8 Parts of Speech
Verbs change their form to indicate tense o Example: The cat is sleeping
(when the action occurs), number (whether on the couch.
the subject is singular or plural), and Transitive Verbs: These require an
person (the relationship between the subject object to complete their meaning.
and the verb).
o Example: She read a book.
Base Form: The simplest form of the
verb. Intransitive Verbs: These do not
require an object to complete their
o Example: walk meaning.
Past Tense: Indicates an action that o Example: The sun shines.
happened in the past.
4. ADJECTIVE: An adjective is a word that
o Example: walked describes a noun or pronoun.
Past Participle: Used with helping A colorful bouquet of flowers,
verbs to form perfect tenses or including red roses, yellow
passive voice. sunflowers, and purple lilies.
o Example: has walked Examples: beautiful, tall, smart
(present perfect)
5. ADVERB: An adverb is a word that
o was walked (passive voice) describes a verb, an adjective, or another
Present Participle: Used with adverb.
helping verbs to form continuous Types of Adverbs
tenses or as an adjective.
1. Adverbs of Manner: These describe
o Example: is walking (present how an action is performed.
continuous) Examples:
o the walking man (adjective) o quickly
o slowly
o carefully o extremely
o beautifully o slightly
2. Adverbs of Time: These indicate o too
when an action occurs. Examples:
Adverbs in Sentences
o now
Adverbs can be placed in various positions
o then within a sentence, depending on the word
they modify and the emphasis desired.
o yesterday
Modifying a Verb:
o tomorrow
o He ran quickly.
o soon
o She sings beautifully.
3. Adverbs of Place: These specify
where an action takes place. Modifying an Adjective:
o The movie was very
o here interesting.
o there o He is quite tall.
5. Adverbs of Degree: These show the Along among around at befor behind
extent or intensity of an action or Below beneath beside between beyond
quality. Examples:
By down during except for from in
o very
Inside into like near of off on onto
o quite
Out outside over past since through
Direction: while
o The bird flew over the house. Example: Although it was raining, we went
for a walk.
Correlative Conjunctions: These
o She spoke with confidence. come in pairs and connect words or
o He completed the task phrases of equal importance. Some
without difficulty. common pairs include:
Rule 1: A verb should agree with its subject Rule 6. The singular verb form is usually
in number. used for units of measurement or
time, amount of money, space of
Example: time, when use as subject of the
Tanggol is a student. sentence take singular verb.
They are students.
Rule 2. Do not get confused by the words
Two hundred pesos is the cost of
that come between the subject and my project.
the verb; they do not affect Three yards of cloth costs three
agreement. hundred pesos.
Example: Two hours walk everyday is good
for the body.
Four quarts of oil was required to
The student, who is writing
get the car running.
on the wall, is usually very
Rule 7. When any of the following
Rule 3. Prepositional phrases between the indefinite pronouns is the subject, the
subject and verb usually do not verb is singular: every, each,
affect agreement. everyone, everybody, everything,
nobody, nothing, no one, anyone,
Example: anybody, anything, someone,
The colors of the somebody, something, either,
classrooms are refreshing. neither take a singular verb.
they are linked by and, they take Rule 19. The indefinite pronoun none is
the plural form. singular occasionally require a plural
Standing in the water was a bad
idea. None of the students have done
their homework.
Swimming in the ocean and
playing drums are my hobbies.
Rule 20. If two infinitives (to + base form of
Rule 16. If one of the subjects is affirmative the verb) are separated by and
and other negative; the verb agrees they take a plural form of the
with the affirmative subject. verb.
Example: Example:
Not the teacher, but the students, To read and to write require great
were absent that day. skill.
The students, but the teacher, Rule 21. Nouns in plural form but singular
were absent that day. in meaning take singular verb.