Grading Guide For Nursing Assessment Process (Oral)
Grading Guide For Nursing Assessment Process (Oral)
Grading Guide For Nursing Assessment Process (Oral)
General instructions:
1. You will have 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions from the audience.
2. You must choose 2 members of the group for the presentation. All members must be prepared, as questions will be asked of those who
have not submitted.
3. Throughout the activity, students must have their cameras on (at least all students of group).
4. Attendance is mandatory for the three case presentation sessions: June 5th and 12th
5. Attendance will be recorded constantly and 1 point will be deducted from the total score of the group's evaluation guideline, for each
student who is absent from the activity, who enters the session later or disconnects before its closure.
6. All groups must send their PPT via CANVAS, on the first day at 4:00 p.m. June 5th.
7. Each group must draw a content of those seen during the course. The topics to be developed are: Assessment of the integumentary system
(1 group); Assessment of the Neurological System (1 group), Assessment of the Cardiovascular System (2 groups); Assessment of the
Respiratory System (2 groups), Assessment of the Gastrointestinal System (2 groups); Musculoskeletal assessment (1 group); Assessment
of the Renal/Genitourinary system (1 group).
Specific instructions:
1. In any of the clinical experiences you are doing, choose the history of a patient who is studying some pathology of the subject drawn.
2. The development of the clinical case must contain the following parts:
a) Detailed description of the patient's reason for consultation
b) Medical diagnosis (indicates all the diagnoses presented by the patient)
c) Nursing assessment, which must contain:
• Detailed description of the patient's health history (subjective data) (oriented to the pathology that occurs), including at least 5
questions that allowed him to collect that background.
• Detailed description of the physical examination of the patient, using correct terminology and pointing out the findings according
to the 4 assessment techniques (inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion). In this item, you must include at least 5
questions that the nurse must ask during the physical examination, which are related to the clinical picture she is taking.
Oral Presentation Good diction, volume and Good diction, volume and Good diction, volume and Diction, volume, tone of
tone of voice, and tone of voice, as well as tone of voice, and the voice, speed of speech or
adequate speed of adequate speed of speed of speech is either use of meaningless words
speech. speech, but occasionally too fast/slow, and the use such as “um” or “uh”,
hesitates or uses of meaningless words substantially distract the
meaningless words such such as “um” or “uh” audience and make
as “um” or “uh” among among others, becomes comprehension of the
others that distract the distracting to the speech extremely difficult.
audience. audience, and makes
comprehension of the
speech difficult.
Interaction with audience Says hi to the audience Says hi to the audience Says hi to the audience but Does not say hi to the
and introduces him or and introduces him or does not introduce him or audience and fails to
herself at the beginning of herself at the beginning of herself at the beginning of present him or herself at
the presentation and the presentation but does the presentation and does the beginning of the
maintains good eye not maintain good eye not maintain good eye presentation and looks
contact with the camera
throughout the contact with the camera contact with the camera distracted throughout the
presentation. and often looks distracted. and looks distracted. presentation.
Support materials/ Include all the aspects. Include 2 aspects. Include 1 aspect. Include 0 aspect
Written Presentation.
Cover Page includes:
1-Title and date.
2-Full name of the group
3-Professors full name
Support materials/ Include all the aspects. Include 2 aspects. Include 1 aspect. Include 0 aspect
Written Presentation.
1. Table of contends
2. Introduction
3. Propose of the
Effective use of support Support material used is Support material used is Support material used is Support material used is
materials relevant to the subject, relevant to the subject, relevant to the subject yet not relevant to the
effective, facilitates effective, facilitates does not facilitate greater subject, does not facilitate
comprehension, and comprehension, and comprehension and does greater comprehension
increases the interest of increases the interest of not maintain the audience and does not maintain the
the audience, and is used the audience, yet the engaged. The format used audience engaged. In
in a proper format. format used is not is not adequate (for addition, the format is not
adequate (for example, example, low quality adequate (for example,
low quality images, small images, small Font size, low quality images, small
Font size, among other among other issues). Font size, among other
issues). issues).
Knowledge of subject: Demonstrates strong Demonstrates favorable Demonstrates some Does not demonstrate
general impression. knowledge on the subject knowledge on the subject knowledge on the subject knowledge on the subject
and clearly explains the (75%) and expresses some matter (50% or less) but matter and does not
key ideas behind the of the key ideas behind the does not present the key present the key ideas
ideas behind the nursing behind the nursing
nursing assessment nursing assessment assessment process assessment process
process. process. adequately. adequately.
Knowledge of subject: Detailed description of the Describe of the patient's Describe some The information of
reason for consultation patient's reason for reason for consultation information of the patient's reason for
consultation, using correct (75%), using correct patient's reason for consultation is poor, not
terminology and according terminology and according consultation (50%), whit according with the
to the situation described. to the situation described. some mistakes in situation descripted and
terminology or exposed use incorrect terminology.
information not according
with the situation
Knowledge of subject: It indicates all the diagnoses presented by the patient. It indicates some of the diagnoses presented by the
medical diagnosis (3 points) patient. (1 points)
Knowledge of subject: Detailed description of the Describe the patient's Describe some objective It delivers incomplete and
Nursing assessment( patient's health history, health history (75%), whit data of the patient's health vague subjective data
subjective data whit all subjective data, all subjective data, using history (75%), whit some from the patient's health
using correct terminology correct terminology and mistakes in terminology or history, with not according
and according to the according to the situation exposed information not with the situation
situation described. described. according with the descripted and use
situation descripted. incorrect terminology.
Knowledge of subject: Included at least 5 Included 5 questions that Included less than 5 Included less than 5
Nursing assessment/ questions that allowed to allowed to collect questions that allowed to questions that allowed to
subjective data collect subjective data, subjective data, whit some collect subjective data, collect subjective data,
using correct terminology mistakes in terminology or whit some mistakes in whit mistakes in
and according to the not according with the terminology or not terminology and not
situation described. situation descripted. according with the according with the
situation descripted. situation descripted.
Knowledge of subject: Detailed description of the Describe of the physical Describe of the physical The physical examination
Nursing assessment/ physical examination of examination of the examination of the is incomplete, use
objective data the patient, using correct patient, using correct patient, whit some incorrect terminology or
terminology and pointing terminology and pointing mistakes terminology, or use incorrectly the 4
out the findings according out the findings according don’t use correctly the 4 assessment techniques
to the 4 assessment to the 4 assessment assessment techniques (inspection, palpation,
techniques (inspection, techniques (inspection, (inspection, palpation, auscultation and
palpation, auscultation palpation, auscultation auscultation and percussion) to describe
and percussion). and percussion). percussion) to describe the findings.
the findings.
Knowledge of subject: Included at least 5 Included at least 5 Included less than 5 Included less than 5
Nursing assessment/ questions the nurse must questions the nurse must questions the nurse must questions the nurse must
objective data ask during the physical ask during the physical ask during the physical ask during the physical
examination, using correct examination, whit some examination, whit some examination, whit
terminology and according mistakes in terminology or mistakes in terminology or mistakes in terminology
to the situation described. not according with the not according with the and not according with the
situation descripted. situation descripted. situation descripted.
Question and answer The group adequately The group answers The group answers The group answers less
session with the audience answers 100% of the between 75-90% of the between 50-74% of the than 50% of the questions
questions asked by the questions in a general questions in a general asked by the audience,
audience, with confidence manner yet lacking some manner yet the answers and answers with a lack of
and reasoning. conviction and reasoning. lack conviction and lack of conviction and reasoning.
Grammar or Spelling The Presentation has no The Presentation has The Presentation has The Presentation has more
Mistakes grammar or spelling between 1 and 5 grammar between 6 and 15 than 16 grammar or
mistakes. or spelling mistakes. grammar or spelling spelling mistakes.
Deadeline The group sent their presentation at date indicated (3 The group didn’t send their presentation at date
points) indicated (0 points)
Efficient use of time Uses time efficiently and in accordance with the time Does not use time efficiently and within the time
(15 minutes) allocated for the presentation, managing to adequately allocated for the presentation. (1 point)
cover the different aspects of the task at hand (3 points)