IMPROVEMENT Content is Content is Content is Content is highly accurate, accurate and generally inaccurate, comprehensive, covers most accurate but incomplete, or Content and and insightful. key points. may be lacks relevance. Accuracy Demonstrates a Shows a good incomplete or Demonstrates a deep understanding somewhat poor understanding of the topic superficial. understanding of the topic with Basic of the topic. with well- adequate understanding researched and research. of the topic is relevant evident. information.
Report is Report is well- Report has a Report is poorly exceptionally organized basic structure organized with well-organized with a but may have significant Organization with a clear, generally noticeable issues in and logical flow. clear issues in structure and Structure Sections are structure. organization flow, affecting clearly defined Some minor and flow. clarity. and transitions issues in flow are smooth. or transitions.
Presentation is Presentation Presentation is Presentation is clear, engaging, is clear and somewhat unclear or Presentation and professional clear but may unprofessional. and Delivery professional. All with minor lack Group group members issues. Most engagement. contributions contribute group Contributions are effectively, and members from group unbalanced, delivery is contribute, members are and visual aids smooth with and visual uneven, and are poorly used good use of aids are used visual aids or absent. visual aids. effectively. may be used ineffectively.
Actively Engages the Limited Minimal to no engages the audience with audience audience Engagement audience and some engagement engagement. and encourages interaction. and Struggles with Interaction interaction. Handles interaction. questions and Handles questions and Handles feedback. questions and feedback questions and feedback with feedback reasonably some effectively. well. difficulty.