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Geometric outline of the crown

Facial and lingual aspects have

trapezoid out line.

The smallest uneven side

4 5

B cusp is long and pointed B cusp is short and less pointed

Longer M slope than D Shorter M slope than D

Mesial contact A in the M1/3 while mesial contact A in O1/3 while
distally more occlusal. distally more cervically.

Cervical line curved is prominent Cervical line less curved.

4 5

Prominent B ridge Less prominent B ridge

Narrow cervical portion. Wider cervical portion.

Short root. Longer root.
4 5

The L cusp is shorter by 1 The L and B cusps are

mm than the B cusp. nearly of same height.
61% has 2 roots ( one Rare to has 2 roots
buccal & one lingual)
Trapezoid in shape
4 5

Smallest uneven sides occlusaly

Outlines of proximal aspect

4 5

Buccal outline is convex with maximum convexity at C 1/3

Lingual outline is convex with maximum convexity at M1/3
Cervical line curves occlusally
4 5

B cusp is longer than L cusp The cusps are nearly at the

by 1mm same level.

The occlusal table is wide. The occlusal table is narrow.

Mesial marginal DG and The crown surface is smooth &

Mesial developmental convex while root has shallow
depression (canine fossa). developmental depression.
It’s hexagonal 4
2 equal buccal sides (MB, DB)
M side shorter than D side. D M
ML side shorter than DL side.
Thickness is greater than width
The crown is wider buccally than
lingually. Why?
B triangular ridge.
L triangular ridge.
M & D marginal ridges

Central developmental groove
M and D triangular fossae.

Mesial marginal developmental groove

4 5


It’s oval
It’s hexagonal
B & L triangular ridges. B & L triangular ridges.

M & D marginal ridges Thicker M & D MRs

4 5

Shorter Central DG.

Long Central DG

Mesial marginal Developmental No MMDG.

groove (MMDG)
More supplemental grooves
Few supplemental grooves (Very wrinkled appearance)
Can you tell
Which tooth, which aspect.

4 , occlusal aspect.

Triangular ridge of B cusp.

Triangular ridge of L cusp.
M &D marginal ridges
Central developmental groove
M triangular fossa.
D triangular fossa.
Mesial marginal developmental groove
Buccal Lingual Mesial Distal

Mandibular Second Premolar:
Three Cusp Type

Buccal Lingual Mesial Distal

Geometric outline of the crown

Facial and lingual aspects have

trapezoid out line.

The smallest uneven side


Mandibular first premolar

Facial and lingual aspects have somewhat
square shape due to wide cervical third than

Mandibular second premolar

Facial Outlines and surface anatomy

4 5

B cusp pointed and long B cusp short and less

Well prominent B ridge
Not well prominent B ridge
Pointed apex ( Short root)
Blunt apex (Long root)
Contact areas in lower 4:
Mesially & Distally at the same
level in the Middle of the crown
just cervical to the junction of
O&M 1/3 .

While in lower 5 the contact areas

are broad and are in a more
occlusal position than on the lower
4 because of the short buccal cusp.

So in both lower 4 & 5

(MCA & DCA are at the same
Lingual outline and surface anatomy

4 5

Two cusp type

The L cusp is short and small L cusp is shorter and smaller

reaching 2/3 the crown length and than B cusp but larger than
has a pointed tip. of 4
ML developmental groove at the
No MLDG (DL depression)
ML line angle.
Three cusp type: 5

ML cusp is longer and larger than DL M D

cusp. They both shorter than B cusp and
less pointed.

The surface convex with maximum

convixty at O1/3.

The L developmental groove between the 2

Proximal outlines

4 5

Rhomboid in shape with Rhomboid in shape with

narrow occlusal table. narrow occlusal table.
Lingual inclination well
prominent Lingual inclination less
4 5

Maximum convexity at M1/3 Maximum convexity at O1/3

The L cusp is short and small L cusp is shorter and smaller
reaching 2/3 the crown length than B cusp but larger than of
The B cusp centered over the root. B cusp bucally to the center of the root.

The mesial MR is oplique while The mesial and distal marginal

distally is straight ridges are straight

Proximal crown outlines of mandibular
posterior teeth

♥ For the lingual inclination of
lower teeth.

♥ The occlusal surface however

is constricted compared to the
crown base.
Geometric outline of the occlusal aspect

Two cusp type:

4 5

It’s diamond-shaped. The outline is oval

Lingual convergence is sharp. Slight lingual convergence

Three cusp type:

The outline is square
Surface anatomy of occlusal aspect:


B triangular ridge.
L triangular ridge.
Transverse ridge
M & D marginal ridges
Depressions: lower 4

Central developmental groove

M and D fossae (Snake eyes)

M…..oval M

Mesiolingual developmental groove

4 5


Central developmental groove Central developmental G.

H or U shapped.
Mesiolingual developmental
groove ( Characterstic Feature) More supplemental grooves
Three cusp type:

B triangular ridge.
L triangular ridges (ML &DL).
M & D marginal ridges

Central developmental groove Y shape with central
pit in central fossa
M and D triangular fossae.

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