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Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentration in Sediments of Rupingazi River, Kenya

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentration in

Sediments of Rupingazi River, Kenya
Sophy Njoki*, Nadir Omar Hashim, Margaret Chege
Kenyatta University, Physics Department, P. O. Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
corresponding Author: Sophy Njoki

Abstract:- Heavy metal concentration (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni) environmental levels of the heavy metals. The increased levels
was evaluated in sediment samples of Rupingazi river of heavy metals concentrations in rivers results from
during the wet and dry seasons. In this study, the sediment anthropogenic sources such as waste from industries and
samples were collected from twenty sampling points along municipalities(Mwamburi,2003). Agricultural activities also
the river. The heavy metal levels were evaluated using act as a source of heavy metals from farms where intensive
Atomic Absorption Spectrphotometer.The obtained data farming is carried out from farm inputs like fertilizers,
was analyzed using one-way analysis of variance. The pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Run off from these
range of the concentration of copper was found to be 4.68- farms is drained into water bodies. (Marcovecchio et al.,
12.69 mg/kg for the wet season and 0.98-24.10mg/kg for 2007) Heavy metals are regarded the most hazardous water
the dry season. The mean values of the concentration of pollutant because of bio accumulation and harmful effects.
iron was found to be 1422-6145.33 mg/kg for the wet (Naseh et al.,2012)
season and 1254-5866.67 mg/kg for the dry season. The
range of the concentration of Nickel was found to be 0.72- These levels are escalated as a result of their
30.73 mg/kg for the wet season and 2.63-12.48 mg/kg for introduction into the environment either through natural
the dry season. Concentration of manganese was found to sources or anthropogenic sources. Examples of natural sources
be 48.03-411.20 mg/kg for the wet season and 6.15-248.35 are weathering of rocks and volcanic eruptions. (Harikumar et
mg/kg for the dry season Zinc concentration was found to al., 2009.Bazrafshan et al.,2015).
be 26.29-167.10 mg/kg for the wet season and 4.82-28.39
mg/kg for the dry season. The Zinc, Manganese, Nickel The increased levels of heavy metals concentrations in
Iron and Copper levels were not beyond the USEPA rivers results from anthropogenic sources such as waste from
recommended limits. industriesand municipalities (Mwamburi,2003). Agricultural
activities also act as a source of heavy metals from farms
Keywords:- Heavy Metal, Concentration, Sediments, where intensive farming is carried out from farm inputs like
Rupingazi River, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Run off from
these farms is drained into water bodies. (Marcovecchio et al.,
I. INTRODUCTION 2007). Heavy metals are regarded the most hazardous water
pollutant because of bio accumulation and harmful effects.
Heavy metals are chemical components with a high
density and are detrimental even at very small concentrations In aquatic environment as observed by Thomann and
(Pafilipaki et al.,2008). Heavy metals like manganese, copper muller, (1987) and Zhang et al (2015) heavy metals are found
and zinc are required for growth and development in the body to exist either in dissolved or particulate state. The metals in
(WHO\ UNICEF, 2008.However when heavy metals exceed a the dissolved state metals are found either in the water column
certain recommended limit, they can become harmful. Heavy or sediment pore water whereas those that are accumulated on
metals are naturally part of the ecosystem (Aderinola et suspended and bed sediments are the ones in particulate state.
al.,2009). Constant evaluation of heavy metals concentration in the
sediments is necessary, since crucial facts in regard to their
With the rapid economic growth, heavy metal pollution distribution and level of contamination is obtained (Asaolo et
has become a key issue in rivers as it is the most common al., 1997). observed that heavy metals in rivers tend to build
source of drinking water in the world. (Anjum et al,.2013). more in sediments than in water . The analysis of the metal
They are undecaying and can get to humans’ beings through pollution of a river gives a foundation of the connection
the food chain as a result of consumptions of food and water linking the metal partitioned into the sediment and there are
which is contaminated with the heavy metals. (Opaluwa et present in the dissolved state in water. The interchange
al.,2012). Heavy metals concentration in rivers can be kept between sediment and water could also be liable for the
track of through assessment of water and sediments. Heavy deposition of metal in the sediments. (Sing et al.,2005, , Silva
metals which are found in the earth’s crust constitute the et al .,2014). When sediments are polluted with heavy metals,

IJISRT24SEP002 www.ijisrt.com 647

Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002

they posse an environmental problem due to the fact that they interface. When pollution of river water is being considered in
are toxic, non-degradable and easily accumulate in biota and any study, sediments should also be considered as have been
food chain (Sundaray et al., 2014). Sediments are considered extensively regarded environmental pointers for the evaluation
major pointers of water pollution since they are principal of environmental pollution in the water course.
sources and sinks of the heavy metals (Zhang et al.,2015).
Suspensions of the river sediments contain the heavy metals II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
that will pollute ground water systems associated with those
rivers, and vice versa (Sojka & Jaskuła, 2022) Daily or weekly  Study Area
scanning of heavy metals content in sediments will help in River Tana is one of the major rivers in Kenya. One of
early identification of threats posed to both, aquatic life and its tributaries is Rupingazi river which is found in Embu
people. Some organisms in the benthic environment for county. It passes through Manyatta region, Embu town to
instance, benthic invertebrates or bottom-feeder fish have a Mbeere constituencies. Rupingazi river goes through three key
connecting interface with both the sediments and water and areas; Upper, middle and lower regions. Large scale
they can get contaminated with heavy metals through direct agricultural activities dominate the upper and middle regions.
ingestion or through absorption (Khan et al., 2023). In this area, the main source of pollution is agrochemicals that
are applied in the farms. The lower region gets its pollutant
Heavy metals are released from sediments through the from light industries.
process of resuspension of particulates at the sediment-water

Fig 1: Map Showing the Section of Rupingazi River Covered by the study

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002

 Sediment Sampling and Sample Preparation pestle was used to crash the sediment samples which were
A PVC pipe was used in the collection of the sediment then sieved using a 2-mm mesh sieve in order to get rid of the
samples. The pipe was pushed through the water to collect the large debris. The samples were then stored in large containers
samples from a layer of about 15cm.The sediments, since they awaiting digestion and analysis. The sediments were wet dried
contained water and particles like sand and soil were put in a and 2g of it added to 18ml of concentrated nitric acid. The
container so that the sand and soil settled down and water was mixture was heated and hydrogen peroxide added to it until
poured from the container. The sediment samples were put in the brown fumes disappear and the volume reduced to about
plastic containers. They were then taken to a laboratory for 5ml.Filtration was done and the sample diluted with distilled
storage awaiting analysis. The samples were dried-up in an water. The samples were then labeled and stored for analysis.
oven at a temperature 105°c for 24 hours until there was no The resulting concentrate then diluted to the 25ml mark with
change in weight in order to remove water. A mortar and distilled water.

Fig 2 A Batch of Sediment Samples

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002


Table 1 Heavy Metals in Sediments(mg/Kg) during the Dry Season

Site Cu Fe Ni Mn Zn Limit
a c cd cd i
1 0.98±0.24 1722.13±11.78 9.55±0.16 84.17±1.59 28.39±1.44
e d cd g
2 <LoD 2077.60±89.62 10.92±0.18 104.59±4.05 22.90±0.25
ab b d f e
3 2.63±0.62 1515.73±5.37 12.48±0.11 210.41±2.32 18.43±0.09
g i cd e d
4 24.10±1.8 5866.67±26.57 8.80±2.10 167.22±1.86 13.71±0.20
d a abc cd b
5 10.76±0.3 1254.47±7.64 5.32±0.21 101.67±1.43 9.37±0.10
c b d f h
6 6.12±0.09 1474.87±6.15 12.27±2.15 215.49±1.62 26.30±1.10
b bcd c f
7 <LoD 1518.87±6.24 7.98±0.04 79.02±1.11 20.58±0.26
e a g a
8 14.94±0.2 1260.60±0.83 <LoD 248.35±2.89 6.07±0.05
f f abc e a
9 19.36±0.15 2239.33±56.00 6.10±0.14 176.92±2.44 4.82±0.11
bc d b d
10 4.34±0.15 1833.93±13.53 <LoD 52.60±1.20 13.88±0.11
bc h a b
11 4.96±0.15 4844.67±4.81 <LoD 14.23±0.48 8.18±0.25
c ab d a
12 <LoD 1711.00±8.09 4.10±0.09 109.04±1.65 5.31±0.04
a c a a ef
13 0.76a±0.0 1641.33±11.27 2.63±0.03 6.15±0.14 18.85±0.15
g c c
14 <LoD 2632.67±9.61 <LoD 81.13±26.65 11.13±0.40
a c cd cd i
15 0.98±0.24 1722.13±11.78 9.55±0.16 84.17±1.59 28.39±1.44
g i cd e d
16 24.10±1.8 5866.67±26.57 8.80±2.10 167.22±1.86 13.71±0.20
d a abc cd bc
17 10.76±0.3 1254.47±7.64 5.32±0.21 101.67±1.43 9.37±0.10
b bcd c f
18 <LoD 1518.87±6.24 7.98±0.04 79.02±1.11 20.58±0.26
e a g a
19 14.94±0.2 1260.60±0.83 <LoD 248.35±2.89 6.07±0.05
f f abc e a
20 19.36±0.15 2239.33±56.00 6.10±0.14 176.92±2.44 4.82±0.11
Average 7.416±0.22 2170.66±65.1 5.895±0.18 120.717±3.62 14.543±0.44
Limits 32 20,000 23 460 123

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002

Table 2 Heavy Metals in Sediments (mg/kg) during the Wet Season

Site Cu Zn Fe Ni Mn
j g j ef
1 11.10±0.12 53.76±0.62 5818.00±16.77 12.45±0.04 195.73±3.01e
2 6.05±0.04b 32.44±0.15c 6026.67±26.57k 10.82±0.02d 144.70±1.72c
3 4.68±0.05a 30.15±0.11b 1422.73±9.63a 9.95±0.04c < LOD
4 6.92±0.03d 26.29±0.10a 2243.33±20.67f 12.08±0.06e 48.03±0.71a
5 8.80±0.01f 60.74±1.58h 4969.33±16.01i 14.17±0.04h 61.76±0.76b
6 7.94±0.08e 48.42±0.19f 1857.93±5.62d 18.83±0.03j <LOD
7 10.09±0.12h 34.20±0.09c 6145.33±78.95l 23.54±0.07l 217.60±1.29f
8 12.69±0.06i 60.07±0.11h 1824.93±2.90cd <LOD 174.70±0.70d
9 6.56±0.12c 28.50±0.17b 2426.67±21.18g 0.72±0.02a 139.21±0.83c
10 11.73±0.04k 81.75±0.62j 2436.00±16.04g 22.60±0.01k 307.60±5.63i
11 12.52±0.15l 77.81±0.88i 1744.73±2.51bc <LOD 222.07±1.00f
12 12.03±0.02k 51.71±0.23g 1852.47±4.03d 8.70±0.06b <LOD
13 12.37±0.05i 40.49±1.21e 1742.20±1.22bc 15.39±0.01i 366.27±1.33k
14 10.93±0.04j 37.55±0.17d 2138.67±58.56e 12.72±0.03g 289.53±1.05h
15 9.83±0.02gh 34.28±0.20c 1723.53±1.92b 10.15±0.08c 258.93±0.90g
16 12.65±0.11i 114.35±0.82k 2491.33±2.40gh 23.34±0.38l 307.87±1.62i
17 10.58±0.18i 128.88±1.07i 2409.33±3.71g 14.31±0.05h 294.53±3.14h
18 9.76±0.12g 141.56±0.67m 2448.67±4.37g 27.16±0.43n 326.60±0.31j
19 10.55±0.17i 167.10±1.02o 2535.33±1.76h 26.26±0.14m 377.00±1.86l
20 11.73±0.04k 157.60±1.09n 2620.67±1.76h 30.73±0.49o 411.20±2.43m
Average 9.9755 70.3825 2170.66 14.669 207.17
Limit 32 123 20,000 23 460

The range of the concentration of copper was found to be The mean values of the concentration of iron was found
4.68-12.69 mg/kg for the wet season and 0.98-24.10mg/kg for to be 1422-6145.33 mg/kg for the wet season and 1254-
the dry season. Concentration of copper in the sampling 5866.67 mg/kg for the dry season. Concentration of Iron in the
stations was observed to vary significantly. Sampling station 8 sampling stations was observed to vary significantly.
recorded significantly high level during the wet season and Sampling station 7 recorded significantly high level during the
Sampling station 4 recorded significantly high level during the wet season and Sampling station 16 recorded significantly
dry season. The concentration of copper in sediments found in high level during the dry season. The iron levels were
this research was not beyond the recommended limit of generally high which could have resulted from weathering and
32mg/kg for copper levels in sediments (USEPA,2011). anthropogenic sources around the municipality. Other likely
Copper can be introduced into water bodies from copper sources of iron are agricultural activities and the building and
compounds that are used in fungicides and insecticides (Akan construction sector. (Jitendra and Rachna 2015) The
et al., 2010). There are also copper compounds that are concentration of iron in sediments found in this research was
components in fertilizers and some animal feeds. The high not beyond the recommended limit of 20,000mg/kg for copper
copper concentration in some sampling points could be as a levels in sediments (USEPA,2011)
result of farming practices which result in the excess use of
fungicides, fertilizers and insecticides. Over the wet season,
the copper compounds are introduced into Rupingazi river via
run-off water.

IJISRT24SEP002 www.ijisrt.com 651

Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002

The range of the concentration of Nickel was found to be the dry season. The concentration of manganese in sediments
0.72-30.73 mg/kg for the wet season and 2.63-12.48 mg/kg for found in this research was not beyond the recommended limit
the dry season. Concentration of copper in the sampling of 460 mg/kg for manganese levels in sediments
stations was observed to vary significantly. Sampling station (USEPA,2011). There are many agricultural activities that
20 recorded significantly high level during the wet season and take place in the catchment of Rupingazi river. Manganese
Sampling station 19 recorded significantly high level during found in the sediments could be as a result of use of fertilizers
the dry season. The likely sources of nickel in surface water and activities in the building and construction sector.
that leads to accumulation in sediments are anthropogenic
activities like burning of fossil fuels, wastes from old batteries Zinc concentration was found to be 26.29-167.10 mg/kg
and nickel alloys The concentration of nickel in sediments for the wet season and 4.82-28.39 mg/kg for the dry season.
found in this research was not beyond the recommended limit Concentration of zinc in the sampling stations was observed to
of 23mg/kg for nickel levels in sediments (USEPA,2011) vary significantly. Sampling station 19 recorded significantly
high level during the wet season and Sampling station 15
Concentration of manganese was found to be 48.03- recorded significantly high level during the dry season. The
411.20 mg/kg for the wet season and 6.15-248.35 mg/kg for high levels of zinc could be from zinc carbonates that are
the dry season. Concentration of manganese in the sampling utilized as pesticides (Anglin-Brown et al., 1995) The
stations was observed to vary significantly. Sampling station concentration of zinc in sediments found in this research was
20 recorded significantly high level during the wet season and not beyond the recommended limit of 123 mg/kg for zinc
Sampling station 19 recorded significantly high level during levels in sediments (USEPA,2011)

Table 3 Correlation matrix of the heavy metals during the wet season in sediments
Cu Fe Zn Mn Ni
Cu 1 -0.165 0.425 0.586 0.162
Fe 1 -0.161 0.056 0.168
Zn 1 0.646 0.625
Mn 1 0.654
Ni 1

The correlation matrix table showed that there was a moderate relationship between Zn versus Cu (0.425), Mn versus Cu (0.586),
Mn versus Zn (0.646), Ni versus (0.654) and Ni versus Zn (0.625) in sediments during the wet season. Cu versus Fe (-0.165), Zn
versus (-0.161), Mn versus Fe (0.056), Ni versus Cu (0.162) and Ni versus Fe (0.168) did not show any relationship for the same
season in sediments.

Table 4 Correlation matrix of the heavy metals during the dry season in sediments
Cu Fe Zn Mn Ni
Cu 1 0.517 -0.622 0.589 -0.099
Fe 1 -0.137 -0.053 0.118
Zn 1 -0.256 0.751
Mn 1 0.481
Ni 1

The correlation matrix table showed during the dry ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

season in sediments Fe versus Cu (0.517), Mn versus Cu
(0.481), Zn versus Ni (0.517) and Ni versus Mn (0.481) The authors are thankful to Kenya National Research
indicated a moderate correlation and no correlation between Fund (NRF) and African Development Bank (AfDB) for
Zn versus Fe (-0.137), Mn versus Fe (-0.053), Mn versus Zn (- funding of the activities during this project. They are also
0.256), Ni versus Cu (-0.099) and Ni versus Fe (0.118). grateful to the people who live along Rupingazi river for their
co-operation during sample collection. We also appreciate the
technicians working at Kenya Industrial Research and
Development Institute for their support during the analysis of
the samples.

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24SEP002

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