Mathematical Expressions:
1. The sum of a number and five
2. 3x + 4y 3. Twice a number plus two
Mathematical Sentences:
1. The sum of a number and five is 10.
2. 3x + 4y = 12 3. Twice a number plus two equals 14. For the proceeding Activities, please read and understand Each instructions indicated therein. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and Answer on a One-whole yellow pad. Write all your answers next line after each item (See Example Below). Erasures or any tampering on your answer is Not Allowed.
Mathematics in the Modern World
George Y. Bogart BSED 1-English Date: 9/4/2024 ACTIVITY 1: Expression or Sentence 1. Twice a number is not more than seven. Ans: Bogart ACTIVITY 2: Open or Closed Sentence 1. Twice a number is not more than seven. Ans: Open
ACTIVITY 3: Translating phrases to Mathematical
sentence or expression. 1. Twice a number is not more than seven. Ans: 2x ≤ 7 ACTIVITY 1: EXPRESSION or SENTENCE
Directions: Write your 1st Name if it is a Mathematical
Expression and your Surname if it is a Mathematical Sentence.
OPEN and your 1st Name if it is CLOSED. For those Closed sentence, Identify if it is True or False.
1. Four is a Prime number.
2. 2x + 10 = 30. 3. The cube root of 8 is 2. 4. 2(3 + 4) = 2 x 7. 5. The product of a number and 2 is equal to 18. 6. Seven minus 12 equals 5. 7. 15 = 3x – 6. 8. The square root of 9x is 3. 9. One-half of 50 is the square of 5. 10. A number added to 12 is equal to 24. TRANSLATING PHRASES TO ACTIVITY 3: MATHEMATICAL SENTENCE OR EXPRESSION. Directions: Translate the following English phrases or sentences into Mathematical Sentence or Expression. Use only variable x if needed. 1. The difference of Five and a number 2. Negative thirteen decreased by 3 times a number 3. Eleven subtracted from a number 4. Twice a number, decreased by 58 5. Five times the sum of a number “n” and -23 6. Six more than a number is 20. 7. Three times a number yields five more than twice the same number. 8. The quotient of a number and seven, minus three, is four. 9. The product of a number and eight is at least 12. 10. The sum of a number and two is at most 24.
Math Fluency Activities for K–2 Teachers: Fun Classroom Games That Teach Basic Math Facts, Promote Number Sense, and Create Engaging and Meaningful Practice
Math Fluency Activities for K–2 Teachers: Fun Classroom Games That Teach Basic Math Facts, Promote Number Sense, and Create Engaging and Meaningful Practice