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Wildlife Hazard Report

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Wildlife Hazard Report


Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

Wildlife Hazard Report

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

eport t

Civilil AAv

Published by:
Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Directorate
Head Office, Babarmahal
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4262387, 4262518, 4262326
Fax: +977-1-4262516
Website: www.caanepal.org.np

© Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal


Since flight began, aircraft have time CAAN has adopted various measures to
and again encountered with wildlife control birds and other wildlife activities
both in the air and on the ground. The in and around aerodromes. Effective
incidents have become more frequent management of wildlife in aerodromes
with the emergence of faster and quieter cannot be achieved by the sole effort of
aircraft. The activity of birds and animals aerodrome operators rather it depends
in and around an airfield is a recognised upon the cooperation and joint efforts of
potential source of hazard to the safe all stakeholders.
operation of aircraft. This hazard results
from the possibility of collision between This report consists of wildlife data for
an aircraft and birds or animals, thus the period of 2011-2016. The purpose of
increasing the potential for serious this Wildlife Hazard Report - 2017 is to
damage to aircraft and risk to human give information, increase awareness and
lives. enhance stake holder’s knowledge about
the wildlife activities along with control
According to recent worldwide data, the measures adopted in the aerodromes of
vast majority of strikes occur either on Nepal. We hope, this report will also
or within the immediate proximity of an be beneficial for all those involved in
aerodrome. The aerodromes of Nepal study and research of wildlife hazard in
have many features that attract wildlife aviation.
since the diverse topography as well as
conducive climatological conditions
attract a number of wildlife species
including migratory birds. Wildlife ...………………
strike indicates that some aerodromes (Sanjiv Gautam)
of Nepal are prone to wildlife activities. Director General


Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1
Wildlife Strike in Nepal ................................................................................... 2
Legal Provisions ............................................................................................... 3
Wildlife Hazard in Different Aerodromes ...................................................... 4
Studies on Bird Activities in TIA ................................................................... 6
Statistical Analysis of Wildlife data for the years 2011 to 2015 .................... 8
Causes of Wildlife Activities ........................................................................... 13
Wildlife Management at Airports .................................................................. 14
Airport Wildlife Hazard Control Mechanism .............................................. 18
Acronyms ......................................................................................................... 19
Appendix 1
Bird Species at Tribhuvan International Airport ............................................... 20
Appendix 2
List of Vascular Plants Recorded Around Tribhuvan International Airport........ 22
Appendix 3
Major Problematic Wildlife................................................................................ 25
Appendix 4
Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report Form ........................................................... 26
Appendix 5
Composition of National and Airport Level Committee.................................... 27
Appendix 6
Protected Birds of Nepal .................................................................................... 28

Wildlife strikes i.e. collisions between
aircraft and wildlife is common in
aviation across the world. Wildlife
strikes are not only the threat to the air
safety, but also cost increment factor
to the aviation industry. Most wildlife
strikes occur in the airport environment.
Large open space in the aerodromes
provide suitable habitat for wildlife.
Human activities such as rampant waste
disposal add attraction to the birds. The
increased population of wildlife and
their mobility in the airport disturbs the
safety of the aircraft. Wildlife strikes
present a real threat to aviation safety
and represent 3.6 percent of all aviation
accidents. Usually Take-off and landing cause major damage to the aircraft and
of aircraft are considered as the times difficulty in continuing the flight.
of high risk for bird strike which can
It is believed that the first bird strike
was recorded by the Wright brothers in
7th September 1905. Since then, many
people around the world have lost their
lives from aircraft crashes due to bird hit
and the aviation wildlife hazard has been
significantly considered a risk to aviation
ever since. The most fatal air crash due
to bird hit occurred in Boston, USA in
1960 in which all four engines stalled
after take-off killing 62 people on board.
Today, the threat is world-wide and the
severity magnitude and of such strike is
demanding more stringent measures.

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 1

Wildlife Strike in Nepal

Wildlife Strike in Nepal

In Nepal, bird strike was not pronounced
problem during early days. The major bird
hit incident that took place in Nepal was,
Thai Airways (Type of aircraft: A 300)
Airbus in 1996. About 5-6 eagles found
dead on the runway and left engine fan
blades were found damaged. The aircraft
was grounded for 4 days in Kathmandu.
Nepal Airlines Corporation Boeing 757
aircraft and Jet Airways Boeing 737
aircraft both lost their one each engine This was the first ever fatal accident
due to bird strike in 2000 and 2014 recorded which was caused by bird strike.
respectively. Besides these incidents, In later days, significant number of minor
occasional bird hit used to be reported. wildlife strikes have been experienced in
However, no incident/accident has been different types of aircraft.
reported except a Dornier 228 aircraft The aviation industry of Nepal has also
which was believed to be struck by Black been affected by wildlife strikes like
Kite during take off from Kathmandu for many other countries across the world.
Lukla killing all 16 passengers and 3 Occasionally, both international and
crews on board in September 28, 2012. domestic flights were delayed due to bird
activities at the airport. Also, complete
wildlife hazard prevention on and in the
proximity of airport is not practically
possible. We can only reduce the chances
of collision with the wildlife. A number of
serious wildlife incidents have also been
experienced in domestic hub airports.
Each airport has its own specific bird and
wildlife hazard problems that depend on
species of birds and types of wildlife

2 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

Legal Provisions

Legal Provisions
v Wildlife strike management,
including a collection of bird strike
information, forwarded to the ICAO,
and measures for decreasing the
risk of bird strike, are provided in
Annex14 Volume I Chapter 9.

v Advisory Circular[AC/AD – 003]

Guidance Material for Wildlife
Hazards Management for Aerodrome
Operator, 2012

Advisory Circular
[AC/AD - 003]

v Detailed measures to control wildlife

Guidance Material for

are provided in Part 3 of the Airport Wildlife Hazards Management

for Aerodrome Operator

Services Manual (Doc 9137).

1st September 2012


v Provision of National and Airport

Level Committee for wildlife
management (Appendix-5)
v Tribhuvan International Airport,
Kathmandu has published the following
procedures and manuals to manage and
Nepal’s Regulation control wildlife at the airport.
v Local Self Governance Act 1999 · TIA Bird Control Procedure Manual
v Rule 77 of CAAN, Civil Aviation · TIA Bird Control Management
Regulation, 2058 (2002) Manual
v Civil Aviation Requirements-14, Part · TIA Aerodrome Manual 2010
I, Aerodrome design And Operation, · TIA Safety Management System
2015 (SMS) Manual 2010

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 3

Wildlife Hazard in Different Aerodromes

Wildlife Hazard in Different

Nepalgunj, Gautam Buddha
(Bhairahawa), Biratnagar and Pokhara
Airports can be considered as more
vulnerable domestic airports in terms of
wildlife activities. The airport area has
been a good habitat for several birds and
mammal species causing to flourish their
population increase.

Nepalgunj Airport is enclosed by

agriculture land, forest, and settlement.
A total of 36 bird species and 2 mammal
species are recorded in this airport. Wild
boar and Golden Jackal are the mammals
found inside the core airport areas which Most of the area around the Gautam
pose serious threat to flight safety. These Buddha Airport is agriculture field with
mammals are major problematic animals different vegetation structure. A total of
in the airport. Beside this, occasional 28 bird species and 6 mammal species
entry of stray dogs and domestic animals are recorded in this airport. Nilgai, Feral
into the airport also pose an unforeseen dogs, Jungle cats, domestic cats, Jackal
risk. and Wild boar are found in small dense
bushes within the airport perimeter.
Among them, Nilgai (Blue bull), Jackal
and wild boar have been the major
problem of this airport.

Biratnagar Airport is also affected by

wildlife activities where 37 bird species
and 7 mammal species are recorded.
Barking deer, Golden Jackal, Large
Indian Hare, Indian Porcupine, Jungle
cat, Domestic and feral dogs and bats

4 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

are found inside the airport. This airport airport area is due to the increasing growth
is situated near urbanizing settlements of bushes, trees and nearby settlements.
where human activities generate solid A total of 24 bird species and 2 mammal
waste in large scale dumped in open species are recorded in this airport.
space. Also, it is believed that Golden Large Indian Hare and Golden Jackal
Jackal and Barking Deer are problematic are found inside the airport area. Water
species of this airport. bodies (Lakes) and forest are very close
to the airport and waste management is
Pokhara airport is situated in the Pokhara important issue which poses threat to
valley with full of natural flora-fauna and aviation safety.
lakes. The activities of wildlife within the

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 5

Studies on Bird Activities in TIA

Studies on Bird Activities in TIA

Since the problems of wildlife hazards management of sanitary
apparently have become serious, some of landfill sites with reference
the following studies were conducted by where relevant, to existing
different organizations regarding birds recommendations; and
and other wildlife in TIA: · to recommend appropriate
measures for bird deterrence at
1. Study on Bird Strike Risks at TIA.
Kathmandu Airport, Nepal March
1999, conducted by Dr. Edmund
Hahn, Air Traffic Safety Expert;
Mrs. Karin Hahn, Ornithologist;
Mr. Michael Betts, Solid Waste
Management Expert appointed by
German Agency For Technical Co-
operation (GTZ). With following
· to undertake a professional 2. Management of Bird and
assessment of the risks of bird Other Wildlife Hazards at TIA,
strike at TIA, identify the main Kathmandu, Nepal, August 2001: A
causes of such risks, and make paper was jointly presented on this
appropriate recommendations topic by Mr. Richard A. Dolbeer,
for mitigation; USDA National Wildlife Research
· to prepare guidelines for the Center, Sandusky, OH and Mr.
current and future selection and Basanta Kumar Upadhayaya,
development of landfill sites Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal,
particularly; within 5 km, 10 km Kathmandu, Nepal, with objective
and beyond 13 or 15 km radius to address bird strike situation at
of TIA; TIA and to recommend measures to
· to make appropriate control such activities with plans.
recommendations for the

6 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

3. Baseline Information of Birds and
Their Habitat at TIA, Kathmandu,
April 2002 - was conducted by B.
Dahal and D. Bhuju, appointed by
Royal Nepal Academy of Science
and Technology, Kathmandu with
following objectives:
· to prepare a baseline information
of birds visiting TIA; 4. A Field Study Report to Control
· to analyze seasonal variation in Monkeys' Activities at TIA,
bird species and population; September 2011 - was conducted
by team lead by Mr. Man Bahadur
· to establish birds movement
appointed by Department of National
patterns; and
Park and Wildlife Conservation, with
· to study bird habitat including the objective to access the activities
solid waste relationship. of monkeys posing threat to aircraft
operation and to access the controlling

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 7

Statistical Analysis of Wildlife data for the years 2011 to 2015

Statistical Analysis of Wildlife

data for the years 2011 to 2015
Trend of birds activity in TIA
The available data shows that activity compared to morning within the
of birds in TIA in day time is highest period 2011 to 2015. The possible
Birds sighted in TIA at 08:00 AM


400 2011
200 2014
100 2015

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
* data could not be ascertained
Chart 1: Bird sighted in TIA at 08:00 AM for the years 2011 to 2015(Monthly basis)

reasons could be the easy shelter, attractants within the airport premises
water access all around and food and nearby residential area with
Birds sighted in TIA at 02:00 PM

400 2012
300 2013
200 2014

100 2015

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chart 2: Bird sighted in TIA at 02:00 PM for the years 2011 to 2015(Monthly basis)

8 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

gardens, rice and maize cultivation. wetland. The wet pasture land is used
Apart from these, restaurants, for grazing, cultivation of maize,
butchery, and grocery shops adjacent vegetables and paddy and extraction
to the airport are contributing factors of sand. The eutrophication process
that may cause increase in wildlife is detrimental that causes the rivers
activities. In addition, the main and the surrounding areas to grow
rivers Bagmati and Manohara have the plants on the surfaces thereby
large areas of surface water and attracting the wildlife activities.

Bird sighted in TIA

4000 3747
3000 2709 2819 2663 2750
2500 2184
1500 1145
2011 *2012 2013 2014 2015

At 8:00 AM At 2:00 PM

Chart 3: Comparison of birds sighted in TIA at 08:00 AM and 02:00 PM for the years 2011 to 2015

Activity of stray dogs in TIA The restaurants and dumped garbage

Activity of stray dogs in TIA are also within the airport and butchery close
a major problem for flight operation. to airport are the main attraction for
The chart given below shows that stray dogs. TIACAO has made efforts
dog activities in year 2011 is higher to control this activity through regular
than year 2015 in which such surveillance on airside effectively.
activities is controlled to zero level.

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 9

Dogs sighted in TIA
( 2011-2015 )



10 2013
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chart 4: Dogs sighted in TIA for the years 2011 to 2015(Monthly basis)

10 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

Activity of monkeys in TIA airport area. The above chart shows
Activity of monkeys in TIA is inconsistent activity during the
exclusively related with the activity period of five years. In first quarter
of monkey in nearby Pashupati Nath of year 2012 and 2013 the activity of
temple area. The dwellings of some monkey is high, whereas the activity
monkey groups at Bankali forest never is less in the end of the year. In the
permits other to enter into their area. years thereafter, the activities have
Those monkeys who fail to enter get shown a similar pattern. However in
diverted to airport area to seek food the year 2015, it seems TIACAO is
and shelter. Accordingly, the able to manage this activity to some
number of monkey increases at the extent.

Monkeys sighted in TIA

( 2011-2015 )


800 2011
400 2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chart 5: Monkeys sighted in TIA for the years 2011 to 2015(Monthly basis)

Birds strike occurred in TIA during the period 2011 to 2016.

The following chart illustrates that Similarly, 32% of strikes occurred
33% of the strikes occurred at night, during the take-off phase while
37% these occurred during day time 44% occurred during approach and
while 21% occurred in morning landing phase.

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 11

Time Not Flight Time Flight Phase
Known 8%

Morning Phase Not

21% known
24% Take-o!

Day 44%

Chart 6: Strikes according to flight time and flight phase (2011-2016)

Birds strike in TIA

20 16
11 12
10 5

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Chart 7: Birds strike in TIA from 2011 to 2016 (Yearly)

5 2012
4 2013
3 2014
2 2015
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Chart 8: Birds strike in TIA from 2011 to 2016 (Monthly basis)

12 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

Causes of Wildlife Activities

Causes of Wildlife Activities

Airports provide a wide variety of natural roosting and protection. Rainy periods
and human made habitats that offer food, provide temporary water pools at many
water and shelter. One of the first steps airports. Many airports have permanent
in reducing bird hazards is to recognize bodies of water near or between runways
those attractants. Usually, several for flood control or waste water purposes.
attractants acting in combination are Those permanent sources of water
responsible for the presence of birds and provide a variety of bird foods, including
their behavior in an airport. Birds usually small fish.
congregate in a place for the following Shelter
Wildlife needs shelter for breeding,
Food resting, roosting and nesting. Trees,
Birds require large amount of food to bushy areas, weed patches, shrubs and
survive. In most of the airports, variety airport structures often provide suitable
of foods such as seeds, grass, insects, habitats to meet these requirements.
earthworms, rodent, frog and others are Almost any area that is free from human
available. Occasionally food becomes disturbance may provide a suitable shelter
available through careless waste for wildlife. Bhairahawa, Biratnagar,
disposal practices by restaurants and Nepalgunj and other airports are covered
airline companies at the airport. Nearby by small dense forest which may be the
open slaughter houses in the vicinity of shelter for wildlife.
aerodrome and fast food, barbecue(BBQ) Open airspace
restaurants are also the source of food for
birds and wildlife. Such circumstances Most of the airports have vast, open and
contribute to bird strike hazards which flat area which is almost empty. Such
large and flat area of the airport is safe
require proper attention to avert unwanted
happening. for the activities of wildlife. Also birds
suddenly appear in large groups on and
Water in the vicinity of airport on their annual
Major hub airports including TIA are migration in favorable time, even when
surrounded by rivers which are mostly the airport itself offers no particular
polluted. These rivers attract birds and attraction.
wildlife for drinking, bathing, feeding,

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 13

Wildlife Management at Airports

Wildlife Management at Airports

There are several bird control measures intervals during a short period of time
adopted by airports to control the wildlife and 130 decibel bangs to disperse birds
activities. However, each of such options and other wildlife. This device has been
has its own limitations. CAAN has in use in major domestic airport including
adopted the following measures to reduce Kathmandu.
the occurrences of bird and wildlife
activities in and around the airports.
Scaring devices
The following ultrasonic scaring devices
are used to control wildlife at the airports
within the country.
Ultrasonic sound device Scarecrow
It is an electronic device that produces It is a device which is placed in open
high pitch emissions known as ultrasound fields like airfield to discourage birds
at a pressure level of 94db@1m/1w. and wildlife. In TIA and Pokhara
Burst of sounds are played according to a airport, the bright color, large eye and
pre designed program. Over 90 different rotating flashing mirrors has been in use
electronic sounds can be generated and to threaten birds. When activated birds
there is also a suite of special natural think that they’re being watched by a
sounds like predator calls, shot gun predator.
blasts distress calls etc. It has been in use
in TIA, Kathmandu to disperse birds.
LP Gas cannons
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cannon
automatically produce high decibel
bangs based on a timer setting or by
remote to disperse birds and wildlife
from airports, landfills and other areas. Distress call devices Bird guard
It produces multiple shots at irregular Bird distress cries have been used

14 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

for decades. High fidelity distress Low voltage electric fence
cries are recorded and inscribed on An electric fence is a barrier that uses
microchips, resulting in an excellent electric shocks to discourage wildlife
sound reproduction that birds cannot and other domesticated animals from
differentiate from the original. On hearing crossing a boundary. One of such devices
the distress cries birds become nervous is recently installed in Kathmandu airport
and agitated. They think that other birds to control wildlife activities.
in the area are in danger that is not safe,
so they flee. Intervention

Bird light
It is also an electronic device that
generates one-million candle power light
flashes which is intolerable for birds
during low light. It has been in use in
Kathmandu Airport.
Electronic devices (Quad Blaster)
It is an ultrasonic bird repeller device that
generates irritating ultrasonic sound in all The birds and wildlife activities can be
directions beyond the capacity of hearing controlled at or in the vicinity of airport
power of human but perfectly audible by intervention method. For this purpose
for birds. Therefore, birds do not linger hunters may use or apply the following
around when exposed to this sound. The activities.
sound so produced do not harm birds, • Producing loud voice
but will attack them aggressively in any • Showing primitive Guns
enclosed or semi enclosed areas where • Showing dead birds
they roost. The sound pressure level of • Misfiring
the device is 112 db @ 1m @ 22 KHZ. • Slingshot
• Fire cracker
• Shooting (only in absolute danger
• Capturing animals
• Laser light

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 15

Chemical method not provide nesting, shelter, breeding,
Chemical has been in use in absolute feeding and other activities for such
condition only to control pest, rodent, animals.
insects and other wildlife except Management of woody vegetation
protected wildlife. The purpose of using The removal of woody vegetation from
such Chemical is not to kill but only to airport will certainly reduce the wildlife
control harmful activities. activities because trees and dense bushes
• Benomyle (Methyl 1-Butylcarbamoy- provide nesting, roosting and breeding
2 benzimidazolecarbamate) for birds as well as wild animals like
• Nimol ( Neem, Azadirachta indica)
• Red pepper ( oleoresin capsicum)
• Strychnine sulphate (C42H46N4O8S)
• Bleaching Powder (CaOCl2)
• Dart Tranquilizer
Habit and habitat management
Boar, Deer, Cat, Feral dogs, Nilgai (Blue
Vegetation management bull) and others. These wildlife pose
Vegetation management has been serious threat and greatest strike hazard
proposed as a method for reducing wildlife to aircraft.
activities by maintaining height of the Management of water bodies
vegetation at the airport. Tall vegetation
is favorable for feeding activity, and Airports are the better source of water
ground movements for wildlife. for wildlife in the forms of wetlands
Recommended size of vegetation does and standing water. Water bodies and
wetlands on airports attract birds and
wild animals. Therefore, these sources
should be managed at the airports to
reduce the activities. At least, the proper
management of drainage water will be
one of the solutions for eliminating these
temporary attractants.

16 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

Rodent check Waste container
Rodent and insects are other examples Airports produce a huge amount of waste
of potential food sources that may attract that passengers and other users generate
every day. These waste materials attract
wildlife at the airports. Therefore, such
materials have been arranged through
Close Waste Container.
Public awareness program
Public awareness program is an effective
tool to make the environment of airport
birds of prey. Therefore, rodent check and surrounding area clean. CAAN
should be regularly carried out in interval has been conducting public awareness
of every 6 month. program in coordination with local
people with the help of NGOs, by fixing
Earthworm control
hoarding boards, conducting essay
Earthworms can create hazardous competition among the Secondary Level
conditions by attracting birds that may school students and broadcasting through
pose serious threat to the aircraft. It can electronic media (Television and FM
be controlled by Spraying chemicals like radio).
Binomyl (Methyl 1-Butylcarbamoy-
Airside vehicle
2 benzimidazolecarbamate), lime and
bleaching powder. In TIA, one dedicated airside vehicle fitted
with scaring devices has been arranged
to control wildlife. RFF personnel
The cleaning of Runway and Taxiway is also support to disperse wildlife at the
carried out as and when required. airports. They act as a second responder
Issuance of NOTAM whereas in other airports act as a primary
responder to address the problem of the
If the wildlife activities increases on,
wildlife activities.
or in the vicinity of an aerodromes the
concerned authority issues NOTAM
(Notice to Airmen) to inform regarding
the situation. Flight operations may
be closed when the situation further
aggravates during heavy bird activities.

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 17

Airport Wildlife Hazard Control Mechanism

Airport Wildlife Hazard Control

Various types of birds and wild animals v Adequate national regulations,
are attracted to the airports due to wide requirements and procedures;
open spaces with grass-lands. Aircraft v Effective and efficient coordination
occasionally collide with birds and and cooperation among
other wildlife during taxiing, takeoff, stakeholders;
and landing at airport. When wildlife v Proficient and result-oriented
activity on and in the vicinity of an wildlife control measures including
airport increases, together it increases the necessary provisions of equipments
likelihood of hazardous conditions. The and facilities;
impact of wildlife hazard can be reduced v Qualified and trained manpower;
to the acceptable level by implementing v Collection, sharing and evaluation of
effective wildlife hazard management wildlife data; and
plan. Some of the key elements for an v Awareness program to the local
effective wildlife hazard management community.
are as follows:


Land Use
Municipal Control

Airport Airport
wildlife Airport
Wildlife Operator
Expert Control

Air tra!c Wildlife
Control Management


Fig. 1: Airport wildlife control mechanism

18 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017


ABCR Airport Bird Control and Reduction
AC Advisory Circular
CAAN Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
CAR Civil Aviation Requirement
Doc. Document
GTZ German Agency for Technical Cooperation
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
RFF Rescue and Fire Fighting
SMS Safety Management System
TIACAO Tribhuvan International Airport Civil Aviation Office
TIA-BCCIU Tribhuvan International Airport Bird Control
Coordination and Implementation Unit
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VDC Village Development Committee

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 19

Appendix 1

Bird Species at Tribhuvan International Airport

S.No. English Name Zoological Name Family Type Size

1. Bank Myna Acridotheresginginiamus Sturnidae r M
2. Barn Swallow Hirundorustica Hirundinidae r s
3. Baya Weaver PloceusPhilippinus Ploceidae r S
4. Black Bulbul Hypsipetesleucocephalus Pscnotidae r S
5. Black Drongo Diccrurusmacrocercus Dicruridae r s
6. Black Headed Shrike LanniusSchach Laniidae r s
7. Black Kite Milvusmigrans Accipitridae r,s L

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

8. Blue Rock Pegion Columba Livia Columbidae R M
9. Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Ardeidae R M
10. Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Falconidae R L
11. Common Myna Acridotherestristis Sturnidae R M
12. Common Stonechat Saxicolatorquata Turdidae r,w S
13. Common Swift Apusaffinis Apodidae r S
14. Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornischeela Accipitridae r L
15. Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Ploceidae r S
16. European Goldfinch Cardueliscarduelis Fringillidae w S
17. Gren Bea Eater Meropsorientalis Meropidae r, s S
18. Hodgson’s Redstart Phoenicurushodgsoni Muscicapinae r, w S
19. House Crow Corvussplendens Corvidae r M
20. House Sparrow Passer domesticus Ploceidae r S
21. Jungle Myna Acridotheresfuscus Sturnidae r M
22. Little Egert Egrettagarzetta Ardeidae r M
23. Nepal House Martin Delichonnipalensis Hirundinidae r S
24. Oriental Magpie Robin Copsychussaularis Turdidae r S
25. Paddy Field Pipit Anthusrufulus Motacillidae r S
26. Pariah Kite Elanuscaeruleus Accipitridae r L
27. Pied Bushchat Saxicolacaprata Turdidae r, s S
28. Pied Kingfisher Cerylerudus Cerylidae r S
29. Pond Heron Ardeolagrayii Ardeidae r M
30. Red Avadavat Estrildaamandava Ploceidae r S
31. Red Vented Bulbul Psycnonotuscafer Pscnonotidae r S
32. Rose Ringed Parakeet Psittaculakrameri Psittacidae r S
33. Scaly Thrush Zootheramonticola Turdinae PM S
34. Spotte Owlet Athenebrama Caprimulgidae r M
35. Spotted Dove StreptopeliaChinensis Columbidae r M
36. Steppe Eagle Aquila nepalensis Accipitridae w L

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

37. White Wagtail Motacilla alba Motacillinae r S
38. White-rumpedMunia Lonchurapunctulata Fringillidae r, s S
39. White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis Alcedinidae r S
1. Abbrevia"ons: r: residen"al; s: spring visitor; w: winter visitor; pm: passing migratory; S; small; M: medium; L: large.

Appendix 2
List of vascular Plants recorded around Tribhuvan International Airport

S. N. Scientific Name Nepali Name Family Habit

1. Adiantumcapillus-veneris KaniUnyu Pteridaceae F
2. Ageratum conyzoides BokeGhans Compositae H
3. Alnusnepalensis Uttis Betulaceae T
4. Amaranthusspinosus Lattle Amaranthaceae H
5. Amaranthusviridis Latte Sag Amaranthaceae H
6. Artemisia indica Titepati Compositae H
7. Artemisia sp. GandheJhar Compositae H
8. Barleriacristata BhedeKuro Acanthaceae S

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

9. Bidenspilosa KaloKuro Compositae H
10. Bidens sp. Kuro Compositae H
11. Buddlejaasiatica BhimsenPati Loganiaceae S
12. Callistemon citrinus Kalkaiphul Myrtaceae T
13. Cannabis sativa Bhang Cannabaceae H
14. Celtisaustalis Khari Ulmaceae T
15. Centellaasiatica Ghodtapre Umbelliferae H
16. Cirsiumwallichii Khalvun Compositae H
17. Clerodendrum sp. Verbenaceae S
18. Colocasia sp. Pindalu Araceae H
19. Cynodondactylon Dubo Graminae H
20. Cyprus iria Mothe Cyperaceae H
21. Cyperus sp. Cyperaceae H
22. Daturametel KaloDhgaturo Solanaceae H
23. Daturastramonium Dhaturo Solanaceae H
24. Dendrocalamusn sp. Bans Graminae B
25. Durantarepens Nil Kanda Verbenaceae S
26. Eucalyptus citriodora Masala Mytraceae T
27. Eupatorium adenophorum Banmara Compositae H
28. Ficusreligiosa Pipal Moraceae T
29. Fimbristylismiliaceae PaniMothe Cyperaceae H
30. Fraxinus floribunda Lankuri Oleaceae T
31. GalinsogaParviflora ChitlangeJhar Compositae H
32. Grevillearobusta KangiyoRukh Proteaceae T
33. Imperata cylindrical Khar Graminae H
34. Ipomoea aquatica Kalami Sag Convovulaceae H
35. Ipomoea sp. Convovulaceae H
36. Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda Bignoniaceae T
37. Lagerstroemia indica AsarePhool Lythraceae T
38. Lantana camara Masini Kanda Verbenaceae S
39. Meliaazederach Bakenu/Khaibasi Meliaceae T
40. Phragmiteskarka Narkat Graminae H
41. Polygonumplebeium Plygonaceae H
42. Populus deltoids LaharePipal Salicaceae T
43. Prunuscerasoides Painyu Rosaceae T

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

44. Prunuspersica Aaru Rosaceae T
45. Psidiumguajava Amba Myrtaceae T
46. Punicagranatum Aanar Punicaceae S

47. Pyruspashia Mayal Rosaceae T
48. Ranunculus sp. Ranunculaceae H
49. Saccharum sp. Graminae H
50. Sambucusanadensis KanikePhul Sambucaceae S
51. Seneciocappa Compositae H
52. Solanumaculeatissimum Kataiya Solanaceae H
53. Solanumnigrum Solanaceae H
54. Sonchusasper Dudhe Compositae H
55. Sporobolusdiander KhudeGhans Graminae H
56. Stellariavestita KarnaPhulJhar Caryophyllaceae H
57. Thujaorientalis Mayurpankhi Cupresaceae T
58. Trifoliumrepens Pyauli Leguminosae H

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

59. Urticadioca Sisnu Urticaceae H
Appendix 3
Major Problematic Wildlife

S.No. English Name Zoological Name Family Type Size

1 Black Kite Milvus migrans Accipitridae Residential L

2 Blue Rock Pegion Columba Livia Columbidae Residential M

3 House Crow Corvus splendens Corvidae Residential M

4 Spotte Owlet Athene brama Caprimulgidae Residential M

Canis lupus familiaris or Canis

5 Domestic Dog canidae Residential 55-65 lbs

6 golden Jackal Canis aureus canidae Residential 35-40 lbs

7 Blue Bull Boselaphus tragocamelus Residential 220- 470lbs


8 Wild Boar Sus scrofa Suidae Residential 90 -115 lbs


Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

9 Rhesus Monkey Macaca Mulatta Residential 10-12 lb

Appendix 4

26 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017

Appendix 5

Composition of National and Airport Level Committee

A. Composition of ABCRC Committee:

The composition of Airport Bird Control and Reduction Committee (ABCRC) at
National Level is as follows:
1. Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Chairman
2. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Member
3. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Defense Member
4. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Population and Environment Member
5. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Local Development Member
6. Brigadier General, No11 Brigade, Gaucher Member
7. Chairman, Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur District
Development Committee Member
8. Mayor, Kathmandu Metropolitan Member
9. Chairman, Nepal Airlines Corporation Member
10. Director General, CAAN Member-Secretary

B. Composition of TIA-BCCIU Committee:

The composition of Tribhuvan International Airport Bird Control Coordination and
Implementation committee at airport level is as follows:
1. General Manager, TIA Civil Aviation Office - Chairman
2. Representative, Kathmandu District Development Committee Member
3. Representative, Kathmandu District Police Office Member
4. Representative, Kathmandu District Administration Office Member
5. Representative, Kathmandu District Forest Office Member
6. Representative, Kathmandu District Agriculture Office Member
7. Representative, Kathmandu District Vetenary Office Member
8. Representative, Ward No 9, 34, 7 of Kathmandu Metropolitan City Member
9. Mulpani and Gothatar VDCs Member
10. Specialists designated by Chairman Member
11. Representative, Nepal Airlines Member
12. Representative, Nepal Army Member
13. Representative, Solid Waste Management and Resource Member
14. Mobilization Centre, Ministry Of Local Development Member
15. Chief, Bird Control Unit, TIA Member- Secretary

C. Each airport has its own wildlife control coordination and implementation

Wildlife Hazard Report 2017 27

Appendix 6
Protected Birds of Nepal

Black Stork Satyr Tragopan

Impeyan Pheasant(Himalayan Monal) Cheer Pheasant

Bengal Florican Great Hornbill Sarus Crane

White Sork Lesser Florican

Source: BCN/IUCN
28 Wildlife Hazard Report 2017
Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Directorate
Head Office, Babarmahal
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1- 4262387, 4262518, 4262326
Fax: +977- 4262516
Email: [email protected]


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