Mulualem Resaerch Proposal
Mulualem Resaerch Proposal
Mulualem Resaerch Proposal
ID NO-: WSU/229/12
MAY, 2024
Contents page no-
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................2
1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................................................2
1.2 Objectives of the Study......................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................3
2. RELATED STUDIES..........................................................................................................................3
2.1. Adoption of ICT in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia......................................................................3
2.2. Attitudes of Users towards ICTs Services....................................................................................3
2.3 Conceptual Framework of the Study.................................................................................................4
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................5
3. METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Research Design and Methodology...................................................................................................5
3.2. Data Sources and Sampling Techniques...........................................................................................5
3.3. Data Collection Methods and Analysis.............................................................................................5
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................................7
4. COST AND TIME PLAN.......................................................................................................................7
4.1 FINANCIAL BUDGET.....................................................................................................................7
4.1.1. COST BUDGET........................................................................................................................7
4.2 TIME SCHEDULE............................................................................................................................8
Commercial Banks provide all the banking services/facilities including ATM, Internet Banking,
Telephone Banking, SMS banking or Mobile Banking and others beside the traditional banking
activities. Electronic banking in Ethiopia is facing lot of challenges due to lack of software,
awareness, fear of risk and lack of trained persons in the key organizations Grad chew Worku
[4]. The sole provider of ICT service of the country, Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation,
newly called Ethio-telecom, has received a monopoly license from the regulator, the Ethiopian
Telecommunication Agency (ETA) for efficiency and quality service requirement and
infrastructure expansion targets Adam [5].
2.2. Attitudes of Users towards ICTs Services
According to Spacey et al. [6] positive attitudes are fundamental in the acceptance,
implementation and success of the new technology. Tibenderana [7] argues that one’s attitude
influences behavioral intention to use, and subsequently actual use, and can affect the way in
which one uses the facilities. In other words, if ICTs are easy to use and also perceived to be
useful in helping individuals to get their needs met, those individuals‟ perceptions and attitudes
towards ICTs are most likely to be positive Prisca [8].
Donat et al. [9] found that the same variables above, such as gender, age and education proved to
be major determinants of attitudes patterns among users of commercial banks ICTs facilities. The
study found that young people will more likely to have positive attitudes towards ICTs than
adults who will prone to change and learning new things. The author also found that educated
people will most likely to have positive attitudes towards ICTs than those with less or without
formal education.
2.3 Conceptual Framework of the Study
Fig. 1 Show that the study considered the dependent variable to be ICT use by bank customers
and employees which was influenced by independent variables which are; demographic factors,
technological factors, system quality and Security Concern factors. It was expected that the
above mentioned variables will greatly affect ICT use or lack of ICT use in the banking industry.
The conceptual framework depicts the relationship between the independent and dependent
Technological factors
- Lack of available ICT infrastructure
- Poor Internet Connection
-Customers fear risk to use ICT services
Demographic factors
System quality factors
- Age and gender
-Lack of accessibility
-Educational level and Use of ICT
marital status services - Lack of reliability
-Experience and
-Absence of time
working position
Line response
Security concern
- Perceived risks
Personal Costs
Jun. July Aug.
1 Title Selection √
2 Literature development √
3 Proposal development √
4 Data collection √