Ielts Info
Ielts Info
Ielts Info
Score Level
9 Expert User Has complete command in the English (1)Accurate
language; accurate,appropriate,highly (2)full understanding
flexible,fluent with full understanding
8 Very Good Has complete command with only rare (1)rare errors
User errors ( which are unsystematic) or (2)uses complex
inappropriate words. Deals with language well
complex situations well but has rare
errors in complex situations but can
deal with detailed argumentation
7 Good User Has good command of English but also (1)only occasional errors
has occasional inaccuracies, (2) uses complex
misunderstandings or inappropriate language quite well in
words. Can use complex language most situations
quite well and understands detailed
argumentation quite well.
6 Competent Has effective command of English but (1)some errors
User also has some errors, inappropriate (2) use some complex
words and misunderstanding in some language which is best in
situations. Can Use complex language familiar situations
quit well but best in familiar
5 Modest user Has partial command of English and (1)frequent errors
can deal with overall meaning. Make (2)has difficulties with
frequesnt errors. Has better English in complex language
common situations. Does not deal
with complex language well
Reading Module
•True/False/NG or Yes/No/NG
•Multiple Choice Question
•Heading Matching
•Gap filling ( single sentence)
•Gap filling (summary with/without clue)
•Matching Information
•Sentence completion/ending
•Name matching
•Data Matching
•Short Answer question
Speaking Module
♦Part 1 : Introduction And Interview (4-5Minutes)
♦Part 2 : Cue Card
♦Part 3 : Discussion (4-5)
Marking Criteria:
Writing Part
Task 1 & Task 2
Task 1 : Diagram
Bar graph
Line chart
Pie Chart
Column Graph
Task 2 :Agree-Disagree
Advantages & Disadvantages
Problems/Causes & Solutions
What is cohesion
• If you follow this all method insha-allah you will become success !!!