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Time allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes

Index No.

Candidate’s Name: __________________________________________________

Candidate’s Signature: ______________________________________________

School Name: _____________________________________________________

Read the following instructions carefully: FOR EXAMINER’S USE ONLY

1. The paper has two sections: A and B

2. Section A has 40 questions (40 marks)

3. Section B has 15 questions (60 marks) FOR EXAMINER’S USE

4. Answer ALL questions. All answers to both Sections A

and B must be written in the spaces provided. Qn. No MARK SIGN

1 – 10
5. All answers must be written using a blue or black ball
11 – 20
point pen or ink. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
21 – 30
6. Unnecessary crossing of work may lead to loss of marks.
31 – 40
7. Any handwriting that cannot be easily read may lead to
41 – 43
loss of marks. 44 – 46
8. Do not fill anything in the boxes indicated; 47 – 49

For Examiner’s use only. 50 – 52

53 – 55

Turn over
Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each
1. Name the body sense that helps to tell the taste of sugar in tea.

2. Give one reason why farmers mulch their gardens.


3. Why does a fish die when removed out of the water?


4. How does refrigeration prevent milk from going bad?


5. Use the diagram to answer the questions that follow.

Identify one bird with this type of feet.

6. How useful is such type of feet to this group of birds?


7. What is the role of sunlight during photosynthesis?

8. How is the use of a vent pipe different from that of a screen?


9. Where does the tsetse fly lay its eggs?


10. Give the importance of the garden tool below to a crop farmer.


11. What physical process changes ice to gas?


12. Give one disadvantage of friction in machines as a nuisance force.


13. Give the use of a fuse in an electric circuit.


14. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.


North pole.
Name the pole of the magnet marked X.
15. Identify the property of magnets shown above.


16. Apart from bats, name one vertebrate that makes echoes in the


17. Identify any one sex offence common in schools today.


18. Give one danger of sharing a room with potted plants at night.

19. Why are electric wires fixed loosely on the poles during their connection?


20. Name one insect pest that attacks root crops.


21. Calculate the density of an object whose mass is 10gm and volume 40cc.

22. Apart from wearing shoes, suggest one other way of preventing hookworm


23. How useful are tendons at a joint?

24. Name one insect that protects itself by stinging apart from bees.

25. What is the gestation period of an ewe?


26. Give one health reason for ironing clothes.

27. The diagram shows a part of a flowering plant.

Name the importance of part Y to a pumpkin.

28. Name one human activity that results into air pollution.


29. Besides using a child health card, how can you identify a child who has been
immunized against tuberculosis?


30. Write one natural method of controlling rats in a home.


31. How is a housefly useful in a home during the larvae stage?


32. Give one importance of PIASCY messages at school.


33. State one activity family members can do to promote personal hygiene.


34. How is lightening formed during a thunderstorm?

35. Why is an approaching plane seen before the sound is heard when it is



36. How can you separate a mixture of sugar and powder of steel wire?


37. Give the importance of a health survey to the government.

38. How important is a stretcher in carrying out first aid?


39. Give the role of the part marked Q to the eye of a dog.

40. Why should a baby who has swallowed jik when washing be made to vomit?


Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each.
41 (a) What is germination?
(b) Identify the type of germination undergone by ground nuts.


(c) Besides water and air, give one other condition necessary for seed


(d) What type of leaf venation does a ground nut have?


42. The diagram shows the internal structure of a bird’s egg.

(a) Name parts W and Z.

(i) W
(ii) Z
(b) Besides protection, give one use of part x to an egg.


(c) Why may a fertilized egg fail to hatch?


43. (a) Give any two problems an adolescent girl who gets pregnant may face
besides dropping out of school.


(b) Identify any two groups of people who are vulnerable to AIDs.


44. Match items in A with those in B.
(i) Storage of semen Carbon dioxide
(ii) Welding metals rare gases
(iii) Making electric bulbs Oxygen
(iv) Preservation of drinks Carbon monoxide
(a) Storage of

(b) Welding metals

(c) Making electric

(d) Preservation of

45. (a) Identify any one common drug of dependence.

(b) Give one reason why people commonly abuse drugs.


(c) State any two dangers of drug abuse to:
(i) an individual

(ii) a family
46.(a) How is a strain different from a sprain?

(b) Write down any one disorder of the;

(i) Muscles
(ii) Bones


(c) Give one health habit that helps to keep the skeletal system in healthy
working condition.


47. The diagram shows a domestic appliance. Use it to answer questions

that follow.

a) Name part C.

(b) How does part B work?

(c) Name any one material used to make part A.


(d) Give one use of the instrument above at home.


48. (a) Name one natural component of soil.


(b) A part from weathering, give one way how soil is formed.


(c) What role do earthworms play in soil formation?


(d) What is soil exhaustion?

49. The diagram shows a natural process in our environment. Use it to
answer questions that follow.

(a) Use arrows to show the relationship between the organisms numbered from
1 to 4.
(b) What name is given to this kind of relationship?

(c) What is the scientific name given to organisms labeled 3?
(d) Give the role of part 4 in the environment.
50. (a) What are inexhaustible resources?



(b) Give two ways of conserving trees as a natural resource.





(c) How does a clay stove conserve heat?
51a) To which group of vertebrates does a tadpole belong?


(b) Give one importance of tadpoles in our environment.

(c) How is breathing of a tadpole different from its adult?


(d) Name one animal that belongs to the same family with tadpole.
52. a) Apart from kidney, name one other excretory organ protected by the


(b) Name the excretory product secreted by the kidneys.

(c) Give one disease of the skin.

(d) State one way of keeping the skin in a good working condition.

53. The diagram below shows an electric lamp. Answer questions on it.

(a) Name part R.

(b) Why is oxygen gas not used in part S?

(c) Give a reason why part T is usually coiled?


(d) Identify any one gas found in part S.


54a) Give the importance of pulley at school besides pulling up or down the
school flag.



(b) Calculate the effort needed to lift a load of 200N using a single movable
(2 marks)

(c) Give one factor that may reduce the efficiency of a pulley.


55. a) What is food preservation?


(b) Name two modern methods of food perseveration.


(c) What is food insecurity in the conservation of food?




P.7 Science PLE PREP 7 Marking guide 2017 30. Using cats to eat rats/ some
1. Tasting / sense of taste. communities hunt and eat them.
2. To conserve soil moisture/ soil
fertility/control erosion/ weeds 31. The maggots help to reduce the volume
3. The gills dry out in the free dry air. of faeces (break down faeces) in a pit
4. Prevents the bacterial from latrine.
multiplying / keeps bacteria dormant 32. To prevent children from dropping out
5. Parrots/ wood peckers of school / prevent them from STDs/
6. For climbing trees prevent early marriages / early
7. Provides sunlight (heat) energy pregnancies.
8. A vent pipe takes out bad smell / stale 33. Bathing/ washing clothes / brushing
air from the pit while a screen helps to their teeth/ ironing clothes / grooming
trap house flies. hair and nails
9. It hatches its eggs inside the abdomen 34. Friction between clouds / discharge of
and lays the larvae in the soil. electrons from one charged cloud to
10. To dig rocky soil / To harvest root another/ discharge of electrons from
crops / To narrow the garden clouds to the earth or positively
11. Sublimation charged objects on earth
12. Slows the speed of machines / causes 35. Light travels faster than sound./ speed
wear and tear / cause unnecessary of light is faster than speed of sound.
heating in machines 36. Using a magnet to attract the iron
13. To protect electric appliances from powder.
damage in case of a surge / power 37. To help for social services
outage. 38. To transport (carry) casualties who
14. North pole can’t walk
15. A magnet is stronger at the poles. 39. To form images
16. Whales / Dolphins 40. It may lead to damage of other body
17. Rape / Defilement/ Abortion/ Sodomy/ SECTION B
Lesbianism. 41. –
18. Leads to competition for oxygen since a) Development of a seed into a seed
plants also use it for respiration at ling
night. b) Epigeal germination
19. To leave room for contraction on cold c) Warmth / Optimum / right
days/ To prevent breaking of wires due temperature
to contraction during very cold weather. d) Reticulate / network venation
20. Potato weevils. 42. –
21. D = M = 10g = 1 = 0.25g/cc a) (i) chalaza / twisted albumen
V 40cc 4 (ii) Germinal disc/ embryo
22. Washing hands after using the latrine / b) To give shape / To allow gaseous
toilet washing fruits and vegetables exchange as it is porous.
before eating. c) If the air space is blocked / embryo
23. Tendons join muscles to bones. dies / the embryo fails to get air and
24. Wasps / soldier ants / blank ants moisture/ when the egg is cracked.
25. 5 months / 150 days 43. –
26. To kill parasites / germs / remove odour (a) Forced marriage / early marriage / may
(bad smell) get STDs/ may suffer social stigma/
27. To produce / store pollen grains. rejection by parents or boy friend / may
28. Bush burning / poor waste disposal risk abortion / die in course of delivery.
/release of industrial wastes / dumping (b) Distant truck drivers / business men/
of chemicals/exhaust fumes from traders/ street kids/ soldiers in front line
driving vehicles. areas / policemen on duty away from
29. Checking the scar on the right upper home / street sex workers/ prostitutes.
arm 44. (a) – Storage of semen - Nitrogen
(b)Welding metals - Oxygen

(c)Making bulbs – Rare gases b) Urine
(d) Preservation - Carbon dioxide c) Scabies/ Eczema / Ring worms / skin
45. –(a) Alcohol /tobacco / Mirra / cancer
Marijuana/ Khat/ Opium/ Cocaine d) Eating a balanced diet / bathing
(b)To feel happy / warm/ join peer groups / regularly/ avoid bleaching / tattooing /
wrong adverts / feel mature. piercing the skin.
(c) (i) brain damage / personal neglect / loss
of job
(ii)Loss of family income / spouse abuse / 53. (a) glass envelop / glass bulb / globe
family neglect (b) Oxygen supports burning so it would
46. – (a) Strain is a torn or overstretched burn off the filament
tendon while sprain is a torn or over (c)To increase the surface area for healing /
stretched ligament / strain affects electrical resistance.
muscles while a sprain affects joints. (d)Nitrogen / neon / argon / xenon / krypton
(b) (i) cramp / spasm/ tear of muscles /
cuts 54. (a) Drawing curtains / taking up
(ii) crack / fracture building materials
(c)Eating a balanced diet / physical (b) E = L / E = 200N / E = 100N
exercises. MA 2
47. – (c) Friction / pull of gravity.
a) Vacuum seal 55. (a) A way of keeping food free from
b) Prevents heat loss or gain by radiation germs or contamination.
c) Wood / plastic / rubber
(b) Refrigeration / deep frying /
d) To keep hot things hot or cold ones
pasteurization/ canning / tinning /
48. (a)Bacteria / earth worms/ termites / bottling.
living organisms
(b)Decomposition of organic matter
(c)They aerate the soil / their droppings
make soil fertile
(d)Loss of soil fertility due to over use
49. –
(a) Grass – Grass hopper Bird
(b) Food chain
(c) Primary consumers
(d) They make food / purify air / give
50. –
a) Resources that can not be used up
b) Afforestation / re-afforestation /agro-
c) It retains heat and looses it slowly
because it is an insulator of heat
51. –
a) Amphibians
b) They control malaria by eating the
c) A tadpole uses gills while the adult
uses lungs or moist skin.
d) Newts / Salamanders / blind worms/
52. –
a) Lungs

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