Arts - Prospectus 2024-25 - Admission

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Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Kalina,

Santacruz (E), Mumbai-400 098.
Email: [email protected],
[email protected], Twitter: @idol_uom,
SMS Service: 8082892988

Providing Higher Education through Distance mode since 1971

54th Successful Years in Open and Distance Education




Prospectus for the Academic Year 2024-25

Website: The admission will be done online. For details the students have to visit our website:

Under Graduate Programmes & Part-II of Post Graduate Programmes

For Part-I of Post Graduate Programmes kindly visit

Sr. Page
No. No.
1.1 The University of Mumbai
1.2 About The CDOE
1.3 Aims and Objectives
1.4 Vision and Mission
1.5 Special Features
1.6 Instructional System
1.7 Office Bearers and Teaching Faculties of CDOE

2.1 Admission Schedule
2.2 Online Admission Procedure
2.3 Eligibility Criteria for Courses Offered Under the Humanities and
Interdisciplinary Faculties
2.4 Induction Meeting for UG and PG Programmes
3.1 List of UG Courses
3.2 FYBA
3.3 SYBA
3.4 TYBA
4.1 M.A. Marathi Literature
4.2 M.A. Hindi Literature
4.3 M.A. English Literature
4.4 M.A. Sociology
4.5 M.A. History
4.6 M.A. Economics
4.7 M.A. Political Science
4.8 M.A. Psychology
5 2020)
5.1 M.A. Geography
5.2 M.A. Education- As per CBCS Semester Pattern
5.3 M.A. Public Relations

5.4 M.A. Communication and Journalism

6.1 Instructions to Scholarship Students
6.2 Important Circulars and Ordinances
6.3 Support Services
6.4 Rules and Regulations of the Institute
6.5 Self-Study Technique



The University of Mumbai (earlier known as University of Bombay) is one of the oldest and premier Universities
in India. Established on 18thJuly, 1857, it is one amongst the first three universities in India, other being Calcutta
and Madras universities. It is a University with Potential for Excellence Award accorded by the UGC.
The University has been reaccredited with ‘A++’ with (CGPA 3.65) by NAAC.

In addition UGC has granted Category I Status to the University of Mumbai.

University of Mumbai has seven campuses along with the headquarter there are six sub campuses (i.e. Fort campus
(Main Headquarter), Churchgate, Kalina, Thane, Kalyan, Ratnagiri, and Sawantwadi). 742 affiliated colleges
and 55 departments with an enrolment of more than 7 lakh Students are engaged in the teaching-learning process. It
has established its name in industrial collaboration and runs various professional programmes. The university is
leading at national level in sports, cultural and other activities.

The university started its correspondence education on 24th March 1971. It was known as “Directorate of
Correspondence Programmes.” In 1985 it was upgraded as “Directorate of Distance Education” which was further
in 1993, upgraded as “Institute of Distance Education” (IDE). In the academic year 2008-09 the “The Institute of
Distance and Open Learning” (IDOL) is now as per ODL regulation 2020 it is named as “CENTRE FOR
DISTANCE AND ONLINE EDUCATION” (CDOE) in February 2024. Since its inception CDOE has been giving
high priority to human resource development by introducing various traditional Degree Programmes as well as
Technical and Professional Programmes through distance and online mode.

University of Mumbai is the 7th University in the country which has started a Distance Education Program in a
conventional set up. Initially it started with the registration of 845 students which has grown up to a staggering figure
of 76,495 (2016-2017) in the last academic year. Students are also doing well by topping the merit list of the
university examination and have bagged Gold Medal in M.A. Sanskrit, M.A. Marathi and Chancellor’s Medal in
M.A. Hindi. There are a good number of students securing FirstClass B.A./B.Com. and M.A. / M.Com. Many
students of CDOE have gone abroad seeking higher education in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand
etc. Many well known film personalities have also been enrolled in CDOE.

All programs offered by the Institute under the Faculty of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies are approved by
the University Grant Commission- Distance Education Bureau (UGC-DEB), New Delhi, vide letter F. No. 1-
11/2019 (DEB-I) dated 31/07/2019.

As per ODL regulation CDOE is operating in three tier system as follows

Headquarter, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan, Vidyanagari Campus, University of Mumbai, Santacruz
(East), Mumbai, 400098

CDOE Regional Centers:

1. Vidyarthi Bhavan, B Road, Churchgate, Mumbai.

2. Thane Sub Campus: University of Mumbai at Balkum, Runwal Garden, Thane-Bhiwandi Road, Balkum Octroi
Naka, Thane – 400 608. Student counselling/guidance is available at this centre.

3. Kalyan Sub Campus: At Gandhari Village, Vasant Valley Road, Khadakpada, Kalyan (W).

4. Ratnagiri Sub Campus: University of Mumbai at Plot No. P-61, MIDC, Mirjole, Ratnagiri. Student
counselling/guidance is available at this centre.

5. Sawantwadi Regional Center, Sawantwadi, Dist. Sindhudurg.

The Center for Excellence in E-Content Development (CEED)

The Center for Excellence in E-Content Development (CEED), was inaugurated on 17th November 2023 in the
presence of Hon’ble Minister Higher and Technical Education, Shri Chandrakant Patil. It operates from the Centre for
Distance and Online Education, University of Mumbai, to create learner-centred 4 Quadrant e-content as per UGC
SWAYAM MOOCs guidelines for various courses. It is located in Room Number 204, CDOE building, University
of Mumbai.


The main objectives of the Institute are:
1. To provide facilities of higher education to the working population, women and adults, who wish to upgrade
their education or acquire knowledge in various disciplines.
2. To provide education to people who cannot attend regular face to face classroom teaching.
3. To help the students upgrade educational qualification for academic achievements in the process of lifelong
4. To develop education as a lifelong activity so that the individual can refresh his/her knowledge or can acquire
knowledge in new areas.
5. To provide online education to learners as per UGC-DEB regulation 2020.

1.4 Vision and Mission

To position CDOE as a premier ODL institute responsive to emerging needs of learners by providing education for
To produce high quality graduates and contribute towards sustainable development of the university by supporting
creation of excellence in teaching, learning and research.

The institute shall strive to promote innovative strategies for creation and dissemination of knowledge using available
media and technologies so that university graduates acquire relevant capabilities to contribute with diligence to
national development and global knowledge pool through their calibre, professionalism, value system and sense of
This will be achieved by providing high quality self-learning materials with extensive learner support services and to
take education to the needy and promote community participation for local development.


∗ The institute is presently located in its own building of about 77,000 square feet area

with connectivity.
∗ Curricular contents, mode of examination and the degrees to be awarded are the same as applicable to the students
of the colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai.
∗ The learning process of the Institute is mainly through the medium of printed study materials.
∗ The audio-visual and electronic aids are being added in some subjects as a reference resource.
∗ The institute is also developing the Virtual Learning Class-rooms (VLC) facility for the students as an additional
∗ The institute has an independent library and two reading rooms for the students.
Fifty thousand books are available with a good number of journals of national and international repute.
∗ Guidance lectures (Personal Contact Sessions) are conducted every year at about 76 centres in Mumbai and
∗ Counselling to the students during office hours at Head quarters is given by the core faculty.

The National Education Policy 2020 envisions an education system rooted in Indian ethos that contributes directly to
transforming India, that is Bharat, sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high-
quality education to all, and thereby making India a global knowledge superpower. The Policy envisages that the
curriculum and pedagogy of our institutions must develop among the students a deep sense of respect towards the
Fundamental Duties and Constitutional values, bonding with one’s country, and a conscious awareness of one’s roles
and responsibilities in a changing world. The vision of the Policy is to instil among the learners a deep-rooted pride
in being Indian, not only in thought, but also in spirit, intellect, and deeds, as well as to develop knowledge, skills,
values, and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights, sustainable development and living,
and global well-being, thereby reflecting a truly global citizen.


The methodology of instructions at the Centre for Distance and Online Education of the University of Mumbai is
different from that of the conventional university/college. Our system is more learner oriented in which the learner
is an active participant in the teaching learning process.

CDOE follows the multimedia approach in instructions. It comprises

1. Printed study materials are basically in English and wherever possible in Marathi also. The question-papers in
the subject other than languages are printed in English with a Marathi version. The students can write their answers
in English, Marathi, Hindi or Gujarati if they indicate their choice for medium of answering in their Examination
Form, if a student writes his /her answers in any language other than Marathi, Hindi, English and Gujarati,
their answers will not be assessed and ZERO marks will be awarded. Students will have to collect their study
materials from Room No.005 (Backside), ground floor, CDOE Building on Monday to Friday (11.00a.m. to
5:00p.m.). However, for the students who are unable to make it, they can download the study material from the
official website. (

2. Face to face interaction with teachers and Counseling at CDOE by the core faculty is available between the times
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday (excluding 2nd & 4thSaturday of every month and public holidays)
in Room No. 106 A and 007, CDOE building, University of Mumbai

1.7 Office Bearers and Teaching Faculties of CDOE


Prof. (Dr.) Shivaji D. Sargar

M.A. M.Phil,
Director Ph.D, SET, English literature,
Director, CDOE

Dr. Madhura Kulkarni

Deputy Director M. Com., Ph.D.
Deputy Director, CDOE

Dr. Leeladhar V. Bansod

Deputy Registrar
Public Relation Officer (PRO)

Deputy Registrar Neelkanth Talwadekar

(Exam & Admin) Deputy Registrar

Sr. System Analyst Shri. Ashokkumar Nair

Computer Section,



Head Faculty of
Interdisciplinary Prof. (Dr.) Santosh Dharma Rathod
Studies and Faculty M.A., Ph.D. SET
of English CDOE

Shivaji K. Ingole

English Literature M. A., M. Phil. NET

Assistant Professor

Komal Shivaji Ambhore,

M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry), M.Ed.

NET and SET (Education)

Education Assistant Professor

Veena Kasabe

M.Sc., M.Ed. ,NET Edu.

Assistant Professor

Ajit Patil,
Assistant Professor

Dr. Pranoti B. Sonule

M.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Faculty of
Humanities and Anil R. Bankar
Social Sciences. And (M. A. B. Ed., NET, LLB)
the Faculty of Associate Professor of History
Director of CIQA

Shivdas Ghadge

History M.A. SET, NET JRF (ICHR)

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sandhya Garje

M.A., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Dr. Anil Govind Choudhari

Hindi Literature M.A., M.Phil.,SET, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Pramod Pabbar Yadav

Assistant Professor

Manisha Bankar
M.A, B. Ed. NET, SET
Assistant Professor

Marathi Literature

Dr. Seema Musale

M.A. M.Phil., Ph.D., SET, NET
Assistant Professor

Sachin Vasant Sutar

M. A. Psychology,CTET, LLB.
M.Ed. SET (Psychology) SET (Education)
Assistant Professor

Dr. Dattatray M. Tonde,

M.A. M.Ed. SET, NET, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Political Science

Dr. Kshipra Vasudeo

B.A. (Honours) (Gold Medalist), M.A.
M.Phil. NET, SET, Ph.D
Assistant Professor

Pankti Surve,
Assistant Professor


Ashima Baruah
Assistant Professor

Dr. Rajashri Pandit

Head Faculty of
M. A., LL. B., Ph. D, SET
Assistant Professor

Dr. Pratiksha Tikar

M. A. M. Phil. Ph.D. SET

Assistant Professor


Dr. Gopal Ghumatkar


Assistant Professor




Kindly check the admission schedule on the website


From the academic year 2017-18, admissions to all programmes are done through an online process. For details
the students have to visit our website:

& and follow the procedure given on the website.

Esamarth link for the admission of PG (MA Part I):
MKCL link for the admission of UG (FYBA):


The fees can be paid through any one of the following modes of payment:
1. Online payment option through Debit/ Credit Cards/ Internet Banking.
Attestation of Documents
The self-attested copies of documents/papers will be accepted.
It is made clear that if any false attestation / falsified record is detected, the student will be debarred from the
University / institute and in addition a criminal case under relevant section of IPC (viz., 471, 474 IPC etc.) will be
instituted against him/her.

2.3. Eligibility Criteria And FEE Structure for Courses Offered Under the Interdisciplinary Faculties

(CBCS Semester pattern scheme implemented from the academic year 2020-21 for the programs of B.A. &
M.A. Humanities & Interdisciplinary studies)

Under Graduate Programme

Sr. Name of the Programme Eligibility Duration Fees **

1. B.A. O.2138 :- XII (H.S.C.) passed from 3 Years F.Y. Rs.
(History, Political Science, Maharashtra State Board OR equivalent (6 5882/-
Sociology, Economics, Exam CBSC other State Board OR 3 Semester) S.Y. Rs.
Education, Psychology, years Diploma from MSBTE OR other 5662/-
Rural Development, boards recognized as equivalent (As per T.Y. Rs.
equivalence on 24/8/2010) OR 10+2 5912/-
Geography, Marathi, Hindi
& English) years ITI course.
(As per the circular of Higher &
Technical Education Department
क्र.हीओसी -२०१२/५९१/ प्र.क्र.२४५ (अ)/ व्यशी -
४, दि. २८ /९/२०१२

2. B. Com O.2152 :- XII (H.S.C.) passed from 3 Years F.Y. Rs.
(Accounts or Management Maharashtra State Board OR equivalent (6 5882/-
Group) Semester) S.Y. Rs.
Exam CBSC other State Board (As per the 5662/-
ordinance O.2152) OR 3 years Diploma T.Y. Rs.
from MSBTE OR other boards recognized 5912/-
as equivalent (As per equivalence on
10+2 ITI course. (As per the
circular of Higher & Technical
Education Department
क्र.हीओसी -२०१२/५९१/ प्र.क्र.२४५ (अ)/ व्यशी -
४, दि. २८ /९/२०१२

3. B. Com (Accounting & O.5204 :- (a) A candidate for being eligible 3 Years F.Y. Rs.
Finance) for admission to the Bachelor of (6 11322/-
Commerce (Accounting and Finance) Semester) S.Y. Rs.
degree course shall have passed XII std. 11102/-
examination of the Maharashtra Board of T.Y. Rs.
Higher Secondary Education or its 11352/-
equivalent and secured not less than 45%
marks in aggregate at first attempt (40% in
case of reserved
4. B.Sc. (Information O.5051 : - HSC (XII) passed with 3 Years F.Y. Rs.
Technology) Mathematics & Statistics (with 45% for (6 18922/-
open and 40% for reserved category) or Semester) S.Y. Rs.
equivalent (with 45% for open and 40% for 19202/-
reserved category) T.Y. Rs.
OR 20452/-

Candidates with post HSC-Diploma in

Information Technology/Computer
Technology/ Computer Engineering /
Computer Science and Allied branches will
be eligible for direct admission to the
Second Year of B.Sc. (IT).
However, the Diploma should be
recognized by the Board of Technical
Education or any other recognized
Government Body (with 45% for open and
40% for reserved category)

5 B.Sc. (Computer Science) O.5719 :- Passed in HSC (XII) Science with 3 Years F.Y. Rs.
Mathematics or equivalent. (6 16822/-
OR Semester) S.Y. Rs.
Candidates with post HSC-Diploma in 19202/-
Information Technology/Computer T.Y. Rs.
Technology/ Computer Engineering / 21852/-
Computer Science and Allied branches will
be eligible for direct admission to the
Second Year of B.Sc. (CS).
However, the Diploma should be recognized
by the Board
of Technical Education or any other
recognized Government Body.

Post Graduate Programme with Part – I as per

NEP from the Academic Year 2024-25
6. M.A. O.2237 :- Any Bachelor’s Degree 2 Years Part – I Rs.
(History, Sociology, in any subjects from a Statutory (4 9004/- Part – II
Economics, University. Semester) Rs. 8229/-
Political Science,
Marathi, Hindi, English)
7. M.A. (Education) O.5885 :- Must have passed the 2 Years Part – I Rs.
CBCS SEMESTER B.Ed. / B.A. with Education as one (4 10979/- Part –
PATTERN of the elective paper form this Semester) II Rs. 9879/-
University OR any other statutory
University (Whereas students who
have passed B.P.Ed.,
B.Ed. (Physical), B.Ed. (Spl.
(Edu.) etc. are not eligible for
8. M.A. (Geography) O.2237 :- Any Bachelor’s Degree in 2 Years Part – I Rs. 15254/-
any subject (4 Part – II Rs. 14479/-
from a Statutory University. Semester)
9. M.A. (Psychology) O.2237 :- Bachelor’s Degree in Arts 2 Years Part – I Rs.
Faculty with minimum three papers (4 9504/- Part – II
of Psychology in Third Year B.A. Semester) Rs. 8729/-
10. M.A. (Communication & O.5707 :- Any Bachelor’s Degree 2 Years Part – I Rs. 15804/-
Journalism) from a statutory University. (4 Part – II Rs. 15029/-
11. M.A. (Public Relations) Any Bachelor’s Degree From 2 Years Part – I Rs.
a statutory University. (4 15804/- Part –
Semester) II Rs. 15029/-
Diploma Programme

12. PGDFM (Post Graduate O.3509:- A Candidate for being 1 Year Rs.
Diploma in eligible for (2 21264
Financial admission Semeste /-
Management) (a) Must hold a University r)
* Approved by the degree in any faculty
University of Mumbai) (b) Defence Service Personnel may
be admitted to the course even if

they are not degree holders. (No.
UG/34 of 2016-17)

Fees chart for reserve category students


B.A. F.Y. B.A. Rs 3362 /- Rs 3362 /- Rs 3962 /- Rs 3962 /- Rs 3962 /-

S.Y. B.A. Rs 3342 /- Rs 3342 /- Rs 3942 /- Rs 3942 /- Rs 3942 /-

Rs 3592 /- Rs 3592 /- Rs 4192 /- Rs 4192 /- Rs 4192 /-

T.Y. B.A.

2 M.A ( History, Part-I Rs 4619/- Rs 4619/- Rs 5219/- Rs 5219/- Rs 5219/-

Sociology, Economics,
Political Science, Marathi,
Part - II Rs 4869 /- Rs 4869 /- Rs 5469 /- Rs 5469 /- Rs 5469 /-
Hindi, English )

M.A Part-I Rs 4619/- Rs 4619/- Rs 5219/- Rs 5219/- Rs 5219/-

3 Part - II Rs 5469/- Rs 5469/-
& Journalism ) Rs 4869/- Rs 4869/- Rs 5469/-

M.A (Public Part-I Rs 4619/- Rs 4619/- Rs 5219/- Rs 5219/- Rs 5219/-

4 Relations )
Part - II Rs 4869 /- Rs 4869 /- Rs 5469 /- Rs 5469 /- Rs 5469 /-

5 M.A Part-I Rs 5119 /- Rs 5119 /- Rs 5719 /- Rs 5719 /- Rs 5719 /-

Part - II Rs 5369 /- Rs 5369 /- Rs 5969 /- Rs 5969 /- Rs 5969 /-

6 M.A (Geography) Part-I Rs 4869 /- Rs 4869 /- Rs 5469 /- Rs 5469 /- Rs 5469 /-

Part - II Rs 5119 /- Rs 5119 /- Rs 5719 /- Rs 5719 /- Rs 5719 /-

Important Instructions for reserve category students are given in the link given below

Important Instructions for students belonging to eligibility cases of all the programmes.

Note : - Eligibility Case :- Students from other than University of Mumbai/ CBSE/ICSE/NIOS/ other State Boards
/ D.Ed./ IB & CIE / Diploma from MSBTE/ Other State Techn. Boards after the admission they should submit the
original Migration Certificate within 45 days from the date of admission.

Important Instrutions for students belonging to eligibility cases.

* Condition to Apply : First year of the B.B.I / B.F.M. program is admitted to the Second year B.Com program,
the learner should study the FC paper I of First year at Semester I and at Semester II which carry two credits each,
pass the courses and earn these 4 additional credits which are required to earn a total of 40 credits as done by a
F.Y.B.Com learner.

** Scholarship Scheme Case :- GOI Scholarship is only applicable for the domicile students of Maharashtra. They
should have the Caste Certificate issued by Maharashtra State. Students who wish to take admission for MA
Education, PGDFM are hereby informed that there is no scholarship facility available for them.

Certain courses offered by CDOE are not listed on the Mahadbt website. So students from reserve category
must pay full fees for such courses. Students applying for Scholarship Scheme are requested to fill the form only

Important Links

● Website:- Admission Schedule, Prospectus and for other details visit our website
● Email : [email protected] ,
● facebook :,
● Twitter : @idol_uom ,
● Telegram :,
● FM Radio :,
● Youtube :

after the schedule to fill the forms are declared on the website -

Note :- Scholarship facility is subject to schemes of GOI.

*** Students of University of Mumbai affiliated colleges / other Universities students prior to 2018 under 60:40
or 75:25 scheme are not eligible to take admission in CDOE for S.Y.B.A, & T.Y.B.A.

**** All programmes approved by UGC-DEB, Ministry of Education, Government of India except PGDFM.

***** All the programmes of CDOE are under CBCS semester pattern & PG Part I programme under the
NEP 2022.

****** Study material available in English and Marathi language. (Except language courses)

CDOE Regional Centers & Study Material Collection Centers @ Churchgate, Thane, Kalyan Ratnagiri &
Sawantwadi (Sindhudurg). (Detailed address is available on the website) CDOE has its Regional centres
where students’ counselling / guidance and study material distribution is available between 10:20 am to 6:00
pm on working days.

2.4 Induction Meeting for UG and PG Programmes

As per ODL regulation 2020 the Induction Meeting will be conducted for entry level courses (i.e., First year
BA and MA Part I) for the first Saturday of October 2024. The notification about the Induction programme
for FYBA and MA Part I will be communicated through our official website: and through
Telegram Channels.



The duration of the course for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) shall be 3 years.

Important to know
Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai, has implemented
the revised syllabus as per the CBCS pattern for FYBA in Semester-I and Semester-II with
effect from the academic year 2020-2021.
CBCS pattern
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) follows the semester pattern where two consecutive
semesters (I and II) constitute an academic year; Grading and evaluation of students
performance in each subject take place at the end of each semester. CBCS uses a credit-based
grading system and not a percentage-wise system.

Examination in the CBCS Pattern

As it is a semester pattern, two semesters in each academic year. Students have to appear in
exams twice a year. Each semester-end examination will be for 100 marks per subject (Except

Subject Foundation Course-I

This will be for 75 marks in each semester-End examination and 25 marks for internal
evaluation. The internal examination of 25 marks for Foundation Course Paper-I will be
conducted before semester-end examinations. Students will get a notice regarding the same
well in advance.
1. Marathi Literature
2. Hindi Literature
3. English Literature
4. Sociology
5. History
6. Economics
7. Political Science
8. Psychology
9. Urdu Literature
10. Education
11. Geography
12. Rural Development

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.


Subjects to be offered at FYBA : 6 Papers

Three Compulsory & Three Optional Papers
Total Marks -600

Term: Sem I Separate Passing Head: No, Min Course: 6, Max courses: 6, Max: 600, Total
credit: 15.00


Subject SEM Paper Title Credit

Compulsory Subjects

English I Communication Skills in English 2


FC I Paper-I: Foundation Course -I 2

Compulsory Language (Select Any one)

Marathi I Marathi Compulsory 2

Hindi I Hindi Compulsory 2

Urdu I Urdu Compulsory 2

French I French Compulsory 2

Optional Subjects Group I (Select Any one)

Economics I Paper-I: Microeconomics - I 3

Marathi Opt. I Paper I: Marathi Literature 3

Hindi Opt. I Paper I: Hindi Literature 3

English Opt. I Paper I: Introduction to English Literature 3

Urdu Opt. I Paper I: Urdu 3

Optional Subjects Group II (Select Any One)

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Philosophy I Paper I: Moral Philosophy 3

Rural I Paper I: Introduction to Rural Development 3


Psychology I Paper I: Fundamentals of Psychology 3

History I Paper I: History of Modern India (1857-1947) 3

Optional Subjects Group III (Select Any One)

Sociology I Paper - I Foundation of Sociology 3

Political I Paper – I: Indian Political System 3


Geography I Paper I : Physical Geography 3

Education I Paper –I: Fundamentals of Education 3

Term: Sem II Separate Passing Head: No, Min Course: 6, Max courses: 6, Max: 600, Total
credit: 15.00


Subject SEM Paper Title Credit

Compulsory Subjects

English Comp. II Communication Skills in English 2

FC II Paper-I: Foundation Course-II 2

Compulsory Language (Select Any one)

Marathi II Marathi Compulsory 2

Hindi II Hindi Compulsory 2

Urdu II Urdu Compulsory 2

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

French II French Compulsory 2

Optional Subjects Group I (Select Any One)

Economics II Paper-I: Microeconomics - II 3

Marathi Opt. II Paper I: Marathi Literature 3

Hindi Opt. II Paper I: Hindi Literature 3

English Opt. II Paper I: Introduction to English Literature 3

Urdu Opt. II Paper I: Urdu 3

Optional Subjects Group II (Select Any One)

Philosophy II Paper I: Moral Philosophy 3

Rural II Paper I: Introduction to Rural Development 3


Psychology II Paper I: Fundamentals of Psychology 3

History II Paper I: History of Modern India: Society and 3


Optional Subjects Group III (Select Any One)

Sociology II Paper - I Fundamentals of Sociology 3

Political Science II Paper – I: Indian Political Process 3

Geography II Paper I : Physical Geography 3

Education II Paper –I: Education for the 21st Century 3

Note: The internal examination of 25 marks for Foundation Course Paper-I will be conducted
before semester-end examinations. Students will get a notice regarding the same well in

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

3.3 Program Part: S.Y.B.A.

Term: Sem III Separate Passing Head: No, Min Courses: 8, Max Courses: 8, Max: 800, Total
Credits: 22.00
The papers for S.Y. B.A. - Sem III are classified into following groups:
Subject Paper Paper Title Credit

Applied Component (Any One)

Applied III Introduction to Journalism Paper I 2

III Business Communication 2

III Introduction to Advertising Paper I (Basic Concepts of 2


Foundation Course

FC III Paper-II: Foundation Course-III 2

Optional Subjects (Any THREE of which offered in previous year)
Economics III Macro Economics - I 3
III Public Finance 3

Marathi Opt. III Marathi Paper II 3

III Marathi Paper III 3

Hindi Opt. III Hindi Paper II 3

III Prayojan Mulak Hindi 3

English Opt. III Indian Literature in English (Essay, Novel and Short 3
stories) Paper II
III American Literature (Short story and Novel) Paper III 3

Urdu Opt. III Paper III 3

III Paper IV 3

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Philosophy III Social Philosophy 3
III Indian Philosophy 3

Rural III Rural Development Paper III-: Rural Society 3

III Rural Development Paper III-: Rural administration 3

Psychology III Social Psychology: Part I 3

III Developmental Psychology: part I 3

History III Paper II: Landmarks in World History, 1300A.D-1945A.D 3

III Paper III: Ancient India from Earliest Times to 1000A.D 3

Sociology III Indian Society: Structure and Change 3

III Contemporary Issues in Indian Society 3

Political Science III Principals and Concepts of Political Theory 3

III Public Administration Paper III 3

Geography III Paper II: An Introduction to Climatology 3

III Paper III: Physical Geography of India 3

Education III Educational Psychology Paper -I 3

III Guidance and Counseling- Paper I 3

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Term: Sem IV Separate Passing Head: No, Min Courses: 8, Max Courses:
8, Max:800, Total Credits: 22.00

The papers for S.Y. B.A. - Sem IV are classified into following groups:

Subject SE Paper Title Credi

M t
Applied Component (Any One)

Applied component IV Introduction to Journalism Paper II 2

IV Business Communication 2

IV Introduction to Advertising Paper I (Basic Concepts of 2

Foundation Course

FC IV Paper-II: Foundation Course-IV 2

Optional Subjects (Any THREE of which offered in previous year)
Economics IV Macro Economics - II 3
IV Indian Economy 3

Marathi Opt. IV Marathi Paper II 3

IV Marathi Paper III 3

Hindi Opt. IV Adhunik Hindi Gadya 3

IV Jansanchar Madhyam 3

English Opt. IV Indian Literature in English (Essay, Poetry and Drama) Paper 3
IV American Literature (Poetry and Drama) Paper III 3

Urdu Opt. IV Paper III 3

IV Paper IV 3

Philosophy IV Social Philosophy 3

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

IV School of Indian Philosophy 3

Rural Development IV Political Philosophy 3

IV Western Philosophy 3

Psychology IV Social Psychology: Part II 3

IV Developmental Psychology: part II 3

History IV Paper II: Landmarks in World History, 1300A.D-1945A.D 3

IV Paper III: Ancient India from Earliest Times to 1000A.D 3

Sociology IV Sociology of Development 3

IV Emerging Fields in Sociology 3

Political Science IV Principals and Concepts of Political Theory 3

IV Public Administration Paper III 3

Geography IV Paper II: An Introduction to Climatology 3

IV Paper III: Physical Geography of India 3

Education IV Educational Psychology Paper -I 3

IV Guidance and Counseling- Paper I 3

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

3.4 Program Part T.Y.B.A. (CBCS)
Subjects to be offered: 6 Papers
Optional Subject: Select only one optional subject with six papers or two subjects with
three papers each from the subjects offered at F.Y.B.A. and S.Y.B.A. (Study material
available in English and Marathi)
SEMESTER V -Total Marks: 600

Subject Paper Paper Title Credit

Sociology IV Theoretical Sociology 4

V Sociology of Work
VI Sociology of Gender
VII/VIII Sociology of Human Resource Development
VII/VIII Urban Sociology
IX Quantitative Social Research

Economics VII Advanced Microeconomics – III 4

VIII Economics of Growth and Development
Industrial and Labour Economics – I 3
X Entrepreneurship & Small-Scale Industries
XI Environmental Economics – I
XII History of Economic Thoughts – I

History IV History of Medieval India (1000 CE – 1526 CE) 4

History of Modern Maharashtra (1818 CE – 1960 CE) 4
Introduction to Archaeology 3
History of the Marathas (1630 CE- 1707 CE) 4
History of Contemporary World (1945 CE – 2000 CE) 4
Research Methodology and Sources of History 3

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Subject Paper Paper Title Credit
Geography IV Geography of settlement 4
V Population Geography
VI Practical Geography
Geography: Regional Planning and Development-VII 4
Geography: Geography of Disaster Mitigation and 4
VIII Management-VIII
Geospatial Technology-IX 3

Psychology IV Psychological Testing and Statistics 4

V Abnormal Psychology
Industrial/Organisational Psychology 3
VII Cognitive Psychology
Practicals in Cognitive Processes and Psychological 4
VIII Testing
IX Counselling Psychology

Political Science IV World Politics 4

V Western Political Thought
VI Politics of Modern Maharashtra
VII Concepts in Political Sociology
VIII International Organisations
IX Electoral Process in India

Rural Development IV Agriculture and it's significance in rural Development 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

V Rural Marketing and Finance
VI Applied Agriculture
VII Rural Resource management
VIII Emerging issues in Rural Development
IX Social work for Rural Development

Subject Paper Paper Title Credit

Marathi IV मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाङ्मयाचा इतिहास भाग १ 4
भारिीय सातहत्यतवचार 4
सातहत्य आति समाज भाग १ 3
भाषातवज्ञान 4
आधुतनक मराठी सातहत्य, 4
भाषाांिर कौशल्य 3

Hindi IV History of Hindi Literature 4

Post-Independence Hindi Literature 4
Information Technology in Hindi 3
Literary Criticism : Prosody & Rhetorics 4
Linguistics : Hindi Language and Grammar 4
Mass Media 3

English IV 16th to 18th Century English Literature-I 4

V Literary Criticism-I
VI 19th Century English Literature-I
VII 20th Century British Literature-I
VIII Translation Studies- Theory and Practice-I

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

IX Literature of Protest-I

Education IV Educational Evaluation 4

V Information & Communication Tech In Education
VI B Educational Research
VII Education For Women
VIII Challenges In Indian Education
IX B Educational Management
SEMESTER VI -Total Marks: 600

Subject Paper Paper Title Credit

Sociology IV Anthropological Thought 4
V Sociology of Informal Sector
Gender and Society in India : Contemporary Debates and 3
VI Emerging Issues
VII Sociology of Organizations
VIII Environmental Concerns in India
IX Qualitative Social Research

Economics XIII Advanced Macroeconomics – III 4

XIV International Economics
XV Industrial and Labour Economics – II
XVI Rural Development
XVII Environmental Economics – II
XVIII History of Economic Thoughts – II

History IV History of Medieval India (1526 CE – 1707 CE) 4

History of Contemporary India (1947 CE – 2000 CE) 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Introduction to Museology and Archival Science 3
History of the Marathas (1707 CE – 1818 CE) 4
History of Asia (1945 CE – 2000 CE) 4
Research Methodology and Sources of History 3

Subject Paper Paper Title Credit

Geography IV Geography: Environmental Geography-IV 4
V Geography: Geography of Tourism and Recreation-V
Geography: Tools and Techniques in Geography for Spatial 3
VI Analysis-II (Practical-VI)
VII Geography: Economic Geography-VII
VIII Geography: Biogeography-VIII
IX Geography: Research Methodology in Geography

Psychology IV Psychological Testing and Statistics 4

V Abnormal Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3
VII Cognitive Psychology
VIII Practicals in Cognitive Processes and Psychological Testing
IX Counselling Psychology

Political 4
Science IV India & World Politics
V Indian Political Thought
VI Determinants of Politics of Maharashtra
VII Political Dynamism and Society
VIII Regional Organisations and Transcontinental Groups

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

IX Media and Electoral Process

Rural 4
Development IV Agriculture and it's significance in rural Development
V Rural Marketing and Finance
VI Applied Agriculture
VII Rural Resource management
VIII Emerging issues in Rural Development
IX Social work for Rural Development

Subject Paper Paper Title Credit

Marathi IV मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाङ्मयाचा इतिहास भाग २ 4
पाश्चात्त्य सातहत्यतवचार 4
सातहत्य आति समाज भाग २ 3
मराठी व्याकरि 4
उत्तर आधुतनक मराठी सातहत्य 4
व्यावसातयक मराठी 3

Hindi IV History of Modern Hindi Literature 4

Post Independence Hindi Literature 4
Social Media 3
Literary Criticism : Prosody & Rhetorics 4
Linguistics : Hindi Language and Grammar 4
Mass Media 3

English IV 16th to 18th Century English Literature-II 4

Literary Criticism-II 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

19th Century English Literature-II 3
20th Century British Literature-II 4
Translation Studies- Theory and Practice-II 4
Literature of Protest-II 3

Education IV Educational Evaluation 4

V Information & Communication Tech In Education
VI B Educational Research
VII Education For Women
VIII Challenges In Indian Education
IX B Educational Management

The duration of the course for the degree of Master of Arts shall be two years (four semesters),
that is M. A. Part-I (SEM I & II) and M. A. Part-II (SEM III & IV).

M. A. Programme (NEP-2020)

Important to know:
Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) (formerly known as Institute of Distance and
Open Learning (IDOL)), University of Mumbai, has been brought into force the revised syllabus
as per the CBCS pattern for M.A (as per NEP 2020) in Semester-I and Semester-II with effect from
the academic year 2024-2025.
CBCS pattern: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) follows the semester pattern where two
consecutive semesters (I and II) constitute an academic year; Grading and evaluation of students
performance in each subject take place at the end of each semester. CBCS uses a credit-based
grading system and not a percentage-wise system.

Examination in the CBCS Pattern: As it is a semester pattern, two semesters in each academic
year. Students have to appear in exams twice a year. Each semester-end examination will have 50
marks Theory and 50 marks internals for each paper.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Term: Sem I Separate Passing Head: No, Min Course: 4, Max courses: 4, Max: 400, Total
credit: 22
Term: Sem II Separate Passing Head: No, Min Course: 4, Max courses: 4, Max: 400, Total
credit: 22

4.1 M. A. In Marathi (With Study Material)

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
I 31211 सातहत्यशास्र १ 4
I 31221 सातहत्य समीक्षा : तसद्ाांि १ 4
I 31231 ऐतिहातसक भाषातवज्ञान 4
I 31241 कालखांडाचा अभ्यास ( प्रारां भ िे १६००) 2
I 31251 दतलि सातहत्य 4
I 31291 सांशोधनशास्त्र 4

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
31212 सातहत्यशास्त्र २ 4
II 31222 समीक्षातसद्ाांि २ 4
II 31232 विणनात्मक भाषातवज्ञान 4
II 31242 कालखांडाचाअभ्यास (१६००िे१८१८) 2
II 31273 लोकसातहत्य 4
II 31292 On Job Training 4

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
III 99021 Dalit Sahitya 6
III 99104 Study of Form of Literature : Novel 6

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

III 99200 Folk Literature 6
III 99301 Study of Specific Period : Shivkaal 6
III 99401 Mahanagariya Sahitya 6

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
IV 93275 Phule - Ambedkar Avadi Sahitya 6

IV 93284 Mass media and Usage of Marathi Language 6

IV 99109 Vaicharik Gadhya : 1 6
4.2 M. A. In Hindi (With Study Material)
SE Paper Paper Title Credits
M Code
I 31111 तहांदी सातहत्य का इतिहास (आतदकाल से रीतिकाल िक) 4
I 31121 भारिीय काव्यशास्त्र एवां सातहत्यालोचन 4
I 31131 भाषा तवज्ञान 4
I 31141 तहांदी नाटक 2
I 31152 तहांदी पत्रकाररिा 4
I 31191 शोध प्रतवतध एवां प्रतिया 4

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
II 31112 तहांदी सातहत्यका इतिहास (आधुतनककाल) 4
II 31122 पाश्चात्य काव्यशास्त्र एवां सातहत्यालोचन 4
II 31132 भाषातवज्ञान 4
31142 अनुवाद 2
II 31178 सूचना प्रौद्योतगकी और तहांदी 4
II 31192 तवभाग एवां तवद्यार्थी अपनी सुतवधा से तवषय एवां सांस्थान का चयन
करें 4

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

III 99491 Modern Prose 6
III 99492 Modern Poetry 6
III 99493 Various Discourse and Literature 6
III 99496 Hindi Poetry of Marathi Saints 6
III 99498 Special Study – Jainendra 6

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
IV 91752 Comparative Study – Theoretical 6
IV 91761 Translation 6
IV Mass Communication 6

4.3 M. A. In English (WithStudyMaterial)

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
I 30911 English Poetry from Chaucer to the Present 4

I 30921 English Non-Fictional Prose from Bacon to the Present 4

I 30931 Literary Criticism 4

I 30941 Language: Basic Concepts and Theories 2

I 30952 Women Studies 4

I 30991 Research Methodology in Language and Literature 4
SE Paper Paper Title Credits
M Code
II 30912 English Drama from Shakespeare to the Present 4

II 30922 English Fiction from Defoe to the Present 4

II 30932 Literary Theory: Post-WorldWar–II 4
II 30942 Study of Modern English–I 2
II 30972 Cultural Studies 4
II 30992 On job training 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

SE Paper Paper Title Credits
M Code
III 19352 Poetry from Chaucer to the Present 6

III 19362 Nineteenth Century American Literature 6

III 19371 Twentieth Century American Literature 6

III 19380 Modern Indian Fiction in English 6

III 19390 Indian Writing in Translation 6

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
IV 93272 Research Methodology 6

IV 93281 Political Reading of Literature 6

IV Postcolonial Literature 6

4.4 M. A. In Sociology (With Study Material in Marathi and English)

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
I 30511 Classical Sociological Theory 4
I 30521 Perspectives on Indian Society 4
30531 Sociology of Globalization 4
I 30541 Academic Reading and Writing 2
I 30554 Education and Society 4
30591 Research Methodology 4

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
II 30512 Classical Perspectives in Cultural Anthropology 4
II 30522 Sociology of Marginalised Communities 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

30532 Gender and Society 4
II 30542 Feminist Epistemology 2
II 30571 Industry, Labour and Globalization 4

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
III 99474 Industry Labour and Globalization 6
III 99472 Gender Perspectives on Development 6
III 99077 Gender and Society 6
III 99460 Environment and Society 6
III 99078 Media and Society 6

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
IV 19917 Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences 6

IV 19924 Sociology of Social Movements 6

IV 2742 Project 6

4.5 M. A. In History (With Study Material in Marathi and English)

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
I 30411 History of Early India (upto 1000 CE) 4
I 30421 History of Medieval India (1200 CE to 1700 CE) 4
I 30431 History of Modern India (1757 CE to 1947 CE) 4
I 30441 History of Marathas (1630 CE - 1680 CE) 2
I 30454 Makers of India in the 20th Century 4
I 30491 Research Methodology 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits
II 30412 Contemporary Indian History (1947 CE - 2000 CE) 4
II 30422 Perspectives of Ambedkarism 4
II 30432 History of the Modern World (1757 CE- 1960 CE) 4
II 30442 History of USSR in the 20th century 2
II 30476 History of Reservation Policy in Contemporary India 4
II 30492 OJT/Field Project 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

III 99038 History of Buddhism 6
III 99116 History of Indian Archaeology 6
III 99212 Indian National Movement 1857 CE to 1947 CE) 6
III 99314 Social, Economic and Administrative History of the 6
Marathas (1630 CE -1818 CE
III 99415 History of Modern Europe 6

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

IV 91662 Sources in Historical Research 6
IV HAELIV. History of U.S.A. (1900 CE- 1990 CE 6
IV 91553 Social Issues in Contemporary India 6

4.6 M. A. In Economics (With Study Material in Marathi and English)

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits
I 30811 Microeconomics I 4
I 30821 Macroeconomics I 4
I 30831 Indian Economy 4
I 30851 Industrial Economics I 2
I 30822 Economics of Labour Market 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

I 30891 Research Methodology 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

II 30813 Public Economics 4
II 30861 International Trade - Theory and Policy 4
II 30875 Managerial Economics 4
II 30852 Industrial Economics II 2
II 30871 Economics of Human Development 4
II 30892 OJT/Field Project 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

III 99174 Economics of Agricultural Production and Rural 6
III 99276 Economics of Labour Markets 6
III 99461 Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in India 6
III 99470 Agricultural Development and Policy 6
III 99475 Environmental Economics 6

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
IV 91509 Economics of Human Development 6
IV 91641 Industrial Economics 6
IV International Finance 6

4.7 M. A. In Political Science (With Study Material in English & Marathi)

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

I 30311 Introduction to Political Theory I 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

I 30321 Indian Political System 4
I 30331 International Relations I 4
I 30341 Indian Constitution I 2
I 30359 India’s Neighborhood Relations 4
I 30391 Introduction to Methods in Research 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

II 30312 Political Theory II 4
II 30322 Public Administration 4
II 30332 International Relations II 4
II 30342 Indian Constitution II 2
II 30379 Leadership Development 4
II 30392 OJT/Field Project 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

III 99075 Civil Society and Democracy 6
III 99166 India's Neighbourhood Policy 6
III 99270 Political Ideology 6

III 99366 Foreign Policy of India 6

III 99452 Urban Governance in Maharashtra 6

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

IV PA POLI The United Nation 6

IV 91695-J Introduction to Right to Information 6

IV PA POL1 Project 6

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

4.8 M. A. In Psychology (With Study Material only in English)

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

I 30611 Personality Psychology 4

I 30621 Psychology of Cognition & Emotions 4

I 30631 Statistics for Psychology 4

I 30641 Experimental Psychology Practicals 2

I 30654 Community & Social Psychology 4

I 30691 Research Methodology In Psychology 4

SE Paper Code Paper Title Credits

II 3064 Psychological Testing and Psychometric 2
2 Practicals
II 30612 Evolutionary Psychology 4

II 30622 Social foundations of human Behaviour 4

II 30632 Positive Psychology 4

II 30674 Assessment in Social Psychology 4

II 30692 OJT/Field Project 4

SE Paper Code Paper Title Credits

III PAPSY301D Assessment in Social Psychology 4
III PAPSY302D Understanding Social Psychology 4
III PAPSY303D Social Problems: Skills and Intervention 4
III PAPSY304A Consumer Psychology 4
III PAPSY305A Advanced Social Psychology 4
III PAPSY306D Practicum in Social Psychology (Elective 10

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

SE Paper Code Paper Title Credits
IV PAPSY401C Communication and Social Skills 6
IV PAPSY402A Peace Psychology 6
IV PAPSY 403 Course: Project Based Courses 10


5.1 M.A. In Geography (With Study Material in English & Marathi)

SE Paper Paper Title Credits

M Code
I 34511 GEOG 501 Advanced studies in Physical Geography 4
I 34521 GEOG 502 Advanced Studies in Human Geography 4
I GEOG 503 Spatial Dimensions of Development, Environment and
34531 Society 4
I 34591 Research Methodology 4
I 34555 Climate Change Science 4
I 34592 GEOG 505 Geoinformatics 2

SEM Paper Code Paper Title Credits

II 34512 GEOG 507 Advanced studies in Physical Geography – II 4
II 34522 GEOG 508 Advanced Studies in Human Geography – II 4
II GEOG 509 Tools and Techniques of Geographical Analysis –
34593 I 4
II 34594 GEOG 510 On job Training / Internship 4
II GEOG 511 Advanced Methods of Land Surveying, mapping
34595 and cartography 2
II 34575 Sustainability – Ecological, Socio-Economic and Political
Dimensions 4

5.2 M. A. In Education CBCS Pattern (With Study Material in English & Marathi)
SEM Paper Title Credit
I Advanced Philosophy of Education 6
I Advanced Psychology of Education 6
I Curriculum Design and Development 6

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

I ICT In Education 6

SEM Paper Title Credits

II Advanced Sociology of Education 6
II Research Methodology In Education 6
II Teacher Education 6
II Quality Management In Higher Education 6

SEM Paper Title Credits

III Educational Management & Leadership 6
III Guidance and Counselling 6
III Open and Distance Learning 6
III Economics of Education 6
III History of Education 6

SEM Paper Title Credits

IV Theatre Education 6
IV Work Education 6
IV Dissertation 1

NOTE:- MA In Education Programme is running in CBCS SEMESTER Pattern .

According to NEP-2020 , it will be Implemented from the academic year 2025-26

5.3 M. A. In Public Relations (With Study Material in English & Marathi)

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits
I 35111 Persuasion Studies 4
I 35121 Public Relations in the Private and the Public Sector 4
I 35131 Media Management and Economics 4
I 35141 Writing for the Media 2
I 35152 Preparing a Public Relations Campaign (Elective) 4
I 35091 Social Science Research Design (RM) 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

II 35112 Organizational Behaviour 4

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

II 35122 Media Relations and Media Writing 4
II 35132 Strategic and Integrated Communication 4
II 35142 Digital Media Marketing 2
II 35172 Preparing an Advertising Campaign (Elective) 4
II 35192 OJT/FP 4

5.4 M. A. In Communication and Journalism (With Study Material in English &


SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

I 34011 Communication Studies 4
I 34021 Journalism Studies 4
I 34031 Media Management and Economics 4
I 34041 Writing for the Media 2
I 34052 Preparing a Public Relations Campaign (Elective) 4
I 34091 Social Science Research Design (RM) 4

SEM Paper Paper Title Credits

II 34012 Audience studies 4
II 34022 Television studies 4
II 34032 Strategic and Integrated Communication 4
II 34042 Digital Media Marketing 2
II 34072 Preparing an Advertising Campaign (Elective) 4
II 34092 OJT/FP 4


Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.



1. The students who are applying for Post Matric Scholarship should first apply for admission
through this website:
2. Those student who will be opting for GOI Scholarship Schemes are required to visit at
Room No. 108-A, CDOE, Dr. Shankar Dayal sharmaBhavan, Kalina Campus,
Vidhyanagari,Santacruz (E), Mumbai- 400 098.between 11 am to 3.30 p.m. along with
mandatory documents as mentioned below:
⮚ Students should carry all Original Documents for Verification purposes. (Compulsory) at
Room No- 108 A, CDOE.
⮚ One set of self-attested Xerox copies of Admission form along with all necessary
documents required for scholarship. (Please see Annexure – A, List of Documents for
⮚ Thereafter they should apply for Scholarship ( for SC/DT/NT/OBC/SBC) through the
website of Department of Social Justice & Special Assistance
⮚ And in case of ST Category students they should apply for Scholarship/*freeship to E-
Tribal Department on their website: see Annexure
– B, List of Documents)
⮚ Freeships subject to clearance from E-Tribal Department.

Online GOI Post Matric Scholarship Scheme


All the Following documents must be attested or self-attested for GOI Scholarship Scheme

1) Aadhar Card.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

2) S.S.C. Mark sheet.
3) Caste Validity Certificate
4) Caste Certificate.
5) Father’s Income Certificate from Tahsildar.
6) Last Year’s Mark sheet.
7) Gap Certificate (on 100/- Stamp paper)* in case of a gap in Education.
8) Ration Card.(Front & Back Side) (in Case Name of Student in other relative Ration card,
Affidavit required on 100/- Stamp paper.)
9) Father/Mother Death Certificate (if applicable)
10) Marriage Certificate/ Gazette Certificate (for name change)
11) Bank Account number of Nationalised bank (Students’ Saving Account)
12) Printout of Online Scholarship Form (Social Welfare Dept.)
13) Domicile Certificate.

Income Limits for various Caste.

(As per Social Welfare Dept’s CircularÀmauuuuu].ÀBaasaiSa¹iSaSau¹pSauÀ2013¹14À1917Ê

id. 22À07À2013)

SC: - up to 2,00,000/-
OBC/DT (VJ)/NT/SBC: - up to 1,00,000/-

(Submit all documents in Scholarship Section CDOE, Room N0. 108-A from Monday to
Friday 11. 00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.)

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.


Check the links given below for various circulars & Ordinances

1. M.A./M.Sc. (Maths) class improvement ordinance
2. Master Examination individual subject passing be implemented from academic year 2016-



The Institute organises guidance and Counselling sessions (lectures) under Personal Contact
Programme in certain subjects in Mumbai for the benefit of Students, in the evening for 02 hours.
or on Sundays/Holidays for traditional courses and Attendance about 75% lectures and
Practical are compulsory for Psychology and Geography courses only. PCP is an attempt to
provide guidance and counselling to the Students in solving their academic difficulties.


1. Students are requested to visit the nearest centre from their residence. Detailed time tables
will be available with the Coordinator of the centre or on the Notice Board of the College.
No separate correspondence in this regard will be made.
2. PCP Programmes for undergraduate courses and postgraduate courses are
likely to commence from November every year.
3. Students must always carry with them their valid identity cards every time when they attend
their lectures or visit the Centre for Distance and Online Education.
4. Students are requested to meet the centre Coordinators for academic problems.
5. Students are requested to remain in contact with the centre's centre co-ordinator for any
change in the Time Table.
6. Attendance and Practical’s is compulsory for Psychology and Geography
Personal Contact Programme (PCP Lectures) will be conducted at the Learner Support Centers.

6.3.2 Study Material

Study material is the soul of a Distance Learner. In that point of view, the institute is providing
maximum study material in Marathi and English. Our study materials are of the best quality

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

materials which are prepared in SLM format that is prescribed by DEB. Every year, about 75-90
thousand Students are taking advantage of our study materials. Audio – Video Centre (A.V.)

While the print material is, by and large, complete in itself, to facilitate better comprehension and
understanding, some concepts and their application have been explained through the audio and
video programmes as well. The A.V. The centre has more than 100 video cassettes in the subjects
of Commerce and Economics. The audio video cassettes will not be supplied to the Student
individually, but will be made available for listening and viewing at the A.V. centre of the
institute. A catalogue of the cassettes is available in the centre located at room no. 205, in the
CDOE building. Library Facilities

The Institute has an independent library having 415 thousand books including texts and references
and 22 research journals and periodicals. The CDOE provides an Air Conditioned reading hall
and the book – lending facility for the Students at its building in room No. 203 and 215. It remains
open during office hours i.e. from 10:20 am to 06:00p.m. only on working days except 2nd and 4th
Saturdays. During the Examination seasons the reading hall of the institute is open from 08:00
am. to 08:00 pm. on working days (Monday to Saturday).
Only the reading hall facility is also provided at Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan, ‘B’ Road,
Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.
Book lending facility for home-study for 7 days is provided on payment of a deposit of Rs.200/-
in cash at CDOE at Vidyanagari. The deposit can be claimed by the Student at the end of the
academic year or latest before 31st December of the next calendar year, provided there are no
dues or books outstanding in his/her name. Xerox Facilities
From the academic year 2009-10 institute has given Xerox facilities to the Students/staff in
our premises at a very low cost. Numbers of Students are taking benefits of this scheme. Syllabus and Old Question Papers
For reference, the institute provides old question papers and syllabus Copies to the Students. This
facility is available in the study material unit in the CDOE library and on our website Guidance and counselling
CDOE conducts PCP lectures at various centres located in Mumbai and suburban areas and also
in Konkan region. The institute has also appointed its own teaching faculties for various subjects.
At the headquarters our teaching faculty regularly counsel the Students during the office hours
(Except 2nd and 4th Sat). Separate computer lab available for students (for practical and hands on training for
online learning (Only for online courses).

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.



6.3.1 Cancellation of Admission / Refund of Fees

If any Student wishes to cancel his/her admission, he/she should apply in the
prescribed form within thirty days from the date of admission and his/her fees will be
refunded as per following ordinances :
0.2859(C) : All the fees paid by a Student at the time of admission shall be refunded to
him/her after deducting Rs.30/- (Rupees Thirty only) as administrative charges, if the
Student informs the Professor-cum-Director, Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
in writing within 30 days from the date of his/her admission.
0.2859(D) : All the fees paid by a Student at the time of admission shall be refundable to
him/her after deduction of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only) as
administrative charges, provided that,
i) At the time of applying for admission, he/she intimates in writing that he/she has also
applied or intends to apply for admission to one or more of the professional courses
conducted by the institutions or departments (including the Institute of Distance and
Open Learning) of the University or affiliated Colleges to the University.
ii) He/she withdraws his/her application within seven days from the date of his
admission to a professional course as mentioned in (i) above, but not later than 30th
September, if he/she is a Post-graduate/management Student of the same year. In such
cases, it shall be binding on the Student to produce documentary proof of his/her being
admitted to the professional course. Students admitted after above mentioned dates, if
any, will not be entitled for the refund of the fees.

No. of Days Amount Deducted

Up to 10 days of admission Rs. 500/-

11 to 60 days of admission 20% of the total fees

61 to 90 days of admission 30% of the total fees

91 to 120 days of admission 50% of the total fees

After 120 days No refund

N.B.: (Ordinance 0.2859 for UG programmes) and (Ordinance No(O.3574 for PG

Programmes)are amended. Fees will be refunded as per revised ordinance. (Please visit
our website for these revised ordinances)
Important Notice

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Ragging is strictly prohibited in higher educational institutions, as per the directions of
Hon’ble Supreme Court and University Grants Commission Has Made provision of 6.1 (0)
of the UGC Regulation, 2009.
1. Incomplete forms without any of the required documents/ information will be rejected.
2. The N.O.C., Statement of Marks / Provisional Statement of Eligibility etc. submitted by the
Students will be sent for verification to their previous colleges / institutions and provisional
admission will be granted only after the documents get authenticated. Otherwise, the
provisional admission given to the Student will automatically get cancelled without any
intimation/ notice to the Student. No refund of fees will be given. The matter will also be
reported to the police.
3. The Circulars / Notifications giving details of the Personal Contact programme Lectures,
dates of filling in the examination forms, declaration of results, submission of remaining
documents, if any, change of subject granted etc. will be displayed on the Notice Boards of
the Institute. Details of these will not be sent individually to any Student. It is the
responsibility of the Students to obtain information about such matters from time to time.
Non-receipt of any such information cannot be accepted as an excuse for lapse on the part of
the Student.

64.2 Changes in Name/ Address /Subject

1. For intimating changes in name and address, students should apply to the Professor- cum-
director, CDOE, in the prescribed forms. Change in the name should be supported with
documentary evidence such as a Gazette Notification, Marriage Certificate etc.;
2. For changing the subject once offered, the Students must apply before 31st October of the
same Academic Year. Learners are requested to fill up a form for change in subject/ name
at Room No 12 on or before 31st Oct., 2024.

6.4.3 Issue of Duplicate Identity Card / Mark sheet / Bonafide Certificate / Transcript
Certificate etc..
a) Duplicate Identity Card (Rs.50/-)
The prescribed fee for applying for Duplicate Identity Card is Rs.50/- to be paid in cash on any
working day from Monday to Friday & odd Saturday (i.e..1st& 3rd) during cash transaction hours
(11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. with lunch break from 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.).
The Prescribed forms of the above certificates are available in Room No. 12. Only Old Students
who were admitted before the academic year 2012-13.

(b) Duplicate Statement of Marks. (Rs.100/-)

The prescribed fee for applying for Duplicate Mark sheet is Rs.100/- to be paid in cash
during cash transaction days and hours. Please attach an Affidavit on 100 Rupees Non
Judicial stamp paper and also attach FIR copy of Police Station.
The prescribed application form which gives the details of documents required to be submitted
with it, is available in the institute, in the case of F.Y./S.Y. examinations. In the case of T.Y. and
other examinations, the prescribed application form is available with the examination section of
the university at the Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Bhavan (Exam House) in Vidyanagari Campus.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

(c) Bonafide Certificate (Rs.20/-) and Transcript Certificate (Rs.750/- for U.G. and
Rs.1000/-for P. G. Course.)
The prescribed fee for applying for the Bonafide Certificate is Rs.20/- and the Transcript
Certificate Under Graduate Programme is Rs.750/- and Post Graduate Programme
is Rs.1000/- (per copy) to be paid in cash during cash transaction days and office hours.
The prescribed application forms for this purpose are available in the Dispatch Section of
CDOE. The details of documents required to be submitted are given in these forms.

6.4.4 Examinations
(CBCGS pattern scheme implemented from the academic year 2020-21 for the programs of
examination will be conducted semester wise)
1. Fresh/New Students are eligible to appear for the university examination only after
satisfactory completion of one academic year.
2. Students are permitted to write their answers in English, Hindi, Marathi, and Gujarati if
they indicate their choice in the examination form. However, the question papers will be
printed in English with only Marathi Version.
3. In case Students do not appear or appear and fail or ALLOWED TO KEEP TERMS for
the examination of higher class (awarded ATKT), can appear as an Ex-Student/Repeater
in the Second Half (October-November) examination. For this they are required to make
enquiries in the month of July for filling in the Examination Form.
4. As an Ex-Student/Repeater if he/she wishes to appear for the Feb/ March/ April
examination of the next subsequent calendar year he/she is required to make enquiries in
the month of December for submission of the examination forms.
5. The CDOE does not send any information to its Ex-Students/Repeaters.
6. The time-table of the examination will be put-up on CDOE Notice Board about 10 days
before the date of commencement of the respective examination. The information regarding
the examination, seat numbers and the hall ticket and the centre of the examination will be
available about 4 days before the commencement of the examination, provided the same
are received in time from the Controller of Examinations.
7. Documents required for filling in examination forms.
i) Identity Card of CDOE
ii) Statement of Marks of previous attempt with Xerox Copies.

6.4.5 Refund of Examination Fees

The Rules presently in force relating to refund of examination fees are as follows
1. Where a student expires in the period of the examination, the entire fee shall be refunded.
2. Where a student falls ill subsequent to the submission of his /her application
for admission to the examination and is prevented on medical grounds from appearing at
the examination, 50% of the fees shall be refunded to him /her provided an application of
such refund, supported by a medical certificate, is submitted to the Professor-cum-Director
of the Institute before three days from the date of commencement of the examination.

(Note : By the expression “date of commencement of the examination” means the date on which

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

the first paper at the examination is set and not the date on which the student has to appear for
his/her first paper. It is necessary that the application for refund should invariably be submitted
through the Professor-cum-Director of the Institute. The amount, where refund is granted
will be disbursed to the Student concerned through the Finance & Accounts section CDOE.

6.4.6 Transfer Certificate and Migration Certificate:

Whenever a Student who desires to leave the Institute either before completing the course for
which he/she has been admitted or after completing the course, will be required to take the
following certificate from the Institute/University:
1. For seeking admission in another institution/college affiliated to this University,
a Transference Certificate from the CDOE by paying the prescribed fees of Rs.100/- and
applying on the prescribed application form with the necessary documents.
(UG/108g1999 Date :- 15/03/1999)
2. For seeking admission in other Universities within the country or abroad, the Student is
required to obtain Migration Certificate by submitting an application in a prescribed
form, from the Migration Certificate Section of the CDOE, University of Mumbai, which
is situated in CDOE, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098.
The Migration Certificate Form, along with a Demand Draft for Rs.220/- drawn in
favour of the Finance and Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai should be
submitted in the office of the Asstt. Registrar (Administration), Centre for Distance and
Online Education. Before submitting the application for Migration Certificate, he/she
should obtain a Transference Certificate from the Institute of Distance & Open Learning
by filling the required form, along with the fees of Rs.100/- in cash from Monday to Friday
from 11.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. excluding lunch break from 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.
The prescribed form/s for obtaining above mentioned certificates will be available in
the office of the CDOE.

6.4.7 Admission on Fake Certificates:

4.4.8 Admission Validity:
The admission is valid for a period of 5 years only for the approved students from the date
of admission after which she/he has to take a fresh admission to any course of the institute.
Students must ensure that he/she should get admission approval within the current academic year.
If any student does not receive any confirmation SMS/Email from CDOE office, he/she should
immediately contact the concerned section of CDOE.
6.4.9 Convocation and Other certificates:
The Students who have completed the course (i.e. who have passed their degree exam from the
University, they will get their degree certificate after the Convocation. Enquiries in this regard

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

may be made with The Deputy/Asstt. Registrar, Examination Section, University of Mumbai,
Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Bhavan, Examination House, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East),
Mumbai 400 098 on Degree Examination of working days during office hours. Similarly, for
duplicate copies of Statement of Marks, Passing Certificate or Degree Certificate, of Graduate
examinations, the students have to apply in the prescribed form (during the money transaction
hours) at the M. J. Phule Bhavan, Examination House, Accounts Section, Vidyanagari, Santacruz
(East), Mumbai 400 098.

6.4.10 Standard of Passing (B. Sc. IT): Circular No. UG/235 of 2005
R. 4411:- Passing Standards:

1. A student is said to have passed if he/she secures 40% of marks allotted in each head of
Theory of 100 marks and TW/Practical/Tutorial of 50 marks are treated as separate heads of
2. A student is said have passed Semester I if the student passes in all heads of passing of the
3. A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester II irrespective of no. of heads of failure in the
First Semester.
4. A student is eligible for admission to Semester III if either the student passes Semester I & II


The student Fails in a combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester I or Semester II
or together. Where the total marks do not exceed 200.

5. A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester IV irrespective of no. heads of failure in the

Third Semester. However, the student has to clear Semester I and II in order to appear for
Semester IV examination.
6. A student is eligible for admission to Semester V if either the student passes Semesters III & IV.
The student fails in a combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester III or Semester
IV or together, where the total marks does not exceed 200.
7. A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester VI irrespective of no. of heads of failure in the
fifth Semester. The results of Semester VI should be kept in abeyance until the student clears
Semesters III, IV and V in full.

8. The class is awarded Semesters-wise for Semesters I, II, III and IV. However, Semester V and
VI will be taken together for the award of class i.e. in the Final Year.
● Award of the class is based on passing all theory papers at one sitting.
● Passing in parts will be awarded Pass Class irrespective of the Cumulative percentage
of marks.
● Distinction is awarded for 75% and above.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

● First Class is awarded for 60% and above but below 75%.
● Second Class is awarded for 50% and above but below 60%.
● Pass Class is awarded for all below 50%
9. There will be one repeat examination (for Semester I, II, III and IV) for those who have failed
remained absent. The absent students will be allowed to appear for the examination by the
head of the institution after following the necessary procedure. This examination will be held
30 days after the declaration of results but not later than 60 days.
6.4.11 Standard of Passing for M.A. (Part – I and II) R.1967: -

Students shall be required to obtain 40 percent marks in each paper/practical of the

part Examinations and 40 percent of the aggregate at each of the Part Examinations of the

Those of the successful students who pass Part I and Part II examinations and obtain a minimum
of 60 percent of the total marks, will be placed in the First Class and those obtain a minimum of
50 percent in Second Class.
Improvement of Class (M.A./M.Sc. (Maths)
O. 2260 : Students who have passed the M.A. degree examination of this University either by
papers or by dissertation with the class mentioned below in Column 1 and who desire to improve
their class or percentage as shown in Column 2 will be permitted to appear again for the same
subject/s in both the parts simultaneously without being required to keep any terms within a
period of five years, following the April or October examination at which they pass under
provision of 0.2260.

Column 1 Column 2
Pass Class (a) Second Class or at least 55 per cent marks
or First Class
Second Class (b) At least 55 per cent marks or First Class

If students who reappear for the two year M.A Degree examination under the provisions of this
ordinance fail to improve their class, their performance at such reappearance will be ignored.


Since this programme is offered through Distance Education mode, it is quite likely that some of
you may be wondering how to complete the programme successfully ?
It should not be difficult for you to complete the course if you plan your work schedule carefully.
If you practise a somewhat systematic way of studying the print materials, much of your job will
become easy. We shall give you a few suggestions to make your studies easy and interesting.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

We understand that you have many domestic and social commitments to attend to. Most of you
are working in some schools, colleges or other institutes or workplaces. You may not have ample
time for studying. But it is possible to have some time regularly for your studies. Convince your
colleagues and family members that you need some privacy to study and stick to a regular time
table. As soon as you receive the study materials start-working on it and don’t postpone studying
the materials or writing your assignments/responses.
We suggest you should know the techniques of self study. Your study materials contain a lengthy
reading list for reference purpose and for deeper understanding of the content. One strategy that
gained wide acceptance is the SQ3R technique;
SQ3R stands for the initial letters of the five steps in studying text.
The five steps are:
(i) Survey
(ii) Question
(iii) Read

(iv) Recall
(v) Review
Survey refers to the quick glance through the title page, preface, chapter headings, etc. of a
textbook. Surveying a text helps the Students grasp the main ideas. A glance at the title page may
give you.
(i) The general subject area
(ii) The level of approach
(iii) The author’s name
(iv) The date and place of publication
Preface helps you decide whether or not the book deserves your attention. Contents tell you what
topics the author is dealing with and how he has organised the themes. An index survey will tell
you instantly whether or not the text contains what you need. It also helps you save time and effort
by directing you straight to the relevant pages.
Your survey of the text will raise some questions. For example, glancing at the title page, preface
and contents, you might ask yourself:
How far can I depend on this book?
Will the book be helpful to me as its preface suggests?
Why should the author devote a whole chapter for such and such a topic?
Having made your survey and started to question, you are now ready for reading the text.

Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.

Reading text material demands a critical mind. When we read a text, we apply our mind with all
its critical skills. Unless we read actively the questions which have been formulated cannot be
answered satisfactorily.
It is not advisable to make notes at this stage.
This is not the stage to underline words or phrases either.

Keeping these two points in view, what perhaps we can do at the first reading is just to look for
the main ideas and the supporting details.
Reading a text is not the final step in learning. It is, instead, the first step in learning. What is read
needs to be recalled for intention. Regular attempts to recall will help improve our learning in
three ways
(i) better concentration
(ii) chance to remedy misinterpretation
(iii) reactive reading. How often to recall chiefly depends on
‘how good’ a reader you are.
The purpose of reviewing is to check the validity of our recall. The best way to do this is to do a
quick repeat of the other four steps i.e. Survey, Question, Read and Recall.
Although the steps of SQ3R are in the logical and natural order there may be overlapping and
repetitions between them. Since Distance Learning Students have to work on their own most of
the time during their academic career, in this situation, study skills become very important.


Centre For Distance And Online Education (CDOE), University of Mumbai.


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