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MLS • A self-contradicting statement but

make sense.
Technical Writing– is a style of writing
which tackles subjects that require direction, • Using a part of something to
instruction, or explanation. Hence, it is represent the whole
straightforward and does not need wordiness
and imaginative impression. Metonymy

Creative Writing- a style of writing that • Replacing the name of a thing with
goes beyond the conventions of technical the name of something also which it
literature. s closely associated with.

-Also called as Imaginative Writing, this Chiasmus

style can be any writing – fiction, poetry, • Putting two or more clauses that are
even non-fiction – that uses literary devices balanced against each other by the
like imagery, idioms, figures of speech , etc. reversal of their structures in order to
Diction- A writers choice of words , its produce an artistic effect.
his/her style of expression . It has great Epistrophe
effect on the tone of a piece of literature and
how the readers perceived the characters of a • Putting the same word at the end of
story. each sentence

Figures of Speech Refraine/Anaphora

Are expressions which deviate from the • An often-repeated line or word in

literal meaning. These are used to add color initial lines; common in poems and
to language by making expressions more songs.
aesthetically effective
(Sounds figures of speech)
• An indirect comparison; using as-as
• Replacing a consonant sound as
or like.
initial or dominant sound in several
Metaphor words in a line.

• A direct comparison. Assonance

Personification • Repeating of vowel sound in several

words in line.
• Animation; giving human attributes
to non-human things. Consonance

Hyperbole • Repeating of consonant sound in

several words in a line.
• Exaggeration; making things beyond
reality Onomatopoeia

Apostrophe • Imitating sounds.

• A direct address; calling on someone Rhyme

or something.
• Repeating similar sounding word at
Oxymoron the end of each sentence

• Placing together two contradictory

- likeness of sound. Blank Verse –
has no ryhme
Elements, Techniques and Literary
6 types of rhyme
Devices in Poetry
A. End Rhyme
Poetry – The opposite of Prose in the sense - Commonly found at the end.
of, a Poetry is consisting of Lines and B. Internal / Leonine Rhyme
Stanzas whilst a Prose is made up of - It can be seen in between two or
Sentences and Paragraphs more words in a single line.
C. Masculine Rhyme
Elements of Poetry - Consisting of single stressed
• Lines syllable, as in “car” and “far”.
-Considered as the most basic D. Feminine Rhyme
Element of Poetry. It follows a - stressed syllable followed by an
consistent number of syllables or not unstressed syllable, as in “Mother”
depending on the type of poem being and “Father.”
written. E. Perfect Rhyme
- exact sound, like “Ask” and
• Stanza “Task”.
- a combination of lines in a poetry F. Slant Rhyme.
6 Types of Stanzas - “Imperfect Rhyme”, also called
A. Couplet – Two Lines Oblique Rhyme or Off Rhyme.
B. Tercet – Three Lines Sounds are similar but totally not the
C. Terza Rima – Three stanzas of same, as in “Port” and “Heart”.
three lines each.
D. Quatrain – Four Lines • Rhythm
E. Sestet – Six Lines -Pertains to the succession and/or
F. Octet – Eight Lines alteration of similar sounds in the
poem, whether within or at the end
• Meter of the lines.
-deals with the measurement of the
poem • Rhyme Scheme
- The arrangement and -end words of a verse or line in a
number of syllables wherein poem that an author needs to write.
a poem has a measurement of A. Alternate rhyme: It is also known
5 / 7 / 5 is called “Haiku.” as ABAB rhyme scheme, it
A. Accentual Meter rhymes as “ABAB CDCD EFEF
- number of stressed syllable per line GHGH.”
and same number of syllables. B. Ballade: It contains three stanzas
B. Syllabic Meter with the rhyme scheme of
- Fixed number of syllable in each “ABABBCBC” followed by
line but differ in total number of “BCBC.”
stress. (Japanese Haiku) C. Monorhyme: It is a poem in
C. Accentual – Syllabic Meter which every line uses the same
- Per line, it has the same number of rhyme scheme.
stressed and non – stressed syllables D. Couplet: It contains two-line
in a fixed order. stanzas with the “AA” rhyme
D. Free Verse scheme, which often appears as
- It does not require exact number of “AA BB CC and DD…”
syllables and stresses. E. Triplet: It often repeats like
a couplet, uses rhyme scheme of
• Rhyme “AAA.”
F. Enclosed rhyme: It uses rhyme
scheme of “ABBA”
Touch (Tactile)
Tone - Pertains to the overall impression of -describing how something physically feels
the poem to the reader. Highly affected by (temperature, texture or other sensation)
the writers choice of words.
Taste (Gustatory)
(Grateful, In love, Delighted, Fearful,
-describing whether something is sweet,
savory, spicy or sour.
Theme- General topic or main idea of the
Lesson - Not all literary pieces have a
lesson, however it is a must to strategically
scrutinize the values or morals present in
them. This refers to the life learnings from
the characters and the plot.

Literary Techniques and Devices

-This helps the writer to deliver their works
in more effective and creative way. Thus, the
readers’ imaginations are tapped and the
beauty of the language is revealed.
Literary Techniques
-Usually occurs with a single word or phrase
or in a specific group of words and phrases,
at one single point in a text. In contrary with
literary elements, these are not necessarily
present in every text. (flashbacks,
Literary Devices
-Any aspect of Literature which we can
recognize, identify, interpret and/or analyze.
Both literary elements and literary
techniques can rightly be called literary

Types of Imagery
Sight (visual)
-Appeals to the sense of sight through the
description of color, light, size, pattern, etc.
Smell (Olfactory)
-describing something’s fragrance or odor
Hearing (Auditory)
-sense of hearing/sound (melodic sounds,
silence and harsh sounds)

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