1st Quarter MAPEH 8 Reviewer

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Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) 8  Originally, natural dyes used the following:

Reviewer o Insect Nests

o Indigo
MUSIC o Ebony Bark
 Batik is being created in the modern art through the
Indonesia following:
Slendro -Five (5) equidistant tones in o Hand drawn
octave o Using screen printing
o Using metal or wood
- A pentatonic tuning employed
for Javanese gamelans that  Relief wood carvings frequently adorns doors, walls, and
divides the octave into five windows and the motifs are flowers, vines, and plants.
roughly similar intervals  Wayang Kulit is a type of puppet shadow play performed
Slendro So-fa Syllables do-re-mi-so-la around the Indo-Malayan archipelago and according to
history, we can trace that this pupper-shadow play
Pelog One of the two scales in originated from India. Hindu Buddhist Tradition influenced
Gamelan music of Indonesia the traditional Indonesian puppet-shadow play. As students,
that has seven (7) notes we can make a Wayang Kulit puppet by following these
Heptatonic (7) tone scale with steps:
semi tone o 1st – Draw or trace the pattern of a character
Pelog So-fa Syllables do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si (BIMA) on cardstock or illustration board.
o 2nd – Cut off all the pieces of the puppet and paint
Southeast Asian Songs them
Title of the Place of Meter Function of o 3rd – Attach the main part of your puppet to a stick
Song Origin the Song using adhesive tape.
Rasa Sayang Malaysia Meter in 4 Happy Song  Traditional Cambodian textiles have been using natural
Chan Mali Singapore Meter in 2 Love Song dyes, and you can use crushed flowers and leaves to add the
most vibrant colors.
Burung Kaka Indonesia Meter in 3 Nonsense
 Merlion is one of the most popular icons in Singapore and
Tua Song
it was built for the following:
Loi Loi Thailand Meter in 4 Festival Song
Khathong o To have an icon
Ru Con Vietnam Meter in 2 Lullaby o For Tourism
Bahay Kubo Philippines Meter in 3 Folk Song o Because of Singaporean Legend and Folklore
 Wat Pho is a Buddhist temple complex in the Phra Nakhon
Instrumental Ensemble/Orchestra in Southeast Asia District, Bangkok, Thailand and it has the following
Country Ensemble/Orchestra elements:
1. Cambodia Pinpeat o It has length, width, and depth.
o It is a 3-dimensional art piece.
Mahori: Musical ensemble o It can be viewed from all perspective.
played by women in the courts
 Sihn is a simple elegant ankle-length skirt worn by Lao
of Cambodia.
2. Indonesia Gamelan
 Khorat is the Center of Silk Industry in Thailand where
3. Myanmar Hsaing Waing
Thai silk is produced.
4. Thailand Piphat
 Wau Kite is a Malaysian Kite wherein its wings are similar
Mahori: Musical ensemble to Arabic Letters.
played by women in the courts  Songkok or peci or kopiah is a cap widely worn in
of Central Thailand. Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Southern
5. Singapore Singaporean Orchestra Philippines, and Thailand.
General Characteristics of Southeast Asian Arts and Crafts
General Characteristics of Southeast Asian Music  The Southeast Asian Arts give livelihood to the people.
 Southeast Asian music uses the pentatonic and heptatonic  The Southeast Asian art reflects the culture and tradition of
scale. the people.
 The Southeast Asian music is diverse because of the  The Southeast Asian art attracts tourism and commerce.
different historical and cultural influences. Similarities of Philippine Arts and Other Countries of Southeast
 The Southeast Asian music is very modern and uses Asia
musical instruments from the Western countries.  We produce baskets, textiles, jars, and pottery.
 We have batik designs on Mindanao fabric.
Important Concepts in Southeast Asian Music  We have sculptures that attract tourist.
 The Samphor is a membranophone which is a double-
headed drum of Cambodia. Physical Education
 Filipinos inherit the Kulintangan and the Melismatic way of Physical Fitness: The capacity of an individual to function in every
singing from the people of Malaysia. way at one’s owns best without undue fatigue and still having
 Some of the Southeast Asian instruments that are reserved energy in times of emergency.
considered idiophones are Oneat, Chhing, and Kongvong.
 We as students can imitate the sound of a Gamelan Health-Related Fitness: Health-related physical fitness consists of
ensemble by using drum, agong, and kulintang. those components of physical fitness that have a relationship with
good health.
Cardiorespiratory/Cardiovascular Endurance
Southeast Asian Arts and Crafts  The ability to exercise your entire body for long
Arts/Crafts Country periods of time.
Krathong Festival Thailand  Refers to the ability of heart, lungs, and blood vessels
Wau Kite Malaysia to deliver the oxygen to the working muscles.
Merlion Singapore  Examples: Jogging, Walking, Swimming, Zumba, and
Silk Printing Vietnam 12-minute run test or Cooper Test.
Wayang Kulit Indonesia Body Composition
Metal Sculpture of Asean Brunei  Is the percentage of body weight that is made up of fat
Songkok Brunei when compared to other body tissue, such as bone and
Relief Wood Carving Malaysia muscle. Refers to the proportion of fat you have, relative to
Wat Pho Thailand lean tissue (muscles, bones, body water, organs, etc).
Bul-ol Philippines  Four (4) Component Model: Body Water, Muscles, Bones,
and Fats
 Body Mass Index Formula:
Important Concepts in Southeast Asian Arts
Flexibility Dimensions of One’s Personality
 The ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of  Physical Self - The way you look as a man or woman.
motion.  Mental Self - The way you think as a man or woman.
 Ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an  Social Self- The way you interact with others.
unrestricted, pain free range of motion.  Emotional Self - The way you feel about yourself and
 Examples: Stretching, Sit and Reach, and Zipper Test. others.
 Ethical Self - The way you value relationships.
Muscular Strength
 Refers to the muscle’s ability to generate force against Media – A factor that influences your sexuality and affects your
physical objects. decision -making and exposure to social media.
 The amount of force your muscles can produce.
 The amount of force you can put out or the amount of Refusal Skills – It is way to say “NO” to something that you do not
weight you can lift. want to do.
 Examples: Heel Raise, Half Kneel, and Half Squat.
 It is important to understand human sexuality because it
Muscular Endurance will help us a better relationship with ourselves and
 The ability to use your muscles many times without tiring. others.
 Refers to the ability of a given muscle to exert force,
consistently and repetitively, over a period.  The most important reason why we need to understand
 Muscular endurance is the ability of your muscle or muscle human sexuality in dealing with peers is to maintain
groups to withstand repeated contractions for an extended harmonious relationship by understanding one’s
period. attitude.

Skill-Related Fitness  Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and vape, and taking
 Skill related fitness is defined as working out with a goal of drugs ARE BAD AND ILLEGAL. ABSTINENCE of
improving a specific skill. these is the best way to protect yourself.
 Skill- or performance-related fitness involves skills that
will enhance one’s performance in athletic or sports events.  To avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) the
Agility following safety measures should be done:
 Ability to change the position of your body quickly and to o Limit nightlife and get enough rest
control body’s movements. o Research more about the different sexually
 Ability to change direction quickly using a combination of transmitted diseases (STDs)
balance, coordination, speed, strength, and endurance. o Avoiding people from contracting his or her
Balance bodily fluids especially blood.
 Balance is the ability to keep an upright posture while
standing still or moving.  Possible Dangers in a Teenager Engages in Sexual
 The ability to maintain the equilibrium while in a Activity
stationary or moving position. o Loss of Virginity
Coordination o Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs0 and Early
 The ability to use the senses with the body parts Pregnancy
to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately. o Loss of self-respect
 The ability to select the right muscle at the right time with
proper intensity to achieve proper action.
 Understanding human sexuality is important in creating a
healthy attitude towards your family because it builds a
 The ability to use strength and speed.
strong relationship with your parents and siblings.
 The ability to transfer energy into force at a fast rate.
 The ability to exert force in the short possible time.
Reaction Time
 The amount of time it takes to move once you realize the
need to act.
 Time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning
of reaction to the stimulus.
 The ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a
short period of time.
 The ability to perform a movement in a short period
of time.

 Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life.
 It is everything about being a male or female.
 It is the most important aspect of masculine or feminine
 It involves the name given at birth, the toys played with, the
clothes worn, the friends play with, the roles and
responsibilities at home.
 The biological basis of being male and female.
Human Sexuality
 The quality of being male or female. It is the way in which
we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings.
 A social concept on how men and women should think,
feel, and act. It refers to the feminity or masculinity of a
person’s role and behavior as defined by society.
Gender Equality
 Permits men and women equal enjoyment of human rights.

Gender Role
 Refers to set of rules, characteristics, and expectations of
how a man or woman should feel, think, and act as
influenced by parents, peers, and society.

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