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Week 1

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WEEK 1 Date of teaching:

Period 1 5E1: 06/04/2022

Date of preparing: 5E2: 06/04/2022
03/09/2024 5E3: 07/04/2022
Lesson 1 – Classroom language

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- To correctly read and pronounce words related to classroom language.
2. Skills
- Develop listening, speaking and writing skills
3. Attribute
- Show their love toward school and their responsibility for schooling.
4. Competence
+ Core competencies:
- Teamwork: Warm-up Activity: The Name Game, Practice Activity: Finish the
- Communication: Activity 2, Activity: Act out
+ 21st Century skills: collaboration and pairwork
II. Language focus
- Vocabulary: Classroom language
III. Instructional resources
- Textbooks: Tiếng Anh 5 English Discovery
- Flashcards: Unit 0 – My new neighbours
- Audio files: Tracks 0.01
- Computer and slides
IV. Procedures:
* Warm-up: (Time: 5 minutes)
- Aim: Create a familiar and friendly atmosphere.
- Input: The slides and video.
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
5 minutes - Greet the class. - Greet the students.
Warm-up Activity: The
Name Game
- Listen to the teacher’s
- The teacher plays a
fun song and asks - Walk around.
students to walk

around when the music
is playing. - Shake hands.
- The students shake the
closest student’s hands when - Introduce themselves.
the music stops.
- Then, introduce themselves
with simple sentences (Ex:
Hi, Nice to meet you! My
name is …. What’s your
name?) in 30 seconds. - Finish the activity.
- The teacher opens the
music again and students
walk around and find a new
partner. (Repeat the process
3 to 4 times.)
- Output: Students are happy and ready for the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
3.1. Present – Classroom language (Time: 7 minutes)
- Aim: Introduce and help students correctly identify the classroom language.
- Input: The flashcards, CD Track 0.01, slides.
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
7 minutes Activity 1. Listen and repeat.
(Pupils’ Book p.11)
- Play recording 0.01 for the - Listen and repeat.
first time. Have students listen
and repeat the sentence as the
recording goes.
- Show one by one pictures - Listen and repeat the
with the audio, and students sentence one by one.
listen and repeat the
sentence one by one.
- Divide the class into two
groups, each group takes turns - Work in 2 groups and
to read aloud the sentence. practice.
- Give feedback
- Show the slide with 6 - Listen to the teacher.
pictures from number 1 to 6.
- Teacher says the number - Look at the picture
and the students say the and say the sentence.

- Output: Students can say the sentence of classroom language correctly and well.
3.2. Practice – Classroom language (Time: 15 minutes)
- Aim: To correctly read and pronounce words related to classroom language.
- Input: The slides.
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
10 minutes Practice Activity:
Finish the sentence
- Divide the class into pairs. - Listen to the teacher’s
- Each student in pairs takes instructions.
out a mini-board.
- Look at the conversation in - Work with the partner
the picture. to practice asking and
- Discuss and write down the answering the
correct word on the board in questions.
20 seconds.
- One correct answer = +2
points (If 2 members write the
correct word).
- The pair with the highest
point wins the game.
Activity 2. Look and write.
5 minutes Then say. (Pupils’ book p.3)
- Put students in pairs. Have
- Listen to the teacher’s
students open their books and
work to complete the speech
- Finish the activity.
- Have the students volunteer
the answers and write them on
the board.
- Check the answer for the
- Check the answer.
whole class.
- In pairs, say the speech.
- Say the speech.
- Output: Students can read and pronounce words related to classroom language.
3.3. Produce (Time: 5 minutes)
- Aim: To use the words related to classroom language
- Input: Slides
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
5 minutes Activity 3 - Pupils’ Book (p.3)
- Ask students to look, listen
and repeat the example - Look, listen and
conversation. repeat.
Activity: Act out.
- Invite a student to stand up
and demonstrate the dialogue in
activity 3.
- Divide the class into two - Say the dialogue.
teams. Practice dialogue a few
- Put students in pairs and have
- Practice in pairs.
them practice the dialogue.
- Tell them to describe their - Describe their own
own family by personalizing family.
Activity: Practise the
situation in pairs.
- Look through the example
situations on the previous - Look at the slide.
- Put students in pairs. Tell
them to describe their situation - Discuss in pairs.
by personalising dialogue.
- Call out a few other pairs to
- Present in front of the
come up and do the role play by
personalising these dialogues.
- Output: Students can thoroughly use the classroom language.
V. Wrap up and give assignment. (Time: 2 minutes)
- Summarize the content of today’s lesson quickly.
VI. Homework. (Time: 1 minute)
- Ask students to do exercises in the Activity Book (page 2).



Lesson 2 - Vocabulary and Grammar 1

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- To correctly read and pronounce the names of countries. “The UK, the USA,
Australia, Turkey, Singapore, Việt Nam”
- To use the structures: “Where is he from? He’s from …”
2. Skills:
- Develop listening, speaking and writing skills.
3. Attribute:
- Show their knowledge and their love of school subjects and the timetable at
school by using intonation when asking and answering in the conversation.
4. Competence:
+ Core competencies: self-control and independent learning: do listening and reading
tasks in the Pupils’ book, teamwork: Warm-up Activity: What do you say?, Practice
Activity: The flag; communication: Activity 2, Production
+ 21st Century skills: collaboration and communication, group work and pair work.
II. Language focus
- Vocabulary: Name of countries
III. Instructional resources
- Textbooks: Tiếng Anh 5 English Discovery
- Audio files: Tracks 0.02, 0.03
- Computer and slides
IV. Procedures:
1. Organization
Class Date of teaching Absent Students

2. Warm-up: (Time: 5 minutes)

- Aim: Create a familiar and friendly atmosphere.
- Input: The slides
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
5 minutes - Greet the class. - Greet the students.
Warm-up Activity: What do
you say?
- Divide the class into groups - Listen to the teacher’s
of 6. Each team prepares a instructions.
pencil case.
- Look at the picture and read
the clues together.
- Guess what happens next - Look and guess.
with your teammate.
- Catch the pencil case to get a
chance to answer. - Catch the pencil case
- Note: The teacher can use
the clues in L1 - Join in the activity.
- The team with the correct
answer can get 2 points.
- Output: Students are happy and ready for the new lesson.
3. New lesson:
3.1. Present and Practice - Vocabulary. (Time: 14 minutes)
- Aim: Introduce and help students correctly identify the names of countries. “The
UK, the USA, Australia, Turkey, Singapore, Việt Nam”
- Input: CD Track 0.02, slides.
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
2 minutes Lead-in.
- Ask students “What letter is
- Tell them to look at some
countries’ names starting with
the letter S on the slide.
Call out together.

Activity 1. Look, listen and

6 minutes repeat.
(Pupils’Book p.4) - Listen and repeat.
- Play recording 0.02 for the
first time. Have students listen
and repeat the words as the
recording goes. - Look and read.
- Look at the picture of the
countries. Read together. - Listen and repeat the
- Show one by one pictures word one by one.
with the audio, and students
listen and repeat the one by
one word. - Work in 2 groups and
- Divide the class into two practice.
groups, and each group will
take turns to read the word - Listen to the teacher.
aloud. - Look at the slide and
- Give feedback say the words again.
- Show the slide with 6
pictures. Click on each
number, students look and say
the word.

Practice Activity: The flag

- Divide the class into groups Teamwork/ Whole class
6 minutes of 6.
- Each student in the team - Listen and follow the
takes out a mini-board. teacher's instructions.
- Read the clues and discuss
- Read and discuss.
them with your teammate to
guess what country it is.
- Write down the correct
answer on the board.
- Write the answer.
- If all students in the team
write the correct word, that
team will receive 2 points. But
if the team has 2 or 3 students - Check answers and
write the wrong word, they receive points.
won’t receive points.
- The team with the highest
point wins the game.
- Output: Students can say the vocabulary correctly and well.
3.2. Present & Practice - Structure (Time: 9 minutes)
- Aim: Help students to introduce the structure “Where is he from? He’s from …”
- Input: The slides.
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
Activity 2. Listen and repeat.
4 minutes (Pupils’ Book p.4)
- Have students look at the
dialogue. - Look at the slide.
- Play the audio, students listen
and read along with the audio. - Look and say the
- Play the audio again and word.
pause after each line, students
repeat what they hear. - Listen to the teacher’s
- Show the sentences with the instructions.
- Divide the class into two - Ask and answer
teams. One team asks and one
team answers.
5 minutes Activity 3. Look and say.
- Ask students to look at - Listen to the teacher.
picture 1, point out the
flag and the student’s - Read the information.
- Read off the information
- Ask and answer.
from the speech bubble.
- In pairs, practice all 5
- Output: Students can understand how to use the structure:
“Where is he from? He’s from …”
3.3. Produce – Vocabulary and Grammar (Time: 5 minutes)
- Aim: To help students remember the vocabulary and make a sentence by
- Input: Slides
- Procedures:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note
5 minutes - The teacher divides the class
into 2 teams, shows the pictures - Look at the pictures.
and tells students to ask and
answer. - Ask and answer.
- Each team takes turns asking
and answering.
(Ex: team A: Where’s Jack
from? – Team B: He’s from the
- Output: Students can thoroughly use the vocabulary and structure.
V. Wrap up and give assignment. (Time: 2 minutes)
- Summarize the content of today’s lesson quickly.
VI. Homework. (Time: 1 minute)
- Ask students to do exercises in the Activity Book (page 3).

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