Noor Comprehension Week1-1

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Aesop’s Fable: Questions

The Lion and the Mouse 1. How else could the author have written the moral?

10 Once, when a mighty lion was asleep, a little mouse 

19 began running up and down upon him; this soon
29 wakened the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him 2. Find two adjectives used to describe the lion or
39 and opened his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, O the mouse.
50 King, forgive me,” cried the little mouse. “One day I may

63 be able to help you.” The lion was so tickled at this idea
74 that he lifted up his paw and let the mouse go.
3. Why was the lion tickled at the idea of the mouse
84 Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Just
helping him one day?
96 then, the tiny mouse passed by. He saw the sad plight of
108 the lion so went to help. He soon gnawed away the ropes 
119 that bound the King of the Beasts. “Was I not right?” 
122 said the mouse.

128 Little friends may prove great friends. 4. Who caught the lion in a trap? Why?

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Aesop’s Fable: The Lion Answers
and the Mouse 1. How else could the author have written the moral?
Accept any rewording of the moral, such as:
Despite your size, you can still be a big help.
10 Once, when a mighty lion was asleep, a little mouse
19 began running up and down upon him; this soon
2. Find two adjectives used to describe the lion or
29 wakened the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him
the mouse.
39 and opened his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, O
Accept any two of the following answers for the
50 King, forgive me,” cried the little mouse. “One day I may
lion: mighty; huge; big. Accept the two following
63 be able to help you.” The lion was so tickled at this idea
answers for the mouse: little; tiny.
74 that he lifted up his paw and let the mouse go.

84 Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Just 3. Why was the lion tickled at the idea of the mouse
96 then, the tiny mouse passed by. He saw the sad plight of helping him one day?
108 the lion so went to help. He soon gnawed away the ropes Pupils’ own responses, such as: The lion did not
119 that bound the King of the Beasts. “Was I not right?” believe that something so small could help such
122 said the mouse. a mighty creature like himself so he found this
128 Little friends may prove great friends.

4. Who caught the lion in a trap? Why?

Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think that
humans caught the lion in a trap, probably
because they were worried that it would
attack them.

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