Phys 104 - 2011 12 24
Phys 104 - 2011 12 24
Phys 104 - 2011 12 24
1. Eletrical
2. Electrical
3. Capicitance
4. Current
5. Direct
6. Magne3c
7. Source
8. Faradays
9. Inductance
Main Reference: PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS with modern physics, 8th edi3on, R. A. Serway
1. Eletrical elds
AVer rubbing a pen on your hair you will nd that the aXracts bits of paper
Using the conven3on suggested by Franklin, the electric charge on the glass rod is called posi3ve and that on the rubber rod is called nega3ve. Therefore, any charged object aXracted to a charged rubber rod (or repelled by a charged glass rod) must have a posi3ve charge, and any charged object repelled by a charged rubber rod (or aXracted to a charged glass rod) must have a nega3ve charge.
Charges of the same sign repel one another and charges with opposite signs aXract one another Another important aspect of electricity that arises from experimental observa3ons is that electric charge is always conserved in an isolated system. That is, when one object is rubbed against another, charge is not created in the process.
In 1909, Robert Millikan (18681953) discovered that electric charge always occurs as integral mul3ples of a fundamental amount of charge e
Electric charge q is said to be quan3zed, where q is the standard symbol used for charge as a variable. That is, electric charge exists as discrete packets, and we can write q =-Ne, where N is some integer.
Materials such as glass, rubber, and dry wood fall into the category of electrical insulators. When such materials are charged by rubbing, only the area rubbed becomes charged and the charged par3cles are unable to move to other regions of the material. In contrast, materials such as copper, aluminum, and silver are good electrical conductors. When such materials are charged in some small region, the charge readily distributes itself over the en3re surface of the material. Semiconductors are a third class of materials, and their electrical proper3es are somewhere between those of insulators and those of conductors. Silicon and germanium are well-known examples of semiconductors commonly used in the fabrica3on of a variety of electronic chips used in computers, cellular telephones, and home theater systems. The electrical proper3es of semiconductors can be changed over many orders of magnitude by the addi3on of controlled amounts of certain atoms to the materials.
To understand how to charge a conductor by a process known as induc3on, consider a neutral (uncharged) conduc3ng sphere
Charging an object by induc3on requires no contact with the object inducing the charge. That is in contrast to charging an object by rubbing (that is, by conduc3on ), which does require contact between the two objects. A process similar to induc3on in conductors takes place in insulators. In most neutral molecules, the center of posi3ve charge coincides with the center of nega3ve charge. In the presence of a charged object, however, these centers inside each molecule in an insulator may shiV slightly, resul3ng in more posi3ve charge on one side of the molecule than on the other.
Charles Coulomb measured the magnitudes of the electric forces between charged objects using the torsion balance, which he invented
Magnitude of the electric force (some3mes called the Coulomb force ) between two point charges is given by Coulombs law.
The Coulomb constant ke in SI units has the value This constant is also wriXen in the form
The constant 0 (Greek leXer epsilon) is known as the permikvity of free space and has the value
The smallest unit of free charge e known in nature, the charge on an electron (-e ) or a proton (+e ), has a magnitude
Comparison between the electric force and the gravita9onal force between the electron and the proton inside hydrogen atom
where r12 is a unit vector directed from q1 toward q2 as shown in Figure Because the electric force obeys Newtons third law, the electric force exerted by q2 on q1 is equal in magnitude to the force exerted by q1 on q2 and in the opposite direc3on; that is
To be done in class
The electric eld depicts the force exerted on other electrically charged objects by the electrically charged par3cle the eld is surrounding. The concept of an electric eld was introduced by Michael Faraday. Michael Faraday, (22 September 1791 25 August 1867) was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the 3me) who contributed to the elds of electromagne3sm and electrochemistry.
If q is posi3ve, the force is in the same direc3on as the eld. If q is nega3ve, the force and the eld are in opposite direc3ons.
A convenient way of visualizing electric eld paXerns is to draw lines, called electric eld lines and rst introduced by Faraday, that are related to the electric eld in a region of space in the following manner:
Representa3ve electric eld lines for the eld due to a single posi3ve point charge are shown
Home work
2. Electric poten3al
Home work
6. Magne9c elds
Many historians of science believe that the compass, which uses a magne3c needle, was used in China as early as the 13th century BC, its inven3on being of Arabic or Indian origin. The early Greeks knew about magne3sm as early as 800 BC. They discovered that the stone magne3te (Fe3O4) aXracts pieces of iron. Subsequent experiments showed that every magnet, regardless of its shape, has two poles, called north (N) and south (S) poles, that exert forces on other magne3c poles similar to the way electric charges exert forces on one another. That is, like poles (NN or SS) repel each other, and opposite poles (NS) aXract each other.