Volleyball Quiz

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Name: __________________________ ______ 18. A server is given 5 seconds to serve the ball.

______ 19. In a best-of-three sets game, the winning team

Section: ___________________ must win two sets out of the 3 sets played.
______ 20. The standard scoring system is called ‘rally
I – Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer on the ______ 21. During rally, a violation is committed if a player
statement below and encircle the letter of your answer. hits the ball with his/her foot.
______ 22. The server may not be allowed to be substituted
1. Volleyball was invented in the year. during his/her turn to serve.
a. 1896 b. 1895 c. 1889 d. 1890 ______ 23. “Libero” in the team is optional.
______ 24. Just like in tennis, a ball that hits the top of the
2. The person who invented volleyball was. net and lands in on a serve is considered a let and the server
a. James Naismith b. Ramtane Lamamra is awarded a second serve.
c. Baron Coubertin d. William Morgan ______ 25. It is possible for a team, under specific
circumstances, to touch the ball four times on their side and
3. During the invention of volleyball, it was first called? still be legal play.
a. battledore b. sepak takraw ______ 26. Only the serving team may score
c. mintonette d. poon ______ 27. Teams will switch sides after every game
______ 28. The ball is in play if it hits the ceiling and lands
4. Which player position serves? in the opponents court.
a. Left Back b. Right Back ______ 29. In regulation volleyball, a serve can be made
c. Right front d. Left Front with an underhand or overhand motion.
______ 30. If any part of a player’s body touches the net, a
5. If you score a point doing a spike, what is it called? point is awarded to the other team.
a. Kill b. Down c. Hit d. Dig
III - Enumeration: please write your answers on the space
6. In which way do the teams rotate? provided in your questionnaire.
a. Clockwise b. Counter-clockwise
c. They do not rotate d. Straight line Enumerate the five (5) basic skills used in playing volleyball
7. How is the serving team chosen? 32.
a. a coin’s toss b. Referee’s choice 33.
c. First team to catch the ball d. Player’s choice 34.

8. What is points call in Volleyball? Name at least 2 kinds of service

a. Goals b. Points c. Scores d. Match 35.
9. The term “volleyball” was officially used in _______.
a.1952 b. 1964 c. 1896 d. 1897 Name atleast 3 lines of Volleybal Court
10. The 3 hit rule in volleyball was adopted in _______. 38.
a.1916 b. 1947 c. 1987 d. 1897 39.
II. - TRUE or FALSE. Write A if the statement is correct
and write B if the answer is incorrect.
_____ 11. In a standard game, officials may adapt a best-of-
three or best-of-five sets.
_____ 12. During service, if the ball hits the net and goes
over to the other side, it is considered a “good ball”.
______13. The server may step on the end line during
______14. During service, the server may only use
underhand service.
______ 15. Stepping on the center line is allowed during the
______ 16. During rally, ball may hit any part of the body.
______ 17. During rally, player may hit the ball 2
consecutive times.

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