Corinphila Auction 229. 2018 Australian States & Australia 1

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229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 11

Wednesday, 28 November 2018, 11:30 h


The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection

(part III)

The First Fleet entering Port Jackson on January 26, 1788

10 229 Corinphila Auction
221 Corinphila · 28 &
Auction 29November
· 23 November2017


1788 A fleet of 11 ships with convicts, soldiers and others arrived at Botany
Bay in January 1788. Captain Phillip proclaimed the new colony. The
first settlement was made at Sydney. The area was known as New
South Wales with Sydney as the administrative centre and included
all territory east of longitude 135* East.
1803 The Sydney Gazette of 10 July 1803 first mentions Postal services.
1825 ‚Act to Regulate the Postage of Letters in New South Wales‘ under First Fleet Entering Botany Bay
Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane.
1838 ‚Act to Provide for the Conveyance and Postage of Letters‘ under
Governor Sir Richard Bourke introduced letter charges according to
weight and distance carried.
A cheap local Sydney Post is established by the issue of prepaid
embossed stamped envelopes.
1848/49 Proposals for a uniform rate of postage followed by the ‚Act to
Establish a Uniform Rate of Postage and to consolidate and Amend
the Law for the Conveyance and Postage of Letters‘ which took
effect from 1 January 1850. The Act authorised the issue of adhesive
postage stamps.
1850 The first stamps ‚The Sydney Views‘ were issued. They were
engraved locally on copper plates. The 1d. by Robert Clayton, the Government House in Sydney
2d. by John Carmichael and the 3d. by H.C. Jervis. All three copper
printing plates wore rapidly and were variously re-engraved by H.C.
1851 The second locally produced ‚Laureated‘ issue, engraved by John
Carmichael and H.C.Jervis on steel plates (1d., 2d.plate I, 3d.) and on
copper plates (2d. plate II, 6d.,8d.)
1852 Stamps to prepay postage made obligatory.
1854 The third ‚Diadem‘ issue made from engraved steel plates made by
Perkins, Bacon in London.
1856 ‚Laureated’ Sixpence Registeration Stamp.
From New issues printed from typographed plates printed by De La Rue in
1862 London.
1879 First appearance of O.S. overprinted Official Stamps

Custom House and Circular Wharf in Sydney

229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 13

Essays by Thomas Ham

Thomas Ham

 3001 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3001 1850: Thomas Ham 'Two Pence Blue' Essay, photo-lithographic facsimile of the original
Essay which is in the Thomas Tapling Collection in the British Library, comprising three
impressions on glazed card with black ink endorsement at left and further manuscript '3d.'
and 'This Blue would be brighter, T. H.'. This facsimile was produced by Alfred van Dyck,
some time before the originals were sold by him to Tapling and prior to Thomas Tapling's
death in 1891. We record just this sole example of this reproduction last sold at Sotheby's,
London, 15 December 1995, lot 321.
Provenance: Collection W. W. Mann and docketed thus in pencil on reverse. Essay (*) 500 (€ 450)

3002 1850: Thomas Ham 'Two Pence Red' Essay, photo-lithographic facsimile of the original
Essay which is in the Thomas Tapling Collection in the British Library, comprising three
impressions on glazed card with black ink endorsement at left and further manuscript '1d.'
and 'This red can be a little darker, T. H.'. This facsimile was produced by Alfred van Dyck,
some time before the originals were sold by him to Tapling and prior to Thomas Tapling's
death in 1891. We record just one other example of this reproduction (copy with the lot), ex
Sir Gawaine Baillie, sold at Sotheby's, Melbourne in July 2005, lot 815, which was trimmed
down and therefore not as fine as the example offered here.
Provenance: Collection W. W. Mann and docketed thus in pencil on reverse. Essay (*) 500 (€ 450)
14 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Essays by Carmichael

3003 3004

 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3003 1850: Carmichael Essay for proposed 6 d. 'Laureated Crown' and 1 s. 'Lion & Crown' se-
tenant Essays, imperforate on thick wove paper (59 x 35 mm.), printed in black. Fresh, fine
and very scarce.
Provenance: Collection George Ginger, RL, London, 5-6 December 1945, lot 492. Essay (*) 200 (€ 180)
3004 Carmichael 'Essays' for the proposed Sydney View issue, copied from the Great Britain
1840/41 designs, 1 d. values (3), imperforate in black, blue and in red on white or
yellowish wove paper. Presumably reprints (see Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia page 19) but
nevertheless scarce. Essays (*) 120 (€ 110)

1850 (Jan.) One Penny, Sydney View, Plate I, no clouds


3005 1 d. carmine-lake, a horizontal used pair, Plate I, positions 4-5, close but clear at upper
left otherwise with huge margins all round, cancelled by watery but bold strikes of "89"
obliterator of Kempsey. An attractive multiple Gi = £ 1000+.
Note: The ink for the numeral obliterators was frequently lacking in the linseed oil
ingredient. These 'water strikes' are nowadays scarce, largely due to forgers realising that
the 'water strikes' would wash off more easily to form an unused stamp. 1 350 (€ 315)


3006 1 d. carmine, Plate I, position 7, a superb used example on small piece, large even margins
all round, cancelled by "45" numeral obliterator of Binalong. Scarce and most attractive.
Signed Ferchenbauer Gi = £ 500.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 80, March 1990, lot 5240. 2 5 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 15

Alfred H. Caspary Josiah K. Lilly Jr. John R. Boker Jr.

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3007 1 d. pale red on hard bluish paper, Plate I, position 8 (Hill unshaded), a fine unused example
with large margins all round, of excellent delicate colour and large part og. Merest trace of
corner bend mentioned for full accuracy, an extremely rare stamp in such excellent quality
and of impeccable provenanace. Cert. RPSL (1968) Gi = £ 11'000.
Provenance: Collection Alfred J. Caspary, Harmers, London, 6 Oct 1958, lot 18.
Collection Josiah K. Lilly, Siegel, New York, 15-16 May 1968, lot 273.
Collection John R. Boker Jr., Harmers, London, 14 April 1981, lot 2. 5 * 3'500 (€ 3'150)


3008 1 d. pale red on hard bluish paper, Plate I, position 15, worn impression, a fine unused
example, even margins all round, fresh and fine, without gum. Rare. Cert. Ceremuga (2018)
Gi = £ 11'000. 5 (*) 1'500 (€ 1'350)


3009 1 d. pale red on hard bluish paper, Plate I, positions 23-24, a used horizontal pair with clear
margins at top and marginal at base, each neatly cancelled by "90" numeral obliterators of
Grafton. A fine pair Gi = £ 950+. 5 200 (€ 180)
16 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1850 (Aug.), One Penny Plate I re-engraved by Henry C. Jervis (commonly termed Plate II with clouds)



 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3010 1 d. dull lake on hard bluish paper, Plate I, positions 9/14, a very fine used vertical pair, with
large margins all round, neatly cancelled by mute obliterators in black. Cert. BPA (1975)
Gi = £ 1'000+. 6 300 (€ 270)
3011 1 d. vermilion on hard toned paper, Plate II, position 2, early impression, a fine used
example of good rich colour, large marginal at top and with large margins on all sides,
lightly cancelled by clear "69" numeral obliterator of Murrurundi. A fine and rare usage
Gi = £ 375.
Provenance: Collection Dr. W. R. D. Wiggins, RL, Zurich, 26 Nov 1981, lot 1546. 7 200 (€ 180)

Philipp von Ferrary


3012 1 d. dull carmine on hard toned paper, Plate II, position 1, the famous unused example,
marginal from top of sheet and good margins on other three sides, slight stain on front from
the still intact original somewhat browned gum. Rare and splendid rarity for the connoisseur.
Signed H. Bloch, A. Diena. Cert. P. Holcombe Gi = £ 9'000.
Provenance: Collection Philipp von Ferrary, sale 4, Paris, 14-16 June 1922, lot 336. 8 * 3'500 (€ 3'150)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 17


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3013 1 d. dull carmine on hard toned paper, Plate II, position 17, a very fine used example with
good even margins, lightly cancelled by part obliterator in black Gi = £ 375. 8 150 (€ 135)
3014 1 d. carmine, Plate II on hard white paper, a fine used vertical pair with large margins all
round, positions 15/20 with upper stamp showing 'No Clouds' variety, lightly cancelled in
black. A most attractive pair Gi = £ 1'100+. 8c+ 8 200 (€ 180)
3015 1 d. dull carmine on hard toned paper, Plate II, positions 19-20, a fine horizontal pair used
on small piece, clear to large margins all round and showing portion of adjoining stamps
at top, cancelled by single strike of the mute obliterator in black. Fine and most attractive.
Signed Ferchenbauer Gi = £ 750+.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 80 (March 1990), lot 5241. 8 5 300 (€ 270)

3016 3017 3018

3016 1 d. crimson-lake on hard greyish paper, Plate II, position 19, used example witrth clear to
good margins all round, neatly cancelled in black. Signed Miro Gi = £ 375. 9 120 (€ 110)
3017 1 d. crimson-lake, Plate I on hard greyish paper, position 7 with 'No Trees on Hill' variety, a
fine used example lightly cancelled in black leaving the vignette clear. Scarce and attractive
stamop Gi = £ 750. 9a 200 (€ 180)
3018 1 d. crimson-lake on hard greyish blued paper, Plate II, position 7, a fine used example with
large margins all round, showing plate variety 'No Trees on Hill', lightly cancelled in black.
Cert. BPA (1981) Gi 12a = £ 750. 9a 200 (€ 180)

3019 1 d. crimson-lake on hard bluish paper, Plate II, positions 14-15, a fine used horizontal pair
with ample to large margins all round, characteristically printed with the somewhat blurred
print of the earlier impressions; position 15 showing "Without Clouds' Plate Flaw, neatly
cancelled by "82" numeral obliterators of Armidale. An attractive and scarce multiple Gi =
£ 1'100+. 9+ 9c 300 (€ 270)
18 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

3021 3022

Alfred F. Lichtenstein Louise Boyd Dale


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3020 1 d. 'gooseberry-red' on hard greyish blued paper, Plate II, positions 9/14, a fine used
vertical pair in this vibrant shade, large margins all round, neatly cancelled by "55" numeral
obliterator of Newcastle. Rare and very fine multiple. Signed Holcombe Gi = £ 1'100+.
Provenance: Collection Alfred Lichtenstein & Louise Boyd Dale, Harmers, New York, 14
May 1990, lot 10. 10 350 (€ 315)
3021 1 d. dull carmine, Plate II, intermediate impression on hard greyish wove paper, position
10, a fine unused example with clear to large margins all round, fresh and very fine unused
without gum. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi. = £ 10'000. 11 (*) 1'500 (€ 1'350)
3022 1 d. carmine, Plate II on horizontally laid paper, a superb used example with large even
margins all round, cancelled by "26" numeral obliterator of Shoalhaven in black. A fine
stamp Gi = £ 700. 11 200 (€ 180)
3023 1 d. crimson-lake (shades) on hard greyish paper, Plate II, the selection of eight used
examples including two horizontal pairs, all with four clear margins, generally fine, one
pair with slight double print error on position 12. A scarce and attractive group Gi = £ 3'000+. 11 500 (€ 450)

John F. Seybold Charles Lathrop Pack



3024 1 d. brownish red on hard greyish blued paper, Plate II, position 1, a fine used example, four
clear margins, used on 1851 cover to Pitt Street, Sydney cancelled indistinctly in black with
framed '2 / O'Clock' handstamp at right. Backstamped 'Sydney / New South Wales' (Jan 1)
in black. Some minor wear to envelope but a scarce usage.
Provenance: Collection John F. Seybold (1909).
Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, 6-15 Dec 1944, lot 994.
Collection Alfred Lichtenstein & Louise Boyd Dale, Harmers, London, 14
May 1990, lot 58. 11 6 500 (€ 450)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 19

Charles Lathrop Pack John R. Boker Jr.


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3025 1 d. dull carmine on hard greyish blued paper, Plate II, positions 6-7-8-9, a fine used
horizontal strip of four, large margins all round, showing position 7 'No Trees on Hill' and
position 8 'Hill unshaded' plate varieties, tied in black to cover to Burrown endorsed 'via
Yass' by indistinct "31" numeral obliterators of Picton. The strip with small contemporary
bend at lower right corner mentioned for full accuracy only. Reverse with oval datestamps
of Picton (July 22), Yass (July 24) and Goulburn in black. Some minor wear to envelope
but a rare and most remarkable usage of exceptional provenance. Signed A. Diena. Cert. P.
Holcombe (1999).
Provenance: Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, 6-15 Dec 1944, lot 1008.
Collection John R. Boker Jr., Harmers, London, 14 April 1981, lot 6. 11+ 11a+
Collection 'España', Harmers, London, 23 March 1984, lot 2054. 11b 6 5'000 (€ 4'500)
20 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3026 1 d. brownish-red on hard greyish blued paper, Plate II, positions 15/20, a used vertical pair,
marginal from right of sheet with position 15 showing 'No Clouds' plate variety, the lower
stamp cut into at left, well cancelled by "95" numeral obliterator of Brisbane (Queensland).
Trace of double printing variety on each, despite the fault a spectacular usage Gi = £ 1'100+.
Provenance: Collection John S. White, Spink, London, 22 May 1997, lot 77. 12+ 12c 200 (€ 180)

1850 (Jan.), Two Pence, Plate I, vertical-lined background

3027 3028

3027 2 d. greyish-blue, Plate I, intermediate impression, position 12, a fine used corner marginal
example with huge margins on all sides, cancelled by centrally struck "35" numeral
obliterator of Goulburn. Fine and rare. Cert. BPA (1978) Gi = £ 325. 16b 200 (€ 180)
3028 2 d. greyish blue, Plate I, position 17, Intermediate impression, a superb large margined used
example neatly cancelled by "3" numeral obliterator of Windsor Gi = £ 325. 16b 150 (€ 135)


3029 2 d. greyish blue, late intermediate impression, Plate I, position 6-7, a fine used horizontal
pair marginal from top of sheet, of fine colour with large margins all round, neatly cancelled
by two strikes of "45" numeral obliterator of Binalong in black. Charming and scarce
multiple Gi = £ 650+. 16b 200 (€ 180)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 21

'Phoenician' of the Aberdeen White Star Fleet


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3030 1 d. carmine-lake, Plate I, showing a blurred printing (early thus) and Intermediate
Impression of 2 d. greyish-blue, each with large margins all round, used on 1850 cover to
Glasgow endorsed 'per Phoenician' (White Star Line Clipper under Captain Sproat), tied by
barred obliterators in black with oval 'PAID SHIP LETTER / Crown / SYDNEY' datestamp
in red below (Jan 22). Rated '8' (pence) for Ship Letter charge and struck on arrival with
framed 'Glasgow' datestamp (April 24). Slight closed tear in front panel not affecting the
appearance of a wonderful first issue cover used in the first month of issue. Cert. RPSL
Note: The 'Phoenician' of the Aberdeen White Star fleet, was to make a reputation for speed
under command of one of best known passage makers of the day, Captain Sproat. The first
3 voyages were considered extraordinarily good for those days:
1849-50 London-Sydney 90 days, Sydney-London 88 days, carrying this cover.
1850-51 London-Sydney 96 days, Sydney-London 103 days.
1851-52 London-Sydney 90 days, Sydney-London 83 days. 1+ 16b 6 2'500 (€ 2'250)
22 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

3031 3032 3033 3034

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3031 Intermediate Impression, 2 d. greyish blue, used examples (3) all with four margins, with
a delightful example showing both vertical and horizontal dividing lines, second example
with bold strike of "3" obliterator in black (cert. RPSL, 1944); third example similarly
cancelled in black; this last ex 'España' collection, lot 2116 Gi = £ 975. 16b 250 (€ 225)
3032 2 d. deep or greyish blue, Plate I, intermediate impressions, used examples (4) all with
four margins, with position 5 showing "95" numeral cancel (signed A. Diena), position
8 similarly cancelled, an example in a deep shade cancelled "2" (cert. RPSL, 1953) and a
fourth example from base of the sheet, signed Brun and Calves Gi = £ 1'300. 16b+ 16c 300 (€ 270)
3033 2 d. greyish-blue, Plate I, later impression without clouds, position 3 on the sheet of 24
subjects, large margins all round, well cancelled by bold "3" numeral of Windsor. Signed
A. Diena. Gi = £ 190. 17 100 (€ 90)
3034 2 d. blue, Plate I, later impression, a superb large margined used example neatly cancelled
by "21" numeral obliterator of Campbelltown. A most attractive stamp. Cert. RPSL (1959)
Gi = £ 190.
Provenance: Collection Lars T. Amundsen, SG, London, 6-8 Dec 1967, lot 305. 17 120 (€ 110)

The Paterson District from Morpeth

3035 2 d. greyish-blue, Plate I, late impression, position 3-4, a fine horizontal pair used on
1850 entire letter to Sydney, large margins all round, tied by neat strikes of "62" numeral
obliterators of Morpeth. Reverse with 'Morpeth / Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp (April
12) in black and Sydney arrival datestamp. File fold well away from the adhesives, a fine
and attractive entire.
Provenance: Collection 'España', Harmers, London, 23 March 1984, lot 2128. 17 6 500 (€ 450)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 23


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3036 2 d. dull blue, later impression, Plate I, position 13, a fine corner marginal used example
from lower left of sheet, huge margins on three sides and clear at top, cancelled by "48"
numeral obliterator of Tarcutta. A fine and scarce usage. Signed A. Diena Gi = £ 180. 18 150 (€ 135)
3037 2 d. dull or greyish blue, Plate I, later impressions, used examples (5) all with four margins,
one with fine "8" obliterator cancel, one example on dated piece showing clear "Double
Print" variety - this being scarcer on the 2 d. value than on the 1 d. Sydney View. Generally
fine, a good group Gi = £ 900. 17/18 5 200 (€ 180)
3038 2 d. dull blue, later impression, Plate I, position 13, a fine lower left corner marginal example
cancelled by "71" numeral obliterator of Tamworth, superb but for minor bend in corner
margin only, matched with 2 d. blue, Plate I, position 13, after Retouch, also with four large
margins, cancelled by "64" numeral obliterator of West Maitland. A fine and scarce pair Gi
= £ 480. 18+ 19 200 (€ 180)

1850 (April - July), Two Pence, plate entirely re-engraved by Henry C. Jervis
(plate II - horizontal-lined background)

3039 3040 3041

3039 2 d. deep blue, Plate II, a superb large margined used example with dividing line at base,
cancelled by complete strike of Victoria / 37/V butterfly handstamp in black. A fine and
attractive stamp. 21 150 (€ 135)
3040 2 d. indigo, Plate II, position 8, a fine used example in a deep shade, large margins all round
showing 'No Whip' plate variety, cancelled by "66" numeral obliterator of Singleton. Fresh
and fine, a most attractive stamp Gi 24e = £ 475. 21e 200 (€ 180)
3041 Plate II, 2 d. indigo, two used examples with large margins all round, both from an early
state of the Plate, with fine example from position 11 on the sheet of 24 subjects, and a
further example showing major horizontal pre-printing paper fold. Scarce Gi = £ 700. 21+ 21 var 200 (€ 180)
24 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

View of Kiama

 3042 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3042 2 d. indigo, Plate II, position 12, a fine four margin example, roughly separated from corner
margin at edges, used on 1850 cover to Sydney tied by "25" numeral obliteraator of Kiama
in black. Reverse with oval 'Kiama / Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp in black (July 15)
and Sydney arrival (July 17) in black. File fold well away from adhesive, a fine cover. 21 6 400 (€ 360)

3043 3044 3045 3046

3043 2 d. grey-blue, Plate II, position 22, early impression, a very fine used example with large
even margins all round, cancelled by fine strike of Victoria Butterfly handstamp No. 37
(Melbourne) in black. Exceptional and scarce Gi = £ 300+.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 107 (Sept 1998), lot 4825. 23 200 (€ 180)
3044 2 d. blue (shades), Plate II, early impressions, fine used large margined used examples (7),
with some splendid examples including position 6 cancelled by "66" numeral, position 8
showing 'No Whip' variety cancelled "38" numeral, position 12 cancelled by "62" numeral,
position 16 cancelled "66", one or two with minor imperfections but a scarce and attractive
group Gi = £ 2'000+. 23 400 (€ 360)
3045 2 d. bright blue, Plate II, position 22, early to intermediate impression, a very fine used
example with large even margins all round, cancelled by scarce Sydney 'Diamond of Dots'
cancellation in black. Scarce and fine Gi = £ 300. 24 200 (€ 180)
3046 2 d. bright blue, Plate II, position 10, early impression, a very fine used example with large
even margins all round, with plate variety 'Pick and Shovel omitted', cancelled by numeral
"77" of Merriwa in manuscript. Exceptional and rare Gi = £ 600+.
Provenance: Collection A. Leslie Leon, RL, London, 14 March 1978, lot 58.
Collecction 'España', Harmers, London, 23 March 1984, lot 2168. 24f 250 (€ 225)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 25

Arthur Hind


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3047 2 d. deep bright blue, Plate II, position 13, early impression, the famous unused example
with large even margins all round, showing "CREVIT omitted" variety clearly, with
contemporary manuscript on reverse "never been used. I send this for you to keep" over
the partial browned gum. Negligible crease and minor dusting of age from gum, neither
affecting the dramatic appearance of this exceptional and (most probably unique) rare
stamp. A splendid item for the connoisseur. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 12'000.
Provenance: Collection Arthur Hind, Harmers, New York, 2-4 July 1934, lot 156.
Collection Dr. W. R. D. Wiggins, RL, Zurich, 26 Nov 1981, lot 1627.
Collection 'España', Harmers, London 23 March 1984, lot 2171. 24g * 3'500 (€ 3'150)
26 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Maurice Burrus

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3048 2 d. deep bright blue, Plate II, position 12, intermediate impression, a very fine used
example with large margins all round and part of sheet margin at top, used on 1850 cover
from Bathurst to Sydney tied by "9" numeral obliterator (with numeral reversed) of Bathurst
in black. Reverse with 'Bathurst / Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp (Aug 1) and Sydney
arrival cds (Aug 3) in black. An exceptional and charming cover. Signed A. Diena, Engel.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 11 Feb 1964, lot 279. 24 6 1'000 (€ 900)

'Pick and Shovel omitted'

plate variety

3049 3050 3051 3052

3049 2 d. dull blue, Plate II, position 10, a fine used example with large margins all round, showing
'Pick and Shovel omitted' plate variety, lightly cancelled by "60" numeral obliterator of
Paterson in black Gi = £ 425.
Provenance: Collection John R. Boker, Harmers, London, 14 April 1981, lot 13. 25f 150 (€ 135)
3050 2 d. dull blue, Plate II, position 20, intermediate impression, a very fine used example with
large margins all round, in a deep shade, 'No Whip' plate variety, cancelled by scarce Sydney
'Diamond of Dots' handstamp in black Gi = £ 350. 26e 200 (€ 180)
3051 2 d. dull grey-blue, Plate II, position 13, intermediate impression, a very fine used example
with sheet corner large margins and ample at right, showing 'CREVIT omitted' plate variety,
cancelled by "62" numeral obliterator of Morpeth in black leaving the plate variety clear. A
fine and attractive stamp Gi = £ 650.
Provenance: Collection W. R. D. Wiggins, RL, Zurich, 26 Nov 1981, lot 1648. 26g 180 (€ 160)
3052 2 d. Prussian blue, Plate II, worn impression retouched at base, position 17, a fine large
margined used example cancelled by good strike of "37" numeral obliterator of Bungendore.
One small age spot at lower left but a scarce cancel. Cert. RPSV (1978) Gi = £ 325. 27 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 27

1850 (Sept.), Two Pence plate re-engraved a second time by Henry C. Jervis (plate III)

3054 3055
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3053 2 d. ultramarine (shades), Plate III, the used selection (8), all with four margins, with
position 1 showing Berrima "32" numeral, horizontal pair from positions 1-2, pos. 19 with
'No Whip' variety cancelled at Gunning with "43" numeral, further examples from positions
10 with 'Double Line on Bale', position 3 cancelled by Wellingon "16" and another example
with superb "78" numeral. A generally fine group Gi = £ 1'800+. 29 400 (€ 360)
3054 Sydney Views 2 d., small group of six used examples incl. a horizontal pair from Plate I, positions
23-24 showing corner dividing lines, a Plate III example with '68' numeral of Scone in brown, 2 d. 18+ 23+
ultramarine Plate III cancelled by '38' numeral of Queanbeyan etc. A scarce and attractive group. 26+ 29 250 (€ 225)
3055 2 d. ultramarine (shades), Plate III, position 15, a fine used example with good even margins,
lightly cancelled and thus leaving the 'No Whip' variety clear Gi = £ 375. 30a 120 (€ 110)

3056 3057 3058

3056 2 d. ultramarine, Plate III, position 20, an unused example of excellent colour, large to very large
margins all round, showing 'Fan with six segments' plate variety clearly, some natural thinning and
browned original gum. An extremely rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1968) Gi = £ 8'000+.
Provenance: Collection A. Leslie Leon.
Collection 'V. P. Manwood', Siegel, New York, 8 Nov 1995, lot 4177. 30b * 1'000 (€ 900)
3057 2 d. dull blue, Plate III, position 4, used example with clear margins all round cancelled by
scarce 'Lozenge of Dots' obliterator in black Gi = £ 225. 30 120 (€ 110)
3058 2 d. ultramarine (shades), Plate III, the used selection of four margin examples (8) with two
horizontal pairs from positions 6-7 and 7-8 and thus each showing one stamp with variety
'Double Lines on Bale', a generally fine and scarce group Gi = £ 1'800+. 30+ 30c 500 (€ 450)

Campbelltown Post Office

3059 2 d. deep blue, Plate III, position 5, a fine large margined example used on 1850 cover to Picton tied
by bold strike of "21" numeral obliterator of Campbelltown in black. Reverse with 'Campbelltown
/ Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp (Dec 13) in black. Closed tear in address panel and adhesive
lifted for checking and replaced. Despite the fault an attractive and scarce cover.
Provenance: Collection 'España', Harmers, London, 23 March 1984, lot 2229. 30 6 200 (€ 180)
28 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1851 (Jan.), Two Pence plate re-engraved a third time by Henry C. Jervis (plate IV)

Plate variety

3060 3061 3062

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3060 2 d. Prussian blue, on hard bluish grey wove paper, Plate IV, position 19, with large margins all
round, of strong colour, cancelled by "32" numeral obliterator of Berrima. A fine stamp Gi = £ 170. 32 100 (€ 90)
3061 2 d. ultramarine, on stout yellowish vertically laid paper, Plate IV, positions 1-2-3-4, a
superb used horizontal strip of four with enormous margins all round, each stamp beautifully
cancelled by water strikes of "5" numeral obliterator of Gosford in brown. Ironed vertical
bend on fourth stamp not affecting the appearance of a magnificent multiple Gi = £ 1'000+. 34 750 (€ 675)
3062 2 d. Prussian blue, Plate IV, a fine large margined used example on vertically laid stout
paper, position 24, showing Plate variety PENOE for PENCE at base, lightly used leaving
the flaw clear. Gi = £ 450. 35f 150 (€ 135)

1851 (April), Two Pence plate re-engraved a fourth time by Henry C. Jervis (plate V)

3063 2 d. ultramarine, on hard greyish wove paper, Plate V, position 4, a fine unused example
with large margins all round in a resonant shade, without gum but very fresh and fine for an
unused Sydney View. Signed Herbert Bloch. Cert. BPA (1950) Gi = £ 8'000.
Provenance: Probably ex Pack.
Collection 'V. P. Manwood', Siegel, New York, 8 Nov 1995, lot 4243. 36 (*) 1'000 (€ 900)

3064 2 d. ultramarine, on hard greyish wove paper, Plate V, a superb large margined used example
on Evans correspondence 1851 entire letter from Tarcutta to Albury, lightly tied by faint
"48" numeral obliterator in black. Reverse with superb oval 'Tarcutta / Crown / New S.
Wales' datestamp (June 27) in black and faint Albury arrival. A charming and scarce entire. 36 6 300 (€ 270)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 29

George Street in Sydney ca. 1850


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3065 2 d. ultramarine, on hard greyish wove paper, Plate V, position 17, a large margined used
example with 'Pick and Shovel' omitted plate variety, used on 1851 small envelope from
Berrima to Picton, tied by fine "32" numeral obliterator in black. Reverse with 'Berrima /
Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp (July 21) of despatch. A fine and attractive cover.
Provenance: Collection E. R. Slade Slade, Harmers, London, 3-4 April 1979, lot 236. 36 6 400 (€ 360)
3066 2 d. ultramarine, on hard greyish wove paper, Plate V, position 22, a large margined used
example on 1851 cover to Sydney with large "3" numeral in manuscript of Windsor. Reverse
with oval 'Windsor / Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp (June 30) in black and Sydney arrival
cds (July 1). A fine cover matched with equally fine 2 d. Plate V, also cancelled by large "3"
in manuscript. An outstanding pairing and extremely fine and rare.
Provenance: Collection T. V. 'Tommy' Roberts, RL, London 26 April 1989, lot 2181. 36 6 750 (€ 675)


3067 2 d. dull blue, Plate V, position 21 on the sheet of 24 subjects, a fine large margined used
example showing sheet margin at base, lightly cancelled in black. Fine and scarce thus
Gi = £ 180+. 37 120 (€ 110)
3068 Sydney Views 2 d. blue (shades), the used selection with 15 examples, mostly fine to very fine
from the later printings, with much cancellation interest (numbers 6, 26, 44, 46, 61, 64, 66, 71,
86 noted), including two single examples on large pieces. A scarce assembly Gi = £ 2'500+. 19-37 750 (€ 675)
30 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3069 2 d. dull ultramarine, Plate V, possition 14, an early impression in thick vertically laid paper,
an attractive unused example with large margins all round, couple of small ink spots in
upper left corner square, otherwise fresh and fine, unused without gum. Exceptionally rare
unused and most attractive. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 12'000. 38 (*) 3'000 (€ 2'700)


3070 2 d. ultramarine with violet tinge, on stout yellowish vertically laid paper, Plate V, position
13, a large margined used example showing dividing lines on three sides and sheet margin at
left, with 'Circle in Bale' plate variety, neatly cancelled by "44" numeral obliterator of Yass.
A fine and scarce stamp Gi = £ 425.
Provenance: Collection Dr. W. R. D. Wiggins, RL, London, 26 Nov 1981, lot 1703. 38 200 (€ 180)


3071 2 d. dull ultramarine on stout yellowish vertically laid paper, Plate V, position 24, a fine
used example with good to huge margins, cancelled by bold "44" numeral obliterator of
Yass. Scarce stamp Gi = £ 425. 38 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 31

1850 (Jan.), Three Pence plate engraved by Henry C. Jervis

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3072 3 d. yellow green, on soft yellowish wove paper, position 8 on the sheet of 25 subjects, a
fine used example with very large margins all round, cancelled by probable "56" numeral
obliterator of Hexham. A fine stamp Gi = £ 325. 39 150 (€ 135)


3073 3 d. yellowish green, on soft yellowish wove paper, position 20, a fine appearing used
example in a deep shade with clear margins all round, used on 1850 entire letter from
Sydney to Launceston, Tasmania tied by bold Sydney mute obliterator in black. Manuscript
'4' (pence) Ship fee on front alongside 'Paid Ship Letter / Crown / Sydney' datestamp (April
26) in red. Reverse with 'Launceston' cds of receipt (May 15) in black. A fresh and very
attractive entire. 39 6 250 (€ 225)
3074 3 d. yellow green, on soft yellowish wove paper, position 23 on the sheet of 25 subjects, a
four margined used example with 'SIGIIIUM' for 'SIGILLUM' plate variety, used on small
1850 piece with 2 d. greyish blue, Plate 1, later impression cancelled by "95" numeral
obliterators of Brisbane (Queensland). Complete 'Paid Ship Letter / Crown / Sydney'
datestamp (May 20) in red below. Rare and attractive piece Gi = £ 500+. 41b+ 17 5 250 (€ 225)


3075 3 d. yellowish green, on greyish wove paper, position 22, a used example with large even
margins all round, cancelled by a water strike of "36" numeral obliterator of Braidwood in
brown. Scarce Gi = £ 275. 42 150 (€ 135)
32 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3076 3 d. yellow green, on greyish wove paper, a fine example with very large margins all round,
used on 1852 entire letter from Sydney to Rochdale, England endorsed 'per Clifton', tied by
mute obliterator in black. Manuscript '8' (pence) ship fee on front and reverse with Sydney
despatch in black (Oct 9), London cds in red (April 27, 1852) and Rochdale arrival cds of the
same day in green. A scarce and most attractive entire. 42 6 300 (€ 270)


plate variety
3077 3078

3077 3 d. bright yellowish green, on yellowish horizontally laid paper, position 23, used example
with good margins all round and fine delicate colour, showing 'SIGIIIUM' fort 'SIGILLUM'
plate variety, cancelled by Sydney mute obliterator and in manuscript. Minute pinhole
otherwise extremely fine Gi = £ 1'200.
Provenance: Collection John S. White, Spink, London, 22 May 1997, lot 197. 43eg 200 (€ 180)
3078 3 d. yellow-green on bluish to grey wove paper, a fine used single and horizontal pair; the
single from Position 22 showing the 'Missing Ray' flaw in upper left corner, the unplated
pair in the emerald shade with clear to large margins all round Gi = £ 750+. 42+ 43 200 (€ 180)

1851 (Dec.), Laureated One Penny

'No leaves right of SOUTH'

3079 1 d. carmine on thick yellowish paper, position 7, a fine used example with four large
margins clearly showing plate variety 'No leaves right of SOUTH', used on small piece
with further 1 d. carmine, position 5, large margins all round and imperceptibly touched at
top left corner only, sharing bold strike of very scarce "87" numeral obliterator of Ipswich
(Queensland). Fine and rare Gi = £ 800+. 44+ 44a 5 300 (€ 270)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 33

'Two leaves right of SOUTH'

Maurice Burrus Lars Amundsen

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3080 1 d. carmine on bluish medium wove paper, positions 15-16, the superb unused pair of
excellent vibrant colour and full margins all round, left hand stamp showing 'Two leaves
right of SOUTH' plate variety, fresh and very fine, large part og. A delightful and extremely
rare multiple in the foremost quality for the connoisseur. Cert. BPA (1964) Gi 45+48b = £ 5'500+.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 11 Feb 1964, lot 306.
Collection Lars Amundsen, SG, London, 6-8 Dec 1967, lot 325.
Classics of the British Empire, SG, London, 4 Oct 1973, lot 79. 45+ 45b * 2'500 (€ 2'250)


3081 1 d. carmine on bluish medium wove paper, positions 35/45, a used vertical pair with
large margins all round, minute scissor cut in margin only at left and some minor thins
not affecting appearance, neatly cancelled by two strikes of "69" numeral obliterator of
Murrurundi in black Gi = £ 320+. 46 120 (€ 110)


3082 1 d. brick-red on bluish medium wove paper, an unused horizontal strip of four, marginal
from left of sheet, in a vibrant shade, roughly separated at top but with clear to large margins
all round, just touched into design on first stamp in upper left corner, small thins and diagonal
crease not apparent on face, but all with large part crackly brown og. An extremely attractive
and rare multiple. Cert. RPSL (1946) Gi = £ 7'500+.
Provenance: Collection George Ginger, RL, London 5-6 Dec 1945, lot 356. 48 * 1'500 (€ 1'350)
34 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

3083 3084
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3083 1 d. brick-red on very blued medium wove paper, a fine used example with good margins all
round, cancelled by "57" numeral obliterator of Raymond's Terrace in black, and 1 d. scarlet
with four margins, lightly used Gi = £ 300. 48+ 46 100 (€ 90)
3084 1 d. brick-red on bluish medium wove paper, an unused example with large margins all
round, in a rich copper shade, fresh and fine, without gum Gi = £ 1'900. 49 (*) 250 (€ 225)

1851 (July) / 1855, Two Pence, Plate I

3085 2 d. ultramarine, on thick yellowish paper, Plate I, a fine used example on 1852 Evans
correspondence cover to Albury, tied by "48" Tarcutta numeral obliterator in black. Reverse
with 'Albury / Crown / New S. Wales' datestamp (Jan 15) of arrival. Stamp removed for
checking and hinged back in to place as usual but a fine and attractive cover. 51 6 Offer Gebot

3086 3087 3088

3086 2 d. greyish blue, fine impression on greyish medium thick wove paper, Plate I, an unused
example with large margins all round in a deep shade, fresh and fine unused, without gum.
Signed Herbert Bloch Gi = £ 1'300. 55 * 250 (€ 225)
3087 2 d. bright blue on medium paper, slightly worn plate, an unused example with ample
margins all round, position 10 showing '10 Leaves after South' variety, without gum. Scarce
and attractive stamp Gi = £ 900+. 56 var (*) 200 (€ 180)
3088 2 d. Prussian blue, worn impression on bluish medium thick wove paper, Plate I, position
10, an unused example with large margins all round and of rich colour, fresh and very fine
unused without gum. Signed Herbert Bloch Gi = £ 850.
Provenance: Collection E. R. Slade Slade, Harmers, London, 3-4 April 1979, lot 306. 57 200 (€ 180)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 35

 3089 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3089 2 d. Prussian blue, Plate I, Worn Plate on bluish wove paper, a horizontal pair, marginal
from base of sheet and showing "ichael, Kent Str.t, North Sydney" imprint, used on 1853
over to England tied by mute obliterators in black. Reverse with "Sydney / NSW" cds (July
28), London cds in red and Rugby arrival (Oct 29) in green. Obverse with manuscript '4/6d.'
charge for Packet rate due upon receipt. A delightful cover from which a further stamp or
stamps has been removed or lost in transit. Cert. BPA (2018). 59 6 200 (€ 180)

1853 (Oct.), Two Pence, Plate II


plate variety
3090 3091

3090 2 d. deep ultramarine on bluish hard paper, Plate II, position 34, a superb unused example
with large margins all round, some minor aging not affecting the delightful appearance,
without gum but a stunning example of this scarce stamp. Cert. RPSL (1960) Gi = £ 2'000.
Provenance: Collection George Welsh. 60 (*) 400 (€ 360)
3091 2 d. deep Prussian blue, worn impression, on hard blue wove paper, Plate II, position 23,
a good used example with clear even margins all round, showing 'WAEES' for 'WALES'
variety, lightly cancelled by Sydney mute obliterator. Slight thin in top margin only but a
scarce stamp Gi = £ 475. 62a 150 (€ 135)

1852 (Dec.), Three Pence

View of Manila

3092 3 d. green on medium greyish wove paper, a fine single example used on 1856 cover from Sydney
to Manila, Philippines endorsed 'per. Palmyra' tied by barred oval obliterator in black. Reverse
with Sydney despatch (March 6) in black and Manila arrival cds, obverse with handstruck '1'
(real) charge marking for local delivery. Slight file fold split but a scarce cover. Cert. BPA (2018). 66 6 200 (€ 180)
36 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Alfred H. Caspary


plate variety 3093
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3093 3 d. dull yellow-green, on medium greyish paper, positions 27-28/37-38, a splendid used
block of four of good colour, position 37 showing 'WACES for WALES' plate variety, clear
to large margins all round, cancelled by Sydney mute obliterators in black. One stamp with
filled pinhole otherwise a marvellous and rare multiple in excellent quality Gi = £ 750+.
Provenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, London, 6 Oct 1958, lot 159. 67+ 67a 4 300 (€ 270)
3094 3 d. dull yellow-green, on medium greyish paper, position 41-42, a fine used pair, marginal
from base of sheet, in combination with 2 d. ultramarine, worn plate, all tied by "62" numeral
obliterators of Morpeth. Scarce and attractive Gi = £ 250+.
Provenance: Collection Raymond S. Wilson, SG, London, 21 May 1968, lot 270. 67+ 58 5 150 (€ 135)

1852 (April), Six Pence

3095 6 d. brown, Plate I, used examples (3) in differing shades on medium bluish grey wove
paper, with two single examples with one cancelled by "84" numeral of Tenterfield, together
with a piece bearing a fine example of the 6 d. yellow-brown used with 2 d. blue. Small
imperfections but a scarce group Gi = £ 750+. 73/75 5 200 (€ 180)
3096 6 d. greyish-brown, on medium bluish grey wove paper, Plate I, a superb used example with
portion of adjoining stamp at left, showing extensive 'Double Print' variety, most apparent
in the SIX PENCE at base, lightly cancelled leaving design clear, scarce and unusual stamp,
together with the original July 1946 lot sheet Gi = £ 250. 76 Offer Gebot

1853 (May), Eight Pence

3097 8 d. orange-yellow on medium blued paper, a fine used example with good margins all
round, lightly cancelled in black Gi = £ 600. 80 200 (€ 180)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 37

1854 (Jan. - March), Laureated with double-lines watermark figures

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3098 1 d. orange-vermilion on yellowish wove wmk'd paper, an unused horizontal pair, positions
32-33, ample to large margins all round with portion of adjoining stamp at left, of good
colour and large part og. Rare Gi = £ 900+. 83 * 300 (€ 270)

Charles Lathrop Pack

3099 1 d. orange-vermilion on yellowish wove wmk'd paper, position 38, a fine used example
with four margins and part of adjoining stamp at base, tiny scissor incision at upper right,
used on 1854 cover to Surrey Hills tied by Sydney mute obliterator with framed '2 / O
CLOCK' handstamp at left. Reverse with 'Sydney / Crown / New South Wales' datestamp
(Jan 13) in black. An attractive local cover.
Provenance: Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, Dec 1944 or 1945. 83 6 150 (€ 135)
3100 1851/55: Laureated issue, the used range on leaves with 2 d. blue (shades) with Plate I
single examples (11) including a vertical and a horizontal pair, examples from the Worn
Plate with single used examples (8), Plate II with single examples (2, one with superb '23'
of Wollongong); 1854 wmk'd. 1 d. orange-red on 1856 local cover, Plate III 2 d. ultramarine
singles (2) and a used strip of three-this last being ex John Boker-and a single 3 d. yellow-
green. A delightful group (27 items). 52-84 250 (€ 225)


plate variety
'Bow Tie' variety
3101 2 d. Prussian blue on wmk'd paper, Plate III, position 44, a fine unused example with close
to enormous margins all round, of fresh colour showing the 'Bow Tie' plate variety; without
gum, a scarce and attractive stamp Gi = £ 350. 85 * 150 (€ 135)
3102 Laureated 3 d. yellow-green on wmk'd paper, positions 43-44-45, a fine used horizontal
strip of three, large margins all round, scissor cut between first and second stamp at top
but showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, position 43 showing 'WALE' for 'WALES'
plate variety, lightly cancelled in black (cert. Alcuri); also a single example from position
47 showing the 'WACES for WALES' plate variety, fine used with the variety clear Gi = £ 330+. 87+ 87a 150 (€ 135)
38 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Garter Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3103 Plate Proofs, the selection (16) with 5 d. value in shades of blue on card paper with two
single examples, a strip of threee and a creased block of four; 5 d. value in shades of green
on medium paper with two singles and two hoirizontal pairs, also a thin paper Proof in
bright purple. Some with thins but a most attractive selection. 88 Proofs 4*/(*) 200 (€ 180)

3104 5 d. dull green, imperforate, an unused example of rich colour, good even margins all round,
variety 'Inverted & Reversed Watermark', fresh and very fine with part og. Unlisted by
Stanley Gibbons, an exceptional stamp and extremely rare. Cert. RPSV (1978) Gi = £ 1'300+. 88w * 600 (€ 540)

3105 1854/59: Perkins Bacon Cancellation Trials, 6 Proof examples of the Garter 6 d. value on
card paper, all with diagonally waxed corners, printed in brown, red-brown, deep blue, pale
blue, indigo-blue and orange-red; without notations and applied to wove paper backing.
Fresh and fine, an unusual and rare group.
Provenance: Spink, London, 9 Nov 2006, lot 1962. 89 Trials (*) 750 (€ 675)

3106 Perkins Bacon Proof for Garter 6 d., each with waxed corner, each printed in rose-lake shade on
bleuté paper, and glued to paper, ex the Perkins Bacon archives. Rare and most unusual Proof. 89 Proof (*) 300 (€ 270)
3107 Perkins Bacon Proof for Garter 6 d. a superb block of four on thick paper, each with waxed
corner, printed in bright orange-vermilion. Rare and most unusual Proof. Cert. BPA (1988). 89 Proof 4(*) 300 (€ 270)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 39

3108 3111
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3108 6 d. greenish grey, imperforate, a magnificent unused horizontal pair with huge margins all
round, ironed vertical bend in right hand stamp that does not affect the appearance, large
part og. A charming multiple. Cert. BPA (2018) Gi = £ 3'200. 90 * 500 (€ 450)

Robert William Willson
3109 6 d. grey, imperforate, a fine used example with fine to large margins all round, used on 1859
cover from Sydney to a Bishop in Tasmania tied by Sydney duplex (April 21) in black and
by framed 'SHIP LETTER INWARDS FREE' datestamp (April 28) in red. Church crest on
reverse and docketing on front 'From the Archbishop, Extract. Admonition from Rome'. A
fresh and attractive cover. 94 6 200 (€ 180)


3110 1854/55: Plate Proofs for 8 d. value, imperforate on thick unwatermarked paper, a sheet
marginal block of four printed in yellow and a sheet marginal block of four printed in blue,
this last with lower pair horizontally creased and some natural paper ageing. A scarce pair,
especially so in multiples. 97 Proofs 4(*) 400 (€ 360)
3111 8 d. golden yellow, imperforate, a fine used example with large margins and portion of
adjoining stamp at left, of exellent vibrant colour and lightly cancelled in black. A lovely
example of a rare stamp. Cert. RPSL (1976) Gi = £ 1'400. 97 350 (€ 315)
40 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3112 8 d. dull yellow-orange, used example with fine to large margins all round, lightly cancelled
in black. A scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (1938), A. Diena (1967) Gi = £ 1'300. 98 350 (€ 315)

New York City Hall


3113 8 d. dull orange-yellow, imperforate, a very fine used example with large margins all round,
used on large piece of 1859 cover to New York endorsed 'per Northam', tied by 'Sydney'
duplex (July 14) in black. Part New York arrival in black adjacent, a rare and fine piece.
Cert. BPA (1949) Gi = £ 1'300. 98 5 350 (€ 315)


3114 1854/59: Perkins Bacon Die Proof for the Garter 1 s. value, printed in black on thin white
wove paper, slight hinge thin trace at top, otherwise extremely fine and very rare. 99 Proof (*) 350 (€ 315)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 41

Queen Victoria


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3115 1 s. pale red, imperforate, a used block of eight, marginal from top of sheet with good to huge
margins all round, lightly cancelled by (probable) "71" numeral obliterators of Tamworth in
black. Horizontal creases on fifth and sixth stamps not affecting the appearance of a scarce
and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 550+.
Provenance: Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, 6-15 Dec 1944, lot 1278. 100 4 250 (€ 225)

Dublin Post Office

3116 1 s. pale red, imperforate, a fine used example with large margins all round, slighlty creased
at top right, used on 1859 cover to Dublin, Ireland tied by NSW oval obliterator in black.
Reverse with Sydney despatch datestamp (Aug 15) and Dublin arrival (Oct 15). An attractive
single franking. Cert. BPA (2018). 100 6 150 (€ 135)
3117 Garter 1 s. brownish-red, a fine unused example with ample to large margins all round,
pronounced watermark showing through, fresh and fine without gum. A very rare stamp Gi
= £ 4'250. 101 (*) 750 (€ 675)
42 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1856/59 (Jan.), Registration

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3118 (6d.) dull vermilion & indigo, imperforate Proof without wmk., on thick paper, large
margins at top and at right, close but clear at other two sides, minor thin spot, note that none
of the usual faint blue guidelines around NEW SOUTH WALES are present on the Proof. 102 Proof (*) 350 (€ 315)

General Post Office, Brisbane

3119 (6d.) vermilion & Prussian blue, a huge margined example and 1854/59 Garter 6 d. slate
imperforate, large margins, used on 1858 registered cover from Brisbane (Queensland) to
Newcastle, UK, endorsed 'per first mail steamer'. Each stamp neatly tied by dotted "95"
numeral obliterator of Brisbane with REGISTERED / BRISBANE handstamp in black at
left and despatch cds (March 22) and Sydney transit cds (March 29) on reverse. Handstruck
'd6' (pence) marking applied on arrival with oval 'London / Registered' datestamp (June 21)
on front in red. A charming and extremely rare usage. 102+ 89 6 1'000 (€ 900)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 43

1856 (April - Oct.), Diadem

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3120 Perkins Bacon Diadem Proof, from a small Plate of six impressions (2 x 3), recess printed
(engraved by Frederick Heath) in lemon chrome shade on wove paper, each stamp with
waxed lower left corners to prevent possible re-use and the value and 'Postage' erased from
the Transfer roller before laying down, undated by with "LC" at base indicating the "Lemon
Chrome" colour; together with a further pair in a dark shade with "D.P." in manuscript (Dutch
Pink) and a further horizontal pair in dull red. A scarce group. Proof 4(*) 400 (€ 360)
3121 Perkins Bacon Diadem Proof, from a small Plate of six impressions (2 x 3), recess printed
(engraved by Frederick Heath) in a Rose Lake shade on vertically laid paper, each with waxed
corners at lower left to prevent possible re-use and the value and 'Postage' erased from the
transfer roller before laying down, marked "2" in manuscript at base. Rare and most attractive.
Note: A.G. Rigo de Righi believed these to have been laid down in 1870 as Colour Charts
for the proposed Great Britain 1870 1½d. lake definitive stamp. The Reginald M. Phillips
collection at the National Postal Museum contains 12 of these Proofs in varying colours on
varying types and colours of paper. The example offered here is very close in shade to the
issued 1½d. adhesive. Proof 4(*) 750 (€ 675)

3122 Perkins Bacon Diadem Plate Proof for 1 d. value on bleuté thin paper, an imperforate block of
eight (4 x 2), marginal from top of sheet in brown. Minor bends but a very attractive multiple. Proof 4(*) 250 (€ 225)
44 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 3123 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3123 Perkins Bacon Diadem Proofs, six individual examples, recess printed (engraved by
Frederick Heath) on wove paper, each stamp with waxed lower left corners to prevent
possible re-use and the value and 'Postage' erased from the Transfer roller before laying
down, imperforate in brown, green, rose, mauve, yellow and red. A fine and scarce group. Proof (*) 200 (€ 180)
3124 1854/59: Collection with Plate proofs of 6 d. value imperforate in pale grey-brown (2) and in black
(2), 5 d. dull green unused and used, 6 d. grey / brown (shades) with large margined used examples
(19) including a pair on piece; Plate Proofs of the 8 d. value in blue (4, two are 'used'); Plate Proofs
of the 1 s. value in rose-red (3) and rare individual head-plate Proof in green; 1 s. values used (3) 88-101
including one with '8' watermark error. A scarce selection (36 items). Proofs 5 400 (€ 360)
3125 Perkins Bacon Diadem Plate Proofs and Trials, the collection on leaves with 1 d. orange vermilion
optd SPECIMEN in black and two examples on Crown over NSW paper, Plate Proof in black
and unused examples on blued paper including a strip of three; 2 d. Plate Proofs in black with
pair, blocks of four (2), six and eight; 2 d. blue on wmk'd '2' paper optd. SPECIMEN in black,
3 d. value with Plate Proof in black and in green (10). A fine and very scarce group (29 items). Proof, Trials 4(*) 300 (€ 270)

3126 3127

3126 1 d. orange-vermilion, privately rouletted from the issued imperforate, a fine unused
example of good colour and large part og. A rare stamp. Cert. RPSL (1979) Gi = £ 350++. 107 var * 200 (€ 180)
3127 1 d. orange-vermilion, an unused horizontal pair, privately rouletted by James Dutton,
positions 16-17 on the unique block of 24 subjects which was split up, some oxidisation and
with some creasing not detracting from the appearance, fresh and fine with large part og.
Scarce - sold together with the original lot description and a colour copy of the original block.
Provenance: Robson Lowe, 6 Dec 1945, lot 661. 107 var * 200 (€ 180)

Alfred H. Caspary John R. Boker Jr.

3128 1 d. orange-vermilion, imperforate, an unused block of four from the lower left corner of the
sheet, positions 97-98/109-110, of good colour and with the scrolling in the sheet margin at
left. Two diagonal creases and another affecting margin only, nevtheless a remarkable and
rare multiple with large part og. Gi = £ 1'300+.
Provenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, London, 6-9 Oct 1958, lot 191.
Collection Josiah K. Lilly, Harmers, New York, 15-16 May 1968, lot 191.
Collection John R. Boker Jr., Harmers, London, 14 April 1981, lot 40. 107 4* 750 (€ 675)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 45

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3129 Die Proof for the 2 d. value in black on India paper applied to thick card, original completed
state of the Die, minor finger prints and ageing but an extremely scarce and attractive Proof. 110 Proof (*) 300 (€ 270)


3130 2 d. blue, Plate I, imperforate used with 1856 Registration (6d.) vermilion & Prussian blue
on 1858 registered cover from Maryborough (now Queensland) to Sydney, tied by dotted
"96" obliterators. Cover endorsed at upper left 'per Steamer Wacatah, 1/9/58' in manuscript
and unfortunately some fool has for the most part erased the endorsement "Registered" and
the docket number at left. Reverse with 'Maryborough / NSW' cds and two Sydney arrival
datestamps (Sept 6) in black. Cert. A. Diena (1963). 112+ 102 6 250 (€ 225)



3131 2 d. pale blue, Plate I, imperforate, a fine unused corner marginal pair from lower right of
sheet, positions 119-120, minor bends at top, of fine delicate colour and large part somewhat
browned og. Scarce Gi = £ 525.
Provenance: Collection 'España', Harmers, London, 23 March 1984, lot 2463. 113 * 150 (€ 135)
3132 2 d. blue, Plate II, imperforate on wmk'd paper, an attractive used horizontal strip of three,
large to ample margins all round, very lightly cancelled in black. A rare multiple Gi = £ 195+. 114 150 (€ 135)
46 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3133 3 d. dull green, imperforate, the extremely rare error on wmk'd "2" paper, a superb used
example with large margins all round, of excellent colour and lightly cancelled in black.
Exceptional for this great rarity - just 19 examples are recorded (it should be noted that
Burrus, Caspary, Dale-Lichtenstein, Hind, Slade Slade and Wiggins had no examples of this
stamp) and the examples in Ginger, España and White are in much worse condition than the
example offered here. Finer than the exceptional Isleham example, this is, without doubt,
one of the top examples recorded for overall quality and beauty. Cert. RPSL (1939) Gi = £ 3'750.
Provenance: Collection G. H. Boucher. 117a 2'000 (€ 1'800)
3134 Diadem issue collection with 1 d. orange-vermilion (shades) unused (3) and used examples
(49) including eighteen pairs and two strips of three, 2 d. blue (shades) with unused (2) and
used examples (15) including 2 d. pale blue with marginal used example, pair and a strip of
three with central stamp showing small "2" watermark clearly and single usages on covers
(2); 3 d. green (shades) with used examples (8) including two pairs. A fine lot Gi = £ 2'500+. 107/117 6 500 (€ 450)

1860/72, Diadem, Perf. 12

3135 1 d. orange-red, perf. 12, an attractive unused horizontal pair, marginal from top of sheet
(imperf. between stamp and margin), of excellent fresh colour, one stamp with horizontal
wrinkle, unused without gum. Rare and most appealing multiple Gi = £ 650+. 131 (*) 200 (€ 180)

Hunter's River, Raymond Terrace

3136 1 d. scarlet, perf. 12, a horizontal pair, marginally imperforate at left, used on 1861 second
sheet of entire letter to Sydney, tied by 'Raymond Terrace' datestamps (Oct 28), reverse with
'Limeburner's Creek' cds (same day) and Sydney arrival cds. File fold away from adhesives,
an attractive cover. 132 6 100 (€ 90)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 47

"Major (Second) Retouch"

below the Queen's chin
and around the neck

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3137 2 d. pale Prussian blue, Plate II, Retouched, perf. 12. A fine used vertical pair, positions
57/69, with watermark "2" inverted, the upper stamp showing the "Major (Second) Retouch"
especially apparent below the Queen's chin and around the neck. Rough perfs., fortunately
lightly cancelled leaving the Retouch clear. An extraordinary and very rare positional
multiple Gi = £ 425+. 136bw 500 (€ 450)
3138 1 s. rose-carmine, perf. 12, a wonderful unused vertical pair, marginal from left of sheet, of
brilliant vibrant colour, near perfect centering for the issue, showing the imperforate sheet
margin and the scrolling at left. Fresh and extremely fine, with large part og., the lower
stamp being unmounted og. A magnificent multiple Gi = £ 2'800+.
Provenance: Collection William Frazer, Spink, London, Sept 2003, lot 135.
Collection 'Alvarado', Spink, London, 19 May 2010, lot 314. 153 */** 1'500 (€ 1'350)

Main Street through Tenterfield

3139 1 d. scarlet horizontal pair used with diagonally bisected Diadem 1 s. rose-carmine for correct
8 d. rate, used on January 1862 cover sent registered to Tenterfield, with manuscript "Haste"
at top and docket number '467', tied by '132' numeral obliterators in black. REGISTERED
/ GLEN INNES handstamp at lower left in black and reverse with Glen Innes cds (Jan
31), Dundee (Feb 1) and Tenterfield arrival cds (Feb 1) all in black. The addressee's name
excised, patched and redrawn but of great rarity being the sole recorded bisected usage. A
famous cover. Cert. BPA (2018) 153 var+
Provenance: Collections Charles Jewell, Wilkins and Bolton. 132 6 1'000 (€ 900)
48 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Perf. 13

J. R. W. Purves

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3140 New South Wales / Victoria Combination Cover 1860/72: NSW Garter 6 d. purple, perf.
13, used in combination with Victoria 1862/63 4 d. rose and 6 d. deep blue, on 1867 mourning
cover from Deniquilin (on the Edward River on the border with Victoria) to London tied by
sunburst "51" numeral obliterator in black and by Melbourne barred obliterators in black.
Back flap missing but with despatch of 'Deniquilin' cds (Sept 22) and London cds (Nov 16)
in red. A superb and extremely rare cover.
Provenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, RL, London, 13 May 1981, lot 631. 164 6 500 (€ 450)

3141 6 d. purple, Plate II, perf. 13, a superb unused block of twelve (6 x 2), lower left stamp with
corner missing, otherwise fresh and very fine, of good centering and rich colour, large part
og. with some unmounted og. A scarce and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 1'350+. 165 4*/** 400 (€ 360)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 49

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3142 New South Wales / Victoria Combination Cover 1860/72: NSW Garter 6 d. purple, perf.
13, used in combination with Victoria 1862/63 6 d. black, on 1865 cover from Moulamein
(on the Edward River on the border with Victoria) to London tied by sunburst "265" numeral
obliterator in black and by Melbourne barred obliterator in blue. Back flap missing but with
despatch of 'Moulamein' cds (Sept 20), Deniquilin (Sept 21), Melbourne (Sept 23) in blue
and London cds (Nov 16) in red. A superb and extremely rare cover. 165 6 750 (€ 675)

3143 8 d. bright yellow, perf. 13, the famous unused vertical strip of four, marginal from left of
sheet, some minor splitting, of wonderful fresh colour and superb og. Extremely rare and
fine Gi = £ 1'800+.
Provenance: Collection William Frazer, Spink, London, Sept 2003, lot 142.
Collection 'Alvarado', Spink, London, 19 May 2010, lot 370. 167c 4* 1'000 (€ 900)
3144 Diadem issue, with 6 d. brown, perf 12 used (2), 6 d. violet unused and used, 1 s. brownish
red used, perf. 13 values with 1 d. pairs (2), 3 d. yellow green in an unused pair, 5 d. in a used
pair, 6 d. reddish purple unused (3 shades) and used examples, 1 s. rose-carmine unused (2),
8 d. yellow-orange unused and used etc. Generally fine, a scarce group (20 items) Gi = £ 2'500+. 143-167b 5* 400 (€ 360)
50 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3145 New South Wales / Victoria Combination Cover 1860/72: NSW Garter 1 s. rose carmine,
perf. 13, used in combination with Victoria 1863 4 d. deep rose in a horizontal strip of
three, on 1865 cover from Moulamein (on the Edward River on the border with Victoria)
to London tied by sunburst "265" numeral obliterator in blue and by Melbourne barred
obliterator in black. Back flap missing but with Deniquilin cds (Oct 22), Melbourne (Oct
24) in blue and London cds (Dec 22) in red. A few minor faults but a superb and extremely
rare cover. 168 6 500 (€ 450)

General Post Office, Sydney


3146 6 d. violet (2) and 1 s. rose-carmine, all perf. 13, used on 1867 cover to London endorsed
'via Bombay & Marseilles' with 1863 2 d. pale blue all tied by barred 'GPO' obliterators in
black. Reverse with Sydney (May 24) despatch cds in black and London (July 20) cds of 166+ 168+
arrival in red. A most attractive mixed issue three colour franking. 192 6 250 (€ 225)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 51

1861/88, Corbould

Edward Henry Corbould


3147 3148
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3147 Die Proof for Courbould 5 s. in black on thin cream paper (52 x 40 mm.), mounted on inset
card (66 x 57 mm.), some minor aging which does not detract from a lovely Proof of great
Provenance: Collection A. Leslie Leon, RL, London, 14 March 1978, lot 219. 174 Proof (*) 500 (€ 450)
3148 5 s., a Plate Proof block of four printed in grey-black on thick soft white card paper. Fresh
and fine, a rare Proof.
Provenance: Collection George Ginger, RL, London 5-6 Dec 1945, lot 730.
Sotheby's, London, 15 Dec 1995, lot 413. 174 Proof 4(*) 750 (€ 675)


3149 1 d. pale red, perf. 13, wmk. single line '1' inverted, a fresh and fine unused block of eight,
marginal from top of sheet, the watermark as usual permeating the stamp paper, some trivial
splitting, superb large part og. A wonderful and rare multiple Gi = £ 880+.
Provenance: Collection William Frazer, Spink, London, Sept 2003, lot 152. 195 4* 250 (€ 225)
52 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1862/69, De La Rue

Office of De La Rue

3150 3151

 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3150 De La Rue Die Proofs (2) for the 10 d. value in black on white glazed cards, the completed
Die, struck with AFTER HARDENING and dated 'May 2, 1867' in black and a similar,
slightly darker Proof in black, struck before the Die was sent to New South Wales in March
1870 and dated at upper left 'Jan 10, 1870' in black. A fine and rare pair. 205 Proofs (*) 250 (€ 225)
3151 De La Rue Die Proofs (2) for the 10 d. value in black on glazed white card, and in lilac on
glazed white card, this last with slight rubbing but a fresh and fine pair. 205 Proofs (*) 200 (€ 180)

3152 3153

3152 De La Rue Die Proof for 10 d. value, printed in bright mauve on white glazed card, with
manuscript at upper left '6d. Postage' and thus probably produced in 1871 as a guide to the 205 (216)
colour for the January 1872 6 d. value. Fine and unusual Proof. Proof * 150 (€ 135)
3153 10 d. lilac, perf. 13, an unused horizontal strip of four of vibrant colour, sheet margin at top
with watermark SOUTH WA, vertical crease in wing margin only but a scarce and most
attractive multiple Gi = £ 200+. 205 * 100 (€ 90)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 53

1871/1902, De La Rue

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3154 New South Wales & Victoria Combination Cover 1871: NSW 1 d. dull red, perf. 13, a
horizontal pair used in combination with Victoria 1872 6 d. Prussian blue (Gi 145a) used on 1873
cover to Ludlow, England endorsed 'per R. M. S. S. Baroda' tied by '398' numeral obliterators
of Wanganella in black. Reverse with Wanganella cds (May 20), Denilquin cds (May 20) and
Melbourne cds (May 21). Slight opening tear at top but a rare and most appealing cover. 207 6 300 (€ 270)


3155 De La Rue Die Proofs (2) for the 6 d. value in ochre-yellow on glazed white card, and in
bright mauve (issued colour) on glazed white card, a fresh and fine pair. 216 Proofs (*) 200 (€ 180)
3156 2 d. Prussian blue, perf. 11x12, two examples, 6 d. mauve, perf. 10x12 and 8 d. yellow perf. 12,
all used on 1886 cover endorsed 'per S.S. Orient' from Sydney to Lindau, Germany, all tied by 225g+
'Sydney / NSW' in black (Oct 26). Reverse with Lindau arrival cds (Dec 4). An attractive cover. 235c+ 236a 6 150 (€ 135)

3157 3 d. yellow-green perf. 10, in a top right corner marginal strip of six fine unused with superb
og., and 5 d. bright green perf. 10, in a marginal strip of four, also fresh and fine with large
part og. An attractive pair Gi = £ 300+. 226+ 231 * 100 (€ 90)
54 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3158 8 d. yellow, wmk. Crown/NSW inverted, perf. 10, an unused block of nine (3 x 3), marginal
from left of sheet, of excellent rich colour and freshness, minor wrinkles of no significance,
superb large part og. with five stamps unmounted og. A very rare multiple in wonderful
quality Gi = £ 1'800+. 236 4*/** 500 (€ 450)
3159 8 d. yellow, wmk. Crown/NSW, perf. 12, a fine unused block of four, of excellent fresh
colour, trivial age spot on superb, large part og. Rare and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 1'200+. 236a 4* 300 (€ 270)

1885/94, Stamp Duty

The Royal Mint in Sydney

3160 1885/86: Stamp Duty £ 1 lilac & claret, wmk. NSW sideways, overprinted POSTAGE in
blue, perf. 12 x 10, the extraordinary unused block of four in a lovely shade, marginal from
right of sheet, the block in two horizontal pairs but nevertheless of stunning appearance,
typical somewhat blunted perfs., superb unmounted og. A magnificent rarity Gi = £ 40'000.
Provenance: Collection Rod Perry, DF, Geneva, 16-21 Nov 1987, lot 20670A. 242 4** 7'500 (€ 6'750)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 55

1888/89, Centenary of New South Wales



 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3161 2 d. Prussian blue with 'Emu' vignette, wmk. Crown/NSW, a fine unused imperforate pair,
fresh and very fine, superb og Gi = £ 375. 254a * 150 (€ 135)
3162 2 d. Prussian blue with 'Emu' vignette, wmk. NSW, perf. 11x12 and imperforate at right, an
unused block of four from right of sheet, of good colour, one stamp with corner bends, fresh
and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 440+. 260 4* 150 (€ 135)


3163 20 s. cobalt-blue, wmk. '5/-' sideways, perf. 10, an unused example, well centred and of
good colour, large part og. A scarce stamp: just 2'500 printed. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £
750. 262 * 200 (€ 180)

3164 3165

3164 'Map of Australia', 5 s. mauve, wmk. '5/NSW', perf. 10, a fresh unused horizontal pair,
marginal from base of sheet, well centred for this issue, minor wrinkles on unmounted og.
Scarce and attractive Gi = £ 750+. 263d ** 200 (€ 180)
3165 'Map of Australia', 5 s. bright mauve, perf. 11, an unused example centred to top, of fresh
colour with part NSW imprint in margin at base, large part og. Gi = £ 375. 263da * 120 (€ 110)
56 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Later Issues from 1890

3166 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3166 1890 (Dec): Imperforate Plate Proof for the allegorical 2½ d. value, printed in orange-red
and mounted on thick card, with issued stamp for comparison. Scarce. 265 Proof (*) 120 (€ 110)
3167 1872/92: Six registered covers to UK with five from same correspondence from Tamworth
to Grasmere or Liverpool, franked at 5½ d., 6½ d, 10 d. (2), 1 s., 1/4 d. rates bearing 27
adhesives; with an interesting range of usages showing the gradual rate reduction between
the two countries. 6 150 (€ 135)


3168 1897: Cover to Sydney franked initially by rouletted Australian New Hebrides Co. 2 d.
blue & red-brown tied by PORT VILA cds (Aug 4) and over-lapped by NSW 1890 2½ d.
ultramarine tied by "New Hebrides" cds. Sydney arrival (Aug 13) on reverse of a scarce
combination cover. 265 6 120 (€ 110)
3169 1891 (Jan): Provisional Surcharges, the specialised collection of the three values, with ½
d. on 1 d. grey in unused blocks of four, six and twelve; two complete panes of 60 unused
(ex Ron Butler RDP), 7½ d. on 6 d. brown with 'Thomas Richards' monogram and 'GPO
/ NSW' blocks of six unused and four furrther multiples unused; single optd. "Specimen"
in blue, 12½ d. on 1 s. red unused (10) and Plate blocks of six and 12 unused, single optd.
"Specimen" and three covers. A fine lot. 266/68 64 200 (€ 180)
3170 1891 (July): 3 d. (yellow)-green, wmk. '10', in a fine unused block of 20 (4 x 5), marginal
from base of sheet, and 3 d. dark green in a fine unused block of nine; fresh and fine, large
part og. Gi = £ 350+. 269/270 */** 100 (€ 90)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 57

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3171 1897: ½ d. slate, perf 12x11½, an unused block of four, marginal from top of sheet, the left
hand vertical pair each showing the variety 'Imperforate on three sides', slight fold between
stamp and margin and some trivial aging otherwise fresh and very fine, a rare multiple
displaying the error to it's best advantage Gi = £ 3'400+. 272c 4* 1'000 (€ 900)
3172 1892/1899: ½ d. grey (shades), the collection on leaves with range of unused multiples in
the three primary shades, with blocks of four, imprint strip of six, block of ten, and two
panes of 60 in grey (ex collection Ron Butler RDP), 1897 ½ d. slate in blocks of four,
1899 ½ d. bluish green in a block of four and a pane of 60 unused, together with usages on 6
registered covers (2). 271/273 4*/** 150 (€ 135)

1894/1904: Stamp Duty overprinted POSTAGE

3173 3174

3173 10 s. violet & claret, overprinted POSTAGE in blue (with 'jump' in overprint leaving slight
doubling), wmk. NSW type 59, perf. 12x11, a fine unused horizontal strip of five, marginal
from top of sheet, of excellent fresh colour, two left hand stamps with diagonal crease not
detracting from appearance, somewhat wrinkled large part og. A scarce and most attractive
multiple Gi = £ 1'750+. 275b * 400 (€ 360)
3174 10 s. violet & rosine on chalk surfaced paper, overprinted POSTAGE in blue, wmk. NSW
type 59, perf. 12x11, a fresh unused example of superb colour, large part og. Cert. BPA
(1980) Gi = £ 375. 277b * 150 (€ 135)
58 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 (June), Diamond Jubilee and Hospital Charity Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3175 1 d. ( 1 s.) green & brown, a fine unused block of twelve from the lower right corner of
the sheet of 30 subjects, fresh and fine appearance, some bends across perforations and
minor separation, typical browned og. A scare large multiple, believed to be the third largest
recorded Gi = £ 600.
Note: Only one complete sheet of 30 subjects (5 x 6) from the 1'336 sheets printed of this
value is still intact. 280 */** 150 (€ 135)

Later Issues from 1897

3176 1897/99: 1 d., 2 d. and 2½ d., a fine composite Die Proof (1 d. and 2 d. Die I), imperforate,
printed in deep myrtle-green on glazed white paper, 145x95 mm., fresh and very fine. 288+ 292+
A scarce and most attractive Proof. 295 (*) 150 (€ 135)


3177 1897: Re-Issue 5 s. reddish-purple, wmk. '5/-', perf. 11½, in a foliate marginal block of four,
of fresh vibrant colour, typical slight wrinkling, superb large part og. A scarce and most
attractive multiple. 297c 4* 120 (€ 110)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 59

3178 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3178 1897/99: Courbould 5 s. reddish-purple re-issue, perf. 11x11, an unused block of four,
variety "Imperforate Between Vertically", of fine rich colour and superb appearance, fresh
and very fine, large part og. An outstanding multiple, with just three blocks recorded of this
extremely rare variety Gi = £ 19'000+.
Provenance: Collection John S. White, Spink, London 22 May 1997, lot 537. 297ca 4* 5'000 (€ 4'500)


3180 3182
3179 1899: 9 d. on 10 d. dull brown, unused horizontal pair of excellent colour, variety "Albino
Surcharge" on each, fresh and very fine, superb og Gi = £ 550. 309b * 150 (€ 135)
3180 1903/08: Diadem 3 d. yellow-green, wmk. Crown/NSW (Type II), perf. 12, a remarkable
unused block of twelve (3 x 4) of excellent colour, the four left hand pairs all showing
variety "Imperforate Vertically Between", fresh and very fine, hinge remnants to protect the
block, large part og. A splendid and rare multiple. Cert. BPA (1999) Gi = unpriced. 327ba+ 327b 4* 1'000 (€ 900)
3181 Diadem 3 d. yellow-green, wmk. Crown/NSW (Type II) inverted, perf. 12x11, a remarkable
unused pane of 60 stamps (6 x 10), with sheet margins on three sides, of wonderful 'Post
Office' fresh colour, unmounted og. A lovely multiple in the foremost quality Gi = £ 600+. 327c 4** 200 (€ 180)
3182 1905/10: 2 d. deep ultramarine, perf. 12 x 11½, an unused block of four showing the 'WAG'
circular monogram in top sheet margin, creased during printing with two left hand stamps
partially "Imperforate Between" with misplaced perforations running diagonally through
the stamp design. Traces of gum but largely unused, a most unusual and attractive multiple. 335 var 4(*) 150 (€ 135)
60 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Postage Due

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3183 1891/92: Postage Dues ½ d. yellow-green to 8 d. yellow-green, the part set of eight values,
all on piece of album page, the ½ d. value sent in 1892 when issued later than the rest of the
values, with SPECIMEN in black, the balance with each stamp handstamped "SPECIMEN."
in violet (Bendon type NA2) upon receipt in Natal from the U.P.U. Some toning but a unique
group. Cert. BPA (1981). D1/D8 spec 5(*) 300 (€ 270)

Official Stamps



3184 1879/85: Official Garter 5 d. green, wmk. inverted, perf. 10, a fine unused block of 16 (4 x
4), marginal from right of sheet, fresh and very fine, superb og. with most unmounted og. A
delightful multiple in pristine condition Gi = £ 400+. O7 4*/** 150 (€ 135)
3185 1882/85: Official 4 d. red-brown and 4 d. dark brown, both shades in unused blocks, both
perf. 10, the 4 d. red-brown in a vertical format block of six with upper left stamp showing
'O' in 'O.S.' sideways, large part og. with minor imperfections; the 4 d. dark brown in a block
of four with Plate 4 in margin but with diagonal crease, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 580+. O26+ O27 4* 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 61


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3186 Official Diadem 3 d. yellow green and Garter 5 d. blue-green, each in superb unused
horizontal strips of three, each overprinted "Specimen" in black. Fresh and very fine, superb O24as+
og. or unmounted og. Scarce multiples and most attractive Gi = £ 225+. O29as * 100 (€ 90)


3187 1887/90: Official 10 s. mauve & claret, perf. 10, a good used example of fine delicate colour,
usual somewhat rough perforations, cancelled by part oval NSW cto handstamp in black.
Extremely rare. Signed A. Diena Gi = £ 3'000. O37b 750 (€ 675)
3188 1891 (Jan): Official 2½ d. ultramarine, perf. 11x12, a complete unused sheet of 120 subjects,
all margins intact, folded down the interpanneau gutter with full 'CP' monogram, 'G. Pr. O. /
N.S.W.' and '1890' in ultramarine at base. Note the 'Wide Spaced OS' on stamp 16 (Row 4/4)
in each pane; fresh and fine with large part or mostly unmounted og. An unusual complete
sheet Gi = £ 1'400+. O54 4*/** 200 (€ 180)
3189 1879/92: Official Issues, the collection on leaves with 1879 1 d. salmon unused and used,
2 d. blue perf. 11 x 12 used with cert. RPSL (Gi O3d = £ 225), 1 s. black used (3), 1880/88 5 s.
purple unused (2), 1882/85 1 d. orange perf. 10 x 13 used (cert. RPSL), unused and used
paires showing Plate Flaws on 'N' of 'NEW', 2 d. blue in an unued block of ten, 3 d. green,
4 d. brown, 5 d. green unused and used range, 8 d. yellow in an unused block of four, 1 s.
black in unused strip of six and block of four, 1888/90 1 d. lilac in an unused sheet of 120
and range of values to 5s. incl. multiples etc. O2-O58 64* 500 (€ 450)

3190 1862/1890: Small collection balance with 1862/64 1 d. dull red unused, 1871/1902 9 d.
on 10 d. red-brown in Plate Number 1 and 5 unused examples, 1882/97 1 d. orange-red,
perf. 10 x 12 used (cert. RPSL), 8 d. yellow, perf. 10 in an unused horizontal pair, 1888/89
Centenary issue with 8 d. imperforate Colour Trials in grey and in yellow, 1 d., 2 d. and 4
d. values in unused blocks of 12, 1889 5 s. purple used, watermarked with value 1890 5 s.
lilac unused (5) and used (5), 20 s. cobalt-blue unused (7) and used (7) with the differing
perforations. A generally splendid and highly catalogued collection (56 items) Gi = £ 5'000+. 186-265 * 1'000 (€ 900)
3191 1897/1907: Collection on leaves with 1897 Diamond Jubilee 1 d. (1 s.) used, cut-down
Proof of 1897/99 2½ d. value imperforate and a perf. block of four unused, Courbould re-
issue 5 s. in an unused marginal pair and a marginal single together with three fine blocks of
four; 1898/99 6 d. emerald in a block of six from right of sheet, 2 d. cobalt in an imperforate
strip of three, 1905 20 s. cobalt-blue unused (3), 1905 9 d. unused (7), 1907 1 s. purple-
brown in a marginal block of four etc. A fine and appealing collection (67 items). 280-362 64* 750 (€ 675)
62 221 Corinphila
229 Corinphila Auction
Auction · 28 &· 23
29 November 2017

Prior to Postal Service in the locality then known as the Moreton Bay
1859 District administered by New South Wales.

1859 Moreton Bay District separated from New South Wales as the
Colony of Queensland on 10 December 1859.

1860 The first stamps printed from steel plates engraved by Perkins
Bacon in London. Steel plates were then delivered to the Colony
for further printings.

1866 First Lithograph plates for the 4d. and 5s. made by taking
lithographic transfers from Perkins Bacon steel plates.

1876 General decision that Queensland should produce its own stamps.
Electrotype plates came into use for printing from 1879.

1880 Authorisation of Fiscal Stamps for Postal use.

1903 Printing from lithographic stones from transfers taken from recess

View of Moreton Bay ca. 1855

229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 63

1860, Imperforated

 3192 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3192 The Humphrys Chalon Head, a marvellous impression engraved in black inset into thick
card, 74 x 87 mm., a superb frontispiece to any collection of British Commonwealth, a
delightful Proof. 1 Proof (*) 500 (€ 450)

3193 1 d. carmine-rose, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a magnificent used example with huge
margins all round and large portion of adjoining stamp at top, corner bend affecting the
adjoining stamp only and otherwise of lovely appearance, neatly cancelled by sunburst "10"
numeral obliterator in black. Cert BPA (1980) Gi = £ 800. 1 200 (€ 180)


3194 Perkins Bacon Plate Proof of the 2 d. value, engraved in black on thick paper, a superb block
of four from top of sheet. Some light aging but a most attractive multiple. 2 Proof 4(*) 150 (€ 135)
3195 Perkins Bacon Plate Proof for 2 d. value, engraved in black on thick card paper, a superb corner
block of six from upper left of sheet. Slight aging on reverse but a most attractive multiple. 2 Proof 4(*) 120 (€ 110)
64 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Maurice Burrus
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3196 2 d. blue, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a superb used horizontal pair, margins clear at
lower right to huge margins on the other three sides, of fresh colour and lightly cancelled
by dotted "87" numeral obliterator of Ipswich in black. An exquisite pair. Signed A. Diena,
Giulio Bolaffi. Cert. BPA (1979) Gi = £ 3'600+.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, 11 Feb 1964, lot 442. 2 1'200 (€ 1'080)


3197 6 d. green, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a superb used example in a pale shade, ample
to large margins all round and part of adjoining stamp at base, lightly cancelled in black.
A very fine example of a scarce stamp. Signed Houtzamer Gi = £ 800. 3 400 (€ 360)

1860, Clean-cut perf 14-16, Watermark Large Star


3198 2 d. blue, wmk. Large Star, clean cut perf. 14-16, a used horizontal pair in a deep shade, lightly
cancelled by oval obliterators in black. A charming multiple Gi = £ 220+. 5 150 (€ 135)

3199 3200

3199 6 d. green, wmk. Large Star, clean cut perf. 14-16, an unused example of good colour,
minor aging on perfs., large part somewhat redistributed og. A very rare stamp unused. Cert.
Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 1'400. 6 * 300 (€ 270)
3200 2 d. brown, wmk. Small Star, clean cut perf. 14-16 (perf. 15½), a fine unused horizontal
pair, of fresh colour and large part og. Slight separation at top but a rare and most appealing
multiple Gi = £ 1'500. 8 * 400 (€ 360)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 65

1860/61, Clean-cut perf 14-16, Watermark Small Star

Rowland Hill

The Stamp Office, Somerset House


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3201 1861 (Jan): REGISTERED (6 d.) olive-yellow, wmk. Small Star, clean-cut perf. 14 at
Somerset House, the remarkable used example with bold part strikes of the Perkins Bacon
"CANCELLED" obliterator in black, applied by favour of Perkins Bacon upon the request,
in April 1861 by Ormond Hill who required copies of stamps, other than those of Great
Britain for his collection. Perkins Bacon sent, in September 1861, six examples of each
stamp held in stock, to Mr. Pearson Hill and asked him to forward four of the examples to
Ormond Hill. The resulting fracas led to the termination of some of Perkins Bacon's Colonial
contracts. A wonderful and choice example, perforations trimmed at right. Illustrated on
page 56 in Peter Jaffe's handbook, just three of the six examples sent are recorded, one of
which is housed in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Exceptional and of
great rarity for the advanced Exhibitor and philatelic connoisseur Gi = £ 10'000. 11 5'000 (€ 4'500)
66 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3202 1 d. carmine-rose, wmk. Small Star, clean-cut perf. 14 at Somerset House, a fine unused
example of exceptional colour, without gum. A rare and most attractive stamp Gi = £ 375. 12 (*) 180 (€ 160)


3203 1861 (July): 2 d. blue, wmk. Small Star, clean-cut perf. 14 at Somerset House, the remarkable
re-joined vertical pair with bold strikes of the Perkins Bacon "CANCELLED" obliterator in
black, applied by favour of Perkins Bacon upon the request, in April 1861 by Ormond Hill
who required copies of stamps, other than those of Great Britain for his collection. Perkins
Bacon sent, in September 1861, six examples of each stamp held in stock, to Mr. Pearson Hill
and asked him to forward four of the examples to Ormond Hill. The resulting fracas led to the
termination of some of Perkins Bacon's Colonial contracts. Peter Jaffe's handbook records just
four of the probable six examples sent, one of which is housed in the collection of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II. A wonderful and choice pair, perforations trimmed at right. Exceptional
and of great rarity for the advanced Exhibitor and philatelic connoisseur Gi = £ 19'000.
Provenance: Collection General Robert Gill, Baltimore, 1957.
Collection John Gartner, Melbourne, 1978.
Collection Noel Turner, 1989. 13 7'500 (€ 6'750)


3204 1 d. carmine-rose, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14-16, an unused block of four of excellent
colour, one stamp with unobtrusive corner crease otherwise fresh and fine with superb og.
A scarce and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 400+. 14 4* 250 (€ 225)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 67


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3205 1 d. carmine-rose, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14-16, an unused block of eight (2 x 4) of
rich colour and centred to left, fresh and very fine, superb quality with lower six stamps
unmounted og. Gi = £ 800+. 14 4*/** 400 (€ 360)


3206 2 d. blue, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14-16, a fine used horizontal strip of three on 1864
entire letter endorsed 'per Telegraph' to Melbourne, tied by "QL" obliterators in black.
Reverse with SHIP LETTER / QUEENSLAND datestamp (Oct 31) in black and Melbourne
arrival cds in blue (Nov 8). A charming and scarce entire. 15 6 250 (€ 225)
3207 REGISTERED (6 d.) orange-yellow, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14-16, an unused block
of four of fresh colour, with large part og. and lower pair unmounted og. Scarce and very
fine. Signed A. Diena Gi = £ 440+. 21 4*/** 200 (€ 180)
68 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1862/67, No Watermark, printed by Thomas Ham

Thomas Ham

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3208 1 d. orange-vermilion, no wmk., rough perf. 13, a fine unused block of sixteen (4 x 4), of
superb colour, fifteenth stamp with thin and one stamp with corner crease, fresh and fine,
large part og. with twelve stamps unmounted og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 1'750+.
Provenance: The 'Mayfair Find', Harmers, London, 9 Nov 1925 ex lot 67 or 68. 22 4*/** 500 (€ 450)

3209 2 d. pale blue, no wmk., rough perf. 13, a fine unused block of twelve (4 x 3), marginal
from right of sheet, with additional row of horizontal perfoartions across the upper strip
of four, of superb colour, fresh and very fine, large part og. An interesting off centre block
demonstrating the problems Thomas Ham had with the perforation machine in Brisbane.
Scarce Gi = £ 1'650+. 23 4*/** 400 (€ 360)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 69

Queen Victoria


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3210 2 d. blue, no wmk., rough perf. 13, a lightly cancelled horizontal pair, with variety
"Imperforate Between Vertically", with the error possibly continuing at the right hand
side where the margin is roughly separated and with slight bend at upper right, but with
definite vertical perforations at left. A fine and enormously rare variety Gi = £ 15'000.
Provenance: Collection Ernest B. Lye.
Collection Leslie Digby Nelson, Grosvenor, London, 4 Oct 2012, lot 10. 24b 7'500 (€ 6'750)


3211 3 d. brown, no wmk., rough perf. 13, an unused block of six of good colour, third stamp with
slight thin, otherwise fresh and very fine, large part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 720. 25 4* 200 (€ 180)
70 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Early Rotary Perforating Machine


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3212 6 d. bright yellow-green, no wmk., rough perf. 13, a magnificent lightly cancelled used
horizontal pair, variety "Imperforate Between Vertically" with portion of adjoining stamp
at left roughly separated, and cut by scissors at right. A remarkable and extremely rare
variety, the sole example mentioned in A. F. Basset Hull (RPSL, London, 1930) on page
101. A great rarity of Queensland philately Gi = £ 16'000.
Provenance: Collection J. H. Chapman.
Collection Ernest B. Lye.
Collection Leslie Digby Nelson, Grosvenor, London, 4 Oct 2012, lot 15. 27a 7'500 (€ 6'750)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 71

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3213 1 s. grey, no wmk., rough perf. 13, a fine unused example of good colour, large part og.
A scarce stamp Gi = £ 350. 29 * 100 (€ 90)

3214 3 d. brown, no wmk., rough perf. 12½ x 13, a fine unused block of twelve (4 x 3), of excellent
fresh colour, first stamp with small fault at upper left corner and left stamps trimmed
vertically, fresh and fine, large part og. with eight stamps unmounted og. A charming and
rare multiple Gi = £ 1'170. 32 4*/** 300 (€ 270)

3215 1 d. orange-vermilion, no wmk., perf. 13, an unused block of fifteen (5 x 3), of excellent fresh
colour, some minor tone spots not affecting appearance, fresh and very fine, large part og. with
the lower twelve stamps unmounted og. A delightful and very rare multiple Gi = £ 1'800.
Provenance: Tommy Allen. 44 4*/** 750 (€ 675)
72 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1866 (Jan.), Watermark QUEENSLAND / POSTAGE / STAMPS


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3216 1 d. orange-vermilion, perf. 13, an unused horizontal strip of three, of good fresh colour,
large part og. with heavy gum crack shows through on face, nevetheless a rare stamp in a
multiple Gi = £ 600+. 51 * 150 (€ 135)

1866/67, Lithographed, No Watermarks


3217 4 d. grey-lilac, First Transfer, no wmk., perf. 13, a fine unused block of six of excellent
colour, well centred and large part og. with some reinforcement. An outstanding and very
rare multiple in the foremost condition. Signed W. H. Colson Gi = £ 2'500+. 54 4* 1'000 (€ 900)


3218 4 d. lilac, Second Transfer, no wmk., perf. 13, a fine unused block of four of excellent depth
of colour, each stamp overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally in black. Fresh and very fine,
large part og. 55 spec 4* 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 73

1868/74, Watermark Small Truncated Star

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3219 2 d. pale blue, wmk. Small truncated Star, Plate I, perf. 13, an unused irregular block of thirty
eight marginal from top left of sheet, 7 x 5 plus vertical strip of three positions 8/20/32, each
stamp diagonally overprinted SPECIMEN in black, some parts of the sheet margin creased
or missing otherwise fresh and fine, large part og. A rare and most attractive large multiple. 61 spec 4*/** 500 (€ 450)

3220 2 d. pale blue, wmk. Small truncated Star, Plate I, perf. 13, an unused horizontal strip of
seven, with QUEENSLAND in watermark, of fine colour, some perf. reinforcement, large
part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 525+. 61 * 200 (€ 180)

3221 6 d. yellow-green, wmk. Small truncated Star, perf. 13, an unused block of four, of excellent
fresh colour, some typical irregular perfs. at top but fresh and very fine, large part og. A
scarce stamp in a multiple Gi = £ 1'000+. 68 4* 250 (€ 225)
74 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1868/78, Watermark Crown over Q

3222 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3222 Reprint of 1868/74 2 d. deep dull blue, Plate II on watermarked Crown over Q paper, a fine
horizontal pair of lovely appearance, variety "Imperforate Vertically Between". Rare and
most unusual, see footnote under Gi. 82 "One sheet of the 2 d. reprint is known to have the
perforations missing betweeen the fourth and fifth rows..", thus only 10 pairs can exist thus.
Fresh colour, gum scrape but part og. Scarce and attractive pair. Cert. BPA (1991). 81 Reprint * 350 (€ 315)

3223 3224
3223 Perkins Bacon Plate Proofs, on unwatermarked white wove paper, struck for the first printing
when the 'Crown over Q' paper was reintroduced, all in blocks of four, with 1 d. rose, 2 d.
ultramarine, 3 d. brown, litho 4 d. yellow, 6 d. yellow-green and 1 s. mauve, largely fine with 83-109
reasonable margins, a scarce group. Proofs 4(*) 400 (€ 360)
3224 1 d. orange-vermilion, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 13, a fine unused block of four, variety
"Imperforate", of clear to large margins all round, fine colour, unused without gum. Rare.
Cert. BPA (1987) Gi = £ 1'600. 83a 4(*) 500 (€ 450)

Duaringa Hotel

3225 2 d. blue, wmk. Crown over Q, Plate II, perf. 13, a fine used horizontal strip of six, of excellent
appearance and colour, used on 1876 cover to London cancelled by "210" numeral obliterator
with 'Duaringa' cds below (March 24). Reverse with Rockhampton cds (March 25) and
London arrival (May 22) in red. A charming and most attractive cover. 87 6 200 (€ 180)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 75

3226 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3226 1 d. pale orange-vermilion, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, a fine used block of nine, of good
colour and centering, cancelled in black. A scarce multiple. 95 4 Offer Gebot


3227 4 d. yellow, wmk. Crown over Q, First Transfer, perf. 12, an unused example of fine colour, with
Plate variety 'R' of FOUR joined to outer oval frame, of excellent centering, unused without
gum. A superb example of this rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1982) Gi = £ 1'600. 102 (*) 400 (€ 360)


3228 1 d. deep orange-vermilion and vertical pair of 4 d. buff-yellow, Transfer II, wmk. Crown
over Q, perf. 12½, used on 1875 cover to London endorsed 'Overland Route', cancelled by
"97" numeral obliterators in black. Reverse with Rockhampton cds (Oct 4) and London
arrival cds (Nov 29) in red. Slight imperfections but multiples of the 4 d. are scarce on letter. 103+ 94 6 150 (€ 135)
76 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3229 6 d. green, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, a fine unused block of six (3 x 2), of brilliant
colour, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. A lovely block. Cert. BPA (1999)
Gi = £ 1'350+. 105 4*/** 500 (€ 450)
3230 6 d. apple-green, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, a fine unused block of six (2 x 3), of fresh
colour, the central pair with crease, but of delightful appearance with large part og. A rare
multiple Gi = £ 1'650+.
Provenance: Collection Leslie Digby Nelson, Grosvenor, London, 4 Oct 2012, lot 71. 107 4* 500 (€ 450)

View of Freiberg, Germany

3231 1 d. orange vermilion in a horizontal pair and 6 d. green, both perf. 12, used on 1876
cover endorsed 'via Melbourne' to Freiberg, Saxony, Germany tied by "81" obliterators of
Warwick with despatch datestamp at right (Feb 16) in black and also struck by straight line
TOO LATE handstamp. 'London / Paid' cds in red on front (May 1). Reverse with Brisbane
transit (Feb 17) and Freiberg arrival cds (May 4) in black. Some minor imperfections and
envelope faults but a most attractive franking to an unusual destination. Cert. BPA (2018). 95+ 107 6 400 (€ 360)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 77

3232 3233
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3232 2 d. blue, wmk. Crown over Q, Plate I, perf. 12½, x 13, a superb used example of excellent
colour, neatly cancelled by "53" numeral obliterator of Charleville. Superb and elusive
stamp Gi = £ 350.
Provenance: Collection Leslie Digby Nelson, Grosvenor, London, 4 Oct 2012, lot 81. 115 150 (€ 135)
3233 6 d. yellow-green, wmk. Crown over Q, Plate I, perf. 12½, x 13 x 13 x 13, a superb used
example of excellent colour, neatly cancelled in black. Superb and very elusive stamp Gi = £ 1'200.
Provenance: Collection Leslie Digby Nelson, Grosvenor, London, 4 Oct 2012, lot 84. 115a 350 (€ 315)

3234 3235
3234 2 d. pale blue, wmk. Crown over Q, Plate I, perf. 12½ x 13, a fine used horizontal pair,
of excellent appearance, good colour, cancelled by "108" numeral obliterator Nanango
in black, extremely rare: the cancellation leaving the Position 10 and 11 Plate variety
(Horizontal Line in SE and SW corners repectively) clear, not seen by Basset Hull but on
page 129 he remarks "The Line variety should also be found on Plate I printings of Crown
Q paper...". Charming and scarce and possibly the sole example recorded to date on the
compound perforation Gi = £ 700+.
Provenance: Collection Leslie Digby Nelson, Grosvenor, London, 4 Oct 2012, lot 87. 115 250 (€ 225)
3235 2 d. blue, wmk. Crown over Q, Plate I, perf. 12½, a fine used horizontal strip of four, of
excellent colour and centering, lightly cancelled in black. A great rarity (probably the largest
known used multiple) and absolutely superb. Cert. BPA (1989) Gi = £ 4'000+. 115b 400 (€ 360)

1879, No Watermark

3236 6 d. pale emerald-green, no wmk., perf. 12, a fine unused horizontal pair, of vivid colour,
right hand stamp with tiny inclusion at right otherwise fresh and fine with large part og.
A scarce stamp Gi = £ 800. 116 * 150 (€ 135)

1880, Lithographed

3237 2 s. blue, wmk. Crown / Q, rough perf. 12, a fine appearing horizontal pair with variety
"Imperforate Vertically Between", fiscal blue crayon and ink manuscript marks removed
and the pair cleaned, nevertheless a rare pair. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 8'500 unused. 119a (*) 750 (€ 675)
78 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

3238 3239
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3238 10 s. reddish brown, a horizontal pair, imperforate Plate Proof on watermarked 'Large Crown
over Q' paper, each overprinted SPECIMEN in violet reading down, diagonally creased but
of fine appearance. A scarce multiple. 125 Proof * 150 (€ 135)
3239 10 s. reddish brown, wmk. Crown over Q, a fine Imperforate example, marginal from left
of sheet with contemporary ink notation "Now in use 12/1/82". Scarce and most unusual. 125 var (*) 150 (€ 135)


3240 10 s. bistre-brown (coffee shade), wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, an unused block of four
of lovely delicate colour, Transfer Types 6-7/1-2, fresh and very fine, some minor vertical
gum bends not affecting appearance, large part og. An extremely scarce and most attractive
multiple Gi = £ 3'400+. 126 4* 1'000 (€ 900)


3241 20 s. rose, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, an unused horizontal pair, perfs. a tad ragged at
top and heavily hinged at top, well of good colour for this stamp, small part og. A very rare
pair Gi = £ 3'600+. 127 * 500 (€ 450)

1879/81, Sideface Issue


3242 Essay by William Bell, imperforate on white wove paper watermarked Crown over Q,
with "Q" of "Queensland" no longer reversed, overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally in blue.
Scarce. Essay (*) 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 79

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3243 6 d. yellow-green, wmk. Crown and Q (Type 6), an unused block of six (3 x 2) marginal
from left of sheet, traces of aging just showing on perfs. and on reverse, sheet margin with
vertical crease but attractive and scarce with large part og. Gi = £ 1'080. 143 4* 200 (€ 180)

1882/95, High Values

3244 3246

3244 Bradbury Wilkinson Colour Trials for the 2 s. value (4), all imperforate, with 2 s. (position
26) in deep rose as chosen for 5 s. value, 2 s. (position 20) in yellow-green (a rejected
colour) and 2 s. in vermilion in a vertical pair (positions 2/7) as selected for the 2 s. 6 d.
value, a fine and scarce group. All ex Yardley. 152 Proofs (*) 300 (€ 270)
3245 10 s. brown on thin paper, wmk Crown over Q sideways, a fine unused example, variety
"Imperforate", marginal from base of sheet. Scarce and appealing stamp with large part og. 155 var * 150 (€ 135)
3246 £ 1 deep green on thick paper, wmk. Crown on Q (Type 10), a superb unused example of
perfect centering and colour, showing "Retouch on £ 1 tablet at lower right" (position 29 on
the sheet), superb og. Scarce stamp Gi = £ 850. 161b * 200 (€ 180)

1882/1908, Sideface Issue

3247 Second Sideface Issue 1882/91: The collection of the issue from 1 d. to 1 s. values, all ex
Charles Lathrop Pack collection and on his brilliantly researched album leaves, with unused
blocks of all values and showing the four different electrotypes; incl. unused examples of
1 d. vermilion (23), 2 d. blue (15), 4 d. yellow (11), 6 d. green (19) and 1 s. mauve (47). A
lovely collection (Pack pages numbered 2109-2120) Gi = £ 2'200+. 166/174 4* 300 (€ 270)
80 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3248 1882: Die Proof for 2 d. value with frame around the design, printed in vermilion (colour
selected for the 1 d. value) on unwatermarked cream wove paper, 110 x 78 mm., annotated
in manuscript "Engravers Proof 4" at lower left, some minor spotting but extremely rare. 168 Proof (*) 500 (€ 450)


3249 2 d. blue, wmk. Crown over Q, compound perf. 9½ x 12, a fine used horizontal strip of three
cancelled by "59" numeral obliterators in black. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 250+. 177 100 (€ 90)

Brisbane General Post Office


3250 Fourth Sideface Issue 1890: 1 d. vermilion-red, a fine imperforate pair used on 1895 cover
to Brisbane, cancelled by "GPO" obliterators with despatch datestamp at left (Nov 15).
Minor envelope imperfections but a scarce usage of the variety on letter Gi = £325 off cover. 187a 6 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 81

3251 3252 3253

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3251 Essay for the 2½ d. value, Imperforate with the 2½ d. value tablet in the top corners, printed
in mauve on white watermarked 'Queensland' paper. Rare and very attractive. 191 Essay (*) 250 (€ 225)
3252 Essay for the 2½ d. value, Imperforate with the 2½ d. value tablet in upper corners, printed
in myrtle green on white watermarked 'Queensland' paper. Slight bend but very scarce. 191 Essay (*) 200 (€ 180)
3253 Essays (3) for the 2½ d. value, imperforate with the 2½ d. value tablet centrally at base on
two printed in green and in blue; and 2½ d. value in white on 2 d. rosine, all on 'Queensland'
white paper. A few minor imperfections but a scarce group. 191 Essays (*) 400 (€ 360)

3254 4 d. yellow, wmk. Crown over Q, a fine unused block of fifteen (5 x 3), marginal from right
of sheet, first stamp (Row 4, stamp 6) showing Plate Variety "EN" in PENCE joined, fresh
and very fine, superb or unmounted og. Scarce and attractive positional multiple Gi = £ 325+. 194b+ 194 4*/** 150 (€ 135)

3255 Fifth Sideface Issue with White Background 1895/96: Proof for the 2 d. value, Imperforate
in blue on white wove thick paper, a fine block of four, right hand vertical pair showing
over-runs of colour at right. Scarce. 212 Proof 4(*) 150 (€ 135)
3256 2½ d. Imperforate Proofs on granite safety paper: pair in dull brown on greyish blue, 2½ in
dull violet on greenish in a block of four and 2½ d. rosy-mauve on bluish in a block of four.
Scarce group, all ex Yardley collection. 213 Proofs 4(*) 150 (€ 135)
82 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 3257 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3257 Seventh Sideface Issue with Value in All Four Corners 1897/1908: Colour Trial for the
2 d. value, Imperforate and printed in blue, a marginal pair, each with Double Print and
handstamped CANCELLED in black, with manuscript "Printer's Test Stamps" in margin at
top. Scarce and most unusual. 234 Proof (*) 150 (€ 135)
3258 Mint Collection on leaves (all are ex Charles Lathrop Pack collection), with shades and
Plate Flaws noted from ½ d. deep green (5), 1 d. vermilion (26), 2 d. blue (30), 2½ d. rose
(13), 2½ purple on blue (25), 3 d. brown (17), 4 d. yellow (12), 5 d. brown (17), 6 d. green
(21), 1 s. violet (20), 2 s. turquoise (13); a beautiful lot written up by a consummately
careful, knowledgeable and diligent collector.
Provenance: Collection Charles Lathrop Pack. 231/254 4*/** 400 (€ 360)

View of Port Moresby

3259 ''Used in New Guinea' 1896/96, ½ d. deep green, four examples used on 1899 cover to Brisbane,
all cancelled by "BNG" obliterator with PORT MORESBY / BRITISH NEW GUINEA cds
at left (Sept 5) in black. Reverse with 'Cookstown / Queensland' transit cds (Sept 8). A scarce
cover, stated to have been mailed in Bwagoia and cancelled at Port Moresby in transit. Small
opening tear at top but a very scarce cover. Cert. BPA (1960). 209 6 350 (€ 315)

3260 ½ d. deep green to 2 s. turquoise (12 stamps), wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12½-13, all
applied to small pieces (4) and handstamped 'SPECIMEN.' in violet by the Natal Post Office
(Samuel type NA2) upon receipt from the UPU. A few minor age spots but a rare and unique
group. Cert. BPA (1981)., 231s-254s 5 250 (€ 225)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 83

 3261 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3261 Essay for the 1899 issue ½ d. in sheetlet format of eight stamps (4 x 2) printed in carmine,
perforated 12 on soft wove ungummed paper. Some minor aging and manuscript notations
in blue crayon at upper left but a magnificent sheet (see the Alan Griffiths collection for a
similar sheet printed in green). Very rare. 262 Proof 4(*) 1'200 (€ 1'080)

1900, Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund

Boer Militia Men

3262 1900: 1 d. (6 d.) claret and 2 d. (1 s.) violet, used on 1900 cover from Brisbane to London
tied in black by Brisbane / 'QL' obliterators (July 14) in black. Taxed on arrival in UK as
the issue was not permitted by the UPU for overseas usage and charged with "5d. / FBA"
handstamp for the amount due upon receipt at the Foreign Branch. Minor imperfections but
an extremely rare usage.
Provenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 22 Sept 2004, lot 1237. 263/264 6 300 (€ 270)

1907/11, Watermark Crown on A

3263 1907/11: 1 d. vermilion, wmk. Crown on A, a fine Imperforate horizontal pair, fresh and
fine, unmounted og. Scarce Gi = £ 400. 288a ** 150 (€ 135)
84 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Postal Fiscals, Stamp Duty

 3264 3265 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3264 Postal Fiscals 1866/72: Small group with 1866 1 d. blue, wmk'd, unused, 1871/72 2 s. blue F9+ F19+
unused and the wmk'd set of eight values unused each overprinted SPECIMEN in black. F16/F23
Imperfections but generally fair to fine, a scarce group. spec */(*) 150 (€ 135)
3265 Stamp Duty 1871/72: Lithographed Proofs / Colour Trials (9) for the Stamp Duty series,
Imperforate, with 6 d. value in claret and red-brown, 1 s. in yellow-green (partial printing on
reverse), 2 s. in deep blue, 2 s. 6 d. in brick-red, 5 s. in orange-brown, 10 s. in brown and 20
s. in rose, together with a further 1 s. in yellow green with blue crayon mark and overprinted
CANCELLED in black. A scarce group. F16-F23 (*) 300 (€ 270)
3266 Lithographed Proofs / Colour Trials (9 pairs) for the Stamp Duty series, Imperforate, with 1
d. value in mauve, 6 d. red-brown, 1 s. in yellow-green (partial printing on reverse), 2 s. in
deep blue, 2 s. 6 d. in brick-red, 5 s. in orange-brown, 10 s. in brown and 20 s. in rose, 10 s.
brown and 20 s. rose, all fresh and fine, a scarce group. Ex Yardley collection. F16-F23 (*) 500 (€ 450)


3267 Stamp Duty 1878/79: Proof of the 1 d. value printed in violet & dull lilac, engraved by
William Bell, a scarce horizontal pair Imperforate on thick card paper, the pair somewhat
out of alignment and marginal at base, some staining but very scarce, illustrated in Basset
Hull on plate XXIV. Ex Yardley collection. F33 Proof (*) 300 (€ 270)
3268 Fiscals 1895/1901: Impressed Duty Stamps, the set of 63 stamps from 3 d. to 10 s. printed
in blue (two 2 s. values with one optd. CANCELLED and the other the redrawn variety),
11 s. to 19 s. values in green, 20 s. to 45 s. values in red, £ 3 to £ 9 values in orange-brown
and £ 10 - £ 500 values in violet; all invalidated by a negative circular embossing upon
presentation to MP's in 1901 together with a further 62 stamps with cto black cancel on
corners; together with five Edward VII Impressed Duty stamps from 6 d. - 10 s. and George
V 10 s., 30 s. and £ 7 values, all used. An interesting lot (141 items). Fiscals (*) 150 (€ 135)

3269 1860/80: Chalon Heads collection with 1860 1 d. carmine used, 6 d. green (shades) used (3,
one with cert. RPSL), imperforate Plate Proofs (4) on unwmk'd paper with 2 d. in black, 3 d.
value in blue (2) and 1 s. in mauve; 1861 rough perf. 1 d. carmine unused, 2 d. blue unused,
3 d. brown unused (2) and used and single franking of 6 d. on 1862 cover from Gayndah to
Sydney; 1863 1 d. vermilion unused (5) including a strip of three, 6 d. apple green unused
(4), 1863/67 2 d. blue unused (2), 3 d. brown unused (3), 1866 2 d. blue in an unused pair,
1866/67 issue with 5 s. pale rose block of four handstamped SPECIMEN diagonally in blue,
1868/74 2 d. blue in a fine block of four optd. SPECIMEN in black, 1868/78 2 d. blue in an
unused block of four, 1880 lithographed 2 s., 2 s. 6 d., 5 s. (2) and 10 s. each overprinted
SPECIMEN diagonally; together with covers with 2 d. on 1876 Land Department wrapper,
1870 registered cover to Brisbane franked by 2 d. blue and 6 d. orange-yellow, 1870 cover
from Nebo with 1 d. pair, 1875 cover from Aramac with 1 d. pair, 1871 cover to Melbourne
with 1 d. (2) and 2 d. (2) etc. Generally fine, an attractive lot (100+ items). 64 750 (€ 675)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 85

 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3270 1879/95: Collection of first and second Sideface issues and the High Values, with 1 d. reddish
brown and 2 d. blue each in bottom marginal strips of four (showing mixed Dies) optd.
SPECIMEN diagonally in black, strips of four 1 d., 2 d., 4 d. (2, one optd. in violet) and 6
d. all optd. SPECIMEN diagonally in black, 1 s. lilac in two pairs similarly overprinted, and
1 s. lilac in a regummed block of four and an imperforate single example, 1880 ½ d. on 1 d.
reddish brown (3) each optd. SPECIMEN, 2 d. blue and 6 d. green in imperf. wmk'd pairs,
1882/95 High Values with 1882 2 s. and 10 s. unused, £ 1 deep green with Re-entry used,
1886 thick paper 2 s. 6 d., 5 s. rose single, marginal pair and block of four unused and used,
10 s. brown single and marginal pair unused and block of four used and £ 1 deep green (2)
all unused and £ 1 deep green showing Re-entry used; 1895 5 s. rose unused (2) and blocks
of four unused and used, 5 s. rose in an unused strip of three and a used block, £ 1 deep
green used showing Re-Entry; 1889 2 s. brown block of four optd. SPECIMEN in violet and
an imperforate Proof pair (ex Yardley), further SPECIMEN opts. on single values struck in
black or in blue etc. A most appealing collection (113 items). 128-182 4* 750 (€ 675)
3271 1890/96: Collection with the specialised study largely formed by Charles Lathrop Pack and
Ron Butler RDP., showing 1890 issue with ½ d. unused blocks of four (4) and a block of
60 and a full sheet of 120; 1 d. vermilion with an imperforate horizontal pair (Gi = £ 300), 1 d.
in blocks of four (2), nine, twelve (2) and 84; 2 d. blue blocks of four (6), block of 30 and a
complete sheet of 120 from the retouched plate with FWO for TWO error, 2½ d. carmine in
blocks of four (5), and nine and an Imperforate Proof; 3 d. brown blocks of four (4), six and
eight, 2 s. red-brown in blocks of four (2); 1895 2 d. blue retouched plate block of sixty, 1
s. mauve block of four; 1895/96 ½ d. in blocks of four (6) and an Imperforate Proof block
of four (ex Yardley), 1 d. in blocks of four (4), 2 d. in blocks of four, 2½ d. in blocks of four 6
(2) and a range of covers/cards. A delightful study. 184/228 4*/** 500 (€ 450)
3272 1897/1901: Colour Trial Proofs for the 2½ d. value on Crown over Q paper, perf. 12 or 12½,
with unused blocks of four in lake (two, one is marginal), brown, greenish-blue (two, one is
marginal), deep slate (two, one is marginal), rose on blued, yellow and a marginal block of
six in violet on blued. Fresh and fine, a scarce assembly. Ex Yardley collection. 4* 300 (€ 270)
3273 1896/1908: The specialised primarily unused collection with multiples throughout, with 9
d. blue-green blocks of four (4) and a block of fifteen, 1 d. in blocks of nine, 48 and 60, 2
d. unused with "Cracked Plate" flaw (2) and "Scratched Plate" variety used (4, two are on
covers), 2 d. blocks of four and six unused; 1898 2½ d. rose in an unused block of 36, 2½
d. violet on blued with blocks and a cover to India, 3 d. brown blocks of four (8) and eight,
4 d. yellow block of four (8) and a block of nine, 5 d. brown in blocks of four (3), six and
eight, 6 d. green blocks of four (3), 1 s. pale mauve block of four (2), 2 s. turquoise-green in
blocks of six, nine, twelve and 18 etc., together with used blocks and cancellation interest 6
throughout. 229/254 4*/** 750 (€ 675)
3274 1897/1908: Collection with 1 d. vermilion unused multiples with experimental rouletting
(Gi 256/259d), with blocks of four (5), six (2), eight, twelve and a block of thirty six, 1900
Patriotic Fund set of two unused and 2 d. used, 1903/05 9 d. unused (3), 1903 2 s. 6 d.
unused, 1907/11 set with multiples including 2 s. turquoise in a block of four and block of
eight, May 1911 5 d. dull brown in blocks of six and nine (2) unused, 1 s. violet in a block of
six, 1907 2 s. 6 d. vermilion in an unused block of four and three single examples, 5 s. rose
unused (2), 10 s. blackish brown unused, £ 1 unused (2, in differing shades) etc. A generally
fine collection with much of interest (102 items). 257-307 64* 500 (€ 450)

Images of our collections you will find on our webpage:

74 229 Corinphila Auction
221 Corinphila · 28 &· 23
Auction 29 November
November 2017

1836 Proclaimed as a British Colony on 28 December 1836.

1839 First local Post Office Act introducing a rate of 3d. per letter,
irrespective of weight, for all letters received or posted for
delivery in the Colony.

1841 Postal rate for internal letters based on weight and distance

1854 Inland rate of 2d. per ½ ounce weight on prepaid, double rate
on unpaid letter mail.

1855 The first stamps printed from steel plates engraved by Perkins
Bacon in London. Steel plates were then delivered to the
Colony for further printings.

1868 First surface printing plates by De La Rue delivered to Adelaide

for printing.

1874 First Official stamps overprinted ‚O.S.‘

Proclamation of South Australia in 1836

229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 87

Stampless Mail

Steamer 'Chusan'


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3275 1852: Cover to Swan River, Perth, Western Australia prepaid '6' (pence) in red ink manuscript
endorsed 'pr. Steamer via Adelaide' (this deleted) and replaced by (Steamer) 'Chusan' at top,
struck with ADELAIDE / SOUTH AUSTRALIA cds in red (Sept 11). 6 150 (€ 135)
88 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1855, Printed in London

John R. Boker Jr.


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3276 1 d. dark green, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a fine unused example, ample margins on two
sides and large at left and at top (with tiny portion of adjoining stamp), of good rich colour.
Trivial thin at lower right and fresh, slightly redistributed original gum. An exceptionally
scarce stamp so fine. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi. = £ 10'000.
Provenance: Collecion John R. Boker Jr., Harmers, London, 14 April 1981, lot 45. 1 * 2'500 (€ 2'250)

Philipp von Ferrary Alfred H. Caspary


3277 1 d. dark green, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, an exceptional horizontal strip of three,
ample to large margins all round, of fine colour and lightly cancelled by "28" numeral
obliterator of Kooringa in black. A lovely multiple in superb quality Gi = £ 1'500+.
Provenance: Collection Philipp von Ferrary, Sale 7, Paris, 13 June 1923, lot 71.
Collection Alfred J. Caspary, Harmers, London. 8 Oct 1958, lot 406. 1 1'000 (€ 900)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 89


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3278 Perkins Bacon 2 d. Plate Proof in dull carmine-lake, on medium wove paper without
watermark, imperceptibly touched at right and sheet marginal at left. A fine and scarce
Proof. Cert. Ceremuga (2018). 2 Proof (*) 200 (€ 180)
3279 Plate Proof for 2 d. value in black, Plate II without dot in front of ear and 'cleaner' impressions,
a fine block of nine with large margins all round, marginal from right of sheet. Scarce. 2 Proof 4(*) 200 (€ 180)

Rowland Hill

3280 2 d. rose-carmine, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a fine used example, close to large margins
all round, of vivid colour, struck with large part "CANCELLED" obliterator in black by
Perkins Bacon, when donating the six stamps to Rowland Hill's nephew Ormonde Hill, an
issue that led to the loss of Perkins Bacon's printing contract with many Colonies. Position 6
in the Peter Jaffé reconstruction. A splendid example of this great rarity Gi = £ 11'000. 2 5'000 (€ 4'500)
90 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3281 2 d. rose-carmine, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a used vertical pair, clear to good margins
all round, positions 1/5, each stamp showing a re-entry, position 1 with re-entry at top left
and in 'Postage', position 5 with re-entry in lower right corner ornament and in 'Pence';
neatly cancelled by "75" numeral obliterator of Yankallila. 2 100 (€ 90)
3282 2 d. rose-carmine, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a horizontal strip of four with large margins
all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, showing a 'plate laying down' squeezing
together of the second and third stamps in the strip, lightly cancelled in black. Rare. 2 250 (€ 225)

View of Angaston

3283 2 d. rose-carmine, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a single and horizontal pair used on cover to
Tavistock, Devon endorsed 'Per Steamer, via India & Southampton', the adhesives tied by "31"
numeral obliterators with corresponding ANGASTON / SOUTH AUSTRALIA cds at left (Jan
26) and by London 'Paid' cds in red (April 6). Reverse with 'Adelaide' cds in red (Jan 27) and
Tavistock arrival cds (April 7) in black. The cover with closed tear on front just away from the
pair and one back flap missing but an early usage of the first issue in the first month of issue. 2 6 500 (€ 450)

3284 3285
3284 6 d. deep blue, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a used horizontal pair, large margins all round
with portion of adjoining stamps at top and at right, lightly cancelled by Adelaide obliterator
in black. Fine and most attractive Gi = £ 340+. 3 150 (€ 135)
3285 6 d. deep blue, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a used horizontal pair, large margins all round
with portions of adjoining stamps on three sides and marginal at left, lightly cancelled by
barred obliterator in black. Exceptional and most attractive Gi = £ 340+. 3 200 (€ 180)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 91

 3286 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3286 6 d. deep blue, the used selection of six items with single examples (3, including one on piece
from Morpeth Vale), an attractive horizontal pair cancelled '30' numeral of Tanunda, a strip of
three on piece and a small piece with 3 d. and 1858 Adelaide printing 2 d. orange-red (Gi 7). A
few with small faults but a scarce group Gi = £ 1'500+. 3 5 250 (€ 225)

Post Office and Town Hall of Adelaide


3287 6 d. deep blue, a four margin example used on 1857 cover to Lembrück, Hannover tied by
numeral obliterator in black. Faint Marseille entry marking in red on front and reverse with
Adelaide datestamp (Oct 14), Lyons à Paris cds (Jan 12, 1858) and 'Frankreich per Aachen'
transit in red and obverse with an array of rate charges in blue manuscript. A few minor
envelope imperfections due to journey but a scarce usage to a most unusual destination.
Cert. BPA (2018). 3 6 500 (€ 450)
3288 6 d. deep blue, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a fine four margined example used on 1858
cover to Dunfermerline, Scotland tied by "55" numeral obliterator with corresponding
'Strathalbyn / South Australia' despatch cds (Sept 5) in blue at left. Reverse with Adelaide
cds in blue (Sept 7) and Stirling and Dunfermerline cds's (Nov 15). A fine and scarce cover. 3 6 200 (€ 180)
92 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Perkins, Bacon & Co. Printers


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3289 Plate Proof for the 1 s. value in black, imperforate, the extraordinary 'Dr. Osborne' block of
73, marginal from left of sheet with four complete horizontal rows of 12 below horizontal
rows of seven, eight and nine respectively. Some minor ironed bends of no significance as
this is the largest block of this Proof recorded. 4 Proof 4(*) 2'000 (€ 1'800)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 93

1856/58, Adelaide Printing, imperforated

'comma' within
the first 'A'
of 'Australia'

3290 3291 3292

 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3290 1 d. deep yellow-green, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, used example with ample to large
margins all round with portion of adjoining stamp at left, cancelled by "25" numeral
obliteration of Gawler in black. A rare stamp so fine Gi = £ 550. 5 200 (€ 180)
3291 1 d. deep yellow-green, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a stupendous used example with
enormous margins on all sides, portions of adjoining stamps on all sides, of vibrant colour,
lightly cancelled in black. A wonderful 'jumbo' example and amongst the finest possible
extant. Signed H. R. Harmer Gi = £ 550.
Note: The stamp shows an interesting plate flaw, with a 'comma' within the first 'A' of
'Australia'. 5 300 (€ 270)
3292 1 d. pale yellow-green, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, an unused example of superb
appearance, good to large margins all round with trace of adjoining stamp at right, of rich
defining colour, tiny inclusion at lower left and filled pinhole below the neck and without
gum, otherwise a fresh and very attractive example of an exceedingly rare stamp Gi = £ 8'500. 6 (*) 300 (€ 270)


3293 2 d. orange-red, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, an unused horizontal strip of four in a rich
dark shade, large margins all round, third stamp with closed tear and thin on fourth stamp,
otherwise truly exceptional for this stamp in unused condition with large part original gum.
A very rare multiple. Cert. RPSL (1980) Gi = £ 9'000+. 7 * 1'500 (€ 1'350)

3294 3295

3294 2 d. orange-red, large margins all round, used locally within Adelaide on 1858 entire letter
tied by circular ‘PAID ADELAIDE S.A.’ datestamp (Dec 4) in blue with further information
strike alongside. Fresh and fine cover. 7 6 200 (€ 180)
3295 2 d. orange-red, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a fine example with large margins all round,
scissor cut well away from design at lower left, used on 1858 entire letter to Gawler Place
tied by PAID / ADELAIDE S.A. datestamp (Oct 25) in blue-green. Exceptional quality, a
most attractive entire. 7 6 200 (€ 180)
94 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

3296 3298
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3296 2 d. 'blood-red', wmk. Large Star, a fine unused example in this wondrously rich shade, with
clear to large margins all round, slightest of horizontal creases not affecting the spectacular
appearance, fresh and very fine for this rarity, large part og. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 3'000. 8 * 750 (€ 675)

3297 2 d. 'blood' red, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a fine example in a deep bright shade, with
ample to large margins all round, used on 1856 entire letter to Gawler Place tied by Adelaide
obliterator with PAID / ADELAIDE S.A. datestamp (Dec 5) in red alongside. Exceptional
quality, a most attractive entire, used in third week of issue. 8 6 200 (€ 180)
3298 2 d. red, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a used horizontal strip of four, margins clear to large
on all sides, of excellent fresh colour, neatly cancelled by "25" numeral obliterators of Gawler.
A superb strip. 9 200 (€ 180)

City View of Adelaide

3299 2 d. red, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a fine used example with grazed to large margins
all round with portions of adjoining stamps at top and at base, used on 1858 cover to Dry
Creek tied by PAID / ADELAIDE S.A. datestamp (Sept 29) in blue-green. Reverse with
'Dry Creek' arrival cds and obverse with manuscript "Opened by Mr. John Hill of Dry Creek
- not for him" and held at the P.O. for one month with UNCLAIMED straight line, GRAND
in black (Oct 31). A scarce and most unusual cover. 9 6 300 (€ 270)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 95

Maurice Burrus

 3300 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3300 1 s. orange, wmk. Large Star, imperforate, a magnificent used horizontal strip of three,
large margins all round and of excellent colour, lightly cancelled by Adelaide obliterators in
black. Exceptional quality, a choice multiple and very rare Gi = £ 1'400+.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 28 Nov 1962, lot 288. 12 750 (€ 675)

1858/59, Adelaide Printing, First rouletted issue

3301 2 d. red, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, a fine example used on 1859 entire letter to Gawler Place
cancelled by PAID / ADELAIDE S.A. datestamp (Nov 28) in blue. Scarce and very fine. 15 6 150 (€ 135)

3302 2 s. orange, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, a fine horizontal strip of four, lightly cancelled by
Adelaide obliterators in black. An attractive and scarce multiple Gi = £ 200+. 18 150 (€ 135)
96 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1860/69, Second rouletted issue

 3303 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3303 1 d. dull bluish sage green, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, an unused block of four of rich
colour, small surface thin at upper right and tiny tear at base of lower left stamp, despite
the two faults an exceedingly rare multiple of delightful appearance, large part og. Ceret.
Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 600+. 20 4* 200 (€ 180)

3304 3305

3304 1 d. pale red, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, a fine unused block of six of good colour, minor
corner creases not apparent on front, first stamp with slight stain, otherwise fresh and fine,
large part og. An attractive and scarce multiple Gi = £ 1'250+. 24a 4* 300 (€ 270)
3305 1 d. bright vermilion, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, a fine unused block of eight of good
colour, slight rusting at base on roulettes, minor gum creasing, fresh and fine, large part og.
An attractive and scarce multiple Gi = £ 1'200+. 26 4* 300 (€ 270)

3306 Die Proof for the 4 d. value in black on white paper, Plate 1 with dot on the Queen's ear,
affixed to card, 38 x 41 mm., superb and very rare.
Provenance: Collection E. R. Slade Slade, Harmers, Sydney, 29 Nov 1979, lot 152. 27 Proof (*) 1'000 (€ 900)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 97


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3307 4 d. dull violet, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, a fine unused block of four of good rich colour,
fresh and very fine, large part og. A scarce and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 640+. 27 4* 180 (€ 160)
3308 9 d. grey-lilac, wmk. Large Star, rouletted, a fine unused block of six (3 x 2), of fine delicate
colour, one small natural gum stain barely affects appearance, superb og. with lower three
stamps unmounted og. A delightful block, the largest recorded unused multiple Gi = £ 900+.
Provenance: Collection Colonel Napier, RL, London, 11 May 1976, lot 101.
Collection John O. Griffiths, RL, London 3 June 1992, lot 1150. 34 4*/** 750 (€ 675)


3309 TEN PENCE in blue on 9 d. orange-red, opt. Type 6, rouletted, a fine unused example of
good colour, fresh and fine, large part og. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 550. 35 * 180 (€ 160)
3310 No Lot


3311 Plate Proof for the 2 s. value in black, imperforate block of four on thick white wove paper,
fresh and very fine. A scarce and attractive block. 43 Proof 4(*) 200 (€ 180)
98 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1868/71, Rouletted & Perforated/Perforation Experiments/Emergency Issue

3312 3313
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3312 2 d. vermilion, wmk. Large Star, perf. 11½-12½ from imperforate issue, a fine used example
of this elusive stamp, cancelled by fine strikes of "108" numeral obliterator of Callington in
black. Superb example of a very rare stamp. Signed Houtzamer. Cert. BPA (2001) Gi = £ 1'400. 45 400 (€ 360)
3313 2 d. blue-green, perf. 11-12½ x roulette, an unused horizontal pair of good colour, watermark
and slight iron in gum showing through, minor thin, large part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 1'100+. 53 * 200 (€ 180)

Alfred H. Caspary


3314 6 d. pale bright blue, wmk. Large Star, rouletted issue perforated 11½-12½, a fine unused
block of five, of excellent colour and generally very fine large part og. An exceedingly
scarce stamp in a large multiple Gi = £ 4'500+.
Provenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, London, 8 Oct 1958, lot 445. 56 4* 1'000 (€ 900)

3315 3316 3317

3315 TEN PENCE in blue on 9 d. yellow, opt. Type 3, perf. 11½ x reperforated 10 at sides, a
used example variety "Printed Both Sides", cancelled by 'Eden Valley' cds and part barred
numeral handstamp in black. Reverse with weaker but fine impression. A rare variety, only
known used. Cert. Ceremuga Gi = £ 1'200. 59a 150 (€ 135)
3316 TEN PENCE in blue on 9 d. yellow, wmk. Large Star, perf. 11½ x rouletted, a fine used
example showing variety "Printed on Both Sides", a used example cancelled by neat KADINA
cds in black (June 19, 1869). A rare stamp in much above average condition Gi = £ 1'400.
Provenance: Collection Julius Beresford, RL, London, 5 Feb 1958, lot 428. 59a 500 (€ 450)
3317 1 s. chestnut red-brown, wmk. Large Star, rouletted issue perforated 11½-12½, lightly
used example showing significant 'Double Impression' variety, especially prominent on the
SOUTH AUSTRALIA tablet, cancellation leaving the variety very clear. Scarce. 61 var 100 (€ 90)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 99

1868/79, Perforated

3318 3320 3321

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3318 9 d. bright mauve, wmk. Large Star, perf. 11½-12½, a fine used example with variety
'Printed on Both Sides', cancelled neatly by 'Port Adelaide' cds dated SP.10.73 in black. A
fine example of this rare stamp. Cert. BPA (2007) Gi = £ 900. 76a 300 (€ 270)

Clarence St., Port Macquarie

3319 Incoming Mail 1870 (Oct 31): Cover franked by Great Britain 1867/80 6 d. mauve pl. 9 tied
by 'Galway / 232' duplex in black, originally addressed 'via Southampton' to 'Green, Proprietor
of Hotel, Port McQueen, South Australia', with Port Adelaide arrival cds (Jan 17, 1871) on
reverse. The addressee unfound (framed ADVERTISED / UNCLAIMED) and the cover struck
with MISDIRECTED TO / SOUTH AUSTRALIA in black and the cover sent on to Sydney
(Jan 26) and thence to 'Port Macquarie / NSW' (Jan 30) where marked 'Opened by A. Green
and not for him' in manuscript. Framed NOT KNOWN BY THE / LETTER CARRIERS and
'Sydney' cds (Feb 4) in red also on front and eventually mailed on to the 'Chinese Interpreter,
Police Office, George St, Sydney'. A most unusual and fascinating cover. GB 109 6 300 (€ 270)
3320 3-PENCE in red on 4 d. dull ultramarine, wmk. Large Star, perf. 10, a fine unused example of
good colour and perforations, redistributed large part og. A very rare stamp. Cert. Ceremuga
(2018) Gi = £ 1'500. 91 * 400 (€ 360)
3321 3-PENCE on 4 d. ultramarine, wmk. Large Star, perf. 10, overprinted in black, a fine unused
example of good colour, fresh and very fine with just a couple of tiny gum skips,, large part
og. Scarce Gi = £ 500. 92 * 180 (€ 160)

1870/73, Compound perforation

3322 4 d. dull lilac, compound perf. 11½ x 10, a very fine unused horizontal pair in this rare shade,
exceptional correct colour without any of the blue tinge found in the slate-lilac shade, fresh
and very fine, large part og. Rare. Gi = unpriced.
Provenance: Colonel Napier. 103 * 300 (€ 270)
100 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

View of Port Augusta


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3323 3-PENCE on 4 d. Prussian blue, perf. 11½-12, used on the famous 1871 cover to London
endorsed 'via Brindisi' with 1870/73 6 d. bright Prussian blue, tied by 'Port Augusta'
datestamps (Oct 5) in black. Reverse with 'P-O / Railway' cds (Oct 7) and 'GPO Adelaide'
transit cds (Oct 7). The envelope with insignificant tears at top away from the adhesives.
Wonderful and of great rarity - the sole recorded usage of the overprinted 3 d. on 4 d.
Prussian Blue on letter. Cert. RPS (1958).
Provenance: Collection Julius Beresford, RL, London, 5 Feb 1958, lot 436. 66+ 106 6 2'500 (€ 2'250)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 101

3324 3325 3326

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3324 TEN PENCE in black on 9 d. yellow, compound perf. 10 x 11½, a fine unused example of
excellent centering for this stamp, fresh and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 300. 107 * 100 (€ 90)
3325 TEN PENCE in black on 9 d. yellow, opt. Type 3, perf. 10 x 12½, a fine unused example of
good colour, fresh and fine, large part og. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 325. 107 * 120 (€ 110)
3326 TEN PENCE in black on 9 d. yellow, opt. Type 5, perf. 10 x 12½ x 11½ x 12½, a fine unused
example of good colour, fresh and fine, large part og. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 325+. 107 var * 120 (€ 110)

1871 (July), 4 d., perf. 10, Watermark 'V' over 'Crown'

3327 4 d. dull lilac, wmk. V over Crown, perf. 10, a fine used horizontal strip of three (a marginal
strip showing POSTAGE watermark), centred to left, of good colour with central stamp
showing vertical pre-printing paper fold, lightly cancelled in black (April 12, 1872). A
scarce and most unusual multiple of this rare stamp Gi = £ 975. 111 300 (€ 270)

1876/1900, Watermark 'Broad Star'


3328 3-PENCE on 4 d. ultramarine, wmk. Broad Star, perf. 11½-12, a superb unused block of
sixteen (4 x 4), in a lovely fresh shade with large part or unmounted og. A magnificent and
rare multiple Gi = £ 2'500+. 112 4*/** 100 (€ 90)
3329 1 s. red-brown, wmk. Broad Star, perf. 11½-12 (large holes), a fine unused horizontal pair,
variety "Imperforate Vertically Between", fresh colour, slight diagonal bend, unused without
gum. Scarce Gi = £ 450. 130a * 180 (€ 160)
102 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

Maurice Burrus


 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3330 6 d. Prussian blue, wmk. Broad Star, perf. 11½ x 10 and compound, the magnificent and
famous unused block of 72, being the lower six horizontal rows of the sheet with full
margins at base and sides, perf. 11½ x 10 throughout but for one vertical row perforated
12½ (left block of four) and margin at right perforated 10½ with the rotary machine, with
imprint requisition number "6D 3763" in black, of wonderful colour, minor creases and perf.
separation as one would expect of a block this size, superb og or unmounted og. Delightful
and a very rare Exhibition piece Gi. = £ 9'360.+.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 28 Nov 1962, lot 341. 139 4*/** 3'000 (€ 2'700)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 103

1901/02, Watermark 'Crown SA'



 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3331 1 s. dark reddish brown, wmk. Crown SA, perf. 11½-12, a fine unused block of sixteen (4
x 4), of fresh colour and superb large part or unmounted og. A scarce and most attractive
multiple Gi = £ 400+.
Provenance: Colonel Napier. 148 4*/** 150 (€ 135)
3332 2 s. carmine, wmk. Crown SA, perf. 11½ x 12, (small holes), a fine unused vertical strip of
five in a deep shade, each stamp overprinted SPECIMEN in black, fresh and fine multiple
with large part og. Signed Holcombe. 151 spec */** 120 (€ 110)
104 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

1868/76, De La Rue plates and electrotypes, Surface Printed Issues

3334 3335

 3333 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3333 Trial Colour Plate Proofs for the 2 d. value, all on thin white wove paper, watermarked
'Crown over SA' (wide), in eight blocks of four in a range of eight different shades: pale
blue, green, violet, orange-yellow, orange-brown, dull orange, pale rose and deep brown-
rose. Generally superb, a lovely group. 152 Proofs 4(*) 300 (€ 270)
3334 2 d. pale orange-red, wmk. Crown SA, perf. 10 x rouletted, a fresh unused example, large
part og. A very scarce stamp Gi = £ 500. 157 * 150 (€ 135)
3335 1 d. deep green, wmk. Crown SA, perf. 10, a used example with variety "Double Impression",
with slight central stain of no significance as this example is the discovery copy which
resulted in the Stanley Gibbons listing. Matched with an unused normal example for
comparison. A very scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (1993) Gi = listed but unpriced.
Note: Since the Stanley Gibbons listing we are aware of further examples being found. 167bb 200 (€ 180)

3336 Plate Proof for the 2 d. value, an imperforate block of 42 (6 x 7), printed in black on thick
card paper, from the top right corner of the sheet with Plate Number "2" in margin. Fresh
and very fine, a superb large multiple and very rare thus.
Note: The new plate was invoiced on February 26, 1880. 168 Proof 4(*) 750 (€ 675)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 105

1883/99, De La Rue, New Designs

3337 3338
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3337 De La Rue Die Proof for ½ d. value in black on glazed white card, showing the 'Double Die'
method, handstamped '13 JAN 82' at top in blue. A fine and scarce Proof. 182 Proof (*) 200 (€ 180)
3338 De La Rue Die Proof for ½ d. value in black on glazed white card, showing the 'Double Die'
method, handstamped '1 FEB 82' at top in blue with AFTER HARDENING in black. A fine
and scarce Proof. 182 Proof (*) 200 (€ 180)
3339 Bantam ½ d. red-brown, wmk. Crown over SA, a complete unused pane of 120 stamps (20 x
6), complete margins on three sides and most of margin at base, showing the compound perf.
10 x 11½ affecting the alternate vertical rows, a few wrinkles as to be expected on a multiple
this size, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. Rare and splendid piece Gi = £ 3'500+. 186 4*/** 400 (€ 360)

3340 Bantam ½ d. chocolate, wmk. Crown SA, perf. 15, a fine unused pair, variety "Perforated
12½ Between', fresh and fine, large part og.Gi = £ 325. 188c * 120 (€ 110)

1886/96 The 'Long' Stamps, 'POSTAGE & REVENUE'

3341 1883: Essay for proposed ½ d. value, eventually adopted and used for the Postal Stationery
wrapper (see 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7021) hand-painted
in stamp size on tissue paper, 154 x 125 mm., the design for the head-plate in flesh with
background of vignette in deep brown, the surround picked out in Chinese white on black;
with handstamp date "13 APR 83" above. A stunning, unique and absolutely beautiful Essay.
Provenance: Collection Henry Frenkle, RL, London, 26 Sept 1979, lot 1306. Essay (*) 300 (€ 270)
3342 No Lot
106 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

3343 3344

 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3343 50 s. dull pink, wmk. Crown over SA upright, perf. 11½-12, a fine unused example, of fresh
colour, smallest of browning at base on reverse not affecting appearance, superb unmounted
og. A very rare stamp. Signed A. Diena. Cert. RPSL (1975) Gi = £ 4'500. 201a ** 1'000 (€ 900)
3344 £ 3 sage-green, wmk. Crown over SA upright, perf. 11½-12 small holes, a fine unused
example, of brilliant freshness, usual somewhat blunted perforations, superb og. A lovely
stamp of great scarcity. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 5'250.
Provenance: Collection William Frazer, Spink, London, 18 Sept 2003, lot 362. 202a * 1'500 (€ 1'350)


3345 £ 15 silver, wmk. Crown over SA upright, perf. 11½-12, a fine c.t.o. used block of four,
marginal from base of sheet, of brilliant freshness, well centred and superb unmounted og.
Extremely scarce, a lovely block.
Provenance: Australia Post Philatelic Archive, 1979.
Spink, London, 18 Sept 2003, lot 351. 207a 4 2'500 (€ 2'250)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 107

1894 (June), New Designs

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3346 1892: De La Rue Essay for the proposed 5 d. design as accepted, hand-painted on tracing
paper, 56 x 84 mm., with the Shield & Arms in black ink and in pencil, Queen's head in ink
and the tablets SOUTH AUSTRALIA and FIVE PENCE picked out in Chinese white with
perforations drawn in pencil, dated at top "July 12, 92". See 'De La Rue Collection' edited
by Frank Walton RDP plate 7011. Exquisite and wonderful Essay. 235 Essay (*) 750 (€ 675)

1902/04, The 'Long' Stamps/thin 'POSTAGE'



3347 8 d. ultramarine, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 11½-12½, a horizontal pair on small piece
used in conjunction with 3 d. olive-green, the 8 d. pair with left hand stamp showing variety
"EIGNT" for EIGHT, all tied by 'Adelaide' squared circle datestamps in black, leaving the
variety clear. Minor imperfections of no significance, a rare and famous piece Gi = £ 3'000+.
Provenance: Collection Julius Beresford, RL, London, 5 Feb 1958, lot 507. 272a+ 272+
Collection Henry Frenkle, RL, London, 26 Sept 1979, lot 1284. 268 5 1'200 (€ 1'080)
108 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3348 1 s. brown, wmk. Crown over SA upright, perf. 11½-12½, a superb unused block of four
of good colour and centering, variety "Imperforate Between Horizontally", marginal from
base of sheet and imperforate between stamp and margin, one tone spot on gum otherwise
exceptionally fine, large part og. Extremely rare Gi = £ 5'000+. 275b 4* 1'500 (€ 1'350)

3349 The set of eleven values , wmk. Crown over SA upright, perf. 11½-12½, all on three pieces
and pre-cancelled, (6 d. with surface scuff but the £ 1 blue showing damaged "N" in "ONE"
flaw), all struck upon receipt from the UPU with "SPECIMEN." handstamps in violet 278/279
(Samuel NA2) by the Natal Post Office. An attractive and unique set. Cert. BPA (1981). spec 5 400 (€ 360)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 109

1902/12, The 'Long' Stamps/thick 'POSTAGE'

3350 3351

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3350 The unused range with 6 d. blue-green, 8 d. ultramarine, 9 d. rose-lake, 10 d. dull yellow, 10 s. 284/287+
green and £ 1 blue, fresh and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 600+. 291/292 * 150 (€ 135)
3351 The set of nine values to £ 1, wmk. Crown over SA upright, perf. 12, fresh and fine, large
part og. A fine set Gi = £ 800+. 284/292 * 220 (€ 200)
3352 6 d. blue-green, perf. 12, a fine unused example showing the rare variety "Imperforate
between Stamp and Margin at base", fresh and very fine with large part og., matched with
an attractive perf. 12½ corner marginal pair from top right of sheet with requisition number 300 var+
"6d. 29017" in black, fresh and fine, large part og. 300a * 250 (€ 225)
3353 8 d. bright ultramarine, wmk. Crown over A upright, perf. 12½, an unused block of four
from lower left, positions 42 and 52 each showing the variety "Value Closer Together", fresh
and fine, unmounted og. Slight stain in margin only, a most attractive positional multiple
Gi = £ 100+. 301+ 301a 4** 100 (€ 90)


3354 9 d. deep lake on thin paper, wmk. Crown over A upright, perf. 12½, Type C with 2½ mm.
spacing, a magnificent unused block of sixteen (8 x 2) corner marginal from left of the sheet,
of brilliant fresh colour and full unmounted og. Gi = £ 600+. 302ea 4** 150 (€ 135)
110 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018

 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3355 9 d. brown-lake, wmk. Crown over A upright, perf. 12, a superb unused block of eight of
good colour and centering, variety "Imperforate Between Horizontally", exceedingly fine
and very fresh multiple, superb og. with all lower stamps unmounted og. A very rare and
most attractive multiple (probably the largest known) in the foremost quality Gi = £ 8'000+. 302a 4* 3'500 (€ 3'150)
3356 Second wmk., the unused set of eight values with duplication and perforation varieties, with
3 d. sage-green (8), 4 d. orange (6), 6 d. blue-green (2), 8 d. ultramarine (8, including two
pairs), 9 d. lake (7), 1 s. brown (15, including a corner marginal strip of five), 2 s. 6 d. bright
violet (10) and 5 s. bright rose (4), largely fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. Gi = £ 1'500+. 298/305 */** 250 (€ 225)

General Official Stamps

Departmental Stamps 1868-1874 see catalogue 230, lot 4501 following!

3358 3359


3357 1876/85: 4 d. deep mauve, wmk. Large Star, perf. 10, overprinted O. S. in black, a fine
unused block of four, marginal from right of sheet, second stamp showing "Comma for O17+ O17
Stop" with stop mostly missing, of good colour and large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 280+. var 4* 150 (€ 135)
3358 4 d. deep mauve, optd. 'O.S.' in black, perf. 10 x 11½, a magnificent unused horizontal pair of
rich colour, right hand stamp with variety: "No Stop after S", fresh and fine, unmounted og.
Scarce and attractive multiple. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 295+. O17+ O17a ** 180 (€ 160)
3359 4 d. deep mauve, optd. 'O.S.' in black, perf. 10 x 11½, a fine unused example with variety
"Overprint Inverted" and positional variety "Tops of Letters Sliced Off", of good colour,
blunted perfs. at left and without gum but extremely scarce and possibly unique. Cert.
Ceremuga (2018) Gi = unpriced unused, £ 275 for 'normal' used. O17d (*) 250 (€ 225)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 111

 3360 3361 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3360 6 d. bright blue, optd. 'O.S.' in black, wmk. Broad Star, perf. 11½ x 10, a fine unused example
of deep colour, vareity "OS Overprint Inverted", a few nibbed perfs, fresh and fine, unused
without gum. Rare. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = listed but unpriced.
Note: Ceremuga: "Extremely rare - the first example in unused condition known to me". O18a (*) 500 (€ 450)
3361 1 s. red-brown, optd. 'O.S.' in black, wmk. Broad Star, perf. 11½ x 12½, a fine unused
example of good colour, variety "Overprint Inverted", large part og. A very rare stamp. Cert.
Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 700. O27a 4* 250 (€ 225)


3362 1876/80: 4 d. brick-red, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 10, overprinted O. S. in black, an
unused block of eight with margin at base, two affected by vertical crease but of good colour
and superb large part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 600+. O44h 4* 150 (€ 135)



3363 1891/96: 1 d. deep green, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 10, overprinted O. S. in black, a fine
unused block of four, first stamp with variety "Missing Stop after S", fresh and fine, large
part og. Gi = £ 320+. O54+ O54c 4* 100 (€ 90)
3364 2 d. orange-red, wmk. Crown / wide SA, perf. 15, optd. 'O.S.' in black, a fine unused
horizontal pair, variety "Overprint Double", second overprint diagonally struck, fresh and
fine, large part og. Extremely rare on unused (unpriced thus in Gibbons). Cert. Ceremuga
(2018) Gi = £ 180+ for used. O57a * 150 (€ 135)
112 229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018


3365 3367
 Gibbons Start price Start price
in CHF approx. €
3365 1891/99: 4 d. pale violet, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 10, overprinted O. S. in black, a fine
unused block of six, of good colour with large part og. A fresh and fine multiple Gi = £ 420+. O61 4* 150 (€ 135)
3366 4 d. slate-violet, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 13, overprinted O. S. in black, a fine unused
example with variety "O. S. Overprint Double", fresh and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 450. O69a * 180 (€ 160)
3367 4 d. violet optd. 'OS' in black, perf. 13, overprint shifted downwards, leaving one strike of
the 'OS' on each vertical pair, upper pair with horizontal crease not affecting the appearance,
fresh and fine, large part or unmmounted og. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 480+. O69 var 4*/** 200 (€ 180)

3368 1891/95: 2½ d. on 4 d. deep green, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 10, overprinted O. S. in
black, a fine unused block of eight, upper left stamp with variety "2 and ½ Closer Together",
fresh and fine, large part og., left hand block unmounted og. Gi = £ 470+. O71+ O71b 4*/** 150 (€ 135)

3369 3370 3371 3372

3369 1897/1901: 5 d. brown-purple, perf. 13, overprinted O. S. in black, a fine unused example
of good colour, centred to right, variety "No Stop after S", large part og. A very rare stamp
Gi = Listed but unpriced. O76a * 250 (€ 225)
3370 1899/1901: ½ d. yellow-green, optd. wide 'O.S.' in black, a fine unused example with
unlisted variety "Overprint Double" with second overprint shifted slightly upwards and
with slightly less inking, fresh and very fine, large part og. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = unlisted.
Note: Ceremuga: "Extremely rare - the first example known to me". O80 var * 250 (€ 225)
3371 1 d. rosine, optd. wide 'O.S.' in black, two rejoined used examples, showing variety
"Overprint Double", one normal, one diagonally misplaced, each stamp lightly cancelled in
black (used seperately and rejoined). The stamps with minor aging on perfs. but remarkable
and rare. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 950+. O81b 300 (€ 270)
3372 4 d. violet, optd. wide 'O.S.' in black, variety "No Stop after S" and the entire overprint
shifted and thus reading "S O.", fresh colour and fine, large part og. An extremely rare
variety. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 250+.
Note: Ceremuga: "Extremely rare combination - the only example known to me". O84b var * 150 (€ 135)
229 Corinphila Auction · 28 & 29 November 2018 113

General Official 'Long' Stamps

3373 3374

 Gibbons Start price Start price

in CHF approx. €
3373 1891: 2 s. 6 d. pale violet, wmk. Crown over SA sideways, perf. 10, overprinted O. S. in
black, a fine used example cancelled by part 'Adelaide GPO' cds in black (not c.t.o.), minor
bend at base otherwise fresh and very fine, a very rare stamp with just 60 printed. Signed
Tommy Allen. Cert. Ceremuga (2018) Gi = £ 5'500. O87 2'000 (€ 1'800)
3374 5 s. pale rose, overprinted "O.S." in block type in black (with large wide letters and round
'O'), made from the 'Postal Stationery' overprint typeface; wmk. Crown / narrow SA, perf.
10, a used example cancelled by 'Parcel P.O. Adelaide' cds in black (1891, probably August).
Minor wrinkles on partially remaining gum on reverse. Just 20 examples are believed to
have been overprinted: two were recorded in the Robson Lowe Encyclopædia (page 146),
there are now just four examples known. An extraordinary rarity. Cert. Ceremuga (2018).
Note: Priced in RL Encyclopædia at £ 30 (RL 101), the same as for SG O87, currently
catalogued at £ 6'000. O87 var 1'000 (€ 900)

3375 1874/1891: The collection, predominantly unused, with 1874/77 values including fine 2 s. crimson-
carmine, 1876/85 values with perf. 10 2 s. carmine in a horizontal pair; perf. 11½-12½ 4 d. violet-
slate, 4 d. mauve in a pair, 6 d. blue in a pair, 1 s. red-brown in a pair and a block of four; 2 s.
carmine in a pair; 1891/92 (surcharge Type 2) with multiples of the 1 s. value in various shades,
similar range for the 2 s. value; 1876/80 issue with 1 d. blue-green in a range of multiples including
a perf. 10 block of nine, 2 d. orange-red in a block of nine, 1882 ½ d. on 1 d. pair, 1891/96 2 d.
block of four and a pair with one stamp 'No. Stop' variety, 1891/99 bantam ½ d. brown in a block of
four, 2½ d. on 4 d. deep green in a pair with additional row of horizontal perforations etc. A highly
catalogued collection largely in premium quality throughout (210 items). O3/O85 4*/** 1'500 (€ 1'350)
3376 1856/1906: Collection with 1856 2 d. red used (3), 1858 2 d. orange-red in a used strip of three
and three single examples, 1858 rouletted 1 d. green pairs used (2), 2 d. red in a used strip of
three, 6 d. slate in a used pair and 1 s. orange in used pairs (3) and a strip of three, 1860/69 second
rouletted issue 1 d. green in an unused pair, 1867/70 perf. x rouletted 1 d. green unused (6, incl. a
pair) and used (7), 4 d. dull violet used, 6 d. blue used (6), 1 s. brown used (5); 1870/71 1 d. green
used (11 incl. a trimmed cover with two singles), 3 d. on 4 d. in red used (3), 3 d. on 4 d. bright
ultramarine unused and used (8), 4 d. unused (2), 6 d. blue unused and used (4), 1 s. chesnut
unused and two used pairs; 1870/73 1 d. green unused (4), 4 d. lilac unused (2) and used (5), 2
s. carmine unused and used; 1876/1900 with 3 d. on 4 d. unused (4) and used (4), 4 d. mauve
(shades) unused (7) and used (8), 6 d. blue unused (3) and used (5), 8 d. on 9 d. unused (7) and
used (9, one with double print variety), 9 d. rose-lilac unused (18 incl. a block of nine) and used
(10), 1 s. brown (shades) unused (17) and used (20), 2 s. carmine unused (9) and used (20, incl.
a block of six), 1879 6 d. perf. 10 unused and used (5); 1879/87 4 d. unused (17 incl. a block of
four) and used (17 incl. a double print), 6 d. unused (14) and used (17) 1 s. unused (4) and used
(6), 2 s. unused (7) and used (9); Government reprints overprinted in black (24 stamps); 1886/96
2 s. 6 d., 5 s. (2) and 10 s. unused and a SPECIMEN set to £ 20; 1891 2½ d. on 4 d. in a pane of
60 stamps with two stamps showing missing Fraction Bar variety etc. A generally fine lot with
much to attract the specialist (400+ items). 64* 1'200 (€ 1'080)

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