Battle Royale

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In what came to be described by its own historian as “The Fourth Age of Humanity”, the relationship
between humans and technology became increasingly blurred as consciousness was mapped and the
mysteries of mind fell before the onslaught of progress.

In due course, this golden age would come to an end in the Great Scattering, in which the new beings
– a harmonious melding of biological and artificial intelligence – set out in defiance of their own
cultural dread to explore and tame a mysterious galaxy. However, before that time, the population
of the Sol system enjoyed all kinds of novel and extreme forms of entertainment and recreation.
Amongst these was the “battle royale” in which highly-skilled masters of various forms of martial arts
would test their skills upon one another “to the death” – although generally only to the point of the
destruction of whatever physical form the participants were currently occupying.

The Battles Royale were frequently recorded and students, enthusiasts and voyeurs could experience
each battle again and again from the perspective of its participants.

Mech-on-mech Battles Royale were one of the most popular, enduring and spectacular of the many
styles, with pilots frequently occupying the same physical shells for as long as they could, bearing the
scars and repair work from each battle openly as a display of courage and prowess.

Building your mech

Each player designs a single mech using the rules in the Horizon Wars rulebook, but with access to the
Battle Royale upgrades in these rules. Players may field a mech of any Presence. A P3 mech has the
normal 17 stat points to allocate. A P2 mech has 14 stat points and an additional 4 points that may
be spent on upgrades only. A P1 mech has 11 stat points and an additional 8 points to spend on

Playing Field
The table may be of any size or shape, but should be liberally covered with dense, line-of-sight-
blocking terrain.

Each player should take four power cell counters and then take it turns to place these on the
battlefield. They may be placed anywhere on the battlefield.

Each player then takes it in turn to place his or her mech on any ground-level point of the battlefield
at least 18” away from another mech.

Turn Order
Each player is dealt (or chooses) one card from a normal 52-card deck.

These cards are then put together into the turn order deck. Shuffle the turn order deck and place it
to the side of the table. At the start of the game, turn over the top card. Whoever’s card it is may

©2019 Precinct Omega Limited & Robey Jenkins Battle Royale

then activate his or her mech and his or her card is then placed on the discard pile. Then turn over
the next card. Keep going until everyone’s card has been played then shuffle the deck again and start

Each mech has two action tokens at the start of a turn. When his or her mech is activated the mech
may use one or both action tokens to perform one action per token. The actions are those listed in
the Horizon Wars rulebook or any other special action conferred by an upgrade or special rule.

Any time another player’s mech completes an action that placed it at any time during the action within
the line of sight of your mech, if you have at least one action token remaining and if your mech has
not previously performed a reaction in this turn, you may declare a reaction. Remove one token and
flip any remaining token over to indicate that the mech has performed a reaction.

The available reactions are those listed in the Horizon Wars rulebook or any other special reaction
conferred by an upgrade or special rule.

Victory goes to the last mech standing. Ejected pilots do not count.

Power Cell Counters

Power cells provide a super-boost to mechs’ in-built repair ability. A damaged mech that is in base
contact with a power cell may spend an action to recover but, instead of making a D roll, immediately
recovers two stat points and two points of damage – this is an exception to the normal rule that
damage cannot be reduced.

One a cell is used, remove it.

Emergency Protocol!
If a mech is reduced to 0A, the pilot is automatically ejected. Pilots are infantry with the following

P M F A D Special
1 5 1 2 5 Power converter

When ejected, place the pilot in contact with the destroyed mech. The pilot may act normally and
retains any action tokens the mech had before it was destroyed. An ejected pilot gains the remount
action. In addition, the pilot has the power converter special ability.

The remount action may be declared when a pilot is in base contact with his or her own
mech only.

Power converter
The element can collect power cell counters. The power cell counters have no effect on the
element itself, but if the element mounts a mech, the mech immediate gains the benefit of
all power cells collected by this element without needing to spend any further actions or roll
any dice.

Custom Upgrades
The following upgrades are intended for use in the Battle Royale version of Horizon Wars. You are,
of course, free to use them in any other game, but we cannot guarantee they will be either useful or
balanced out of context. You have been warned.

Upgrade Cost Effect

Dismount Protocol 1 The mech pilot can dismount the mech without needing
The pilot is a maverick with an to evoke the emergency protocol. Whilst dismounted,
immortality complex and a the mech cannot be assigned actions
tendency to run around
battlefields without the
benefit of a mech.

Mech Prodigy 1 The mech pilot can remount mechs with A0 that are not
The pilot is not only a natural, his or her own. The mech gains the benefit of the pilot’s
but has undergone training and power converter ability immediately. The mech
cybernetic adaptation to allow otherwise retains all its stats and abilities from before.
him or her to pilot any mech.

Remote connection 1 When the pilot is dismounted, the player may allocate
The pilot is equipped to be able actions to either the pilot or the mech or to both.
to operate the mech even
Note: This upgrade is only useful if the player also take the
when not inside it. The
dismount protocol upgrade.
technology is difficult to master
and has drawbacks.

Support Drones 1+ The abilities of support drones depend on how many

The mech is assisted by a pair points are spent on them.
of tiny, flying support drones
A support drone may always be removed to cancel one
that may perform several
Shooting hit on the mech. This must be declared before
making the Defence roll, then whatever the result of the
Defence roll, +1 additional hit is cancelled. If more hits
are cancelled than were suffered, there is no other effect.
In addition, for each extra point spent, the drone gains
one of the following abilities:
 Shield drone – After a Defence roll against a
Shoot action, remove one shield drone to re-roll
any number of Defence dice.
 Gun drone – After making a Shoot action, remove
one gun drone to re-roll any number of Firepower
 Spotter drone – A mech with the indirect fire
upgrade may nominate any point within 3” of the
mech itself and draw a LOS from that point
instead of from the mech.
The drones must be represented with counters on the
table, placed adjacent to the mech. However, these may
not be targeted with Shoot or Charge actions, and do not
provide cover.
Echo Cloak 1 The mech may perform a special scatter action. When the
The mech can eject a cloud of mech scatters, remove the mech and replace it with six
tiny image projectors, each one numbered counters: one on the place where the mech
appearing to be the mech and was and five adjacent to the central counter. The player
each one able to scatter in a must secretly note which is the real mech.
random direction.
When the mech performs actions, each counter may
perform the same action. If the mech performs a Shoot
action or its counter comes into contact with a hostile
element, remove all the remaining echo counters and
replace the mech on its counter.
If an echo is shot or charged, simply remove the echo. The
Shoot or Charge action ends immediately and nothing
else happens.

Smart Missile 1+ This upgrade may be taken several times for several
Smart missiles are actuated missiles. Each missile may be used once in a Shoot action.
consciousnesses – often fans or
In a Shoot action using a smart missile the action requires
assistants to the pilot who
no LOS. Regardless of the range of the target, treat the
embed their consciousness into
range as 12”.
a single, devastating attack
before restoring their
consciousness to a new shell.

Flight frame 1+ This upgrade may be taken multiple times to provide

With a mighty blast of rockets, multiple uses. For each use, the mech may make a single
the mech roars into the air and rapid move in a straight line, ignoring all intervening
shoots forward, almost faster terrain. The movement may not end on impassable or
than the eye can follow. impenetrable terrain but may go through these.

Intimidating Reputation 1 If the mech currently carries no damage, a Shoot action

The mech pilot is a veteran of made at this mech reduces the number of dice rolled by -
such battles, with a savage 1. If the shot is being taken from outside the target
code of honour and revenge mech’s LOS, reduce the number of dice rolled by -2.
out of step with the values of
In a charge, the mech counts as being +1 P.
the age.

Aura of Immolation 1 In a charge, the mech counts as being +1 P. In addition, if

The mech has a holographic a charge is a draw, the mech wins (unless the opponent
aura depicting flames or also has an aura of immolation, in which case it is resolved
howling souls or some other normally).
psychological weapon
May not be combined with Intimidating Reputation.
appropriate to the pilot’s

Headhunter 1 If a headhunter kills a dismounted pilot, it counts as if it

There’s nothing the pilot likes had picked up a power cell.
better than hunting down
pilots desperately running
around in the open, and…

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