FlyHigh7 - Planning - Lesson Plans - Unit2
FlyHigh7 - Planning - Lesson Plans - Unit2
FlyHigh7 - Planning - Lesson Plans - Unit2
Competência estratégica *18. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities and a quiz about
- Utilizar conhecimentos prévios da word formation.
língua e a sua experiência pessoal 19. Doing exercises about word formation (exercises A, B, C); checking the answers. -
para fazer previsões de sentido e - Coursebook, page 72
comunicar de forma simples; - Interactive
- Preparar, repetir e memorizar uma grammar/Activity/Quiz
apresentação oral com confiança e 20. Reading a letter to participate in a contest and putting the parts of the letter in the - Grammar notes, page 195
criatividade; correct order (exercise A); checking the answers.
21. Writing a letter following this type of text structure (guidelines) and the model text in A - Workbook, page 32
- Reconhecer diferentes estratégias
de comunicação nas fases de (exercise B).
planificação, realização e avaliação -
das atividades comunicativas e *26. Project – House for birds: looking at a cartoon and answering questions about it - Coursebook, page 73
escolher a mais apropriada; (exercise A); reading a text and giving opinion about the project presented in the text –
- Pedir e dar informações; pair work (exercises B, C).
*27. Making bird houses, according to the given guidelines/steps (exercise D).
- Pensar criticamente;
*28. The teacher may suggest that students make bird feeders as well. -
- Trabalhar e colaborar em pares e
*29. The teacher may show the students videos – How to build a DIY bird house using a - Coursebook, page 74
pequenos grupos;
PVC pipe/How to make a feeder from a plastic bottle – with some ideas to build - Link – How to build a DIY bird
- Comunicar eficazmente em
birdhouses and bird feeders. house using a PVC pipe
- Utilizar a literacia tecnológica para - Link – How to make a feeder
*30. The teacher can ask students to solve an interactive test on the subunit and a quiz from a plastic bottle
comunicar e aceder ao saber em
on the unit.
31. Doing all the exercises on “Checkpoint 1”, so that students become aware of what
- Desenvolver e participar em
they know and what they need to revise. They can fill in the checklist “Now I know…”
projetos e atividades
interdisciplinares; -
©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File 9