pr1 Chapter 1
pr1 Chapter 1
pr1 Chapter 1
E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that simulate smoking by heating a liquid to create a vapor that
is inhaled this is what's generally called "vaping". Vape pens that run on batteries produce aerosol that
resembles water vapor but is made up over 30 different compounds, including flavoring and nicotine.
When the aerosol is breathed, the chemical and nicotine enter the blood stream through the lungs. The
most common application for E-cigarettes is to vape nicotine e-liquid solution. Other medicines, like as
THC (cannabis) or nicotine free "e-liquid", which are compose of a blend of chemicals, including
solvents, sweeteners, and flavoring like fruit, lollipops, coffee, or alcohol, can also be inhaled through
devices. Texas Department of State Health Services. (nd). Alcohol and Drug foundation (2023).
Ten percent of students in middle and high school in 2023 was reported to using tobacco products. The
percentage of high school students who currently use E-cigarettes decreased from 14.1% to 10.0% in
2023. The most often used tobacco product among young people is still E-cigarettes. Tobacco Product
Use Among US Middle and High School Students-National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2023. Centers for
The use of E-cigarettes has been developing and has come to be a tremendous public fitness concern.
prevention of the teens gets right of entry to initiation and non-stoop use of E-cigarettes with unique
interest to susceptible organization topic of a fitness debate. However nevertheless, little is understood
approximately traits of the underage E-cigarettes customers from specific geographic and socio-financial
backgrounds in addition to different capability elements related to using E-cigarette, which include
simultaneous use with tobacco merchandise or alcohol. BMC Public Health Use of electronic cigarettes
among secondary and high school student from a socially disadvantaged rural area in Poland.
Initially introduced as a tool to assist with smoking cessation and reduce the adverse effects of cigarette
smoking, electronic cigarettes (E-cigarette) and vaping devices have witnessed a surge in popularity.
particularly among vulnerable group such as young individuals and pregnant women, who often
mistakenly perceive them as harmless. Despite increasing awareness of the potential dangers associated
with E-cigarette use, there remains conflicting information regarding their efficacy as smoking cessation
aids, coupled with a lack comprehension clinical studies conducted on human subject. Therefore, it is
imperative to conduct further investigations to better understand the potential benefits and without in
order to inform future health considerations. This review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of
the lates literature on the adverse effects of E-cigarette use and its implications for current and
The vaping epidemic in the Philippines is an example of how commercial influences and government
policies, in the context of disinformation, can exacerbate public health issues. The Philippines in facing a
rising use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) among youth. We conducted a literature review
in PubMed and Google Schoolar to examine the state of vaping in the Philippines and the lack of research
on the health implication of the growing E-cigarettes industry. We also discussed the vape bill which
lapsed into to law Republic Act 11900, which regulates E-cigarettes and transfers the regulatory power
from the Department of health to Department of trade and industry. We outlined a call to action on three
fronts tailoring national policies funding research and improving health education in the youth.
Policymakers must prioritize public health gains over economic benefits and consider the impact of their
subject to restrictions including location-based sales restrictions and a maximum sales age. (Tobacco
The locale of the study, in this case ACLC College of Tacloban, can provide valuable information about
the prevalence of vaping among students, their attitudes towards it, and the factors the contribute to their
decision to use it additionally understanding the local laws and regulations surrounding vaping can help
researchers understand how they affect students access and usage patterns. By make more informed
This study is aimed to understand the E-cigarette Perceptions and Motivations: A Qualitative Study for
Vaping Experiences of Grade 11 Students in ACLC College of Tacloban. Specifically, this seeks to
3. What are the perceptions and motivations of students who use e-cigarettes?
Research hypothesis
Hypothesis 1: Null Hypothesis (H0): There are no distinct patterns in the reasons for initiating e-cigarette
use among different demographic groups (e.g., age, gender, socio-economic status). Alternative
Hypothesis (H1): There are distinct patterns in the reasons for initiating e-cigarette use among different
Hypothesis 2: Null Hypothesis (H0): Vapers do not perceive e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to
traditional cigarettes. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Vapers perceive e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to
traditional cigarettes.
Hypothesis 3: Null Hypothesis (H0): There are no significant motivational differences between those who
use e-cigarettes to quit smoking and those who use them for recreational purposes. Alternative Hypothesis
(H1): There are significant motivational differences between those who use e-cigarettes to quit smoking
Hypothesis 4: Null Hypothesis (H0): Social influences do not play a significant role in the decision to
start using e-cigarettes. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Social influences play a significant role in the
Hypothesis 5: Null Hypothesis (H0): Users do not perceive any social or lifestyle benefits from vaping.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Users perceive social or lifestyle benefits from vaping.
Rationale E-cigarettes have become increasingly popular, and understanding the perceptions and
motivations behind their use is crucial for informing public health strategies and policies. This qualitative
study aims to explore the various factors that influence individuals to start and continue using e-
cigarettes, their perceptions of the risks and benefits, and how social dynamics affect their vaping
the vaping Experience of students of Grade 11 Infotmation and Communication Tecnology in ACLC
College of Tacloban S.Y 2023-2024. The purpose of conducting a qualitative study on the Vaping
experience of student is to gain deeper insight into their perception and motivation regarding E-
Administrator. In response to the issue of students using vape, may implement programs or support
systems to help student quit vaping, provide education about risk, and create a safe space for discussion
without punishment. The goal is to promote student health and well-being while addressing the issue
Teachers. This study would help teachers to teach students how e-cigarettes will affect to their health.
The teachers can use what they learn to teach the students about the risks of using e cigarettes. It can also
help the teachers know the reasons of the students who use e-cigarettes. Teachers can also provide
Student. The research will add to the existing body of knowledge on e-cigarette use among student. It can
serve as a valuable resource for future studies and contribute to the qualitative understanding of this topic,
it will help raise awareness among the student about the potential risk and benefit associated with e-
cigarette use.
Future researchers. The about e-cigarettes and students is important because it tells us why students use
e- cigarettes and what they think about them. It will help future researchers to learn. More about vaping
among students and how to help them if they need it. This study can also help people who make rules
about e-cigarettes decide what rules to make to keep students healthy. By knowing why students use e-
cigarettes, we can make students to help them stop if they want to. It can use the information from this
study to make sure that students are safe and heathy when it comes to using e-cigarettes.
Definition of Terms
For the study titled "E-Cigarette Perceptions and Motivations: A Qualitative Study on the Vaping
Experiences of ACLC Grade 11 Students," the following key terms are defined to ensure clarity and a
E-Cigarette (Electronic Cigarette): A battery-operated device that heats a liquid (e-liquid) to create a
vapor, which is inhaled by the user. The liquid typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other
chemicals. E-cigarettes are also known as vapes, vape pens, or electronic nicotine delivery systems
Vaping: The act of inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an e-cigarette or similar device. Vaping
mimics the experience of smoking but does not involve burning tobacco.
Perception: The way individuals interpret and understand the concept of e-cigarettes, including their
beliefs about the safety, risks, benefits, and social acceptance of vaping.
Motivation: The reasons or driving forces behind individuals' decisions to start, continue, or quit using
e-cigarettes. This can include factors such as curiosity, peer influence, perceived health benefits, or the
Health Belief Model (HBM): A theoretical model used to explain and predict health-related behaviors
by focusing on individuals' attitudes and beliefs about health conditions. Key components include
learning, social experiences, and reciprocal determinism in behavior change. Key concepts include self-
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB): A theory that predicts deliberate behavior based on individuals'
intentions, which are influenced by their attitudes towards the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control.
Self-Efficacy: An individual's belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task.
In the context of vaping, it refers to a student's confidence in their ability to resist peer pressure or quit
using e-cigarettes.
Subjective Norms: The perceived social pressure to perform or not perform a particular behavior. This
includes the influence of peers, family, and societal expectations on students' decisions to use e-cigarettes.
Attitudes: Personal views or feelings towards e-cigarettes and vaping, which can be positive, negative,
Adolescents: Individuals in the transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood,
typically defined as being between the ages of 10 and 19. In this study, the focus is specifically on Grade
Qualitative Study: A research method focused on understanding individuals' experiences, behaviors, and
perceptions through methods such as interviews, focus groups, and content analysis. Qualitative research
Smoking Cessation: The process of discontinuing the use of tobacco products. This study explores
whether e-cigarettes are used by students as a tool for quitting smoking traditional cigarettes.
Peer Influence: The impact that classmates, friends, and social groups have on an individual's behavior.
Peer influence can play a significant role in the decision to start or continue using e-cigarettes. Nicotine:
An addictive chemical compound found in tobacco and many e-liquids used in e-cigarettes. Nicotine is
These definitions provide a clear and consistent understanding of the key terms used throughout the
study, ensuring that all stakeholders, including researchers, participants, and readers, have a shared
Texas Department of State Health Services. (nd). Alcohol and Drug foundation (2023). Retrieved from,
Tobacco Product Use Among U.S Middle and High School Students- National Youth Tobacco Survey,
Centers for Disease control and prevention. Retrieved from BMC Public Health Use of electronic
cigarettes among secondary and high school student from a socially disadvantaged rural area in Poland.
tobacco control laws the sale of E-cigarettes is allowed subject to restrictions including location-based
sales restrictions and a maximum sales age. Tobacco Control Laws (nd)