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1 ©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File

Lesson Plan | Unit 2 | Sub-unit 2.1

• Unit 2 (Subunit 2.1) – No place like home! – Get it done! (pp. 48-57)
Household chores | Present continuous | Present simple and Present CLASS: 7th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR:
LESSONS No. Summary: Vocabulary: household chores; Reading: “Break the ice” – comic strip; “Bike washing machine”: listening to and reading a text;
comprehension exercises; Reading and watching: “The Jetsons - Back to the future” – exercises; Listening: different opinions about chores; “Look
DATE: around you!” – Japanese students clean their classrooms: critical thinking; Writing: describing daily chores.
CLASSES: 6 Grammar: present continuous – exercises; present simple and present continuous - exercises.
Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
- Household chores Competência Comunicativa 1. Interactive vocabulary bank: teacher may use this in class or ask students to do it at - Students’
Compreensão oral home to practise vocabulary and pronunciation. - involvement; oral
Listening - Seguir instruções detalhadas dadas *2. Before doing the exercises on vocabulary, the teacher may show the flashcards on - Interactive vocabulary bank participation
- Different opinions pelo professor; Household chores to the students and ask them if they remember some - Digital flashcards – Household - Feedback from
about chores - Identificar o conteúdo principal dowords/expressions. The teacher can also show the poster Daily routine and chores. chores students’ speech
que se ouve e vê, os intervenientes3. Household chores: matching expressions to make household chores (exercise A); - Poster – Daily routine and
Reading e a sequência do discurso, assim checking the answers (exercise B); looking at the pictures and writing the household chores
- Household chores como informações específicas. chores (exercise C); checking the answers. - Coursebook, pages 48-49
4. Labelling pictures with household chores given (exercise D); checking the answers. - Track 30 (CD 1)
Writing Compreensão escrita *5. The teacher may show the students a video where they can see some robots in - Vocabulary notes, page 180
- Describing daily chores - Compreender textos narrativos action – Robots in action. - Workbook, page 20
sobre temas abordados no domínio 6. Answering a quiz – Do you like doing household chores? - Fast & Curious, page 77
intercultural; 7. Creating a domestic robot and talking about it in class. - Video – Robots in action
- Identificar informação essencial em *8. The teacher can ask students to draw a picture of their robot and show it to their
textos adaptados de jornais e classmates.
*9. Reading a comic strip and ticking sentences true or false, according to the strip –
Produção oral “Break the ice” (exercise A); checking the answers.
10. Reading, listening to, reading and watching the animation of an online article: “Bike -
- Falar sobre os temas explorados:
situações quotidianas. washing machine” (exercise B); students listen; teacher clarifies unknown words; students - Coursebook, pages 50-51
may read it aloud. - Tracks 31-32 (CD 1)
Interação oral *11. The teacher can show the students the video Chinese students use bicycle to power - Link - Chinese students use
- Entender e trocar ideias em washing machine. bicycle to power washing
situações quotidianas previsíveis; 12. Matching headings to text paragraphs (exercise C); finding synonyms in the text; saying machine
- Iniciar, manter ou terminar uma if the sentences are right or wrong, according to the article; answering questions about the
conversa breve. text (exercises C, D. E); checking the answers.
*13. Discussing some ideas (pair work) on the bike washing machine (exercise F). Sharing
Interação escrita opinions in class.
- Interagir de forma simples,
completando mensagens e textos *14. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities with present
curtos. continuous; analysing a poster on the verb tense.
2 ©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File

Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Produção escrita 15. Doing some revision on the present continuous of verbs and on the spelling rules of the - Coursebook, pages 52-53
- Escrever sobre objetos. -ing form (SAVE); listening to and singing Hip-hop grammar (including karaoke version) - Grammar notes, page 191
about present continuous rules; solving exercises and checking the answers (exercises A, B, - PowerPoint® - Present
Competência intercultural C, D). continuous
- Reconhecer realidades *16. The teacher can ask students to sing the karaoke version of the song “Radioactive”, by - Poster – Present Continuous
interculturais distintas; Imagine Dragons. - Interactive
- Conhecer, com algum pormenor, o *17. Doing a quiz on the present continuous. grammar/Activity/Quiz
seu meio e identidade; - Track 33 (CD 1)
- Estabelecer comparações entre as - Karaoke – Hip-hop grammar:
suas vivências e as dos outros; present continuous rules
- Falar sobre atividades de lazer do - Track 34 (CD 1) – song
seu meio cultural por oposição a “Radioactive”, by Imagine
outras culturas, incluindo a anglo- Dragons
-saxónica; - Karaoke - song “Radioactive”, by
- Comparar tipos de habitação em Imagine Dragons
diferentes países; - Workbook, pages 21-22
- Identificar alguns estados e cidades
importantes nos Estados Unidos da
América; 18. Reading, listening to, reading and watching the animation of the text “The Jetsons –
- Reconhecer, compreender e back to the future” (exercise A); students listen; teacher clarifies unknown words; students
explicar exemplos concretos de may read it aloud. -
atitudes de tolerância e respeito *19. The teacher can show the students the video The Jetsons and 7 technology from “The - Coursebook, page 54
intercultural. Jetsons” that actually exist today. - Text animation
20. Writing the names of the characters of the TV show according to the description in the - Tracks 35-36 (CD 1)
Competência estratégica text; choosing correct information; identifying the household chores in the video (exercises - Video – The Jetsons
- Utilizar conhecimentos prévios da B, C, D); checking the answers. - Link – 7 technology from “The
língua e a sua experiência pessoal Jetsons” that actually exist
para fazer previsões de sentido e today
comunicar de forma simples; *21. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities with present simple
- Preparar, repetir e memorizar uma and present continuous
22. Doing and correcting exercises on present simple and present continuous (exercises A,
apresentação oral com confiança e
B, C); checking the answers. -
- Reconhecer diferentes estratégias - Coursebook, page 55
de comunicação nas fases de - Grammar notes, page 191
23. Listening to a podcast and answering questions about it (exercises A, B, C); checking the - Workbook, pages 23-34
planificação, realização e avaliação
das atividades comunicativas e
escolher a mais apropriada;
- Pedir e dar informações;
*24. Watching a video – Japanese students clean their classrooms – “Look around you!” – -
- Pensar criticamente;
and discussing ideas (pair work) about the video – critical thinking. - Coursebook, page 56
- Trabalhar e colaborar em pares e
*25. The teacher can show the students a funny video – Kids doing chores. - Tracks 37-38 (CD 1)
pequenos grupos;
- Comunicar eficazmente em
contexto; -
- Coursebook, page 56
©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File 3

Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

- Utilizar a literacia tecnológica para - Video – Japanese students clean
comunicar e aceder ao saber em 25. Reading text messages and identifying the family members in the SMS with the chores their classrooms
contexto; they’re doing (exercises A, B); checking the answers. - Link – Kids doing chores
- Desenvolver e participar em 26. Writing a text message describing daily chores, following the guidelines given.
projetos e atividades
- Desenvolver o aprender a aprender -
em contexto e aprender a regular o - Coursebook, page 57
processo de aprendizagem. - Interactive test – Get it done!

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File/English for all

Review worksheets – Grammar: 10 – Present continuous (page 107); “Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 4 – Household chores (page 121); Grammar: 6 – Present continuous
(page 135); Grammar: 7 – Present simple and present continuous (page 136); Focus on skills and language – Vocabulary: 3 – Household chores and types of houses (page 224);
Grammar 4 – Present simple and present continuous (page 254); Songs & films that teach: Present simple and present continuous (page 299);
Assessment: Minitest 4 – subunit 2.1 (page 427);
English for all (pages 27-29)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank and the Vocabulary notes and
Grammar notes by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
4 ©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File

Lesson Plan | Unit 2 | Sub-unit 2.2

• Unit 2 (Subunit 2.2) – No place like home! – Home alone! (pp. 58-65)
Types of houses | Rooms and parts of the house | Plural of nouns | Personal CLASS: 7th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR:
pronouns - object
LESSONS No. Summary: Vocabulary: types of houses and rooms and parts of the house; Reading: “Break the ice” – watching a video – Celebrity houses; listening
to and reading the text “Suzy from the block”; comprehension exercises; Watching a video: Welcome to “Sheeranville” – exercises; Speaking:
DATE: comparing houses.
CLASSES: 6 Grammar: plural of nouns – exercises; personal pronouns: object – exercises.
Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
- Types of houses Competência Comunicativa 1. Interactive vocabulary bank: teacher may use this in class or ask students to do it at - Students’
- Rooms and parts of the Compreensão oral home to practise vocabulary and pronunciation. - involvement; oral
house - Seguir instruções detalhadas dadas *2. Before doing the exercises on vocabulary, the teacher may show the flashcards on - Interactive vocabulary bank participation
pelo professor; Types of houses and Rooms and parts of the house to the students and ask them if they - Digital flashcards – Types of - Feedback from
Listening/Watching - Identificar o conteúdo principal do remember some words/expressions. houses/Rooms and parts of the students’ speech
- Types of houses que se ouve e vê, os intervenientes 3. Types of houses: identifying types of house from film and TV series sets (exercise A); house
e a sequência do discurso, assim checking the answers; talking about one’s favourite house and justifying that choice. - Coursebook, pages 58-59
Reading como informações específicas. 4. Rooms and parts of the house: labelling pictures with the correct rooms (exercise A); - Vocabulary notes, page 180
- Types of houses/rooms writing more rooms in the house; reading clues and writing parts of the house and - Workbook, pages 25-26
and parts of the house Compreensão escrita matching parts of the house with their description (exercises C, D); checking the answers. - Video – Types of houses (films
- Compreender textos narrativos *5. The teacher may show the students two videos: one called Types of houses (films and and TV series set tour)
Speaking sobre temas abordados no domínio TV series set tour) and another one where they can see the set of the TV series On my - Video – On my block: behind
- Comparing houses intercultural; block, after asking if they know it and explore the vocabulary about parts and rooms in a the scenes
- Identificar informação essencial em house. - Quiz – Types of houses/Parts of
textos adaptados de jornais e *6. Students can play Ping-Pong while doing exercise B (see Games section). the house
revistas. *7. While doing exercises C and D, the teacher can ask the students to categorise the - Games section (TRF)
parts of the house according to inside/outside/both.
Produção oral
- Falar sobre os temas explorados:
situações quotidianas. *8. Watching a video – Celebrity houses – “Break the ice”; sharing one’s opinion on the
favourite house. -
Interação oral 9. Reading, listening to and watching the animation of the blog post “Suzy from the - Coursebook, pages 60-61
- Entender e trocar ideias em block!” (exercise B); students listen; teacher clarifies unknown words; students may read it - Tracks 39-40 (CD 1)
situações quotidianas previsíveis; aloud. - Text animation
- Iniciar, manter ou terminar uma 10. Choosing the correct options; linking phrases to make true sentences; answering - Video – Celebrity houses
conversa breve. questions about the text (exercises C, D, E); checking the answers.
*11. To revise the verb there + to be, the teacher can ask the students to write sentences
Interação escrita about what there is/there isn’t in the house of one of the celebrities from the texts.
- Interagir de forma simples, *12. The teacher may ask the students to suggest changes to the text about Drake's
completando mensagens e textos mansion or to make it about one of their friends' or relatives' house.
©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File 5

Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Produção escrita *13. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities about the plural of
- Escrever sobre objetos. nouns.
14. Doing some revision on the rules to form plural nouns; solving exercises and checking -
Competência intercultural the answers (exercises A, B). - Coursebook, page 62
- Reconhecer realidades - Interactive grammar/Activity
interculturais distintas; - Grammar notes, page 192
- Conhecer, com algum pormenor, o - Workbook, page 27
seu meio e identidade; *15. Watching a video – Welcome to “Sheeranville” – and answering questions related to
- Estabelecer comparações entre as it; checking the answers.
suas vivências e as dos outros; -
- Falar sobre atividades de lazer do
- Coursebook, page 63
seu meio cultural por oposição a
outras culturas, incluindo a anglo- *16. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities with personal - Video – Sheeranville (parts 1-2)
-saxónica; pronouns - object.
- Comparar tipos de habitação em 17. Doing some revision on personal pronouns - object; solving exercises and checking the
diferentes países; answers (exercises A, B, C). -
- Identificar alguns estados e cidades - Coursebook, page 64
importantes nos Estados Unidos da - Interactive grammar/Activity
América; - Grammar notes, page 193
- Reconhecer, compreender e 18. Speaking: comparing houses – listening to, watching the video and reading two texts:
- Workbook, page 28
explicar exemplos concretos de “Unusual places to live in”; completing a table with information about the characters’
atitudes de tolerância e respeito houses (exercises A, B); checking the answers.
intercultural. 19. Complete the table in exercise B with one’s unusual house features; preparing a
description of that house and presenting it to class (exercises C, D). -
Competência estratégica *20. The teacher can ask the students to vote their favourite house, from their classmates’ -Coursebook, page 65
- Utilizar conhecimentos prévios da descriptions. -Tracks 1-2 (CD 2)
língua e a sua experiência pessoal *21. To prepare the students to the speaking task (exercise D), the teacher can take some
-Video – Comparing houses (with
para fazer previsões de sentido e of the key phrases and ask students to play a game like Running sentences or Telephone
play modes)
comunicar de forma simples; (see Games section).
- Preparar, repetir e memorizar uma *22. The teacher can ask the students to build scale models and to run an exhibition at
-Speaking cards set – unit 2
school with them.
apresentação oral com confiança e -Games section (TRF)
*23. For alternative speaking production practice, the teacher can use the speaking cards
criatividade; -Workbook – Top speaker, pages
- Reconhecer diferentes estratégias 90-91
de comunicação nas fases de - Interactive test – Home alone!
planificação, realização e avaliação
das atividades comunicativas e
escolher a mais apropriada;
- Pedir e dar informações;
- Pensar criticamente;
- Trabalhar e colaborar em pares e
pequenos grupos;
- Comunicar eficazmente em
6 ©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File

Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

- Utilizar a literacia tecnológica para
comunicar e aceder ao saber em
- Desenvolver e participar em
projetos e atividades
- Desenvolver o aprender a aprender
em contexto e aprender a regular o
processo de aprendizagem.

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File/English for all

Review worksheets – Grammar: 1 – Personal pronouns – object (page 98); 5 – Plural of nouns (page 102); “Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 5 – Types of houses; Rooms and
parts of the house (page 122); Grammar: 8 – Plural of nouns (page 137); 9 – Personal pronouns – object (page 138); Focus on skills and language – Reading: Unit 2 (page 166);
Vocabulary: 3 – Household chores and types of houses (page 224); 4 – Rooms, parts of the house and furniture (page 227); Grammar: 5 – Plural of nouns (page 256); 6 – Personal pronouns
– object (page 258); Assessment: Minitest 5 – subunit 2.2 (page 428);
English for all (pages 20-24).

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank and the Vocabulary notes and
Grammar notes by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File 7

Lesson Plan | Unit 2 | Sub-unit 2.3

• Unit 2 (Subunit 2.3) – Just the way you are! – Zoom in your room! (pp. 66-77)
CLASS: 7th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR:
Furniture | Prepositions of place | Word formation | The USA
LESSONS No. Summary: Vocabulary: furniture; Watching: Dream house with a zip line and a slide; The USA – Instafly; Reading: “What does your bedroom say
about you?”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises; Listening: My favourite room in the house. Writing: describing your dream
DATE: bedroom; Project: house for birds; “Checkpoint”.
CLASSES: 6 Grammar: prepositions of place – exercises; word formation – exercises.
Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
- Furniture Competência Comunicativa 1. Interactive vocabulary bank: teacher may use this in class or ask students to do it at - Students’
Compreensão oral home to practise vocabulary and pronunciation. - involvement; oral
Listening - Seguir instruções detalhadas dadas
*2. Before doing the exercises on vocabulary, the teacher may show the flashcards on - Interactive vocabulary bank participation
- My favourite room in pelo professor; Furniture to students and ask them if they remember some words/expressions. - Digital flashcards – Furniture - Feedback from
the house 3. Furniture: unscrambling letters to make furniture words (exercise A); checking the
- Identificar o conteúdo principal do - Poster – House and furniture students’ speech
que se ouve e vê, os intervenientes - Quiz – Furniture - Assessment
Reading e a sequência do discurso, assim *4. The teacher may show the video IKEA Hooray! to the students, before doing exercise - Coursebook, page 66
- Describing one’s como informações específicas. A to introduce/revise vocabulary. The students can also watch the video and write down - Fast & Curious, page 77
bedroom as many pieces of furniture as they can while they appear in the video. They can work in - Vocabulary notes, page 181
Compreensão escrita pairs and the pair with more correct words wins. - Workbook, pages 29-30
Writing - Compreender textos narrativos *5. The teacher may show the poster House and furniture and ask students about its - Video – IKEA Hooray! To the
- Describing your dream sobre temas abordados no domínio vocabulary. wonderful everyday
bedroom intercultural;
- Identificar informação essencial em 6. Watching the video Dream house with a zip line and a slide and answering questions
Intercultural Domain textos adaptados de jornais e about it (exercises A, B, C); checking the answers.
*7. Asking students to explore Instafly to get to know more about the USA. -
- The USA revistas.
- Coursebook, page 67
Produção oral - Video - Dream house with a zip
- Falar sobre os temas explorados: line and a slide (parts 1-2)
situações quotidianas. *8. Before the pre-reading task, the teacher can explain to the students that the video is - Instafly, pages 5-7
from Do not enter diaries, a website on which two friends from New York post videos of
Interação oral teens sharing what is special about their bedrooms.
- Entender e trocar ideias em *9. Watching a video – Do not enter diaries - and answering questions on one’s bedroom -
(pair work) – “Break the ice” (exercise A); sharing with the rest of the class. - Coursebook, pages 68-69
situações quotidianas previsíveis;
- Iniciar, manter ou terminar uma 10. Reading; listening to, reading and watching the animation of the magazine article - Text animation – What does
“What does your bedroom say about you?” (exercise B); students listen; teacher clarifies your bedroom say about you?
conversa breve.
unknown words; students may read it aloud. - Tracks 3-4 (CD 2)
Produção escrita 11. Matching bedroom pictures with their owners, according to the magazine article; - Video – Do not enter diaries
- Escrever sobre objetos. matching words with their meanings; saying if the sentences are true or false; completing
sentences with one word; answering questions about the text (exercises C, D, E, F, G);
Competência intercultural checking the answers.
- Reconhecer realidades *12. Students can give their opinion on their favourite bedroom and share it with their
interculturais distintas; classmates (exercise H).
8 ©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File

Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

- Conhecer, com algum pormenor, o *13. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities with prepositions of
seu meio e identidade; place.
- Estabelecer comparações entre as *14. The teacher can send a group of students out of the classroom for 1 minute. While
suas vivências e as dos outros; they’re outside, change the position of some important items (or people!) in the classroom.
Then invite the students back inside and ask them to say what is different. -
- Falar sobre atividades de lazer do
seu meio cultural por oposição a 15. Solving exercises on prepositions of place and checking the answers (exercise A). - Coursebook, page 70
outras culturas, incluindo a anglo- - Interactive grammar/Activity
-saxónica; - Grammar notes, page 194
- Comparar tipos de habitação em 16. Listening to a conversation and choosing the correct expressions, according to what - Workbook, page 31
diferentes países; one hears (exercise A); listening to a bedroom description and filling in gaps (exercise B);
- Identificar alguns estados e cidades choosing the correct sentences (exercise C); guessing the correct picture (exercise D);
importantes nos Estados Unidos da checking the answers.
América; *17. The teacher may suggest making a TikTok hand challenge video about the students’
- Reconhecer, compreender e favourite room of the house and then show it to the rest of the class; the teacher can also - Coursebook, page 71
explicar exemplos concretos de show the students a video with teens doing TikTok hand challenge videos at different - Tracks 5-10 (CD 2)
places in their houses, to serve as inspiration for their own. - Link – Hand challenge (TikTok)
atitudes de tolerância e respeito

Competência estratégica *18. Watching an interactive grammar and doing interactive activities and a quiz about
- Utilizar conhecimentos prévios da word formation.
língua e a sua experiência pessoal 19. Doing exercises about word formation (exercises A, B, C); checking the answers. -
para fazer previsões de sentido e - Coursebook, page 72
comunicar de forma simples; - Interactive
- Preparar, repetir e memorizar uma grammar/Activity/Quiz
apresentação oral com confiança e 20. Reading a letter to participate in a contest and putting the parts of the letter in the - Grammar notes, page 195
criatividade; correct order (exercise A); checking the answers.
21. Writing a letter following this type of text structure (guidelines) and the model text in A - Workbook, page 32
- Reconhecer diferentes estratégias
de comunicação nas fases de (exercise B).
planificação, realização e avaliação -
das atividades comunicativas e *26. Project – House for birds: looking at a cartoon and answering questions about it - Coursebook, page 73
escolher a mais apropriada; (exercise A); reading a text and giving opinion about the project presented in the text –
- Pedir e dar informações; pair work (exercises B, C).
*27. Making bird houses, according to the given guidelines/steps (exercise D).
- Pensar criticamente;
*28. The teacher may suggest that students make bird feeders as well. -
- Trabalhar e colaborar em pares e
*29. The teacher may show the students videos – How to build a DIY bird house using a - Coursebook, page 74
pequenos grupos;
PVC pipe/How to make a feeder from a plastic bottle – with some ideas to build - Link – How to build a DIY bird
- Comunicar eficazmente em
birdhouses and bird feeders. house using a PVC pipe
- Utilizar a literacia tecnológica para - Link – How to make a feeder
*30. The teacher can ask students to solve an interactive test on the subunit and a quiz from a plastic bottle
comunicar e aceder ao saber em
on the unit.
31. Doing all the exercises on “Checkpoint 1”, so that students become aware of what
- Desenvolver e participar em
they know and what they need to revise. They can fill in the checklist “Now I know…”
projetos e atividades
interdisciplinares; -
©ASA, FLY HIGH 7, Teacher’s Resource File 9

Contents / Topics Aprendizagens Essenciais Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

- Desenvolver o aprender a aprender - Coursebook, pages 75-76
em contexto e aprender a regular o - Interactive test – Zoom in your
processo de aprendizagem. room!
- Quiz – No place like home
- Kahoot® – No place like home
- Workbook, pages 33-35

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File/English for all

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 5 – Furniture (page 122); Grammar: 10 – Prepositions of place (page 139); 11 – Word formation (page 140); Focus on skills and language –
Writing – Unit 2 (page 184); Listening – Unit 2 (page 194); Speaking – Unit 2 (page 204); Vocabulary: 4 – Rooms, parts of the house and furniture (page 227); Grammar: 8 – Word
formation (page 262); Assessment – Get ready for the tests 2 (page 320); Listening test 2 (page 354); Progress test 2 (page 356); Minitest 6 – subunit 2.3 (page 429); Cross-curricular
English for all (pages 25-26).

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank and the Vocabulary notes and
Grammar notes by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

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