English Literature File-4
English Literature File-4
English Literature File-4
Teacher’s Content
Content Discussion-
01. G hyM‡K ejv nq – The Golden Age of Lyric v. wZwb The Poet of Nature (43 th BCS), a Lake
(MxwZKweZv)/ Age of Revolution. Poet Ges Poet of Childhood wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ|
02. Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨ †ivgvw›UK hyM ïiæ nq Lyrical Ballads vi. William Wordsworth AbycÖvwYZ n‡qwQ‡jb- The
cÖKvwkZ nevi gva¨‡g 1798 mv‡j| French Revolution Øviv|
vii. 1839 mv‡j Oxford wek¦we`¨vjq Zvu‡K wW wm Gj
03. Lyrical Ballads- G i‡q‡Q Wordsworth- Gi 19wU
Dcvwa‡Z f‚wlZ K‡i|
KweZv Ges Coleridge- Gi i‡q‡Q 5wU KweZv|
viii. 1843 mv‡j Kwe mv‡`i g„Zz¨i ci wZwb Poet Laureate /
04. Romantic hy‡Mi me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© ˆewkó¨ n‡jv- Bsj¨v‡Ûi ivR Kwe wbhy³ n‡qwQ‡jb|
subjectivity. ix. 1843 mv‡j miKvi wZb kZ cvDÛ AemiKvjxb fvZv
05. Romantic hyMUv nq g~jZ- The golden age of lyrics. wn‡m‡e gÄyi K‡ib|
06. Slogan : Art for Art’s Sake (wk‡íi Rb¨ wkí)| x. ÒcÖK…wZi gv‡SB gnvb m„wóKZ©v weivRgvbÓ Wordsworth
Gi GB wek¦vm hv cwiwPZ Pantheism wn‡m‡e|
Romantic Age Gi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© ˆewkó¨
His well-known works : IqvW©mIqv_© Zvui AwaKvsk
01. Subjectivity (KweZvq Avwg Gi e¨envi),
KweZv iPbv K‡i‡Qb 1798 †_‡K 1808 mv‡ji g‡a¨| GUvB Zvui
02. High Imagination
iPbvi ¯^Y©hyM| 1798 mv‡j Kwe †Kvjix‡Ri m‡½ hy³fv‡e
03. Love for Nature ÒwjwiK¨vj e¨vjvWÓ iPbv K‡i‡Qb Ges †ivgvw›UK ZË¡ wb‡q
04. Beauty Av‡jvPbv K‡i‡Qb| GB MÖ‡š’ Zvui iwPZ KweZv¸wj n‡jv Goody
05. Common people and common language Blake, The Thorn, The Idiot Boy, Titern Abbey.
06. Supernaturalism (AwZ cÖK…wZev`) etc.
01. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Also known as
The Lake Poets 02. The Solitary Reaper (GKvKx km¨ AvniYKvix)
Lake poets are William Wordsworth, Samuel 03. The Excursion
Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. 04. The Prelude Or Growth of a Poet’s Mind
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) 05. The Recluse
06. Lucy
¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ : 07. Michael
i. William Wordsworth died in 1850. 08. Written in March
ii. Title of Wordsworth is “Worshiper of Nature”. 09. Ode to Duty
iii. Wordsworth is known as “High Priest of Nature”. 10. To the Cuckoo
iv. William Wordsworth n‡jb Romantic hy‡Mi 11. Lyrical Ballads (1798)
me‡P‡q D¾¡j bÿÎ|
Teacher-Student Work
01. The central idea of “Ozymandias” is that : c. Adam in 'Paradise Lost' d. Adam in 'Paradise Regained'
a. all thins, both great and small, will perish 14. 'Paradise Lost' is a/an ----
b. man is mortal, art immortal a. short story b. epic poem
c. imagination is stronger than fact c. play d. lyrical poem
d. history repeats 15. Who of the following is a famous epic poet in English
02. “Ode to the West Wind” is by – literature? / Of the following authors who wrote an epic?
a. Keats b. Shelley c. Coleridge d. Wordsworth a. Jane Mansfield b. John Milton
03. Who is called the poet of beauty? b. William Cowper d. William Shakespeare
a. William Wordsworth b. P.B. Shelley 16. 'Paradise Regained' is an epic by-
c. John Keats d. Shakespeare a. John Keats b. P.B. Shelly
04. Poet the Sensuousness– c. John Milton d. William Blake
a. William Wordsworth b. P.B. Shelly 17. †kvKMxwZ 'Lycidas'-Gi iPwqZv †K?
c. John Keats d. Byron. a. Thomas Gray b. Alfred Tennyson
05. The poet of Romantic Age is --- c. John Milton d. John Keats
a. George well b. D. H. Lawrence 18. The sentence, "Death, thou shaft not die'' is an
c. John Milton d. John Keats example of__.
06. John Keats ‡Kvb ai‡bi Kwe? a. simile b. metaphor
a. Romantic b. Classical c. Modern d. Ancient c. irony d. personification
07. Keats belonged to ---- 19. Which of the following is a story in verse?
a. Eighteenth Century b. Nineteenth Century a. elegy b. ballad c. ode d. sonnet
c. Twentieth Century d. Seventeenth Century 20. Prosody signifies the systematic study of __?
08. Ode on a Grecian Urn – Who is the poet of the poem? a. Drama b. Short story
a. Wordsworth b. Shelly c. Shakespeare d. Keats c. Novel d. Versification
09. A famous English poet who was professionally known as 21. Who of the following was both a poet and painter –
a man of medicine is- a. Keats b. Donne c. Blake d. Spenser
a. Shelley b. Keats c. Milton d. Pope 22. Who wrote ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience’?
10. Who wrote the famous poetic line 'To err is human, a. Alexander Pope b. Thomas Gray
to forgive is divine'? c. William Blake d. John Dryden
a. Pope b. Shelley c. Keats d. Dryden 23. Who wrote ‘Marriage of Hevaen and Hell’?
11. Edmund Spenser is a ---. a. John Keats b. Lord Byron
a. Scientist b. Poet c. Critic d. Dramatist c. Mathew Arnold d. William Blake
12. Who is the composer of 'Paradise Lost'? 24. The first English novel, ‘Pamela’, has been written
a. John Keats b. Lord Byron a. Daniel Defoe b. Henry Fielding
c. S.T. Coleridge d. John Milton c. Samuel Richardson d. Sir Walter Scott
13. 'Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.' Who 25. Who wrote ‘Robinson Crusoe’?
said this and where? a. Alexander Pope b. Robert Herrick
a. Satan in "Paradise Lost" b. Stain in "Paradise Regained" c. Thomas Hobbes d. Daniel Defoe
Practice Questions
01. The year 1798 is famous for--- 08. 1798-1832 mvj ch©šÍ mgq‡K Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i †Kvb Kvj ejv nq?
a. The French Revolution a. The Renaissance Period
b. The American Independence b. The Elizabethan Age
c. Publication of lyrical ballads c. The Restoration
d. The death of Keats d. The Romantic Age
02. Pioneer's of Romanticism is/are- 09. Who of the following was both a poet and painter?
a. Wordsworth b. Coleridge (wb‡¤œv³‡`i g‡a¨ †K GKvav‡i Kwe Ges wPÎwkíx wQ‡jb?)
c. Both a & b d. None a. Keats b. Donne c. Blake d. Spenser
03. Water, water, everywhere, not a drop to drink jvBb 10. The author of 'Songs of Innocence and of Experience'
†Kvb Kwei †jLv? is--
a. Wordsworth b. Gray a. John Lennon b. Richard Mark
c. Coleridge d. Scott c. William Blake d. John Keats
04. "Child is the father of man" is taken from the writings 11. Who among the following is not a novelist?
of— a. Hardy b. Joyce
a. P.B Shelly b. S.T. Coleridge c. Thackeray d. Blake
c. W. Wordsworth d. A.C. Swinburne 12. One of the four mentioned below is not poet of
05. Romanticism is mainly connected with--- Romantic age-
a. Joy and happiness a. William Blake b. William Wordsworth
b. Expectation and disappointment c. P.B. Shelley d. John Keats
c. Excitement and sensation 13. William Wordsworth was a—
d. Love and beauty a. Novelist b. historian c. Poet d. dramatist
06. Which is known as Romantic Period of English literature? 14. Why were The Daffodils in Wordsworth's I wandered
a. 1550-1558 b. 1649-1660 Lonely as a Cloud dancing?
c. 1798-1832 d. 1910-1936 a. The poet was day dreaming
07. Most important feature of a romantic poetry is- b. The flowers had cheerful company
a. Beauty b. Nature c. The sea waves beside them had gone wild
c. Subjectivity d. Imagination d. There was a strong wind.