LO Grade 07 2020

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Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Nageng Primary School

LEARNER FULL NAMES: _____________________________________________

Duration: 2 Hours


1. This question paper consists of SECTION A, B and C.

2. Section A and B are compulsory.
3. Choose ONLY TWO questions in section C.
4. Write neatly and follow instructions in all questions.
5. Make sure that you fill in your names in all pages.

Section A Section B Section C (Only 2 questions)

Self-Image 5 Peer Pressure 9 Personal Diet& Nutrition 7
Puberty 10 Environmental Health 10 Common Diseases 7
Forms of abuse 5 Substance Abuse 9 Physical Education 7
Human rights 4 Total Marks 28 Total 14
World of work 4
Total Marks 28

“Good luck!”

0 - 34 35 – 46 47 - 58 59 - 70



1 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Question 1 (Self-Image)

Answer all questions

1. Choose the correct answer by marking a cross.
1.1 It is a subject for Grade 7.
Home affairs Soccer Poor Life Orientation

1.2……………………………………….It is an idea that you have about yourself.

self-image abilities interests Potential
1.3 Things I enjoy doing.
self-image abilities interests Potential
1.4 …………………................. Self-esteem is when you are confident about yourself.
Negative Excellent Positive Good
1.5 …………………........... Self-esteem is when you are not confident about yourself.
Negative Excellent Positive Good
1.6 Your friends and …………………………………. contribute to and help you
identify your positive personal qualities.
skills family peer pressure self-respect

Question 2 (Puberty)

2. List the three physical changes that boys and girls experience during puberty.
DO NOT LABEL THE BODY PARTS. Refer to the given example inside the box.

Male Female

Beards grow/ develop beards 2.5…………………

2.1……………………… …………………...

2.3……………………… 2.7……………………
.…………………………. ………………………...


2.9 Name any 3 emotional changes that occur during puberty stage. (3)


2 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Question 3 (Forms of Abuse)

3. Study the below images and fill in the type of abuse.

Kick him! You are stupid!


3.1……………………..………………… 3.2......…………………………………… 3.3.………………………………....…

………………… .

3.4 Name 2 places where you can find help for abuse.



Question 4 (Human Rights)

4. State whether the following statements are True or False.

4.1 Human Rights Day is celebrated on the 16th June.……….……

4.2 All humans have basic human rights regardless of their race, gender or religious
beliefs ………………

4.3 All people have a right to freedom of religion, belief and opinion …………………

4.4 Fair play is not the most important in a variety of sporting activities ……………….


3 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Question 5 (World of work)

5.1 Match the following pictures with the relevant career fields. Write only the
correct number.
Column A Column B Answers
Example Example
1. Mechanical
engineer A= 2


2. Teacher B =……………


2. Entrepreneur C =…………….


3. Fashion
designer D =…………….


4. Doctor E =…………….

www.google.com/differnt_types_of_careers/images (4)
Section A: 28 Marks

4 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Question 1 (Peer Pressure)

1. Read the case study with understanding and answer all questions.

Case study

Leah walks every day from

school. She has no choice but
to pass at the local shopping
centre on her way. A month ago
she started seeing a group of
girls standing outside the
supermarket. At first they
teased her about her school
uniform. Then one afternoon,
they demanded her money and
she gave them as she was
www.google.com/girl_stealing_chocolate scared of them.
They stopped teasing her after that and talked to her as if she belonged to their
group. One day they asked Leah to go inside the shop and steal a chocolate for
them. They told her that the shopkeeper would not suspect her as she was in her
school uniform.

1.1 Who is the victim in the case study?

………………………………………………………………….. (1)
1.2 How did Leah feel when they asked her for money?
1.3 What did the group ask Leah to do?

1.4 Elaborate in 2 sentences on how could have Leah dealt with the situation at that
1.5 If you would be given an opportunity to address the group of girls who bothers
Leah, what could you say to them? Explain in 2 sentences
………………………………………………………………………………………….… (2)

5 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Question 2 (Environmental health)

2. Study the attached graph and answer questions that follow.

70 68.64

58.05 58.24 Johannesburg
Water Pollution Air Pollution Land Pollution
Types of pollution
www.google.co.za/pollution_in_Johannesbug/South_Africa/statistics Last updated: August 2020

2.1 Write definitions of the following terms:

2.1.1 Water pollution……………………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

2.1.2 Air pollution.………………………………………………………...........................

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

2.1.3 Land pollution…………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………...……….... (2)

2.2 In which way does an environmental hazard affect people’s well-being?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

2.3 Which projects can be implemented to solve the environmental health issues in

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)


6 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Question 3 (Substance abuse)

3. Study the below illustrations and answer all questions.

When I’m drunk I

gamble with my salary! I smoke to please my
When I am drunk I friends!
forget all my problems!

I am going to sell this

phone to buy cocaine!

After injecting, I feel I left my new born

an everlasting joy! baby with my 7 years
old daughter at home!

I bought all painkillers pills at the Pharmacy

because of the terrible pain I feel every 2 hours!

www.google.com/drug_and_behavioral_addiction/South_Africa/statistics 24 October 2020

3.1 Complete the below table.

Explain substance abuse. (2) Give example of one How is that substance
substance that you know. (1) taken? (1)

……………………………………………... ……………………………… ………………………………

……………………………………………... ……………………………… ………………………………

3.2 Substantiate on the risks of taking medications that are not prescribed by a
medical health practitioner or Doctor.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

7 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3.3 Read the below quote with understanding to answer 3.3.1.

“People abuse substances for various reasons and this damages their
reputation in the society, causes illnesses, find themselves in jail, unplanned
pregnancy et cetera (Mr B. Malebe, 2020)”

3.3.1 In 3 sentences write a message of support to people who are addicted to

substances also include the names of places where addicts can find help.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (3)


Section B: 28 Marks

8 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

SECTION C (Personal diet and nutrition)

Choose TWO questions from this section: Answer only 2 questions!

Question 1

1. Read the notepad and the scenario; apply your understanding by writing a formal letter.

Anorexia is an eating disorder. An anorexic person eats very little and often over exercise
or use diet pills to the point where their bodies are suffering from starvation. This happen
when a person is unhappy with the way his or her body looks. The person becomes
obsessed with losing weight and it even becomes like an addiction for the person.

Scenario: Anorexia

All I ever wanted was to be a model

My name is Anonymous, I’m 21 years old girl. When I

was 17 years I went to Johannesburg model agency
as my dream career is to become a model. I was told
my body is too big and I must loss half of my body
weight as I was weighing 80kg.

The past 3 years I was starving myself trying to lose

weight and I did lose weight as I lost 60kg because I
www.google.com/model_lose_weight/images wanted to impress them.

But today here

1.1 Write a letter advising the writer (Anonymous) I am
about theinimportance
hospital, I of
can’t walk,
healthy I’m
feeling dizzy, nausea and I vomit a lot, I feel horrible
pains when I eat and the Doctors suspect that my
✓ Use the correct letter format.
stomach have crammed.
✓ Your points must be clear and give constructive feedback.
✓ Use correct sentence constructions,
What mustspelling
I do? and punctuations.
✓ Align your letter with the below rubric.

Criteria Excellent Mostly satisfactory Adequate Just achieved Not achieved

6-7 4 -5 2-3 1 0
Format Used the correct letter Used the correct letter Attempted to use the The incorrect letter format: Did not use letter
format: address, format: address, correct letter format: address, salutations, format.
salutations, paragraphing salutations, address, salutations, paragraphing and closing
and closing remarks. paragraphing and paragraphing and remarks.
closing remarks to closing remarks.
Sympathy Synthesize and provide Synthesize and provide Attempted to synthesize Less than the expected Did not synthesize
positive feedback to build positive feedback to and provide positive words to synthesize and with the
confidence. build confidence to the feedback to build provide positive feedback concerned party.
satisfaction. confidence to the to build confidence to the
satisfaction. satisfaction.
Recommendations Abstractly summarize the Abstractly summarize Attempted to abstractly Less than the expected Did not abstractly
topic on positive note and the topic on positive summarize the topic on points which abstractly summarize the
recommendations/ note and positive note and summarize the topic on topic on positive
inclusion of places of recommendations/ recommendations/ positive note and note and
safety. inclusion of places of inclusion of places of recommendations/ recommendations/
safety to the satisfaction. safety. inclusion of places of inclusion of places
safety. of safety.
Grammar Uses correct spelling, Uses correct spelling, Attempted to use correct Incorrect use spelling, The letter has no
punctuations and correct punctuations and correct spelling, punctuations punctuations and meaning.
sentence construction. sentence construction to and correct sentence sentence construction
satisfactory. construction. correctly.
Overall total
(28 ÷ 4 = 7)

9 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Question 2 (Common Diseases)

✓ Align your discussions with the below rubrics.


2.1 In a paragraph of 4 sentences, write a discussion about HIV and AIDS. (3½ )
Criteria Excellent Mostly satisfactory Adequate Just achieved Not achieved
6-7 4 -5 2-3 1 0
Content An outstanding relation of Very good relation of the A good relation of the There is a deviation There is no
the topic and its content. topic and its content. topic and its content. between the topic and the relation between
content. the topic and the
Grammar An outstanding use of A very good use of A good use of correct There are more errors of The paragraph
correct spelling, correct spelling, spelling, punctuations spelling, punctuations and has no meaning.
punctuations and correct punctuations and correct and correct sentence sentence construction.
sentence construction. sentence construction. construction.
Overall total
(14 ÷ 4 = 3.5)

10 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2.2 What are the precautionary procedures that you have to follow to minimize the
chances of spreading the Corona Virus of 2019? Explain in a paragraph of 4
sentences. (3½)
Criteria Excellent Mostly satisfactory Adequate Just achieved Not achieved
6-7 4 -5 2-3 1 0
Content An outstanding relation of Very good relation of the A good relation of the There is a deviation There is no
the topic and its content. topic and its content. topic and its content. between the topic and the relation between
content. the topic and the
Grammar An outstanding use of A very good use of A good use of correct There are more errors of The paragraph
correct spelling, correct spelling, spelling, punctuations spelling, punctuations and has no meaning.
punctuations and correct punctuations and correct and correct sentence sentence construction.
sentence construction. sentence construction. construction.
Overall total
(14 ÷ 4 = 3.5)



Question 3 (Physical Education)


3.1 Write an essay outlining the importance of exercising.

11 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n
Full names:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Your essay must have 4 paragraphs and each paragraph must have 4-5 sentences.
✓ Title (Come up with a creative title of your own)
✓ Introduction
✓ Body
✓ Conclusion
✓ Do not exceed 160 words
✓ Align your essay with the below rubric

Criteria Excellent Mostly satisfactory Adequate Just achieved Not achieved

6-7 4 -5 2-3 1 0
Format Used the correct letter Used the correct letter Attempted to use the The incorrect letter Did not use the
format: address, format: address, correct letter format: format: address, correct essay
salutations, paragraphing salutations, paragraphing address, salutations, salutations, format.
and closing remarks. and closing remarks to paragraphing and paragraphing and
satisfaction. closing remarks. closing remarks.
Benefits Outstanding inclusion of Inclusion of exercising Attempted to include the Less than the expected Did not include the
exercising benefits. benefits to the satisfaction. benefits of exercising benefits of exercising. benefits of
benefits. exercising.
Recommendations Abstractly summarize the Abstractly summarize the Attempted to summarize Attempted to summarize Did not summarize
topic on positive note and topic on positive note and the topic on positive the topic on positive the topic and no
included included note and included note with no exercising recommendations
recommendations. recommendations to the recommendations. recommendations. of exercising.
Grammar Uses correct spelling, Uses correct spelling, Attempted to use correct Incorrect use spelling, The letter has no
punctuations and correct punctuations and correct spelling, punctuations punctuations and meaning.
sentence construction. sentence construction to and correct sentence sentence construction
satisfactory. construction. correctly.
Overall total
(28 ÷ 4 = 7)

Section C: 14 Marks

12 | 2020 L i f e o r i e n t a t i o n

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