Prelim PH Lit
Prelim PH Lit
Prelim PH Lit
To foretell the destiny of a nation, it is necessary to open the book that Time frames may not be necessary in a study of literature, but since
tells of her past. –Jose Rizal literature and history are inescapably related it has become facilitative to map up a
Hence it is, that to understand the real spirit of a nation, one must “trace system which will aid us in delineating certain time.
the little rills as they course along down the ages, broadening and deepening into The Period of Re-orientation 1898-1910
the great ocean of though which men of the present source are presently The Period of Imitation 1910-1925
exploring”. The Period of Self-Discovery 1925-1941
Japanese Period 1941-1945
LITERATURE (from the Latin word Littera meaning “letters” and referring to an The Rebirth of Freedom 1946-1970
acquaintance with the written word) is the written work of a specific culture, Period of Activism 1970-1972
subculture, religion, philosophy. It is the study of written work which may appear Period of New Society 1972-1981
in poetry or in prose. In order to know the history of a nations spirit, one must read Period of the Third Republic 1981-1985
its literature. Contemporary Period 1986
Brother Azurin, said that “literature expresses the feelings of people to society, to POETRY
the government, to his surroundings, to his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator.” DEFINITION: Form of art in which language is used for its evocative and aesthetic
The expression of one’s feelings, according to him, may be through love, sorrow, qualities in addition to its apparent meaning.
happiness, hatred, anger, pity, contempt, or revenge. ORIGIN: It originates from the Latin word “poeta” that means poet.
PRIMARY GOAL: For selling the language itself as music.
In Panitikang Pilipino written by Atienza, Ramos, Salazar and Naval, it says that
“true literature is a piece of written work which is undying. It expresses the feelings PROSE
and emotions of people in response to his everyday efforts to live, to be happy in DEFINITION: The most general form of written language that is not
his environment and, after struggles, to reach his Creator.” used for formal patterns of a verse.
ORIGIN: From the Latin word “prosa” which means “straight forward”.
Why do we need to study Philippine Literature? PRIMARY GOAL: For sharing information.
To better appreciate our literary heritage.
To appreciate something that we do not understand. Prose consists of those written within the common flow of conversation in
To trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us from our forefathers. sentences and paragraphs, while poetry refers to those expressions in verse, with
To understand ourselves better and take pride in being a Filipino. measure and rhyme, line and stanza and has a more melodious tone.
Our writers have yet to write their OPUS MAGNUMS (magnum opus or a large and TYPES OF PROSE
important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most 1. ANECDOTES - Merely products of the writer’s imagination and the aim is to
important work of an artist or writer). bring out lessons to the reader. Ex. The Moth and the Lamp
2. ESSAY - Expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a particular
3. BIOGRAPHY - Deals with the life of a person which may be about himself, his Oral lore or “oral tradition” is a form of human communication wherein
autobiography of that of others.Ex. Cayetano Arrelano by Socorro O. Albert knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material is received, preserved and transmitted
4. NEWS - This is a report of everyday events is society, government, science, orally from one generation to another. The transmission is through speech or song
industry, and accidents. or may include folktales, ballads, chants, prose or verses.
5. ORATION - A formal treatment of a subject and is intended to be spoken in In this way, it is possible for a society to transmit oral history, oral
public. It appeals to intellect, to the will or to the emotions of the audience. literature, oral law and other oral knowledge across generations without a writing
system, or in parallel to a writing system.
1. NARRATIVE POETRY - (describes important events in life either real or Pre-colonial Literature
imaginary) The variety and abundance of Philippine literature evolved even before
2. LYRIC POETRY - (meant to be sung to the accompaniment of a lyre, but now, this the colonial period. Folks, tales, epics, poems, and marathon chants existed in
applies to any type of poetry that expresses emotions and feelings) most ethno-linguistic groups that were passed on from generation to generation
3. DRAMATIC POETRY through word of mouth. Some of these pre- colonial literary pieces showcased in
4. EPIC - (extended narrative about heroic exploits often supernatural control) Ex: traditional narratives, speeches and songs are “tigmo” in Cebuano, “bugtong” in
The Harvest of Aliguyon tagalog “potototdon” in Bicol and “paktakon” in Ilongo.
5. SONNET - (14-line poem) Ex: Santang Buds by Alfonso P. Santos
6. COMEDY - COMEDY (comes from Greek term “komos” meaning festivity or Philippine epics and folk tales are varied and filled with magical characters. They
revelry. Written with a purpose of amusing) are either narratives of mostly mythical objects, persons or certain places, or epics
7. METRICAL TALE - (narrative written in verse and can be classified as a ballad or telling supernatural events and bravery of heroes, customs and ideologies of a
metrical romance. Ex: Hero of the Fields community. Pre-colonial inhabitants of our islands showcase a rich past through
8. ELEGY - (expresses feelings of grief and melancholy, and whose theme is death) their folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives and indigenous rituals and mimetic
Ex: The Lover’s Death by Ricardo Demetillo dances and affirm our ties with our Southeast Asian neighbors.
9. MELODRAMA (used in musical plays with the opera. This is related to tragedy
just as farce is to comedy) 1. RIDDLES
10. BALLADS (considered as the shortest and simplest and has simple structure •Made up of one or more measured lines with rhymes and may consist of 4 to 12
and tells a single incident) Ex: The Harvest of Aliguyon syllables
•Showcase the Filipino wit, literary talent, and keen observation of the
•Involves reference to one or two images that symbolize the characteristics of an
unknown object that is used to be guessed
Kay lapit lapit na sa mata di mo parin
makita. TAINGA a short poem composed of four lines having its meter and rhyme. The
Araw-araw nabubuhay taon-taon namamatay. KALENDARYO recitation of a loa is participated by two groups of boys and girls who are refuting
May paa’y walang baywang may likod walang tyan. UPUAN/ SALUMPUWIT in a form of poetry.
Hindi hayop, hindi tao, pumupulupot sa tyan mo. SINTURON EXAMPLE:
Itapon mo kahit saan bumabalik sa pinanggalingan. YOYO Rosas, rosas nga kamantigue
Lumabas, pumasok dala-dala ay panggapos. KARAYOM Soltero nga waay nobya, agi.
Wala sa langit wala sa lupa kung tumakbo ay patihaya. BANGKA
Sa buhatan ay may silbi sa igiban ay walang sinabi. BANGKA BASKET/BAYONG Bulak, bulak sang tangkong
Maliit na parang sibat sandata ng mga pantas. PLUMA/PANULAT Dalaga nga wala sang nobyo,
Bulak na bibitin-bitin, di puwedeng balutin. ULAP bingkong.
Dugtong-dugtong nagkakarugtong tanikalang umuugong. TREN
Tapakan ko central, gupi
2. PROVERBS Guwa kalamay, puti.
• Proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that
expresses a truth based on common sense or experience. They are often Didto sa Bohol
metaphorical. May isa ka lalaki nga manol
• These have been customarily used and served as laws or rules on good behavior Panawag sa kasilyas, City Hall.
by our ancestors. To others, these are like allegories or parables that impart
lessons for the young ones. 4. FOLK SONGS
Examples of Proverbs • A form of folk lyric which expresses the people’s hopes, aspirations and lifestyle.
A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound. People gain • Repetitive and sonorous, didactic and naive.
strength by standing together. • Traditional songs and melodies.
It is hard to wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. While it is • Inspired by the reaction of the people to their environment.
easy to tell people something they do not know, it is much harder if they are Examples of Folk Songs
willfully choosing not to see what is before them. •Uyayi-lullaby
•Kumintang-war song
3. LO-A •Kundiman-melancholic love song
a folk tradition that mirrors the Ilonggo’s folks’ creative or poetic intuition. •Mambayu-Kalingarice-pounding song
It encapsulates in a single form the workings of the creative mind of the Ilonggo •Subli-dance ritual song of courtship or marriage
folks or the common tao – the ordinary souls that one may meet in his daily •Tagulaylay-songs of the dead
existence; housewives, farmers, “istambays”, laborers, teachers, even students.
Ordinary as they are, their lo-a is a proof of an extraordinary mind whose creativity 5. MYTHS AND LEGENDS
flows spontaneously from the soul. Mythology, body of myths of a particular culture, and also the study and
interpretation of myth. It is a complex cultural phenomenon that can be
approached from a number of viewpoints. In general, myth is a narrative that • The Agyu or Olahing of the Manobos is a three-part epic that starts with
describes and portrays in symbolic language, the origin of the basic elements and the pahmara(invocation) then the kepu’unpuun (a narration of the past and the
assumptions of a culture. sengedurog (an episode complete itself). All three parts narrate the exploits of the
Mythic narrative relates for example, how the world began, how humans hero as he leads his people who have been driven out of their land.
and animals are created, and how certain customs gestures, or forms of human • Sandayo of the Subanon tells of the story of the hero with the same
activities originated. name who is born through extraordinary circumstances as he fell out of the hair of
Myths from Different Regions of the his mother while she was combing it on the ninth stroke.
Philippines: The Gods and Goddesses (Ilocos), Why There is a High Tide during a • Aliguyon or the Hudhud of the Ifugaos tells the adventures of Aliguyon
Full Moon (Ibanag), Why the Dead Come Back No More as he battles his arch enemy, Pambukhayon among rice fields and terraces and
(Ifugao), Mag-asawang Tubig(Tagalog), How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be instructs his people to be steadfast and learn the wisdom of warfare and of
(Bukidnon-Mindanao) peacemaking during harvest season.
Traditional narratives or collection of related narratives, popularly
historically factual but actually a mixture of fact and fiction. The medieval Latin
word “legenda” means “things for reading”. A legend is a set of a specific place at a LESSON 3: SPANISH PERIOD
specific time; the subject is often a heroic historical personage. SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD
A legend differs from a myth by portraying human hero rather than one • Spanish colonization of the Philippines started in 1565 during the time
who is god. Legends, originally oral, have been developed into literary of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the
masterpieces. Legends are stories of real people who are famous for doing Philippines. Literature started to flourish during his time. The spurt continued
something brave or extraordinary. unabated until the Cavite Revolt in 1872. The Spaniards colonized the Philippines
Examples of Legends from the Philippines for more than three centuries.
The Legend of the Sleeping Beauty (Kalinga) • Magellan conquered and sought alliances among
Legend of the Dama de Noche indigenous Filipinos beginning with Datu Zula, the chieftain of Sugbu (now Cebu)
Legend of the Banana Plant • Magellan’s expedition got involved in the political rivalries between Cebuano
Legend of the Firefly natives and took part in a battle against Lapu-Lapu chieftain of Mactan Island.
Spanish colonial period
Manila, Philippines - Urbana lives in Manila, a busy city with lots of trade and
Paombong, Bulucan Felisa and Honesto remain in their hometown of
Paombong, a municipality in Bulacan province, north of Manila. This town
represents a more rural setting compared to Manila, where traditional values
and family ties are strong.
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