Gop43 043at
Gop43 043at
Gop43 043at
3 Güç Bağlantıları
5 Güç kaynağı kabloları için lütfen güvenlik şartnamelerine uygun olan dielektrik değere
Human Machine Interface Operatör Panel ve akım değerlerine sahip kablolar seçiniz. Güç terminalleri paketleme kutularının
içerisinde paketlenmiş haldedir.
Kullanım Talimatları
DC hattının artısını ‘DC24V’ terminaline ve eksisini de ‘-’ terminaline bağlayınız.
3. Bağlantı Diyagramı
4. İşletim Modu
4.1 İşletim mode seçim penceresime giriş
Cihaza enerji verilmeden önce ekrana basılı tutulup enerji verildiğinde seçim penceresi
kaydırın. Vidaları eşit bir şekilde, operatör panelin içine sağlam bir şekilde tutturulduğunda Touch Calibration:Dokunmatik ekran kalibrasyonu menüsüdr.
emin oluncaya kadar sıkınız Stop timer: 20s lik zamanlayıcıyı durdurmak için kullanılar. Zamanlayıcı herhnagi birr işlme
First find the power terminal at the back of the product and loosen the screw according to
counterclockwise, then insert the power cables and tighten the screw up.
Connect positive DC line to the ‘+24V’ terminal and the DC ground to the ‘0V’ terminal.
3. External Interface
1.Installation Note
9.1 Environmental Requirement
Please make sure that AC power,PLC output modules,starters,relays and other types of
electrical interface device are far away from the back of this product.
Please do not use in the following Please take shielding 3.1 USB SLAVE
places: measures in the following Connection USB Slave port can be connected with a PC
Places direct in sunlight places: The port is only used to download user configuration program to the
Surrounding temperature and humidity Places that exist electrostatic or HMI and to set HMI system parameters.
beyond the specifications other kinds of noise 3.2 COM0&COM2
Places of temperature changes sharply Places of strong electromagnetic Pin assignment of the 9-pin male, D-SUB, COM0/COM2.This port is
and easily cause condensation Places that may be exposed to used to connect the controller with RS-232/485/422 port.
Places that exist corrosive gas and rays Note: COMO supports RS232/485/422 communication functions,COM2
combustible gas Places near the power supports RS232 communication/download function.
Places of much dust, dirt, salt and iron
9.2 Power Requirement [RS-485]4wire [RS-485]2wire [RS-232] [RS-232]
Input voltage: 21~28VDC; 1 Rx-(B) RS-485 Rx RS485 B
Particularly note that there must be enough distance between this product and
2 RxD_PLC RS-232 Rx
converters or switch mode power supply. Make sure that the input and output cables
3 TxD_PLC RS-232 Tx
of that kind equipment are shield cable and the shielding network is connected with the
4 Tx- RS-485 Tx
5 GND Signal Ground
Make sure that the DC power and AC power is isolated.
Do not use common power with perceptual load or input circuit of the controller. 6 Rx+(A) RS-485 Rx RS485 A
An Internal fuse will prevent damage for over voltage condition, however it 7 RxD_PC RS-232 Rx
isn’t guaranteed the internal electronic components are not damaged. 8 TxD_PC RS-232 Tx
9 Tx+ RS-485 Tx
Chassis ground must be used.
After entering operation mode selection window,it will popup a menu.Follows are the
descriptions of the functions in the menu:
System Setup:Press this button to enter system setup window.This window is used to
set initial window,screen saver time,buzzer and brightness adjustment.After setting,press
Restart button to restart HMI.
Touch Calibration:Press this button to enter touch calibration window.It will restart
HMI automatically after calibration successful.
Put the unit through the panel cut out. Slide the clamps into the 4 holes provided around the
case. Tighten the clamping screws in an even pattern until the unit is secured in the panel.