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Eukaryotic Cell- a cell or organism having a visible nucleus or

The cells are the basic/ functional units of life, in which - a cell having DNA inside a distinct membrane- enclosed nucleus
all of the chemical reactions necessary for the maintenance and reproduction and membrane- bound organelles
of life take place. All living things are made up of cells. Some organisms
consist of only one cell. Plants and animals are made up of many cells. The Cell structures and functions
human body has more than 100 trillion (10,000,000,000,000) cells. 1. Nucleus
All cells have some things in common, whether they The largest organelle in the cytoplasm of a
are specialized cells or one- celled organisms. A cell as alive. It” breathes’, eukaryotic cell is usually the nucleus, a structure that directs all
takes in food, and gets rid of wastes. It also grows and reproduces (creates the activities of the cell.
its own kind). And, in time, it dies The nucleus is like a manager who directs
A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. everyday business for a company and passes on information to
History: A Timeline new cells. The nucleus contains genetic blueprints for the
1595 – Jansen credited with 1st compound microscope operations of the cell.
1665 – Hooke described ‘cells’ in cork.
1674 – Leeuwenhoek discovered protozoa. He saw bacteria  One or more per cell
some 9 years later.  Spherical shape
1833 – Brown descibed the cell nucleus in cells of the orchid.  Denser than surrounding cytoplasm
1838 – Schleiden and Schwann proposed cell theory.
1840 – Albrecht von Roelliker realized that sperm cells and egg Chromosomes
cells are also cells.
1856 – N. Pringsheim observed how a sperm cell penetrated an - Usually in the form of chromatin
egg cell. - Contains genetic information
1858 – Rudolf Virchow (physician, pathologist and anthropologist) - Composed of DNA
expounds his famous conclusion: omnis cellula e cellula, that is - Thicken for cellular division
cells develop only from existing cells [cells come from preexisting - Set number per species (i.e. 23 pairs for human)
1857 – Kolliker described mitochondria. Nuclear membrane
1879 – Flemming described chromosome behavior during mitosis.
1883 – Germ cells are haploid, chromosome theory of heredity. - Surrounds nucleus
1898 – Golgi described the golgi apparatus. - Composed of two layers
1938 – Behrens used differential centrifugation to separate nuclei - Numerous openings for nuclear traffic
from cytoplasm. Nucleolus
1939 – Siemens produced the first commercial transmission
electron microscope. - Spherical shape
1952 – Gey and coworkers established a continuous human cell - Visible when cell is not dividing
line. - Contains RNA for protein manufacture
1955 – Eagle systematically defined the nutritional needs of
animal cells in culture. 2. Cell Membrane
1957 – Meselson, Stahl and Vinograd developed density gradient The cell membrane is a structure that forms
centrifugation in cesium chloride solutions for separating nucleic the outer boundary of the cell and allows only certain materials to
acids. move into and out of the cell.
1998 – Mice are cloned from somatic cells. Food, oxygen and water move into the cell through the
1999 – Hamilton and Baulcombe discover siRNA as part of post- membrane. Waste products also leave through the membrane.
transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) in plants
 ROBERT HOOKE(1665) 3. Cytoplasm
British scientist, used one of the first light Cytoplasm is the gel-like material inside the cell membrane and
microscope to look at thin slices of plant tissues; published outside the nucleus.
Micrographia, a book containing detailed drawings of many Cytoplasm contains a large amount of water
biological specimens, including the first drawings of cells, as seen and many chemicals and structures that carry out the life
with a microscope; he observed a thin slice of cork under his processes in the cell. These structures that the cytoplasm contains
microscope. are called organelles.
He saw that it was composed of neat holes enclosed a. Mitochondria-powerhouse of the cell
by walls. He called this holes/ empty chambers “cells”. Have their own DNA
 MATTHIAS SCHLEIDEN(1838) Bound by double membrane
German botanist, proposed that all plants Break down fuel molecules (cellular respiration)
are made of cells; studied a variety of plants and concluded that  Glucose
all plants are “aggregates of fully individualized, independent,  Fatty acids
separate beings, namely the cells themselves”.  Release energy
German zoologist, stated that all animals b. Ribosomes
are also made of cells and proposed a cellular basis for all life.  Small non-membrane bound organelles.
RUDOLF VIRCHOW(1858)  Contain two sub units
German physician, induced that “the animal  Site of protein synthesis.
arises only from an animal and the plant only from a plant’; he  Protein factory of the cell
concluded that cells can come only from preexisting cells.  Either free floating or attached to the Endoplasmic
Cell Theory Reticulum.
The combined works of Schleiden, c. Golgi Bodies
Schwann and Virchow makes up what is now known as the Cell In cells, structures called Golgi
Theory, which consists of the following principles; Bodies are stacks of membrane-covered sacs that
1. Cells are the basic units of life. package and move proteins to the outside of the cell.
2. All organisms are made of one or more cells. Golgi bodies are the packaging and secreting
3. All cells arise from preexisting cells. organelles of the cell.
cis face- receiving side
Modern Cell Theory trans face- transporting side
 All known living things are made up of cells.
 The cell is structural & functional unit of all living things. Golgi Apparatus Function
 All cells come from pre-existing cells by division. (Spontaneous 1. Molecules come in vesicles
Generation does not occur). 2. Vesicles fuse with Golgi membrane
 Cells contains hereditary information which is passed from cell to 3. Molecules may be modified by Golgi
cell during cell division. 4. Molecules pinched-off in separate vesicle
 All cells are basically the same in chemical composition. 5. Vesicle leaves Golgi apparatus
 All energy flow (metabolism & biochemistry) of life occurs within 6. Vesicles may combine with plasma membrane to
cells. secrete contents
Types of Cell d. Endoplasmic Reticulum
1. Prokaryotic cell- a cell or organism without a visible nucleus The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
or nuclei is a folded membrane that moves materials around in
the cell. The ER extends from the nucleus to the cell  Digests invaders
membrane and takes up quite a bit of space in some
cells. Endomembrane System
The ER is like a system of  Many of the different membrane of the
conveyor belts in a business. They act as tunnels in eukaryotic cell are part of an endomembrane system.
which materials move from one place to another within These membranes are related either through direct
the cell. physical continuity or by the transfer of membrane
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum segments through the movement of tiny vesicles. The
 Ribosomes attached to surface endomembrane system includes the nuclear envelope,
 Manufacture protiens endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, vesicles,
 Not all ribosomes attached to rough ER lysosomes and peroxisomes.
 May modify proteins from ribosomes
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Fluid- Mosaic Model
 No attached ribosomes (1972) S. Jonathan Singer and Garth
 Has enzymes that help build molecules Nicholson developed the fluid- mosaic model of membrane
 Carbohydrates structure. According to this model, a membrane is a double layer
 Lipids (bilayer) of proteins and phospholipids, and is fluid rather than
e. Cytoskeleton solid. The phospholipids bilayer forms a fluid “sea’ in which specific
 Framework of the cell proteins float like icebergs. being fluid, the membrane is in a
 Contains small microfilaments and larger microtubules. constant state of flux (shifting and changing) while retaining its
 They support the cell, giving it its shape and help with uniform structure. The word mosaic refers to the many different
the movement of its organelles. kinds of proteins dispersed in the phospholipids bilayer.
f. Peroxisomes - composed of:
The peroxisome, also called a 1. Phospholipid bilayer- double layer of phospholipid
microbody, is a specialized metabolic compartment Phospholipid- kind of lipid made from glycerol, two fatty acids
bounded by a singlew membrane. It contains enzymes and a phosphate group
that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to have two ends that have different properties in water
oxygen, producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as aby- phosphate head- hydrophilic (“water- loving”) end; dissolves
product, from which the organelle derives its name. It easily in water
uses oxygen to help break down fats and also, lipid tails- hydrophobic (“water- fearing) end: do not dissolve in
detoxifies alcohol. water
Glyoxysomes- specialized 2. Cholesterol- type of lipid in the interior of the membrane and
peroxisomes in plants responsible for converting stored help to make the membrane less permeable to water- soluble
fats into sugars. substances, its rigid structure helps to stabilize the membrane
Microfilaments 3. membrane proteins;
 Intermediate filaments a. peripheral proteins- attached at the inner or outer membrane
 Microtubules surface
 Flagella and Cilia b. intrinsic proteins- embedded within the membrane
Intermediate filaments - some are links to sugar- protein markers on the cell
 Are made of several strands of fibrous proteins that are surface
wound together - others help to move ions or molecules across the
 Maintains the shape of the cell and anchor the nucleus membrane
and other organelles in place 4. Glycocalyx (“cell coat”) - the glycoprotein and glycolipid
Microtubules covering that surrounds many eukaryotic cells
 Are small hollow tubes. The wall of the microtubule is > glycoproteins- produced by the union of
made polymerized dimers of a-tubulin and B-tubulin, two carbohydrates with proteins
globular proteins. > glycolipids- produced by the union of carbohydrates
 Are also structural elements of flagella, cilia and with lipids
centrioles. - necessary for cell-to-cell recognition and the behavior of certain
Cilia & Flagella cells, and is a key component in coordinating cell behavior in
 Provide motility animals
 Cilia Functions:
 Short  regulates materials moving into and out of the cell, and
 Used to move substances outside human from one part of the cell to another
cells  Selective permeability- the ability of the plasma
 Flagella membrane to let some substances in and keep others
 Whip-like extensions out
 Found on sperm cells  separates the inside of the cell from the outside
 Basal bodies like centrioles  separates various organelles within the cell
Only for plants…  provides a large surface areas on which specific
Cell Wall( plant) chemical reactions can occur
The cell wall is a rigid structure  separates cells from one another
outside the cell membrane that supports and protects  site for receptors containing specific cell identification
the cell (for plants, fungi, and some protists and markers that differentiate one cell type from another
The cell wall is made of tough
cellulose fibers and other materials made by the cell.

Chloroplast (plant)
Chloroplasts contain a green
pigment called chlorophyll. This is what makes plants
Chloroplasts take in sunlight,
water and carbon dioxide to make oxygen and sugar (a
form of food). This process is called photosynthesis.
Vacuoles store water, food, pigments, waste
or other materials.

Exclusively for animals

 Pairs of microtubular structures
 Play a role in cell division
Lysosomes- suicidal bags
 Contain digestive enzymes
 Functions
 Aid in cell renewal
 Break down old cell parts

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