Sanfrancisco W 20240209 Si
Sanfrancisco W 20240209 Si
Sanfrancisco W 20240209 Si
P O W E R 1 0 0
Meet the most influential — and impactful —
people in Bay Area business.
PAGES 15-36
For a list of our staff
NEWS TIPS Your primer for the week in Bay Area business news
Contact reporters
or send news tips
to Managing Editor
Owen Thomas
at othomas@
Fair and accurate
coverage is at the
heart of our mission.
substantive errors.
If you believe Outdoor brand Oakland’s San Francisco- Lennar Homes Berkeley-based
incorrect or unfair Camelbak, City Council based DocuSign of California KoBold Metals,
information has known for approved selling is cutting and Kennedy a mining startup
appeared in the its hydration the two-building about 6% of its Lewis Investment that uses AI
SFBT, contact
packs and complex on workforce in a Management to explore for
Managing Editor
Owen Thomas. water bottles, Harbor Bay third round of have bought materials key to
is commencing Parkway to layoffs that will a 9.5-acre green energy,
SUBSCRIBE layoffs and Prologis for $24 mostly affect office property said it has
To make changes, shutting down million — with staff in sales approved for the discovered a
get help or start a
its Petaluma the condition and marketing. development massive copper
new subscription
please go to headquarters they lease it to DocuSign of homes in deposit in the amid a wider the Oakland had 7,336 San Ramon. African country
sanfrancisco/ restructuring by Roots and Soul employees at Affiliates of the of Zambia.
subscribe or call publicly traded soccer clubs — the end of 2023. Miami-based KoBold has been
866-853-3661. The company developer and drilling under its
owner Vista ending years-
Outdoor Inc. long speculation estimates the New York- Zambian permit
SFBT hosts net- The business will regarding what it will incur based investor for a little over a
working, award TED EGAN move to Irvine. would happen to approximately purchased the year.
and education the site following $28 million to site at 3401 Crow
events throughout the Raiders’ $32 million in Canyon Rd. and
the year. See the
schedule and
“I would say, don’t departure to Las restructuring 12943 Alcosta
Vegas in 2020. charges. Blvd.
register at
panic right now. I
don’t think we’re in
For information,
rates, editorial
a doom loop, and
calendar and specs
contact Michael I don’t think we’re
Fernald at (415) 288-
4942 or mfernald@
headed for a massive SAN FRANCISCO’S ASIASF TO CLOSE
recession.” AsiaSF, a renowned San Francisco
restaurant, bar and queer nightlife
San Francisco Chief Economist entertainment venue, is announcing
TED EGAN on the state of the city. last call after 26 years in SoMa.
The two-level Asian fusion
San Francisco Business
Times is a publication of: restaurant at 201 9th St. — known
American City nationally for its popular drag
Business Journals,
cabaret shows starring transgender
120 W. Morehead St.,
Charlotte, N.C. 28202 performers Ladies of AsiaSF — said
Whitney Shaw, CEO on Feb. 5 it will close this spring.
Ray Shaw, Chairman
Its last day of business will be
ABOUT THE COVER International Transgender Day of
Visibility on March 31, but the club’s
co-founder Larry Hashbarger says
Three big conferences
UCSF agrees to buy two
Hilary Newsom spills the
AsiaSF’s intellectual property will live
fall off books as Moscone S.F. hospitals and bolster tea on how she keeps
sees tough year ahead. its existing dominance. PlumpJack on track.
and at additional mailing club with co-founder Skip Young in plans to close inspiring women,” Hashbarger said of
offices. The San Francisco
1998. “This is very much a transition,
weekly by Business Jour- hopefully, it is the beginning of new last day will venues have faced challenges
nal Publications Inc. 275
opportunities for our vision and the outlasting the pandemic and its
Battery St., Suite 250, be March 31,
San Francisco CA 94111. Ladies of AsiaSF.” protracted recovery. Some, like the
Subscriptions are 1-year Power players: The people making
Slowness in the venue’s Stud, have come back while keeping
print and digital, $190.
change and building the future of neighborhood may have been a Transgender
Day of their worker-owned cooperative
the Bay Area. Introducing the 2024 contributing factor — as it was for structure intact.
Power 100. nearby bar Bloodhound, which Visibility.
Postmaster: Please — Alex Barreira
send address changes to: closed for good late last month after
San Francisco Business Photo illustration: 15 years at 1145 Folsom St.
Times, 275 Battery Meredith Sheffer | SFBT; AsiaSF is known for the venue’s Related: Oakland’s Port Bar to
St., Suite 250, San
Getty Images
Francisco CA 94111 energy and its performers, who close (page 11)
Get the
Latest Leads
Equip Your Business With
Actionable Opportunities
Reach The
Right Audience It is so important for our department and staff to remain
knowledgeable on local business rankings so that our target
employers are relevant and of interest to our students.
$228M in average gross sales
We utilize the contact information to update our central
database so that we may always remain connected to an
62% are top management employer despite any potential turnover.
Carrie Johnson
80% influence purchasing decisions UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO CAREER SERVICES
SARAH KLEARMAN & HANNAH KANIK cover real estate, construction and architecture
back for the numbers to start work-
New York City-based
real estate investor W.P.
Redevelopment plans ing again.”
Current designs call for demol-
Carey wants to build for Oakland art college ishing 10 of the school’s dozen
an 80,000-square-foot
warehouse and distribution move forward — slowly buildings to make way for two new
center in San Leandro. buildings reaching no more than 10
The project, which
stories, bringing 488 housing units.
is heading to that city’s
planning commission, A long-delayed housing redevel- Ten percent of the project’s total
calls for construction on a opment project at the former Cal- units will be designated affordable,
vacant 3.6-acre lot at 1700 ifornia College of the Arts campus and will include 15,000 square feet
Doolittle Dr. The 48-foot- in Oakland reached a critical mile- of commercial land that will likely
high structure would have
stone – but officials say construc- be office space.
12,400 square feet of office
space and 67,440 square tion won’t be starting anytime “Right now, it’s a vacant site –
feet of warehouse space. soon. it’s an attractive nuisance,” Babsin
W.P. Carey is working The 100-year-old property in said. “You have 12 vacant buildings
with Clayton-based com- Oakland’s Rockridge neighbor- that squatters try to get into and
mercial real estate firm
hood has sat vacant since 2022, the historic wall is tagged on a reg-
Seven Bridges Properties
on the project, and plan- when CCA relocated its campus to ular basis. We’re trying to turn it
ning documents listed Sev- Potrero Hill in San Francisco. The from blight into a vibrant commu-
en Bridges as the project’s school tapped the Emerald Fund, nity where 700 people or so will
developer. a San Francisco-based developer, live.”
W.P. Carey owns more
than 6 million square feet
in 2017 to helm a project to bring The developer initially pitched
across 50 properties in hundreds of homes to the four-acre building nearly 600 homes there,
campus after its departure. but the project shrunk by nearly
More than five years later, the 25% after the city’s design review
city has finally completed a draft committee expressed concerns that
environmental impact report for one of the new buildings was too
the site, a necessary step in the close to Macky Hall, a Victorian
planning process that paves the mansion on the National Register
way for the project to advance of Historic Places.
through city council to gain final Emerald Fund nixed two floors
approvals. from the building project that cut
But Marc Babsin, the Emerald the project’s total unit count down
Fund’s principal and president, to 448.
W.P. Carey and Seven
said construction on the project The proposed project would be
Bridges Housing wants
will likely not start anytime soon, the largest housing development in
to build a warehouse in
as the developer waits out the eco- the pricey, low-density Rockridge
San Leandro.
nomic headwinds that have made neighborhood’s modern history.
several projects in Oakland finan- Rockridge’s average asking home
California. cially infeasible. price is $1.7 million, according to
Vacancy in Oakland’s Rents in Oakland dropped after Zillow.
historically tight industrial
market, which includes
thousands of new housing projects The state wants Oakland to per-
San Leandro, started to delivered over the past few years, mit more housing to be built in the
rise after 1.4 million square as construction costs have contin- neighborhood.
feet of new deliveries hit ued to rise. “It’s one of the least demograph-
the market in 2023. Of “Projects don’t pencil in Oak- ADAM PARDEE | SFBT ically diverse parts of Oakland,
those 1.4 million square
feet of new deliveries, just
land currently, so this one is not Principal at Emerald Fund Marc Babsin: “Projects and it has not allowed multifami-
58% is occupied. any different,” Babsin said. “We don’t pencil in Oakland currently. We have to wait ly housing, despite having a BART
Syrup company Torani have to wait out the cycle to come out the cycle.” station,” Babsin said.
expanded its footprint last
year, inking a lease for real
estate investor Prologis’
warehouse development.
The San Leandro-based NUMBER TO KNOW
company already leased
327,000 square feet at What Brookfield Properties and Ballast Investments apparently paid to acquire debt linked to nearly 2,150 San
2000 Marina Blvd., just Francisco apartments — a deal that catapulted the duo to a new position as one of the top operators of multi-
around the corner. family housing in the city. The 2,150 apartments acquired by Brookfield and Ballast were linked to two different
More than 1 million loans: a $674.8 million loan tied to 62 San Francisco apartment buildings with more than 1,700 units, and an
square feet of industrial approximately $130 million loan tied to an additional 14 residential buildings with more than 400 units. Veritas saw its total debt on the 2,150-
space is due to deliver in unit portfolio balloon to $915 million after it defaulted on both loans over the course of the last 18 months. Brookfield and Ballast acquired the
2024, CBRE said. $674.8 million loan tied to the 62 residential buildings for $513 million, per Green Street Advisors’ Commercial Mortgage Report. A source
— Hannah Kanik familiar with San Francisco’s residential market who requested anonymity to preserve working relationships said Brookfield and Ballast had
acquired the second loan for just more than $100 million.
[email protected], [email protected] I
415-288-4930, 415-288-4960
@SarahKlearman, @hannah_kanik
R 580 Howard
TJPA anticipates that its planned
St., a 15-unit acquisitions could displace as
live-work loft many as 53 “nonresidential enti-
complex with ties” — a classification that includes
aimed at winning Food
and Drug Administration
approval in polycythemia
vera, or PV. Amount raised by three Bay Area biotechs recently. Brisbane-based Vera Therapeutics raised $250 million, San Carlos-based Vaxcyte Inc.
raised $750 million of stock and San Mateo-based Sagimet Biosciences Inc. grossed $112.5 million from a stock offering.
Supported by
Sponsors as of 2.2.2024
national jaunts to Paris
recently after her latest
restaurant, Golden Poppy,
opened there last summer Just a few months after announcing a $30 million fundraising round, ecommerce-tech company Trove is permanently shuttering its Peninsula
as the Crenn Group’s first warehouse headquarters and laying off 136 workers. The startup, whose software is used by fashion retailers to manage trade-ins and resales,
spot outside the U.S. disclosed in a recent state filing it plans to close its Brisbane warehouse, leased from Prologis, this spring.
[email protected] I
MARK CALVEY covers banking, finance and the economy @MarkCalvey
Schwab’s Impact con-
ference lands at No. 10 on
the Business Times’ List
of Largest Meetings and
Conventions in San Fran- Total compensation of Bank of America Corp. CEO Brian Moynihan’s, who saw his pay trimmed 3.3% in 2023, reducing it from $30 million in
cisco in 2024, based on 2022, according to a Feb. 2 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Moynihan’s $29 million compensation package includes
its estimated 12,728 room an annual base salary of $1.5 million, unchanged from 2022. It also consists of $27.5 million in stock awards, a drop from $28.5 million in the
nights. prior year. — Symone Graham
Sara Bloomberg is an
Inno reporter who covers
entrepreneurs and startups in
San Francisco. Follow along
on X: @BloomReports
$3.24 billion.
On a cash flow basis, Cruise did
a little better in 2023, losing $1.9
billion from operations.
following a grisly crash, where a driv-
erless Cruise vehicle malfunctioned
and dragged a woman 20 feet while
executing a pull over maneuver.
The company has since parted
ways with co-founder and CEO Kyle
Vogt, laid off over 500 employees It’s unclear who invested in the The company was founded in 2014
and launched an internal investi- The funding came in round, but Starship’s previous investors by Janus Friis and CTO Ahti Heinla.
gation into how the company dealt include South Korea’s TDK Ventures, Current CEO Alastair Westgarth joined
with regulators. after it cut operations in Mercedes-Benz Group, Goodyear the company in July 2021.
GM has signaled last year that it Ventures and NordicNinja VC. They’re developing a fleet of small,
will be pulling back its investment the Bay Area Starship didn’t respond to a request autonomous delivery robots that can
on Cruise, freezing operations of its for comment. carry up to four standard-sized bags of
robotaxis across the country and The new funding comes a couple of groceries and launched its commercial
halting production of a new model years since Starship raised nearly $100 services in 2018, first in the U.K. before
San Francisco startup million across two separate rounds. In expanding to Germany and the U.S.
of Cruise-branded vehicles with no known for its six-wheeled early 2022, the company raised $42 Starship has partnered with
driver’s seat. autonomous delivery million in a Series B round, in addition retailers, restaurants and universities to
Cruise’s woes could be good robots is raising as much to $57 million in a quasi-equity deal offer its delivery services.
news for GM investors, at least in the as $91 million in a new, previously from the European Investment Bank In June 2022, Starship cut 11%
near term, as the automaker expects undisclosed funding round. which included some debt. of its workforce and pulled out of
to spend $1 billion less on the subi- Starship Technologies has raised According to PitchBook, that Series some markets including Modesto
sidiary in 2024. around $85 million in a new round that B round ultimately increased slightly to and Pleasanton where it had been
— William Hicks opened in January, according to an $46 million. offering grocery delivery services from
SEC filing. The offering includes equity The company also received just shy Save Mart. And all of its partners in
and future securities, and the total of $680,000 in 20202 from a Paycheck Mountain View also appeared to be
amount sold could still increase by Protection Program loan, which was inactive at the time, according to a Bay
more than $5 million. forgiven, according to ProPublica. Area Inno analysis.
Cruise vehicles have been pulled
from the streets of San Francisco
and its CEO resigned following an
Approximate number of employees laid off by Bay Area tech companies in the months of January, according to Firms like
accident with a pedestrian. Google, Discord, Flexport and Unity all reduced their head counts that month.
to invest
Don’t wait for the opportunities to come.
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We’re thrilled to return with our 11th Annual Mentoring Monday event where we’ll
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Monday, February 26, 2024 | Time: 8:30AM-11:00AM | Hyatt Regency San Francisco | #MentoringMonday
Gilead Sciences
CEO on Company’s
Evolution and
Commitment to
the Bay Area
Daniel O’Day and a group of Gilead employees visited with San Francisco Community Health Center staff last fall.
Much has changed since Daniel O’Day, with their personal values. Our mission of making able to visit many of our local community partner
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the world a better, healthier place through both organizations. Last fall, for example, I met with
arrived at Gilead Sciences in 2019. innovation and health equity is one that resonates. leaders of the San Francisco Community Health
The company has grown considerably and In our employee surveys, the sense of purpose Center, an organization that we’ve supported
expanded on its long-standing leadership is one that always comes up as something that for nearly a decade. Located in the Tenderloin,
people most appreciate about Gilead. On the its mission is to advance health and wellness in
in antiviral therapies to include a focus on
science side, there’s tremendous respect for the community – and I was inspired by the work
cancer medicines. Today the Foster City-
Gilead’s long-standing expertise and people are the center is doing to help and provide care for
based company is the second-largest biotech
excited to get to build something together as we vulnerable individuals.
employer in the Bay Area, and according expand into new areas. Our broad pipeline of cancer
to a Bay Area Council report it created an medicines has been a significant draw for talent in In 2023, Gilead was named “one of the most
estimated economic impact of $22.1 billion oncology. The third key factor in attracting and important players in corporate philanthropy”
in 2020 alone. It has more than 25 marketed retaining talent is our culture. Gilead is a special by Inside Philanthropy. Can you share some
therapies for HIV, cancer, hepatitis, COVID-19 place with an entrepreneurial feel to it but with highlights from the company’s giving efforts?
and other diseases, and the strongest and most the resources of a big company. We put a strong
emphasis on creating an inclusive and diverse Last year, we continued to support many
diverse pipeline of new medicines in its history.
environment, and we have invested in several groups focused on HIV, hepatitis and oncology,
Below, O’Day talks about the company’s focus, new facilities and programs to support including eight Bay Area organizations focused
philanthropic culture and commitment to the employee wellbeing. on cancer care. Among them is the San Francisco-
local community. based Shanti Project, which aims to help
women navigate life after a cancer diagnosis.
Part of Gilead’s culture is also supporting
We also support many organizations through the
Gilead has grown significantly since you and partnering with community organizations.
Gilead Foundation, which focuses on the social,
became CEO in 2019, and you now have more Why are these partnerships critical to its mission
economic and environmental factors that impact
than 18,000 employees. What is the reason for to make the world a healthier place?
wellbeing. Last year, we awarded San Francisco
your expansion?
At Gilead, we’re focused on fighting devastating State University with $3.5 million in grant funding
Gilead has long been the global leader in diseases and delivering innovative medicines that for its new Science and Engineering Innovation
antiviral therapies. This is the company that offer new hope for patients. Also important, though, Center, which is set to open this year. Recently
helped turn HIV from a death sentence to a is our work to make sure that we remove barriers to we gave a $500K grant to the San Mateo-Foster
chronic, manageable disease and developed care and reach the people that need our therapies. City School District to support STEM efforts. The
a cure for a form of viral hepatitis. Our aim is to We know from decades of experience that local Foundation also has a Giving Together matching
build on this by expanding our leadership in HIV organizations are in the position to best understand program that enables our employees to give
through, for example, long-acting treatment and what works to serve their communities, and back. We care deeply about making the world a
prevention while also applying Gilead’s many we consider our support of those on the ground better place and supporting our local community,
strengths to find new breakthroughs for cancer. fundamental to our mission. To that end we routinely and we provide employees with the opportunity
We’ve nearly doubled the number of scientific partner with organizations whose mission aligns to make an impact.
programs we are working on, and we’ve with ours, and we learn from them so we know how
launched five new therapies since 2019. to make the most impact. I’ve been fortunate to be
We have an ambition of launching 10 or more
transformational therapies by 2030, and I’m
pleased to say we are well on our way to
achieving that. Scaling up the business to this
degree requires a larger workforce and new
capabilities. We’ve been very fortunate in
the caliber of people we’ve been able to attract,
both from within the Bay Area and from across
the country and beyond.
Congratulations, Janet!
United® is proud to announce that our SVP of Global Market and
Community Innovation, Janet Lamkin, has been chosen for the
San Francisco Business Times1 Power 100 list that recognizes
influential people in the Bay Area business community.
Janet is gifted with the ability to anticipate the needs of our customers
in the Bay Area and develop innovative methods to expand United 1s
relationship with the most successful companies in the market.
As a visionary, she is also dedicated to creating unique ways we can
serve customers beyond just the flight. Janet is always seizing new
opportunities for the team to give back to the community we serve.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Dones has piloted the development Elizabeth Hart took over as head of When Simo took over in 2021, there was Wang founded Scale AI in 2015 at the
of more than 3 million square feet of Newmark’s North American Leasing a lot in her in tray — not least turning a age of 19; by 2022, Forbes named
development in Oakland over the past operation in 2023, where she is much-anticipated but oft-delayed IPO him the world’s youngest self-made
two decades at the helm of Strategic responsible for identifying synergies, into a reality. Instacart’s valuation had billionaire. Scale has clinched a nearly
Urban Development Alliance LLC. Now, improving efficiencies and driving swung wildly as revenue that surged $250 million Department of Defense
as a member of the African American Newmark’s leasing revenue growth. The during the pandemic subsided as contract and is positioning itself to be
Sports & Entertainment Group, he’s longtime power broker got her start in shoppers returned to stores. Simo cut an AI data management provider for
helping efforts to redevelop the Oakland the early 2000s, helping startups in the costs and bided her time, and Instacart all types of businesses. The company
Coliseum to “spark the economic city’s then-budding tech industry find was profitable by the time it finally went is another IPO candidate, which could
recovery” there. The prolific developer spaces. As those companies grew, so did public last year, netting a tidy return win Wang another superlative: youngest
is also overseeing the Mandela Station her career. She completed transactions for early investors including Sequoia public company CEO.
project, a major redevelopment SUDA close to 35 million square-feet and over Capital, Y Combinator and Sam Altman.
hopes will be a catalyst for additional $4.2 billion in value and is among the Simo, once touted as a successor to
building in the area. top-ranked women in the commercial Mark Zuckerberg at her alma mater,
real estate brokerage industry. Meta, has delivered at Instacart.
Ghodsi is positioning his data “I don’t expect to be understood initially, Levinson is synonymous with innovation
management company to be the but I do believe that it will be respected in health. As CEO of the pioneering
The Marcuses are no strangers to giving
preferred toolmaker for AI, giving it and inspire people eventually,” Friedman South San Francisco biotech company
back to the community on a large scale.
an edge in a fierce battle with rival told analysts last year. The furniture Genentech Inc., he led its explosive
The couple became San Francisco State
Snowflake. The company has raised retailer’s shares may have fallen from growth into cancer drug development;
University’s largest donors in 2018 with
more than $4 billion, is valued at more their 2021 heights, but its CEO’s at Alphabet’s Calico, he launched a
their $25 million gift to establish their
than $43 billion and could be the Bay ambitions are still lofty: selling places new age of research into drugs for
eponymous fund for the liberal arts,
Area’s next big IPO. and experiences, not products. The aging-related conditions; and at Apple
and in 2023 donated $2 million to the
latest example of his vision to watch Inc., he is chairman of the company
Humane Society Silicon Valley, of which
for is RH Palo Alto, one of five North that’s provided new tools for a new
Judy is an honorary board member.
American design galleries set to open age of communications. Now Calico’s
George is best known as a billionaire
this year. experimental drugs are reaching the
broker who founded real estate
clinic, and Apple’s devices are helping us
powerhouse Marcus & Millichap Inc. in
decipher how we can use them.
1971 and chairs Essex Property Trust.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Genentech didn’t have to look far Venture capitalist Lacob and his partners If all he’d done was help to build the Shorenstein is the third generation at
when searching for its new CEO. turned the moribund Warriors franchise Bay Area’s venture capital industry at the helm of a company that has long
Magargee has been with the biotech into a four-time NBA champion after iconic Kleiner Perkins; shape the modern been all but synonymous with San
behemoth for nearly 20 years, holding buying the team in 2010. Now he’s tech economy by staking Google, Francisco commercial real estate,
senior management roles in lifecycle helping to transform the WNBA as the Amazon, Intuit and dozens of others, founded by his grandfather and later
management, digital customer women’s pro basketball league adds and amass $11 billion along the way, led by his father. He joined the family
experience, market access and as a San Francisco-Oakland expansion Doerr would be worthy of note. But company in 2012 in its New York office,
general manager in Singapore. Former franchise that begins play in 2025. Also he’s lately turned his focus, fortune and relocating to San Francisco in 2014. In
CEO Alexander Hardy’s switch to next year, the Warriors will host NBA voice to the urgency of halting climate 2020, he became chairman and CEO
BioMarin may have been a shock but in All-Star Game events centered at the change. Believing climate science can overseeing its nationwide property
Magargee Genentech have a leader well- organization’s Chase Center arena in San be as transformational this century as investment portfolio. Family patriarch
versed in the company’s commercial Francisco as well as sites in Oakland. computer science was last, he and wife Walter Shorenstein became known as
portfolio and its revered corporate Ann gave Stanford more than $1 billion a major Democratic Party donor, and
culture. in 2022 to establish the Stanford Doerr Brandon has dabbled on the money side
School of Sustainability. of politics as well, helping bankroll the
recall of San Francisco District Attorney
Chesa Boudin.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
The local franchise magnate and Moghadam co-founded AMB Property Rosen, the chair of the Berkeley Haas
With the world staring down the climate
billionaire is in expansion mode, taking Co., the company that would ultimately Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban
crisis, it’s no exaggeration to say the
his restaurant empire to Australia and become Prologis, in 1983. An Iranian Economics and a professor emeritus at
problems facing PG&E are shared by
extending across industries into gyms immigrant who was accepted into MIT at the University of California, Berkeley,
us all. Climate change means that
— the first of more lateral plays likely the age of 16, he landed in the Bay Area is the most listened-to real estate
Peterman faces a daunting to-do list
to come. He scooped up the landmark to attend business school at Stanford. economist and prognosticator in the
that includes planning for how the utility
Huntington Hotel out of foreclosure Moghadam, who says a characteristic Bay Area through the eponymous firm
will deal with rising temperatures, more
for a song and struck an $800 million of successful leaders is the ability to “to he founded in 1990. His work — which
frequent extreme weather events and
refinancing to take full ownership of see around the corner,” has consistently spans more than 100 articles and four
heightened wildfire risks. Yet against
another hotel portfolio, and shows no shown he can do just that: he led AMB books — continues to provide key insight
this backdrop PG&E’s continued moves
signs of slowing in 2024. away from retail and into industrial real into a crucial sector of the Bay Area’s
toward renewable energy sources and
estate at the dawn of the ecommerce economy.
electrification offer a glimmer of hope.
era, and has grown Prologis into the
Peterman is playing a pivotal role in
world’s largest industrial REIT, with a
climate change mitigation for PG&E and
billion-square-foot global portfolio.
Bay Area consumers.
After a distracting exit from Twitter Mehran Jr., the third generation of his
O’Day heads one of the largest and most Marc Benioff is increasingly betting
which helped lead to its sale to Elon family to lead Sunset Development,
influential biotechs in the world. Since on AI for Salesforce’s future, and he’s
Musk, Dorsey is back to running Square, continues to push the envelope at
becoming CEO in 2019, he’s overhauled tapped Shih to oversee that gamble
the payments business that’s still at the Sunset’s Bishop Ranch. Under Mehran’s
Gilead’s executive suite and steered it with a cross-company role. One of the
heart of his fintech company, now called guidance, Bishop Ranch — which
into the emerging cancer cell therapy rare women of color in a prominent tech
Block, after the exit of an executive started as a 585-acre business park — is
space. Now he faces an operational and leadership role, Shih can tap Salesforce’s
overseeing that unit. The company is still on its way to becoming a new kind of
scientific challenge: taking on the wide broad range of products — including
worth only a fraction of its pandemic- downtown for San Ramon, complete
range of inflammatory diseases. acquisitions like Slack and Tableau — as
era peak, and Dorsey recently oversaw with retail, parks, walkable residential
well as a $500 million fund to invest in
layoffs to meet a promised headcount neighborhoods and new housing by the
other generative AI companies.
cap of 12,000 employees. He remains thousands. Mehran helped further that
bullish on bitcoin, which he once said vision in late 2022 with the purchase
could bring about “world peace.” of Chevron’s former headquarters, a
92-acre property it plans to develop into
another mixed-use community.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Maybe nice guys do finish first. After Jay Paul’s eponymous development firm Doudna isn’t sitting on her Cas9. Slack was meant to make collaboration
taking Uber through a difficult IPO, has long called San Francisco home, Doudna, who shared the 2020 Nobel simpler. If so, why is it having such
Khosrowshahi saw the company’s shares but did its most significant work in Prize for chemistry for her work on the problems getting along with Salesforce,
hit an all-time high in January, and the Silicon Valley. That changed with 181 genome-editing CRISPR system using which bought the company in 2021?
company achieved its first-ever annual Fremont, a 70-story tower with 67 luxury the Cas9 protein, has been one of the Dresser, a veteran of the larger software
profit as it emerged as the unchallenged condominiums and 435,000 square most prolific academic-entrepreneurs company appointed to her new role
heavyweight champion of ride-hailing. feet of office space that Meta — then and an active fundraiser focused on in November, must address a cultural
The CEO moonlighted as a driver last Facebook — leased in its entirety in 2017. advocating for young women scientists mismatch that’s persisted since the
year to figure out what the company The firm got into the real estate business spinning their research into companies. deal was first struck. She’s getting some
could do better. He’s also refining the in the Bay Area more than four decades Now Doudna’s Innovative Genomics help from Salesforce co-founder Parker
company’s political approach, plunging ago and has led development of Moffett Institute is launching a second cohort Harris, who stepped in as Slack CTO
$30 million into the corporate PAC Park, a nearly two-square-mile business of aspiring entrepreneurs through its HS after the departure of Cal Henderson,
to smooth over government relations district in Sunnyvale that is undergoing a Chau Women in Enterprising Science the company’s last remaining co-
frayed by previous missteps in an transformation into a mix of uses. program and has become a catalyst for founder.
assortment of locations. a UC-led redevelopment in downtown
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
One of California’s most esteemed chefs Prometheus is one of the largest An old saying holds if you want to
entered new territory in 2023, becoming Since co-founding Sixth Street Partners privately held owners of multifamily get something done, give it to a busy
the first chef to put cell-cultivated meat with a cadre of Goldman alums in 2009, units in the Bay Area. Safier took it person. In addition to steering the
on the menu in a U.S. restaurant when Waxman has built the firm into one of over from its founder and her father, San Francisco Foundation and its $1.7
she served Upside Foods chicken at the shrewdest investors around. Sixth Sanford Diller, growing its business and billion in assets, Blackwell is relied upon
Bar Crenn in Cow Hollow. The owner of Street has grown around a strategy refining its brand. Safier also leads her as a voice of influence on boards too
three-Michelin-starred Atelier Crenn, the targeting innovative and disruptive family’s two charitable foundations, numerous to mention here. The Oakland
Bay Area’s most expensive restaurant, companies like Spotify and Airbnb. among the Bay Area’s most prolific native has come full circle; he began his
opened a more affordable homage to High-profile sports-focused investments philanthropic organizations, funding a career at the foundation, returning in
Californian cuisine, Golden Poppy, in in Spanish soccer giants FC Barcelona 500,000-square-foot student housing 2014 to lead it after key city-government
Paris last fall. and the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs have project at UC Berkeley and a new roles in Oakland and San Francisco. The
followed. His most transformative hospital for UCSF. north star guiding it all: an abiding focus
local deal could be with Bay FC of the on social justice and racial equity.
National Women’s Soccer League.
Waxman is co-chair of the Bay Area’s
newest pro sports franchise and sits on
the league’s board.
A perch atop vaunted tech accelerator McCarthy is a power walker, scaling the
The tech entrepreneur, who sold her Iguodala, the 2015 National Basketball
Y Combinator gives Tan clout — and no hills of San Francisco with ease. But it’s
startup Accompany to Cisco for $270 Association Finals Most Valuable Player
hesitation about using it. The combative her ability to exercise Bank of America’s
million in 2018, helps set corporate and and four-time NBA champion with the
entrepreneur has plunged feetfirst into power to build stronger communities
social responsibility policies as part of Golden State Warriors, has long been
S.F. politics, putting his money, A-list that is her priority, whether she’s
her board service. She’s now a director known for his investment touch. Now
connections and huge social media striding across an affordable housing
for Procter & Gamble and Disney — two after a 20-year court career, the investor
following in service of an increasingly construction site or touring the future
companies which can definitely use her in Zoom, Coinbase and Dapper Labs, and
sharp-elbowed battle against home of a museum. In addition to her
Silicon Valley savvy. Chang, who is also co-owner of soccer’s Leeds United FC,
progressives. Maybe more than sharp: nonprofit board leadership at United Way
a startup investor and adviser, serves is playing post in Mosaic’s shot to create
Tan apologized for a since-deleted post Bay Area and Jewish Vocational Services,
on the UCSF Health Executive Council more equitable, diverse and long-lasting
which profanely beseeched several McCarthy also is San Francisco-North
and the Stanford School of Engineering change through investing. Meanwhile,
San Francisco supervisors to “die slow,” Bay market executive for the Bank of
dean’s advisory board. he’s recently been named acting director
spawning police reports and calls for America Private Bank.
of the NBA players’ union.
beneficiaries to refund his largess.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Adams took over the the top job at the UC Berkeley isn’t just any university and Winnett has run the Berkeley startup Kownacki leads one of San Francisco’s
Oakland health care provider following Christ isn’t just any chancellor. As the accelerator since 2015, recently largest employers and economic drivers,
the abrupt death of longtime leader the leader of the Bay Area’s premiere leading an international expansion with Sutter Health’s California Pacific Medical
Bernard Tyson in 2019. A close associate public university, she has upheld the partnerships in Italy and Japan. Besides Center. On top of that, she’s the first
of Tyson, Adams quickly stepped into institution’s commitment to free speech, helping keep innovation on campus, the woman and registered nurse to helm the
the role and steered the 12-million- strengthened its financial position and Berkeley SkyDeck Fund returns half of its hospital in its 100-year-plus history. She
member organization through the helped advance a 10-year strategic carried interest back to the university. became CEO of CPMC last year after
Covid-19 pandemic. Adams serves on plan for the campus. But that’s also working there for two decades, including
the board of directors at America’s meant making waves, and even some as the medical center’s chief operating
Health Insurance Plans and as both a enemies, as Berkeley seeks to develop officer for eight years.
governor and steward for the Global areas around campus for much-needed
Health and Healthcare Community at the housing, including the controversial
World Economic Forum. People’s Park.
Henrique Dubugras Clint and Janet Reilly Cyrus Sanandaji Jan Sramek
Co-CEO and co-founder, Chairman and founder, CEO and co-founder, CEO and founder,
Brex Clint Reilly Organization Presidio Bay Ventures California Forever
Board president and co-
founder, Clinic by the Bay
Dubugras proved a 22-year-old could Sramek wasn’t kidding about the
Sanandaji helped found the investment
indeed outsmart the nation’s banking “forever” part when he hatched the
and development firm in 2012. But in the
industry when he and co-CEO Pedro San Francisco’s premier power couple idea for California Forever in 2017.
last year he’s made a name for himself as
Franceschi founded Brex in 2017. Both have joint and individual interests The former Goldman Sachs trader is
one of the first local real estate investors
come from Brazil, where they had ranging from commercial real estate spearheading the ambitious effort to
willing to bet on San Francisco’s
created an online payments company. to media to big-ticket philanthropy, build a utopian community from scratch
recovery: In August 2023, Presidio
Brex, which has expanded from business bestowing them seats at tables of in unincorporated Solano County with
Bay acquired 60 Spear St., the most
credit cards into expense management power like the UC Regents board, on walkable streets, affordable homes and
significant purchase of a downtown
and other services, recently cut 20% which Janet sits. Clint cut his teeth a promise to generate thousands of new
office building since the pandemic.
of its workforce. But speculation as a political consultant driving the jobs. The idea was one Silicon Valley
The terms helped set the market and
persists that an IPO is in the company’s early careers of Dianne Feinstein and tech billionaires backed in spades — and
provide a starting point for an expected
future. That would make Dubugras a Nancy Pelosi, after first training for the will be put up to Solano County voters
“reset.” Now Sanandaji wants to turn the
quintessential Bay Area success story. priesthood; Janet was a TV news anchor this November.
property into the country’s first “office
in LA. Now they sit atop a burgeoning
resort” — a concept he is looking to
business and philanthropic empire, with
civic engagement on a grand scale for
both. “We don’t just write checks,” he
observed in 2022. ”We get involved.”
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
A group of former OpenAI employees Before Mark Zuckerberg ever uttered From Berkeley, Vogel is helping the
Lamkin probably got high marks in grade
led by Amodei founded Anthropic the word “metaverse” publicly, Baszucki Germany-based drug-making icon
school for playing well with others.
around the notion of building a safer was building a fully fledged interactive chart a new future, overseeing five
She’s often teamed up with others
version of the technology. But it still world for children. The project known sites in the United States and Europe
to bring new ideas and innovation to
needs capital, chips and computing as Roblox lets kids build their own video and leading the company’s charge into
United Airlines — like partnering with
capacity to compete. Amodei will have games within a video game, and has cell therapy and gene therapy. Bayer
Clorox and the Cleveland Clinic during
to see if his company can keep its lofty since grown into a company valued at employs 1,000 people in Berkeley and
the pandemic to reassure passengers
principles while raising the hundreds of around $25 billion. Baszucki and his wife, through a 30-year development deal
that planes were clean and sanitary.
millions of dollars needed. Jan, have also founded the Baszucki is reshaping its campus and its giving
When remote work took off during the
Group to spearhead philanthropic efforts to community organizations. A $250
pandemic, she helped United work with
in environmental conservation and million, 100,000-square-foot cell therapy
San Francisco-based Peerspace to bring
neurological illness research. launch facility that opened last year is
remote employees together for events.
a new stake in the ground locally and
Berkeley Commons
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
When Wunderman talks, policymakers If you ever rode the mechanical bull at The alternative protein startup’s leader
tend to listen, in San Francisco, Westwood, sacrificed a friendship for the has been battle-tested by controversies
A prolific philanthropist and former CEO
Sacramento, D.C. and beyond. That’s victory at Thriller Social Club, or nursed and challenges. But thanks to Tetrick’s
for several major retailers, Bakar has
because he speaks for the Bay Area a hangover at Wilder, thank Kingston Wu. doggedness, you can now buy Just
been investing in the community for
Council — and its members, more than The former private equity principal is Egg at Safeway and Target. He won
decades, making an impact on health
300 of the region’s largest employers. one half of the duo behind Proof Positive a crucial preliminary approval for his
care, Jewish community organizations
He’s spent 20 years broadening and Partners, a fund that’s invested in Last cell-cultivated Good Meat from the FDA
and education in the Bay Area. With
deepening its influence on topics Rites, Horsefeather, the Brixton, Hazies, last year. But he’s also battling a lawsuit
her late husband Gerson, she headed
ranging from the California business Rockwell, Wilkommen and Trademark. from manufacturing partner ABEC. This
several foundations and currently
climate to housing to climate change, In addition to helping resurrect famous year will be crucial for Tetrick to prove
serves as the president of two of them,
and 2023 saw a feather in Wunderman’s LGBTQ+ bar the Stud, Wu is developing that his alt-food ventures can attain
leads high school scholarship program
cap with San Francisco hosting APEC, three new properties. commercial scale.
Achieve, and has supported UCSF’s
the culmination of a years-long quest.
cancer research for many years.
Big-city mayor (San Antonio), Cabinet Governments from Barcelona to Budil commands 8,400 employees and No one is better at making bar projects
member, presidential candidate and vice Buncombe County continue to crack an over $3 billion annual budget at pencil out than the founder of Future
presidential possibility, all before age down on Airbnb, but the short-term her lab complex, overseeing scientific Bars, owner of 13 thriving bars and two
50 — and the twin brother of a serving rental marketplace’s chief remains research critical to the defense of Cask Stores. His latest project, the Dawn
Congressman — Castro’s political and serene: 2024, he says, is the year of the nation and its transition to clean Club, revives the 1930s speakeasy and
policy prowess is considerable. And now “perfecting” the service, including energy. Under her leadership, the lab historic house of jazz while bringing
he’s brought it to the Bay Area, assuming dealing with some hosts’ curiously made a monumental breakthrough zest and glamour back to a downtown
as of Jan. 1 the chief executive role at high cleaning fees. Meanwhile, Chesky in fusion technology, a technological whose path back to relevance might just
the powerhouse Latino Community is mopping up other messes as he advancement that could one day allow require more bets like this on the wee
Foundation. There he fills big shoes, emerges as something of an elder humanity to produce near-infinite hours.
those of trailblazer Jacqueline Martinez statesman of tech: He advised Sam amounts of energy.
Garcel. Altman on navigating his unexpected
ouster from and tricky return to OpenAI.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Originally a season ticket account The former mayor of Walnut Creek, After helping stop the relocation of the Clorox’s first female leader gained new
executive with the Warriors, Schneider Lawson has had a career bridging the San Francisco Giants three decades power as the company’s board chair
played point on the turnaround of the private and public sectors. Freshly ago, leading the charge for an iconic in January. It was about time: Rendle
NBA club’s front-office operations that reelected as the leader of Hanson waterfront ballpark and successfully already held seats on the boards of
coincided with the team’s on-court Bridgett, Lawson brings her expertise pushing for development of a surface Visa, the Consumer Brands Association
transformation with four league titles. in land use, environment and municipal parking lot across the channel from and Generation Thrive, a nonprofit
Now he is leading the Warriors team matters to the firm. She also serves Oracle Park into the massive Mission hub created in 2019 by the Warriors
bringing an expansion WNBA team to as chair of the board at the Bay Area Rock mixed-use project, Baer continues Community Foundation and Kaiser
the Bay Area in 2025 and is a player Council. to take swings at reshaping San Permanente. Now her challenge is
on the Bay Area Host Committee that’s Francisco — he is co-chair of Advance getting the company growing again after
organizing plans for next year’s NBA SF, a business-led effort touting the city’s a devastating cybersecurity breach cost
All-Star Game, the 2026 Super Bowl and strengths. Clorox $356 million in 2023.
2026 men’s World Cup soccer matches.
Friday, March 15, 2025 | 8:00–10:30 AM | St. Regis San Francisco, 125 3rd Street, San Francisco Partner Sponsors
Join us for a timely discussion about the state of diversity in the Bay Area’s life sciences industry. How
many women have made it into the C-Suite, the boardroom, the labs, and what does the leadership
pipeline look like? What is the pathway for women founders? We’ll talk with women in top roles about
their personal stories and hear their views on how life sciences companies are transforming culture,
policies, and programs that will result in more equity and opportunity for women. This will be a lively
Q & A format, moderated by San Francisco Business Times biotech reporter, Ron Leuty.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Smithers has aimed high since founding A post from the CEO of San Francisco’s Gunasekaran took an unusual path to
Barenz presides over two of the Bay
Lane Partners in 2006. The firm has largest private-sector employer, and running hospitals: Once a tech analyst
Area’s fastest-growing and most
acquired, developed and managed leading corporate citizen, can make at Gartner, he moved up through the
forward-thinking sports franchises. The
more than 5 million square feet in the waves, like when Benioff put in doubt ranks running health care IT. He’s also
Oakland Roots and Soul soccer teams
Bay Area, includinging one of the most the status here of the Dreamforce become well-versed in construction and
closed a record breaking $3.1 million
influential deals in the region in the last conference, a powerful business travel M&A, overseeing a major expansion of
crowdfunding campaign in November
decade: its completion and 2015 sale of draw. When he confirmed the event’s the system’s Parnassus Heights campus
2023, at a $78 million valuation. But it’s
Uptown Station, which signaled a new return to San Francisco — at least for and pushing to buy two hospitals from
the clubs’ search for a permanent home
future for Oakland. Today the firm is one more year — it was a boost to Mayor Dignity Health.
that could have the biggest impact on
nearing completion of 500,000-square- London Breed. The Davos regular may
the local sporting landscape. The clubs
foot Berkeley Commons as it pursues have global interests, but his personal
want to build a temporary 10,000-seat
Southline, a 3 million-square-foot philanthropy remains heavily weighted
stadium on the Malibu Lot next to the
biotech project in South San Francisco. to his hometown. His next challenge:
Oakland Coliseum. The Roots and Soul’s
getting more employees back in
growth is a rare good-news story for
Salesforce Tower.
Oakland sports fans.
A billionaire technologist who sold his While other financial giants have left
Ansari has a big impact at Permanente The CEO of America’s largest residential
first company to Oracle in 2006, Siebel San Francisco, Visa is staying put.
Medical Group — 10,000 doctors and solar and energy storage company
couldn’t stay out of the business for From its new headquarters in the
45,000 nurses and other nonphysician believes her industry is on the cusp of
long: Three years later, he founded San Francisco Giants’ Mission Rock
staff caring for 5.6 million people, a consumer-led revolution. Increasingly
what’s now known as C3 AI, an development, McInerney will oversee
including a Mid-Atlantic group — and unreliable power grids mean more
enterprise software developer that one of the world’s most extensive
she’s making equally big changes as opportunity for Sunrun, whose panels
skyrocketed to a $17 billion market payment networks while ensuring that
the first woman in charge of two of the and batteries let customers sell back
cap after its 2020 IPO before falling Visa is taking advantage of the latest
nation’s largest physician groups. In excess power during peak times. With
to $3 billion. He was among the first technology. He’s also emerged as one of
addition to creating an “innovation hub” a PG&E partnership in hand, Powell’s
executives to demand a full-time return the region’s most vocal advocates.
for doctor-led ideas for improving health future is looking more clement every
to office — an approach now gaining
care delivery to Kaiser members, she’s day.
favor among more AI companies.
trying to combat a loss of doctors to
burnout and retirement.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Field joined TMG more than two decades Poppe was hired to right the ship at Markovich leads a nonprofit health Founder and president of Signature
ago, and has overseen $5 billion worth PG&E following a myriad of crises from plan with $24 billion in annual revenue, Development Group, Ghielmetti has
of acquisitions and dispositions for the a deadly pipeline explosion to wildfires. and 4.8 million members. He has developed and invested in more than 50
San Francisco-based investor. Field Under her leadership, the company spearheaded innovative initiatives, residential, commercial and mixed-use
notched perhaps the Bay Area’s most has managed to mostly keep out of the from creating a statewide provider real estate projects valued at over $3
significant deal of the pandemic era: headlines and focus instead on a crucial directory to rolling out a new app to billion. The Oakland-based developer
overseeing the acquisition of Oakland’s but tricky clean energy transition and help members manage their care, and was perfectly positioned to join in the
300 Lakeside Drive for close to $500 a major project to bury 10,000 miles of struck partnerships with Microsoft city’s prepandemic development boom,
million and leasing as PG&E’s new overhead wires to prevent fires. and Salesforce to help deliver these undertaking a range of housing and
headquarters. The utility confirmed last changes. mixed-use projects. Primary among
year it will exercise an option to buy the them is Brooklyn Basin — a decades-in-
building for more than $900 million. the-making plan in progress to transform
Field was promoted to co-CEO late last Oakland’s waterfront into a residential
year, positioning him to lead TMG for corridor by adding 3,700 homes.
years to come.
Gilbert has an impressive track record of Xu has some decisions to make. The
The James Beard Award-winning chef’s More than a mere real estate trophy
advising early-stage fintechs, including pandemic helped him build a behemoth
Mina Group maintains eight restaurants hunter and luxury developer, Shvo
serving as an early adviser to Jack that dominates the restaurant food
in the Bay Area and dozens more around declares on his website a goal that’s
Dorsey in building Square, now known delivery business — an estimated
the country. Mina’s latest restaurant, nothing less than creating “culture-
as Block. He serves on the boards $2 of every $3 American consumers
Orla, opened at the Mandalay Bay Resort defining experiences.” After assembling
of Sacramento’s River City Bank and spent on delivered meals last year
& Casino in Las Vegas in January. And an impressive portfolio of high-profile
six early-stage fintechs in addition to went through DoorDash. But as we
he’s extending his influence by backing addresses in Manhattan, Miami, Chicago
advising more than 50 early- to midstage digest the new normal, food delivery
TableOne Hospitality, run by a group of and elsewhere, in 2020 the New York
companies across Launchpad’s portfolio. growth has slowed, costs have risen
former Mina executives. developer bagged his biggest game
Beyond the boardroom, Gilbert also is and competition has increased. Where
yet: S.F.’s Transamerica Pyramid. Now
an investor in the Oakland Roots Sports does growth, and perhaps even elusive
a $250 million renovation is in the
Club. profitability, come from? Will Xu and
closing stages, one that aims to turn it
DoorDash seek even greater meal-
from skyline icon to a place where San
delivery market share or pursue last-mile
Franciscans and visitors gather.
grocery delivery more aggressively?
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Witherell’s responsibilities at the Hawgood’s impact extends far beyond If it’s a major Bay Area health care Erickson always loved the idea of
Berkeley research lab include oversight campus. In 40 years at the school he initiative over the last four decades, it building things that made a difference
of a wide spectrum of research has propelled research, instruction probably bears Hernandez’s fingerprints. in people’s lives, like housing. Now, the
encompassing quantum computing, and real estate development in ways And she shows no sign of slowing Emerald Fund founder has overseen the
hydrogen energy, artificial intelligence, that will outlast his tenure. Appointed down, now helping oversee new state development of thousands of residential
mathematics, dark matter, new chancellor in 2014, Hawgood heads a standards on the portability of medical units across the Bay Area — and a
materials and human genomics, among $9.5 billion institution that is developing records. It follows a lengthy list of key lot more, spearheading new housing
other sectors. Its Nobel Prize-winning new medicines and therapeutics that health roles and big changes for which policies and holding leadership roles
scientists include Jennifer Doudna, could benefit millions. A growing list Hernandez has been responsible: in community groups like SPUR. “To
John Clauser, Carolyn Bertozzi and Saul of individual, public and private sector pioneering doctor in AIDS care at be a successful real estate developer
Perlmutter. donors is testament to Hawgood’s S.F. General; architect of the Healthy you have to take big risks. If you’re
influence and underlines UCSF’s place San Francisco plan; board member not optimistic, you simply won’t do it,”
at the cutting edge of global medical at Covered California; San Francisco Erickson told the Business Times.
research. director of public health; and CEO of the
San Francisco Foundation.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
From Amazon to Walmart, Affirm has At the helm of San Francisco-based Pixar’s creative chief wants to take you
The brothers behind Stripe could make emerged as the leading buy-now-pay- TMG Partners since 1995, Covarrubias back: back to a time when we piled
a big splash this year if they decide later choice for retailers. That’s kept its has overseen a Bay Area portfolio into theaters to watch movies, back
the time is right to take their payments business steady even as rising interest that has grown to tens of millions of to a time when his animation studio
company public. That would cap an rates have pinched other lenders. A square feet and several of the region’s seemed to have an unerring knack for
impressive run for the company they member of the fabled PayPal mafia top addresses. Those include TMG’s telling the stories we wanted to watch
founded in 2010 to help startups take that grew out of the payment service, renovation and creation of the Landmark there. It’s also when plucky Pixar was
payments that’s now processing more he once arm-wrestled fellow member at One Market in San Francisco and the calling its own shots, before it became
than $1 trillion in annual payments Elon Musk to resolve a technology acquisition of 300 Lakeside in Oakland part of a much larger corporate whole.
for clients that include Uber, Airbnb, disagreement. Now Levchin will have to to create a new headquarters for PG&E. His biggest challenge now may be
Amazon and Microsoft. Given the tax make sure regulators don’t pin him and Covarrubias is also an influential voice navigating the turmoil at Pixar owner
revenue and spending it could generate, other payment-plan providers down with in the Bay Area’s business community, Disney. A child contending with the
a Stripe IPO could have the entire Bay burdensome regulations. serving in leadership roles at the Urban tricky world created by their parents’
Area, not just the Collisons, partying like Land Institute and the Bay Area Council. missteps? Sounds like a film we’d go see.
it’s 1999.
Robbins founded Wareham Development OpenAI’s board fired Sam Altman, then
Running SFSU means being responsible Moritz reshaped the internet landscape
in the 1970s. In the following decades, reinstated him over the span of six days
for a key institution of higher education by backing companies like Google
the firm became one of the most last year. The attempt to check Altman’s
that’s part of the 23-campus Cal State and PayPal. Now the longtime venture
prominent life sciences landlords in power ultimately entrenched it. Now he’s
University system, the largest in the capitalist seems more interested in
cities like Emeryville and Berkeley. It’s fair back to a daunting set of challenges:
nation. But it’s her affiliations outside reshaping the Bay Area’s physical
to say Wareham, which has an especially navigating the intense competition
the halls of academia that show her true landscape, from supporting a
notable presence in Emeryville, played to dominate AI, fighting battles over
power: Mahoney serves on the board of 400,000-person city in Solano County
a crucial role in creating an East Bay disinformation and copyright, helping
directors for both the Bay Area Council to backing a 200-foot waterfront tower
biotech cluster that may someday rival shape regulations for the sector and
and the San Francisco Chamber of in San Francisco. He’s also making media
its counterpart on the Peninsula. And courting employees and customers.
Commerce. She is a member of the Bay waves with the San Francisco Standard,
the firm isn’t slowing down, in recent
Area Higher Education Council and the an online news site into which he and his
years adding projects like EmeryStation
San Francisco Workforce Investment wife, Harriet Heyman, have plunged $10
Overland, a 300,000-square-foot life
Board and in 202 served on San million.
sciences development in — you guessed
Francisco’s Covid-19 Economic Recovery
it — Emeryville.
Task Force.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
Cobbs is one of the most important Gass recently took the reins at Levi Thwaites can watch Alaska’s planes Oxford’s local leader shook all the
gatekeepers in the Bay Area nonprofit Strauss & Co. from CEO Chip Bergh, take off from SFO at his office near right hands to ensure his group’s three
sector, heading a philanthropic who will retire this year. This hardened the airport. He’s also looking to lift newest hotels could open in time for
organization that funnels more than retail executive — who battled activist Alaska’s community involvement and APEC guests. Having scooped up nine
$31 million annually to local programs investors in her prior role as CEO of market share in the Golden State. He’s Bay Area hotels since 2019, Peruri now
to benefit nearly 100,000 people in Kohl’s — joined as president, then overseen innovative marketing efforts oversees a portfolio that’s tied with
communities across the region. Cobbs prepped for the top role by working such as Alaska’s Flight Pass, a monthly Pebblebrook’s for the largest in San
joined Tipping Point in January 2020, directly with designers and production subscription program to pay for travel Francisco. That makes him a key player
weeks before Covid-19 increased staff. Gass is the first female CEO at between 15 destinations in California, in the city’s tourism industry, and he’s
demand for many of the programs the company, which has long had a Arizona, Nevada and Utah, as well as just getting started: In 2024, the former
Tipping Point supports, at the same workforce consisting of mostly women. expanding in-state service with a new Hotel Vertigo will reopen as Oxford’s
time it threatened sources of funding. SFO-Burbank route. Hotel Julian, and leadership hasn’t ruled
He has positioned Tipping Point as an out more local acquisitions.
invaluable finder and funder of efforts to
combat poverty, the housing crisis and
educational inequity.
BAY A R E A P OW E R 1 0 0
The former head of Toronto’s travel Y Combinator’s managing director Hirsch built one of the nation’s first
Minick wears both local and national
promoter began working full-time for may have a simple plan for beating philanthropic advisory firms, which now
hats at Bank of America, reflecting
SF Travel two months ahead of his the venture capital competition: works with some of the Bay Area’s most
the power and complexity that comes
official January start date, taking over outworking them all. He’s pored over prominent families and foundations.
with running a big part of California’s
for longtime leader Joe D’Alessandro at a 17,000 applications to the prestigious Hirsch Philanthropy Partners, which
largest bank. She works on local market
pivotal moment for the city. He’s banking startup incubator and held 6,500 office merged late last year with consulting
strategies for the nation’s 20 largest
on a resurgence of leisure tourism from hours with the companies he’s selected. firm Third Plateau, has worked over the
markets and also implements them in
Asia and supporting local policies that That portfolio is now worth a collective years with the Hellman Foundation, the
the Bay Area. Among her many civic
make San Francisco appealing once $192 billion. He’s also emerging as a Fisher family and the Ray and Dagmar
roles, Minick serves as co-chair of
more to those turned off by negative cheerleader for San Francisco, with Y Dolby Family Fund, among others. Prior
Advance SF’s board; a member of the
headlines. Combinator having reestablished its to founding her current firm in 1999, she
Bay Area Council’s executive committee;
base of operations in the city after a long was founding executive director of the
and on the board of the San Francisco
tenure in Mountain View. Mimi and Peter Haas Fund.
General Hospital Foundation.
Known as one of the nicest people in Oberndorf’s name isn’t one that
De Backer defines “biotech boss” in From her perch near the foot of Market
the grueling biotech industry, Love last resonates for most Bay Area residents,
more ways than one. She started her Street, Daly has a powerful view of
year became the public face of BIO, a but his political and philanthropic impact
career researching drugs and holds the economy. When people look to
group that advocates on the industry’s is local, national and global. A billionaire
seven patents. She then turned to understand the Federal Reserve’s
behalf. It’s not his only gig: Since Pfizer investor, he leads the foundation
dealmaking in executive roles at Johnson decisions on top-of-mind business issues
Inc. in 2022 paid $5.4 billion for sickle aiding the University of California, San
& Johnson and Bayer, taking over as CEO like interest rates hikes or cuts, it’s Daly
cell disease drug maker Global Blood Francisco. He also pulls financial and
of Vir in April 2023 from biotech veteran who often speaks of the tricky balances
Therapeutics that Love led, he has been political levers on a range of issues,
George Scangos. As Vir’s new leader, the banking group must weigh. She’s
instrumental in the Bay Area offshoot mainly from the right — backing the
she is now pushing the company to always worth a listen: Before the Fed
of Life Science Cares, a group helping Neighbors for a Better San Francisco
make a bigger impact against infectious held rates steady in its January meeting,
biotech companies and their employees political action committee that pushed
diseases. Daly presaged the move in a speech in
volunteer in the community. Parts of the the recall of District Attorney Chesa
San Diego.
BIO agenda — particularly its resistance Boudin as well as initiatives on mental
to drug price controls — could put Love’s health and school vouchers.
niceness to the test.
PSQ Holdings Inc. dba 315 S. Coast Hwy 101 U44 $119.61 Traditional-values-driven online
12 PublicSquare Encinitas, CA 92024 million marketplace PSQH July 19, 2023 SPAC Michael Seifert NR
1 Headquarters is in Agoura Hills, Calif. 3 Traded on the Taipei Exchange. 4 Address and phone obtained from Form 8-K dated March 28, 2023.
2 Converted from New Taiwan dollar. Website lists Henderson, Nev.
ServiceMax Inc. PT
PTCC Inc. $1.46
10 Pleasanton, CA Needham, MA billion
Nov. 17, 2022 Jan. 4, 2023 Technology
1 Momentive changed its name back to SurveyMonkey in June 2023. 2 In addition to a private investor. 3 Vahanna changed its name to Roadzen after the deal.
PowwerSchool Group LL
LLCC $300
32 Group Folsom, CA million July 11, 2023 Oct. 3, 2023 Consumer
Scotts Valley, CA
1 Select assets.
Information to build your business
R Abstracts of
case #CGCU24 611769, ABOUT THIS SECTION Harbert Fremont I, on #2024-003243, 01/19/24.
01/19/24. property at 39867 Fremont Claimant: King Crane
Judgment Jane Doe PW 017 vs. Uber Blvd., Fremont 94538, Service, Contractor:
READER’S GUIDE WHAT’S INSIDE document #2024013809,
Technologies Inc./Rasier UMI - United Mechanical,
ALAMEDA COUNTY LLC, product liability, The Business Leads is a collection of information Abstract of Judgments..................40 01/29/24. $112,002, Owner: SmartLabs
Wells Fargo Bank vs.
case #CGCU24 611772, gathered from Bay Area courthouses, government Bankruptcies..................................40 Claimant: Greentech and BMR-750/800/850
01/19/24. Renewables, Contractor: Gateway LP et al., on
Ionlogic Inc., 555 Marin St. offices and informational websites. We gather Civil Suits.......................................40 Bright Energy Group LLC, property at 750 Gateway
#140, Thousand Oaks 91360, Level 5 Drywall Inc. vs.
Music City Hotel LP, breach these public records so you can build your busi- Federal Tax Liens............................40 $14,256, Owner: Nancy Blvd., S. San Francisco
$14,283, plaintiff, case Bellaci, on property at 1717 94080, document #2024-
#107CV084466, 01/24/24. of contract, case #CGCU24 ness. No matter what business you are in, you can Federal Tax Liens Released............40 Bay St., Alameda 94501, 004070, 01/23/24.
611773, 01/19/24.
Lawrence Commercial gain a competitive edge by reading the Business Mechanics’ Liens.............................40 document #2024013775, Claimant: California United
Katie D. vs. Lyft Inc., 01/29/24.
Center LLC vs. Colombia
product liability, case
Leads. Find new and expanding businesses and New Fictitious Mechanical Inc. dba United
Asthma and Allergy Clinic Claimant: Sunbelt Rentals Mechanical, Contractor:
#CGCU24 611778, new customers. Find out the area’s commercial and
Inc., 2570 W. El Camino Real
Names Registered............................. 41 Inc., Contractor: Eden H12 Truebeck Construction
#400, Mountain View 94040, residential hot spots. Find clues about the financial LLC, $20,674, Owner: Jawid Inc., $3,738,479, Owner:
$521,002, plaintiff, case John Price vs. Fort Point
State Tax Liens................................41
condition of your vendors, customers or competi- Siddiq, on property at 5840 BMR-Gateway of Pacific II
#21CV390952, 01/26/24. Beer Co., employment, State Tax Liens Released................41 Lindeman Rd., Mountain LLC and BMR -750/800/850
case #CGCU24 611779, tors. Listings for each category may vary from week House 95391, document Gateway LP, on property at
01/19/24. to week because of information availability and #2024014329, 01/30/24. 750 Gateway Blvd., S. San
Transactions.............................. 41-46 Francisco 94080, document
Guadalupe Romo and Jose
Jane Doe MW vs. Lyft space constraints. MARIN COUNTY #2024-004295, 01/24/24.
Inc., product liability,
Herra et al. vs. The Peasant case #CGCU24 611783, Claimant: Buffalos
and the Pear Inc. et al., 111 ALAMEDA COUNTY
01/19/24. Mechanical Inc., Contractor:
W. Prospect Ave. #A, Danville K Bali Construction Inc., Edward Abeckett, Castro
94526, $507,000, plaintiff, Addie Calvin vs. Kentfield Valley Handyman, 1891
Hospital San Francisco, $57,752, Owner: Marin
case #MSC14-01376,
01/19/24. employment discrimination, EMAIL EDITION GRF3 LLC dba Marin Gateway Strobridge Ave., Castro Valley
GARP LLC, on property at 94546.
Pixel Ally Corp. vs. Avion
case #CGCU24 611798, To buy Leads information for San Francisco and more than 40 other markets, call 877-593-4157, 170 Donahue St., Sausalito
01/19/24. Jayesh Patel, 31Diots
Holding Group Inc., 2010 or see The information is available digitally and arrives earlier than the 94965, document #2024- Investments, 47618 Hoyt St.,
Crow Canyon Place #100, San David Donohue vs. Fire 0001640, 01/18/24. Fremont 94539.
Ramon 94583, $1,125,435, Insurance Exchange, breach published version.
plaintiff, case #MSC21- of contract, case #CGCU24 SAN FRANCISCO Mat Bradshaw, Bradshaw
02449, 01/24/24. 611790, 01/22/24. COUNTY Construction, 30 Malavear
Ct., Pacifica 94044.
Seneca Insurance Co. Inc. Claimant: Ahlborn
MARIN COUNTY vs. Winning Colors Inc./ Structural Steel Inc., Daniel Curtis, Triangle
TBF Financial I LLC vs. The Last Detail Roofing/ Contractor: Swinterton Construction Tri-Valley Inc.,
Robert R. Nafius Jr./Nafius Manuel Garcia, subrogation Builders, $27,366, Owner: 4463 Buckskin Ct., Livermore
insurance, case #CGCU24 Gabriel Espinoza vs. Willard Cross, breach of contract, (6721/941), document Maldonado Auto Body and JPPF 116 New Montgomery 94551.
Construction Service Inc.,
611793, 01/22/24. Manufacturing Inc./Padium case #CGCU24 611910, #2024-006458, 01/19/24. Paint, 2900 Middlefield LP, on property at 116
171 Woodland Ave., San Jennifer Dovichi, Leiya
Brands LLC, toxic tort, 01/26/24. Dario and Gabi LLC dba Rd., Redwood City 94063, New Montgomery St., San
Rafael 94901, $62,195, Lakiesha Smith vs. Health Group, 2999 Regent
case #CGCU24 611864, Creditors Adjustment Caffe Duetto, 2560 Marin $12,298, (6721/941), Francisco 94105, document
plaintiff, case #CV0000778, Sutter Bay Hospitals/ St. #201, Berkeley 94705.
01/25/24. Bureau Inc. vs. Foreceful St., San Francisco 94124, document #2024-003482, #2024-006285, 01/18/24.
01/09/24. dba California Pacific
MRM Commerce Inc. vs. Trans Inc., collections, $13,197, (6721/940/941), 01/24/24. Tom Turner, Vitality Kidney
MCII Inc. dba Meridian Medical Center, Claimant: Level 5 Inc., Care, 2905 Telegraph Ave.,
employment discrimination, Hestan Smart Cooking case #CGCU24 611914, document #2024-006462, Contractor: Swinterton
Commercial vs. GMP Real 01/26/24. Berkeley 94705.
Inc., breach of contract, 01/19/24.
Estate LLC, 86 Hamilton Dr., case #CGCU24 611802,
case #CGCU24 611867, R Mechanics’ Builders, $48,385, Owner:
Lei Lei, Ichiban Enterprises,
Novato 94949, $182,060, 01/22/24. Jane Doe vs. Uber Jamestown Properties,
01/25/24. Technologies Inc./Rasier
SAN MATEO COUNTY Liens on property at 100-126 2201 S. Garfield Ave.,
plaintiff, case #CIV2202935, Dora Telesia Masaniai/ Monterey Park 91754.
01/18/24. Talkdesk Inc. vs. Zurn LLC/Rasier-CA LLC, VNH Builders Inc., 842 New Montgomery St., San
Evagelia Masaniai/
Elkay Water Solutions professional negligence, Mahler Rd., Burlingame ALAMEDA COUNTY Francisco 94105, document Francis Ho, Teaovation,
PAC Western Financial Jolene Masaniai vs. Jose
Corp., breach of contract, case #CGCU24 611922, 94010, $24,551, (941), #2024-006706, 01/19/24. 30971 San Benito St.,
LLC vs. Floramye LLC, 270 Ricardo Vallejo/dba Club Claimant: Environmental
case #CGCU24 611888, 01/26/24. document #2024-003462, Claimant: Glazier Steel Hayward 94544.
Magnolia Ave., Larkspur 26 Mix, wrongful death, Remedies Inc., Contractor:
01/25/24. DS Lakeshore LP vs. 01/19/24. Inc., Contractor: Truebeck Geroge D Hansell, GDL
94939, $29,883, plaintiff, case #CGCU24 611811, Center of Hope Community
case #CV0000921, 01/22/24. John E. Sharp/Nancy Supercuts Corporate Shops Intermountain Electric Church, $89,342, Owner: Construction Inc., $864,729, Hansell Supply, 2020 Chiplay
01/18/24. Ellanor Overend vs. Inc., breach of contract, Co. Corp., 947 Washington Center of Hope Community Owner: 901 16th St. Manager Ct., Hayward 94545.
Peter Rivelis vs.
University of California San case #CGCU24 611919, St., San Carlos 94070, Church, on property at LLC, on property at 901 16th Farima Safdari, Anber
Enlightened Management
Francisco Medical Center/ 01/29/24. $1,729,515, (941), 8411 Macarthur Blvd., St., San Francisco 94107, KitchenSaf, 260 N. L St.,
Co./KKMC Management
R Bankruptcies LLC, wrongful termination, Jessamyn Conell-Price/ document #2024-003463, Oakland 94605, document document #2024-006756, Livermore 94551.
Myung Sun Ko, wrongful 01/19/24. #2024010863, 01/19/24. 01/19/24.
case #CGCU24 611818,
NORTHERN DISTRICT 01/23/24. death, case #CGCU24 R Federal Tax La Nueva Perla Restaurant, Claimant: Bauman
Jaswinder Singh,
611890, 01/25/24. Claimant: Alcal Purerefreshwater, 4945
OF CALIFORNIA CSAA Insurance Exchange Liens 222 Lux Ave., S. San Specialty Constracting Landscape and Conway Terr., Fremont
Cristell Yassodara Piaz Francisco 94080, $27,427, Inc., Contractor: Dome Construction Inc., 94555.
Oakland Division vs. Eur-Asia Auto Body
Gomez vs. Iris Silva (941), document #2024- Construction Corp., Contractor: Shimmick
LLC/GD Towing Auto
Aguirre/dba Perfumeria ALAMEDA COUNTY 003468, 01/19/24. Construction Co. Inc., Todd Martinez, The Todd
Chapter 7 Service LLC/Gelmer Dubon, $15,500, Owner: H.S.P., on
Judith, wrongful Top Team Management $337,655, Owner: Mission Team, 450 Main St. #207,
E-Go Bike LLC, 7307 subrogation insurance, SFBA Sports Performance property at 5900 Hollis St., Pleasanton 94566.
termination, case #CSM24 Inc., 699 Lewelling Blvd. Emeryville 94608, document Street Development LLC
Edgewater Dr. #D/E, Oakland case #CGCU24 611822, LLC, 21 Alvarado St. #6,
867875, 01/25/24. #146/366, San Leandro #2024011646, 01/22/24. and Millennium Tower Abel Kifle, Health and
94621; Assets, $0 to 01/23/24. Brisbane 94005, $27,192,
94579, $268,182, (941), Association, on property Wealth, 761 Galway Dr. #A,
$50,000; Debts, $50,001 to Ana L. Flores Ortiz vs. Cassandra McAlmont vs. (940/941), document Claimant: Acker Roofing
document #2024009753, at 301 Mission St., San San Lorenzo 94580.
$100,000; Attorney, Leon Hyundai Motor America/ NM-Jasper LLC, unfair #2024-003476, 01/19/24. Inc., Contractor: Chad Smith
01/17/24. Francisco 94105, document
E. Jew; case #24-40092, Vallejo Hyundai, breach business practice, case Gabb Real Estate Corp., Construction, $24,997, Gurmeet S Sahni, JK
#2024-007335, 01/22/24.
01/23/24. of warranty, case #CGCU24 #CSM24 867876, 01/25/24. Toys N Motion, 3010 Owner: Elizabeth Campbell Express, 462 Rivera Dr.,
30 Bayport Ct., San Carlos Claimant: Maroc Painting
Livermore Outlets Dr., and James M. Hunihan, on Union City 94587.
San Francisco Division 611825, 01/23/24. Muna Whitfield vs. Airbnb 94070, $12,660, (941),
Livermore 94551, $10,021, property at 4187 Berdina Inc., Contractor: Anand
Paula Williams vs. Veritas Inc., unfair business practice, document #2024-003479, Gohel, $56,485, Owner: Monica Benca, Mac Bey, 465
(941), document #2024- Rd., Castro Valley 94546,
Chapter 11 Investments Inc./dba case #CSM24 867877, 01/19/24. Anand Gohel and Crissius Canyon Oaks Dr. #H, Oakland
010477, 01/18/24. document #2024011494,
Greentree Property 01/25/24. Properties, on property at 94605.
Lombard Flats LLC, 953 Opis Portola Valley LLC, 01/22/24.
Plan the Right Way Inc.,
Lombard St., San Francisco Management, property Creditors Adjustment 3130 Alpine Rd. #300, 3866 Clay St., San Francisco Sharon Badger,
1200 Lakeshore Ave. Claimant: Daco
94133; Assets, $1,000,001 damage, case #CSM24 Bureau Inc. vs. 360 New Portola Valley 94028, 94118, document #2024- Shayboogie’s, 2740 Ec Reems
#5C, Oakland 94605, Construction Inc.,
to $10,000,000; Debts, 867867, 01/23/24. Way Inc., collections, case $44,540, (941), document 007278, 01/22/24. Ct. #1A, Oakland 94605.
$28,788, (1120), document Contractor: Tico
$1,000,001 to $10,000,000; Dagoberto T. Sanchez/ #CGCL24 611905, 01/26/24. #2024-004700, 01/24/24. Claimant: Nabi
#2024010478, 01/18/24. Construction, $16,088, Kyshia Minor, Another
Attorney, Reshma Kamath; Alison J. Siegel Sanchez dba Creditors Adjustment Gibson Drywall Inc., P.O. Construction and Water, 1350 7th St. #A206,
case #24-30047, 01/29/24. Delcon Heating & Air, Owner: ReCarbon Inc., on
Alaska Refrigeration Air Bureau Inc. vs. SP Logistics Box 2677, El Granada property at 47825 Warm Engineering, Contractor: Oakland 94607.
256 Boeing Cty., Livermore
Conditioning and Heating Service LLC/dba SP 94018, $90,291, (940/941), Spring Blvd., Fremont 94539, Music City Hotel LP, $57,298,
94551, $305,387, Fitsum Chiffa, Fitshum
vs. Damar Construction Logistics, collections, case document #2024-004701, Owner: Music City Hotel LP,
R Civil Suits and Remodeling Inc., #CGCL24 611918, 01/26/24.
(940/941), document
document #2024011499,
on property at 1353 Bush
T. Chiffa dba Group Name
#2024013985, 01/29/24. 01/22/24. Freebetty, 232 29th St. #24,
collections, case #CSM24 Creditors Adjustment St., San Francisco 94109, Oakland 94611.
SAN FRANCISCO 867870, 01/23/24. Bureau Inc. vs. St. Mateo CONTRA COSTA Claimant: H&E Equipment document #2024-007287,
COUNTY Walter Thompson vs. Tech Transport LLC/dba St. COUNTY R Releases of Services Inc., Contractor: 01/22/24. Rakesh Relan, EMC2E
Ron Thorn Construction Inc., Universe Publishing, 3051
Lamont Patterson/ Crunch Inc./Yahoo Inc., Mateo Truck Sales, Cova Education Charter Federal Tax $21,957, Owner: Kaiser SAN MATEO COUNTY Quantum Dr. #4503, Fremont
Daniel Penn/Keith Collins employment discrimination, collections, case #CGCL24
vs. Gilead Sciences case #CGCU24 611836, 611920, 01/26/24.
Resources Inc., 30 Liens Foundation Hospitals, on Claimant: Truebeck 94538.
Ptarmigan Dr. #1B, Walnut property at 27303 Sleepy
Inc., product liability, 01/24/24. Creek 94595, $26,705, Construction Inc., Tyler Reeves, Tri-Valley
Humberto S. Correa vs. Hollow Ave., Hayward 94545, Engineering, 6800 Paloverde
case #CGCU24 611886, (941), document #2024- ALAMEDA COUNTY Contractor: SL 750G LLC,
BCAL 44 Montgomery Chime Capital LLC/Chime document #2024012419, $24,364,024, Owner: BMR Rd., Castro Valley 94552.
01/04/24. Property LLC vs. Morling Financial Inc./The Bancorp 0005678, 01/18/24. 01/24/24.
A-1 Protective Services - 750/800/850 Gateway LP,
Reliant Construction and Co., breach of contract, Bank NA, unfair business DCS Inc. dba Pacific Stone, Inc., 5 Thomas Mellon Cir. Riva Gulassa, Deep Dive
Claimant: White Cap on property at 750 Gateway Engineering, 370 Oakland
Management LLC vs. case #CGCU24 611838, practice, case #CGCU24 1375 Franquette Ave. #C, #156, San Francisco 94134, LP, Contractor: Salazar Blvd., S. San Francisco Ave., Oakland 94611.
Millstone LLC/Henry 01/24/24. 611905, 01/26/24. Concord 94520, $101,080, $143,574, (1120/940/941), Construction Co. Inc., 94080, document #2024-
Monegro, breach of contract, Darin Fragoza vs. City and Mayor London Breed/ (941), document #2024- document #2024013980, $21,447, Owner: B9 Sylis Keophilavanh, AFP
003071, 01/18/24.
case #CGCL24 611848, County of San Francisco Director Shireen 0005681, 01/18/24. 01/29/24. Frontier Elm Owner LLC, on Consulting, 7015 Spencer Ct.,
01/16/24. Claimant: Bayside Dublin 94568.
Public Utilities Commission, McSpadden of Dept. of SFBA Sports Performance property at 47020 Kato Rd., Insulation and Construction
Jane Doe 1/Jane Doe 2/Jane wrongful termination, Homeless Housing of City CONTRA COSTA Fremont 94538, document
LLC, 21 Alvarado St. #6, Inc., Contractor: United Sze Moey Voon Coen, Esail
Doe 3 vs. Lyft Inc., product case #CGCU24 611846, and County of San Francisco COUNTY #2024012595, 01/24/24.
Brisbane 94005, $27,192, Mechanical, $228,214, Consulting Firm, 34437
liability, case #CGCU24 01/24/24. vs. Episcopal Community (940/941), document Groundwork Richmond Claimant: Lowney Owner: BMR-750/800/850 Willow Ln., Union City 94587.
611782, 01/17/24. Swift 260 California Services/Bayview Hunter’s #2024-0006957, 01/23/24. Inc., 249 Tewksbury Ave. #A, Architecture, Contractor: Gateway LP and SmartLabs,
Point Foundation/Urban Rakesh Relan, Sabrina Relan
Gretchen Palmer vs. API Investors LLC vs. Pacific Richmond 94801, $11,223, California Affordable Housing on property at 750 Gateway
Alchemy, professional Rupam Khanna DDS Inc., Real Estate, 3051 Quantum
Market Inc./dba AIKON/ Employment Law Inc./ (941), document #2024- Group Inc., $104,148, Blvd., S. San Francisco
negligence, case #CGCU24 3160 Crow Canyon Rd. #100, Dr. #4503, Fremont 94538.
Justworks Employment Pacific Employment Law 0006978, 01/23/24. Owner: Oakland Affordable 94080, document #2024-
611907, 01/26/24. San Ramon 94583, $20,586, Ayesha Rashid, Century
Group LLC, wrongful LLP/Maureen Bogue, breach (941), document #2024- Greater Bay Flooring Inc., Housing Group LP, on 003227, 01/19/24.
termination, case #CGCU24 of contract, case #CGCU24 REV Capital Inc. vs. Nation property at 315 15th St., Catering and Events, 37447
0006958, 01/23/24. 119 2nd Ave. #C2, Pacheo Claimant: Aliance Roofing
611767, 01/19/24. 611847, 01/24/24. Discounts LLC/Kerisha Nell Oakland 94612, document Fremont Blvd., Fremont
94553, $13,316, (941), Co. Inc., Contractor: 94536.
Jestine Green/Teresa Ann Tegsco LLC vs. Yamaha Brown, breach of contract, SAN FRANCISCO document #2024-0006979, #2024012938, 01/25/24. Truebeck Construction
Marie George/Ryan Henry Motor Finance Collateral case #CGCU24 611909, COUNTY 01/23/24. Claimant: General Inc., $199,815, Owner: Li Wen Li, Local Bistro,
vs. Recology Inc./Recology Department, unfair business 01/26/24. Blair A. Keck DDS, 4128 Wholesale Electric Supply, SmartLabs, on property at 43683 Boscell Rd., Fremont
Humbolt County/Amber practice, case #CSM24 Amanda R. vs. Blue Cross of 18th St., San Francisco SAN MATEO COUNTY Contractor: Ozie Electric, 750 Gateway Blvd., S. San 94538.
Schneider, wrongful death, 867872, 01/24/24. California/dba Anthem Blue 94114, $40,274, Raul Maldonado dba $136,470, Owner: Priya Francisco 94080, document Izzatullah Karimi, Kabul
Express Kabob Restaurant LP, Fisionfit, 1261 Lucast St. Erin Crysdale, Two Birds TIYA, 3213 Scott St., San Inn@Bayshore, 140 N. 94080. TF Tog Inc., 650 Central (ca dept of tax), document
1 Southland Mall Dr. 0509, #44, Walnut Creek 94596. Media, 160 Montego, Novato Francisco 94123. Bayshore Blvd., San Mateo Humble Bites, 960 Haddock Ave. #F, Alameda 94501, #2024-007370, 01/23/24.
Hayward 94545. Leticia Belasco, M&L 94949. Caisson LLC, 420 94401. St., Foster City 94404. $13,461, (employment Emporio Rulli at Chestnut
Hussein Al Dabashi, Halal Consulting Services, 4445 Nextdata, 1408 Sir Francis Washington Blvd. #B, San Ama Vending, 418 Avalon development dept), Street Inc., 2300 Chestnut
Nicole Perez, Buwan Jewelry, document #2024012460,
Burgers, 4531 West St., Yellowood Ln., Pittsburg Drake Blvd., San Anselmo Francisco 94129. Dr., S. San Francisco 94015. 150 1st Ave. #9, Daly City St., San Francisco 94123,
Oakland 94608. 94565. 94960. 01/24/24.
Kayla Care Foundation, 30 GTM Flow, 216 Bloomfield 94014. $15,599, (ca dept of tax),
Esther Diaz, Ramirez Auto, King Gyro & Kabob LLC, Ashley Sanderson, Not Kempton Ave., San Francisco Rd., Burlingame 94010. The Higher Collection, document #2024-007371,
Kemcon Design Group, 7850 Edgewater Dr. #E, 01/23/24.
37900 Cedar Blvd., Newark 2391 Pleasant Hill Rd., Perfume, 110 Redwood Dr., 94132. Bistro Arancini, 1219 1003 Edwards Rd.,
94560. Pleasant Hill 94523. Woodacre 94973. Oakland 94621, $23,034,
Our Childhood, 537 Broadway, Burlingame Burlingame 94010. Toriano A. Gordan dba
(employment development
Parixit Pandya, Apna Market, Jenny Trevino, Las Chicas JVB Bookkeeping Inc., 35 Columbus Ave., San Francisco 94010. Vegan Mob, 90 Charter Oak
Panthers Camp, 1875 dept), document
158 Sudbury Dr., Milpitas Tacos and Catering, 44 Nova Ln., Novato 94945. 94133. Ave., San Francisco 94124,
Mangaza Studios LLC, Walnut Dr., Mountain View #2024012461, 01/24/24.
95035. Baldwin Ave., Corckett $30,925, (employment
Matthew Wilka, Wilka Oko Designs, 756 Filbert St., 1199 Howard Ave. #200, 94040. Cyber Advanced Technology development dept),
Anmoldeep Singh, Liquor 94525. Consulting, 362 Carrera Dr., San Francisco 94133. Burlingame 94010. Jerr & Dan Resgistration Inc., 5627 Telegraph Ave. document #2024-007385,
Hub 4, 603 W. Sombra Way, Budget Blinds of Walnut Mill Valley 94941. Christine Lacap, Dearmoki, Inc., 1207 Shasta St., #555, Oakland 94609, 01/23/24.
Luxi Q’s, 5-7 Leland Ave.,
Mountain House 95391. Creek, 420 Beatrice Ct. #G2, A5 Travel Books/A5 Travel, 260 Estelle Ln., Daly City Redwood City 94063. $12,061, (employment
San Francisco 94134.
Baseer Majeed, Blue Moon Brentwood 94513. 25 Camino De Herrera, San 94010. development dept), SAN MATEO COUNTY
True Blue Commercial Beyond Measure, 617 document #2024012462,
Roadside Service, 43411 Humah Bargzie, Fig and Anselmo 94960. All Industrial Supply, 895 Veterans Blvd. #101, Infiot Inc., 2744 San Hill Rd.
Grimmer Blvd., Fremont Advisors, 1 Sansome St. 01/24/24.
Willow Floral, 1063 Green RoCo Dance Studios Inc., Mitten Rd., Burlingame Redwood City 94063. #150, Menlo Park 94025,
94538. #3500, San Francisco 94104.
Point Ct., Concord 94521. 237 Shoreline Hwy., Mill 94010. KA Transport, 430 Roth Ln., $203,518, (employment
ARI Architects, 3631 26th Kamlesh Prasad, Neelam Alameda 94501, $22,468, development dept),
Derek Balch, Slight Edge Morgan March, Oak and Valley 94941. The Wine Stop, 337 Petroleum, 1438 Bradley Ct.,
Football Prep, 1288 Concord St., San Francisco 94110. (employment development document #2024-003111,
Ironwood Crafts, 3450 Vista Sutter Pacific Medical Primrose Rd., Burlingame San Mateo 94401.
St., Pleasanton 94566. Oaks Dr. #217, Martinez Ace Accounting & dept), document 01/18/24.
Foundation, 101 and 100 94010. Jennifer Prince, Prince #2024012463, 01/24/24.
Mayra M Arias De La Cruz, 94553. Rowland Way, Novato 94945. Management, 1874 11th Pacific Coast Crating
Ave., San Francisco 94122. Abddulhafeez Nasher, DC Editorial Services, 1025 Valley Juice LLC, 6800 Services LLC, 325 Corey
Jaroche Esthetics, 16675 Puroclean of Walnut Creek Kim Keum, Young Dental Smart, 6825 Mission St., Daly Park Place #323, San Mateo
Rolando Ave., San Leandro Remediation, 39 Stone Creek Mmbunuan Consulting, 454 Koll Center Pkwy. #100, Way #115-117, S. San
Lab, 30 Pamaron Way #D, City 94014. 94403. Pleasanton 94566, $45,447, Francisco 94080, $29,519,
94578. Place, Alamo 94507. Novato 94949. Ferdinand Ave., El Granada
94018. Edylyn Lagapa, GLW Quality Air Services, 14551 (employment development (employment development
Christ Notlaw, Community Assetmark Retirement PLAID Business Design/ Griffith St., San Leandro dept), document dept), document #2024-
Essentials, 82 Menlo Ave.,
Connection Inc., 960 Services Inc., 1655 Grant St. PLAID Life Design, 6480 True Blue Commercial 94577. #2024012464, 01/24/24. 003113, 01/18/24.
Daly City 94015.
Arlington Ave., Oakland 10th Fl., Concord 94520. Panoramic Hwy. #518, Real Estate, 1 Sansome St.
94608. #3500, San Francisco 94104. Maria Vieru, Tishavi, 126 DH Auto Bodyshop LLC, Outlier AL Inc., 360 22nd JTM Special Tires
First Class Services, 5599 Stinson Beach 94970. 1527 Old CR., San Carlos St. #600, Oakland 94612,
Serramonte Center #766 Commercial Systems,
Stacy David Currie, Chalk Hill Ln., Antioch Consuelo Bustinza, FnC Hair Flying Pig Bistro, 433 S. 94070. $350,023, (employment
Salon #30, Daly City 94015. P.O. Box 1108, Redwood
Intelliguard Security 94531. Salon, 352 San Anselmo Ave., Van Ness Ave., San Francisco development dept),
Jobany Aguilar, Kidduz, Robert Oneill, Hot Rod City 94064, $23,386,
Solutions, 3217 College Ave., San Anselmo 94960. 94103. document #2024014094,
Lorraine Rideout, Lema Co. 604 Palmer Ln., Menlo Park Appraisal Services, 1870 (employment development
Berkeley 94705. 01/29/24.
Transports, 2741 Hillcrest Sokly Heng, Sausalito Nail KC Catering and Events 94025. El Camino Real #208, dept), document #2024-
Sanjiv Kumar, Irvington Ave., Antioch 94531. Salon, 1001 Bridgeway #C2, Planning, 660 4th St. #328, Burlingame 94010. Stick E Bud - Sticky E 003110, 01/19/24.
Cleaners, 3932 Washington San Francisco 94107. Hande Bolukbasi, Bag2Last,
Kyle Etcheverry, Etchstudios Sausalito 94965. Cannabis Distribution Americas House Corp., 1440
Blvd., Fremont 94538. 363 Waverley St., Menlo Park J&MC Janitorial Services
Upholstery and Design, 510 KC Catering and Events Center II, 5733 San Leandro Cary Ave., San Mateo 94401,
94025. LLC, 680 10th Ave., Menlo
Jose Victor Ramirez, Hood Athena #2, Hercules 94547. Management, 660 4th St. St. #II, Oakland 94621, $18,519, (ca dept of tax),
Park 94025.
Cleaning Ramirez, 1316 92nd
Studio 55 Martinez, 55
R New Fictitious #328, San Francisco 94107. Ching Wu, Tan Oak Advisory, $12,386, (employment document #2024-003144,
Ave., Oakland 94603. 123 Tan Oak Dr., Portola Jose Vasquez, Jose Cleaning development dept),
Howe Rd., Martinez 94553. Names Gaspare’s Pizza House and Valley 94028. Services, 513 Pierce Rd., document #2024014095,
Susan Griffin, Luxury Hair Restaurant, 5546 Geary
Solutions, 466 Oak St., San Danielle Hawthorne, Worthy Registered Blvd., San Francisco 94121. Karen Curtiss, Red Dot
Menlo Park 94025. 01/29/24. Vingriss Inc., 441 Hobart
Ave., San Mateo 94402,
Francisco 94102. of Dignity, 2415 San Ramon Ranch, 5625 Cloverdale Rd., Adan Garcia, Andreas SF Bandcamp Inc., 1901
Valley Blvd. #4231, San Tenderloin Market & Deli, $21,068, (ca dept of tax),
SAN FRANCISCO Pescadero 94060. House Cleaning, 2610 El Broadway, Oakland 94621, document #2024-003148,
Sukhbir Singh Dhaday, Ramon 94583. 200 Leavenworth St., San Camino Real, Redwood City
Urban Beauty Lounge, COUNTY Francisco 94102. Dasbierhauz, 830 $265,329, (employment 01/19/24.
Community Partnership 94061. development dept),
4291 Stevenson Blvd. #49, Air Conditioning & Heating Middlefield Rd., Redwood GE United Technologies
Fremont 94538. for Downtown Walnut D7N Coffee & Tea, 5301 City 94061. Sandry Galcia, Sandry document #2024014096,
Co. Alaska Refrigeration, 01/29/24. Inc., 170 W. Hill Place,
Creek Inc., 1666 N. Main St., Mission St. #B, San Francisco Cleaning Services, 116 Pine
Elia Lorena Briseno Pena, 1651 27th Ave., Oakland Debra Adler, Nicole for Brisbane 94005, $23,544,
Walnut Creek 94596. 94112. St. #B, Redwood City 94063.
Briseno Lore’s Hairstyles, 766 94601. Love, 2911 Jefferson Ave., CONTRA COSTA (ca dept of tax), document
Martin Blvd., San Leandro Gary Rutland, GR Xpress Fai Kee Meat Co., 1155 Redwood City 94062. Angelline Silva, Angelline COUNTY #2024-003151, 01/19/24.
Dr. Lizette Aguirre, 945
94577. Notary Services, 1592 Rio Munich St., San Francisco Cleaning Services, 101 Oak
Taraval St. #1194, San Juliannas, 440 San Mateo Phoenix Pursuit Inc., 21077 Quick Corner Inc., 160
Verde Cir., Pittsburg 94565. 94112. Ave., Redwood City 94063.
Carlos Mauricio Mancia Francisco 94116. Ave. #N4, San Bruno 94066. Commerce Point Dr., Walnut Holmes St., Livermore
Vega, Freight Transportation, Yuriy Pishchik, Dreamer Fords Grocery, 1496 Ace Acupuncture Clinic, Creek 91789, $137,370, 94550, $24,495, (ca dept
Lyfesmiles Orthodontics, Andrey Tokhonov, Oleandr,
10016 Walnut St., Oakland Cleaner, 5127 Furlong Way, Oakdale Ave., San Francisco 100 Skyline Plz. #102, Daly (franchise tax board), of tax), document #2024-
1834 Clement St., San 67 Club Dr., San Carlos
94603. Antioch 94531. Francisco 94121. 94124. City 94015. document #2024-0005637, 004212, 01/24/24.
Edgar Bermeo, E&M Boutique Katrinique, Chonthicha Churat, Head 01/18/24. Beacon Auto Body LLC, 233
CONTRA COSTA Axel Landscaping, 1934 565 Miller Avenue, 565
Cleaning Services, 78 29th Ave., San Francisco 1280 15th Ave. #106, San to Heart Wellness, 2371 CMD Saloon LLC, 1005 S. Maple Ave. #13, S. San
COUNTY Meadowbrook Ave., Pittsburg Francisco 94122. Miller Ave., S. San Francisco
Goodwin Ave., Redwood City Francisco 94080, $12,814,
94116. 94080. Reliance Ct., Pittsburg
Cesar Aragon, Cez Electric 94565. Fibo Services, 1631 Larkin 94061. 94565, $14,062, (ca dept (ca dept of tax), document
and Maintenance, 3512 Shaw Buddhist and Taoist Cristina Fernandez, Nino of tax), document #2024- #2024-004213, 01/24/24.
Alian Escobar, Erazo Tongyuan Center, 751 Clay St. #7, San Francisco 94109. Delias Retirement Home
Cir., Antioch 94509. Janitorial Services, 3600 Co., 220 Pine Ave., S. San 0005813, 01/19/24.
St., San Francisco 94108. Latina Lash Spot, 201 Pope Inc., 52 Arlington Dr., S. San
Sierra Ridge Rd. #8206, San Francisco 94080.
Marvin Chinchilla, Chinchilla St., San Francisco 94112. Francisco 94080. Dental Force Inc., 2633
Electric, 726 Chanslor, Pablo 94806. San Francisco Cannabis Juan Armenta, JPA, 2743
Cesar Cabrera, Blue West Camino Ramon #455, San R Releases of
Club, 1545 Ocean Ave., San SCM Design Group, 3145
Richmond 94801. John Bradshaw, Golden Gate Francisco 94112. Geary Blvd. #503, San
Gonzaga St., E. Palo Alto
Pacific Hospitality, 3540 Ramon 94583, $24,037, State Tax
94303. (employment development
Daniel Navas, Diamond Psychotherapy, 3330 Clayton
The Fuction, 1414 Market Francisco 94118. Callan Blvd. #200, S. San
dept), document #2024- Liens
Construction and Fencing, Rd. #E, Concord 94519. Huda Abuirbaileh, Hazy Francisco 94080.
3706 Chestnut Ave., Concord St., San Francisco 94102. Nico Library, 1280 15th Ave. Vibes, 2371 University Ave. 0005828, 01/19/24.
Mesake Afu, Valet Trash Olivias Care Home II, 48 W.
94519. Express, 180 Oakpoint Ct., Cedric Letsch, 548 Market #106, San Francisco 94122. #B, E. Palo Alto 94303. NRM Renovations Inc., ALAMEDA COUNTY
39th Ave., San Mateo 94403.
Jose Escobar, Ayala Baypoint 94565. St. #644252, San Francisco Gregory Smith Office Posture Genius, 37 E. 4th 2681 Cloverdale Ave. #J, Union City Apostolic,
94104. Designs, 1850 32nd Ave., Wendy Bedolla, The Concord 94518, $190,590,
Carpentry, 6167 1st St., April Aronoff, Little Dragon Ave., San Mateo 94401. $13,030, (employment
San Francisco 94122. Organizer Ninjas, 236 Cherry (employment development
Richmond 94801. Speech-Language Therapy, Deepmake, 548 Market development dept),
Innotech Distribution, 155 Blossom Ln., Patterson dept), document #2024-
651 Kern St., Richmond St. #22353, San Francisco We Help Our People document #2024012477,
Soroush Talebian, Sota Bovet Rd. #700, San Mateo 95363. 0006703, 01/23/24.
94805. 94104. Promotions, 847 Fairfax 01/24/24.
Construction, 440 Camino 94402. Ryan Mcguire, Bay Breeze
Sobrante, Orinda 94563. Yes Electrolysis, 582 Market Ave. #310, San Francisco Coliseum Tile Inc., 1490
Phuong Nguyen, Relaxing
94124. Love Your Story, 135 W. Aviation, 10 Avocet Dr. #203, Huston Rd., Lafayette 94549, CONTRA COSTA
Juan Gomez, Juan Rios Nails and Spa, 3428 Deer St. #1509, San Francisco 25th Ave. #6069, San Mateo Redwood City 94065. COUNTY
94104. $41,888, (ca dept of tax),
Landscaping, 3149 Morgan Valley Dr., Antioch 94531. 5 Star Way LLC Security, 94403. Electra Yacht Charters, 13 document #2024-0007230, Murba Corp., 6660 Alhambra
Territory Rd., Clayton 94517. E’Pume Studio, 601 4th St. 1315 Fillmore St., San
David Martinez, Figueres Xiangnan Xu, Oiser Planet, Village Ln., Daly City 94015. 01/24/24. Ave., Martinez 94553,
#206, San Francisco 94107. Francisco 94115.
Kenneth Pfeiffer, 5 Star Barbershop, 53 Manor Dr. #I, 811 Bounty Dr. #101, Foster $22,724, (ca dept of tax),
Dani Marie Interiors, 872A Justin Demma, West Pacific MARIN COUNTY
Tree & Landscape, 5 Trina Ct., Bay Point 94565. Star Light, 447 Sutter St. City 94404. Marine Services, 35 Ventura document #2024-0007239,
Walnut Creek 94596. #800, San Francisco 94108. 27th Ave., San Francisco Elite Herbs Inc., 25 01/24/24.
Raquel Castillo, Tortugita’s Yulan Wu, Huang & Co., 675 Ave., La Honda 94020.
94121. Evergreen Ave. #5, Mill Valley
The Law Office of Ryan H. Home Day Care, 434 38th St., Maison Chanamon, 3009 Mariners Island Blvd. #108, Tushbaby Inc., 2356 Lariat
Apperson, 1299 Newell Hill Richmond 94805. 22nd St., San Francisco Quinceyera Film & San Mateo 94404. 94941, $20,827, (ca dept Ln., Walnut Creek 94596,
Place #300, Walnut Creek Shilo Inns Portland Airport, 94110. Photography LLC, 548
Kyle Dios, KRD Productions, R State Tax of tax), document #2024- $60,083, (ca dept of tax),
94596. Market St. #820408, San 0001666, 01/19/24. document #2024-0007241,
45 John Glenn Dr., Concord SFCC, 1545 Ocean Ave., San Francisco 94104.
773 El Cerrito Ave., Liens 01/24/24.
Lynette Hart, Hart HR 94520. Francisco 94112. Hillsborough 94010. SAN FRANCISCO
Solutions, 112 Terranova Dr., 7 Nail Spa, 4907 A Mission COUNTY
MARIN COUNTY Fai Kee Inc., 1155 Munich St., San Francisco 94112.
Antioch 94509. Multiservice & Consultant,
St., San Francisco 94112. Smartshoot Inc., 548 Market Alegria Remodel and
Jared Ortiz, Altered Canvas, Sergio Gomez, SM Bricks & Sunday Headspa, 678 Haight 815 Sea Spray Ln. #306, LDE Logistics Inc., 1031
MFT Denis Barron, 4155 St., San Francisco 94104, Construction Inc., $10,206,
110 Railroad Ave., Antioch Stone, 55 Edward Ct., Novato St., San Francisco 94117. Foster City 94404. 98th Ave., Oakland 94603,
24th St. Ofc. 2, San Francisco $10,563, (employment (employment development
94509. 94949. $47,190, (employment
94114. Dennis Banguera Hair G&T Properties, 10 Guittard development dept), dept), document #2024-
development dept),
Miller & Son Logistics Steven Serbins, North Bay Salon, 3251 20th Ave. #141, Rd., Burlingame 94010. document #2024-006252, 003487, 01/19/24.
Owner Plus One, 2443 document #2023012465,
LLC, 1800 Sutter St. #500, Window Cleaning, 4481A San Francisco 94132. 01/18/24.
Fillmore St. #380-6638, San Robert Casey, Poplar Plaza 01/24/24.
Concord 94520. Petaluma Blvd., Petaluma Welcome to Summerland
Francisco 94115. Deric Transportation, 894 Apartments, 470 N. Idaho St. Enlighten Industries
Emily MacFarlane, Relate
Rolph St., San Francisco #204, San Mateo 94401. Inc., 3800 Wattling St. #P,
LLC, 1359 39th Ave., San R Real Estate
Innergizher, 2021 Fillmore Francisco 94122, $13,901,
Social Skills, 399 Taylor Blvd. Gary Smith Stairbuilder
St., San Francisco 94115.
94112. Iron Gate Restaurant, 1360 Oakland 94601, $35,513,
(ca dept of tax), document
#210, Pleasant Hill 94523. LLC, 50 Tiburon St. #21, San (employment development
SAN MATEO COUNTY El Camino Real, Belmont #2024-006272, 01/18/24.
Rafael 94901. Elevate Forward Now, 2000 dept), document #2024-
Alexa Kearney, Evermore, 94002. ALAMEDA COUNTY
461 Camelback Rd., Pleasant FastoAutos, 22 Bellam Blvd. Broadway St. #618, San Sebastian Cervantes, 012466, 01/24/24. Welcome to Summerland
Francisco 94115. Hanas Cafe and Deli, 400 LLC, 1359 29th Ave., San
Hill 94523. #D, San Rafael 94901. Sebastian Electric, 113 Arden Truepartner Corp., 1422 Dublin Crossing LLC
Oyster Pt. #131, S. San Francisco 94122, $10,815,
Puff Puff Sunset, 4644 Ave., S. San Francisco 94080. Francisco St., San Francisco to Brookfield Bay Area
Charity Offril-Galande, Yevheniia Syma, Pinka, 500 Francisco 94080.
Geary Blvd., San Francisco 94123, $394,253, (franchise (ca dept of tax), document Holdings LLC, 12657 Alcosta
Hotua Ori, 6635 Alhambra S. Eliseo Dr. #21, Greenbrae Isidro Esparza, IME Painting,
94118. Mountain Mikes Pizza, tax board), document #2024-006273, 01/18/24. Blvd. #250, San Ramon
Ave. #210, Martinez 94553. 94904. 12 Iris Ct., San Mateo 94401.
103 Hickey Blvd. #A, S. San #2024012455, 01/24/24. El Mansour LLC, 3119 94583; 6101/6105/6109
Styles on Main Inc., 3100 John Jack, Castle Peak Bettola, 343 Clement St., Rahul Diesh, Bow Wow Francisco 94080. Clement St., San Francisco Diamond Ct. et al., Dublin
Main St. #278, Oakley Group, 18 Warrens Way, San Francisco 94118. Power Steam Cleaning, 2912 Baylor Builders LLC,
Jonathan Nicholas, 94121, $18,997, (ca dept 94568, ID 986-78-25/986-
94561. Tiburon 94920. Meredith Nico, 1280 15th N. Cabrillo Hwy., Half Moon 5111 Telegraph Ave. #301, 78-24/986-78-23/et al. (18
Neighborhood Market and Oakland 94609, $26,235, of tax), document #2024-
Cool Money, 21 Coleridge Ave. #106, San Francisco Bay 94019. parcels), $9,152,000.
Lilia Gomez, Universo Cafe, 737 2nd Ave., San (employment development 006275, 01/18/24.
Holistico, 1881 Gateway Dr., Dr., Mill Valley 94941. 94122. SB Gardening, 3499 E. Mateo 94401. dept), document Seppys Nursery LLC, 1266 Solari Dahlin & Fereira to
Oakley 94561. Peian Harness, Global Kit Dakota, 1280 15th Ave. Bayshore Spc. 48, Redwood Van Dyke Ave., San Francisco Hanover Properties Ltd.,
Vince Garcia, The Trophy #2024012458, 01/24/24.
Paul Sweazey, Felixdesign, Strategic Sources, 449 #106, San Francisco 94122. City 94061. Guy & Apparel, 2270 94124, $25,504, (franchise 801 American St., San Carlos
All In One Transportation 94070; 30611 San Antonio
2231 San Remo Way, Fieldstone Dr., Novato Printz, 1871 47th Ave., San Gonzalo Hernandez, Mr. G Charleston Ave., San Bruno Inc., 22693 Hesperian Blvd., tax board), document #2024-
Pittsburg 94565. 94945. Francisco 94122. Handyman, 3706 Rolison Rd. 94066. 007265, 01/22/24. St., Hayward 94544, ID 475-
Hayward 94541, $27,392, 21-82, $8,150,000.
Albert Trejo, Mt. Handy Pro, Natalia Shorton, Wow Mom, Regency Commons II, 3334 #3, Redwood City 94063. Tania Mandujano, Fresh Line (employment development Fisher Baker and Farmer
110 Alturas Ave., Pittsburg 205 Montego Key, Novato Fillmore St., San Francisco Autoglass Pro, 418 Victory Produce, 131 Terminal St. dept), document LLC, 330 1st St., San
94565. 94949. 94123. Ave., S. San Francisco 94080. Stall 35/36, S. San Francisco #2024012459, 01/24/24. Francisco 94105, $108,051,
Cal Hearthstone Lot Option Zelenak and Xian Li Hong, 94609, ID 12-1006-15/12- Csilla and Csilla Tunde Rd., Pleasanton 94566, ID Min Ho Lee and Gwiok Y. 2855 Telegraph Ave. #310, Dr., Oakland 94611, ID 48E-
Pool 04 to Lennar Homes of 100 Dunfirth Dr., Hayward 1006-25, $1,900,000. Csoboth 2020 Revocable, 946-3330-48, $1,580,000. Lee to Syed Zia Abbas Rizvi Berkeley 94705; 2417 7340-10, $1,330,000.
California LLC, 2603 Camino 94542, ID 85A-6441-79, 930 Underhills Rd., Oakland Gloria Yee Low and Low and Syeda Mushkbar Zehra Carleton St. #1/2/3 et al.,
Steven Berkowitz and Lennar Homes of California
Ramon #525, San Ramon $2,560,000. 94610, ID 11-897-25, Family Trust to Kailesh Jafri, 36613 Burdick St., Berkeley 94704, ID 55- LLC to Santhi Sista and
Steven Berkowitz
94583; 45500 Fremont $1,700,000. Momaya Harsh and Praful Newark 94560, ID 92A-948- 1836-19/55-1836-20/55- Someswara Rao Vadlamani,
Alan H. Teague to Michael Revocable Trust to Kalpesh
Blvd., Fremont 94538, ID Shakti Fnu and Alka Kumari Gala Kunjan, 1201 Parkmoor 44, $1,450,000. 1836-21/et al. (5 parcels), 37255 Sand Bar Place,
Hom and Sharon Hom et Shah and Jesal Patani, 2380
519-1765-19/519-1765-18, to Akhilesh Anupindi and Ave. #3219, San Jose 95126; Andrea M. Rezzonico and $1,400,000. Newark 94560, ID 537-862-
al., 5868 Avellina Dr., Dublin Sandpiper Way, Pleasanton
$6,081,000. 94568; 1723 Central Ave., 94566, ID 946-3311-17, Monica Padmanabhan 5104 Dryden Ct., Newark The Rezzonico Family Robert Smith and Jennifer 79, $1,330,000.
Stan M. Osofsky and Stan M Alameda 94501, ID 72-302- $1,887,000. Kuppuswamy, 4841 Sally 94560, ID 92A-716-81, Living Trust to Lana Smith to Ashianna T. Esmail David Znidarsic and Jean
Osofsky Trust et al. to Balco 9, $2,506,000. Ct., Union City 94587, ID $1,570,000. Radosavijevic and Borislav and Ashianna T Esmail Marie Znidarsic et al. to
Richard W. Pease and
Properties Ltd. LLC, 1624 483-112-53, $1,650,000. Michael J. Williams and Radosavijevic, 550 26th Living Trust et al., 800 Santa Heather Rene Sully, 806
Shirley Wong and Donnie Carolyn M. Pease et al.
Franklin St. #1115, Oakland Bridgette Augusta Byrne Gayle A. Thomas to Ave., San Francisco 94121; Ray Ave., Oakland 94610, ID Rosemount Rd., Oakland
Wong and Shirley Wong to Venkata Samudrala
94612; 2066/2094 American Snyder et al. to Kishor P. Benjamin J. Smith and 4511 Lincoln Ave., Oakland 11-869-13, $1,400,000. 94610; 860 20th St.,
1991 R. to Thomas V. Krishnamurthy and
Ave., Hayward 94545, Thanawala and Yogini K. Danielle Leonard, 327 94602, ID 29A-1367-1-12, Eugene H. Foster and Gloria Oakland 94607, ID 3-31-10,
Brown, 1826 Clement Ave. Nagamani Samudrala et
ID 439-16-8/439-16-7, Thanawala et al., 3415 Haight Ave., Alameda 94501, $1,430,000. L. Foster et al. to Mayank $1,325,000.
#100, Alameda 94501; 2617 al., 48940 Lady Fern Cmn,
$4,530,000. Central Ave., Alameda 94501, Fremont 94539; 36319 San Turner Ct., Fremont 94536; ID 74-464-8, $1,550,000. P. Cooke to Isabel Foley and Agrawal and Namita Lennar Homes of California
Seema Bhagat to Rajendra ID 70-155-16, $2,488,500. Pedro Dr., Fremont 94536, ID 1430 Grove St., Alameda Mark W. Daly and Dawn D. Brett Foxwell, 1680 Franklin Agrawal, 706 Creekside LLC to Tina Thao Lee, 3269
A. Muni and Bharti R. Muni 501-112-145, $1,804,500. 94501, ID 69-91-1, Hawk to Mitchell Margolis, St., Berkeley 94702, ID 58- Dr., Pleasanton 94588; Accelerator Ave. #1003,
Ziyang Zhong and Hong
et al., 48877 Crown Ridge $1,650,000. 2101 9th Ave., Oakland 2139-10, $1,420,000. 4462 Bacon Ct., Pleasanton Fremont 94538; 45500
Fu et al. to Owen Lin and Andre Charnaux Christian
Cmn, Fremont 94539, ID Choi Siwon, 30535 Del Valle and 2022 Christian Andrew Jacqueline Roy to Saurabh 94606, ID 21-282-11, Margaret M. Gilbert to 94588, ID 941-1303-76, Fremont Blvd., Fremont
519-1716-107, $3,920,500. Place, Union City 94587, ID Charnaux Rev. to Thao T. Kulkarni and Prajakta Joshi, $1,550,000. Albert T. Heidmann and $1,400,000. 94538, ID 519-1765-29,
Carol Davis and Joel Marcus 463-101-16, $2,101,000. Pham Tam and Adam S. 48755 Taos Rd., Fremont Albert Theodore Heidmann Farrell Topham to Hernan $1,323,000.
Michael Gonzales to
et al. to Mark Melvin and Tait, 101 Magnolia Ave., 94539, ID 519-1655-77, Sivakumar Vellakkalpatti Revocable et al., 11794 Barahona and Selene Lennar Homes of California
Amin S. Mysorewala and
Debra Melvin et al., 32 Piedmont 94610, ID 51- $1,638,500. and Akila Kolandavelu, Castle Ct., Dublin 94568, ID Torres, 1122 40th St. #204, LLC to Krishna Mohan
Kathleen Marie Mysorewala
Heather Way, Larkspur 4640-9, $1,800,000. Dean P. Fabro and Dean P 38628 Blacow Rd., Fremont 941-114-155, $1,420,000. Emeryville 94608; 854 53rd Choudary Sajja and Sai
et al. to Michael Piltkins
94939; 3 Maybeck Twin Dr., John W. Thayer and Cynthia Fabro Living Trust to Jami 94536, ID 501-642-89, Jack R. Miller and Linda St., Oakland 94608, ID 14- Sruthi Bodapati et al.,
and Laura Edeen, 6169
Berkeley 94708, ID 58-2242- L. Massey, 2438 Cowan Way, $1,510,000. Rae Miller et al. to Jerald O. 1195-5, $1,400,000. 37220 Sand Bar Place,
Bullard Dr., Oakland L. Thayer to Yukiko Tsuruta
48-32, $3,500,000. Jung and Jeannie P. Jung, Newark 94560, ID 537-862-
94611, ID 48C-7189-13, and Kazutomo Tsuruta, Livermore 94550, ID 99A- Patricia A. Rogers and Kevin P. Clark and David D
68, $1,300,000.
Lu Shi and Zhang Dandan $2,100,000. 41466 Trenouth St., Fremont 2939-13, $1,625,000. Donald C. Day et al. to 5116 Troy Ave., Fremont Nolan Trust to Susan Liu,
to Raman Balakrishnan 94538, ID 525-1114-60, 94536, ID 531-2-34, 36 Jerome Ave., Piedmont Friederike Keller Spiller
Stephanie Sawler and Bryan Marc Homertgen and Ashley Hannah and Rodney
and Anupama Rajagopalan, $1,770,000. $1,420,000. 94611, ID 50-4562-2, and Eberhard Spiller to
Sawler to Wallie Samim Mandana N. Homertgen et D. Hannah, 13199 Skyline
1034 Via Di Salerno, $1,380,000. Prashant Madan Mohan
and Fatima Shams, 28846 Brookfield Bay Area al. to Fatima Husain and Blvd., Oakland 94619, ID Lennar Homes of California
Pleasanton 94566, ID 950- Rai and Akansha Rai, 2775
Bailey Ranch Rd., Hayward Holdings LLC to Meena Mohit Mankar, 667 Trestle 37A-3142-36, $1,505,000. LLC to Sourabh Batabyal Mena Estates LLC to Barrington Terr., Fremont
17-36, $3,440,500. 94542, ID 85A-6425-13, Mitthan and Rekha Meena, Glen Rd., Oakland 94610, ID and Rimpy Sarkar, 37199
Lennar Homes of Jordan Schwartz and Paige 94536, ID 501-1821-75,
Gina L. Rafanelli and $2,000,000. 6319 Diamond Way, Dublin 23-426-3, $1,607,000. California LLC to Srisailam Sand Bar Place, Newark Schwartz, 3305 Guido St., $1,300,000.
Pamela W Rafanelli 94568, ID 986-76-14, Julie Hunt and Levi S. Hunt Atmakur and Kiranmai 94560, ID 537-862-54, Oakland 94602, ID 29-1068-
James D. Benham and Jane Lennar Homes of California
Revocable Trust to 68 $1,748,000. to Catherine Bishop and Methukumalli, 6216 Sienna $1,414,000. 11-1, $1,370,000.
E. Benham et al. to Yongji LLC to Rushikesh Bichewar
Bellevue LLC, 68 Bellevue Jiang and Peiyu Chen, Brookfield Bay Area Josiah Baker et al., 4324 Ct., Dublin 94568; Dougherty Ana Patricia Eymil and Lennar Homes of California and Shivani Degloorkar,
Ave., Piedmont 94611, ID 7483 Laurel Ct., Pleasanton Holdings LLC to Jicheng Xu, Leach Ave., Oakland 94602, Rd., Dublin 94568, ID 986- Elsie Bertha Rivas Gomez LLC to Anirudh Reddy 3269 Accelerator Ave.
51-4699-5, $2,800,000. 94588, ID 941-1007-69, 6033 Diamond Way, Dublin ID 24-547-18, $1,600,000. 73-59, $1,504,000. et al. to Sushma Narasimha Nalamada and Indu Vadhani #1001, Fremont 94538, ID
Katherine P. Mckeown $1,950,000. 94568; Dougherty Rd., Gina Abker and Maria Abker Aneep Maniar and Molly Prasad Bharadwaj and Suresh, 6037 Bullion Ct., 519-1753-29, $1,300,000.
and Ann Mckeown Glass Dublin 94568, ID 986-64-50, et al. to S. Hossain and Wagner et al. to Vu D. Tran Rahul Nadig, 4624 Dublin 94568; Dougherty
Faramarz Pakzad and Jaleh Lawrence Strong and
et al. to Shannon Leggieri $1,739,000. Khatune Zannath, 39672 Hoang and Oanh H. Tran, Creekwood Dr., Fremont Rd., Dublin 94568, ID 986-
Pirnazar Pakzad et al. to Elizabeth Strong et al. to
and Michael Leggieri, 220 Embarcadero Terr., Fremont 426 Dewitt Ln., Alameda 94555, ID 543-446-58, 74-17, $1,354,500.
Astral Enterprises LLC, Zhao Chen and Margaret Meng Zhang and Xingshu
El Cerrito Ave., Piedmont 94538; 8034 Brittany Dr., 94501, ID 74-1371-52, $1,409,000.
5627 Telegraph Ave. #106, A. Ayandell Zhao et al. to Ronald Brett Hanna to Arun Sun, 6216 Escallonia Dr.,
94611, ID 50-4566-15, Oakland 94609; 1172 San Rohit Shukla and Meatrayi Dublin 94568, ID 941-2775- $1,500,000. FAMB LLC to Onkar Kumar and Sakthi Brindha Newark 94560, ID 92A-
$2,600,000. Pablo Ave., Berkeley 94706, Sharma, 3507 Palmilla Dr. 68, $1,600,000. Jayapalji Patil and Onkar Somasundaram et al., 4120
Lennar Homes of California 2355-3, $1,300,000.
Jun Huang and Yi Lu to ID 60-2390-2/60-2390- #4033, San Jose 95134; Randall S. Gardner and LLC to Girish Paddolkar Patil Sneha, 5070 Cobb Ct., Woodcrest Dr., Fremont
Fremont 94538, ID 525-970- Lynne Erben and Wolfgang
Jong Hyuk Park and Kyung 3/60-2390-1-6, $1,900,000. 37831 Logan Dr., Fremont Donalda D Gordner and Veena Paddolkar, 94538, ID 525-1282-15,
104, $1,409,000. Erben et al. to Rajiv Kumar
Yi Park, 7210 Lembert Hills Opalo LLC to 4121 Opal 94536, ID 501-702-1, Revocable Trust to Bay Area 5963 Silhouette Way, Dublin $1,350,000.
and Gitanjali Kumari et al.,
Dr., Dublin 94568, ID 985- Street LLC, P.O. Box 5124, $1,700,000. Executive Re. & Dev. Group 94568; Dougherty Rd., Adam Rochmes and Jeffrey Lincoln and 4113 Delaware Dr., Fremont
130-44, $2,600,000. San Jose 95150; 4121 Opal Thomas M. Heath and Linda I, 20980 Redwood Rd., Castro Dublin 94568, ID 986-73-61, Nancy E. Ebbert et al. to Stephanie Lincoln to 94538, ID 525-1271-11,
Yuemei Li to Robert M. St./Shafter Ave., Oakland A. Heath to Tunde Csoboth Valley 94546; 1970 Harvest $1,456,000. Avenue T Property LLC, Noemi Zeigler, 5978 Zinn $1,300,000.
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John Max Crestetto and 94538; 45500 Fremont 94608, ID 15-1306-24, 94513, ID 010-110-011-3, 94583, ID 212-211-009-7, Christopher Wright and $2,800,000. David H. Leveroni III and
Dorothy A Crestetto Bypass Blvd., Fremont 94538, ID $985,000. $3,750,000. $1,430,000. Christopher and Judith Carol Joyce Leveroni et
Robert B. Layzer and Anne
Trust et al. to Adam Barry 519-1765-27, $1,180,500. Robert A. Kull and Viola M Lorine Ballard Sauter Wright 1999 to Levi al. to Pattern Solar and
Elwood 500 Hartz LLC to H. Layzer et al. to William
Ross and Sharon Eileen Lou Tianyu and Xuan Gao to Kull 2012 Trust to Redwood and Markus G. Ballard et Bowman and Chelsea Storage Dev. LLC, 1088
Wappo Land Co. LLC, 141 Harper and Catherine Reed
Ross, 1920 Otis Dr., Alameda Nelson Hsu and Monica Bou Holdings LLC, 2015 al. to CS Development Bowman et al., 1808 Del Sansome St., San Francisco
Long Ranch Rd., St. Helena Calderon, 24 Heather Way,
94501, ID 74-1240-105, Lee, 38915 Sea Grass Place, Manhattan Beach Blvd. #100, & Construction LLC, 119 Rey St., Lafayette 94549; 94111; 495 Bel Marin Keys
94574; 500 Hartz Ave., Mill Valley 94941, ID 029-
$1,290,000. Newark 94560, ID 92A- Redondo Beach 90278; 574 Plz. Cir., Danville 94526; 1801 Del Rey St., Lafayette Blvd., Novato 94949, ID 157-
Danville 94526, ID 208-022- 151-02, $2,440,000.
Eva M. Auirre to Singh 2600-111, $1,175,000. Wasatch Dr., Fremont 94536, 262 Cameo Dr., Danville 94549, ID 167-300-014-5, 171-23, $1,500,000.
005-2, $3,400,000. Gloria S. Young and Jeffrey
Laxman and Meenu Bhasker ID 507-511-23, $980,000. 94526, ID 195-063-002-8, $1,000,000.
Catherine Edwards and Keith M. Gunn and Jan G. A. Young et al. to Michael Jonathan Harb and
et al., 7245 Elba Ct., Dublin Brian K. Mcneff and Helen $1,385,000. Anthony Sozio and Alyssa Jonathan Harb Revocable
Solane Whelan to Jimmy S. Gunn to Dmitri Bitouk and R. Rose and Leslie A. Rose
94568, ID 941-196-74, Tam and Kitty J. Ou et al., Mcneff May to Shawn Michele M. Rebollini Sozio to Suresh Akula et al., 3930 Arabian Way, Trust to Sara Maloney Blair
Masha Zelichenok Bitouk,
$1,285,000. 3517 Mcsherry Way, Alameda Marsh and Melissa Marsh, and Michele M Rebollin and Manisha Akula, 1310 Latrobe 95682; 281 Oceana and Nicholas Aaron Miller,
134 Diablo View Dr., Orinda
Seetha Annamraju 94502, ID 74-1338-6, 976 Bellflower St., Livermore Revocable Trust et al. to Brookdale Ct., Brentwood Dr., Dillon Beach 94929, ID 5 Nevada St., San Rafael
94563, ID 261-011-017-9,
and Santosh Praneeth $1,150,000. 94551, ID 99-1322-83, Kristen Revell, 4520 Spring 94513, ID 010-760-038-9, 100-261-34, $2,325,000. 94901, ID 010-061-28,
Yerrapragada to Kyle Scott $980,000. Valley Way, Concord 94521; $985,000. $1,500,000.
Zhenggan Zheng to Kunal Jeffrey Bordalampe and Karanpreet S. Aulja and
and Nicole Zok, 2817 8th St. 1380 Kenwal Rd. #1, Concord Adrienne Wong Hull and Mark K. Chapman and
Joshi, 3905 Stanford Way, Lennar Homes of Bordalampe Living Trust et Gagandeep K. Sandhu
#C, Berkeley 94710, ID 53- 94521, ID 120-342-044-1, Adrienne W Hull Living Richard B. Chapman et al.
Livermore 94550, ID 98A- California LLC to Siddharth al. to Andrew L. Selway and et al. to John M. Burns
1659-37, $1,282,000. $1,350,000. Trust et al. to Alexandria to Donna Cohen and Donna
447-31, $1,150,000. Mathiazhagan and Shruthi Catherine A. Selway et al., and Usha N. Burns et al.,
Lennar Homes of California Raghuraman, 6472 Rosebay Mauricio Vargas and Coari, 24224 S. Indian Trl., 3450 Sacramento St. #125, Cohen 2018 Trust et al., 290
Thorsten Claus and 351 Del Amigo Rd., Danville
LLC to Sue Anne Phuan Ct., Dublin 94568; Dougherty Gricelda Vargas to Bei Li, Manhattan, Ill. 60442; 2265 San Francisco 94118; 43 Via Casitas #303, Greenbrae
Catherine Anne Price Claus 94526, ID 199-381-018-1,
and Yuin Khu Shin, 3269 Rd., Dublin 94568, ID 986- 25 Brian Ct., San Ramon Carquinez Ave., El Cerrito Elizabeth Cir., Greenbrae 94904; 486 Cedar Hill Dr.,
et al. to Daniel Raphael $2,805,000.
Accelerator Ave. #1002, 76-33, $978,500. 94583, ID 210-320-006-5, 94530, ID 501-150-001-3, 94904, ID 022-721-16, San Rafael 94903, ID 165-
Saltiel and Tara Alyssa Ken Narita and Leah Narita $950,000. 122-05, $1,487,822.
Fremont 94538; 45500 $1,347,000. $2,232,000.
Marie Prangell, 1639 Dwight Lennar Homes of California et al. to Vamsi K. Vandavasi
Fremont Blvd., Fremont Way, Berkeley 94703, ID 55- Carolyn E. Holway and David Earl Carman and Maureen Casassa and
LLC to Mandar Rajendra and Jyothirmai Kaja et al., Michael B. Hanley and
94538, ID 519-1765-29, 1910-19, $1,145,000. Estate of Kenneth F Holway Linda Carman to Christy Casassa 2016 Trust to Karen
Ghogale and Anil Agarwal 1013 Sky Jasmine Way, San Michael B Hanley 2020
$1,278,000. to Spencer O’Neil and Mehl and Douglas Mehl, J. Watts and The 2001
Visionary Development LLC Smriti, 500 Station Blvd. Ramon 94582, ID 222-620- Trust to Teresa Colwell and
Lennar Homes of California #405, Aurora, Ill. 60504; Meghan Fitzpatrick, 1218 1962 Windy Peak Ct., Antioch Todd Wright, 1628 Jaynes Watts Family Trust, 19348
to Hao Fan and Qing Gong, 069-5, $2,550,000.
LLC to Arti Saroopkumar Dougherty Rd., Dublin 2nd Ave., San Francisco 94531, ID 055-720-001-1, St., Berkeley 94703; 255 Harleigh Dr., Saratoga 95070;
39665 Banyan Tree Rd., Charan Langton et al. to $950,000. 128 Solano St., San Rafael
Wadhwani and Suraj Nayak 94568, ID 986-76-33, 94122; 1829 Del Rey St., Calle Del Mar, Stinson Beach
Fremont 94538, ID 531-22- Bansal Kaushal and Shachi 94901, ID 010-071-03,
Mithbail, 37236 Sand Bar $978,000. Lafayette 94549, ID 167- ADS III Holdings LLC to 94970, ID 195-173-02,
40, $1,130,000. Gupta, 7280 Valley Trl. $1,485,000.
Place, Newark 94560, ID 313-009-0, $1,300,000. Andrew Massey and Crystal $2,100,000.
Howard S. Tom and Anna Lennar Homes of California Dr., Pleasanton 94588;
537-862-75, $1,276,500. William R. Robinson and Burgers, 305 Adora Ln., Tammy L. Neher and The
W. Tom to Christian C. LLC to Swaminathan 20 Alamo Glen Ct., Alamo Mark J. Hanna and Barbara
Martina Dempsy and Annie Vaithyanathan and Kathleen A. Flynn et al. Oakley 94561, ID 034-580- Barron et al. to Jocelyn Tammy L Neher Revocable
Panaligan, 16609 Winding 94507, ID 193-612-013-6,
Keto Trust to Tonette Anitakumari Rao, 44908 to Scott David Kvale and 033-8, $945,000. L. Nakashige and Jan Y. Trust to Julie Romero and
Blvd., San Leandro 94578, ID $2,250,000.
Denise Phillips, 89 Lobos St., Wisdom Rd. #303, Fremont Maria Argelia Kvale et al., Stonewood Oakley LLC Nakashige, 110 Waterford Tristan Brotherton, 93 Corte
80A-211-2-2, $1,125,000. Arlene Brandeis and Alethia Roble, Novato 94949, ID
San Francisco 94112; 170 94538; 45500 Fremont 540 Adirondack Way, Walnut to Chidinma Ibeh and Terr., San Rafael 94903, ID
John St., Oakland 94611, ID Wendy Chua Sirmons and Crespo et al. to Alan Young, Creek 94598, ID 144-180- 160-173-38, $1,325,000.
Blvd., Fremont 94538, ID Nicole Tonfack et al., 180-181-37, $2,100,000.
13-1116-19, $1,267,500. Troy Kenneth Sirmons et 3164 Roundhill Rd., Alamo 141-0, $1,285,000.
519-1765-27, $971,500. 5141 Grapevine Ln., Oakley Dru Parker and James I and Martin Coyne to Elaine
al. to Suneel Saguturu and 94507, ID 193-234-009-2,
Dolores Barocio and The John Inouye and Takahashi James B. Salisbury and 94561, ID 034-550-001-1, Judith H B Cohen Fmtr. to M. Mullins and Edward
Manjula Paluru, 3272 Neal $2,225,000.
Dolores Maria Barocio Family Revocable Trust to Jennifer J. Salisbury et al. $931,500. Abraham J. B. Cable and J. Mullins III et al., 700
Terr., Fremont 94538, ID Carlos C. Briones and Diamond St., San Francisco
Trust to Brian F. Gerke and Amber Rose Macaulay and to Jack R. Miller and Linda Rita Troche and Allan and Kornelia A. Dormire, 214
525-645-127, $1,100,000. Carmen A. Briones to 94114; 39 Woodland Ave.,
Michelle A. Lent et al., 3013 2016 Amber Rose Macaulay Rae Miller et al., 798 Barleta Rita Troche Living Trust to Reed St., Mill Valley 94941,
Acton St., Berkeley 94702, ID Jennifer M. Discoll to Erlinda Portillo Murillo, Ln., Livermore 94550; 1054 San Rafael 94901, ID 013-
Revocable, 901 York St., Sol U. Melendres, 896 St. ID 048-041-08, $2,000,000.
53-1616-34, $1,260,000. Alexi K. Harrouz and Carol 2191 Toulouse Ln., River Rock Ln., Danville 161-19, $1,285,000.
Oakland 94610, ID 11-847- John Cir., Concord 94518, ID Christine Marilyn Morgan
A. Igoe, 6715 Moore Dr., Brentwood 94513; 740 94526, ID 216-110-090-0,
Betty Lou Wroebel and The 8, $970,000. 129-490-005-3, $925,000. and Christine Marilyn Linda Jean Wilhelm and
Oakland 94611, ID 48D- Bonnie Ln., Brentwood $1,285,000.
Betty Lou Wroebel Trust to Robert Takashi Garcia Diez Investments LLC to Morgan Revocable to The Linda Jean Wilhelm
7307-24-2, $1,098,000. 94513, ID 018-060-043-9,
Mushfiqur Rouf and Mariam and Yvonne Butron Garcia David M. Kern and Carmen George Walker and Amelia Andrew Campbell and Revocable Tr. to Rajesh K.
Tasnuva, 1216 Pearl St., Patricia Doerschiag and The to Shun Li and Cong Wu, C. Kern et al. to Omar Walker, 1034 Esther Dr., Jessica Lin, 2777 Mcallister Gupta and June K. Gupta,
Alameda 94501, ID 70-150- Annis M Skousen Revocable Julie L. Peri to Darrick R. Mohammed and Rafia 11 Upper Oak Dr., San
6946 Geyserville St., Dublin Pleasant Hill 94523, ID 149- St., San Francisco 94118;
22, $1,253,000. Trust to Ngan Huynh Kim Martin and Erin A. Martin Younus, 1133 Westmoreland Rafael 94903; 35 Valley
94568, ID 986-53-223, 252-007-5, $920,000. 89 Valley Rd., San Anselmo
Nguyen and Robin Kiel et al., 3346 Freeman Rd., Cir., Walnut Creek 94596, Rd., Mill Valley 94941, ID
Foreverhome Properties $965,000. Michele L. Leibundgut et al. 94960, ID 005-081-02,
Cassatt Johnstone, 562 Lafayette 94595, ID 185- ID 182-210-042-4, 033-086-18/033-086-08,
LLC to Ashwin Lumak Investments LLC to to Anh Taylor Tuyet Nguyen $1,925,000.
Neilson St., Berkeley 94707, 220-014-4, $1,950,000. $1,250,000. $1,265,000.
Badrinarayanan and Gina Ann Garcia, P.O. Box and Jennifer Nguyet Minh Kevin Reilly and Kevin
ID 62-2861-9, $1,090,000. Phillip V. Tiongson and
Reshma Ashwin, 4213 628, Berkeley 94701; 1034 Benjamin C. Lamantia and Nguyen, 1163 Via Doble, Reilly 2021 Trust to SAN FRANCISCO
Queensboro Way, Union Sean David Daggett and The Eden V Tiongson Trust The Benjamin C Lamantia
47th St., Emeryville 94608,
to Jonathan Kretschmer
Concord 94521, ID 121-111- Jennifer G. Enslin and COUNTY
City 94587, ID 483-98-71, Kelly Daggett to Ena ID 49-1175-8-3, $950,000. Trust to Gerald A. Butlin 021-6, $920,000. Jennifer G Enslin Trust,
$1,250,000. Hariyoshi and Michie and Kimberly Kretschmer, and Gerald A Butlin Trust, Balgobind Jaiswal and
Venkateswara Rao Elizabeth Meraz and Arturo 2069 Hatch Rd., Novato Mehri Jaiswal et al. to
Hariyoshi, 6950 Chambers 215 Heather Place, Danville 2158 Myrtle Beach Ln.,
Lennar Homes of California Duggineni and Priti Meraz Jr. et al. to Abigail 94947, ID 146-250-26/146- Fillmore Reserve LLC,
Dr., Oakland 94611, ID 48E- 94526, ID 207-384-009-8, Danville 94526, ID 218-650-
LLC to Jianguo Cui and Duggineni to Kirit Patel Abala and Alwyn Abala, 250-12, $1,900,000. 4 Embarcadero Ctr, San
7331-56, $1,050,000. $1,928,000. 030-8, $1,240,000.
Hua Zheng et al., 3269 Priyank and Kinjalben 2570 Caddie Ct., Brentwood Bret Robbins and Bret Francisco 94111; 2259/2261
Accelerator Ave. #1000, Lennar Homes of California Matthew R. Brown and Peter R. Kohn to Vitanova
Narendrakumar Patel, 94513, ID 019-380-017-4, Robbins Living Trust to Fillmore St., San Francisco
Fremont 94538; 45500 LLC to Jiahong Zheng and Spencer M. Brown to Shail Properties LLC, 247 Starling
5656 Belleza Dr., Pleasanton $915,000. Meredith Lee Brown and 94115, ID 0630-001/0630-
Fremont Blvd., Fremont Yiran Chen, 9884 Seawind Dharmesh Trivedi and Avani Way, Hercules 94547; 22
94588, ID 941-2794-7, Max Louis Wertheimer, 002, $11,000,000.
94538, ID 519-1765-29, Way, Newark 94560; 9892 Sandip Jariwala Trivedi, Ardmore Rd., Kensington MARIN COUNTY
$937,000. 63 Meadow Dr., Mill Valley Bruce Nathan Pavlow and
$1,244,000. Seawind Way, Newark 94560, 216 Stetson Dr., Danville 94707, ID 571-090-003-5,
William Lyon Homes Inc. to Carl R. Dulsberg and 94941, ID 030-172-01, The Fred Pavlow Survivors
ID 537-860-33, $1,050,000. 94506, ID 206-343-006-6, $1,210,000.
Pearl Kearley to Anish Sahar Osmany Mojaddidi Duisberg Lindskog Family $1,761,000. Trust et al. to Luc Arsenault
Bipin Mehta and Mrunal Ronnie Chan and Cheuk and The Sahar Osmany Levi Michael Matthews and Trust to 25 Thomas Drive Caron Schmierer and The and Clara Fong et al., 2686
Desai Bandhavi, 4050 Ling Yu to Brandon Hill and Brian T. Wick and Laura J. Marie Kirk Lindsey to Luke Mill Valley LLC and 35
Mojaddidi Living T., 5196 Daniel L Petron Revocable Green St., San Francisco
Rennellwood Way, Pleasanton Jori Tytus, 2902 Morcom Wick et al. to Troy P. Smith Seiderman and Elizabeth Thomas Drive Mill Valley
Golden Rd. #1, Pleasanton Trust to Geoffrey R. Dunn 94123; 2776 Broadway St.,
94566, ID 946-1252-33, Ave., Oakland 94619, ID 36- and Amber D. Smith, 1142 Goi Seiderman, 312 Lindsey LLC, 454 Las Gallinas Ave.
94566; Industrial Pkwy., and The Geoffrey R Dunn San Francisco 94115, ID
$1,230,000. 2488-2-9, $1,050,000. Canyon Hills Rd., San Ramon Dr., Martinez 94553, ID 366- #355, San Rafael 94903;
Hayward 94542, ID 83-481- Trust, 101 Elm Ave., Larkspur 0959-023, $9,300,000.
94582, ID 213-420-033-2, 201-010-1, $1,200,000. 25 Thomas Dr., Mill Valley
Alaine Meecham Channing Reginald F. Gipson to 75, $935,000. 94939, ID 021-235-28, David Ne Heath to Corey
$1,785,000. 94941, ID 034-061-11,
Jordan and Benjamin Maulik Niketan Majmudar Paul James Declercq and Colleen N. Maloney and $1,750,000. Justin Robins and Ryan
Martin Channing to Maria and Paola Alonso, 5000 Jason E. Brower and Kristin Brendan J Maloney & $10,400,000.
Betty Joy Murray Revocable Beverly Brown Healey et al. Joseph Vauk et al., 1871
M. Alonso and Irfan B. Scotia Ave., Oakland 94605, K. Brower et al. to Matthew Pearl B Maloney to Judith William H. Cosgrove and
Living T. to Shu Jian Cai and to Ebrahim Azam Abubaker Green St., San Francisco
Zinna et al., 220 Yosemite ID 48-6298-56, $1,050,000. R. Brown and Vanessa Kalin Bedell and Bic Trust, 2121 Carol P. Cosgrove et al. to
Ya Mei Tang et al., 1531 and Khadija Azam, 344 Pine 94123, ID 0554-023,
Dr., Livermore 94551, ID 99- Johnson, 963 Redwood Dr., Dorsch Rd., Walnut Creek 55 Bellevue LLC, P.O. Box
John R. Wardlow and 29th Ave., Oakland 94601; Hill Rd., Mill Valley 94941, ID $5,400,000.
191-56, $1,230,000. Danville 94506, ID 203-691- 94598, ID 145-182-016-9, 348, Cheyenne, Wyo. 82003;
Darlene G. Wardlow to 15356 Mendocino St., San 050-067-10, $1,660,000. Mark L. Casey and Carrie
015-2, $1,760,000. $1,180,000. 55 Bellevue Ave., Belvedere
Albert Dennis E. Martin Mukeshsingh Shankarsingh Leandro 94579, ID 80G- Kay Ann Giannini Graham G. Casey et al. to Timothy
and Marites Martin to and Mukesh Singh Shoba, 1322-61, $925,000. Todd H. Johnson and Lisa Acacia Properties CA LLC 94920, ID 060-105-20/060-
and Kati Giannini Graham Michael Smith and Christine
Dawit Adnie Fentie and 1872 Rhododendron Dr., Johnson to Greg Pustelnik and Acacia Properties LP to 105-31, $8,600,000.
Nancy Arana Orozco and to Goyal Ashu and Anita Carr Smith et al., 2655
Kalkidan Belay Abegaz, Livermore 94551, ID 99- and Kim Pustelnik Mikyung, Foundation Ventures LLC, Christian Lanng and Anne
Jesus Orozco et al. to Chandrasena, 611 Lombardy Broderick St., San Francisco
1729 Sherman Dr., Union 1310-79, $1,030,000. 1391 Sunset Loop, Lafayette 4900 Hopyard Rd. #100, Marie Baek to Aaron Rich
Guizhu Zhao and Wen Zhen Way, Emerald Hills 94062; 94123, ID 0955-002,
City 94587, ID 486-60-58, 94549, ID 185-342-019-6, Pleasanton 94588; 3341 and Sara Shenkan Rich et
Kenneth Prevost and Karen Huang, 855 Olivina Ave., 720 Spring St., Sausalito $4,995,000.
$1,230,000. $1,751,000. N. Lucille Ln., Lafayette al., 371 Loring Ave., Mill
Dianne Prevost et al. to Isai Livermore 94551, ID 98- 94965, ID 064-181-48, Christopher Egan and
Hurtado and Armando Cruz, 356-9-10, $919,000. Louis Ahtty to Vidya 94549, ID 237-143-002-2, Valley 94941, ID 050-032- $1,625,000.
Manuela H. Garcia and The Carolyn Egan et al. to
2057 83rd Ave., Oakland Sagar Reddy Mula and $1,101,000. 45, $5,000,000.
Manuela Hernandez Garcia Phyllis D. Labrado and Julio Groshak Janice Groshak and Catapult Custodian LLC,
Trust to Thet Thet Tun, 94621; 8701 International Saumya Mula et al., 2507 Robert L. Kemmerle and NCP Multifamily LLC to
and Phyllis Labrado Trust to The Groshak Family Trust to 1728 Ocean Ave. #350, San
6153 Rockrose Dr., Newark Blvd., Oakland 94621, ID 42- Paddock Dr., San Ramon The Robert L Kemmerle Jupiter Investments LLC,
Ruben Pacheco and Debbie David Vernon Rasmussen III Francisco 94112; 20 Sea
94560, ID 92A-2552-54, 4268-1, $1,025,000. 94583, ID 209-602-001-7, Trust to Jason Christianson 2175 Francisco Blvd. E.
Pacheco, 4578 Sargent Ave., and Kelsi Leigh Schoenrock, View Terr., San Francisco
$1,210,000. $1,680,000. and Eva Mo, 740 Park Gln, #A, San Rafael 94901; 419
Lennar Homes of California Castro Valley 94546, ID 84C- 445 School Rd., Novato 94121, ID 1327-010B,
LLC to Chenlin Ye and Shu 700-7, $901,000. Richard M. Fahey and Martinez 94553, ID 376- Prospect Dr., San Rafael 94945, ID 143-360-19, $4,995,000.
Thomas W. Meyer and
Min Chang, 3245 Internet Melissa R. Fahey to David 172-030-3, $1,100,000. 94901, ID 011-023-15, $1,600,000.
Chandra Ganguly Meyer to Jean M. Tuneski to Ellen Howard W. Robin and
Huo Da, 1708 Franklin St., Cmn #1000, Fremont 94538; Sway, 7 Juniper Way, Moraga Olivia Rose Phillips Kanz $3,630,000.
Schneiderman, 14 Eclipse Darrell Scott Gregg and Ginger M. Robin et al. to
Berkeley 94702, ID 58-2140- 45500 Fremont Blvd., 94556, ID 257-391-027-6, and Michael J Kanz Living David William Johnson and
Ct., Alameda 94501, ID 74- Maja Bjorndal Toft et al. D & T Johnson LLC, 1240
8-1, $1,200,000. Fremont 94538, ID 519- $1,655,000. Trust to Veronica Medina, David William Johnson
1344-72, $900,000. to Lauren Jean Macphail San Mateo Dr., Menlo Park
1765-24, $1,022,500. Clarence W. Robinson and 4136 Phoenix St., Concord Living Trust to Kirk Eesley Martinez, 356 Riviera Dr., 94025; 25 Rico Way, San
Michael Gilfoy and Irene Annabella Alvarez and The
Sanket Sunil Raut and Josephine C. Robinson et 94521, ID 115-106-029-8, Garrett and Erika Wirtz San Rafael 94901, ID 184- Francisco 94123, ID 0439A-
Gilfoy to Sarah Munjal and Anna Menize Revocable
Sunil Vitthal Raut to Haixia al. to Satyajeet Behera $1,050,000. Eesley et al., 5 Palmer 172-33, $1,572,000. 052, $4,750,000.
Kiran Karunakaran, 214 Trust to Daniel James Myers
26th Ave. S., Seattle, Wash. Qiu and Jumei Liang, and Srimayee Swain, 7500 Stephanie Malone to Ly Ct., Tiburon 94920, ID
and Jillian Lynn Mazloum, Robert D. Ruggiero and GMG Holding LLC to Lycia
98144; 1352 Kathy Ct., 6390 Market Ave., Newark Sedgefield Ave., San Ramon Lang, 57 Vinca Ct., Oakley 055-201-32/055-201-31,
33034 Palmetto Dr., Union Marian Josephine Doyle Mcrae Carmody and The
Livermore 94550, ID 99A- 94560, ID 92A-1095-110, 94583, ID 210-231-017-0, 94561, ID 034-480-037-0, $3,388,500.
City 94587, ID 87-36-7, Ruggiero RLT to Robert Lycia Mcrae Carmody
1436-65, $1,200,000. $1,008,000. $1,630,000. $1,050,000. Harrigan Weidenmuller
$900,000. D. Ruggiero and Robert D Revocable T., 3969
Richard C. Baxter and Harmail Singh Chatha to David Gassoway and Xin Tri Pointe Homes Holdings Co. to Seminary Holdings Ruggiero Revocable Living, Washington St., San Francisco
Christy Marie Kato Matthew Ka Ho Chow and CONTRA COSTA Wang Gassoway to Laura Inc. to Sreenivas N. LP, 101 Larkspur Landing 130 Maywood Way, San 94118, ID 0991-029,
Baxter et al. to Santosh Oyundari Altansukh, 26348 COUNTY Lawrence and James Martin Bhattiprolu and Saritha Cir. #220, Larkspur 94939; Rafael 94901; 125 Ross St., $4,700,000.
Lamichhane and Bindu Saklan Rd., Hayward 94545, O’Mara IV, 216 Via Monte, Bhattiprolu, 5401 Capay 101 San Anselmo Ave., San San Rafael 94901, ID 012-
John Norris Buckley and Nicolas R. Figone and The
Timilsina, 858 Geraldine St., ID 441-100-51, $1,000,000. Walnut Creek 94598, ID 142- Valley Ln., Antioch 94531, Anselmo 94960, ID 007-301- 172-27, $1,560,000.
Julia M. Saltonstall Buckley Nicolas R Figone Trust et
Livermore 94550, ID 99A- Michele Theberge and Jay 221-001-1, $1,560,000. ID 057-190-038-0, 20, $3,000,000.
et al. to Brian K. Rhodes Robert F. Streich and al. to Jose Caldera and
1443-88, $1,200,000. Rosen et al. to Joviana Jr. and Nichole Rhodes Gaurav Agrawal and Bindal $1,028,500. Joshua Rudolf and Robert F Streich Revocable Vanessa Heppolette et al.,
Brookfield Abbey LLC to Carrillo and Derek Donahue, Christan et al., 1150 Agrawal Shikha et al. to Caryn L. Gribbon to Vinh Rocio Sampayo to John Trust to Saied Ansari and 778 Gailen Ave., Palo Alto
Wai Ng Yik and Beixi Lei, 880 42nd St., Oakland Country Ln., Pleasanton Sailaja Datla and Venkata Pham and Hang Phan, 4676 Christopher Luttig and Lilian Piruzan Ansari, 94303; 2009 Pacific Ave.,
5545 Holly Bay Ave., Dublin 94608, ID 13-1090-44, 94588, ID 204-070-030-0, Raju Vatsavaya, 124 Gerbera N. Larwin Ave., Concord Melisa Tokmak, 435 Marion 75 Half Moon Rd., Novato San Francisco 94109, ID
94568; Dougherty Rd., $1,000,000. $4,250,000. St., Danville 94506, ID 206- 94521, ID 133-461-002-7, Ave., Mill Valley 94941, ID 94947, ID 146-230-35, 0591-016, $4,625,000.
Dublin 94568, ID 986-66-38, Claudette M. Peterson and 480-104-2, $1,499,000. $1,025,000. 028-153-12, $2,925,000. $1,549,000.
Kimberley Landreth Todd Haranin Davis and
$1,188,000. Hawkins Peterson Family and Kirk C. Shanks et Timothy Oranje and James P. Matthew to Tien David J. Stamper and Laurie Cari J. Goodrich to Erika Alison Kearney Davis to
Lennar Homes of California Revocable to Mario Galeana al. to 190 Griffith Lane Nancy R. Oranje to Shiv Thanh Ly and Amber Huynh, R. Stamper to Lee Kaiser K. Honerkamp, 1425 Casa Clayton Timbrell and Erica
LLC to Nitin Singh and and Olga Galeana, 2129 Brentwood LLC, P.O. Box Shukla Buddhendra and 326 Marti Marie Ln., Martinez and Louise A. Ricca et al., Buena Dr. #107, Corte Timbrell, 1157 Washington
Neelakshi Singh, 44908 Ascot Dr. #2, Moraga 94556; 1678, San Leandro 94577; Pallavi Mishra, 3222 Casa 94553, ID 161-500-006-2, 10 Dunfries Terr., San Rafael Madera 94925, ID 033-011- St., San Francisco 94108;
Wisdom Rd. #200, Fremont 1071 57th St., Oakland 190 Griffith Ln., Brentwood Grande Dr., San Ramon $1,000,000. 94901, ID 016-182-01, 64, $1,500,000. 1151 Washington St., San
Francisco 94108, ID 0213- Randall St., San Francisco Wu, 548 26th Ave., San Mary C. Ortega and 94111, ID 0227-016, Villanueva and Victoria Bruce Alexander Radaikin Nancy Janet Murray and
025, $4,025,000. 94131, ID 6663-026, Francisco 94121, ID 1519- Margaret Elena Ortega $1,850,000. Sanchez, 120 Morningside and Kathy Daugherty et al. Marcus D Jones and Betty
$2,950,000. 030, $2,400,000. et al. to Timothy Robert Gumina Family Holdings Dr., San Francisco 94132, ID to John Tse Allen and Fay Jane Jones to Caryn Gemma
Patricia White Wilson and
Firmston Williams and LLC to Barbara Jo Tice LLC, 7261-045, $1,650,000. Bi Tse, 766 17th Ave., San Divina and Evan Philip
The P Wilson Survivors Judy Chan and The Jack R. Clements and
Abigail Grace Wong et al., 1900 Polk St., San Francisco Francisco 94121; 825-827 English, 49 Nordhoff St., San
Trust to Aimee Karol, Survivors Trust to Michael Kingsley B. Clements to Freddy Chen to Daria
1309 3rd Ave. #1311, San 94109, ID 0596-107, Cabrillo St., San Francisco Francisco 94131, ID 6763-
188 Minna St. #33E, San Joseph Rippey, 1743 Xin Tong and Christian Migunova, 770 Guerrero
Francisco 94122; 1309-1311 $1,850,000. 94118, ID 1652-037, 009, $1,410,000.
Francisco 94105, ID 3722- Silverado Trl., Napa 94558; Roessler, 2172 Pacific Ave. St., San Francisco 94110, ID
3rd Ave., San Francisco $1,550,000.
329, $4,000,000. 611 Washington St. #2201, #1, San Francisco 94115, ID Heath Silverman and Maia 3598-089, $1,650,000. Asia Guevara and Estate
94122, ID 1758-002, WLP Investment Inc.
Todd Fralich and Roger San Francisco 94111, ID 0579-030, $2,400,000. Bodan Silverman et al. to Branch Properties LLC to of Antonio Guevara et al.
$2,100,000. to Johnny Duong and
Fralich to Buyer BGRS 0208-038, $2,925,000. Kevin E. Dill and Cathy A. Kirill Shoikhet and Olga James L. Nash et al., 3824 to Jonah Horotake and
Rosanne Landers Shoikhet, 1748 Grove St., Elizabeth Brittain Kirby, Sara Horotake et al., 367
Relocation Inc., 455 Taft Christopher P. Saari and Dill to Schut Fabien and 24th St. #501, San Francisco 486 Ralston St., San
Dominguez and The San Francisco 94117; 1748- 94114; 3822-3824 24th Moultrie St., San Francisco
Ave., Glen Ellyn, Ill. 60137; Mary Corey March et al. to Jaclyn Schut, 566 De Haro Francisco 94132, ID 6995-
Thomas F Landers Family 1750 Grove St., San Francisco St., San Francisco 94114, ID 94110, ID 5663-022,
375-377 Diamond St., San John Loomis and Ashley St., San Francisco 94107; 045, $1,540,000.
Trust to Nancy Landers 94117, ID 1186-009F, $1,370,000.
Francisco 94114, ID 2751- Loomis, 159 Bonview St., 566-568 De Haro St., San 3651-018, $1,640,000.
Nelson and Duchas $1,830,000. Davina P. Chan to Kelby Lau
007E, $3,812,500. San Francisco 94110, ID Francisco 94107, ID 4008- Kerlerec Property LLC to John Eby and Frank Edson
Revocable Trust, 295 and Sim Lau et al., 2378
BGRS Relocation Inc. to 5620-039, $2,900,000. 011, $2,375,000. Rene Jacquat and Melina NKE LLC, 855 Kifer Rd., to J. Anthony Perry and
Dorantes Ave., San Francisco 17th Ave., San Francisco
Jonathan Bernhardt and Lorraine M. Webster Marc I. Levy and Gary H. 94116; 2912 California St., Param et al. to Rishi Sunnyvale 94086; 980-984 Hans David Brightbill et al.,
94116; 52 Amethyst Way, 4550 25th St., San Francisco
Tessa Bernhardt et al., and Robert L Webster & Levy et al. to Farshid Ghods San Francisco 94115, ID Sharma and Sharma Capp St., San Francisco San Francisco 94131, ID 94114, ID 6503-016B,
375 Diamond St. #377, San Lorraine M Webst to Ravi and Faranak Sadat Razavi, 1024-031, $2,067,500. Jehan, 547 29th St. #1, San 94110, ID 6517-015, 7505-026, $1,530,000. $1,325,000.
Francisco 94114; 375-377 Rai and Brendan Patrick 81 Allston Way, San Francisco Francisco 94131, ID 6630- $1,617,000.
Aya Morimoto and Sonoko 051, $1,775,000. Baron Paterson and
Diamond St., San Francisco Lynch, 434 17th Ave., San 94127, ID 2978-003, Sue Saperstein and Sue Peter Andruszkiewicz and
G Walter 2005 Trust to Kenneth Dean Living Trust
94114, ID 2751-007E, Francisco 94121, ID 1528- $2,350,000. Lisa Marie Brown to Weston Saperstein 1993 Trust to Lisa Guerrero to Erik Strom
Joseph J. Matthews and to Benjamin Carr Jr., 20
$3,750,000. 029, $2,750,000. Adam G. Weiner and Lauren Oyama Oliver, 1587 11th Megan Colleen Curran and Irina Goriatcheva, 646
Berena R. Matthews, 1346 Elgin Park #22, San Francisco
LSC 906 908 Broadway LLC Larry Reitman and Pamela Dana Kivowitz to Benoit M. 4th Ave., San Francisco Ave., San Francisco 94122, ID Geraci and Jonathan Robert 40th Ave., San Francisco
94103; 20-22 Elgin Park, San
to 908 Broadway LLC, 920 Reitman et al. to Daniel Caire, 467 Melrose Ave., San 94122, ID 1758-030, 1857-016A, $1,750,000. Geraci, 180 Bonview St., San 94121; 646-648 40th Ave.,
Francisco 94103, ID 3502-
Intracoastal Dr. #1403, Ft. Robert Hackner and Claire Francisco 94127, ID 3066- $2,050,000. Allan Bernard Wilsker Francisco 94110, ID 5619- San Francisco 94121, ID
072, $1,500,000.
Lauderdale, Fla. 33304; 906 Margine Moshenberg, 50 038, $2,315,000. and Allan Wilsker Trust 028, $1,600,000. 1582-034A, $1,322,500.
Daniel Pepper to Arthur Andrew F. Kerr and Nancy
Broadway/908 Broadway, San Fernwood Dr., San Francisco 9750 19th Street Rancho to Frederic Thevenet and Christine Mcfee Hilgert and Agua De Coco LLC to
Edmon Flynn Jr. and Thompson et al. to 124
Francisco 94133, ID 0149- 94127, ID 3042-010, Cucamonga to Sarah Tayeri Isabelle Mattiuzzo, 584 Elsa M Obertik Revocable Abigail Elizabeth Soong
Veronica Sent, 806 Haight Pfeiffer Street LLC, 445
009/0149-010, $3,420,000. $2,600,000. and Thomas Tayeri, 1520 Valley St., San Francisco Trust to Francis Edward and Zachary Hitchborn
St., San Francisco 94117, ID University Dr., Menlo Park
Remi S. El Ouazzane and William Kohn Fleissig Byron St., Palo Alto 94301; 1238-046, $1,990,000. 94131, ID 6611-022, Gogol and Catherine Morris Moses, 683 Carolina St., San
$1,725,000. 94025; 124 Pfeiffer St., San
Julie Leven to Maya Kotas and Wendy Lynn Kohn to 1355 3rd Ave., San Francisco Geeslin, 834 47th Ave., San Francisco 94133, ID 0054- Francisco 94107, ID 4070-
Barbara R. Simon and 091, $1,300,000.
and Anand Upadhye, 1466 Matthew O. Franklin and 94122, ID 1758-010, Adam R. Brausa and Decima Francisco 94121, ID 1689- 060, $1,500,000.
Estate of Jerold Jacoby to
Noe St., San Francisco 94131, Via Franklin Tay et al., 122 $2,250,000. Brausa to Lan A. Carlson 039, $1,600,000. Thomas Chin and Terri Chin
Samuel Paxton Milechman Carl M. Arntzen and Betty
ID 6603-003, $3,250,000. Palm Ave., San Francisco Eddie B. Waldrup and Dyann and Gurer Tulin, 1359 and Kimberly R. Carlson et Chi Fung Li to Xian Tang to Yusuke Seki and Yusuke
94118, ID 1062-061, C. Arntzen to Noori Shima
YBI Phase 1 Investors LLC to Tresenfeld et al. to Grattan Filbert St. #1361, San al., 3927 Clement St., San Yu and Wai Man Chu, Seki Revocable Living
$2,538,500. and Shima Noori Family
Laird Jacobsen Revocable Park LLC, 116 Rendova Cir., Francisco 94109; 1359-1361 Francisco 94121, ID 1472- 1856 28th Ave. #1856A, Trust, 2711 5th St., Alameda
Trust, 44 Amber Dr., San
Trust, 17010 Jennifer Dr., Eli Dylan Lorimer and The Coronado 92118; 249-253 Filbert St., San Francisco 022, $1,715,000. San Francisco 94122; 94501; 370-372 24th Ave.,
Francisco 94131, ID 7504-
Occidental 95465; 1 Bristol Eli Dylan Lorimer Trust to Corbett Ave./5-7 Danvers 94109, ID 0525-029, Wai Kin Wong Ku and The 1856-1856A 28th Ave., San 011, $1,456,000. San Francisco 94121, ID
Ct. #602, San Francisco Collins Koenig Austin and St., San Francisco 94114, $1,975,500. Wai Kin Wong Ku Trust to Francisco 94122, ID 2064- 1410-024, $1,300,000.
94130, ID 8954-178, Erin Elizabeth Dixon, 734 ID 2656-033/2656-032, 012, $1,588,000. Natalie M. Tarabay and
Zamir Javed and Javed Francis Stillman Hyde IV Barbara D. Smilie and
$3,230,000. 11th Ave., San Francisco $2,190,000. Jessica R. Tarabay to
Zamir Revocable Trust and Madeleine Margot Kerr, Terrence Deveau and Heidi Barbara D Smilie Dynasty
94118, ID 1653-041, Daniel J. Mchugh and Lisa
Tommy C. Hsiao and Martin Daniel R. Harvey and to Yuichi Ando and Yuka 55 Loraine Ct., San Francisco E. Maier to Shankar Desai Trust to Craig Simpson
$2,523,000. F. Mchugh et al., 1306
Billerbeck to Yu Bing and Leeann Borton Harvey et Suzuki, 1727 N. Pt. St., San 94118, ID 1132-007, and Raina Rahbar, 300 Myers and Eva Mariel
Francisco St., San Francisco
Yumin Hu, 385 14th St., Comerica Bank & Trust Na al. to Auria Maleksalehi and Francisco 94123; 3234 Anza $1,700,000. Beale St. #306, San Francisco Nemirovsky, 146 27th St.,
94123; 1304-1308 Francisco
Oakland 94612; 450 Liberty et al. to Bay Property LLC, Sahar Maali, 338 Main St. St., San Francisco 94121, ID John T. Kirman and Jim 94105, ID 3747-035, St., San Francisco 94123, ID San Francisco 94110, ID
St., San Francisco 94114, ID 3886 Vista Pt. Ct., San Jose #19C, San Francisco 94105, 1521-020, $1,860,000. Farmer to Ian Edward $1,587,500. 0473-007, $1,445,000. 6577-064, $1,295,000.
3604-079, $2,950,000. 95148; 777 Bay St., San ID 3746-278, $2,172,500. Howard N. Chung and Browning and Marlene Timothy D. Taylor and Lys C. Miller Valaris
Nikolay Stolin and Olena
Xiao Zhang and Jing Hao et Francisco 94109, ID 0045- Rivieracove LLC to Chung Enterprises LP to Martin, 325 Elsie St., San Lynnae L. Taylor et al. to and Setsuko Y Mikulsk
Bunyak to Kei Edwin Mui
al. to Sergio S. Alvarez and 010B, $2,500,000. Gregory Gire and Janelle Zhus Associates LLC, 672 Francisco 94110, ID 5676- Jesse Keiser Fitzpatrick and Revocable Trust to Helen
Siu and Mei Kuk Cheuk et
Margaret J. Alvarez et al., Peter Katz and Katz Langerman, 3692 Folsom Sacramento St. #674, San 030, $1,675,000. Jessica Coyle, 207 Flood L. Chen, 1455 Eucalyptus
al., 466 Pt. Lobos Ave., San
4075 Prospect Ave. #101, Revocable Living Trust to St., San Francisco 94110, ID Francisco 94111; 672-674 Carole M. Manera and Karen Ave., San Francisco 94112, ID Francisco 94121, ID 1483- Dr., San Francisco 94132, ID
Yorba Linda 92886; 181 Susanne Wu and Jin Ruey 5651-016, $2,125,000. Sacramento St., San Francisco A. Colabianchi to Carlos 3142-002, $1,575,000. 002B, $1,411,000. 7270-042, $1,250,000.
Tony A. Nguyen to Cox, 716 Ocean View Ave., Surviving Spouses Trust et City 94061, ID 058-202-210, 94062, ID 067-250-100, William Frederick Hoolhorst $1,550,000. Jinrong Huang to Jiancheng
Gwendolyn Tam and Venita San Mateo 94401, ID 033- al. to Dana Wu and Joyce $2,600,000. $2,195,000. III and Linda Marie Amy Jane Wu to Maryam Ao and Aimei Guan, 222
Tam, 607 Lisbon St., San 273-120, $1,280,000. Wu, 3000 24th Ave., San Holly A. Nash and The Hoolhorst et al. to Linlin Tarazkar and Behzad Golden Bay Dr., Pacifica
Lloyd A. Skalisky and Lloyd
Francisco 94112, ID 6343- Francisco 94132; 252 Roblar Furniss Family Trust et al. Fan, 25 Admiralty Place, 94044, ID 009-041-150,
Wong Ju Werner and The Skalisky Trust to Leonard Tangeysh, 505 Middlesex
032, $1,250,000. Ave., Hillsborough 94010, ID to Shannon L. Wolfe and Redwood City 94065, ID 095-
Nancy Ju Revocable Trust Williams Stone III, P.O. Box Rd., Belmont 94002, ID 040- $1,360,000.
Cam Real Estate XIA LLC 032-232-110, $3,419,000. John J. Wolfe, 810 Partridge 100-680, $1,800,000.
to Raphael Kalker and 771, Pacifica 94044; 3846 273-070, $1,540,000.
to Lily Bach, 2427 46th Gustafson Ventures LLC to Ave., Menlo Park 94025, ID 802 E 16th LLC to Jenilee
Jacinta Marie Ferrant, 324 Chatham Ct., Redwood City David Saunders and Nguyen George Robert Pickerrell
Ave., San Francisco 94116; San Antonio Ave., San Mateo Wing Lu and The Weiguo 114-440-010, $2,500,000. Saunders Ha et al. to Calvin Caingcoy Patalot and
94061, ID 068-352-130, and G R Pickerrell
1378-1382 Alabama St., San 94401, ID 033-062-110, Zhen and Qing Lu Trust, 10 $2,072,000. Scott Lucero and Kim Donald Corpus Patalot,
Frank M. De Filippo and The Revocable Trust to Krystle
Francisco 94110, ID 4271- $1,260,000. Glenbrook Dr., Hillsborough Lucero Yen, 5575 Harwood 646 Vanessa Dr., San Mateo
Walter F Caldwell Survivors Craig Cafferata and Lynne Renee King and Robert
014, $1,250,000. 94010; 3470 Glendora Dr., Trust et al. to Ajay Godbole Rd., San Jose 95124; 558 94402; 802 E. 16th Ave., San
Lundy Bay Property LLC San Mateo 94403, ID 041- Cafferata et al. to Gary J. Vincent Jewkes et al., 1071
and Varsha Godse, 849 Vega Canyon Rd., Emerald Hills Mateo 94402, ID 035-083-
SAN MATEO COUNTY to EPR Fitness LLC, 7700 512-210, $2,680,000. Lovazzano and Jennifer View Way, Pacifica 94044, ID
Cir., Foster City 94404, ID 94062, ID 057-201-150, 110, $1,355,000.
Forsyth Blvd. #1100, St. N. Lovazzano et al., 189 023-412-190, $1,515,000.
Jerome Groopman and Zev Simon and Simon 094-442-040, $2,430,000. $1,800,000.
Louis, Mo. 63105; 100 Constitution Dr., Menlo Park James Garrett Shipp and John D. Moller to Agatha
Estate of Melvyn Barry El Camino Real, Belmont Nava to Aniruddha Das and Parisa Bolourchi and
Kathryn Bertha 94025; 522 Summit Dr., Monica Ochoa Shipp to Christie Riocasa and Baby
Krauss et al. to Jack H. 94002, ID 044-151-080, Amrita Kundu, 647 28th Estate of Jacqueline Louise
Spangenberg and Estate of Emerald Hills 94062, ID 057- Erica Clawson Mansfield Czarina Amelia Adams et
Fuchs and Lisa S. Fuchs et $9,250,000. Ave., San Mateo 94403, ID Bolourc to David Mei and
Eric Karl Spangenberg to 213-140, $2,050,000. and James Mansfield, al., 61 Tanforan Ave., San
al., 527 Edinburgh St., San 039-273-120, $2,660,000. Alyssa Cherylynn Cheung,
David Gross and Teresa Bahram Parineh and Kristin To So Yin to Hemanshu 224 Haight St., Menlo Park
Mateo 94402; 43 Los Charros 442 Avalon Dr., S. San Bruno 94066; 1518 Cypress
Gross to Jianghong Gu, 9 Richard Messner and Ya Hui R. Parineh, 236 Canyon Dr., 94025, ID 062-237-030,
Ln., Portola Valley 94028, ID Khimraj Chawda and Tania Francisco 94080, ID 013- Ave., San Mateo 94401, ID
Park Dr., Atherton 94027, ID Chen to Angela Juniphant, Portola Valley 94028, ID $1,510,000.
079-053-380, $6,400,000. Sandhu Chawda et al., 301 074-250, $1,700,000. 033-203-040, $1,330,000.
070-103-200, $5,390,000. 2120 Trousdale Dr., 079-191-030, $2,399,000.
Richard A. Raybin and Sequoia Ave., Redwood City Leos LLC to Alexis Baird and
Burlingame 94010, ID 025- Kenneth Samuel Lerner William A. Garnsey and Mark V. Dezordo et al.
Richard A Raybin Living Land Shadow LLC to 102-140, $2,650,000. 94061, ID 069-324-170, Michiel Baird, 1729 Hamlet
and Joseph S Lerner & $2,015,000. Linda E. Calvo to Robert to Selma Venture Group
Trust et al. to Frank J. Andrew Oakes and Arianna St., San Mateo 94403, ID
Z. Abdel Shahid Nasser and Shirley F Lerner to Mikhail Escamilla and Jennifer T. LLC, 1905 Jefferson Ave.,
Solinsky IV and Solinsky Oakes, 2025 El Prado St., Michael A. Feddock and 035-292-160, $1,504,000.
Manal R. Abdel Shahid to Sokolnikov and Svetlana Escamilla, 2273 Vista Del Redwood City 94062, ID 053-
Family Trust of 2005, 50 Redwood City 94061, ID 069- John Feddock et al. to Brian Yau and Bobby Yau to
Alan Tsai and Qiaoxin Wu, Shedina, 117 Lawson Rd., Mar, San Mateo 94404; 1610
Mounds Rd. #614, San Mateo 301-120, $4,200,000. Hossein S. Mousavi and Jinke You and Qiwen Chen, 011-570, $1,300,000.
1261 Dewey St., Redwood Kensington 94707; 1587 Arguello St., Redwood City
94402, ID 105-210-130, SF 21 G LLC to Dishview Neda A. Akhavan, 23 Roslyn 94063, ID 052-115-190, 274 Hampshire Ct., Daly City Summerhill Pilgrim Triton
City 94061, ID 058-415-120, Tarrytown St., San Mateo
$1,550,000. LLC, 2001 Union St. #482, Ave., San Carlos 94070, ID $1,668,000. 94015, ID 091-603-260,
$2,650,000. 94402, ID 041-042-320, LLC to Bhanu Pratap Singh
Kevin Peter Chan and San Francisco 94123; 264 $2,325,000. 049-152-180, $2,000,000. $1,500,000. and Kamana Singh, 2817
Ross S. Smith and Deborah Timothy Ogden White Jr.
Valerie Ann Chan to La Cuesta Dr., Portola Valley Enrico P. Ramos and David W. Chan and So W. Tulare Hills Dr., Dublin
G. Smith et al. to Richard Old Fox LLC to Mark Adler and Rachel Ann White to
Christopher Huang and 94028, ID 077-151-190, Marissa A. Ramos to Deepti Liang et al. to Jad Mubayed
Tod Spieker and Catherine and Dana V. Tremallo, Yanmu Yu, 904 Lido Ln., 94568; 204/352 Calypso
Shuzhen Yu, 1204 Nimitz $4,180,000. Chouhan, 508 Marin Dr., and Adeline Mubayed, 5955
Reilly Spieker et al., 1020 12 Redberry Rdg, Portola Foster City 94404, ID 105- Ln., Foster City 94404, ID
Dr., Daly City 94015, ID 006- SF21G LLC to Rajendra Corporation Way #100, Palo Valley 94028; 1 Stadler Dr., Burlingame 94010, ID 029- 620-050, $1,650,000. Mission St., S. San Francisco
121-470, $1,350,000. 118-300-020/094-013-240,
Joshi and Chitralekha Joshi Alto 94303; 1050 Noel Dr., Woodside 94062, ID 075- 082-150, $2,000,000. 94080, ID 004-251-030,
Aimee D. Graham and $1,260,000.
Jeffrey J. Hooley to Philip et al., 631 Folsom St. #14D, Menlo Park 94025, ID 061- 013-040, $2,300,000. Olga P. Capili and Olga Stulgis Family Revocable $1,500,000.
Alley and Bianca Dragone, San Francisco 94107; 473 411-110, $2,650,000. Capili Living Trust to John R. Anderson et al. to Josephine M. Ramirez to
Justin W. Sher and Lorena Trust to Fenglin Shi and Wei
1060 Everglades Dr., Pacifica Rutherford Ave., Redwood Alireza Salimi, 642 Jiwu, 8707 Dunraven St., Danny Lee and Xueying Lai, Jocelyn Lau and Jocelyn
Joy Pardi Fazzone and Paul B. Kniaz to Mei Lin
94044, ID 023-705-160, City 94061, ID 059-272-120, Harvester Dr., Foster City Lenexa, Kan. 66227; 2313 553 Eucalyptus Ave., S. San Lau Trust, 3373 Kimberly
A. Fazzone to Christopher Centkowski Sierra and
$1,300,000. $4,003,000. Avery and Nicole Steves, Theodore Loder Marek, 94404, ID 094-041-070, Casa Bona Ave., Belmont Francisco 94080, ID 012- Way, San Mateo 94403, ID
Yuk Kwong Lui to Todd K. Deidra Elizabeth Lowe and 1181 Fairview Ave., Redwood 5 Quail Ct., Woodside $1,920,000. 94002, ID 044-031-200, 191-080, $1,430,000. 040-450-110, $1,251,000.
$211.2 MILLION 37,894 47,964
Salesforce Inc. has the following jobs available in San Twilio, Inc. seeks Five9, Inc. Principal Marketing Designer wtd Finix Payments
Engineering Manager,
Francisco, CA. Related degree required:
Product Security in Program Manager. San by Swit Technologies Inc. seeks Security
• Software Engineering AMTS (Job# 22-15912/ San Francisco, CA. Ramon, CA. $163,571- Operations Engineer
JR236386): Research, design & dvlp computer & Telecommuting permitted: 165,000 p/y. Lead (San Francisco, CA) to
in San Francisco,
network sftwr or specialized utility programs. Req’s: Lead team of product day-to-day operational help w/ brand identity, CA to automate
security engineers in
MS(or equiv.) Salary: $147,368 - $188,600 per annum.
creating scalable solutions.
& tactical aspects marketing materials processes and monitor
• Technical Architect (Job# 22-128545/JR236559): Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+1 of large, complex,
Analyze science, engineering, biz & other data yr. exp. Salary: $193,520- implementation projects. across digital platforms, infrastructure that helps
secure the production
processing problems to dvlp & implement solutions $280,417 per yr. Education, May Telecommute. marketing projects & system. $79,539 to
exp. & criminal background Travel required. Email
to complex apps problems & systm admin. issues.
checks will be conducted. campaigns; etc. Sal $150,000/Year. Apply at
Telecommuting an option. Some travel to Salesforce resume to careers@five9.
offices & various, unanticipated worksites throughout
Submit resume w/ ref. to
com. Must reference job $75,234/yr Resume: www.jobpostingtoday.
Req.# L22-128677 at:
com Ref # 60071.
U.S. may be required. Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+2 yrs. exp. Or [email protected]. 10289.282.4. [email protected]
BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary: $170,955 - $227,700 per
• Sr. Manager, Solution Consulting (Job# 21-13940/ Associate Manager, Strategy & Operations - Drive, Metronome Technologies has a Software Engineer –
JR236563): Analyze science, engineering, biz & DoorDash, Inc., San Francisco, CA. Drive grwth & Web Development job opening in San Francisco, CA:
other data processing problems to dvlp & implement supp the team that owns the Large Order P&L. Dvlop Draw on experience with Typescript, GraphQL, or
solutions to complex apps problems & systm admin. Node and hands-on experience using continuous
& fostr deep relationships with top priority mrchnt
issues. Telecommuting an option. Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+2 integration & continuous deployment (CI/CD) tooling
yrs. exp. Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary: $170,955 - prtnrs to iterate & grow the bus. Req Master’s deg to scale and build the company’s web-hook service.
$236,900 per annum. or foreign equiv deg in Bus Anlytcs, Data Sci, or clsly May telecommute from any U.S. location. Salary:
• Sr. Technical Consultant (Job# 22-128147/ rel discplne + 3 yrs of exp in the field of Data Anlytcs, $155K - $172K/yr. Benefit include medical, dental, vision,
JR236565): Analyze science, engineering, biz & and life insurance coverage, including a One Medical
Strtgy/Ops Resrch, Conslting or rel; OR a Bach’s deg
other data processing problems to dvlp & implement
or foreign equiv deg in Bus Anlytcs, Data Sci, or clsly membership, FSA, Flexible time off, Employee assistance
solutions to complex apps problems, systm admin.
issues. Telecommuting an option. Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+2 program (mental health benefits). Email resume to
rel discplne + 5 yrs of post-bach’s progrssv exp in the
yrs. exp. Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary: $170,955 - Recruiting Coordinator; [email protected].
field of Data Anlytcs, Strtgy/Ops Resrch, Conslting or
$188,600 per annum.
rel. Up to 10% domestic travel possible based on bus
• Technical Architect (Job# 21-2137/JR237015): Upwork seeks Data
Analyze science, engineering, biz & other data needs. Telecommuting permitted. Salary: $186,846 Five9, Inc. has an
opening for Platform Engineering Leads
processing problems to dvlp & implement solutions to $186,846/yr. To apply, please send resumes to
Engineer in San Ramon, in San Francisco,
to complex apps problems, systm admin. issues. [email protected]. Must reference job code
Telecommuting an option. Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+2 CA. $123,635 per year. California to perform
yrs. exp. Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary: $170,955 - (AMSOD-B-102-SF) to be considered. SaaS vendor evaluations
Provide customers
$227,700 per annum. with configuration and design a scalable and
For the jobs below - Telecommuting an option. Some Data Scientist, Analytics (Multiple Positions), advice, training, and manageable integration.
travel to Salesforce offices may be required: DoorDash, Inc., San Francisco, CA. Use quant anlysis problem resolution $214,200 - $234,200.
• Program Architect (Job# 20-3947/JR236384): Dvlp & the prsntation of data to see beynd the nmbrs & throughout the setup 100% telecommuting
solutions cross cloud. Serve as Trusted Advisor, creating undrstnd bus drivrs; build full-cycle anlytcs exprimnts,
reprts & dashboards using SQL, R, Python, or othr and installation process allowed. Apply at www.
strategic roadmaps & design enterprise architecture
scripting & statisticl tools; & wrk alngside & mentr Jr of call center software. Ref
blueprints. May be assigned to various unanticipated anlysts on how to use mre advncd mthds & slve chlngs. May Telecommute #20877
worksites throughout U.S. Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+2 yrs. Req BA or foreign equiv deg in Data Sci, Engg, Physics,
exp. Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary: $170,955 - Maths, Stats, Anlytics, or clsly rel quant discplne + 1 yr from anywhere in the
$265,200 per annum. exp in the field of Data Sci or Bus / Data Anlytcs. Up to U.S. 50% domestic &
10% travel (domestic and/or Int’l.) based on business international travel
• Sr. Member of Technical Staff (Job# 21-10941/
need. Telecommuting Permitted Salary Range: $137,500
JR236385): Independently deliver high-quality features required. Email resume
- $185,500/yr. To apply, please send resumes to
by being high-performing hybrid Engineer. Drive your [email protected]. Must reference job code to [email protected].
own designs. Req’s: BS(or equiv.)+1 yr. exp. Salary: (DSA-B-103-SF) to be considered. Ref 10289.128.4.
$151,800 - $227,700 per annum.
• Software Engineering SMTS (Job# 20-1816/
JR236390): Formulate, implement & evaluate
algorithms for platform & app. features in Java. Req’s:
MS(or equiv.)+2 yrs. exp. Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp.
Salary: $215,197.00 - $227,700.00 per annum.
• Software Engineering SMTS (Job# 22-18929/
JR236556): Research, design & dvlp computer &
network sftwr or specialized utility programs. Req’s:
MS(or equiv.)+2 yrs. exp. Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp.
Salary: $215,197 - $227,700 per annum.
• Sr Manager GIC Analytics (Job# 22-129882/
JR236568): Participate in annual company GTM
planning cycle, provide analytics to leadership to
support decision making. Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+2 yrs. exp.
Or BS(or equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary: $210,288 - $225,500
per annum.
• Software Engineering AMTS (Job# 21-13399/
JR237014): Research, design & dvlp computer &
network sftwr or specialized utility programs. Req’s:
MS(or equiv.)+1 yr. exp. Salary: $147,368 - $153,400 per
Submit resume to/include Job No. via Salesforce
Careers webpage: or by email at:
[email protected]. Salesforce is an
Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action Employer.
Interviews with the biggest business executives, thought leaders and changemakers in the Bay Area
ine is a big business in Northern California, and San Francisco’s PlumpJack Group is no Johnny-come-lately
among Bay Area brands.
Established in 1992 by Gavin Newsom and billionaire Gordon Getty, the company started out of an origi-
nal wine shop in Cow Hollow, but as time went on, Newsom needed help, so he reached out to someone he could trust:
his sister, Hilary.
Fast forward three decades, and he’s running the state as governor while she’s the co-president of the wine business,
which has grown into a Northern California empire that includes a boutique hotel and several restaurants and vineyards.
In 2022, the company acquired Napa’s Oso Vineyard from the Michael Mondavi Family Estate for $14.5 million, add-
ing to the group’s Napa wineries Odette Estate, CADE Estate, and of course, PlumpJack Estate.
VIEW POINT Send letters and columns
to Editor-in-Chief James Gardner
The San Francisco Business Times welcomes contributions to this page at [email protected]
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