8.permutations and Combinations

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Permutations and Combinations

CLASS 11 & 12




8 Permutations and Combinations

QUICK LOOK  The number of arrangements of n different things round a
closed curve = (n – 1)! if clockwise and anticlockwise
Fundamental Principles
 Factorial Notation: Let n be a positive integer. Then, the arrangements are considered different, ( n − 1)! if clockwise
continued product of first n natural numbers is called
and anticlockwise arrangements are considered identical.
factorial n, to be denoted by n! or n. Also, we define 0! = 1.
(Circular permutation)
when n is negative or a fraction, n ! is not defined.
Thus, n ! = n (n – 1) (n – 2) ......3.2.1.
Counting Formulae for Combination
Deduction: n ! = n(n – 1) (n – 2) (n – 3) ......3.2.1
 The number of combinations (selections) of n different
= n[(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3)......3.2.1] = n [(n − 1)!]
Thus, 5! = 5 × (4!),3! = 3 × (2!) and 2! = 2 × (1!) things taking r at a time = n Cr = .
r !(n − r )!
Also, 1! = 1× (0!) ⇒ 0! = 1 .  The total number of selections of one ore more objects from
 Exponent of Prime p in n!: Let p be a prime number and n n different objects = 2n − 1( = n C1 + n C2 + n C3 + ... + n Cn ).
be a positive integer. Then the last integer amongst 1, 2, 3,  Total number of selections of any number of things from n
n identical things = n + 1 (when selection of 0 things is
.......(n – 1), n which is divisible by p is   p, where
 p allowed) n(when at least one thing is to be selected).
n n  The total number of selections from p like things, q like
 p  denote the greatest integer less than or equal to p . things of another type and r distinct things
 
= ( p + 1) (q + 1)2 r − 1 (if at least one thing is to be selected)

Counting of Number of Ways to do Some Work: If a work ( p + 1) (q + 1)2r − 2 (if none or all cannot be selected)
W consists of two parts W1, W2 of which one part can be done  The total number of selections of r things from n different
in m ways and the other part in n ways then things when each thing can be repeated unlimited number of
 The work W can be done in m +n ways, if by doing any of times = n + r −1 Cr .
the parts the work W is done. (Addition law of counting)
 The work W can be done in mn ways, if both the parts are to Number of Distributions
be done one after the other to do the work W.  The number of ways to distribute n different things between
(Multiplication law of counting). Similar is the law for two persons, one receiving p things and the other q things,
works that have 3 or more parts. If a work is to be done where p + q = n , n = n C p × n − p C p
under some restriction then
n! ( n − p )! n!
 The number of ways to do the work under the restriction = (the = × = {∵n = p + q}
p !(n − p )! q !( n − p − q)! p ! q !
number of ways to do the work without restriction) – (the
number of ways to do the work under opposite restriction). Similarly for 3 persons, the number of ways
= , where p + q + r = n.
Counting Formulae for Permutation p !q !r !
 The number of permutations (arrangements) of n different  The number of ways to distribute m × n different things
n! (mn)!
things taking r at a time = n Pr = where n ! = 1.2.3...n among n persons equally .
(n − r )! (m !) n
 The number of permutations of n things taking at a time of  The number of ways to divide n different things into three
which p things are identical, q things are identical of n! 1
n! bundles of p, q and r things = . .
another type and the rest are different = . p !q !r ! 3!
p! q!
 The number of ways to divide m × n different things into n


162 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
(mn)! 1 arrangement are not distinct e.g., arrangement of beads in a
equal bundles . .
(m !) n n ! necklace, arrangement of flowers in garland etc. then the
 The total number of ways to divide n identical things among number of circular permutations of n distinct items is

r persons = n + r −1 Cr −1 . (n − 1)!
 The total number of ways to divide n identical things among
 Theorem on Circular Permutations
r persons so that each gets at least one = n −1 Cr −1 . Theorem 1: The number of circular permutations of n
different objects is (n – 1)!
Note Theorem 2: The number of ways in which n persons can be
Gap Method: Suppose 5 males A, B, C, D, E are arranged in a
seated round a table is (n – 1)!
row as × A × B × C × D × E ×. There will be six gaps between
Theorem 3: The number of ways in which n different beads
these five. Four in between and two at either end. Now if three
females P, Q,R are to be arranged so that no two are together can be arranged to form a necklace, is (n − 1)!.
we shall use gap method i.e., arrange them in between these 6
gaps. Hence the answer will be 6P3. Note
Together: Suppose we have to arrange 5 persons in a row  When the positions are numbered, circular arrangement is
which can be done in 5! = 120 ways. But if two particular treated as a linear arrangement.
persons are to be together always, then we tie these two  In a linear arrangement, it does not make difference whether
particular persons with a string. Thus we have 5 – 2 + 1 (1 the positions are numbered or not.
corresponding to these two together) = 3 +1 = 4 units, which Combination and its Operations
can be arranged in 4! ways. Now we loosen the string and these The number of all combinations of n things, taken r at a time is

two particular can be arranged in 2! ways. Thus total
arrangements = 24 × 2 = 48. denoted by C (n, r ) or n Cr or nr .
Never together = Total –Together = 120 – 48 = 72.  Difference between a Permutation and Combination: In
a combination only selection is made whereas in a

Circular Permutations
permutation not only a selection is made but also an
In circular permutations, what really matters is the position of
arrangement in a definite order is considered.
an object relative to the others. Thus, in circular permutations,
In a combination, the ordering of the selected objects is
we fix the position of the one of the objects and then arrange
immaterial whereas in a permutation, the ordering is
the other objects in all possible ways. There are two types of
essential. For example A,B and B,A are same as combination
circular permutations:
but different as permutations.
 The circular permutations in which clockwise and the
Practically to find the permutation of n different items,
anticlockwise arrangements give rise to different permutations,
taken r at a time, we first select r items from n items and
e.g. Seating arrangements of persons round a table.
then arrange them. So usually the number of permutations
 The circular permutations in which clockwise and the
exceeds the number of combinations.
anticlockwise arrangements give rise to same permutations,
 Number of Combinations without Repetition: The
e.g. arranging some beads to form a necklace.
number of combinations (selections or groups) that can be
Look at the circular permutations, given below:
formed from n different objects taken r (0 ≤ r ≤ n ) at a time
A A n!
is nCr =
B B D r !( n − r )!
C C Let the total number of selections (or groups) = x. Each
group contains r objects, which can be arranged in r ! ways.
Suppose A, B, C, D are the four beads forming a necklace. Hence the number of arrangements of r objects =
They have been arranged in clockwise and anticlockwise x × ( r !). But the number of arrangements = nPr.
directions in the first and second arrangements respectively. ⇒ x × (r!) = nPr.
 Difference between Clockwise and Anticlockwise n
⇒ x=
Arrangement: If anticlockwise and clockwise order of r!


Permutations and Combinations 163
n!  The number of selections taking at least one out of
⇒ x= = n Cr
r !(n − r )! a1 + a2 + a3 + ...... + an + k objects, where a1 are alike (of
 Number of combinations of n dissimilar things taken all at a one kind), a2 are alike (of second kind) and so on...... .an are

time n Cn =
n! 1
= = 1, (∵0! = 1). alike (of nth kind) and k are distinct
n !(n − n)! 0! = [( a1 + 1) ( a2 + 1) ( a3 + 1).......( an + 1)] 2k − 1.

Note Conditional Combinations

 Cr is a natural number.  The number of ways in which r objects can be selected from
C0 = n Cn = 1, n C1 = n n different objects if k particular objects are: Always
n−k n−k
included = Cr − k and Never included = Cr
C r = n Cn − r
 The number of combinations of n objects, of which p are
Cr + n Cr −1 = n +1Cr
identical, taken r at a time is
Cx = n C y ⇔ x = y or x + y = n = n− p
Cr + n − p Cr −1 + n − p Cr − 2 + ....... + n − p C0 if r ≤ p and
 n . n −1Cr −1 = (n − r + 1) n Cr −1 = n− p
Cr + n − p Cr −1 + n − p Cr − 2 + ....... + n − p Cr − p if r > p
 If n is even then the greatest value of n Cr is n Cn / 2 .
Derangement and Geometrical Problems
n n
n Cn +1 Cn −1  Derangement: Any change in the given order of the things
 If n is odd then the greatest value of Cr is or .
2 2 is called a derangement. If n things form an arrangement in
n a row, the number of ways in which they can be deranged
Cr = .n −1 Cr −1
r so that no one of them occupies its original place is
n − r +1  1 1 1 1
= n !1 − + − + ...... + (−1)n .  .
Cr −1 r  1! 2! 3! n! 
C0 + n C1 + n C2 + ..... + n Cn = 2 n Some Important Results for Geometrical Problems

C0 + n C2 + n C4 + ...... = n C1 + n C3 + n C5 + ..... = 2 n −1  Number of total different straight lines formed by joining
2 n +1 the n points on a plane of which m(<n) are collinear is
 C0 + 2 n +1C1 + 2 n +1C2 + ..... + 2 n +1Cn = 22 n
C2 − m C2 + 1 .
Cn + n +1Cn + n + 2 Cn + n + 3Cn + .... + 2 n −1Cn = 2 n Cn +1
 Number of total triangles formed by joining the n points on
Number of Combinations with Repetition and All Possible a plane of which m (< n) are collinear is n C3 − m C3 .
Selections  Number of diagonals in a polygon of n sides is n C2 − n.
 The number of combinations of n distinct objects taken r at
 If m parallel lines in a plane are intersected by a family of
a time when any object may be repeated any number of
other n parallel lines. Then total number of parallelograms
mn( m − 1)(n − 1)
= coefficient of x in (1 + x + x 2 + ....... + x r ) n so formed is m C2 ×n C2 i.e
= coefficient of x in (1 − x) − n = n + r −1Cr  Given n points on the circumference of a circle, then
 The total number of ways in which it is possible to form Number of straight lines = n C2
groups by taking some or all of n things at a time is 2 n − 1. Number of triangles = n C3
 The total number of ways in which it is possible to make Number of quadrilaterals = n C4 . .
groups by taking some or all out of n = (n1 + n2 + ....) things,  If n straight lines are drawn in the plane such that no two
when n1 are alike of one kind, n2 are alike of second kind, lines are parallel and no three lines are concurrent. Then the
and so on is {( n1 + 1) ( n2 + 1)......} − 1. number of part into which these lines divide the plane is =
 The number of selections of r objects out of n identical 1 + Σn.
objects is 1.  Number of rectangles of any size in a square of n × n is
n n
 Total number of selections of zero or more objects from n
identical objects is n + 1.
r =1
and number of squares of any size is ∑r
r =1


164 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
 In a rectangle of n × p ( n < p ) number of rectangles of any Number of Divisors
np Let N = p1α1 . p2α 2 . p3α3 ...... pkα k , where p1 , p2 , p3 ,...... pk are different
size is (n + 1) ( p + 1) and number of squares of any size is
4 primes and α1 , α 2 , α 3 ,......, α k are natural numbers then:

∑ (n + 1 − r ) ( p + 1 − r ).
r =1
 The total number of divisors of N including 1 and N is
= (α1 + 1) (α 2 + 1) (α 3 + 1)....(α k + 1)
 The total number of divisors of N excluding 1 and N is
Use of Solution of Linear Equations and Coefficient of a Power
in Expansion to Find the Number of Ways of Distribution = (α1 + 1) (α 2 + 1) (α 3 + 1).....(α k + 1) − 2
 The number of integral solutions of x1 + x2 + x3 +…+ xr = n  The total number of divisors of N excluding 1 or N is
where x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, ...xr ≥ 0 is the same as the number of = (α1 + 1) (α 2 + 1) (α 3 + 1).....(α k + 1) − 1
ways to distribute n identical things among r persons. This  The sum of these divisors is
is also equal to the coefficient of xn in the expansion of
= ( p10 + p12 + p32 + ...... + p1α1 ) ( p20 + p12 + p22 + ... + p2α 2 ).....
( x + x + x + x + ..)
0 1 2 3 r
( pk0 + p1k + pk2 + .... + pkα k )
 1 
= coefficient of xn in   = coefficient of x in (1–x) 
n –r The number of ways in which N can be resolved as a
1− x  product of two factors is
= coefficient of xn in
 r (r + 1) 2 r (r + 1)(r + 2)...(r + n − 1) n   2 (α1 + 1) (α 2 + 1)....(α k + 1), If N is not a perfect square
1 + rx + x + ... + x + .... 1
 2! n !   [(α1 + 1)(α 2 + 1).....(α k + 1) + 1], If N is a perfect square
r (r + 1)(r + 2)...(r + n − 1) (r + n − 1)! n + r −1
= = = Cr −1 .  The number of ways in which a composite number N can
n! n !(r − 1)!
be resolved into two factors which are relatively prime (or
 The number of integral solutions of x1 + x2 + x3 +…+ xr = n
co-prime) to each other is equal to 2n−1 where n is the
where x1 ≥ 1, x2 ≥ 1, ..., xr ≥ 1 is the same as the number of
number of different factors in N.

ways to distribute n identical things among r persons each

getting at least 1. This is also equal to the coefficient of xn in
the expansion of ( x1 + x2 + x3 + ....) r = coefficient of xn in
 All the numbers whose last digit is an even number 0, 2, 4,
 x  6 or 8 are divisible by 2.
 
1− x   All the numbers sum of whose digits are divisible by 3,is
= coefficient of xn in xr (1–x)–r = coefficient of xn in divisible by 3 e.g. 534. Sum of the digits is 12, which are
 r (r + 1) 2 r (r + 1)(r + 2)...(r + n − 1) n  divisible by 3, and hence 534 is also divisible by 3.
x r 1 + rx + x + ... + x + ....
 2! n!   All those numbers whose last two-digit number is divisible
= coefficient of xn–r in by 4 are divisible by 4 e.g. 7312, 8936, are such that 12, 36
 r (r + 1) 2 r (r + 1)(r + 2)...(r + n − 1) n  are divisible by 4 and hence the given numbers are also
1 + rx + x + ... + x + ....
 2! n!  divisible by 4.
r (r + 1)(r + 2)...(r + n − r − 1) r (r + 1)(r + 2)...(n − 1)  All those numbers, which have either 0 or 5 as the last digit,
= =
(n − r )! (n − r )! are divisible by 5.
(n − 1)! n −1  All those numbers, which are divisible by 2 and 3
= = Cr −1
(n − r )!(r − 1)! simultaneously, are divisible by 6. e.g., 108, 756 etc.
Note  All those numbers whose last three-digit number is divisible
The number of solutions of x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 20 where by 8 are divisible by 8.
x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 1, x3 ≥ 3, x4 ≥ 5 is equal to the coefficient of x in 20  All those numbers sum of whose digit is divisible by 9 are
divisible by 9.
( x 0 + x1 + x 2 + ....) (x1 + x 2 + x 3 +...) × ( x 3 + x 4 + x 5 + ....)
 All those numbers whose last two digits are divisible by 25
( x 5 + x 6 + x 7 + ....).
are divisible by 25 e.g., 73125, 2400 etc.


Permutations and Combinations 165
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 8. We are to form different words with the letters of the
Fundamental Principles word ‘INTEGER’. Let m1 be the number of words in
1. A college offers 7 courses in the morning and 5 in the which I and N are never together, and m2 be the number of
evening. The number of ways a student can select exactly words which begin with I and end with R. Then m1 / m2 is
one course, either in the morning or in the evening: equal to:
a. 27 b. 15 a. 30 b. 60 c. 90 d. 180
c. 12 d. 35
9. An n digit number is a positive number with exactly n
2. In a monthly test, the teacher decides that there will be digits. Nine hundred distinct n-digit numbers are to be
three questions, one from each of exercise 7, 8 and 9 of formed using only the three digits 2, 5 and 7. The smallest
the text book. If there are 12 questions in exercise 7, 18 in value of n for which this is possible is:
exercise 8 and 9 in exercise 9, in how many ways can a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
three questions be selected?
10. The number of numbers that can be formed with the help
a. 1944 b. 1499
of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 so that odd digits always
c. 4991 d. None of these
occupy odd places, is:
Operations of Permutation a. 24 b. 18
c. 12 d. 30
3. How many numbers can be made with the help of the
digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which are greater than 3000: Circular Permutations
(repetition is not allowed)
11. The number of ways in which 5 male and 2 female
a. 180 b. 360
members of a committee can be seated around a round
c. 1380 d. 1500
table so that the two female are not seated together is:
4. The number of arrangement of the letters of the word a. 480 b. 600
“CALCUTTA”? c. 720 d. 840

a. 2520 b. 5040
12. If eleven members of a committee sit at a round table so
c. 10080 d. 40320
that the President and Secretary always sit together, then
5. How many words can be made from the letters of the the number of arrangements is:
word ‘COMMITTEE?’ a. 10 ! × 2 b. 10!
9! 9! c. 9! × 2 d. None of these
a. b.
(2!)2 (2!)3
13. In how many ways can 5 boys and 5 girls sit in a circle so
c. d. 9 ! that no two boys sit together?
a. 5!× 5! b. 4! × 5!
Conditional Permutations 5 !× 5 !
c. d. None of these
6. m men and n women are to be seated in a row, so that no 2
two women sit together. If m > n , then the number of 14. In how many ways can 15 members of a council sit along
ways in which they can be seated is: a circular table, when the Secretary is to sit on one side of
m !(m + 1)! m !(m − 1)! the Chairman and the Deputy Secretary on the other side?
a. b.
(m − n + 1)! (m − n + 1)! a. 2 × 12! b. 24
(m − 1)!(m + 1)! c. 2 × 15! d. None of these
c. d. None of these
(m − n + 1)!
15. 20 persons are invited for a party. In how many different
7. If the letters of the word ‘KRISNA’ are arranged in all ways can they and the host be seated at a circular table, if
possible ways and these words are written out as in a the two particular persons are to be seated on either side
dictionary, then the rank of the word ‘KRISNA’ is: of the host?
a. 324 b. 341 a. 20! b. 2.18!
c. 359 d. None of these c. 18 ! d. None of these


166 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
16. The number of ways in which 5 beads of different colours 26. In how many ways can 5 prizes be distributed among four
form a necklace is: students when every student can take one or more prizes?
a. 12 b. 24 c. 120 d. 60 a. 1024 b. 625 c. 120 d. 60
17. In how many ways 7 men and 7 women can be seated 27. The number of ways in which 9 persons can be divided
around a round table such that no two women can sit into three equal groups is:
together: a. 1680 b. 840
a. (7!)2 b. 7!× 6! c. (6!) 2 d. 7! c. 560 d. 280
18. The number of ways that 8 beads of different colours be 28. A man has 7 friends. In how many ways he can invite one
string as a necklace is: or more of them for a tea party:
a. 2520 b. 2880 c. 5040 d. 4320 a. 128 b. 256 c. 127 d. 130

Combination and its Operations 29. In how many ways can a girl and a boy be selected from a
group of 15 boys and 8 girls?
19. If 15
C3 r =15Cr +3 , then the value of r is:
a. 15 × 8 b. 15 + 8 c. 23
P2 d. 23
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 8
Cr 30. If 2n
C 3 : n C 2 = 44 : 3 , then for which of the following
20. n
Cr −1 values of r , the value of n
C r will be 15?
n−r n + r −1 n − r +1 n − r −1 a. r = 3 b. r = 4
a. b. c. d.
r r r r c. r = 6 d. r = 5
n +1
21. If C3 = 2 nC2 , then n =? n 2 −n 2
31. If C2 =n C10 , then n = ?
a. 3 b. 4
a. 12 b. 4 only
c. 5 d. 6
c. −3 only d. 4 or −3
22. There are 10 lamps in a hall. Each one of them can be
32. In a conference of 8 persons, if each person shake hand

switched on independently. The number of ways in which

with the other one only, then the total number of shake
the hall can be illuminated is?
hands shall be:
a. 10 2 b. 1023
a. 64 b. 56
c. 2 d. 10! c. 49 d. 28
23. Numbers greater than 1000 but not greater than 4000
33. If 8 Cr =8Cr + 2 , then the value of r C2 is:
which can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
a. 8 b. 3
(repetition of digits is allowed), are:
c. 5 d. 2
a. 350 b. 375
c. 450 d. 576 34. Everybody in a room shakes hand with everybody else.
The total number of hand shakes is 66. The total number
Conditional Combinations Division into Groups,
of persons in the room is:
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14
24. In the 13 cricket players 4 are bowlers, then how many m
ways can form a cricket team of 11 players in which at 35. ∑r =0
Cn = ?
least 2 bowlers included:
a. 55 b. 72 a. n + m +1 C n +1 b. n + m + 2 C n
c. 78 d. None of these c. n + m + 3 C n −1 d. None of these
25. In how many ways a team of 10 players out of 22 players 36. In an examination there are three multiple choice questions
can be made if 6 particular players are always to be and each question has 4 choices. Number of ways in which
included and 4 particular players are always excluded: a student can fail to get all answers correct, is:
22 18
a. C10 b. C3 a. 11 b. 12
c. 12
C4 d. 18
C4 c. 27 d. 63


Permutations and Combinations 167
37. In a city no two persons have identical set of teeth and 47. To fill 12 vacancies there are 25 candidates of which five
there is no person without a tooth. Also no person has are from scheduled caste. If 3 of the vacancies are
more than 32 teeth. If we disregard the shape and size of reserved for scheduled caste candidates while the rest are
tooth and consider only the positioning of the teeth, then open to all, then the number of ways in which the
the maximum population of the city is: selection can be made:
a. 2 32 b. (32 ) 2 − 1 a. 5 C 3 × 22 C 9 b. 22 C 9 − 5 C 3
c. 2 32 − 1 d. 2 32 −1 c. 22 C 3 + 5 C 3 d. None of these

38. If 10 C r = 10 C r + 2 , then 5
C r equals ? 48. There are 9 chairs in a room on which 6 persons are to be
a. 120 b. 10 c. 360 d. 5 seated, out of which one is guest with one specific chair.
In how many ways they can sit:
39. If n C 3 + n C 4 > n +1 C 3 , then:
a. 6720 b. 60480
a. n > 6 b. n > 7 c. 30 d. 346
c. n < 6 d .None of these
49. The number of ways in which 10 persons can go in two
40. The least value of natural number n satisfying boats so that there may be 5 on each boat, supposing that
C(n, 5 ) + C(n, 6 ) > C (n + 1, 5 ) is: two particular persons will not go in the same boat is
a. 11 b. 10 c. 12 d. 13 1
a. (10 C 5 ) b. 2( 8 C 4 )
41. If n and r are two positive integers such that n ≥ r, then 1
c. ( 8 C 5 ) d. None of these
C r −1 + n C r = ? 2

a. n C n −r b. n C r 50. A father with 8 children takes them 3 at a time to the

Zoological gardens, as often as he can without taking the
c. n −1 C r d. n +1 C r same 3 children together more than once. The number of
42. In an election there are 8 candidates, out of which 5 are to times he will go to the garden is:
a. 336 b. 112

be choosen. If a voter may vote for any number of

candidates but not greater than the number to be choosen, c. 56 d. None of these
then in how many ways can a voter vote:
Geometrical Problems
a. 216 b. 114
c. 218 d. None of these 51. There are four balls of different colours and four boxes of
colurs same as those of the balls. The number of ways in
43. In how many ways can 21 English and 19 Hindi books be
which the balls, one in each box, could be placed such that
placed in a row so that no two Hindi books are together?
a ball doesn't go to box of its own colour is:
a. 1540 b. 1450
a. 8 b. 7
c. 1504 d. 1405
c. 9 d. None of these
44. In how many ways a team of 11 players can be formed out
52. Out of 18 points in a plane, no three are in the same
of 25 players, if 6 out of them are always to be included
straight line except five points which are collinear. The
and 5 are always to be excluded:
number of:
a. 2020 b. 2002 c. 2008 d. 8002
(i) Straight lines
45. Out of 10 white, 9 black and 7 red balls, the number of a. 140 b. 142 c. 144 d. 146
ways in which selection of one or more balls can be made, (ii) Triangles which can be formed by joining them
is: a. 816 b. 806 c. 800 d. 750
a. 881 b. 891 c. 879 d. 892
53. The number of diagonals in a octagon will be:
46. In a touring cricket team there are 16 players in all a. 28 b. 20
including 5 bowlers and 2 wicket-keepers. How many c. 10 d. 16
teams of 11 players from these, can be chosen, so as to 54. How many triangles can be formed by joining four points
include three bowlers and one wicket-keeper: on a circle?
a. 650 b. 720 c. 750 d. 800 a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10


168 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
55. How many triangles can be drawn by means of 9 non- 63. The number of straight lines that can be formed by joining
collinear points? 20 points no three of which are in the same straight line
a. 84 b. 72 c. 144 d. 126 except 4 of them which are in the same line:
a. 183 b. 186 c. 197 d. 185
56. The number of straight lines joining 8 points on a circle is:
a. 8 b. 16
Multinomial Theorem
c. 24 d. 28
64. A student is allowed to select utmost n books from a
57. In a plane there are 10 points out of which 4 are collinear,
collection of (2n + 1) books. If the total number of ways in
then the number of triangles that can be formed by joining
these points are: which he can select one book is 63, then the value of n is:
a. 60 b. 116 a. 2 b. 3
c. 120 d. None of these c. 4 d. None of these

58. The straight lines I1 , I 2 , I 3 are parallel and lie in the same 65. If x, y and r are positive integers, then
plane. A total number of m points are taken on I1 , n
Cr + Cr −1 C1 + Cr −2 C2 + ..... + Cr = ?
x y x y y

points on I 2 , k points on I 3 . The maximum number of x! y! ( x + y )!

a. b.
triangles formed with vertices at these points are: r! r!
x+ y xy
a. m +n +k
C3 b. m+ n +k C3 − m C3 − n C3 − k C3 c. Cr d. Cr

c. m
C3 +nC3 +k C3 d. None of these Number of Divisors
59. Six points in a plane be joined in all possible ways by 66. The number of divisors of 9600 including 1 and 9600 are:
indefinite straight lines, and if no two of them be a. 60 b. 58
coincident or parallel, and no three pass through the same c. 48 d. 46
point (with the exception of the original 6 points). The
number of distinct points of intersection is equal to: NCERT EXEMPLAR PROBLEMS

a. 105 b. 45 More than One Answer

c. 51 d. None of these
67. The number of ways of painting the faces of a cube with
60. There are n straight lines in a plane, no two of which are six different colours is:
parallel and no three pass through the same point. Their a. 1 b. 6
points of intersection are joined. Then the number of fresh c. 6! d. 9 C2
lines thus obtained is:
68. Sanjay has 10 friends among whom two are married to
n(n − 1)(n − 2) n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3) each other. She wishes to invite 5 of the them for a party.
a. b.
8 6 If the married couple refuse to attend separately, the
n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3) number of different ways in which she can invite five
c. d. None of these
8 friends is:
61. In a plane there are 37 straight lines of which 13 pass a. 8C5 b. 2 × 8C3
through the point A and 11 pass through the point B . c. 10C5 – 2 × 8C4 d. none of these
Besides no three lines pass through one point, no line
passes through both points A and B and no two are 69. There are n seats round a table marked 1,2,3,…n. The
parallel. Then the number of intersection points the lines number of ways in which m(≤n) persons can takes seats is:
have is equal to: a. nPm b. n Cm × (m − 1)!
a. 535 b. 601 n −1
c. nCm × m! d. Pm −1
c. 728 d. None of these
70. The number of ways in which 10 candidates A1, A2,…, A10
62. There are 16 points in a plane, no three of which are in a
can be ranked, so that A1 is always above A2 is:
straight line except 8 which are all in a straight line. The
number of triangles that can be formed by joining them a. b. 8!× 10 C2
a. 504 b. 552 c. 560 d. 1120 c. 10 P2 d. 10


Permutations and Combinations 169
71. In a class tournament when the participants were to play 2
(n )!
one game with another, two class players fell ill, having 78. Assertion: If n is a natural number then is a
(n !) n +1
played 3 games each. If the total number of games played natural number.
is 84, the number of participants at the beginning was: Reason: The number of ways of dividing mn students into
a. 15 b. 30
c. C2 d. 48 m groups each containing n students is
m!(n!) m
72. The number of ways of distributing 10 different books n n +1 n+2
among 4 students ( S1 − S4 ) such that S1 and S2 get 2 books 79. Let n ∈ N , and f (n) = n
Pn n +1
Pn +1 n+2
Pn + 2
each and S3 and S4 get books each is: n n +1 n+ 2
Cn Cn +1 Cn + 2

a. 12600 b. 25200 c. 10
C4 d.
10! Assertion: f (n) is an integer for all n ∈ N.
2!2!3!3! Reason: If elements of a determinant are integers, then
73 The number of ways to select 2 numbers from {0,1,2,3,4} determinant itself is an integer.
n n
 n  k 
such that the sum of the squares of the selected numbers is 80. Assertion: ∑∑  k  j  = 3 n
− 2n
divisible by 5 are: (repetition of digits is allowed) j =1 k = j   
a. 9C1 b. 9C8 c. 9 d. 7 n
Reason: ∑( C ) n
= 2 nCn
74. The number of ways of arranging seven persons (having A, k =1

B, C and D among them) in a row so that A, B, C and D are 81. Assertion: The number of ways of distributing at most 12
always in order A–B–C–D (not necessarily together) is: toys to three children A1, A2 and A3 so that A1 gets at least
a. 210 b. 5040 one, A2 at least three and A3 at most five, is 145.
c. 6 × 7C4 d. 7C3 Reason: the number of non-negative integral solutions

75. Total number of ways of giving at least one coin out of of x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ m b is m −1 P2 .

three 25 paise and two 50 pasise coins to a beggar is:  40  60   40   60 
82. Assertion: The expression    +     +…
d. 12P1 – 1

a. 32 b. 12 c. 11  4  0   r − 1  1 
76. If α = x1 x2 x3 and β = y1 y2 y3 be two three digits numbers, attains maximum value when r = 50.
the number of pairs of α and β can be formed so that  2n 
Reason:   is maximum when r = n.
α can be subtracted from β without borrowing is:  r 
83. Assertion: The number of non-negative integral solution
a. 2!10!10! b. (45)(55) 2
 120 
c. 32.53.112 d. 136125 of x1 + x2 + … + x20 = 100 is  .
 20 
Assertion and Reason Reason: The number of ways of distributing n identical
objects among r persons giving zero or more objects to a
Note: Read the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) carefully to mark
 n + r − 1
the correct option out of the options given below: person is  .
 r −1 
a. If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the
84. Assertion: The sum of divisors of n = 210325372112 is
correct explanation of the assertion.
1 11
b. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the (2 − 1)(33 − 1) (54 − 1) (73 − 1) (113 − 1)
correct explanation of the assertion. 48
c. If assertion is true but reason is false. Reason: The number of divisor of m = p1α1 p2α 2 ... prα r where
d. If the assertion and reason both are false. p1 , p2 ,... pr are distinct primes and α1 , α 2 ,...α r are natural
e. If assertion is false but reason is true. numbers is (α1 + 1)(α 2 + 1)...(α r + 1).
77. Assertion: The number of ways of distributing 10 85. Assertion: If p is a prime, the exponent of p in n!
identical balls in 4 distinct boxes such that no box is
n  n   n 
empty is 9C3 is   +  2  +  3  + ...
Reason: The number of ways of choosing 3 places from 9  p  p   p 
different place is 9C3. Reason: where [x] denotes the greatest integer ≤ x.


170 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
86. Assertion: A student is allowed to select at most n books 93. Observe the following columns:
from a collection of (2n + 1) books. If the total number of Column I Column II
ways in which he can select at least one book is 255, then (A) If λ be the number of ways in 1. 5!
n = 3. which 6 boys and 5 girls can
be arranged in a line so that
 2n + 1  2n + 1  2n + 1 
+  + ... +  =4
Reason:  they are alternate, the λ is
 0   1   n  divisible by.
Comprehension Based (B) If λ be number of ways in 2. 6!
Different words are being formed by arranging the letters of the which 6 boys and 5 girl can
word “SUCCESS”. All the words obtained by written in the be seated in a row such that
two girls are never together,
form of a dictionary.
then λis divisible by.
87. The number of words in which the two C are together but (C) If λbe the number of ways in 3. 7!
no two S are together is: which 6 boys and 5 girls can
a. 120 b. 96 c. 24 d. 420 be seated around a round
88. The number of words in which no two C and no two S are table if all the five girls do
together is: not sit together, thenλis
a. 120 b. 96 c. 24 d. 420 divisible by
4. 5!6!
89. The number of words in which the consonants appear in 5. 5!7!
alphabetic order is: a. A→1,2,4; B→2,4; C→3,5 b.A→2,1,4; B→4,2, C→3,5
a. 42 b. 40 c. 420 d. 280 c. A→1,2,5; B→2,5; C→3,4 d.A→4,2,1; B→2,4; C→5,3
90. The rank of the word ‘SUCCESS’ in the dictionary is:
a. 328 b. 329 c. 330 d. 331
94. If the number of ways of selecting n coupons out of an

91. The number of words in which the relative positions of unlimited number of coupons bearing the letters A, T, C
vowels and consonants unaltered is: so that they cannot be used to spell to the used CAT is
a. 20 b. 60 c. 180 d. 540 189, then Σn 2 must be:

Match the Column 95. If 12

Pr = 11880, then ∑ λ C must be (where λ = r + 3 )
i =1

92. Consider all possible permutations of the letters of the 96. The letters of the word PATNA are arrange in all possible
word ENDEANOEL: ways as in a dictionary, then rank of the word PATNA
Column I Column II from last is:
(A) The number of permutations 1. 5! 97. The sum of all values of r in
containing the word ENDEA, is
 18   18   18   20 
(B) The number of permutations in 2. 2 × 5!  r − 2  + 2  r − 2  +  r  ≥  13  must be:
       
which the letter E occurs in the
first and the last position, is 98. The number of integral solutions of a + b + c = 0,
a ≥ −5, b ≥ −5, c ≥ −5 must be:
(C) The number of permutations in 3. 7 × 5!
which none of the letters D, L, 99. Let n1 < n2 < n3 < n4 < n5 be positive integers such that
N occurs in the last five n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 = 20. The number of such distinct
positions, is arrangements (n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 , n5 ) is:
(D) The number of permutations in 4. 21 × 5! 100. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer. Taken n distinct points on a circle
which the letters A, E, O occur and join each pair of points by a line segment. Colour the
only in odd positions, is line segment joining every pair of adjacent points by blue
a. A→1; B→4; C→2; D→2 b. A→2; B→3; C→4; D→1 and the rest by red. If the number of red and blue line
c. A→4; B→2; C→1; D→3 d. A→3; B→3; C→2; D→1 segments are equal, then the value of n is:


Permutations and Combinations 171
ANSWER Hence total required number of numbers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
= 600 + 600 + 180 = 1380.
c a c b b a a a b b 8!
4. (b) Required number of ways = = 5040.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2!2!2!
a c b a b a b a a c
[since here 2C’s, 2T’s and 2A’s]
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
c b b c c a d c a b 9! 9!
5. (b) Number of words = = [Since here total
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 2!2!2! (2!)3
d d b b a d c d a a number of letters is 9 and 2M’s, 2T’s and 2E’s]
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
6. (a) First arrange m men, in a row in m! ways. Since n < m
d c a b c b a a b c
and no two women can sit together, in any one of the m!
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
arrangement, there are (m + 1) places in which n women
c c,d b a a d b b c c m +1
can be arranged in Pn ways.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
∴ By the fundamental theorem, the required number of
a d b c c a,d b,c a,c a,b
m +1 m !(m + 1)!
71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. arrangement = m ! Pn = .
a,c b,d a,b,c a,c,d c,d b,c,d b a a c (m − n + 1)!
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
7. (a) Words starting from A are 5 ! = 120;
d a b b a d c b a d
Words starting from I are 5 ! = 120
91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Words starting from KA are 4! = 24;
a a a 91 127 19 70 136 7 5
Words starting from KI are 4 ! = 24
SOLUTION Words starting from KN are 4 ! = 24; Words starting from
Multiple Choice Questions KRA are 3 ! = 6
Words starting from KRIA are 2 ! = 2; Words starting

1. (c) The student has seven choices from the morning

from KRIN are 2 ! = 2
courses out of which he can select one course in 7 ways. Words starting from KRIS are 1 ! = 1 Words starting from
For the evening course, he has 5 choices out of which he KRISNA are 1 ! = 1
can select one course in 5 ways. Hence rank of the word KRISNA is 324
Hence he has total number of 7 + 5 = 12 choices.
8. (a) We have 5 letters other than ‘I’ and ‘N’ of which two
2. (a) There are 12 questions in exercise 7. So, one question are identical (E's). We can arrange these letters in a line in
from exercise 7 can be selected in 12 ways. Exercise 8
contains 18 questions. So, second question can be selected ways. In any such arrangement ‘I’ and ‘N’ can be
in 18 ways. There are 9 questions in exercise 9. So, third
placed in 6 available gaps in 6 P2 ways, so required number
question can be selected in 9 ways. Hence, three questions
can be selected in 12 × 18 × 9 = 1944 ways. 5! 6
= P2 = m1 .
3. (c) All the 5 digit numbers and 6 digit numbers are greater
Now, if word start with I and end with R then the
than 3000. Therefore number of 5 digit numbers
remaining letters are 5. So, total number of ways =
= 6 P5 −5 P5 = 600.
{Since the case that 0 will be at ten thousand place should = m2 .
be omit}.
m1 5! 6! 2!
Similarly number of 6 digit numbers 6! – 5! = 600. ∴ = . . = 30.
m2 2! 4! 5!
Now the numbers of 4 digit numbers which are greater
than 3000, having 3, 4 or 5 at first place, this can be done 9. (b) Since at any place, any of the digits 2, 5 and 7 can be
in 3 ways and remaining 3 digit may be filled from used total number of such positive n-digit numbers are
remaining 5 digits i.e., required number of 4 digit numbers 3n. Since we have to form 900 distinct numbers,
are 5P3 × 3 = 180. Hence 3n ≥ 900 ⇒ n = 7.


172 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
10. (b) The 4 odd digits 1, 3, 3, 1 can be arranged in the 4 odd 17. (b) Fix up 1 man and the remaining 6 men can be seated in
4! 6! ways. Now no two women are to sit together and as such
places, in = 6 ways and 3 even digits 2, 4, 2 can be
2!2! the 7 women are to be arranged in seven empty seats between
3! two consecutive men and number of arrangement will be 7!.
arranged in the three even places = 3 ways. Hence by fundamental theorem the total number of ways
= 7! × 6!
Hence the required number of ways = 6 × 3 = 18.
18. (a) 8 different beads can be arranged in circular form in
11. (a) Fix up a male and the remaining 4 male can be seated
(8 – 1)! = 7! ways. Since there is no distinction between
in 4! ways. Now no two female are to sit together and as
the clockwise and anticlockwise arrangement. So the
such the 2 female are to be arranged in five empty seats
between two consecutive male and number of required number of arrangements = = 2520.
arrangement will be P2 . Hence by fundamental theorem 19. (a) 15
C3r =15Cr + 3
the total number of ways is = 4! × 5 P2 = 24 × 20 = 480 ⇒ 15
C15−3r =15Cr + 3
ways. ⇒ 15 − 3r = r + 3
12. (c) Required number of ways 9 ! × 2 . ⇒ r = 3.
Cr n!
{By fundamental property of circular permutation}. 20. (c) =
Cr −1 r !(n − r )!
13. (b) Since total number of ways in which boys can occupy n!
any place is (5 − 1) ! = 4 ! and the 5 girls can be sit (r − 1)!(n − r + 1)!

accordingly in 5 ! ways. n! (r − 1)!(n − r + 1)!

⇒ ×
r !(n − r )! n!
Hence required number of ways are 4 ! × 5 ! .
(n − r + 1)(r − 1)!(n − r )! (n − r + 1)
= = .
14. (a) Since total members are 15, but one is to left, because r (r − 1)!(n − r )! r

of circular condition, therefore remaining members are 14

n +1
but three special member constitute a member. Therefore 21. (c) C3 = 2.n C2

required number of arrangements are 12 ! × 2 , because, (n + 1)! n!

⇒ = 2.
3!(n − 2)! 2!(n − 2)!
chairman remains between the two specified persons and
n +1 2
the person can sit in two ways. ⇒ =
3.2! 2!
15. (b) There are 20 + 1 = 21 persons in all. The two ⇒ n +1 = 6
particular persons and the host be taken as one unit so that ⇒ n = 5.
these remain 21 – 3 + 1 = 19 persons to be arranged in 18! 5
C3 ×22 C9 .
ways. But the two person on either side of the host can
themselves be arranged in 2! ways. Hence there are 2! 18! 22. (b) Number of ways are = 210 − 1 = 1023
ways or 2.18! ways. [– 1 corresponds to none of the lamps is being switched
16. (a) The number of ways in which 5 beads of different
23. (b) Numbers greater than 1000 and less than or equal to
colours can be arranged in a circle to form a necklace are
4000 will be of 4 digits and will have either 1 (except
(5 − 1) ! = 4 ! . 1000) or 2 or 3 in the first place with 0 in each of
But the clockwise and anticlockwise arrangement are not remaining places.
different (because when the necklace is turned over one
After fixing 1st place, the second place can be filled by
gives rise to another)
any of the 5 numbers. Similarly third place can be filled
Hence the total number of ways of arranging the beads up in 5 ways and 4th place can be filled up in 5 ways. Thus
1 there will be 5 × 5 × 5 = 125 ways in which 1 will be in
= (4 !) = 12 .
2 first place but this include 1000 also hence there will be


Permutations and Combinations 173
124 numbers having 1 in the first place. Similarly 125 for 33. (b) Cr = Cr + 2
8 8

each 2 or 3. One number will be in which 4 in the first ⇒ 8−r = r +2

place and i.e., 4000. Hence the required numbers are 124 ⇒ r =3
+ 125 + 125 +1 = 375 ways.
Hence 3 C2 = 3 .

24. (c) The number of ways can be given as follows: 34. (b) n
C2 = 66
2 bowlers and 9 other players
⇒ n(n − 1) = 132
= 4 C2 ×9C9 ; 3 bowlers and 8 other players = 4 C3 ×9C8
⇒ n = 12 .
4 bowlers and 7 other players = 4 C4 ×9C7
35. (a) Since n Cr = n Cn−r and n Cr −1 + n Cr = n +1Cr we have
Hence required number of ways
m m
= 6 × 1 + 4 × 9 + 1 × 36 = 78.

r =0
Cn = ∑ n + r Cr = nC0 + n +1C1 + n + 2C2 + ...... + n + mCm
r =0
25. (c) 6 particular players are always to be included and 4 are
always excluded, so total number of selection, now 4 = [1 + ( n + 1)] + n + 2C2 + n +3C3 + ........ + n + mCm
players out of 12. Hence number of ways = 12
C4 . = n + m+1Cn +1
[∵ n Cr = nCn −r ] .
26. (a) The required number of ways = 45 = 1024
[since each prize can be distributed by 4 ways] 36. (d) Each question can be answered in 4 ways and all
9! 9×8× 7 × 6 × 5× 4 questions can be answered correctly in only one way, so
27. (d) Total ways = = = 280. required number of ways = 43 – 1 = 63.
(3!)3 3 × 2 × 3 × 2 × 3 × 2
37. (c) We have 32 places for teeth. For each place we have
28. (c) Required number of ways = 27 − 1 = 127 .
two choices either there is a tooth or there is no tooth.
{Since the case that no friend be invited Therefore the number of ways to fill up these places is 232.
i.e., C0 is excluded}. As there is no person without a tooth, the maximum

population is 232 – 1.
29. (a) Required number of ways =15C1 ×8 C1 = 15 × 8 .
38. (d) 10
Cr =10Cr + 2
(2n) ! 2 ! × (n − 2) ! 44
30. (b) × = ⇒ r + r + 2 = 10
(2n − 3) !. 3! n! 3
⇒ r=4
(2n)(2n − 1)(2n − 2) 44
⇒ = 5!
3 n (n − 1) 3 ∴ 5
Cr =5C4 = =5.
1! 4 !
⇒ 4(2n − 1) = 44
n +1
⇒ 2n = 12 39. (a) nC3 + nC4 > C3
⇒ n=6 ⇒ n +1
C4 > n +1
C3 (∵ Cr + nCr +1 =
n n +1
Cr +1 )
Now Cr = 15 6
n +1
⇒ >1
⇒ 6
Cr = C2 6 n +1
or C4 n−2
⇒ >1
⇒ r = 2, 4 . 4
⇒ n>6.
n2 − n 2
31. (d) C2 =n −nC10
n +1
40. (a) n C5 + nC6 > C5
n2 − n 2
⇒ Cn2 −n −2 = n −nC10 n +1 n +1
⇒ C6 > C5
⇒ n 2 − n − 2 = 10 (n + 1)! 5!.(n − 4)! (n − 4)
or n = 4, − 3 . ⇒ . >1 ⇒ >1
6!.(n − 5)! (n + 1)! 6
32. (d) Total number of shake hands when each person shake ⇒ n − 4 > 6 ⇒ n > 10
hands with the other once only = C2 = 28 ways.
Hence according to options n = 11.


174 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
n +1
41. (d) Cr −1 + Cr =
n n
Cr is a standard formula. 52. (c, b) Out of 18 points, 5 are collinear
(i) Number of straight lines
42. (c) Required number of ways
= 18
C2 −5 C2 + 1 = 153 − 10 + 1 = 144
=8 C1 + 8C2 + 8C3 + 8 C4 + 8C5
(ii) Number of triangles = 18C3 −5C3 = 816 − 10 = 806.
= 8 + 28 + 56 + 70 + 56 = 218
{Since voter may vote to one, two, three, four or all 53. (b) Required number of ways are 8 C2 − 8 = 20 .
54. (a) Required number of ways = 4 C3 = 4 .
43. (a) • E • E • E • ...... • E •
According to condition there are 22 vacant places for 55. (a) The number of triangles are 9 C3 = 84 .
Hindi books hence total number of ways are
= 22C19 = 1540, {Since books are same}. 56. (d) Required number of ways 8 C2 = 28 .

44. (b) Since 5 are always to be excluded and 6 always to be 57. (b) Required number of triangles
included, therefore 5 players to be chosen from 14. Hence =10C3 − 4C3 = 120 − 4 = 116 .
required number of ways are 14C5= 2002.
58. (b) Total number of points are m + n + k , the ∆ ' s formed
45. (c) The required number of ways are
by these points = m+ n +k C3
(10 + 1)(9 + 1)(7 + 1) − 1
Joining 3 points on the same line gives no triangle, such
= 11× 10 × 8 − 1 = 879 .
∆' s are m
C3 + n C3 + k C3
46. (b) Required number of ways
Required number = m+ n+ k C3 − mC3 − nC3 − k C3 .
= C3 × C1 × C7
5 2 9
= 10 × 2 × 36 = 720 . 59. (c) Number of lines from 6 points = 6C2 = 15 . Points of

47. (a) The selection can be made in 5C3 × 22C9. intersection obtained from these lines =15C2 = 105 . Now
{Since 3 vacancies filled from 5 candidates in 5C3 ways we find the number of times, the original 6 points come.

and now remaining candidates are 22 and remaining seats Consider one point say A1. Joining A1 to remaining 5
are 9}. points, we get 5 lines, and any two lines from these 5 lines
give A1 as the point of intersection.
48. (a) 5 persons are to be seated on 8 chairs i.e. 8 C3 × 5 ! or
∴ A1 come 5 C2 = 10 times in 105 points of intersections.
Similar is the case with other five points.
{Since 5 chairs can be select in 8 C 5 and then 5 persons
∴ 6 original points come 6 × 10 = 60 times in points of
can be arranged in 5 ! ways}. intersection.
Hence the number of distinct points of intersection
49. (b) First omit two particular persons, remaining 8 persons
= 105 − 60 + 6 = 51 .
may be 4 in each boat. This can be done in 8 C 4 ways.
The two particular persons may be placed in two ways one 60. (c) Since no two lines are parallel and no three are
in each boat. Therefore total number of ways are = 2 × C4 .
8 concurrent, therefore n straight lines intersect at nC2 = N
(say) points. Since two points are required to determine a
50. (c) The number of times he will go to the garden is same straight line, therefore the total number of lines obtained
as the number of selecting 3 children from 8. by joining N points NC2.But in this each old line has been
Therefore the required number = 8 C 3 = 56 . counted n −1 C2 times, since on each old line there will be n
–1 points of intersection made by the remaining (n–1)
1 1 1
51. (c) Number of derangement are = 4!  − +  lines.
 2! 3! 4! Hence the required number of fresh lines is
= 12 − 4 + 1 = 9. N ( N − 1) n(n − 1)(n − 2)
(Since number of derangements in such a problem is
C2 − n . n−1C2 = −
2 2
 1 1 1 1 1
C2 ( n C2 − 1) n(n − 1)(n − 2) n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3)
given by n!1 − + − + ...... + (−1)n .

 1! 2! 3! 4! n!  = − = .
2 2 8


Permutations and Combinations 175
61. (a) The number of points of intersection of 37 straight 68. (b,c) The number of ways of inviting, with the couple not
lines is 37
C2 . But 13 of them pass through the point A . included = 8C5 and the number of ways of inviting, with
Therefore instead of getting 13 C2 points we get merely one the couple included = 8C3
∴ Required number of ways = = 8C5 + = 8C3
Similarly 11 straight lines out of the given 37 straight = 8C3 + 8 C3 (∵ 8C5 =8 C3 ) = 2 × 8 C3
lines intersect at B . Therefore instead of getting 11
C2 10 9
Also, 10
C5 − 2 × 8 C4 = . C4 − 2 × 8 C4
points, we get only one point. Hence the number of 5
intersection points of the lines is = 2( 9 C4 − 8C4 ) = 2( 8 C3 + 8 C4 − 8 C4 ) = 2 × 8C3
C2 −13C2 −11C2 + 2 = 535 .
69. (a,c) The number of ways = n Cm × m !
62. (a) 16
C3 −8C3 = 504 . {Here numbers 1, 2, 3, …, n; ∴ (m –1)! fail}

63. (d) Required number = 20C2 − 4C2 + 1 70. (a,b) The number of ways of placing A1 and A2 in ten
places so that A1 is always above A2 is 10C2. There are 8!
20 ×19 4 × 3
= − +1 Ways of arranging the eight other candidates.
2 2
Hence, total number of arrangements
= 190 − 6 + 1 = 185.
10! 10!
64. (b) Since the student is allowed to select utmost n books = 10 C2 × 8! = 8! =
2!8! 2
out of (2n + 1) books. Therefore in order to select one
71. (a,c) Suppose the two players did not play at all so that the
book he has the choice to select one, two, three,......., n
remaining (n–2) players played n–2C2 matches. Since,
these two players played 3 matches each, hence the total
Thus, if T is the total number of ways of selecting one n−2
number of matches is C2 + 3 + 3 = 84 (given)
book then T = 2 n +1C1 + 2 n +1C2 + ..... + 2 n +1Cn = 63.
⇒ C2 = 78 = C213
Again the sum of binomial coefficients

2 n +1 ⇒ n − 2 = 13
C0 + 2 n +1 C1 + 2 n +1C2 + ...... + 2 n +1Cn + 2 n +1Cn +1 +
2 n +1 ∴ n = 15 = 6 C2
Cn+ 2 + ..... + 2 n +1C2 n +1 = (1 + 1) 2 n+1 = 22 n +1
2 n +1 10!
or, C0 + 2( 2 n −1C1 + 2 n +1C2 + ..... + 2 n +1Cn ) + 2 n +1 C2 n+1 = 2 2 n+1 72. (b,d) (∵ S1and S2 get 2 books each and S3 and S4
⇒ 1 + 2(T ) + 1 = 22 n+1 get 3 books each)
22 n +1
⇒ 1+ T = = 22 n 73. (a,b,c) i.e, 02 + 0 2 + 0,12 + 22 = 5, 2 2 + 4 2
= 20, 32 + 42 = 25,
⇒ 1 + 63 = 22 n
12 + 32 = 10, 22 + 12 = 5, 42 + 22 = 20, 42 + 32 = 25,
⇒ 26 = 2 2 n
⇒ n = 3. 32 + 12 = 10
x+ y
∴ Required number of ways = 9 C1 = 9
65. (c) The result Cr is trivially true for r = 1, 2 it can be
Also, 9 C8 = 9 C9 −8 = 9 C1 = 9
easily proved by the principle of mathematical induction
that the result is true for r also. 74. (a,c,d) Total number of arrangements =7!
Number of arrangements of A,B,C,D among themselves
66. (c) Since 9600 = 27 × 31 × 52
Hence number of divisors
∴ Number of arrangements when A,B,C,D occur in a
= (7 + 1)(1 + 1)(2 + 1) = 48 .
particular order = = 210 = 7 P3 = 3!× 7 C3 .
NCERT Exemplar Problems 4!
More than One Answer 75. (c,d) Required number = number of selection of one or
6! more out of three 25 paise coins and two 50 paise coins
67. (a,d) = 1 = 6 C6 (∵ All faces are alike)
6! = 4 × 3 − 1 = 11 = 12 P1 − 1


176 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
76. (b,c,d) α can be subtracted from β without borrowing if 81. (d) Suppose Ai gets xi toys then x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ 12.
yi ≥ xi ; for i = 1, 2,3 Let xi = λ Let x4=12–(x1+x2+x3), then x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 12 . . .(i)
If i = 1, then λ = 1,2,3,...9 and for i = 0 and 3, λ = 0, 2,3,...9 The number of non-negative integral solutions of (i)
= coefficient of t12 in (t + t2 +…) (t3 + t4 + t5 +.. )
Hence, total number of ways of choosing the pair α , β is
(1 + t +…+ t5) × (1 + t + t2 +…)
 9  9  = coefficient of t12 in t4 (1 – t6) (1 – t)–4
 ∑
 λ =1
(10 − λ )  ∑ (10 − λ )  = (45)(55)
 λ = 0 

= coefficient of t8 in (1 – t6) (1 + 4C1t + 5C2t2 +...)

= 11C8 – 5C2 = 165 – 10 = 155
Assertion and Reason Reason is false as the number of non-negative integral
77. (b) Let xi = number of balls put in ith box, solution of x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ m
Then x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 10 where xi ≥ 1. Put xi = yi + 1, so Equals the number of non-negative integral solution of
that equation becomes y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 = 6. where yi ≥ 0 x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = m, which equals m+3Cm.
Number of non-negative integral solution of the above  2n 
 
equation = Number of ways of arranging 6 identical balls r (2n)! (r + 1)!(2n − r − 1)!
82. (a) We have   =
(6 + 3)! 9  2n  r !(2n − r )! (2n)!
and 3 identical separators = = C3 number of ways  
6!3!  r + 1 
of choosing 3 places out of 9 different places. r +1
78. (a) The number of ways of selecting students for the first 2n − r
r +1
group is mnCn; for the second group is mnCn and so on. Since for 0 ≤ r ≤ n − 1, < 1, we get
2n − r
∴ The number of ways of dividing (mn) students into m
 2n   2n   2n   2n 
numbered groups is (mnCn) (mn–nCn)… (nCn)   <   < ... <  < 
( mn)! (mn − n)! n! (mn)!  0 1  n − 1  2 
= ... =
n!(mn − n)! n!(mn − 2n)! n!0! (n!) m  2n   2n 
Also, as   = 

As groups are not to be numbered, the desired number of  0   2n − r 
(mn)!  2n   2n   2n   2 n 
ways is  <  ... <  < 
m!(n!) m  2n   2n − 1  2n + 1   n 
∴ Reason is true. For Assertion, put m = n.  2n 
Thus,   is maximum when r = n.
79. (a) If each element of a determinant is an integer, then its  r 
each cofactor is an integer, and hence determinant itself is  40  60   40  60 
Next,    +    + ...
an integer.  r  0   r − 1 1 
= then number ways of selecting r persons out of 40 men
 n k  n! k!
80. (c)     =  100 
  j k !( n − k )! j !( k − j )! and 60 women =   . Which is maximum when r = 50.
 r 
n! (n − j )!  n n − j
= =    83. (b) The number of ways of distributing n identical objects
j !(n − j )! (k − j )!(n − k )!  j   k − j among r persons giving zero of more objects to a person is
n n
 n  k  n  n  n  n − j  equivalent to arrangement n identical objects of one kind
Thus, ∑∑    = ∑  ∑  
j =1  j  k = j  k − j 
j =1 k = j  k  j 
and (r–1) identical objects of second kind in a row, which
(n + r − 1)!  n + r − 1
n− j  n− j  n − j  is equal to =  . Next, the number of
But ∑ 
k= j  k −
 = ∑
j  l =0  l 
n− j
n !(r − 1)!  r − 1 
non-negative integral solutions of x1+x2+…x20 equals the
n n
 n  n− j
∴ ∑∑  2 (2 + 1) − 2 = 3 − 2
j =1 k = r  
n n n n number of ways of distributing 100 identical objects
among 20 persons giving zero or more objects to a person,
 100 + 20 − 2   109 
Reason is false as ∑( C ) n
= 2 n Cn − 1 which equal   = .
k =1  20 − 1   19 


Permutations and Combinations 177
84. (b) Sum of the divisors of n 88. (b) Let us first find the words in no two S are together.
= (1 + 2 +…–210)(1+3+32)(1+5+52+53) 4!
(i) Arrange the remaining letters = = 12 ways
(1+7+72) (1+11+112) 2!
 33 − 1  54 − 1  7 3 − 1  113 − 1  (ii) × U × C × C × E ×
= (211 − 1)     
 3 − 1  5 − 1  7 −  11 − 1  Hence, total number of ways no two S together
1 = 12 × 5C3 = 120
= (211 − 1)(33 − 1)(54 − 1)(73 − 1)(113 − 1) ∴ Hence, number of words having CC separated and SSS
A divisors of m is of the form p1β1 p2β1 ... prβ r where separated= 120 – 24 = 96.

0 ≤ βi ≤ αi for i = 1, 2,..., r. That is, β i can take 7!

89. (a) Total number of ways = = 420
α i + 1 values. Thus, the number of divisors of m is (α1+1) 2!3!
Consonants in SUCCESS are S,C,C,S,S
(α2+1) …(αr+1)
Number of ways arranging consonants = = 10
 1000  1000! 2!3!
85. (a) We have  =
 500  500!500! Hence, number of words in which the consonants appear
Exponent of 11 in 1000! Is 420
In alphabetic order = = 42
1000  1000  10
 11  +  112  = 90 + 8 = 98 90. (d) The alphabetic order is C,E,S,U. The number of words
 500   500  6!
Exponent of 11 in 500! is  + = 45 + 4 = 49. beginning with C is = 120 ways and those beginning
 11   11  3!

( ) is 0.
1000 6!
= 60 ways.
Thus, exponent of 11 in 500 With E is
⇒ ( ) is not divisible by 11.
500 5!
Then come wards beginning SC, numbering = 60,

 2 n + 1   2n + 1   2n + 1
86. (d) Let S =  +  + ... +   . . .(i) 5! 5!
 0   1   n  SE, numbering = 30 and SS, numbering = 60.
2!2! 2!
n  n  After which come the word SUCCESS.
Using   =   , we can write (i) as
r  n −r Thus the rank of SUCCESS is 120+60+60+30+60+1= 331
 2 n + 1   2n + 1   2n + 1 91. (a) Vowels are EU
S = +  + ... +   . . .(ii)
 2n + 1   2n   n +1  These vowels can be arranged themselves in 2! = 2 ways.
Adding (i) and (ii), we get The consonants are CCSSS these consonants can be
 2n + 1   2n + 1  2 n +1 5!
2S =   + ... +  =2 arranged themselves in = 10 ways.
 0   2 n + 1  2!3!
⇒ S = 22n = 4n ∴ Required number of words = 2 × 10 = 20 ways.
The number of ways of choosing r books out of
 2n + 1 Match the Column
2n + 1  . We are given 92. (a) (A) If ENDEA is fixed word, then assume this as a
 r 
single letter. Total number of letters = 5
 2n + 1  2n + 1  2n + 1  Total number of arrangements = 5!
⇒  +  + ... +   = 255
 1   2   n  (B) If E is at first and last place, then total number of
⇒ 4n – 1 = 255 ⇒ 4n = 256 = 44 ⇒ n = 4. permutations = 7!/2! = 21 × 5!
Comprehension Based (C) If D, L, N are not in last five positions
87. (c) Considering CC as single object, U,CC,E can be ← D,L,N,→←E,E,E,A,O →
arranged in 3!Ways × U × CC × E × 4! 5!
Total number of permutations = × = 2 × 5!
Now the three S are to be place in four available places. 2! 3!
Hence, required number of ways = 4C3 × 3! = 24 (D) Total number of odd positions = 5


178 Quick Revision NCERT- MATHEMATICS
5! is 2! = 2,
Permutations of AEEEO are
3! Number of words beginning with PAN is 2! = 2,
Total number of even positions = 4 The total (24 + 12 + 2 + 2 = 40)
4! ∴
Number of permutations of N , N , D, L = Next 41th words are PATNA, then 42th word is PATNA,
∴ Rank of the word PATNA from end = 60 – 42 = 19
5! 4!
Hence, total number of permutations = × = 2 × 5!
97. (70) We have 
3! 2! 18   18   18   20 
 + 2  +   ≥   it means
93. (a) (A) B G B G B G B G B G B  − 2   r − 2   r   13 
Required number of ways = 6!5! that 18
Cr −2 + 2 ⋅ 18Cr −1 + 18Cr ≥ 20C13
(B) Since here restriction on girls ×B×B×B×B×B×B× ⇒ (18 Cr −2 + 18Cr −1 ) + (18 Cr −1 + 18Cr ) ≥ 20C13
Let us seat the boys first, which can be done in 6! ways.
⇒ 19
Cr − 2 + 19Cr ≥ 20C13
For five girls there are 7 places shown by '×' which can be
done in 7P5 ⇒ 20
Cr ≥ 20C13 or 20
Cr ≥ 20C7
Required number of ways Hence 7 ≤ r ≤ 13
Required number of ways = 7P5 × 6! ∴ r = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
7! 7 × 6 × 5!× 6! ∴
= × 6! = = 21 × 5!6! Or 3 × 5! 7! (R,T) Required sum = 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 70
2! 2
(C) Total ways without restriction = (11 – 1)! = 10! 98. (136) a ≥ −5 ⇒ a + 6 ≥ 1
Number of ways in which all the girls can be seated Similarly b + 6 ≥ 1 and c + 6 ≥ 1
together = (7 – 1)! × 5! = 6! 5! Let a + 6 = α , b + 6 = β and c + 6 = γ
∴ Required number of ways = 10! –6!5! = 41×5!6! Then α + β + γ = 18, α ≥ 1, β ≥ 1, γ ≥ 1
∴ Required number of solution
17 ⋅16
94. (91) Number of ways of selecting n coupons consisting of = 18−1C3−1 = 17 C2 = = 136

C or A = 2n (∵ The work CAT cannot be written if at least
one letters is not selected) 99. (7) As, n1 ≥ 1, n2 ≥ 2, n3 ≥ 3, n4 ≥ 4, n5 ≥ 5
Now number of ways of selecting n coupons bearing only Let n1 − 1 = x1 ≥ 0, n2 − 2 = x2 ≥ 0,..., n5 − 5 = x5 ≥ 0
A = 1n
⇒ New equation will be x1 + 1 + x2 + 2 + ... + x5 + 5 = 20
∴ Total number of ways
⇒ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 20 − 15 = 5
= 2 n + 2 n + 2 n − 1n − 1n − 1n = 3(2n − 1)
Now, x1 ≤ x2 ≤ x3 ≤ x4 ≤ x5
Given 3(2n – 1) = 189 ⇒ 2n – 1 = 63
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
⇒ 2n = 64 = 26 ∴ n = 6
0 0 0 0 5
n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 6 ⋅ 7 ⋅13
Then ∑ n 2 = = = 91 0 0 0 1 4
6 6
0 0 0 2 3
95. (127) 12
Pr = 12 × 11× 10 × 9 = 12 P4 0 0 1 1 3
∴ r=4 0 0 1 2 2
Then, λ = r + 3 = 7 0 1 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 1
∴ ∑
i =1
Ci = 27 − 1 = 127 So, 7 possible cases will be there.
100. (5) Number of red line segments = nC2 – n
96. (19) The letters of PATNA can be arranged = = 60 ways Number of blue line segments = n
The alphabetic order is A,A, N, P, T. The number of words ∴ nC2 – n = n
beginning with A is 4! = 24, Number of words beginning n(n − 1)
⇒ = 2n
4! 2
with N is = 12, Number of words beginning with PAA ⇒ n=5

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