Basics Interview Questions With Answers
Basics Interview Questions With Answers
Basics Interview Questions With Answers
answer: Viscosity is the property of the fluid which measures the resistance of
the fluid to the gradual deformation due to the shear stress.
Newtons Law of Viscosity states that: the shear stress on the fluid is
proportional to the velocity gradient.
answer: Newtonian fluids follow the newtons law of viscosity and non-
newtonian fluids do not follow the law.
Newtonian fluid: Water, air, etc. Non-Newtonian Fluid: blood, tar, paste, etc.
answer: Pump is a device which transfers mechanical energy to the fluid. The
turbine does the opposite. It transfers the flow energy of the fluid to
mechanical energy.
answer: Turbomachines are devices which transfer energy to or from the fluid
by the dynamic action of rotating blades.
answer: In Centrifugal pump the flow rate changes with the head but in a
positive displacement pump the flow rate remains the same.
answer: If the suction side develops a pressure less than the vapor pressure of
the water then water will start to boil and create water bubbles and it will
spoil the impeller material. It is called cavitation.
When the impeller rotates it adds a rotating motion to the adjacent fluid and
as a result, K.E and Pressure in the fluid increases and negative pressure are
developed in the suction side of the impeller. So water/fluid flows
continuously through the impeller. But when the pipe is filled with air, the
impeller rotates but the pressure difference is negligible as a result no water
flows through the pump. That’s why priming is done.
What is the difference between the heat engine & heat pump?
answer: Heat Engine produces work and transfers energy from high temp. to
low temp source medium. In a Heat pump, external work is needed to transfer
energy from low to high temp. medium.
What is NPSH?
Answer: The draft tube is a conduit used in reaction turbine. The main feature
of the draft tube is, it has a shape of increasing area at the end like a diffuser.
You have know the classification and uses of draft tube if you are working in a
hydraulic power plant.
What is COP?
answer: 1 ton of refrigeration means heat absorbed while melting 1 ton (2000
lb) of ice at zero degree Celsius at 24 hours.
What is BTU?
answer: BTU = British Thermal Unit; 1 BTU is the amount of heat required to
raise the temperature of one lb water by one degree Fahrenheit.
answer: R134a
answer: Please follow this link for the answer – Vapor Compression Vs Vapor
Absorption Refrigeration System
answer: For a cooler to become air conditioner it must meet the following
requirements :
What is a chiller?
Mechanical engineers! The third part is coming up very soon. So stay with
basic mechanical engineering. Thanks! Enjoy !! Cheers !!!
Ans :
Ans : It is not because adiabatic processes are not possible to obtain due to
losses in the pipes condensers, compressors and evaporator.
Ans: For cooling purpose it is necessary to reject more heat than the heat
absorbed. Mathematically Heat Rejected = Heat absorbed + Work Done .
Ans . In ammonia refrigeration system Steel is used as the pipe line material
because ammonia attacks copper.
Show the Practical Refrigeration Cycle With T-S and P-h diagram with
Subcooling and Super Heating .
Ans : Please Follow This Link : T-S and P-h Diagram with Subcooling and
Superheating for VC
Ans : The starting point of compression in the T-S diagram determines the final
state of vapor after compression. If the final state of vapor is dry and saturated
then the compression is known as wet compression and if the final state of
vapor is super heated then it is known as dry compression.
Workability Load Variation does not have Vapor compression system does
4 at Load any effect on the performance not work well at partial load. The
varying load of the vapor absorption system performance is very poor.
Ammonia or water can be used Chlorofluorocarbons and
9 Refrigerant as refrigerant with a proper Hydrochlorofluorocarbons are
absorber. used as refrigerations.
T-S and P-h Diagram for VC Refrigeration with Subcooling and Super-heating
The refrigeration system cannot run without satisfying the second law of
thermodynamics (Clausius statement). As the name implies the vapor
compression cycle uses a compressor to increase the pressure of the
refrigerant or the working fluid. The whole process is explained in brief with
the help of this schematic diagram.
Post Contents
Reversed Carnot Cycle doesn’t work in practical cases. The reversed Carnot
Cycle consists of two isentropic and isotherm process. Theoretical Carnot cycle
is completely reversible. It is not possible because of the losses that occur in
the condensers, evaporators, and compressors. As a result, a more practical
and realistic Rankin cycle is introduced consisting of two isobaric processes,
one isentropic compression, and one adiabatic expansion. The Rankin Cycle
incorporates some inevitable irreversibilities consequently the COP of Rankin
cycle is below the COP of Carnot cycle. To increase the COP of the whole
system subcooling and superheating is done. These two concepts are difficult
to visualize but very import issue for the VCRS.
What is superheating?
Superheating is the incident where a liquid is heated above its boiling point.
After the liquid is leaving the evaporator and heading towards the compressor
there should not be any hint of liquid present in the vapor. A tiny amount of
liquid can damage the compressor.
What is subcooling?
Comparison of Carnot and Rankin Cycle T-S diagram / Deviation of Real Vapor
compression cycle from the ideal one :
The following diagram shows the comparison between the ideal and practical
vapor compression cycle.
1-2: The vapor coming from the evaporator is superheated and gains the
temperature T2 from T1 at constant pressure PL. The process is isobaric.
Ans : Vapor Compression has the higher COP. Generally the COP of Vapor
compression ranges from 3-4 but COP of Vapor absorption is generally 1. It
happens because COPvc = Refrigeration Work / Compressor Work . But
COPabs = Refrigeration Effect / (generator work + pump work ) .
Engineering Mechanics
Ans : When an object is sliding over another frictional force is developed in the
contact surface. This friction force creates a resistance. The maximum value of
this frictional force is called the limiting friction.
Ans :
Semi-circle : at a distance 4r/3π from the base. (measured along the vertical
hemisphere : at a distance 3r/8 from the base. (measured along the vertical
right circular solid cone : h/4 from base from the vertical axis.
Fluid Mechanics
Ans : These are pressure measuring devices for liquid. To measure the
pressure in a point in the liquid manometers balance the liquid column to
another column or the same column of liquid.
2. Differential manometer.
What are the uses of manometer ?
Ans: Boiler trial helps to determine the generating capacity and thermal
efficiency of the boilers. Heat balance sheet can be made by the boiler trial .
Ans : Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, Stirling Cycle, Joule or Brayton Cycle, Carnot
Cycle, Ericsson Cycle etc.
Answer : Compressibility is the property of those fluids which doesn’t have any
fixed density.
Answer : Flow property means the responsiveness of the fluid to the shear
Answer : No-slip condition occurs at the microscopic level where the fluid is
flowing on a solid surface and the velocity of the fluid is zero at the contact
surface .
Welcome to the sixth part of sixth part of basic mechanical questions. These
questions are useful for interview purpose and also for written exams. Hope
you will be benefited from this. Lets begin –
Ans : Turbocharger and Supercharger both have the same function. These
devices are blowers which supplies extra air to the engine. As a result engine
gets useful amount of oxygen to produce a proper ignition.
The main difference between the devices is that turbocharger uses exhaust
heat from the exhaust gases as a power source. But Supercharger uses a part
of the engine power to run. Turbocharger is not directly connected to the
engine. It decreases the carbon emission because it has smog altering system.
Supercharger on the other hand is connected to the engine with the help of a
belt. It produces smog.
What is the difference between the centrifugal pump and positive
displacement pump ?
Ans : usually all the pumps are classified into this two categories. Actually in
centrifugal pump flow rate varies with the change of pressure/pressure head.
But in positive displacement pump the flow rate is always the same whether
there is a pressure difference or not.
Ans: In Scavenging the burnt gases from the engine cylinder is pushed out by
the fresh air that before the exhaust stroke ends.
Turbocharging/Supercharging is the process of adding extra air to the engine
for a better ignition.
Ans : In two stroke engine the lubricant is mixed with the fuel. As a result
some of the lub oil is blown out with the process of scavenging and getting
fresh charge. This phenomenon is not seen in four stroke engines.
Ans : These are engines in which combustion of the fuel takes place inside the
engine cylinder.
What is the main difference between petrol engine and diesel engine ?
Ans: In petrol engine the ignition is initiated by the spark plug but in diesel
engine the fuel and air mixture auto-ignites after reaching a certain
Ans :
Crossflow Scavenging: In Crossflow scavenging the inlet port and the outlet
port is situated in the opposite sides in the engine cylinder. This type of
scavenging is used in 2 stroke engines.
Back flow or loop Scavenging: In this type of scavenging the inlet and outlet
port are on the same side.
Uniflow Scavenging: In this method the fresh charge can enter through one or
two inlets . The exhaust port is situated on the top of the cylinder.
Typical Natural Gas Composition is-
Answer: Higher Heating Value – 52300 kJ/kg or 12500 kcal /kg . Lower Heating
Value – 50000 kJ/kg 0r 11950 kcal/kg
d = internal diameter
t = thickness
What are the differences between elbows and bend? Which has greater head
Answer: Bend and elbow are used for changing the direction of the flow and is
attached with the piping system. Bends are simply bends they are generally
custom made. On the other hand elbows are well defined engineered bends.
Elbows can be have angle 45 or 90 degrees or they can be custom made.
Using Elbows or bends will cause some head losses which is known is minor
head loss. If the flow is turbulent in the pipe lines then elbows will have
greater head losses than bends. Because in bends it takes lesser time for the
fluid to take the turns.
Answer: The main function of the flywheel is to store kinetic energy in the
form of moment of inertia. It also reduces the vibration in the engine and
produces an even crank shaft rotational speed.
In IC engine which part is known as column?
Answer: When fluid is passed through the flow meters like orifice or nozzles
there is a point in the fluid stream where the diameter of the stream is
minimum and velocity is maximum. In this place we find the least cross
sectional area. This is known as the vena contracta.
Answer: There are many differences in the running cycle of the two engine
types. Petrol engine is spark ignition and Diesel engine is compression ignition.
Petrol engine = Otto cycle and Diesel engine = Diesel cycle.
But the difference between them which is visible practically is the presence of
spark plug on the petrol engine. Diesel engine doesn’t have a spark plug it has
an atomizer.
Answer: According to the rank the coal is classified as – Peat, Lignite, Sub-
bituminous, Bituminous and Anthracite. Peat has the lowest rankings and
Anthracite has the highest.
Answer: Please follow this link. Gas Turbine Cycle with reheat , regeneration
and intercooling
Answer: For a boiler to run smoothly, the feedwater must be free from
contaminants. Feedwater contains dissolved gases which can be proved very
detrimental for the boiler material. Dissolved gases in the boiler feedwater can
be of corrosive nature. In these cases deaerator can be proved very useful.
Deaerators are the devices that remove dissolved gases from the boiler feed
water. Corrosion can be minimized by reducing the amount of oxygen and
carbon dioxide to a level where the corrosive nature of the gases is minimized.
What is Higher Heating Value (HHV) and Lower Heating Value (LLV) and
Gross Heating value (GHV)?
Answer : Please follow the links . Higher and Lower Calorific Value
Answer: HFO = Heavy Fuel Oil, FFO = Furnace Fuel Oil, HSD = High Speed
Diesel, LDO = Light Diesel Oil.
Draw the performance curve of centrifugal pump.
Answer: Please follow the link : Combined Cycle Power Plant with Topping and
Bottoming Cycles
What are major and minor head losses in a fluid flow system?
Answer: Major loss is known as the losses that occur in the pipes. Minor losses
are head losses which occurs due to bends and elbows (additional parts in the
straight pipe system).
Answer: Valves are devices which can control the flow of fluid. By controlling
means directing and regulating the flow.
In a butter fly valve there is a disc which is hinged to the body. And there is an
operator. When operator moves the butterfly valves disc also rotates and
creates or blocks passage for the fluid to flow. When the disc is parallel to the
flow the liquid passes and when the disc is completely perpendicular the flow
also completely stops. Please watch this video for a complete understanding
of the butterfly valve.
Answer: nozzle is a device which can control the direction of the fluid along
with changing some of its properties. Nozzle is especially used for increasing
the velocity of the fluid stream. Generally nozzle is a tapered tube. It is used
where high velocity and low pressure is required. It depends on the continuity
equation. According to continuity equation if the flow rate is to be remained
same the product of area and velocity should remain same on the inlet and
outlet. So if area decreases then the velocity increases.
Answer: 99.2745%
Which one has greater efficiency for the same compression ratio? Diesel
engine or petrol engine? Explain.
Answer: For same compression ratio petrol engine has greater efficiency then
diesel engine. Otto cycle or petrol engine cycle rejects lesser heat for the same
compression ratio than the diesel engine cycle. That’s why it has better
efficiency for same compression ratio.
More mechanical engineering objective and w
ΔTA is the temperature difference between the two fluids at the one end
denoted by A. ΔTB is the temperature difference between the two streams of
fluids at end B.
What is Cam?
What is CAD?
Bolts are generally externally threaded fasteners which are inserted into a
hole and tighten up by means of nuts.
Screws are generally externally threaded fasteners which are inserted into a
hole which is internally threaded. No additional nuts are needed to tighten up
the screws.
Studs are bolts which are threaded on both ends and tightened up by using
nuts on the threaded ends to hold a part.
Answer: There are two types of stress that can be developed inside a material.
Normal stress and shear stress. The stress which is developed in a direction
perpendicular to the face is known as normal stress. The stress which is
developed in a direction parallel to the face is known as shear stress.
Answer: There are 4 types of gearboxes used in the machines and mechanisms
Answer: The mechanical system which engages two or more gears in such a
way that their teeth meshes and provides a smooth transmission. For a
successful gear power transmission the gears are designed in a way that the
velocity of the pitch circles of the two gears remains the same at the time of
If a Gear A (driver) and B (driven) meshes having radius Ra and Rb and angular
velocity Wa and Wb then
V= RaWa = RbWb
Answer: Follow the link: Stress Strain Curve for Mild Steel. Units of Stresses are
Pa. Most of the times GPa or Giga Pascal is used to express the units of stress
for materials.
Answer: Water Jacket is a water filled casing. The water in the water jacket
may be circulated by a pump. Water jackets are used for cooling purposes of
condensers, water cooled IC engines etc.
Answer: When a body tries to slide over another surface or starts sliding they
experience some opposite force from the adjacent surface. Limiting friction is
the maximum value of the friction force when a body just starts to slide. There
are condition and laws of limiting friction.
3 Jaw Self Centering Chuck and 4 Jaw Independent Chuck. Please Click on the
image to have a clear idea of the lathe chucks.
Answer: Euler’s Equation is used for measuring the critical load of a slender
column. Here is the Euler’s Equation for slender column.
C is the value for different end conditions. Please Look at question no. 48 for
the values of C.
Thermal Conductivity,
W/(m K) at 25 degress
Aluminum 205
Copper 401
Water 0.58
The boiler are also classified by the method of heating source. They are named
after the type of fuel.
Answer: The ratio of the length of a column to the least radius of gyration is
known as the slenderness ratio.
Answer: Most of the time the bending moment is associated with the beams.
Beams carry loads perpendicular to its axis and also withstand bending
moment. When some external forces or moments are applied on a structural
element, it can bend. The reaction to this applied forces and moments are
known as the bending moment.
If we have a structural element, suppose a beam and some forces are applied
on it and we want to determine the bending moment in every point then we
have to use the bending moment diagram. Watch this video tutorial on how to
draw bending moment diagram for a beam.
From the above equation we get, spring constant, k = – F/x. The unit of the
spring constant is Newton per meter , N/m
Every spring has its own spring constant which shows the stiffness and
strength of the spring.
Answer: It is the distance from the wall / plate across the boundary where the
velocity of the flow has become free stream velocity.
Answer: Reynolds Number is the ratio of viscous force to the inertia force.
Reynolds Number , Nre = ρvd/µ
Answer: Heat Transfer Co-efficient is the parameter used to measure the heat
transfer rate in convective heat transfer. Convective Heat Transfer Rate,
Q = h.A. (T2-T1)
Answer: In fire tube boiler the hot combustion products (gases and flames)
runs through the tubes and the tube is surrounded by the water. Example of
fire tube boiler is : Simple vertical boiler, Cochran Boiler, Lancashire Boiler and
Locomotive boiler.
In Water Boilers the water runs through the tubes and the combustion
products surround the tubes. Example of water tube boiler is : Babcock &
Wilcox Boiler, Stirling Boiler, La-monte Boiler etc.
Answer: Mountings are the parts or the devices which are mounted on the
boiler for the proper and safe functioning of the boiler. Example of boiler
mountings: Pressure gage, safety valve, Water Level Indicator, Steam Stop
Valve, Feed check valve and fusible plugs etc.
Accessories are the parts which are additionally attached to the boiler for the
increased efficiency. Accessories include economizer, superheater and feed
Answer: When a load carrying member is unstable due to its slenderness and
load, the buckling can happen. Beams undergo Lateral torsional buckling (LTB).
It happens due to the buckling of the compression flange of the beam. The
web of the beam supports the beam from LTB. But if there is no lateral
support and enough force is applied then both the web and the flange can
buckle. The torsion flange remains stable and restrains the compression flange
and web causing the beam to twist. As a result lateral torsional buckling
Latent heat of condensation is the heat released while water vapor condenses
into liquid.
Answer: The definition of shear force: Shear forces are generally unaligned
forces which pushes one part of the body in a certain direction and the other
part of the body in opposite direction.
Answer: When the impeller rotates it adds Kinetic Energy to the adjacent fluid.
As a result the pressure of the adjacent fluid increases. At the same time
negative pressure is developed at the suction side. Because of this pressure
differential fluid flows through the impeller. If the impeller is filled air rather
than water then the pressure differential will be small and no fluid will flow. So
to eliminate that phenomenon the pump flow path is filled with water. This is
known as priming.
Governor’s function is to keep the speed stable in different loads. If the load is
lighter, less fuel supply is needed to keep a stable speed. But if the load
increases more fuel supply is needed. Governor controls the fuel supplies.
Answer: Draft Tubes are used at the exit of the runner of the turbines. These
are pipes of gradually increasing area. The draft tube at the exit of the turbine
increases pressure of the exiting fluid by reducing its velocity. It converts
waste kinetic energy of the exit fluid into useful pressure energy.
Answer: Break Specific fuel Consumption, BSFC is a ratio of the rate of fuel
consumption to the power produced. So it is the measurement of the
efficiency of the fuel of any prime mover which produces power.
According to bernoulli’s equation the sum of pressure head, velocity head and
datum head for a incompressible newtonian fluid remain
constant. Mathematical expression of Bernoulli equation:
39. What are the different unit of viscosity?
Answer: The ratio of pitch circle diameter to the number of teeth in gears are
known as Gear module. It is generally denoted as m. Gear module m = D/ T.
Answer: A combined cycle power plant is one which uses both gas turbine and
steam turbine to produce more electricity. By using CCPP the efficiency and
the electrical power output both can be increased.
In a combined cycle power plant the gas turbine runs by the combustion
products of the compressed air fuel mixture. It produces electricity by moving
a generator. The waste gases from the gas turbine is then utilized in a heat
recovery steam generator (HRSG). It produces steam and runs the steam
turbine. Thus steam turbine produces some additional electricity. Here’s a
schematic representation of CCPP. Click on the image for better view.
Answer: Follow the link : Pressure and Velocity Compounding for Turbines.
Answer: Follow the link : Sub-cooling and Super-heating explained with T-s
and P-h diagram
Answer: Follow the link: Gas Turbine Cycle explained with Regeneration,
Intercooling and Reheating
46. What is Herringbone Gear?
Answer: The ratio of actual COP to theoretical COP is known as Relative COP.
Answer: The ratio of the moment of inertia of a cross sectional area to the
distance of the highest point of the fiber from the neutral axis is known as the
section modulus. Mathematically section modulus , z = I/C .