CO & POs Political Science Imp Perfect Correction

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" ान व ान आ ण सुसं कार यांसाठ श ण सार"

- श ण महष - डॉ. बापुजी साळुं खे

ी. वामी ववेकानंद श ण सं ा, को हापूर संच लत

द ाजीराव कदम आट् स, साय स अँ ड काॅमस कॉलेज, इचलकरंजी.
रा यशा वभाग
(Department of Political Science)
Course Outcomes: ( COs ) The student will able to
BA - I, Political Science Semester - I
Paper I--- Introduction to Political Science
CO – 1 Acquire domain Knowledge

CO – 2 Understand importance of Political Science

CO – 3 Understand sub disciplines of Political Science

CO – 4 Understand Concept of State and Democracy, Key Concepts of Political Science

BA- I, Political Science Semester- II

Paper II --Indian Constitution
CO1- The students will get knowledge about making and philosophy of Indian Constitution

CO2- The students will become aware about Fundamental Rights

CO3 - The students will become aware about Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties

CO4- The students will understand about working & Role of Legislature, Executive and

B.A.II Political Science -Semester III

Paper-III Political Process in India
CO1- Imparting knowledge of Political Process in India.

CO2- Understanding of approaches in Political Process of India.

CO3- Understand Voting Behaviour.

CO4- Getting knowledge about Election Commission, Party System, Communalism,

Regionalism and Language.
Paper-IV Indian Political Thought Part –I
CO1- Understand the historical development of Indian Political Thoughts.

CO2- Understand the relevance of ancient ideas with present time.

CO3- Understand the trajectory of ideas on key Political questions and institutions of ancient
Indian as developed by Kautilya.

CO4- Understand renaissance and reformation in India and the role of Mahatma Phule and
Rajarshi Shahu Chhatrapati in it. And Understand the ideas of nationalism of Lokmanya Tilak.

CGE Paper-I Public Administration

CO1- To impart knowledge about the nature, scope importance of Public Administration.

CO2- The student will get knowledge about making theoretical clarity of basic concepts and
dynamics relating to Public organizations.

CO3- To familiarise the students with Changing Perspectives of Public Administration.

CO4- The student will get knowledge about contemporary concepts of Public Administration.

B.A.II Political Science - Semester IV

Paper-V Local- Self Government in Maharashtra
CO1- To Develop local leadership.

CO2- To create awareness of the local- self government as well as developmental measures.

CO3- It will provide knowledge of the local – self government in Maharashtra.

CO4- To understand the role of local-self government as instrument to achieve rural and urban
developmental goals. And Constitutional Provision of Local - Self Government.

Paper-VI Indian Political Thought – II

CO1- The student will get knowledge about the development of Indian Political thoughts.

CO2- Build up basic concepts like -Satya, Ahimsa, Satyagraha, Trusteeship and Sarvodaya of
Mahatma Gandhi.

CO3- Students can understand about Secular Nationalism and Internationalism, Democratic
Socialism and Mixed Economy of Jawaharlal Nehru.

CO4- Students will get ideas about critique of caste system, state socialism &Parliamentary
democracy for Social and economic democracy of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, different thoughts of M.
N. Roy.
CGE Paper-II Public Administration
CO1- Get information about Personnel Administration.

CO2- Get acquainted with the budgetary process in India.

CO3- Get knowledge about Delegated Legislation

CO4- Understand New Trends in Public Administration

B.A. III- Political Science (CBCS) Semester - V

Paper No. VII : Political Theory
CO1- Getting basic knowledge of Political Theory

CO2- Understanding of approaches to Political Theory

CO3- Knowing Behavioural movement in Political Science

CO4- Acquiring knowledge about concepts of Power, Authority and Legitimacy

Semester - V Paper No. VIII Public Administration

CO1- Acquiring information about various concepts in Public Administration.

CO2- Getting knowledge about Organization, its Bases, Principles and Units.

CO3- Getting acquainted with the budgetary process in India.

CO4- Understanding the interface between citizens and Public Administration; and other
agencies in society and Public Administration.

Semester – V - Paper No. IX International Politics

CO1- Getting acquainted with the concepts and dimension of International Politics.

CO2 To understand main theories of International Politics.

CO3- To know the working of international and regional organizations.

CO4- To understand the new world order that emerged after the end of cold war.
Semester – V Paper No. X Comparative Politics
CO1- Students will be familiar with basic theory of comparative politics

CO2- Students be able to understand constitutionalism, federalism.

CO3- Students shall understand party system and pressure groups and its functioning.

CO4- Students shall understand classification of political parties and pressure groups.

Semester – V, Paper No. XI Western Political Thought – I

CO1- Students will get acquainted with the western tradition from Plato to Rousseau.

CO2- Students will understand the evolution of western Political idea.

CO3- Students will be able to study historical aspects of western state and society.

CO4- Students will understand the thoughts of Western Thinkers.

B. A. Part III – Political Science - Semester – VI

Semester VI, Paper No. XII: Modern Political Concepts
CO1- Student will know modern concepts such as Feminism, Multiculturalism,
Environmentalism etc.

CO2- This will enable students to have comprehensive idea of contemporary scenario in
political science.

CO3- Students will understand Concept of Political Power, Legitimacy & Authority.

CO4- Students will understand State & Civil Society.

Semester VI Paper N0. XIII Politics and Movements in Maharashtra

CO1- Student will know the Political System of Maharashtra.

CO2- They will understand the process of formation of Maharashtra State

CO3- Student will know the movements, pressure groups and political parties in Maharashtra.

CO4- This will provide comprehensive idea of contemporary politics of Maharashtra.

Semester VI Paper No. XIV Foreign Policy of India

CO1- Student will understand, ‘what is Foreign Policy and what are the objectives of Foreign

CO2- This will provide comprehensive idea of foundation of Indian Foreign Policy

CO3- Student will come to know India’s relation with super powers and neighboring countries.
CO4- It will bring attention of the students towards the current national and international
political situation and foreign policy.

Semester VI Paper No XV Comparative Government (With special

reference to UK & USA)
CO1- To familiarizes students with composition, functions, and law making process of
legislative bodies in UK and USA.

CO2- To introduce the students with execution process of laws in UK and USA

CO3- To introduce the Judicial System in UK and USA and procedure of adjudication

CO4- Students will understand the role of Pressure Groups in the Politics of UK and USA.

Semester VI Paper No. XVI Western Political Thought- II

CO1- The students will understand Political views of J. S. Mill, Karl Marx.

CO2- The students will understand Political views Gramsci & Hannah Arendt.

CO3- The students will get acquinted with various aspects of state and society with western

CO4- Students will understand the Political thoughts of Western Thinkers.

" ान व ान आ ण सुसं कार यांसाठ श ण सार"
- श ण महष - डॉ. बापुजी साळुं खे

ी. वामी ववेकानंद श ण सं ा, को हापूर संच लत

द ाजीराव कदम आट् स, साय स अँ ड काॅमस कॉलेज, इचलकरंजी.
रा यशा वभाग
(Department of Political Science)
Course Outcomes: ( PSO ) The student will able to

This will provide comprehnsive idea of Contemporary scenario in political

This subject are realated course of political science. so outcomes are
Compitative exam & good Citizens making of ideal state, Nation & Nation
building. To Political Process learning of students is very important in the
political science course.
1. Create awareness the Philosophy of indian Constitution, Political Theory &
Political Process in india among the Students.
2. Study the fuctioning of democratic institutions in India including local self
government institutions And Socio-Political movements and Civil Society
Activisim in Maharashtra.
3. Educate the Society about the Human Rights and duties in order to create
responsible Citizenry & Demonstrate the knowledge of Political Theories &
4. Study Criticaly the 5. Show the knowledge of Concepts and dimensions of
International Politics & Political theories.

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