Cyber Security Management Model A Proposal For Org

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Cyber security management model: A proposal for

Assoc. prof. Ing. Josef Kubík, CSc
Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies in Uherské Hradiště, Města Mayen
1536, Uherské Hradiště 686 01, Czech Republic, e-mail: [email protected]

Assoc. prof. RNDr. Aleš Ruda, Ph.D., MBA

Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies in Uherské Hradiště, Města Mayen
1536, Uherské Hradiště 686 01, Czech Republic, e-mail: [email protected]


In this paper, it is confronted a question of cyber security management in organizations.

The whole cyber world of today is permanently exposed to various cybernetic threats and
attacks, that are more or less sophisticated, structured and have various motivations. No
individual nor organization or cybernetic system is perfectly protected. Regarding this, it
is essential for organizations to develop an effective and functional cyber security
management system to eliminate threats and minimize extent and impact of attacks. The
paper proposes a possible way how to manage cyber security in organization. Authors
believe that proposed model is applicable for a wide range of organization across

Keywords: cyber security; management; cybernetic threats; ICT

JEL classification: L2

1. Introduction

Why it is important to manage cyber security in organization? Current world is among

other characterized by massive development of ICT tools. These tools affect all aspects of
human live – professional or personal. In case of organizations embedded in economy,
more and more activities and services are realized in virtual environment. Electronation
of agendas and tasks is crucial for future organizational development and survival.
Respecting all the positives and opportunities of using ICT, significant threats must be
considered. Facing threats and challenges in virtual world, effective managerial model for
cyber security plays an essential role.

Authors react to mentioned ideas and propose a managerial model for cyber security
system that could be applied in organizations across economy. Their aim is not to provide
“one size fits all” solution, but to offer lean and functional cyber security management
model. This approach seems to be suitable for customization in various organizations.
The paper summarizes authors´ proposal and is structured as follows:

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- The second chapter summarizes theoretical fundamentals of cyber security
issues, cyber world in general and issues related to cyber security management.
- The third section provides basic internal logics of authors´ work, fundamental
questions are formulated respectively.
- The fourth chapter introduces the cyber security management model proposal
itself. The model is visualized via several objects to be easily interpreted.
- The final chapter briefly summarizes and provide some conclusions.

2. Theoretical Basis

Extend and significance (economic or societal) of cyber world (according to Studýnka,

2019 cyber world is an environment of information´s life cycle, parallel to physical world,
including information systems, services and infrastructure) and every day cyber life seem
to increase unprecedently in last decades (Uma & Padmavathi, 2013; Pleta et al., 2020)
and it is relevant to speak about information society (Studýnka, 2019). Pleta et al. (2020)
conclude positives of this fact but also point at risk or threats. Cyber security of virtual
systems is a highly discussed and important issue, noteworthy for individuals,
organizations, governments and public bodies, economic systems or societies (Fisher,
2016; Mulligan & Schneider, 2011).

To define the term cyber security itself is many but not easy task. According to Fisher
(2016), cyber security consists of lots of parts, e. g. safety and privacy, using and sharing
information, control, security bodies, entities etc., but we do not have one universal
definition. Current studies conclude its multidimensional and strategic, processional
nature (Wirtz & Weyerer, 2007); inclusion of extend analytical activities, research and
development; managerial activities and functions; resources; wide information basis;
variability of stakeholders; as well as relationships and attitudes (Studýnka, 2019; Fisher,
2016; Wirtz & Weyerer, 2007).

Very important issue, thinking about cyber security, is management of cyber risks and
threats. Disturbance of cyber security very often affects safety, accountability, reliability,
economy or individual lives and society (Fisher, 2016; Mulligan & Schneider, 2011). And
this is the reason, why to effectively manage cyber security systems in organizations.
Effective cyber security management system ensures flexible and fast reactions to cyber
disturbances, minimalizes their impacts and mitigates risks. Management system is
affected by risks on one side and resources on the other (Wirtz & Weyerer, 2007).
Effective system should provide comprehensive analysis of risks and their severity or
probability; sufficient resources and tools; reactivity and recovery strategies; skilled
human resources; as well as support.

It is noteworthy and considerable that actual state of art in organizations, regarding cyber
security and its system, is dismal and lacking significantly behind the needs and threats
of current world and society (Pleta et al., 2020). Here, we come to the issue of cyber
attacks (disturbances respectively) and to important cyber security challenges.

Cyber attacks can be characterized as effort of unauthorized person to access ICT system,
usually aiming on fraud, theft, disturbance, damage or other illegal, respectively
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undesirable, action (e. g. Mulligan & Schneider, 2011). The aim of cyber security is attacks
elimination, via application of effective and functional tools. Cyber attacks can be
classified respecting various viewpoints, e. g. purpose (explorative, attacks on access,
service denial attacks), legal classification (crime, espionage, terrorism, cyber war), level
of agent engagement (active, passive), extend of impacts (extensive severe attacks, attacks
with limited impacts), type of network (MANET, WSN) – see Uma & Padmavathi (2013)
for more comprehensive overview.

Regarding all the abovementioned ideas, it is possible to summarize several challenges of

cyber security and its management (based on Fisher, 2016; Mulligan & Schneider, 2011
or Wirtz & Weyerer, 2007):

- Accurate and effective structure and security safeguards implemented in ICT

- Adequate and periodic investments into cyber security systems and tools.
- Agreement upon valid and integrated definition and perception of cyber
- Minimization of lag between cyber criminality and security reactions; effective
- Managerial, political, legal, economic, and public support and understanding
the significance of cyber security; overall enlightenment, awareness, and
- Change resistance overcoming.

2.1 Management of Cyber Security

Business and managerial models are changing regarding increasing number of virtual
activities and operations (Andronache & Althonayan, 2019). This brings significant
benefits, but on the other hand also lots of threats - Andronache & Althonayan (2019)
mention term “development paradox”; and intensification of cyber attacks that are
sophisticated. Regarding this, cyber security management is required to ensure adequate
system protection, resiliency, integrated strategies and suitable operative models,
proactive safeguards, as well as periodical evaluation and prospective change (Ezingeard
et al., 2007; Limba et al., 2017). On the other hand, organizations and management are not
effective in these issues (see, e. g. Andronache & Althonayan, 2019; Ezingeard et al., 2007;
Tisdale, 2015 for this thesis), however management is usually aware of their importance;
sometimes this lead also to undesirable overreaction and over-engineering of solutions
(Ezingeard et al., 2007).

According to Tisdale (2015), arguments for complex and effective cyber security
management are obvious – overcoming fragmentation of cyber security systems,
reduction of costs of cyber incidents, operational trade-offs, vulnerabilities adaptation
and resistance, keeping up with changes in environment, technological development,
organizational success and survival.

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Cyber security management can be perceived as:

- Holistic, strategic system, overcoming so called “silo” approaches to cyber

security in organization, for effective organization-wide risk governance, that
is subject of internal and external pressures and changes (Andronache &
Althonayan, 2019; Ezingeard et al., 2007). Limba et al. (2017) mention that
cyber security management consists of regulation, governance, risk
management, security culture, technology management, incident management.

- Comprehensive processional approach including security policies, education,

training, awareness, security monitoring focusing on safeguards of information
systems and cyber assets important to success and survival of organization,
reducing non-compliance behaviour (Chen et al., 2015).

- Managerial system including reporting, policy setting, organizing, analysing,

mitigation of risks, resiliency, interconnectivity and partnership, controlling,
accountancy, decision-making, risk management, evaluation, and modification
(Andronache & Althonayan, 2019; Ezingeard et al., 2007).

- Multi-dimensional and multi-genre mechanism fulfilling technical, societal,

operational, economic, value-protective functions as well as enhancing added-
value of activities (Andronache & Althonayan, 2019; Tisdale, 2015).

- Part of overall organizational strategy, related to objectives achievement and

solving social as well as organizational and economic nature of cyber security
problems (Ezingeard et al., 2007).

- System, how to build effective cyber security processes for systems and
information protection (Ezingeard et al., 2007).

In table 1 it is summarized several cyber security management system components.

Table 1: Components of cyber security management system

Determinants of cyber security management Benefits of cyber security management

Organizational determinants: Better and more conscious compliance of cyber

security rules
- Initiative and support of management and
other internal stakeholders, combination Competitive advantage from economic and values´
of top-down and bottom-up approaches meeting viewpoint
- Positive organizational culture and trust,
Resilience and better change or crisis adaptation
communication, transparency
- Clear competencies and responsibilities Organizational and process effectiveness and
- Awareness of cyber threats coordination

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- Integrity of organizational and security Leadership enhancement and proactive approach
objectives to strategic and operational issues
- Existence of conceptual documents,
Reduction of values and goals discrepancies
methods, and legislation
- Formalization of processes and standards

External determinants: Reduction of informational rush,

misunderstandings, and biases
- Number and complexity of cyber threats
- Regulations and requirements of external Higher internal and external stakeholders´
stakeholders satisfaction and motivation
- Accepted standardization and its positive

Barriers of cyber security management Maturity of cyber security management

Related to human resources: Cyber security is not managed in holistic way and
is lagging threats and current level of cyber crime
- Internal culture that is not cyber security
supportive Organization do not have sufficient control and
- Lack of awareness and competencies for risk management mechanisms
work in cyber environment
Management of organizations understand and
- Change resistance
support generally the idea about quality of
Related to strategy: security management and cyber security systems
- Costs of cyber security systems Lack of resources and skills
- Underinvestment into cyber security
Organizations are aware of priorities formulation,
infrastructure due to underestimation of
strategies formulation, evaluation of performance,
its significance and returns
education, and enlightenment
- “Silo” structures instead of complex
- Lack of maturity and preparedness,
- Low prediction ability and understanding
to global complex environment

Source: based on Andronache & Althonayan (2019); Ezingeard et al. (2007); Chen et al.
(2015); Tisdale (2015); Niekerk van & Solms von (2010).

Building effective cyber security management model, it is important to overcome several

common mistakes (see, e. g. Limba et al., 2017) – firstly believe that systems can be
resistant to any vulnerability and be fully safe; secondly believe that hiring best experts
can provide absolute safety of systems; thirdly believe that using the latest and most
expensive or appreciated security technologies can provide 100% security; fourthly
believe that cyber security is prominently about monitoring and control; fifthly believe
that used security measures are the best.

3. Methodology: Approach to model development

How to develop a cyber security management model? Seemingly a simple question, but in
fact it is far from reality. To handle this essential question, the methodology of authors´

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approach is now to be introduced. At the beginning of whole process authors tried to react
to following issues:

What are the main needs of organizational cyber security; what are the main weak and
strong points? To answer this, the initial analysis of systems needs to be applied.

Who is going to manage cyber security in organization? The competencies and

responsibilities need to be clarified.

Does organization have sufficient hardware, software and economic sources? Potential
investments need to be considered.

How does organization manage its cyber security? Strategies, policies, and methods need
to be formalized and standardized. This is an issue of prevention.

How does organization manage the impacts of cyber attack? The process needs to be
formalized and standardized. This is an issue of minimizing negative impacts of successful
cyber attack.

Abovementioned issues were critically assessed by the authors, regarding either current
surveys (their main findings and opinions were introduced above in the second chapter
of the paper), or practical experience of authors and several other experts interviewed.
Such approach was found appropriate, especially due to variation in opinions and
attitudes of sources.

Based on introduced approach, authors target main purpose of this paper – how to
effectively and fluently develop and apply a model for cyber security management.
Proposed model is realized internally with minimum additional sources requirements.
Even though, it is perfectly competitive, lean and functional, closely connected with
overall structure of organization and its management system. Authors add also several
considerable remarks for organizations that outsource their ICT systems.

Authors believe in practical applicability and appropriateness of proposed model for

cyber security management but are aware of its limitations and individual adjustment

4. Cyber security management model proposal

In this chapter, authors introduce the actual model proposal for cyber security
management – thus, here is embedded the core of this paper and the whole work. Firstly,
the model is visualized in figure 1.

In the first phase, a comprehensive analysis of current situation of cyber security and its
system should be developed. Based on organizational data and experience, the
organization gains wide range of information and will be ready to develop effective
managerial system for cyber security. A key point is to base the analysis on evidence-
based approach – IT department of the organization should mine all available data about
cyber security and ICT systems (among others revise access rights and rules, safety nets,
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software equipment etc.) Suitable can be formulation of SWOT analysis that concludes all
the relevant information and is user friendly for experts as well as for laiks. Results should
be disseminated through whole organization if it is relevant from managerial viewpoint.

In the second phase, management should nominate members for cyber security executive
board (CSEB). This body will be responsible for effective and actual cyber security system
which is flexible and able to react to the needs of organization and internal or external
changes. It would be convenient to develop a periodic schedule of CSEB meetings. The
possible structure of the body is illustrated in figure 2. Key operational and expert role
should be dedicated to the manager of cyber security and to IT department. Managers and
employees from other departments should provide necessary and desirable cooperation
and keep themselves informed about actualities. Additionally, independent cyber auditor
and manager of data protection regulation (where applicable) should be nominated,
outsourcing is a relevant option.

In the third phase, required sources (economic, personal, technological and others) need
to be identified and ensured. Screening of needs and actual situation is a task especially
for IT employees; following assurance of necessary resources is a task for management,
CSEB respectively.

In the fourth phase, it is useful to support the whole cyber safety system by its
formalization and standardization. This could be done via formulation of cyber security
strategy and policy, as well as via formulation of process maps and understandable
internal legislation. Preparation and final results of these activities should be discussed
with employees and these should be kept informed about all relevant facts. Thus,
acceptation and adoption of good praxis will be higher, and engagement of all employees
will be better. In this phase of the process, all employees should already know their
competencies and responsibilities, which should be implemented into their everyday
work. This phase is the main part of strategic and operational management of cyber
security in organization. Let us stress once again at this point, communication and
acceptation are crucial for all cyber security activities and activities in ICT systems in
general. Important part of standardization and formalization of cyber security system
should be planning and realization of suitable education, enlightenment, and awareness
of individuals enhancement. Managerial support is the other cornerstone.

In the fifth phase, the system of reaction to cyber attack (or incident, more generally)
should be developed and formalized. Authors of this paper recommend formulate a
process map with essential steps, that could be more precisely described in internal
legislation, cyber security strategy and policy (see phase four). Simple structure of such
process map is introduced in figure 3.

One key characteristics of a model proposal lefts – periodicity and modifications. Like
many other models or systems, even the system of cyber security management should be
viable, flexible, and evolving. Regarding this, it should be standardized a periodicity of
phase one of the model (analysis) to ensure validity and topicality. According to
periodically identified and evaluated findings, modifications of phase three and four
should be realized. In case of phase five, this one is operative and crisis solving. Regarding
this, it should be flexible, accurate, as well as swift; the organization and all individuals
should learn from various crisis situations and try to be better in future.
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Figure 1: Cyber security management system development

1. What Comprehensive analysis of current state of art

Who Management of organization

IT employees or external experts

How Audit of cyber systems, processes and roles – data and process analysis

Result Report with clear and sufficient information about strong, weak points,
threats and opportunities

2. What Cyber security executive board (CSEB)

Competency and responsibilities model

Who Management of organization

Personal department

How Formation of CSEB and nomination of members

Analysis of positions characteristics in organization

Result Functioning CSEB

Positions´ characteristics adjustment

Competencies and responsibilities are clear, people know what to do in

daily work

3. What Ensured resources


IT employees

How Analysis of needs and current sources revision – data analysis

Result Resources are available, sufficient and actual

4. What Strategies, politics and methods


How Formulation of concept documents and methodologies

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Formulation and standardization of objectives and activities

Result Formal system and processes are developed and agreed across

People know what to do in various situations in cyber space

Process maps and internal legislation is developed

5: What Cyber attacks situations


IT employees

How Formulation of process maps and internal legislation

Cyber security technologies application

Result Process of cyber attack solution is formalized

People know what to do in case of cyber attack

Source: Authors.

As mentioned above, key professional role in CSEB should be dedicated to manager of

cyber security. Regarding the expert aspect, head of IT department could be suitable
candidate. His duties should be related to coordination of cyber security activities,
resources allocation, analyses and formulation of requirements or recommendations,
strategic planning of cyber security, operative and risk management in cyber security

On the other hand, chair of CSEB should coordinate activities of CSEB with all other
activities within organization, link management structure with CSEB, provide resources,
make most important strategic decisions and solve prospective conflicts. Executive
manager of organization could be one of suitable candidates for this position.

Role of particular managers of other departments is more or less supportive. These

managers should provide required information and cooperate with manager of cyber
security, IT department consequently; prospectively they participate at strategic
planning, risk management and decision-making processes.

Relatively specific and more ad hoc character have cyber auditor and manager of data
protection regulation. Cyber auditor should be, without any doubt, independent person –
if not, proper picture of cyber security situation in organization could not be provided.
Independence of cyber auditor can be ensured via creation of a specific job position

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outside the system of organizational departments, sufficient financial reward at the
position; could be strengthened via outsourcing of the auditing service.

Manager of data protection regulation can be constituted or not (in lots of organizations,
there is no such need identified). Management of data protection is, on the other hand,
very important issue, when organizations administrate wide range of sensitive data, as
well its important role play also legislative requirements. Thus, it could be advised to keep
establishment of this function in mind, it is also possible to outsource the service.

Figure 2: Possible structure of CSEB

Chair of CSEB
(possibly executive

Manager of cyber Managers of Cyber auditor Manager of data

security (possibly particular (independent; protection regulation
head of IT dept.) departments possibly external) (possibly external)

IT department

Source: Authors.

Every step of the process of cyber attack (incident) management has its importance and
it is not advised to miss or omit some of them. Immediate notification about attack or even
suspicion is crucial for effective solution of crisis and elimination of negative impacts.
Every person in organization should be aware of this fact and know to whom give
information. IT specialists and manager of cyber security are mainly responsible for
situation analysis, operative actions and arrangements or prospective reduction of cyber
services and activities realization. After primer appropriate arrangements and actions,
the CSEB should discuss the situation, consider objectives, future steps and
recommendations proposed by manager of cyber security. Accordingly, decisions should
be made, and recovery plan should be agreed. Very important part of the process is
realization of suitable actions and adjustments of ICT systems; evaluation of crisis; as well
as conclusions formulation and learning from failings; prospectively sanction personal
failures. In case that cyber attack (incident) is relevant for external subjects (e. g.
distortion of clients or supplier´s data; reduction of cyber services provided etc.), it is
advised to inform such stakeholders about situation and its solutions.
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Figure 3: Process of cyber incident management

Start of documentation and

analysis of attack (data and
Cyber attack detection Notification of supervisor evaluation)
(employee) or manager of cyber safety
(manager of cyber safety
and IT dept.)

Potential reduction of Formulation and adoption Formulation of recovery

cyber functions and of objectives and activities plan and application of
services for spread of and intensive activities (CSEB,
infection elimination communication (CSEB) employees)

Inspection and drowing

Formulation of final report Information for external
conclusions and
(CSEB) stakeholders (CSEB)
consequences (CSEB)

Source: Authors.

Finally, authors would like to mention one more issue – outsourcing of the whole ICT
system of the organization. Many, especially small or medium-sized organizations do not
administrate their ICT systems on their own. They prefer turn-key solutions based on
complete outsourcing that is cheaper and more comfortable for them (they do not need
IT department, perform savings in personnel, software and hardware equipment etc.).
Similar approach prefer e. g. organizations in public sector (see, e. g. Studýnka, 2019 for
further discussion) – they need sophisticated systems for administrations of wide range
of important data, system compatibility, realization of specific services and activities etc.
In house solutions are for them costly and require highly skilled experts.

Regarding above-mentioned issues, organizations should not resign on effective

system of cyber security management, but the contrary in fact. If outsourcing ICT systems
delivery, organization loses significant part of control and management ability. Authors
see threats related to:

- data leakage and fraud

- system gaps which the organization is not familiar with
- overpricing of outsourced services
- unfamiliar safeguards
- delivery of services that do not fit perfectly to needs of organization

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Proposed cyber security management model is however suitable even for organizations
with outsourced ICT systems. Chair of CSEB and manager of cyber security have to be
perfectly familiar with supplier conditions and safeguards system; manager of cyber
security have to be perfectly familiar with technical solutions of ICT systems; chair of
CSEB should strictly require security guaranties in supplier contracts. Open and intensive
communication between organization and ICT supplier is crucial.

Authors foresee following modifications of proposed model in case of ICT systems


- Analytical phase is embedded especially into revision of supplier contracts,

needs of the organization; additionally, into analysis of ICT systems themselves,
if the organization can technically and professionally do so (otherwise, it is
possible to ensure professional external audit).
- It can be beneficial to nominate a representative of ICT supplier to CSEB.
- Resource planning should perfectly calculate advantageousness of outsourcing.

Strategies, policies, methods, and internal legislation should be customized to a specific

supplier relations and conditions. Every person in organization should nevertheless still
clearly know what to do in everyday work, regarding cyber security. All the internal
documents should respect organizational needs as well as supplier contracts conditions.

In case of cyberattack (or suspicion), immediate notification and intensive

communication with supplier is crucial. This communication is under manager of cyber
security responsibilities. Solution of cyber attack, or incident respectively, is under
supplier´s responsibility (regarding contracts), organization should collect all accessible
information and evidence related to attack and support the supplier. CSEB should be kept
informed, as well as all the persons in the organization, respecting their positions and
working tasks. Manager of cyber security in cooperation with supplier should formulate
the final report, including causes and impacts of the attack, solutions and future
safeguards and objectives. Organization should consider prospective sanctions against
supplier or even change of supplier (respecting contracts and circumstances of the cyber

5. Conclusion

The paper introduces several issues related to cyber security and its management in
organizations of current world. At the first section of the paper, context of cyber security
and cyber attacks (or incidents to be more general) was summarized, followed by ideas
regarding management of cyber security. The next section briefly introduced
methodology of cyber security model proposal and its internal logics. In the most
important section, the model proposal was described and supplemented by several
commentaries of authors.

It is noteworthy to mention, that it does not exist one universal solution for development
and application of cyber security management models. Every organization should
customize the system to its needs and possibilities, as well as to current external
DOI: 10.60026/IJPAMED.V8I2.140
environment. Most importantly – every organization should be aware of its cyber security
and apply relevant objectives.

Authors´ aim was not to force organizations into any universal model fit, but to provide
some useful ideas for management of cyber security, that they consider to be crucial in
current world. Proposed model pointed at several systematic issues not to be overlooked.
Nevertheless, there could be limitations identified, related e. g. to model´s applicability in
various organizational environments, specified details of partial phases, roles of CSEB
members and their number etc. This is an issue for future work. On the other hand,
simplicity and general guideline character of proposed model should be evaluated as
beneficial, providing wide adjustments possibilities. Such nature of proposed model is its
strong and competitive point. Hopefully, in this manner will be the paper and model
proposal perceived by readers.

DOI: 10.60026/IJPAMED.V8I2.140

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DOI: 10.60026/IJPAMED.V8I2.140

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