Intermediate Accounting 1 - Theories Answers
Intermediate Accounting 1 - Theories Answers
Intermediate Accounting 1 - Theories Answers
15. Which disclosure is not required about government a. Actual borrowing cost incurred
grant? b. Actual borrowing cost incurred up to completion of
a. The accounting policy adopted for government grant b. c. Actual borrowing cost incurred up to completion of
Unfulfilled condition and other contingency attaching to asset minus any investment income from the temporary
government assistance investment of the borrowing
c. The name of the government agency that gave the d. Zero
d. The nature and extent of government grant recognized 5. Which of the following assets could be treated as
qualifying asset for the purpose of capitalizing
BORROWING COST borrowing costs?
12. Assets that qualify for interest capitalization include a Loan interest relating to the project starts to be
a. Asset under construction for an entity's use. b. Technical site planning commences
b. Asset that is ready for the intended use. c. Expenditures on the project start to be incurred.
c. Asset that is not currently being used. d. Construction work commences.
d. All of these assets qualify for interest capitalization.
5. Which statement is true when entity with a fleet of
cars and ships decided to revalue the property, plant,
and equipment?
18. Interest revenue earned on specific borrowing for
qualifying asset a. Revalue only one-half of each class of property, plant
and equipment.
a. Reduces the cost of the qualifying asset. b. Revalue an entire class of property, plant and
b. Reduces interest expense reported in the income equipment.
statement. c. Revalue one ship at a time as it is easier than revaluing
c. Increases equity. all ships together.
d. Must be credited to interest income. d. Since assets are being revalued regularly, there is no
need to depreciate.
6. When accounting for property, plant and equipment,
1. What is the revalued amount of property plant sig an entity
a. Must use the cost model.
a. Fair value b. May elect to use the cost model or the revaluation
b. Depreciated replacement cost model on any individual asset.
c. Replacement cost c. May elect to use the cost model or the revaluation
d. Fair value and depreciated replacement cost (sound model on any asset class.
val.) d. Must use the cost model for land.
2. When there is no evidence of fair value because of the 7. Under the revaluation model for accounting for
specialized nature of the property, plant and equipment, property, plant and equipment
the estimate of fair value is
a. Assets must be revalued quarterly
a Replacement cost b. Assets must be revalued annually
b. Depreciated replacement cost c. Assets must be revalued biannually
c. Net realizable value d. There is no rule regarding the frequency of revaluation
d. Present value of cash inflows from the use of the asset
8. When the revaluation model is used for reporting
3. What is the treatment of the accumulated property, plant and equipment, the increase in carrying
depreciation on the date of revaluation? amount should be credited to
a. Every three years at the end of reporting period. 3. Which statement is incorrect with respect to
b. When the asset is fully depreciated. depreciation?
с. When circumstances indicate that the amount of an
asset might not be recoverable carrying a. The depreciation method shall reflect the pattern in
d. Every year at the end of reporting period. which the asset's economic benefits are consumed by the
18. Which condition must exist in order for an b. Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for
impairment loss to be recognized? use or when it is in the location and condition necessary
for the intended use.
a. The carrying amount is less than fair value. c. Depreciation ceases at the earlier between the date
b. The carrying amount of the asset is not recoverable. the asset is classified as held for sale and the date the
c. The carrying amount is less than value in use. asset is derecognized.
d. The carrying amount is recoverable. d. Depreciation is not recognized if the fair value of an
asset exceeds carrying amount.
4.Which statement is not true with respect to residual 4. In which of the following situations is the production
value? method of depreciation most appropriate?
a. Residual value is the estimated net amount currently a. An asset's service potential declines with use
obtainable if the asset is at the end of the useful life. b. An asset's service potential declines with the passage
b. The residual value of an asset may increase to an of time
amount equal to or greater than carrying amount in c. An asset is subject to rapid obsolescence
which case the deprecation charge is zero. d. An asset incurs increasing repairs and maintenance
c. The residual value of an asset shall be reviewed at least with use
at each financial year-end and any change is accounted
for as a change in accounting estimate. 5. Which statement provides the best theoretical
d. Depreciation should be charged if the carrying amount support for accelerated depreciation?
of an asset is less than residual value.
A. Assets are more efficient in early years and initially
5. The useful life of property, plant and equipment is generate more revenue.
b. Expenses should be allocated in a manner that
I. The period of time over which an asset is expected to "smooths" earnings.
be used by the entity. C. Repairs and maintenance costs probably would
increase in later periods so depreciation should
II. The number of production or similar units expected to decrease.
be obtained from the asset by the entity. d. Accelerated depreciation provides easier replacement
because of the time value of money.
a. I only
b. II only 6. An asset has nine-year useful life and is to be
c. Both I and II depreciated under the sum of years' digits method. The
d. Neither I nor II annual depreciation expense would be the same as that
under the straight line method in the
11. Which statement is the assumption on which straight
line depreciation is based? a. Third year
b. Fifth year
a. The operating efficiency of the asset decreases in later c. Seventh year
b. Service value declines as a function of time rather than d. Ninth year
C. use. Service value declines as a function of rather than 7. The composite depreciation method
time. obsolescence
d. Physical wear and tear are more important than a. Is applied to a group of homogeneous assets
economic obsolescence. b. Is an accelerated method of depreciation
C. Does not recognize gain or loss on the retirement of
2. The straight line depreciation is not appropriate for single asset in the group
d. Excludes residual value from the base of the
a. that is neither expanding nor contracting an depreciation calculation
Investment in equipment because it is replacing
equipment as the equipment depreciates. 8. An entity using the composite depreciation method
b. Equipment on which maintenance and repairs increase for a fleet of trucks, cars and campers retired one of the
substantially with age. trucks and received cash from a salvage entity. The net
c. ent with useful life that is Equipment amount of use. carrying amount of these composite asset accounts
not affected by the would be decreased by the
d. Equipment used consistently every period.
a. Cash proceeds received and original cost of the truck
3. The principal objection to the straight line method of b. Cash proceeds received
depreciation is that it c. Original cost of the truck less the cash proceeds
d. Original cost of truck
a. Provides for the declining productivity of an aging asset
b. Ignores variation in the rate of asset use
c. Tends to result in a constant rate of return on a
diminishing investment base
d. Gives smaller periodic write off than a decreasing
charge method
9. A machine with a four-year estimated useful life and
an estimated 15% residual value was acquired at the 5. The double declining balance method
beginning of the current year. The increase in
accumulated depreciation for the second year using the a. Results in a decreasing depreciation charge.
double declining balance method would accumulated b. Means residual value is not deducted in computing the
depreciation base.
a. Original cost x 85% x 50% c. Means the carrying amount should not be reduced
b. Original cost x 50% below residual value.
c. Original cost x 85% x 50% x 50% d. All of these describe double declining balance
d. Original cost x 50% x 50%
6. Which depreciation method applies a uniform
10. A machine with a 5-year estimated useful life and an depreciation rate each period to the carrying amount of
estimated residual value was acquired at the beginning of an asset?
the current year. At the end of the fourth year,
accumulated depreciation using the sum of years' digits a. Straight line
method would be b. Declining balance
c. Output method
a. Original cost less residual value multiplied by 1/15 d. Sum of years' digits
b. Original cost less residual value multiplied by 14/15
c. Original cost multipled by 14/15 7. The production method of depreciation results in
d. Original cost multiplied by 1/15
a. Constant charge over the useful life of the asset.
11. Depreciation is best described as a method of b. Decreasing charge over the useful life of the asset
C. Increasing charge over the useful life of the asset.
a. Asset valuation d. Variable charge based on the use or output of the
b. Current value allocation asset
C. Cost allocation
d. Useful life determination 8. What factor must be present to use the production
2. Which statement is not true in relation to
depreciation? a. Total units to be produced can be estimated
b. Production is constant over the life of the asset
a. Depreciation is a matter of valuation. c. Repair costs increase with use
b. Depreciation is part of the matching of revenue and d. Obsolescence is expected
c. Depreciation retains funds by reducing income tax and 9. The sum of years' digits method
d. Depreciation is a cost allocation. a. Results in residual value being ignored.
b. Means the denominator is the number of years
3. Which depreciation method is not based on the remaining at the beginning of the year.
passage of time? c. Means the carrying amount should not be reduced
below residual value.
a. Production method d. Results in an increasing depreciation charge.
b. Sum of years' digits
C. Declining balance 10. All of the following factors are considered in
d. Straight line determining the useful life of an asset, except
4. A method which excludes residual value from the base a. Expected usage of the asset
for the depreciation calculation is b. Expected physical wear and tear
c. Technical obsolescence
a. Straight line d. Residual value
b. Sum of years' digits
c. Double declining balance
d. Output method
d. Notebook computer
19. One factor that is not considered in determining the Specific intangible assets
useful life of an intangible asset is
1. Patent is an example of which category of intangible
a. Residual value asset?
b. Provision for renewal or extension
C. Legal life a. Market-related
d. Expected action of competitors b. Customer-related
c. Artistic-related
20. Factors in determining the useful life of an intangible d. Technology-based
asset include all, except
2. A patent should be amortized over
d. Goodwill should be recorded and periodically
a. Twenty years evaluated for impairment.
b. The useful life
c. The useful life or twenty years, whichever is longer 9. Goodwill shall be tested for impairment
d. The useful life or twenty years, whichever is shorter
a. If there is an indication of impairment
b. Annually
c. Every five years
3. When a patent is amortized, the credit is usually made d. On the acquisition of a subsidiary
10. Which intangible asset should be reported as a
a. The patent account separate line item in the statement of financial position?
b. As accumulated amortization account
c. An accumulated depreciation account a. Goodwill
d. An expense account b. Franchise
c. Patent
4. When an entity successfully defended a patent from d. Trademark
infringement by a competitor, the cost of successful
litigation should be 11.Purchased goodwill should
a. Amortized over the legal life of the patent. a. Be written off against retained earnings.
b. Amortized over five years. b. Be written off as other expense.
c. Expensed in the period when incurred. c. Be written off by systematic charge as operating
d. Amortized over the remaining useful life of the patent expense over the period benefited.
d. Not be amortized.
5. The cost of purchasing right for a product that might
otherwise have seriously competed with the purchaser's 12. An entity should recognize goodwill at what point?
patented product should be
a. Costs have been incurred in the development of
a. Charged off in the current period. goodwill
b. Amortized over the legal life of the purchased patent. b. Goodwill has been created in the purchase of a
c. Added to factory overhead. business.
d. Amortized over the remaining useful life of the patent c. The entity expects a future benefit from the creation of
for the product whose market would have been impaired goodwill.
by competition from the newly patented product. d. The fair value exceeds the carrying amount.
6. The intangible asset goodwill may be 13. Goodwill should be tested for impairment at which
a. Capitalized only when purchased.
b. Capitalized either when purchased or created a. Each reporting unit
internally. b. Each acquisition unit
c. Capitalized only when created internally c. Each identifiable long-term asset
d. Written off directly against retained earnings. d. Entire business as a whole
7. Goodwill shall be recognized only when 14. Goodwill should be tested periodically for impairment
2 Franchise is an example of which general category 3. Which of the following costs should not be capitalized
intangible asset?
a. Acquisition cost of equipment to be used on current
a. Market-related and future research
b. Customer-related b. Engineering action incurred to advance the producι το
c. Artistic-related the full production stage.
d. Contract-based c. Cost incurred to file for patent.
d. Cost of testing prototype before economic feasibility.
3 Customer list and order backlog are an example of
which general category of intangible asset? 4. Which is not research and development activity?
2. Which would be considered research and a. The entity has sufficient resources for the project
development? b. The entity intends to complete the project.
c. The entity can reliably identify the research costs b. Development or improvement of technique and
incurred to bring the project to economic feasibility. process
d. The project has achieved technical feasibility. c. process Offshore oil exploration that is the primary
activity of an entity
4. Which of the following costs should be excluded from d. Market research related to a major product for the
research and development expenses? entity
a. Modification of the design of a product.
B. Acquisition of research and development equipment 5. Which is an example of activities that would be
for use on a current project only. excluded from research and development costs?
c. Cost of marketing research for a new product.
d. Engineering activity required to advance the design of a. Quality control during commercial production
a product to the manufacturing stage. b. Laboratory research aimed at discovery of new
5. Which of the following costs should be capitalized? knowledge
c. Design, construction and testing of production
a. Cost of equipment for current research project only
b. Engineering cost incurred to advance the product to d. Testing in search for or process alternative valuation of
the full production stage product or
c. Cost of research to determine whether a market for
the product exists 6. An activity that would be expensed currently as
d. Salaries of research staff research and development costs is
6. Which research and development costs should be a. Engineering follow-through in an early phase of
capitalized and amortized over current and future commercial production
periods? b. Legal work in connection with patent application and
the licensing of patent
a. Research and development general laboratory c. Testing in search for or evaluation of product or
building process alternative
b. Inventory used for a specific research project d. Adaptation of an existing capability to a particular
c. Administer to salaries allocated to research requirement or customer need as a part commercial
d. Research findings purchased from aid another entity a activity of continuing
particular research project currently in process
7. At the beginning of the current year, an entity
7.if an entity constructs a laboratory building to be use as purchased equipment for use in developing a new
a research and development facility, the cost of product. The entity uses the straight line depreciation
laboratory building is matched against earnings as. method. The equipment could provide benefits over a
10-year period. However, the new product development
a. Research and development expense in the period of is expected to take five years, and the equipment can be
construction used only for this project. The expense for the current
b. Depreciation deducted as part of research and year in relation to the equipment equals
development expense
c. Depreciation or immediate right of depending on a. The total cost of the equipment
accounting policy b. One-fifth of the cost of the equipment
d. An expense at such time as productive research has c. One-tenth of the cost of the equipment
been obtained from facility d. Zero
3. A research and development activity for which the cost 8. Which is not considered a research and development
would be expensed incurred activity?
a. Design, construction and testing of pre production a. Routine on-going effort to refine, enrich or improve
prototype and model quality of existing product
b. Quality control during commercial production b. Laboratory research aimed at discovery of new
c. Periodic design change to existing product knowledge
d. Adaptation of an existing capability to a particular c. Conceptual formulation and design of possible product
requirement or customer need or process
d. Design, construction and operation of a pilot plant
4. Which is a research and development cost?
9. An entity has recently completed a highly publicized
a. Research and development performed under contract research and development project. Which statement is
for others the most accurate?
b. Internal-use software is considered to be software that
a. Costs incurred during the research phase can be is marketed as a separate product or as part of a product
capitalized. or process. (Internal use software is not meant to be
b. Costs incurred during the development phase can be sold)
capitalized if criteria such as technical feasibility of the c. The costs of testing and installing computer hardware
project being established are met. should be capitalized when incurred.
c. Training costs of technicians used in research can be d. The costs of training and application maintenance
capitalized. should expensed when incurred
d. Designing of jigs and tools would qualify as research
10. Which of the following research and development 4. A computer software purchased as an integral part of
costs should be capitalized and amortized over current a computer controlled machine tool that cannot operate
and future periods? without the specific software shall be treated as
a. To capitalize all costs until the software is sold. a. Net realizable value
b. To charge research and development incurred until b. Ninety percent of net realizable value
technological feasibility has been when established for c.Seventy five percent of capitalized cost
the product. d. Ninety percent of capitalized cost
c. To charge research and development expenses only if
the computer software has alternative future use.
d. To capitalize all costs as incurred until a detailed
program design or working model is created.
investment property
purposes c. Property held to earn rentals c. Partly investment property and partly owner-
occupied . Neither investment property nor owner-
d. Property held for capital appreciation occupied d
b. Land held for currently undetermined use c. Building I. From the perspective of the individual entity that owns
owned by the reporting entity and leased out it, the property leased to an affiliate is considered an
investment property.
under an operating lease.
II. From the perspective of the affiliates as a group and
d. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of for purposes of consolidated financial statements, the
business. property is treated as owner-occupied property.
c. I only d. II only
d. Fair value less impairment
. Directly attributable expenditures related to investment
property include An investment property is derecognized when
a. Professional fees for legal services, property transfer a. It is disposed to a third party.
taxes and other transaction cost.
b. It is permanently withdrawn from use.
b. Start up costs
c. No future benefits are expected from the disposal.
c. Initial operating losses incurred before the investment
property achieves the planned level of occupancy. d. In all of these cases
d. Abnormal amount of wasted material, labor and other 3. Which additional disclosure must be made when an
resources incurred in constructing or developing the entity chooses the cost model?
a. The fair value of the property
9. Which statement is incorrect in determining the fair
value of an investment, property? b. The present value of the property
a. An entity shall determine the fair value of investment c. The value in use of the property
property by deducting transaction cost that may be
incurred upon disposal. X d. The net realizable value of the property
b. Equipment such as lift or air-conditioning is often an 4. Which disclosure shall be made when the fair value
integral part of a building and is generally included in the model has been adopted?
fair value of investment property. c. If an office is leased
on a furnished basis, the fair value a. Depreciation method used
of the office generally includes the fair value of the b. The amount of impairment loss recognized
furniture because the rental income relates to the
furnished office. Useful life
d. The fair value of investment property excludes prepaid d. Net gain or loss from fair value adjustments
or accrued operating lease income.
5. Under IFRS, assets classified as investment property
10. Gain or loss from disposal of investment propety shall are
be determined as the difference between the
a. Held for rental income
a. Net disposal proceeds and carrying amount.
b. To be sold for quick profit
b. Gross disposal proceeds and carrying amount.
c. Held for rental income or to be sold for a quick profit d.
c. Fair value and carrying amount of the asset. Held for sale in the ordinary course of business
a. Changes in fair value are reported in profit or loss in 3. If owner-occupied property is transferred to
investment property that is to be carried at fair value, the
the current period. b. Changes in fair value are reported difference between the carrying amount of the property
as an extraordinary and the fair value shall be
gain. c. Changes in fair value are reported in other a. Included in profit or loss b. Included in retained
comprehensive income for the period. earnings
depreciation method. d. The entity does not record c. Included in retained earnings
depreciation on the investment property.
d. Accounted for as revaluation of inventory.
4. Transfers from investment property to property, plant
and equipment are appropriate 5. When investment property under construction is
completed and carried at fair value, the difference
a. When there is change of use. between fair value and carrying amount should be
c. Only when the entity adopts the fair value model. b. Included in profit or loss c. Recognized in retained
d. The entity can never transfer property into another
classification once it is classified as investment property. d. Accounted for as revaluation
When the entity uses the cost model, transfer between 1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
investment property, owner-occupied property and property. plant and equipment?
inventory shall be accounted for at
a. The property, plant and equipment are tangible assets.
a. Fair value
b. The property, plant and equipment are used in
b. Carrying amount business.
d. Assessed value used over a period of more than one year. d. The
property, plant and equipment are subject to
2. A transfer from investment property carried at fair depreciation.
value to owner-occupied property shall be accounted for
at 2. What valuation model should an entity use to neasure
property, plant and equipment?
a. Fair value, which becomes the deemed cost
a. The revaluation model or the fair value model b
b. Gain or loss is not recognized. c. Only gain should be
. The cost model or the revaluation model recognized.
c. The cost model or the fair value through OCI model d. Only loss should be recognized.
d. The cost model or the fair value model 3. The cost of property, plant and equipment acquired in
an exchange is measured at the
3. The cost of property, plant and equipment comprises
all of the following, except a. Fair value of the asset given plus cash payment.
a. Purchase price b. Fair value of the asset received plus cash payment. c.
Carrying amount of the asset given plus cash payment.
b. Import duties and nonrefundable purchase taxes c.
Any cost directly attributable in bringing the asset to payment.
the location and condition for the intended use d. Initial d. Carrying amount of the asset received plus the cash
estimate of the cost of dismantling the asset for which
the entity has no present obligation. 4. Which exchange has commercial substance?
4. Costs directly attributable to the asset include all, a. Exchange of assets with no difference in future cash
except flows.
b. Cost of site preparation c. Exchange of assets with difference in future cash flows.
c. Initial delivery and handling cost d. Exchange of assets that causes the entities to remain in
essentially the same economic position.
d. Installation and assembly cost
5. For a nonmonetary exchange, the configuration of
5. Which cost should be expensed immediately? cash flows includes which of the following?
a. Cost of opening a new facility a. The implicit rate, maturity date and amount of loan
b. Cost of introducing a new product or service, including b. The risk, timing and amount of cash flows of the assets
cost of advertising and promotional activities c. Cost of c. The entity-specific value of the asset
conducting business in a new location
d. The estimated present value of the assets exchanged
d. All of these are expensed immediately
1. Which of the following is not capitalized into the cost
QUESTION 32-16 Multiple choice (IAA) of property, plant and equipment?
1. A nonmonetary exchange is recognized at fair value of a. Cost of excess materials from a purchasing error
the asset exchanged unless
b. Cost of testing whether the asset works correctly
a. Exchange has commercial substance
c. Initial delivery and handling cost d. Cost of preparing
b. Fair value is not determinable the site for installation
c. The assets are similar in nature 2. The total payment on maturity for a machine includes
both principal and interest. The cost of the machine
d. The assets are dissimilar would be the total payment multiplied by what time
value of money concept?
2. In an exchange with commercial substance
a. Present value of annuity of 1
a. Gain or loss is recognized entirely.
b. Present value of 1
from the deferred obligation. c. The instrument
c. Future amount of annuity of 1 representing the deferred obligation is noninterest
d. Future amount of 1
d.. The face amount of the deferred obligation is equal to
3. The initial operating loss should be the fair value of the plant asset exchanged.
a. Deferred and amortized over a reasonable period. 3. If the present value of a note issued in exchange for a
plant asset is less than the face amount, the difference is
b. Expensed and charged to the income statement.
a. Included in the cost of the asset
c. Capitalized as part of the cost of plant.
b. Amortized as interest expense over the life of the note
d. Charged to retained earnings. c. Amortized as interest expense over the life of the asset
4. What is the proper treatment of freight and interest on d. Included in interest expense in the year of issuance
the loan to fund the cost of imported machinery?
4. A plant asset purchased under a deferred payment
a. Both freight and interest are capitalized. contract at P10,000 per year for five years is measured at
a. The implied interest on the debt financing 5. An asset purchased under a deferred payment contract
for P10,000 at the time of purchase and P10,000 at the
b. The fair value of any noncash asset surrendered end of each of the next 5 years is measured at
c. The estimated residual value of the asset a. The present value of a P10,000 ordinary annuity
d. All directly attributable costs necessary to bring the b. P60,000 c. P60,000 plus imputed interest
asset to the location and condition for the intended use
d. P60,000 less imputed interest
QUESTION 32-18 Multiple choice (AICPA Adapted)
QUESTION 32-19 Multiple choice (AICPA Adapted)
1. When property is acquired by issuing equity sharts,
which is the best basis for establishing the cost of the 1. Vik Auto and King Clothier exchanged goods, held for
asset? resale, with equal fair value. The retail price of the car
that Vik gave up is less than the retail price of the clothes
a. Historical cost of the asset to the seller received. What profit should Vik recognize for the
nonmonetary exchange?
b. Historical cost of a similar asset
a. A profit is not recognized
Fair value of the asset received d. Fair value of shares
issued b. A profit equal tone difference between the retail price
of the clothes received and the car
2. When a plant asset is acquired by deferred payment,
which condition generally does not indicate the need to c. A profit equal to the difference between the retail
consider the imputation of interest? price and the cost of the car
a. The interest rate stated on the deferred obligation is d. A profit equal to the difference between the fair value
significantly different from market interest rate. b. The and the carrying amount of the car
cash price of the plant asset is significantly different
2. Scott Company exchanged nonmonetary assets with The difference between the fair value and carrying
Dale Company. No cash was exchanged. The carrying amount of the asset transferred is recognized as gain or
amount of the asset surrendered by Scott exceeded both loss.
the fair value of the asset received and Dale's carrying
amount of that asset. Scott should recognize the 2. a
difference between the carrying amount of the asset it
surrendered and Since no cash was exchanged, the fair value of the asset
transferred and the fair value of the asset received are
a. The fair value of the asset it received as a loss equal.
b. The fair value of the asset it received as a gain c. Dale's Thus, the excess of the carrying amount of the asset
carrying amount of the asset it received as a loss transferred over its fair value is recognized as loss.
. Slate Company and Talse Company exchanged plots of c. Property tax to date of acquisition
land with fair value in excess of carrying amqunt. In
addition, Slate received cash from Talse to compensate d. Cost of survey
for the difference in land value. As a result of the
exchange, Slate shall recognize 2. The cost of land typically includes all, except
a. A gain equal to the difference between the fair value a. Grading, filling, draining and clearing cost
and the carrying amount of the land given b. A gain in an b. Special assessment for drainage system
amount determined by the ratio of cash received to total
consideration c. Private driveway and parking lot
c. A loss in an amount determined by the ratio of cash d. Assumption of any lien on the property
received to total consideration
3. Fence and parking lot are reported as
d. Neither gain nor a loss
a. Building
ANSWER 32-19
b. Land improvement
1. d
c. Land
An exchange transaction that is deemed to have
commercial substance is accounted for on the basis of d. Expense
fair value.
4. Which should be capitalized as cost of land?
b. Charged to the building only to the new building if accounted for as inventory
c. Allocated between land and building based on relative 1. When an entity acquired land with an old building and
immediately demolished the old building so that the land
fair value can be used for the construction of a plant, the cost
incurred to demolish the old building should be
d. Allocated between land and building based on carrying
amount a. Expensed as incurred
2. The single cost of acquiring land and an unusable old b. Added to the cost of the plant c. Added to the cost of the land
a. Charged to the land only d. Amortized over the estimated time period between
the demolition of the building and the completion of the
b. Charged to the building only plant
c. Allocated between land and building based on relative 2. If an entity purchased a lot and an old building and
fair value demolished the old building to make room for the
construction of a new building, the proper accounting
d. Allocated between land and building based on treatment of the allocated carrying amount of the old
building would depend on
carrying amount 3. The cost of demolishing an old
building to make room for the construction of a new a. The significance of the cost allocated to the building in
building should be relation to the combined cost of the lot and building
a. Expensed immediately b. The length of time for which the building was held
prior to demolition
b. Charged to the land
c. The contemplated future use of the old building:
c. Charged to the new building
d. The intention of management for the property when
d. Allocated between land and building based on relative the new building was constructed
fair value
3. An entity purchased land to be used as an investment
property. Timber was cut from the site so development c. An expenditure made to improve existing facilities by
of the land could begin. The proceeds from the sale of increasing capacity.
the timber should be
d. An expenditure made to help insure continuity of
a. Classified as other income service capacity.
b. Credited to retained earnings c. Deducted from the 2. Which type of expenditure occurs when an entity
cost of the land installs a higher capacity boiler to heat the plant?
a. The amount is increased by the excess of the a. Cost of servicing and overhaul to restore or maintain
replacement forest land's cost over the condemned
land's carrying amount the originally assessed standard of performance.
b. The amount is increased by the excess of the b. The replacement of a major component of building
replacement forest land's cost over the condemnation
award c. An addition to an existing building
c. The amount is increased by the excess of the d. Cost of improvement that is expected to provide
condemnation award over the condemned forest land's discernible future benefit
carrying amount
5. A building suffered uninsured fire damage. The
d. No effect, because the condemned forest land's damaged portion of the building was refurbished with
carrying amount is used as the replacement forest land's higher quality materials. The cost and related
carrying amount accumulated depreciation of the damaged portion are
identifiable. What is the accounting for these events?
QUESTION 35-12. Multiple choice (AICPA Adapted)
a. Capitalize the cost of refurbishing and record a loss in
1. The term betterment refers to the current period equal to the carrying amount of the
damaged portion of the building
a. An expenditure made for new facilities which increase
b. Capitalize the cost of refurbishing by adding the cost to
capacity. b. An expenditure made to restore capacity the carrying amount of the building
after abandonment or retirement.
c. Record a loss in the current period equal to the cost of b. Expenditure made to extend the useful life of an
refurbishing and continue to depreciate the original cost existing asset
of the building
c. Expenditure made to maintain an existing asset in
d. Record a loss in the current period equal to the sum of operating condition
the cost of refurbishing and the carrying amount of the
damaged portion of the building d. Expenditure made to add new. asset
6. An entity incurred cost to modify a building and to 10. An expenditure made in connection with a machine
rearrange a production line. As a result, an overall being used by an entity should be
reduction in production cost is expected. However, the
modification did not increase the fair value of the a. Expensed if it merely extends the useful life but does
building and the rearrangement did not extend the life of not improve the quality. b. Expensed if it merely
the production line. Should the building modification cost improves the quality but does not
and the production line rearrangement cost be
capitalized? extend the useful life. c. Capitalized if it maintains the
machine in normal operating condition.
a. Only the building modification cost should be
a. Insurance fund
8. Which of the following expenditures may properly he
capitalized? b. Dividend fund
c. Research and development related to a long-term 3. It is set aside in anticipation of future acquisition of
asset giving the entity a competitive market advantage additional property, plant and equipment.
d. Title search and other legal cost related to a piece of a. Replacement fund
property which was not acquired
b. Insurance fund
9. Which of the following subsequent expenditures
should be expensed immediately? c. Contingency fund d. Plant expansion fund
a. Expenditure made to increase the efficiency or 4. Investments in long term funds shall be carried at the
effectiveness of an existing asset
a. Amount of cash
b. Amount of cash plus cost of securities and other assets 9. If a sinking fund is used to purchase securities, the
in the fund. sinking fund
c. Amount of securities and other assets in the fund a. Increases when revenue is earned on the securities
● d. Amount of cash plus the cost of securities c. Decreases when revenue is earned on the securities
adjusted for any discount or premium
d. Is not affected by revenue earned on the securities
amortization and other assets in the fund
10. An independent trustee holds cash in the sinking fund
5. Interest in life insurance contract shall be carried at
account representing the annual deposits to the fund and
interest earned on these deposits. How should the
a. NIL
sinking fund be classified in the statement of financial
b. Face of policy
a. The entire balance in the sinking fund is classified as
c. Total amount of insurance premiums paid
current asset
d. Cash surrender value
b. The entire balance in the sinking fund is classified as
noncurrent asset.
6. Cash surrender value is classified as
c. The cash in the sinking fund is classified a current asset.
a. Noncurrent asset
d. The accumulated deposits only are shown as
b. Property, plant and equipment
noncurrent investment
c. Current asset
Problem 13-2 Multiple choice (PAS 40)
d. Intangible asset
1. It is defined as property (land or building or part of
building or both) held by an owner or finance lessee to
7. An increase in the cash surrender value of a life
earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.
insurance policy owned by a company would be recorded
a. Investment property
a. Increasing annual insurance expense Increasing
b. Owner-occupied property
investment income
c. Mining property
b. c. Memorandum entry only
d. Rental property
d. Decreasing annual insurance expense
2. An owner-occupied property is held by an owner or
8. Upon the death of an officer, an entity received the
finance lessee
proceeds of a life insurance policy held by the entity on
the officer. The policy's cash surrender value had been
I. For use in the production of goods or services.
recorded by the entity at the time of payment. What
amount of revenue should the entity report in its income
II. For administrative purposes.
a. I only
a. Proceeds received
b. II only
b. Proceeds received less cash surrender value
c. Both I and II d. Neither I and II
c. Proceeds received plus cash surrender value
d. Zero