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Social work practice with individuals is a required core component of social work
practice courses. Foundation year social work practice courses frequently
include teaching social work skills through the organizing principle of the change
process. This is often most easily taught using the example of establishing work
relationships with individuals. For example, Shulman (2009) explains that “[T]he
helping process is complex; it must be presented clearly and broken down into
manageable segments...This process and its associated set of core skills can be
observed whenever one person attempts to help another” (xxiii). In this way,
using the relationship established in individual work provides a vehicle to
acquiring interviewing skills and to applying these skills across system levels.
Whether the task is to learn active listening skills, reframing, paraphrasing, or
advocacy, students are frequently initially helped to consider them in reference to
work with an individual and then to practice these skills in field education
placements. As a basic understanding of the helping process and the nature of
change is achieved, these foundational skills are further honed and specifically
applied to the stages within the helping process and to other client target
systems or special populations.
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 2
First year social work practice content introduces these foundational concepts
and skills while second year social work micro practice content focuses more
precisely on specific populations and special considerations. Additionally,
elective choices may select a particular population or issue from which to
consider the special practice considerations of work with individuals. In this vein,
many social work programs offer elective courses that focus explicitly on
individual work within child welfare and the particular concerns of parenting, child
abuse and neglect, on work with substance abusing individuals, or victims of
domestic violence, etc. These focused courses are usually in the advanced year
of the curriculum.
This guide is written understanding that there are multiple places where teaching
individual work may appear in the curriculum. The themes identified for focus in
this guide are important to any individual work undertaken; the lens may be
adjusted to the level and specific focus of the course under consideration.
Additionally, child welfare practice aims to ensure the safety of children while
also ensuring that families will be actively involved in identifying their strengths
(The National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 3
Each of the Real Cases provides ample opportunity to consider the import of
these issues. They provide vibrant examples through which these values and
principles may be examined. Working with any of the adults highlighted in the
scenarios, entails considering this individual’s relationships with the other
members in the client system if purposeful change is to occur. Understanding
this provides a family-centered lens through which the work proceeds.
Each of the cases also provides examples of how confusing and complex the
issues within child welfare practice can be. For example, in the case of Mary S
we read the details of the case workers’ attempts to gather information and to
form an assessment--as if more details will provide the answers. As we read the
details, our thoughts flow from one adult to the next as being a better caretaker
for Jason. As more details evolve, so do our opinions about the actors
Finally, understanding the special place that professional authority and the power
of the child welfare system, and their implications for our work with these
individuals and their families, is critical. These areas are interconnected and will
be usefully explored through any of the cases--albeit with different issues related
to the special circumstances and facets of the cases presented.
Three specific learning objectives are identified which guide the use of each case
study. Strategies for exploring these objectives are then offered. The references
provide avenues for further exploration of the themes and issues presented.
Although discussed as separate and distinct, students will experience these
strategies –and the issues they tackle--as intertwined and interconnected. For
example, while conducting a differential assessment consideration of how
professional authority, power and powerlessness impact each of the scenarios is
essential in achieving a useful assessment which provides clues as to how to
establish a working alliance and what resources and barriers to anticipate.
This section outlines three objectives for work with each of the cases, followed by
discussion of each of the objectives.
Students will:
Working with authority while sharing the power of change, and recognizing
this component as a factor to be managed in sustaining the working
alliance, are essential aspects for the work with individuals. Students
need practice in acknowledging the power and expertise they do, and
don't, have. Further, they need practice in considering how this impacts
engaging clients in mutual planning and goal setting.
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 5
Work within child welfare makes these often avoided considerations more
easily visible. In this way, the scenarios provide a vehicle for students to
examine this often inherent, but less tangible aspect of our work with
Being able to identify the strengths and obstacles to the work and potential
for change is a critical foundation to social work practice. The Real Cases
Guide to Generalist Practice (Cohen) provides a useful framework for
helping students to tune into the issues inherent in the cases. This outline
builds upon these essential skills to help students consider the steps
needed to construct more focused helping skills within the working
2. Timing within the semester: This strategy should follow initial consideration
of engagement issues. However, understanding professional authority and the
power attached to our roles, requires that students have some experience of their
role within field education. Also, as the discussion of power and powerlessness
requires some level of personal exposure, the class should have some
experience of discussing such topics pertinent to their work. This will enhance
their ability to examine these issues. Returning to this issue later in the academic
year, or again in the advanced curriculum reinforces the importance of this issue.
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• Recall and examine an experience where you realized you had power
over another;
• Recall and examine an experience where you realized another person
had power over you;
• How might your perception and experience of power and
powerlessness demonstrate itself in work with your clients?
By requiring each student to consider these issues before bringing the topic to
general class discussion, each student is given the opportunity to consider
his/her own position regarding this issue prior to being confronted with other
positions. It also encourages less vocal students to give thought to their
individual responses. This ensures that they are engaged in the work and
promotes their preparedness to voice their thoughts (Shor, 1992).
The next step is to ask students to share their individual responses in pairs. They
are asked to read their reflections to their pair, or to summarize this for each
other. In these pairs the students are then asked to examine what experiences
they share and what might be different.
Once students do their work in pairs, the professor may choose to increase
student small group discussion by increasing the pairs to fours before coming
back into the whole group for general discussion. This will depend upon the
professor's sense of the class and its history of working together on sensitive
issues. If this step is chosen, the students are asked to share what conclusions
each pair came to in their previous discussion and to again examine what
conclusions they identified that are similar and those that are different. This
provides preparation for students to share and incrementally prepare for their
discussions with the entire class.
Following these more intimate student discussions, the class comes together to
examine the issues which have been highlighted in the smaller student
discussions. They are simply asked "What struck you from these interchanges?"
or, "What did you learn from these interchanges?" The aim is to focus on issues
derived, not to go necessarily into each student's personal reflections. The
professor is demonstrating the skill of synthesizing individual experiences to
more general applications.
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 8
The next step is to turn to any of the case scenarios. This transition requires
elucidation of the implicit power and authority that exists in the role and function
of child welfare (Bundy-Fazioli, Briar-Lawson and Hardiman, 2009; Hackett and
Marsland, 1997; Radley, 2008). Students are helped to understand that any of
our professional roles and functions contains aspects of power and authority and
that the case scenarios provide a glimpse into those associated with child
Students should have read the case scenario/s in advance. In the general class
discussion, students are encouraged to identify explicit considerations of the
case scenario/s in which power and authority are displayed. Each scenario
provides issues of power/powerlessness that the individuals face.
Either in groups of four, or together as a class, students are asked to build upon
their understanding of power to a case scenario and to work with a specific
individual in the scenario. The groups are asked to consider:
1. How might the issues of power/powerlessness affect the work with the
identified individual; and
2. Given these issues, students are asked to consider how the worker
might anticipate management of the engagement phase of the work.
Are these issues different when considering the contracting phase of
the helping process?
The professor has choices as to how to manage this work. This can be done as a
whole class or in smaller groups of students. The choice may also be made
regarding considering the same individual or by considering two different
individuals within the same scenario to highlight how differently these issues play
out in the realities documented. Further, the professor may choose to do the
work in stages. That is, have the groups work together on question one and then
obtain class discussion, then return to the groups for consideration of question
two. By considering more than one individual or more than one scenario, it is
possible to examine how complexly these issues play out in practice and how
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 9
flexible the worker needs to be in meeting the different needs of the individual in
2. Timing within the semester: Issues related to assessment are often tackled
in the beginning of the semester, but there is also wisdom in returning to this
phase of work later in the term to reinforce the learning and to increase students'
sense of efficacy in tackling familiar issues in more complex case scenarios.
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 10
For example, the case of Andrea R provides a useful exercise in this regard. The
deficits/obstacles are easily listed. The scenario is replete with the many
obstacles facing Andrea. It is particularly challenging to identify avenues of
personal strength or to feel confident about the resources available. Helping
students to identify the potential (albeit limited) resources is an important
Andrea's concern for Vincent may be first noted as her over reliance on Vincent
to help care for her. The cleanliness of the apartment may be questioned as an
insufficient strength in the face of the deficits, or questioned as related to
Vincent's helping and not pursued as one of Andrea's capabilities and expression
of coping. Andrea's ability to secure good attendance at school for Vincent also
may be lost among the concern expressed about her lack of provision of
pampers. Andrea's initial ability to identify Elizabeth as a resource for her son
may be questioned as creating tension for Vincent due to Andrea's own
difficulties in her relationship with her sister and may be overshadowed by her
later reneging on this suggestion. Her requiring that her sister and mother "only
have contact with Vincent if first going through her" may be seen as negative
controlling behavior rather than potentially indicative of her fear of losing Vincent,
her desire to remain in Vincent's life, or indicative of a realistic assessment of her
family's reluctance to maintain involvement with Andrea. The exercise does not
provide the answers; the aim is to provoke student curiosity and to break through
preconceived notions of Andrea that emerge from a deficit perspective, and to
provide a fair accounting of both the deficits /obstacles and the
strengths/resources (Blundo, 2001; Graybeal, 2001).
provides rich material from which to explore moving from a deficit perspective to
a strengths perspective that produces a more detailed assessment of how to
stabilize the situation and then to plan for next steps.
The aim of the exercise is not simply in the listing and brainstorming of strengths
and obstacles. The value of the exercise is related to its potential in the critical
examination of the case scenario to give students experience in tackling a
differential assessment of this individual and her system. The professor prompts
for those qualities/factors that raise further questions. For example, Andrea's
mother is assessed as a possible resource but this is not pursued "because she
lives in a rented single room." This may easily fit in the Assessment Axis as an
environmental obstacle. But, it might be posed to the students to consider the
influence of the previous material presented about Andrea's own child rearing.
Has Andrea's mother been so easily written off for further consideration due to
this? Why not evaluate her on her current maternal capabilities and if she is
found to be a resource, help her obtain another more suitable apartment. Might
a further evaluation of Vincent's grandmother turn this environmental obstacle
into an environmental strength/resource? Further, how is Andrea's psychiatrist
listed in the quadrant? Is he an environmental resource or obstacle—or both? He
has long term knowledge of Andrea and her psychiatric disability. He assesses
her as capable of caring for Vincent and he does not act when she misses her
appointments. He recommends that Vincent be returned to prevent Andrea's
further depressive reaction. How might the students assess these critical
components within Andrea's system and what questions might be posed to help
clarify this essential part of Andrea's resources and key to her stabilization? What
questions emerge that point to students' ability to consider Andrea's needs as
potentially in conflict –but complexly intertwined --with Vincent's?
Students can be asked to apply this exercise to their work within field education
and to use the axis with their field instructor with work already being undertaken.
This can be brought back to future class discussions in order to bring the issues
alive, this time applied to the real work of field education.
We all know what it is like being on the other side of resistance in the face of
In recalling a time in which you were resistant to change, can you recall
what you wanted to happen instead? Do you have thoughts about how the
situation or the other person involved could have responded differently to
gain your confidence and cooperation?
What is the precise nature of the barrier? That is, how else might the
barrier be explained?
Whose problem is it? That is, whose need for change is it? Who is more
invested in this particular solution, or route to change?
What are some of the factors that affect a system’s response to change?
3. Fears a loss of job, status, etc. or the need for change is not seen
(Perhaps the stakes seem too high to proceed with a plan for change, or
there is a belief that more harm than good will result.)
7. Feels change will take too much effort, and that it is not worth the effort
Defuse the negative flow by proposing you may have been moving too
fast. This also models that it is o.k. to acknowledge that you may have
been going too fast and reaches for mutuality in the process.
Reach for the client's own curiosity about the impasse. This also
communicates interest in the process of change.
Reframe - help them out of a corner, address the positive behavior. "You
are reluctant, but you are here." "Perhaps it is better for us to slow down
and take time to review." "Perhaps we need more time to consolidate the
changes you have already achieved before moving ahead."
Make this current effort distinct from other previous failed attempts. "You
may feel as if you are at stage one again, but let's review this together."
Remind the client that being stuck is part of the work. “Change is difficult
and we should not be surprised that it is difficult and that it takes time.”
Next the class, either as a whole class or in smaller groups, is asked to examine
a case scenario. The case scenario, Anne M, is used here as an example. The
aim is to identify instances that indicate "cooperation" and those that may
indicate "resistance" to the presenting problem of seeking safety for Anne M and
the children.
Current Investigation: illustrates the different responses from Mr. M and Anne
related to the initial CPS call. What do students see from the details here? What
beginning negotiations are made between the worker and each individual? Are
there any questions arising from these initial contacts?
Initial Home Visit: Anne M makes the documents available and allows the worker
to talk to the children. She volunteers her fear of her husband and describes her
safety ritual when returning home each night.
Safety Plan: Anne M cooperates with establishing a more detailed safety plan,
but is not willing to consider a move from her current apartment.
How can this viewed in relation to providing clues to Anne's feelings about the
changes ahead for her and her children? What response from the worker might
address Anne's fears which may also further the work of change ahead? The aim
here is to allow the students to craft responses that acknowledge Anne’s
reluctance to move and ambivalence about this as an option, and to respect that
this particular safety measure may involve too much change at this point but to
leave room for change if this becomes an issue of safety.
Court Involvement: Mr. M's initial cooperation has turned to blocking the
proceeding of the court hearing by refusing to attend and then failing to obtain a
lawyer. The judge intervenes by stating that Mr. M. would be required to
represent himself if he appeared again without a lawyer. Confrontation is an
intervention to use when resistance threatens the safety of the client system.
Would students like to return to the interchanges above and add a possible
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 17
confrontation intervention on the assumption that there is evidence that Anne and
the children are no longer safe in their apartment?
"Anne, you and the children are not safe here. I understand your
reluctance to move and your need to think about the changes involved.
We can work together to achieve safety for yourself and your family. Let’s
talk about this further."
Ongoing Contacts: Anne M. keeps her scheduled appointments with the worker.
Work concerns and child care issues prevent a child evaluation specialist to
conduct an Elevated Risk Conference. Anne M. reaches out to her worker with
concrete concerns and advice about texting messages received from her
husband. During a visit Thomas responds to the mention of his father and
interrupts the conversation between the worker and his mother by turning up the
TV. The worker notes that Anne M. "only" gave the Order of Protection to the
Head Teacher and that she was asked to give a copy to each person. Anne M
returns to the topic of finding a new apartment and she asks for a referral due to
flashbacks. She is also worried about the children. In response to being asked
what she does to deal with her anxiety, she answers that she prays.
Students are asked to consider this information. What do they note in relation to
indications of possible ambivalence/resistance? They are asked to consider what
they would want to say to promote the work ahead.
The need to have each person receive a copy of the Order of Protection is an
important safety precaution. What interchange/s might the worker make to
ensure that this measure is followed up on?
Anne M. acknowledges her need for counseling. She reports that she prays
when she is anxious. This is important information and an area we often do not
pursue. What interchange/s might the worker make that furthers the work? How
can the worker intervene to support the personal resource of prayer while also
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 18
A. Recap
This guide offers suggestions to address social work practice issues which
impact the working alliance: achieving a strengths perspective within the
assessment of the client and client system, understanding power differentials,
and acknowledging resistance to change. The case scenarios are replete with
opportunities to deepen student understanding of these critical practice concerns.
B. References
C. Supportive Readings
Akin, B.A., Gregoire, T.K. (1997). Parents’ views on child welfare’s response to
addiction. Families in Society, 78, 4, 393-405.
Blundo, R. (2010) Engaging men in clinical practice: A solution-focused and
strengths based model. Families in Society, 91,3, 307-312.
Bogo, M., Dill, k. (2008). Walking the tightrope: Using power and authority in
Child Welfare Supervision. Child Welfare, 87, 6, 141-157.
Carlson, B.E. (2006). Best practices in the treatment of substance-abusing
women in child welfare. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.
6,3, 97-115.
Fargion, S. (2006). Thinking professional social work: Expertise and professional
ideologies in social workers’ accounts of their practice. Journal of Social
Work, 6, 3, 255-273.
Finch, Jeanne B. (2009). Mothers in Recovery: Their perspectives on
Motherhood and Substance Abuse. Lambert Academic Press.
Folsom, W. Christensen, M., Avery, L., and Moore, C. (2003) The co-occurrence
of child abuse and domestic violence: An issue of service delivery for
social service professions. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
20,5, 375-387.
Mallon, G. and Hess, P. (eds.). (2005). Child Welfare of the Twenty-First
Century: A handbook of practices, policies and programs. NY: Columbia
University Press.
Murphy, S.Y., Hunter, A.G. and Johnson, D.J. (2008). Transforming caregiving:
African American custodial grandmothers and the child welfare system.
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 35, 2, 67-89.
Oyserman, D. Mowbray, C.T. and Mears. P.A. (2000). Parenting among mothers
with a serious mental illness. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70,
Reich, J.A. (2005). Fixing families: Parents, power and the child welfare system.
NY: Routledge.
Finch, Social Work Practice with Individuals 21
Samantrai, K. (1991). Clinical social work in public child welfare practice. Social
Work, 36,4, 359-361.
Schmid, J.E., Pollack, S. (2009). Developing shared knowledge: family group
conferencing as a means of negotiating power in the child welfare system.
Practice: Social Work in Action, 21, 3, 175-188.
Tew, J. (2006). Understanding power and powerlessness: Towards a framework
for emancipator practice in social work. Journal of Social Work, 6, 1, 33-
Waldrop, D. (2003). Caregiving issues for grandmothers raising their
grandchildren. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 7, 3,