Revised Upgrading and Conversion Form
Revised Upgrading and Conversion Form
Revised Upgrading and Conversion Form
No. of yrs served before pursuing further studies: ………………… Duration of study ……………………….
In support of my application I have attached copies of required documents (refer to Section “E”)
1. ………………………………………………………………… 2…………………………………………………………………………
3………………………………………………………………… 4…………………………………………………………………………
Instructions to Applicant
After you have filled the form and attached photocopies of REQUIRED documents submit to your head of facility for endorsement.
(Medical Supt. is responsible for completing this form if applicant’s facility is Hospital and DDHS if District/Subdistrict)
Having satisfied conditions for upgrading/conversion, I recommend the applicant for consideration.
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After endorsement by the Medical Superintendent/District Director of Health Service kindly ensure that the completed form is delivered at the
Regional HR management unit as early as possible. IT IS NOT THE DUTY OF APPLICANT TO DO THIS
application and hereby confirm that the form has been properly completed and copies of all required
documents as indicated in section “E” have been attached to the form. I also wish to confirm that there is a
vacancy for the applicant at …………………………………………………….……………………………………
(Location of vacancy)
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4 Letter indicating date of assumption of duty after completion of rotation
5 Copy of 1st appointment letter & recent pay slip (not more than three months old)
Important Notes
In all applications affecting officers in the support class, there must be an indication of availability of vacancy.
Officers on the Category “C” Diploma/HND post (e.g. Finance Officer) and applying for upgrading to Category “C” Degree post (e.g.
Accountant) will generally not be required to go through interview. However, in cases of limited vacancies, eligible applicants must
undergo interview for the selection of the best and most suitable ones for consideration.
Applicants in the Categories “D” & “E” (e.g. Enrolled Nurse) applying for upgrading or conversion to any position in the Category “C”
Degree post (e.g. Nursing Officer) must necessarily be interviewed and a report on the interview attached to this application.
There must also be an interview in all cases of conversion within the support class (e.g. conversion from Biostatistics Assistant to
Supply Officer).
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