to assess professional, legal, health, social and cultural
issues during profession practice.

7. Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and
8. Apply ethical principles and responsibilities during professional practice.
9. Function effectively as a team member or a leader to accomplish a common goal in a
multidisciplinary team.

10. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences using a range of modalities including
written, oral and graphical.

11. Apply the knowledge of engineering and management principles to manage projects
effectively in diverse environments as a member or a leader in the team.

12. Engage in independent and life-long learning for continued professional development
4) Credit Structure of the Program (Sem I, II, III, & IV)
Credit Distribution Structure for Two Years/ One Year PG

R: SP-105A

Year Level Sem Major RM OJT/FP RP Cum. Degree

Mandatory Electives Cr.
2*4+2*2 + 2 4 4 - - 22
Data TH 4 Security Research
Science(501) Breaches and Methodology(510)
Data Science PR 2 Countermeasures
(506a) (PR)
Sem Soft Computing TH 4 Data Center
I Techniques(503) Technologies
Soft Computing PR 2 (506b)
Techniques (OR)
Practical(504) Image Processing
Cloud TH 2 (506c)
2*4+2*2 + 2 4 - (517)4 - 22
Big Data TH 4 Malware PG
1 6.0 Analytics Analysis Diploma
(511) (PR) (after 3
Big Data PR 2 (516a) Years
Analytics (OR) Degree)
Practical Cloud
(512) Management
Sem Modern TH 4 (PR)
II Networking (516b)
(513) (OR)
Computer Vision
Modern PR 2 (PR)
Networking (516c)
Microservices TH 2
Cum. Cr. For PG 28 8 4 4 44
Exit Option: PG Diploma (44 credits) after Three Year UG Degree
(M.Sc (Information Technology)
R: SP-105B

Year Level Sem Major RM OJT/FP RP Cum. Degree

(2yr) Cr.
2*4+2*2 + 2 4 - - (607)4 22
Advanced TH 4 Natural
AI Language
(601) Processing
Advanced PR 2 (606a)
Practical Security
(602) Operations
Sem Machine TH 4 Center (PR)
III Learning (606b) (OR)
(603) Server
Machine PR 2 on VMWare
Learning Platform
Practical (PR)
(604) (606c)
Storage as a TH 2 PG
2 6.5 (605)
after 3yr
2*4+2 *2 4 - - (616)6 22
UG or
Blockchain TH 4 Robotic
Process PG
Automation Degree
Blockchain PR 2
(PR) after 4yr
(612) (615a) UG
Deep TH 4
Sem IV Forensics
(613) (PR)
Deep PR 2 (615b)
Learning (OR)
Practical Advanced
(614) IoT (PR)

Cum. Cr. For 1 Yr PG 26 8 10 44

Cum. Cr. For 2 Yr PG 54 16 4 4 10 88
Semester III
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code:601 [Mandatory] Course Name: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Total Credits: 04 (60 Lecture Hrs) (Theory)
University assessment: 50 marks Total Marks: 100 marks
College/Department assessment: 50 marks

Course Objectives (COs)

To enable the students to:
Course Objectives:
- To explore the applied branches of artificial intelligence
- To enable the learner to understand applications of artificial intelligence
- To enable the student to solve the problem aligned with derived branches of
artificial intelligence.
MODULE I: Advanced Artificial Intelligence (2 CREDITS)
Unit 1: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
 Intelligent Agents
 Problem-solving using search algorithms 18 Hrs
 Knowledge Representation [OC1, OC2]

[Ref:01] Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville

Unit 2: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

 Introduction to advanced AI concepts

 Deep learning and neural networks
 Natural language processing and understanding
 Reinforcement learning 15 Hrs
 AI applications in various domains such as healthcare, finance, and [OC3,OC4]

[Ref:02] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Stuart Russell and Peter


Unit 3: Machine Learning
 Machine Learning Paradigms: Machine Learning systems,
 supervised and un-supervised learning, inductive learning,
 deductive learning, clustering, support vector machines, cased
 based reasoning and learning. 12 Hrs
 Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial Neural Networks, [OC5, OC6]
 Single-Layer feedforward networks, multi-layer feed-forward
 networks, radial basis function networks, design issues of
 artificial neural networks and recurrent networks
[Ref:05] Artificial Intelligence”, Saroj Kaushik, Cengage, 1st Edition, 2019
Unit 4 Generative AI
 Introduction to generative AI and its applications
 Generative adversarial networks (GANs) 15 Hrs
 Variational autoencoders [OC7,
 Text generation and image synthesis using generative AI OC8]
 Ethical considerations in generative AI
[Ref:04] Python Machine Learning" by Sebastian Raschka and Vahid Mirjalili

Course Outcomes (OCs)

1. 1.Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of Artificial Intelligence.

2. Implement intelligent agents for different applications.
3. Understand advanced AI concepts and techniques
4. Demonstrate proficiency in deep learning and neural networks
5. Understand the concepts and applications of generative AI
6. 6.Implement generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders
7. 7.Develop skills in using neural networks for image recognition and text generation
8. 8.Create and train GAN models for image synthesis

Books and References:

Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1 Deep Learning Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua MIT Pres 2020
Bengio, and Aaron Courville
2 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Stuart Russell and Peter Prentice 2020
Approach Norvig Hall
3 Reinforcement Learning: An Richard S. Sutton and MIT Press 2023
Introduction Andrew G. Barto
4 Python Machine Learning Sebastian Raschka and Packt 2021
Vahid Mirjalili Publication
5 Cngage
Artificial Intelligence Saroj Kaushik, Cengage 2019
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code:604 Course Name: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Total Credits: 02 (60 Lecture Hrs.) Total Marks: 50 marks
University Assessment: 25 marks College/Department assessment: 25 marks

Course Objectives (CO)
After completion of course the learner will:
CO1: be able to understand the fundamentals concepts of expert system and its
CO2: be able to use probability and concept of fuzzy sets for solving AI based problems.
CO3: be able to understand the applications of Machine Learning. The learner can also
apply fuzzy system for solving problems.
CO4: learner will be able to apply to understand the applications of genetic algorithms in
different problems related to artificial intelligence.
CO5: A learner can use knowledge representation techniques in natural language
Sr.No. Practical List 2 Credits
1. Implementing advanced deep learning algorithms such as convolutional neural OC1
networks (CNNs) or recurrent neural networks (RNNs) using Python libraries
like TensorFlow or PyTorch.
2 .Building a natural language processing (NLP) model for sentiment analysis or OC2
text classification.
3 Creating a chatbot using advanced techniques like transformer models. OC3

4 Developing a recommendation system using collaborative filtering or deep OC4

learning approaches.
5 Implementing a computer vision project, such as object detection or image
6 Training a generative adversarial network (GAN) for generating realistic images. OC6
7 Applying reinforcement learning algorithms to solve complex decision-making OC7
8 Utilizing transfer learning to improve model performance on limited datasets. Oc8
9 Building a deep learning model for time series forecasting or anomaly detection. OC9
10 Implementing a machine learning pipeline for automated feature engineering and OC10
model selection.
11 Using advanced optimization techniques like evolutionary algorithms or OC11
Bayesian optimization for hyperparameter tuning.
12 Deploying a machine learning model in a production environment using OC12
containerization and cloud services.
13 Use Python libraries such as GPT-2 or textgenrnn to train generative models on a OC13
corpus of text data and generate new text based on the patterns it has learned.
14 Experiment with neural networks like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) OC14
using Python libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch to generate new images
based on a dataset of images.

Books and References:

Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1 Deep Learning Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua MIT Pres 2020
Bengio, and Aaron Courville
2 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Stuart Russell and Peter Prentice 2020
Approach Norvig Hall
3 Reinforcement Learning: An Richard S. Sutton and MIT Press 2023
Introduction Andrew G. Barto
4 Python Machine Learning Sebastian Raschka and Packt 2021
Vahid Mirjalili Publication
5 Cngage
Artificial Intelligence Saroj Kaushik, Cengage 2019

Course Outcomes (OCs)

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand Deep Learning Fundamentals:
2. Understand NLP Fundamentals.
3. Implement Chatbot Architectures:
4. Implement Deep Learning approach
5. Understand Computer Vision
6. Understand Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
7. Understand reinforcement learning algorithms
8. Understand Transfer learning fundamentals
9. .Implement anomaly detection technique
10. Understand Automated techniques
11. Implement evolutionary algorithms
12. Deploying a machine learning model
13. Deploying Python Libraries
14. Understand Generative Adversarial Networks implementation
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code:603 Course Name: Machine Learning

Total Credits: 04 (60 Lecture Hrs.) Total Marks: 100 marks
University Assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50 marks

Basic understanding of Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Python programming
Course Objectives (CO)
CO1 To define and categorize machine learning problems.
CO2 To understand the principles of machine learning and the core algorithms used in
machine learning.
CO3 To analyze and implement machine learning models for real-time applications.
CO4 To evaluate and improve the performance of machine learning models.

MODULE I: Introduction to Machine Learning (2 CREDITS)

Unit I
What Is Machine Learning? Basic Concepts in Machine Learning -
Classification versus Regression, Supervised versus Unsupervised Learning
Simple versus Complex Models, Parametric versus Nonparametric Models
Overfitting versus Underfitting, Bias–Variance Trade-Off
General Principles in Machine Learning
Occam’s Razor, No-Free-Lunch Theorem, Law of the Smooth World, Curse of
Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning, Meta-Learning, Causal Inference, and Other 15 Hrs
Advanced topics [OC1, OC2]
Mathematical Foundation
Probability and Statistics
Random Variables and Distributions, Expectation: Mean, Variance, and
Moments, Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Distributions, Common Probability
Distributions, Transformation of Random Variables
Information Theory
Information and Entropy, Mutual Information, KL Divergence
Mathematical Optimization
General Formulation, Optimality Conditions, Numerical Optimization Methods

Unit II
Classification Algorithms
12 Hrs
Introduction, Decision-based methods: Nonlinear Instance-based methods, [OC3,OC4]
Decision Tree algorithm, Use Cases (Reference 2)
Feature Extraction
Feature Extraction: Concepts,Linear Dimension Reduction, Nonlinear
Dimension Reduction (I): Manifold Learning, Nonlinear Dimension Reduction
(II): Neural Networks
MODULE II: Models in Machine Learning and Applications (2 CREDITS)
Unit III
Discriminative Models
Statistical Learning Theory, Linear Models, Learning Discriminative Models in
General, Neural Networks, Ensemble Learning
Generative Models
Overview of Generative Models, Formulation of Generative Models, Bayesian
Decision Theory, Statistical Data Modeling, Density Estimation, Maximum-
Likelihood Estimation, Maximum-Likelihood Classifier, Generative Models (in
a Nutshell) Generative versus Discriminative Models
Unimodal Models
Gaussian Models, Multinomial Models, Markov Chain Models, Generalized
Linear Models
18 Hrs
Mixture Models [OC5, OC6]
Formulation of Mixture Models, Expectation-Maximization Method,
Expectation-Maximization Method, Gaussian Mixture Models, Hidden Markov
Entangled Models
Formulation of Entangled Models, Linear Gaussian Models, Non-Gaussian
Models, Deep Generative Models
Bayesian Learning
Formulation of Bayesian Learning, Conjugate Priors, Approximate Inference,
Gaussian Processes
Graphical Models
Concepts of Graphical Models, Bayesian Networks, Markov Random Fields

Unit IV 15 Hrs
Domain-Based Machine Learning Applications, Ethical Aspects of Machine [OC7, OC8,
OC9, OC10,
Learning (Reference 2) OC11]

Books and References:

Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1 Machine Learning Fundamentals: A Hui Jiang Cambridge University First 2021
Concise Introduction Press
2 Machine Learning Concepts, T V Geetha, CRC Press Taylor First 2023
Techniques and Applications SSendhilkumar & Francis Group
3 Mastering Classification Partha BPB First 2023
Algorithms for Machine Learning Majumdar
4 Machine Learning for Absolute Oliver Scatterplot Press Third 2021
Beginners Theobald
5 Machine Learning: The Art and Cambridge
Science of Algorithms that Make Peter Flach University First 2012
Sense of Data Press
Online Instructor slides https://github.com/iNCML/MachineLearningBook
Course Outcomes (OCs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Define and demonstrate an understanding of Machine Learning and its related terms
conceptually and mathematically
2. Identify and differentiate the advantages and limitations of Machine Learning algorithms
and their use cases.
3. Implement classifier algorithms for supervised learning tasks.
4. Apply feature engineering techniques to improve a dataset for machine learning.
5. Evaluate the performance of different machine learning models on a given dataset.
6. Diagnose reasons for poor performance in a machine learning model.
7. Analyze the ethical implications of a machine learning system.
8. Critique the suitability of a machine learning solution for a real-world problem,
considering factors beyond just model performance.
9. Assess the potential biases and fairness concerns in a machine learning model.
10. Develop a custom machine learning algorithm for a specific real-world problem.
11. Propose a comprehensive machine learning solution to address a complex real-world
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code:604 Course Name: Machine Learning Practical

Total Credits: 02 (60 Lecture Hrs.) Total Marks: 50 marks
University Assessment: 25 marks College/Department assessment: 25 marks

Basic understanding of Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Python programming and libraries.
Course Objectives (CO)
CO1 To demonstrate proficiency in using Python libraries like Sci-kit-learn, NumPy,
Pandas,PyTorch, Keras and Matplotlib for machine learning tasks.
CO2 To apply techniques to clean and handle missing data, outliers, and different data
types (numerical, categorical)
CO3 To Select, scale, and normalize features to enhance model performance.
CO4 To evaluate and assess the performance of machine learning models like
classification and regression.
CO5 To translate problem statements into machine learning solutions

Sr.No. Practical List 2 Credits

1. Data Pre-processing and Exploration OC1
a. Load a CSV dataset. Handle missing values, inconsistent formatting, and
b. Load a dataset, calculate descriptive summary statistics, create visualizations
using different graphs, and identify potential features and target variables
Note: Explore Univariate and Bivariate graphs (Matplotlib) and Seaborn for
c. Create or Explore datasets to use all pre-processing routines like label encoding,
scaling, and binarization.
2. Testing Hypothesis OC1
a. Implement and demonstrate the FIND-S algorithm for finding the most specific
hypothesis based on a given set of training data samples. Read the training data
from a. CSV file and generate the final specific hypothesis. (Create your dataset)
3 Linear Models OC2, OC6
a. Simple Linear Regression
Fit a linear regression model on a dataset. Interpret coefficients, make
predictions, and evaluate performance using metrics like R-squared and MSE
b. Multiple Linear Regression
Extend linear regression to multiple features. Handle feature selection and
potential multicollinearity.
c. Regularized Linear Models (Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet)
Implement regression variants like LASSO and Ridge on any generated dataset.
4 Discriminative Models OC2,OC6
a Logistic Regression
Perform binary classification using logistic regression. Calculate accuracy,
precision, recall, and understand the ROC curve.
b. Implement and demonstrate k-nearest Neighbor algorithm. Read the training data
from a .CSV file and build the model to classify a test sample. Print both correct
and wrong predictions.
c. Build a decision tree classifier or regressor. Control hyperparameters like tree
depth to avoid overfitting. Visualize the tree.
d. Implement a Support Vector Machine for any relevant dataset.
e. Train a random forest ensemble. Experiment with the number of trees and
feature sampling. Compare performance to a single decision tree.
f. Implement a gradient boosting machine (e.g., XGBoost). Tune hyperparameters
and explore feature importance.
5. Generative Models OC2,OC6
a. Implement and demonstrate the working of a Naive Bayesian classifier using a
sample data set. Build the model to classify a test sample.
b. Implement Hidden Markov Models using hmmlearn
6. Probabilistic Models OC2,OC6
a. Implement Bayesian Linear Regression to explore prior and posterior
b. Implement Gaussian Mixture Models for density estimation and unsupervised
7. Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning OC3,OC4,OC5
a. Implement cross-validation techniques (k-fold, stratified, etc.) for robust model
b. Systematically explore combinations of hyperparameters to optimize model
performance.(use grid and randomized search)
8. Bayesian Learning OC3,OC4,OC5
a. Implement Bayesian Learning using inferences
9. Deep Generative Models OC3,OC4,OC5
a. Set up a generator network to produce samples and a discriminator network to
distinguish between real and generated data. (Use a simple small dataset)
10. Develop an API to deploy your model and perform predictions OC6, OC7
Books and References:
Sr. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1 Hands-on Machine Learning with Aurilien O’Reilly Third 2022
Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow Geron

2 Python Machine Learning for AI Publishing First 2020

Beginners LLC
Course Outcomes (OCs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Preprocess the given dataset and perform a relevant assessment of data.
2. Implement classifier algorithms for supervised learning tasks.
3. Apply feature engineering techniques to improve a dataset for machine learning.
4. Evaluate the performance of different machine learning models on a given dataset.
5. Diagnose reasons for poor performance in a machine learning model.
6. Assess the potential biases and fairness concerns in a machine learning model.
7. Develop a custom machine learning algorithm for a specific real-world problem.
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology

Course Code: 605 [Mandatory] Course Name: Storage as a Service

Total Credits: 02 (30 Lecture Hrs) Total Marks: 50 marks
University assessment: 25 College/Department assessment: 25
marks marks

 Knowledge about cloud computing, (SDLC)
 Basic knowledge of Networking
 Course Objectives (COs):
To enable the students to:
1. Gain a deep understanding of storage network architecture.
2. Analyze and design storage networks to meet diverse requirements.
3. Acquire comprehensive knowledge of storage technologies.
4. evaluate and select appropriate storage devices and subsystems based on
performance, reliability, and scalability criteria.
5. Develop Proficiency in File System management and learn data Management.
6. Understand the storage networking fundamentals, technologies, protocols, and their
best practices.
Unit 1:
a. Data Access in the Internet Era: Availability Requirements for Network
Storage, Traditional Client/Server Computing with Direct Attached Storage, Network
Storage Architectures That Overcome DAS. Limitations Establishing a Context for
Understanding Storage Networks, The Three Primary Functions of Storage Networking,
Connecting, Storing, Filing, File Systems, and Operating Systems, SAN and NAS as
Storing and Filing Applications. Getting Down with Storage I/O: Requirements for
15 Hrs
Storage I/O, The I/O Path.
b. Storage Devices: Disk Drives, Tape Drives. Storage Subsystems: Subsystem
[OC1, OC2,
Architecture, Common Functions of Storage Subsystems JBOD Tape Subsystems and
Disk Subsystems for Backup. SCSI Storage Fundamentals and SAN Adapters: The
Architecture and Logic of SCSI. SCSI Command Basics HBAs and Network Storage
Interfaces Device. Interconnect Technologies for Storage Networks: Fundamental
Concepts in Storage Interconnects, Legacy DAS Interconnects, Serial Storage
c. Storage Virtualization: The Power in Volume Management , Software and SAN
Virtualization Systems , The Concept of Storage Virtualization , A Review of
Technologies Used in Storage Virtualization , Virtualization Products: Volume Managers
and SAN Virtualization Systems , Performance of SAN Virtualization ,Scaling Storage
with Virtualization , Address Space Manipulation Techniques , Storage Pooling ,
Extending Management Functions in Volume Management and SAN , Virtualization
Systems , Reliability and Risk Considerations. Network Backup: The Foundation of
Storage Management Fundamentals of Backup and Recovery, Backup Operations,
Backup Applications in Storage Networks, Disk-Based Backup

Unit 2:
a. File System Fundamentals: The Strange and Wonderful Relationship
Between File Systems and, Operating Systems, File System Structures, File
System Constructs and Functions. Network File Systems and Network
Attached Storage: Fundamentals of Network File Systems, The Complete I/O
Process for File I/O in a Network, NFS and CIFS Protocols for Network File
Systems, Applications for Network File Storage Extended Features of Network
File Systems Network Attached Storage (NAS)
b. New Directions in Network Filing: Clustered File Systems, Distributed
File Systems, and Network Storage for Databases Cluster File Systems, Super-
Scaling Network File Systems with SAN-Based Distributed File, Systems
Network Storage for Databases.
Data Management: Managing Data in Time Historical Versions of Files, 15 Hrs
Storing Data in Compliance with Government Regulations Capacity
Management, Tiered Storage, Information Life Cycle Management. [OC4, OC5,
c. Overview of Storage Networking: Brief History of Storage Drivers for Change, OC6]
What Is a Storage Network? Block Storage Protocol Review: ATA, SCSI, and
SBCCS, Mainframe Storage Networking: ESCON and FICON, File Server
Protocol Review: CIFS, NFS, and DAFS, Backup Protocols: NDMP and
EXTENDED COPY, Optical Technologies: SONET/SDH, DWDM/CWDM, and
RPR/802.17, Virtualization Implementations: Host, Storage Subsystem, and
Network. OSI Reference Model Versus Other Network Models: OSI
Reference Model, SCSI Bus Interface and the ANSI T10 SCSI-3 Architecture
Model, Ethernet and the IEEE 802 Reference Model, TCP/IP Suite and the
ARPANET Model, Fibre Channel Architecture and ANSI T11 Model .
Overview of Network Operating Principles: Conceptual Underpinnings, SCSI
Parallel Interface, Ethernet, TCP/IP Suite, Fibre Channel. Overview of Modern
SCSI Networking Protocols: iSCSI, FCP, FCIP, iFCP


Sr. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
Storage Networking Fundamentals: An
1. Introduction to Storage Devices, Subsystems,
Marc Farley Cisco Press 2004
Applications, Management, and Filing
2 Storage Networking Protocol Fundamentals James Long Cisco Press 2006
Storage Virtualization: Technologies for Addison Wesley
3 Tom Clark 2005
Simplifying Data Storage and Management Professional
Information Storage and Management
Storing, Managing, and Protecting John Wiley &
4 Gnanasundaram 2nd 2012
Digital Information in Classic, Sons, Inc.
Alok Shrivastava
Virtualized, and Cloud Environments

Course Outcomes (OCs):

Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

OC1: Covers the evolution of data access methods and introduces concepts like network storage
architectures, storage networking functions, and storage I/O requirements.

OC2: Discusses different types of storage devices (disk drives, tape drives) and subsystem
architectures, along with storage interconnect technologies like SCSI.

OC3: Explores the concept of storage virtualization, its technologies, and implications for
performance and reliability, as well as the fundamentals of network backup.

OC4: Covers the relationship between file systems and operating systems, network file system
basics, and protocols like NFS and CIFS.

OC5: Discusses clustered and distributed file systems, network storage for databases, and data
management techniques including historical file versions and compliance storage.

OC6: Provides a historical context for storage networking, reviews block and file storage
protocols, optical technologies, virtualization implementations, and network operating principles.
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology

Course Code: 606a Course Name: Natural Language Processing

Total Credits: 04 (60 Lecture Hrs) Total Marks: 100 marks
University assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50 marks

Pre-requisite: Foundational understanding of Soft Computing Techniques, encompassing

statistics, and a basics of grammatical concepts.

Course Objectives (COs):

To enable the students to:
CO1: The prime objective of this course is to introduce the students to the field of Language Computing
and its applications ranging from classical era to modern context.

CO2: To provide understanding of various NLP tasks and NLP abstractions such as Morphological
analysis, POS tagging, concept of syntactic parsing, semantic analysis etc.

CO3: To provide knowledge of different approaches/algorithms for carrying out NLP tasks.

CO4: To highlight the concepts of Language grammar and grammar representation in Computational


Unit I 15 Hrs
a) Introduction to NLP: [OC1]
Brief history, NLP applications, Challenges/Open Problems, NLP
Abstraction levels, Introduction to NL computing techniques and steps
(segmentation, tagging, parsing, etc.)
b) NLP Tasks:
Segmentation, Chunking, Tagging, Named Entity Recognition (NER),
Parsing, Word Sense Disambiguation, NL Generation, Text Processing
Unit II 15 Hrs
a) Morphological Analysis and Regular Expressions: [OC2-OC3]
Introduction to Morphology, Types of morphological parsing: rule-based
vs. paradigm-based, Regular Expressions and Automata Finite State
Automata (FSA) and Finite State Transducers (FST), Introduction to the
Porter stemming algorithm.
b) Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging and Evaluation:
Word Classes and Introduction to POS Tagging, Survey of POS tagsets
in English and Indian languages, Introduction to rule-based approaches
like ENGTOWL, Stochastic Approaches: Overview of probabilistic
models, N-gram models, and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) for POS
tagging, Transformation-Based Learning (TBL) Morphology, Evaluation
Metrics and Error Analysis: Precision, Recall, F-measure, error-analysis


Unit III 15 Hrs

a) NL Parsing Basics and Grammar Formalisms: [OC4]
Introduction to NL Parsing (top-down and bottom-up parsing
approaches), Introduction to constituency and dependency schools of
grammar, Overview of grammar notations: CFG, LFG, PCFG, LTAG,
Overview of English CFG, Introduction to Paninian Karaka Theory for
Indian language parsing, Overview of CFG parsing using Earley's and
CYK algorithms, Introduction to Paninian Karaka Theory for Indian
language parsing, Overview of CFG parsing using Earley's and CYK
b) Probabilistic Parsing and Dependency Parsing:
Introduction to probabilistic parsing techniques, Overview of
probabilistic CFG (PCFG) and its applications, dependency parsing and
its importance, Overview of Covington algorithm, MALT parser, and
MST parser for dependency parsing.

Unit IV 15 Hrs
a) Lexical Semantics and Word Senses: [OC5]
Introduction to semantic analysis theories and methodologies, lexical
semantics, word senses, and relationships, Introduction to WordNet for
English and IndoWordnet, Overview of WSD techniques like Lesk
Algorithm and Walker’s algorithm, Importance of WSD in resolving
ambiguity in NLP.
b) Coreference Resolution and Semantic Representations:
coreference resolution, including Anaphora and Cataphora, Importance of
resolving coreference in NLP applications, Semantic Representations and
Word Similarity and understanding lexical semantics.
Books and References:

Sr. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year


1. Handbook of Natural Indurkhya, N., CRC Press Taylor and 2nd 2010
Language Processing & Damerau, Francis Group
F. J.

2. Speech and Language Martin, J. H., & Pearson 2nd 2013

Processing Jurafsky, D. Education

3. Foundations of Manning, MIT Press 1st 1997

Statistical Christopher
Natural Language and Heinrich,
Processing Schutze

4. Natural Language Steven Bird, O'Reilly Media 2nd 2016

Processing Edward Loper
With Python

Video Links
1. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/11/natural-language-processing.html

Course Outcomes (OCs)

Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:
OC1: Students will get idea about know-hows, issues and challenge in Natural Language
Processing and NLP applications and their relevance in the classical and modern context.

OC2: Student will get understanding of Computational techniques and approaches for solving
NLP problems and develop modules for NLP tasks and tools such as Morph Analyzer,
POS tagger, Chunker, Parser, WSD tool etc.

OC3: Students will also be introduced to various grammar formalisms, which they can apply in
different fields of study.

OC4: Students can take up project work or work in R&D firms working in NLP and its allied

OC5: Student will be able to understand applications in different sectors

Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology

Course Code: 606b [Elective] Course Name: Security Operations Center Practical
Total Credits: 04 (120 Practical Hrs) Total Marks: 100 marks
University assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50 marks

1. Sound knowledge of Networking
2. Sound knowledge of operating system such as windows OS and LinuxOS
3. Sound Knowledge of Network Security and database.

Course Objectives (COs):

To enable the students to:
CO1: Learn encryption, decryption, and hashing techniques.
CO2: Analyze network traffic using Wireshark, focusing on Telnet, SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS
CO3: Investigate attacks on Windows hosts, and Utilize intrusion detection systems like Snort
and implement firewall rules.
CO4: Extract executables from network traffic, explore DNS traffic, and perform attacks on
MySQL databases.
C05: Set up syslog servers, configure Linux systems for logging, and work with log
management tools like Splunk, ELK, and GrayLog.

Practical Description
No (120 hrs)
1 a. Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using a Hacker Tool 6 hrs
b. Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using OpenSSL [OC1,OC2]
c. Hashing a Text File with OpenSSL and Verifying Hashes

2 a. Examining Telnet and SSH in Wireshark

b. Investigating an Attack on a Windows Host 6 hrs
c. Investigating a Malware Exploit [OC3,OC4]

3 a. Demonstrate the use of Snort and Firewall Rules

b. Demonstrate Extract an Executable from a PCAP 6 hrs
c. Demonstrate a practical for Exploring DNS Traffic [OC5,OC6]

4 a. Using Wireshark to Examine HTTP and HTTPS Traffic 6 hrs

b. Exploring Processes, Threads, Handles, and Windows Registry [OC7,OC8]
5 Perform a practical to Attack on a mySQL Database by using PCAP 6 hrs
file. [OC9]
6 Create your own syslog Server 6 hrs
7 Configure your Linux system to send syslog messages to a syslog server 6 hrs
and Read them [OC10]
8 Install and Run Splunk on Linux 6 hrs
9 Install and Configure ELK on Linux 6 hrs
10 Install and Configure GrayLog on Linux 6 hrs

Course Outcomes(OCs)

After completion of the course, students able to

OC1: To perform encryption and decryption data using various tools, including OpenSSL and a
hacker tool.
OC2: Understand the concept of hashing text files with OpenSSL and verifying hashes.
OC3: Gain the proficiency in examining Telnet and SSH traffic using Wireshark.
OC4: Improvising the skills in investigating attacks on Windows hosts and malware exploits.
OC5: Gain a knowledge of using Snort and firewall rules for network security.
OC6: Capability to extract executables from PCAP files and explore DNS traffic.
O7: Demonstrate competence in analyzing HTTP and HTTPS traffic using Wireshark.
OC8: Understand the concept of processes, threads, handles, and the Windows Registry.
OC9: Gain proficiency in attacking a MySQL database using PCAP files.
OC10: Create and configure a syslog server and read syslog messages.
OC11: Develop skills in installing and running Splunk, ELK, and GrayLog on Linux.
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology

Course Code: (606c) [Elective] Course Name: Server Virtualization on VMWare

Total Credits: 04 (120 Lecture Hrs) Platform (PR)
University assessment: 50 marks Total Marks: 100 marks
College/Department assessment: 50 marks

1. Sound knowledge of Virtualization
Course Objectives (COs):
To enable the students to:
 To get the insight of Vmware products implementation
 To understand the concepts behind the vCenter Appliance.
 To understand the concepts behind the VMFS,vMotion,HA

Practical Description
No (120 hrs)
1 Deploying and Configuring Virtual Machines
1. Access Your Student Desktop
2. Create a Virtual Machine 6 hrs
3. Install VMware Tools [OC1,]
4. Copy Files to the Desktop

2 Working with vCenter Server Appliance

1. Access your vCenter Server Appliance and Configure Licenses
2. Configure Single Sign-On and Create a Data Center Object
3. Add Your ESXi Hosts to the vCenter Server Inventory
4. Configure the ESXi Hosts as NTP Clients 6 hrs
5. Create a Host and Cluster Folder. [OC2]
6. Create Virtual Machine and Template Folders.
7. Navigate vSphere Client

3 Users, Groups, and Permissions

1. Join the vCenter Server Appliance to vclass.local Domain
2. Add vclass.local as an Identity Source .
3. View Active Directory Users. 6 hrs
4. Assign Object Permissions to an Active Directory User [OC3]
5. Assign Root-Level Global Permission
6. Log In with Windows Session Authentication
7. Use an Active Directory User to Manage a Virtual Machine

4 Using Standard Switches

6 hrs
1. View the Standard Switch Configuration
2. Create a Standard Switch with a Virtual Machine Port Group . .
3. Attach Your Virtual Machines to the New Virtual Machine Port

5 Accessing iSCSI Storage

1. Validate an Existing ESXi Host iSCSI Configuration
2. Add a VMkernel Port Group to a Standard Switch 6 hrs
3. Configure the iSCSI Software Adapter [OC5]
4. Connect the iSCSI Software Adapters to Storage

6 Managing VMFS Datastores

1. Create VMFS Datastores for the ESXi Host
2. Expand a VMFS Datastore to Consume Unused Space on a LUN. 6 hrs
3. Remove a VMFS Datastore. [OC6]
4. Extend a VMFS Datastore
5. Create a Second Shared VMFS Datastore Using iSCSI

7 Accessing NFS Storage

1. Configure Access to NFS Datastores 6 hrs
2. View NFS Storage Information [OC7]

8 Using Templates and Clones

1. Create a Virtual Machine Template 6 hrs
2. Create Customization Specifications [OC8]
3. Deploy a Virtual Machine from a Template

9 Modifying Virtual Machines

1. Clone a Powered-On Virtual Machine
2. Increase the Size of a VMDK File
3. Adjust Memory Allocation on a Virtual Machine. 6hhrs
4. Rename a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance [OC9]
5. Add and Remove a Raw LUN on a Virtual Machine

10 Migrating Virtual Machines .

Migrate Virtual Machine Files from Local Storage to Shared Storage
1. Create a Virtual Switch and a VMkernel Port Group for vSphere
vMotion Migration . 6 hrs
2. Prepare Virtual Machines to Demonstrate vSphere vMotion [OC10]
3. Perform vSphere vMotion Migrations of Virtual Machines
4. Perform Compute Resource and Storage Migrations

11 Managing Virtual Machines.

1. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance
Inventory 6 hrs
2. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance [OC11]
Inventory .
3. Unregister and Delete Virtual Machines from the Datastore .
4. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
5. Add Files and Take Another Snapshot of a Virtual Machine .
6. Revert the Virtual Machine to a Snapshot
7. Delete an Individual Snapshot
8. Delete All Snapshots.

12 Managing Resource Pools .

1. Create CPU Contention . 6 hrs
2. Create Resource Pools . [OC12]
3. III. Verify Resource Pool Functionality

13 Monitoring Virtual Machine Performance .

1. Create the CPU Workload . . 6hrs
2. Use Performance Charts to Monitor CPU [OC13]
3. III. Undo Changes Made to the Virtual Machines

14 Using vSphere HA. . . .

1. Create a Cluster Enabled for vSphere HA
2. Add Your ESXi Hosts to the Cluster
3. Test the vSphere HA Functionality 6 hrs
4. View the vSphere HA Cluster Resource Usage. [OC14]
5. Manage vSphere HA Slot Size
6. Configure a vSphere HA Cluster with Strict Admission Control

Course Outcomes(OCs)

After completion of the course:

OC1:.Creating and Virtual Machines and their

OC2: deployment of Working with vCenter Server Appliance
OC3: Understanding the Users, Groups, and Permissions
OC4: Using various types of switches
OC5: Accessing iSCSI Storage /Network Storage
OC6: Managing VMFS Datastores and the data storage
OC7: Accessing NFS Storage
OC8: Using Templates and Clones
OC9: Modifying Virtual Machines
OC10: Migrating Virtual Machines .
OC11: Managing Virtual Machines status and snap shots
OC12: Managing Resource Pools .
OC13: Monitoring the performance of Virtual Machine
OC14:Understanding and implementing High Availability Cluster
Semester IV
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology
Course Code: 611 [Mandatory] Course Name: Blockchain (Theory)
Total Credits: 04 (60 Lecture Hrs) Total Marks: 100 marks
University assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50 marks

Pre requisite:
1. knowledge of data structure and cryptography
2. Sound knowledge of one popular language, such as Java or Python
Course Objectives (COs)
To enable the students to:
CO1 : understand the structure of a Blockchain
CO2 : learn the fundamentals of Ethereum and Bitcoin.
CO3 : gain a comprehensive understanding of smart contract and Dapp.
CO4 : learn the concepts of permissioned and public blockchains and NFT.

Unit 1: Blockchain Introduction
a. Blockchain – Introduction, History, Centralised versus Decentralised
systems, Layers of blockchain, Importance of blockchain, Blockchain uses and
use cases. 15 Hrs
b. Working of Blockchain – Blockchain foundation, Cryptography, Game [OC1]
Theory, Computer Science Engineering, Properties of blockchain solutions,
blockchain transactions, distributed consensus mechanisms, Blockchain
mechanisms, Scaling blockchain.
Unit 2: Bitcoin and Ethereum
a. A Working of Bitcoin: Money, Bitcoin, Bitcoin blockchain,
bitcoin network, bitcoin scripts, Full Nodes and SVPs, Bitcoin wallets,
Interacting with the Bitcoin Blockchain
b. Ethereum- Ethereum as a Next-Gen Blockchain, Design
Philosophy of Ethereum, Ethereum Blockchain, Ethereum Accounts,
15 Hrs
Advantages of Accounts, Account State, Merkle Patricia Tree, Ethereum
Transaction and Message Structure, Ethereum State Transaction
Function, Gas and Transaction Cost, Ethereum Smart Contracts,
Contract Creation, Ethereum Virtual Machine.
c. Mining Ether: Difficulty, Factors Required for Block
Validation, How Proof of Work Helps Regulate Block Time, Faster
Blocks, How Ethereum Uses Stale Blocks, Forking
Unit 3: Smart Contract & Dapp
a. Smart Contracts and Solidity:
15 Hrs
Basic of Solidity Programming:- writing loops in solidity, statement and
expressions in solidity, Value types, Global special variables, Units and
b. Behind Dapp Deployment-Seven Ways to Think About Smart
Contracts, Smart Contract Deployment- EVM as Back End:
Introduction to Truffle, Use of Remix and test networks for
deployment, Dapp deployment.
c. Blockchain Application Development -Decentralized
Applications, , Interacting Programmatically with Ethereum—Sending
Transactions, Creating a Smart Contract, Executing Smart Contract
Unit 4: Permissioned Blockchain ,Cryptoeconomics & NFT
a. Permissioned Blockchain-, Public vs. Private Blockchains,
Decentralized Application Architecture, Hyperledger concept, Exploring
Hyperledger fabric project, Iroha project
15 Hrs
b. Cryptoeconomics- Why Is Cryptoeconomics useful?, Understanding
[OC 4]
Hashing vs.encryption,Speed of blocks, Ether Issuance scheme,
Common Attack Scenarios
c. NFT- What are NFTs?NFT Marketplaces,Creating and Minting
NFTs,Legal Aspects of NFTs, The Future of NFTS

Sr. Title
Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Introducing Ethereum and
Chris Dannen Apress 2017
Beginning Blockchain: A
Beginner's Guide to
1. Singhal , Gautam
Building Blockchain Apress 2018
Dhameja ,Priyansu Sekhar
Blockchain for dummies Tiana Laurence Wiley 2017
1. The Blockchain Developer Elad Elrom Apress
1. Mastering Ethereum Andreas M. Antonopoulos O’Reilly First 2018
Dr. Gavin Wood
1. The NFT Handbook Matt Fortnow,Terry Wiley 2022

Online References:
1. NPTEL courses:
a. Blockchain and its Applications,
b. Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases
2. www.swayam.gov.in/
3. www.coursera.org
4. https://ethereum.org/en/
5. https://www.trufflesuite.com/tutorials
6. https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.2/whatis.h
7. Blockchain demo: https://andersbrownworth.com/blockchain/
10. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/blockchain/index.htm

Course Outcomes(OCs)
After completion of the course, a student should be able to:
1. provide conceptual understanding of the function of Blockchain as a method of securing
distributed ledgers, how consensus on their contents is achieved.
2. demonstrate blockchain applications.
3. gain the ability to write and deploy basic smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain
using Solidity programming language and tools like Truffle and Remix.
4. able to analyze cryptoeconomic design and learn NFT and permissioned blockchains.
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology

Course Code:612 [Mandatory] Course Name: Blockchain Practical

Total Credits: 02 (60 Lecture Hrs) Total Marks: 50 marks
University assessment: 25 marks College/Department assessment: 25 marks

1. Proficiency in programming languages like Python, JavaScript
2. Familiarizing yourself with Ethereum, its architecture, and the Solidity programming
Course Objectives (COs):
To enable the students to:

1. recognize the importance of blockchain in various industries and its potential to

disrupt traditional systems.
2. analyze the structure and functionality of Bitcoin wallets for storing and managing
3. introduce the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) as the backend for executing smart
4. explore the permissioned blockchain.

Unit 2
Practical Description CREDITS
(60 hrs)
a Develop a secure messaging application where users can exchange
messages securely using RSA encryption. Implement a mechanism for
generating RSA key pairs and encrypting/decrypting messages.
1 b Allow users to create multiple transactions and display them in an
organised format. OC1
c Create a Python class named Transaction with attributes for sender, (15 hrs)
receiver, and amount. Implement a method within the class to transfer
money from the sender's account to the receiver's account..
d Implement a function to add new blocks to the miner and dump the
2 a Write a python program to demonstrate mining.

b Demonstrate the use of the Bitcoin Core API to interact with a Bitcoin
Core node. OC2
(15 hrs)
c Demonstrating the process of running a blockchain node on your local
d Demonstrate mining using geth on your private network.
3 a Write a Solidity program that demonstrates various types of functions
including regular functions, view functions, pure functions, and the
fallback function.
b Write a Solidity program that demonstrates function overloading,
mathematical functions, and cryptographic functions.
c Write a Solidity program that demonstrates various features including OC3
contracts, inheritance, constructors, abstract contracts, interfaces. (15 hrs)
d Write a Solidity program that demonstrates use of libraries, assembly,
events, and error handling.
e Build a decentralized application (DApp) using Angular for the front
end and Truffle along with Ganache CLI for the back end.
4 a Install and demonstrate use of hyperledger-Irhoa
(15 hrs)
b Demonstration on interacting with NFT

Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

OC1. develop a mechanism for generating RSA key pairs, enabling users to securely
encrypt and decrypt messages.
OC2. explore the architecture and components of the Bitcoin blockchain, including
blocks, transactions.
OC3. demonstrate smart contracts and their deployment in decentralized applications
OC4. evaluate the security and privacy challenges in blockchain systems.
Programme Code:_______________ Programme Name: M. Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code: 613 Course Name: Deep Learning

Total Credits: 04 (60 Lecture Hrs) University Total Marks: 100 marks
assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50
Course Objectives: (COs)
To enable students to:
CO1: To present the mathematical, statistical and computational challenges of building
Neural networks
CO2: To study the concepts of deep learning
CO3: To enable the students to know deep learning techniques to support real-time

MODULE 1 2 Credits
UNIT I 30 Hrs
a) Applied Math and Machine Learning Basics: Linear Algebra: Scalars, Vectors, [OC1,
Matrices and Tensors, Multiplying Matrices and Vectors , Identity and Inverse OC2, OC3]
Matrices, Linear Dependence and Span , norms, special matrices and vectors, Eigen

b) Numerical Computation: Overflow and under flow, poor conditioning, Gradient

Based Optimization, Constraint optimization.

a) Deep Networks: Deep feed forward network, regularization for deep learning,
Optimization for Training deep models.

MODULE 2 2 Credits
a) Convolution Applications: Convolutional Networks, Sequence Modelling, [OC4,
Applications OC5]
b) Deep Learning Research: Linear Factor Models, Auto encoders, representation

a) Generative Models: Approximate Inference, Deep Generative Models
b) Diff usion Models (Reference 3)
c) Applications: Transformers, Advance GANs (Reference 3)
Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, a student will be able to:

CO1: Describe basics of mathematical foundation that will help the learner to understand the
Concepts of Deep Learning.
CO2: Understand and describe model of deep learning
CO3: Understand various deep supervised learning architectures for text & image data.
CO4: Gain knowledge about various deep learning models and architectures.
CO5: Familiarize various deep learning techniques to design efficient algorithms for real-
world applications.

Books and References:

Sr. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year

1 Deep Learning Ian Yoshua Bengio, An MIT Press 1st 2016

Goodfellow, Aaron book

2 Fundamentals of Deep Nikhil Buduma O’Reilly 1st 2017


3 Generative Deep Learning David Foster O’Reilly 2nd 2023

4 Deep Learning: Methods and Deng & Yu Now Publishers 1st 2013

5 Deep Learning CookBook Douwe Osinga O’Reilly 1st 2017

Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code:614 Course Name: Deep Learning Practical

Total Credits: 02 (60 Lecture Hrs.) Total Marks: 50 marks
University Assessment: 25 marks College/Department assessment: 25 marks

Basic understanding of Deep learning frameworks TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras etc..
Course Objectives (CO)
CO1 To learn to use popular frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch to construct, train,
and evaluate deep learning models for various tasks.
CO2 To apply various deep learning techniques to design efficient algorithms for real-
world applications.
CO3 To optimize and deploy trained models into production environments.
CO4 To gain the ability to analyze problems, select appropriate deep learning
approaches, evaluate model performance, and troubleshoot issues.

Sr.No. Practical List 2 Credits

1. Introduction to TensorFlow OC1
a.  Create tensors with different shapes and data types.
 Perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division on tensors.
 Reshape, slice, and index tensors to extract specific elements or sections.
 Performing matrix multiplication and finding eigenvectors and eigenvalues
using TensorFlow
b. Program to solve the XOR problem.
2. Linear Regression OC2,OC3,
a.  Implement a simple linear regression model using TensorFlow's low-
level API (or tf. keras).
 Train the model on a toy dataset (e.g., housing prices vs. square footage).
 Visualize the loss function and the learned linear relationship.
 Make predictions on new data points.
3 Convolutional Neural Networks (Classification) OC2,OC3,OC4
a. Implementing deep neural network for performing binary classification task
b. Using a deep feed-forward network with two hidden layers for performing multiclass
classification and predicting the class.
4 Write a program to implement deep learning Techniques for image segmentation. OC2,OC3,OC4
5 Write a program to predict a caption for a sample image using LSTM. OC2,OC3,OC4
6 Applying the Autoencoder algorithms for encoding real-world data OC2,OC3,OC4
7. Write a program for character recognition using RNN and compare it with CNN. OC2,OC3,OC4
8. Write a program to develop Autoencoders using MNIST Handwritten Digits OC2,OC3,OC4
9. Demonstrate recurrent neural network that learns to perform sequence analysis for stock OC2,OC3,OC4
price.(google stock price)
10. Applying Generative Adversarial Networks for image generation and unsupervised OC2,OC3,OC4

Books and References:

Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1 Deep learning with TensorFlow Giancarlo Zaccone Packt 2nd 2018
Md. Rezaul Karim

2 Zero to Deep Learning Francesco Mosconi Fullstack.io 1st 2019

Course Outcomes (OCs)

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
OC1: Use tensors to implement deep learning algorithms and techniques.
OC2: Apply deep neural network models.
OC3: Analyze the impact of hyperparameter tuning on optimization.
OC4: Evaluate and visualize the performance of the model.
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code: 615a [Elective] Course Name: Robotic Process Automation (PR)
Total Credits: 04 (120 Lecture Hrs) Total Marks: 100 marks
University Assessment: 50 marks College/Department Assessment: 50 marks

 Basic knowledge of software coding and programming logic.

Course Objectives:
1. : UiPath Fundamentals: Learn UiPath RPA basics, including Studio and Orchestrator.
2. : Workflow Design: Develop automation workflows efficiently with UiPath Studio.
3. : Data Manipulation: Extract, transform, and integrate data using UiPath.
4. : Error Management: Handle exceptions and ensure reliable automation.
5. : Orchestrator Management: Configure and monitor Orchestrator for robot management.
6. : Advanced Features: Explore advanced UiPath capabilities like OCR and web automation.

Practical Description (120 hrs)
Module 1:
1. RPA Basics: Sequences and Flowcharts:
a. Create a simple sequence-based project.
b. Create a flowchart-based project. 10 hrs
c. Automate UiPath Number Calculation (Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of [OC1,
numbers). OC2]
d. Create an automation UiPath project using different types of variables (number,
datetime, Boolean, generic, array, data table)
2. Decision making and looping:
a. Consider an array of names. We have to find out how many of them start with
the letter "a". Create an automation where the number of names starting with "a" is
counted and the result is displayed.
b. Demonstrate switch statement with an example.
10 hrs
c. Create an automation To Print numbers from 1 to 10 with break after the
writeline activity inside for each activity
d. Create an automation using Do..While Activity to print numbers from 5 to 1
e. Create an automation using Delay Activity between two writeline activities to
separate their execution by 5 seconds
f. Create an automation to demonstrate use of decision statements (if)
3. Types of Recording: 10 hrs
a. Basic Recording using Toolbar [OC3,
b. Basic Recording using Notepad OC4]
c. Desktop Recording using Tool bar
d. Desktop Recording by creating a workflow
e. Web Recording e.g. Find the rating of the movie from imdb web site
f. Web Recording manually
Module 2:
4. Excel Automation:
a. Automate the process to extract data from an excel file into a data table and
vice versa
b. Create an automation to Write data to specific cell of an excel sheet.
10 hrs
c. Create an automation to Read data to specific cell of an excel sheet.
d. Create an automation to append data to specific cell of an excel sheet.
e. Create an automation to sort a table of an excel sheet.
f. Create an automation to filter a table of an excel sheet
g. Choose a repetitive manual task from your workplace or daily life. Design and
implement an RPA bot to automate this task using your preferred RPA tool
5. Different controls in UiPath:
a. Implement the attach window activity.
b. Automate using Anchor Base. 12 hrs
c. Automate using Element Exists. [OC4,
d. Automate using Find Children control. OC5]
e. Use Get Ancestor control
f. Use Find Relative control
6. Keyboard and Mouse Events:
a. Demonstrate the following activities in UiPath:
i. Mouse (click, double click and hover)
ii. Type into
12 hrs
iii. Type Secure text
b. Demonstrate the following events in UiPath:
. Element triggering event
i. Image triggering event
ii. System Triggering Event
c. Automate the process of launching an assistant bot on a keyboard event.
Module 3:
7. Screen Scraping and Web Scraping methods:
a. Automate the following screen scraping methods using UiPath:
a. Full Text 12 hrs
b. Native [OC3,
c. OCR OC4]
b. Demonstrate Data Scraping and display values in Message box.
c. Demonstrate Screen Scraping for a pdf, web page and image file.
8. PDF Automation and Exception Handling:
a. Read PDF With OCR
b. Merge PDF’s into one
c. Get PDF Total Page count Using Regex 12 hrs
d. Extract data from a PDF or Excel file and populate it into a database or [OC3,
spreadsheet. OC4]
e. Extract data from a PDF or Excel file and populate it into a database or
spreadsheet. Implement data manipulation techniques like filtering, sorting, or data
f. Demonstrate Exception Handling using UiPath
9. Email Automation:
a. Configure Email using UiPath
12 hrs
b. Read Emails
c. Send Email with Attachment
d. Save Email Attachments
e. Reply to Email
Module 4:
10. Orchestrator management and mini project:
a. Deploy bots to Orchestrator
b. Run jobs from Orchestrator 12 hrs
c. Queue Introduction: [OC4,
i. Add items to Queue. OC5]
ii. Get Queue item from Orchestrator
d. Build UiPath Chatbot using Google dialogflow
11. RPA Applications:
a. Automate the extraction of data from invoices, validate information, and update
accounting systems.
b. Automate data entry tasks from various sources such as emails, forms, or
documents, and validate data against predefined rules.
10 hrs
c. Automate the process of expense reporting by extracting data from receipts,
[All OC’s]
categorizing expenses, and generating reports.
d. Automate inventory tracking and management processes, including stock
updates, reordering, and inventory audits.
e. Automate sales order processing tasks such as order entry, validation, and
12. Prepare the Robotics process automation project on any one of the following
RPA in Logistics, Intelligent Process Automation, IT Process Automation Explained, 10 hrs
RPA in Banking, RPA in Education, RPA in Telecommunications, RPA in Healthcare, [All OC’s]
RPA in Insurance, RPA in Accounting, RPA Challenges, RPA in Real Estate, RPA in
BPO, RPA Security

Course Outcomes (OC’s):

Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. : Recall and describe fundamental RPA and UiPath concepts, including key features of
Studio and Orchestrator.
2. : Explain RPA principles and how UiPath facilitates process automation through its
3. : Interpret roles of components and tools in the UiPath ecosystem, understanding their
4. : Summarize UiPath's data manipulation and integration capabilities for efficient
5. : Utilize UiPath Studio to create workflows for simple business processes, incorporating
data extraction and manipulation techniques.
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code: 615b [Elective] Course Name: Cyber Forensics Practical

Total Credits: 04 (120 Lecture Hrs) Total Marks: 100 marks
University assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50 marks

1. Sound knowledge of Networking
2. Sound knowledge of operating system such as windows OS and LinuxOS
3. Sound Knowledge of Network Security and database

Course Objectives (COs):

To enable the students to:
CO1: Understand the fundamentals of computer forensics investigation processes and
CO2: Gain proficiency in using various forensic tools and techniques for data recovery,
analysis, and preservation.
CO3: Develop skills in detecting and defeating anti-forensic techniques employed by
CO4: Learn how to perform forensic investigations on different operating systems, networks,
web attacks, databases, malware, email crimes, and mobile devices.
CO5: Apply acquired knowledge and skills through practical exercises and case studies to
conduct thorough and effective forensic investigations.

Practical Description
No (60 hrs)
1 Computer Forensics Investigation Process
a. Recovering Data using the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.
b. Performing Hash, Checksum, or HMAC Calculations using the 6 hrs
HashCalc. [OC1, OC2,
c. Creating a Disk Image File of a Hard Disk Partition using the R- OC3]
drive Image Tool.

2 Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems

a. Analyzing File System Types Using the Sleuth Kit (TSK).
b. Analyzing Raw image using Autopsy. 6 hrs
c. Analyze file system of Linux image file. [OC4]
d. Analyze file system of Windows image file.
3 Data Acquisition and Duplication
a. Creating a dd image file
b. Investigating NTFS Drive Using DiskExplorer for NTFS. 6 hrs
c. Viewing Content of Forensic Image Using Access Data FTK [OC5]
Imager Tool

4 Defeating Anti-forensics Techniques

a. Cracking Application Password
b. Detecting Steganography 6 hrs
c. Perform a practical of identifying the packer used to pack a file by [OC6]
using ExeInfo PE and then unpacking the file using UPX.

5 Performing OS Forensics
a. Performa a Practical collect volatile information from a host
computer running on a Windows OS by using tools PsTools,
LogonSessions, and NetworkOpenedFiles.
b. Performa a Practical for Discovering and Extracting Hidden 6 hrs
Forensic Material on Computers Using OSForensics. [OC7]
c. Performing a Computer Forensic Investigation Using the Helix
d. examine Windows event logs using Event Log Explorer.

6 Network Forensics
a. Investigating Network Traffic Using Wireshark 6 hrs
b. Investigating Network Attacks using Kiwi Log Viewer [OC8]

7 Investigating Web Attacks

a. Analyzing Domain and IP Address Queries Using SmartWhois 6 hrs
Tool [OC9]

8 Database Forensics 6 hrs

a. Analyzing SQLite Databases using DB Browser for SQLite [OC10]
9 Malware Forensics
a. Perform Static Analysis of the Suspicious File 6 hrs
b. performing dynamic analysis of a malicious file to find the [OC11]
processes It starts, network operations, file changes and other activities.

10 Investigating Email Crimes

a. Recovering Deleted Emails Using the Recover My Email utility. 6 hrs
b. Tracing an Email Using the eMailTrackerPro Tool. [OC12]

11 Mobile Forensics
a. Analyzing the Forensic Image and Carving the Deleted Files 3 hrs
Using Autopsy. [OC13]

Course Outcomes(OCs)
After completion of the course:

OC1: Data Recovery: Students will be able to recover lost or deleted data using tools like
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, ensuring data integrity and completeness during investigations.
OC2: Hashing and Checksum Calculations: Students will perform hash, checksum, or HMAC
calculations using HashCalc, enabling them to verify data integrity and authenticity.
OC3: Disk Imaging: Students will create disk image files of hard disk partitions using tools like
R-drive Image Tool, ensuring preservation of evidence for analysis.
OC4: File System Analysis: Students will analyze different file system types using Sleuth Kit
(TSK) and Autopsy, enabling them to understand file structures and recover relevant evidence.
OC5: Data Acquisition and Duplication: Students will create dd image files, investigate NTFS
drives using DiskExplorer for NTFS, and view content of forensic images using FTK Imager
Tool, ensuring accurate and thorough data acquisition.
OC6: Defeating Anti-Forensics Techniques: Students will learn to crack application
passwords, detect steganography, and identify and unpack packed files using tools like ExeInfo
PE and UPX, ensuring effectiveness in overcoming anti-forensics measures.
OC7: OS Forensics: Students will collect volatile information from Windows hosts using
PsTools, LogonSessions, and NetworkOpenedFiles, discover and extract hidden forensic
material using OSForensics, and perform computer forensic investigations using Helix Tool,
enabling them to conduct thorough examinations of operating systems.
OC8: Network Forensics: Students will investigate network traffic using Wireshark and
analyze network attacks using Kiwi Log Viewer, enabling them to identify and analyze network-
related evidence effectively.
OC9: Web Attacks Investigation: Students will analyze domain and IP address queries using
SmartWhois Tool, enabling them to investigate web-related attacks and activities.
OC10: Database Forensics: Students will analyze SQLite databases using DB Browser for
SQLite, enabling them to extract and analyze data stored in databases for forensic purposes.
OC11: Malware Forensics: Students will perform static and dynamic analysis of suspicious
files, enabling them to identify and analyze malware behavior and impact.
OC12: Email Crimes Investigation: Students will recover deleted emails using tools like
Recover My Email utility and trace emails using eMailTrackerPro Tool, enabling them to
investigate email-related crimes effectively.
OC13: Mobile Forensics: Students will analyze forensic images and carve deleted files from
mobile devices using Autopsy, enabling them to conduct investigations involving mobile devices
Programme Code:____ Programme Name: M.Sc. (Information Technology)

Course Code: 615c [Mandatory] Course Name: Advanced IoT (Practical)

Total Credits: 04 (120 Practical Hrs) Total Marks: 100 marks
University assessment: 50 marks College/Department assessment: 50 marks

Pre requisite:
1. Basics of IoT
2. Basics of Python Programming

Course Objectives (COs)

1. To understand how to load Raspbian and Windows IoT Core on Raspberry Pi and execute
applications on it using Python and node.js.
2. To develop a home automation system that can remotely control at least 4 devices.
3. To learn how to interface the fingerprint module with Raspberry Pi, capture and store
fingerprints and display whether the fingerprint is valid or not on the 16X2 LCD display.
4. To learn how to interface the RFID module with Raspberry Pi, write and read RFID cards,
map them with student Roll no, and display information on the student.
5. To learn how to interface GPS module with Raspberry Pi and display the latitude and
longitude on the 16X2 LCD display.
6. To learn how to interface the Pi Camera with Raspberry Pi, capture and store faces along
with their names, scan the face and display the name of the person.
7. To develop a private Ethereum blockchain with Raspberry Pi.
8. To integrate Node Red with MQTT on Raspberry Pi.
9. To learn how to use Microsoft Speech API for transcribing, converting, and real-time speech
10. To learn how to use Microsoft Language API to identify common terms, detect sentiments,
enable natural language interaction, and translate languages. Additionally, to learn how to
use Microsoft Vision API for identifying and analyzing content in images and videos, detect
problems, offensive or unwanted content, and create personalized experiences for every user.

List of Practical:
Unit 1 15 hrs
Load Raspbian and Windows IoT Core on Raspberry Pi and execute applications on it [OC1]
using Python and node.js.
Create a home automation system and control the devices remotely. Control 4 devices [OC2]
with the system.
Interface fingerprint module with raspberry Pi to capture and store fingerprints. [OC3]
Interface 16X2 LCD with the same Pi and display whether the fingerprint is valid or
Interface RFID module with Raspberry Pi. Write and read RFID cards. Map the with [OC4]
student Roll no. Read the card and display the information of the student.
Interface GPS module with Raspberry Pi. Display the latitude and longitude on the [OC5]
16X2 LCD display.

Unit 2 15 hrs
6.Interface Pi Camera with Raspberry Pi. Capture and store faces along with their [OC6]
names. Scan the face and display the Name of the person.
7.a. Create a private Ethereum blockchain with Raspberry Pi. [OC7,
b. Integrate Node Red with MQTT on Raspberry Pi. OC8]
8.Interface fingerprint module with Raspberry Pi. Control different devices with [OC14]
fingerprint. If the finger print is registered and valid, the device should function, else
Access denied should be displayed on LCD 16X2 display.
9.Create a full-featured Kubernetes application on a Pi cluster [OC15]
i. Setup Raspberry Pi Cluster
ii. Install Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi Cluster
iii. Install Kubernetes Ingress on Raspberry Pi Cluster
iv. Perform Kubernetes application monitoring on Raspberry Pi cluster
v. Install MairaDB on Raspberry Pi
vi. Develop Application using the above installations
10. stepper motor with Raspberry Pi. Use the motor to rotate an item clockwise [OC16]
and anticlockwise in steps.
Build AI Powered Auto Billing System for Fast Checkout in Retail Stores with [OC17]
Raspberry Pi.
Send telemetry from a device to an IoT hub and read it with a service application. [OC18]

Use the Azure CLI and Azure portal to configure IoT Hub message routing. [OC18]

Microsoft Speech API to [OC9,
a. Transcribe audible speech into readable, searchable text. OC11]
b. Convert text to lifelike speech for more natural interfaces.
c. Integrate real-time speech translation into your apps.
a. Identify and verify the person speaking by using voice characteristics.
Use Microsoft Language API to [OC10]
a. Identify commonly used and domain-specific terms.
b. Automatically detect sentiments and opinions in text.
c. Distill information into easy-to-navigate questions and answers.
d. Enable your apps to interact with users through natural language.
e. Translate more than 100 languages and dialects.
Use Microsoft Vision API to [OC12,
a. Identify and analyze content in images and video. OC13]
b. Customize image recognition to fit your business needs.
Use Microsoft Language API to
c. Identify potential problems early. (Decision services / Anomaly Detector)
d. Detect potentially offensive or unwanted content. (Decision services / Content
e. Create rich, personalized experiences for every user. (Decision services /
Develop a project for Condition monitoring for Industrial IoT (Case Study and [OC19]
Develop a project for Predictive maintenance for Industrial IoT (Case Study and [OC20]
Develop a project for Real-time asset tracking and management (Case Study and [OC21]
Create a digital model of your physical space or assets (Case Study and [OC22]

1. https://www.raspberrypi.org/
2. https://betterprogramming.pub/develop-and-deploy-kubernetes-applications-on-a-raspberry-
3. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot/tutorial-iot-industrial-solution-architecture
4. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/solutions/iot
5. https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/raspberry-pi-based-automatic-library-

Course Outcomes (OCs)

Upon completion of this practical course, learners will be able to:

1. Understand how to load Raspbian and Windows IoT Core on Raspberry Pi and execute
applications on it using Python and node.js.
2. Develop a home automation system that can remotely control at least 4 devices.
3. Learn how to interface a fingerprint module with Raspberry Pi, capture and store
fingerprints, and display whether the fingerprint is valid or invalid on the 16X2 LCD display.
4. Learn how to interface an RFID module with Raspberry Pi, write and read RFID cards, map
them with student Roll no and display information on the student.
5. Learn how to interface a GPS module with Raspberry Pi and display the latitude and
longitude on the 16X2 LCD display.
6. Learn how to interface a Pi Camera with Raspberry Pi, capture and store faces along with
their names, scan the face and display the name of the person.
7. Develop a private Ethereum blockchain with Raspberry Pi.
8. Integrate Node Red with MQTT on Raspberry Pi.
9. Use Microsoft Speech API to transcribe, convert, and translate speech in real-time.
10. Use Microsoft Language API to identify common terms, detect sentiments and opinions,
distill information, enable natural language interaction, and translate over 100 languages and
11. Identify and verify a person speaking by using voice characteristics.
12. Use Microsoft Vision API to identify and analyze content in images and video, and
customize image recognition.
13. Identify potential problems early, detect potentially offensive or unwanted content, and
create rich, personalized experiences for every user.
14. Develop the ability to interface a fingerprint module with Raspberry Pi and control different
devices with fingerprint authentication. Display "Access denied" on the 16X2 display when
invalid fingerprints are registered.
15. Learn how to set up a Raspberry Pi cluster, install Kubernetes and Ingress, monitor
Kubernetes applications on Raspberry Pi, install MariaDB, and develop applications.
16. Understand how to interface a stepper motor with Raspberry Pi, rotate items clockwise and
anti-clockwise in steps, and control the motor.
17. Develop skills for building an AI-powered auto-billing system for fast checkout in retail
stores using Raspberry Pi.
18. Learn how to send telemetry from a device to an IoT hub and read it with a service
19. Develop the necessary knowledge and skills for implementing Condition Monitoring for
Industrial IoT projects through a case study.
20. Develop the necessary knowledge and skills for implementing Predictive Maintenance for
Industrial IoT projects through a case study.
21. Learn how to create a real-time asset tracking and management system.
22. Develop the ability to create a digital model of physical space or assets as part of a case study

Sign of Chairperson Sign of the Sign of Offg. Dean,

Dr. Mrs. R. Offg. Associate Dean Prof. Shivram S. Garje
Srivaramangai Dr. Madhav R. Rajwade Faculty of Science &
Ad-hoc BoS (IT) Faculty of Science & Technology

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