Year - B.E. Electronics & Communication-Telecommunication Engineering (MODEL CURRICULUM) Semester-VII Subject - ET704M-PEC-2 - Embedded Systems
Year - B.E. Electronics & Communication-Telecommunication Engineering (MODEL CURRICULUM) Semester-VII Subject - ET704M-PEC-2 - Embedded Systems
Year - B.E. Electronics & Communication-Telecommunication Engineering (MODEL CURRICULUM) Semester-VII Subject - ET704M-PEC-2 - Embedded Systems
3. a) Draw and explain the structural units at a processor in the embedded system. 8
b) What is memory management? Draw and explain memory map for Princeton architecture 8
and Harvard architecture.
4. a) What is DMA controller? Explain DMA controller with the busses and control signals in 8
between DMA channels on chip.
b) Discuss about the factors to be considered for selection of processor in embedded system. 8
5. a) Draw and explain programming model of an embedded system in which there are three 8
software timers in an active list.
b) What are the main features of the source code engineering tool for embedded C/C++. 8
7. a) What do you understand by the term “real time system”. Using a block diagram show the 8
important hardware components of a real time system and their interactions. Explain the
role of the different components.
GUG/W/22/14251 1 P.T.O
b) Discuss about task and task states in Real time operating systems. 8
b) Explain the operation of priority ceiling protocol (PCP) in sharing critical resources 8
among real time task. Explain how PCP is able to avoid deadlock, unbounded priority
inversions and chain blockings.
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