Date:08.08.2024 Advertisement No. Pat. 211/2024 (RE-ADVT)

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Engagement to the position of Project Associate Level-I

CSIR – Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, a constituent National Laboratory of
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), desires to engage qualified candidates as Project
Associate Level-I, on purely temporary contractual basis in the project entitled “Development of essential
oil based prophylactic agents for prevention of stored grain insect pests" (FTT020506). The project is
initially for a period up to March 31, 2025 and extendable up to March 31, 2026. The details are as

Name of Position & Level No of Position(s) Stipend & HRA

1. Project Associate – Level 1(PAS-01) 1 No. Rs.25,000 plus 18%


The minimum essential qualification, experience, etc. for all the above temporary position
are as under:
Name of No of Subject Panel(s) to
Position & Position Job Requirements be chosen in the
Level (s) portal

M.Sc. in R&D on Stored Life Sciences
Project Botany/Zoology/ grain insect pest OR
Associate – 01 Microbiology/ prevention in Biochemistry
1 (PAS-01) Life Sciences/ grain storage OR
Biochemistry/ warehouses. Biotechnology

Desirable Qualification/Experience for PAS-I: Experience in a reputed R&D institute

and good knowledge in the areas of Stored grain insect pests, Grain storage in warehouses,
Plant essential oils, Modern analytical instruments, Computer knowledge in MS-office
tools will be preferred.

Note: As per CSIR letter No. 5-1(342)/2015-PD dated 12.01.2023, engagement of Project Staff
shall be co-terminus with the term of the Project subject to the condition that thetotal
period of the engagement of a Project Staff in different projects either in the same Lab/Instt.
or different Lab/Instt. of CSIR taken together shall not exceed 5 years in any case. Hence,
the applicants who have completed the total tenure of 5 years in any of the CSIR Lab/Instt. as
Project Staff are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for the aforesaid positions.
Terms & Conditions

a) Only those candidates who have already acquired the essential qualification & their
results have been declared are eligible to apply. Result awaited /Final semester
appeared or appearing are not eligible to apply for any post.
b) The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed, shall
be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational
qualifications prescribed for that post.
c) The applicants will be subjected to shortlisting by designated committee according to
the current requirement and the candidate’s shortlisted for interview will be displayed
on CSIR- CFTRI website. No TA/DA will be given to the candidates forattending the
d) In the event of large number of applications, the duly constituted committee will
adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates to restrict the number of
candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any one or more of
the following methods:
i) On the basis of percentage of marks obtained in the Essential Qualification.
ii) On the basis of higher educational qualifications than the minimum
prescribed in the advertisement.
iii) On the basis of desirable Qualification/ experience.
iv) Any other methodology as deemed fit by the Committee
e) Based upon the performance of candidates in the interview, result of selected
candidates against the number of post available in the project for each post code,
will be declared and posted on CFTRI website. A panel of waitlisted candidates in
order of merit will also be formed for each post code, which will be valid for one year.
The panel may be operated on the recommendation of Project Investigator for
meeting out any future requirement in the project arises due to resignation of
incumbent/ non-joining of selected candidates/ further unforeseen/urgent
requirement of project manpower for the same position in same project.
f) Relaxation in age in respect of candidate belonging to SC/ST/PwBD/OBC will be
applicable as per CSIR/GOI instructions. All other things being equal SC/ST/OBC
candidates may be given preference over general candidates so as to ensure their
g) The engagement of above Project Staff will be co-terminus with the duration of the
Sponsored/Consultancy Project. If already the candidate is working in CSIR/CSIR-
CFTRI a “NOC” from the current PI is mandatory for applying for the aforementioned
project. In a case, if selected, Engagement under this project would be made only
after submission of ‘No Dues Certificate’ and resignation from the previous project.
h) The engagement shall be initially for a short duration based on availability of funds
which may be extended or curtailed based on the conduct and the performance of
the incumbent as well as requirement of the institute which may be extended
further based on the recommendations of the Review Committee. However, the
engagement will not be beyond the tenure of the project and shall expire
automatically on the expiry of project tenure, in which candidate has been selected.
The engagement under projects does not confer any right/claim whatsoever, either
explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR-
CFTRI/CSIR, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent.
i) The maximum duration, for which Project staff could be engaged in different
projects taken together, will be 5 years. Candidates who have already served CSIR-
CFTRI or any other lab/ institute of CSIR as Project Staff at any level in CSIR projects
(including NMITLI projects, OLP/MLP, Contract R&D and non-CSIR fundedprojects)
for a total period of 5 years or more are not eligible for these engagements.
j) The posts advertised are provisional and subject to ascertaining the availability of funds
under the respective project before the declaration of results and issue of engagement
k) The performance of the Project Staff would be reviewed periodically so that any one not
found up to the mark, could be terminated. The engagement may be terminatedat
any time by the office without assigning any reasons.
l) CSIR-CFTRI reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the offer of engagement in case
of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any empanelled candidate at any
m) Candidates who are applying for any of the above post shall ensure that they fulfil
the essential qualifications/experience. If they apply without fulfilling the essential
qualifications, then it will be considered that they are giving wrong/misleading
on the Institute. In case they are found not fulfilling the essential criteria or that they
have provided misleading information, then their candidature for the post may be
rejected at any stage of selection or after selection.
n) Other terms and conditions will be governed as per guideline issued by the funding
agency /CSIR for the engagement of above project staff as amended from time to
o) The Director, CSIR-CFTRI has a right to amend, delete and add Terms & Conditions to
this notification and also reserves the right to cancel the advertisement without
assigning any reason thereof or reserves the right not to fill up the posts, if required.
The number of vacancies indicated above may vary i.e. it may increase or decrease
at the time of actual selection.
How to Apply

Eligible candidates may submit online application only at

along with necessary attachments of the certificates in support of date of birth, caste,
qualification/experience etc. on or before 14-08-2024 under the appropriate subject
panels. No other mode of application will be accepted Please make sure to choose
appropriate subject panel based on your specialization in the Essential qualification
required for position(s) being applied. The onus of selecting subject panel will be on the
candidate only.
Applications of those candidates, which are already active in the above panels listed against
each position with the above eligibility requirements will be considered by default.
Applications received after the due date 14-08-2024 will not be considered.

Candidates are advised to check the official CFTRI website regularly
for addendum/corrigendum and updated information regarding this. Therefore,
candidates are advised to keep visiting regularly the website of CSIR-CFTRI.

The short-listed candidates will be informed about

the date of interview through e-mail to the email address mentioned by the candidate in
the online application form. No interim Enquiry or Correspondence will be entertained.

Principal Investigator

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