of Hong Kong and may affect the territory.
Strong wind is blowing or expected to blow generally in Hong
Kong near sea level, with a sustained speed of 41-62 kilometres
3 香港近海平面處現正或預料會普遍吹強風,持續風力達每
per hour (km/h), and gusts which may exceed 110 km/h, and
the wind condition is expected to persist.
小時 41 至 62 公里,陣風更可能超過每小時 110 公里,
且風勢可能持續。 警告信號
8 Gale or storm force wind is blowing or expected to blow
8 Hong Kong’s
generally in Hong Kong near sea level, with a sustained wind 香港近海平面處現正或預料會普遍受烈風或暴風從信號所
speed of 63-117 km/h from the quarter indicated and gusts 示方向吹襲,持續風力達每小時 63 至 117 公里,陣風更
which may exceed 180 km/h, and the wind condition is
Tropical Cyclone
可能超過每小時 180 公里,且風勢可能持續。
expected to persist.
may exceed 220 km/h.
注意事項 Standby
Important points to note
● 香港不同地區的天氣情況不能夠單憑發出的信號推斷。只知
• The weather in different parts of Hong Kong cannot be simply
inferred from the signal issued. Simply knowing what signal is 道發出了什麼信號並不足夠,你應該留意電台、電視台、天
issued is not enough. You should take note of the latest tropical 強風
文台網頁 ( 網址為、「我的天文台」流
cyclone information and related announcements broadcast on
動應用程式、以及「打電話問天氣」系統 ( 電話號碼:1878 Strong Wind
radio and TV, and given in the Hong Kong Observatory’s website
(, MyObservatory mobile app and Dial-a- 200) 所提供的熱帶氣旋最新消息及有關報告,然後就發出的
Weather system (Tel. No.: 1878 200) to decide on the actions to take 西北烈風或暴風
in response to the signal issued. 西北
• Tropical cyclone warning signals are to warn the public of the threat 發 出 熱 帶 氣 旋 警 告 信 號, 是 為 了 警 告 市 民 熱 帶 氣 旋 帶 來 的
Gale or Storm
buildings nearby, winds at your locality may be substantially
● 受地形或鄰近建築物影響,你所在區域的風力與香港普遍風 西南
different from the general wind strength over Hong Kong. Winds SW' LY
are often stronger over offshore waters and on high ground. Winds
勢可能有顯著差異。離岸海域及高地風力通常較強,不當風 SW
are less strong in areas sheltered from the prevailing wind direction. 的地區風力較弱。 Gale or Storm
• The Hong Kong Observatory provides the public with detailed
● 天文台透過多種途徑,特別是網頁和流動應用程式,向公眾 東北烈風或暴風
information on regional wind and rain through a diversity of 東北
channels, especially the website and mobile app. Members of the 提供各區風力及雨量的詳細資料。市民應該因應各自的具體 NE' LY
public should consider their own circumstances and level of 情況和可接受的風險水平,就警告採取適當的預防措施。 Gale or Storm
acceptable risk when taking precautions in response to warnings.
• When the No.1 signal is issued, you should take the tropical cyclone ● 1 號信號發出後,計劃活動時,要考慮熱帶氣旋的影響,並注 東南烈風或暴風
into account in planning your activities and beware that strong 意離岸海域可能有強風。 東南 SE' LY
winds may occur over offshore waters. SE
• When the No.3 signal is issued, secure all loose objects or take them ● 3 號信號發出後,應把所有容易被風吹動的物件綁緊或搬入室 Gale or Storm
indoors. Low-lying areas may have flooding or backflow of seawater 內。低窪地區可能受風暴潮影響而出現淹浸或海水倒灌,應遠
owing to storm surge. Stay away from dangerous places. Winds are 烈風或暴風風力增強
離危險地方。發出 3 號信號後,通常在 12 小時之內香港會普
normally expected to become generally strong in Hong Kong within Increasing
12 hours after this signal is issued. Winds over offshore waters and 遍吹強風,在離岸海域及高地的風力更可能達烈風程度。
on high ground may reach gale force. Gale or Storm
• When the No.8 signal is issued, complete all precautions before gales
● 8 號信號發出後,應在烈風吹襲前完成所有預防措施。8 號信
commence. Winds are normally expected to reach gale force generally 號取代 3 號信號後,通常在 12 小時之內香港普遍風力會達烈 颶風
in Hong Kong within 12 hours after No.8 signal replaces No.3 signal.
The Observatory will make a pre-No.8 special announcement
風程度。天文台會在預計發出 8 號信號之前的兩小時內發出 8 Hurricane
when the No.8 signal is expected within two hours. 號預警。
• When the No.9 or No.10 signal is issued, all precautions should be ● 發出 9 號或 10 號信號時,市民應已採取所有預防措施,並留
completed. Beware of change in wind directions. Stay indoors and
away from exposed windows and doors to avoid flying debris. 意風向轉變。這時切勿外出,並應遠離當風的門窗,以免被
熱帶氣旋途徑繪畫圖 西北
N 東北偏北
西W 東E
西南偏西 東南偏東
西南 東南
東經110˚E 東經115˚E 東經120˚E 東經125˚E SW SE
西南偏南 東南偏南
比例尺 Scale S
北緯30N 福州
20N Fuzhou 台北 熱帶氣旋按下表分類
10N 公里
Taibei / Taipei
200 400 600 800 kilometres
琉球群島 Tropical cyclones are classified as follows
ST 峽
北緯25˚N 北緯25˚N
RYUKYU ISLANDS 中心附近之最高持續風速(公里 / 小時)
AN 海
Maximum sustained winds near the centre (km/h)
IW 灣
中國 Xiamen
TA 台
廣州 熱帶低氣壓
China 62 或以下 or below
Guangzhou 汕尾 台灣 Tropical Depression
Shanwei TAIWAN 熱帶風暴
汕頭 63 – 87
陽江 Tropical Storm
Shantou 高雄
Yangjiang 香港 Gaoxiong 強烈熱帶風暴
河內 湛江 Hong Kong 88 – 117
Zhanjiang 澳門 巴斯海峽 Severe Tropical Storm
Ha Noi
118 – 149
海防 雷州 巴旦
Haiphong LEIZHOU 東沙 150 – 184
北緯20˚N 北緯20˚N Severe Typhoon
北部灣 巴林坦海峽 超強颱風
Super Typhoon
榆林 旋大致移動方向的情況,這與確定熱帶氣旋中心位置的困難及熱帶
Yulin 呂宋
g LUZON 氣旋本身移動方向及速度的短期波動有關。
Ho 碧瑤
m 熱帶氣旋移動方向及距離香港的方位均以十六點方位表示,因此報
西沙 fro Baguio
XISHA metr 告中的方位與實際方位可能相差達 11¼ 度。例如,一颱風中心位於
峴港 kilo
800 香港 79 至 101 度的任何方位,向 259 至 281 度任何方向移動,均
Da Nang 距 離 本港 8 0 0 公
里 馬尼拉
北緯15˚N Manila 北緯15˚N 可稱為“集結在香港以東…向西移動…。”這並非一定表示該颱風
南海 直趨香港,因其移動途徑與“直指香港”途徑之間可能相差達 22 度。
South China Sea When plotting the track of the centre of a tropical cyclone, it is
important to note that there may be short-term deviations from the
general direction of movement of the tropical cyclone on occasions.
This is due to difficulties in locating the centre of the tropical cyclone
and short-term fluctuations in the direction and speed of movement
胡志明市 of the tropical cyclone itself.
Ho Chi Minh City The direction towards which a tropical cyclone is moving and the
南沙 巴拉望
NANSHA PALAWAN bearing of its centre from Hong Kong are each given to the nearest
point of a 16-point compass bearing. Thus the actual bearing will be
within 11¼º of the reported value. For example, the centre of a
typhoon on any bearing between 79° and 101° and moving on any
東經110˚E 東經115˚E 東經120˚E 東經125˚E heading between 259° and 281° is said to be "centred......east of
Hong Kong and moving west......" It will be seen that this statement
does not necessarily mean that the centre is heading directly towards
2018 年 10 月 Hong Kong as its course could be as much as 22° off the path of
October 2018 direct hit.
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