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Hero System 6th Edition Quick Reference

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Combat Cheat Sheet

Senses and Surprise Taking Actions Combat

Perception Rolls Full Phase Actions Combat Basics
Roll to establish awareness of events and NPC’s. Full phase actions take an entire phase and  Damage: 1d6 normal damage = 5 points;
Situational modifiers apply. characters can do nothing else. Actions include 1d6 killing damage = 15 points
 Using more than ½ movement  Attack Rolls: If OCV = DCV, to-hit = 11;
Targeting & Non-targeting Senses  Taking a recovery adjust to-hit +/- per variance
Targeting senses establish exact target location  Rapid fire or Sweep maneuvers  Combat Time: 1 round = 12 seconds
Usually only sight is a targeting sense  Recover from CON stun
Non-targeting senses establish general target area  Changing weapon magazine Beginning Combat
HtH OCV and DCV penalized by 1/2 Combat begins in Segment 12 except when
Ranged OCV = 0, DCV penalized by 1/2 Half Phase Actions characters are surprised. Characters with the
Characters can perform two half phase maneuvers. highest DEX in a given segment go first.
Sense Groups Actions include
Sense groups allow perception rolls for relevant  Using ½ movement Attack Actions
phenomena and establish vulnerability or defense  Drawing a weapon or opening a door Any action that requires an attack roll (i.e., that
against darkness and flash attacks. Sense groups  Making a perception roll checks CV) ends the character’s phase after he
include:  Most normal attacks and maneuvers performs it. Any CV modification from maneuvers
Sight (targeting) remains until the beginning of the character’s next
Hearing Zero Phase Actions phase.
Smell/taste Characters can perform any number of zero phase
Touch actions as long as they occur at the beginning of a Holding Actions
Radio (e.g., radar, radio; may be targeting) phase, or after the first of two half phase actions. Characters may hold their action until the next
Unusual (n-ray, clairvoyance, etc.) Actions include segment in which they have a phase; characters
 Shifting CSLs, PSLs, or Skill levels can never act twice in the same segment.
Surprise  Activating or turning off a power Characters can hold full or half phase actions.
Surprise attacks should be preceded by perception  Shifting points in a power framework
rolls. Characters surprised out of combat are at ½  Using casual STR (1/2 STR without rolling) Aborting
DCV, take 2x STUN (before defenses), and ½ Characters may abort their next phase to perform
penalty to called shots. Characters surprised in Actions which take no time a defensive action prior to the attacker’s roll.
combat are only ½ DCV against surprise attack. Characters may perform these actions at any time Aborting to defense takes a full phase action unless
 Making a presence attack or soliloquy the character has a half phase action held.
 Making a roll at GM’s request Characters cannot abort if they have already acted
in the same phase
Modifying Damage Misc. Characteristics Rules
Adding Damage Crushing Damage. Estimate STR required to Characteristics Cost Per
The following are methods to add damage to the base DC’s of an attack. lift crushing object and use standard effect Point
 1 DC per 2 CSLs allocated to damage to calculate damage STR: 2 DEX: 3
 1 DC per 5 hexes (10m) of velocity Breaking out of Entangles and Grabs. If INT: 1 EGO: 2
 1 DC per 5 pts of STR twice required damage is used to break out CON: 2 BODY: 2
 Haymaker maneuver adds 5 DCs of grab or entangle, character may also PRE: 1 COM: ½
 Martial maneuvers take full phase action SPD: 10 REC: 2
Casual STR. ½ normal STR can be applied as PD: 1 ED: 1
Minimum Damage: Any killing damage does a minimum of 1 STUN. zero-phase action and costs END only once END: ½ STUN: 1
for all uses that phase

Spending Endurance Other Damage Information

Endurance Falling Damage. Short falls (10” or less) = 1d6/hex; Long falls = 1d6/hex of
Characters uses 1 END per phase for using each of the following velocity/segment. (See p. 434)
 10 active points in movement No Normal Defense. NND attacks do STUN only, but bypass normal defenses
 10 active points in a power
 10 active points of STR (superheroic) Selected Materials Strengths (DEF)
 5 active points of STR (heroic) Wood Metal Stone Plastic
Thin board 2 Sheet Metal 4 Brick 5 Plastic Casting 2
Pushing Plywood 3 Metal Plate 7 Concrete 6 Fiberglass 4-6
 Requires GM’s approval and only in desperate situations. Heavy wood 4 Vault Door 16 Reinforced +2 Armor Plastics 8
 Can only push abilities that cost END. Selected Material Strengths (BODY)
 Superheroic characters push up to 10 END for up to 10 points of effect 8mm: 1 8mm: 3 32mm: 1 8mm: 3
out of STR or a power. 64mm: 4 64mm: 9 250mm: 7 64mm: 7
 Heroic characters may push success margin on EGO roll for same effects. 1m: 8 1m: 17 1m: 11 1m: 13

Modifying OCV/DCV Selected Modifiers

Character DCV cannot be modified below 0 DCV OCV
Inability to sense opponent. ½ OCV and DCV in HtH, 0 OCV/½ DCV Ranged Prone: ½ Off Hand: -3
Missed Shot. At GM’s option, characters may roll to apply missed shot to From Behind: ½ Multiple Attacks: -2/hit; full phase
possible unintended target at -3 OCV Entangled: 0 Target Hex: DCV = 3; 0 if adjacent
Random Shot. Roll base OCV vs. DCV 3 for tight crowd, adjust DCV for density Grab: ½ Unfamiliar Weapon: -3
Stunned: ½ Concealed Target: -2/-4
Normal Damage Procedure
Normal Attack
Roll normal damage for BODY and STUN Apply rPD, rED, PD and ED against STUN and BODY Apply damage to BODY and STUN

Killing Attack
Roll damage dice for BODY Apply rPD and rED against BODY Apply damage to BODY and STUN
Multiply by 1d6-1 for STUN Apply rPD, rED, PD and ED against STUN

Hit Location Chart Damage Procedure

Normal Attack
Determine hit location Apply rPD, rED, PD and ED against STUN Multiply remaining BODY by location
Roll normal damage for BODY and STUN Multiply remaining STUN by location
Apply damage to BODY and STUN

Killing Attack
Determine hit location Apply rPD and rED against BODY Multiply remaining BODY by location
Roll damage for BODY Apply rPD, rED, PD and ED against STUN Apply damage to BODY and STUN
Multiply to get STUN by location

Damage Effects
 CON Stun: DCV = 1/2; non-persistent powers and skills turn off, no actions or aborts until next phase; recovery is full phase action, not post-segment 12.
 Knockback (Superheroic): Subtract 2d6 from BODY of attack; positive value = hexes (2m) knocked back and normal damage dice taken if character hits
solid object (half damage if not). Add 1d6 for martial arts, killing attack, armor piercing or clinging target; subtract 1d6 for zero-gee or airborne target.
 Knockout: OCV, DCV, ECV = 0; called shot penalties halved; attacks to 2x STUN damage; non-persistent powers turn off, held objects are dropped; From 0
to -10 STUN character is semi-conscious and can make PER rolls to be aware of important surrounding events.
 Unconscious Recovery: to -10 = Each turn and post-segment 12; -11 to -20 = Post-segment 12 only; -21 to -30 = once/min only; more = GM’s option (long)
 Wounding (Optional): Roll EGO at -1 per 2 BODY taken. Failure restricts character to neutral and defensive actions while clutching wound in next phase.
 Stabilizing with Paramedics Skill: Roll Paramedics at -1 per 2 negative BODY plus relevant situational modifiers.
 Death: At or below 0 BODY, character loses 1 BODY per turn and dies at negative equivalent BODY score.
Optional Impairment and Disabling Rules

Impairment Disabling
Damage Taken Half character’s BODY score Character’s BODY score

Head The character may become unconscious (GM’s discretion), Roll 1d6
suffer from temporary amnesia, dizziness, double vision, or 1. Lose 1d6 EGO
impaired speech. The GM could apply a -1 to -3 penalty on the 2. Lose 1d6 INT (amnesia, impaired speech)
character’s CV, Perception, and Skill Rolls to reflect this. NPC’s 3. Lose 1d6 COM
can be dispatched this way at GM’s option. 4. -1/2d6 to PER rolls (hearing or vision loss)
5. -1/2d6 to all skill rolls
6. Limb paralyzed (see below)

Hands, Arms, Shoulders Character cannot perform delicate actions with hands, -3 to Limb severed or -1d6 to STR or DEX. CON roll can determine
OCV or skill rolls with arm or shoulder, and character takes 2d6 whether injury is permanent or can be healed with long-term
STUN (no defense) if striking something with the affected arm. therapy.

Chest, Stomach, Vitals Character no longer receives Post-Segment 12 recoveries. Roll 1d6
Impairing shots to the vitals may dispatch NPC’s at GM’s option. 1. Lose 1d6 STR
2. Lose 1d6 CON
3. Lose 1/2d6 BODY
4. Lose 1/2d6 REC
5. Lose 2d6 STUN
6. Lose 1d6 STUN

Thighs, Legs, Feet Character loses ½ movement and -2 DCV to impaired mobility. Limb severed or gain distinctive limp and lose movement to
disability. CON roll to avoid permanent injury as above.

Duration Roll 1d6 Disability requires long-term therapy to correct if means to do

1. 1 turn so are even available.
2. 1 minute
3. 5 minutes
4. 1 hour
5. 5 hours
6. 1 day

Knockdown (Heroic) Retreat 2m and make DEX roll to avoid knockdown. Knockdown plus 1 hex (2m) fallback per 2 BODY taken.

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