The Ethics of Job Discrimination
The Ethics of Job Discrimination
The Ethics of Job Discrimination
Chapter Outline
What distinctions can companies reasonably make between job applicants without engaging in discrimination? How widespread is job discrimination? Why is it wrong to discriminate? What is affirmative action and why is it so controversial?
Key Concepts
The wrongful act of distinguishing illicitly among people not on the basis of individual merit, but on the basis of prejudice or some other invidious or morally reprehensible attitude
Forms of Discrimination
Intentional and Institutional Aspects of Discrimination 1. Intentionally isolated (non-institutionalized) discriminatory behavior 2. Intentionally institutionalized discriminatory behavior 3. Unintentionally isolated (non-institutionalized) discriminatory behavior 4. Unintentionally institutionalized discriminatory behavior
4 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Rights :
Discrimination violates basic human rights
Discrimination results in unjust distributions of benefits and burdens Principle of Equality
7 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Discrimination: Utility, Rights, and Justice Criticisms on Arguments Against Discrimination Utility :
How if in certain situation, the public welfare would be better if jobs are assigned on the basis of factors not related to the job? Society may benefit from some forms of sexual discrimination
Rights : Justice:
How to define precisely what counts as a relevant respect/characteristic for treating people differently and explaining that sex and race are not relevant?
8 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Discrimination Practices
Recruitment Practices Screening Practices Promotion Practices Conditions of Employment Discharge
Sexual Harrasment Under certain conditions, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature
9 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Discrimination Practices
Besides race and sex, discrimination can be based on Age Sexual orientation Transsexual status Disability Obesity Disease (AIDS, Hepatitis, etc)
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Program A program designed to ensure the proportion of minorities within an organization matches their proportion in the available workforce
Affirmative action programs are criticized as being discriminatory by using nonrelevant characteristics race or sex- to make employment decisions.
Affirmative Action as an Instrument for Achieving Utilitarian Goals and Equal Justice
Utilitarian Argument for Affirmative Action Claims affirmative action reduces need and so increases utility Criticized on grounds that costs (e.g. frustation of the majorities) outweigh benefits and that other ways of reducing need will produce greater utility
Equal Justice Argument for Affirmative Action Claims affirmative action will secure equal opportunity Claims affirmative action is a morally legitimate means
13 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Affirmative Action as an Instrument for Achieving Utilitarian Goals and Equal Justice
Arguments Made Against Equal Justice Argument for Affirmative Action Affirmative action programs discriminate against White men (as the nonminority) Preferential treatment violates the principle of equality Affirmative action programs harm women and minorities the programs imply that women and minorities need special help to compete
Guidelines to an affirmative program when minorities are underrepresented 1. Both minorities and nonminorities should be hired or promoted only if they reach certain minimum levels of competency or are capable of reaching such levels in a reasonable time 2. If the qualifications of the minority and nonminority candidates are only slightly less/equal to/higher than those of the nonminority, then the minority should be preferred
15 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Guidelines to an affirmative program when minorities are underrepresented (contd) 3. If both the minority and nonminority candidates are adequately qualified for a position but the nonminority candidate is much more qualified, then: If a performance in the job directly affects the lives and safety of people or if performance on the job has a substantial and critical effect on the entire firms efficiency, then the more qualified nonminority should be preferred, and vice versa
16 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Guidelines to an affirmative program when minorities are underrepresented (contd) 4. Preference should be extended to minority candidates only so long as their representation throughout the various levels of the firm is not proportional to their availability
Comparable Pay for Jobs of Comparable Worth Comparable Worth Program A program designed to ensure that jobs of equal value to an organization are paid the same salary regardless of whether external labor markets pay the same rates for those jobs
Comparable Worth Program Equalize pay for jobs requiring equal responsibilities and equal skills and of equal value to an organization Based on idea that equals should be treated as equals
18 MAN3509 - Business Ethics | Risa Virgosita, S.E., M.Sc.
Velasquez, Manuel G., 2006, Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 6th edition, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.